Terror Twins Visit Britain Chapter 7

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The terror Twins Visit Britain.

Chapter 7

By Sharp

The Archbishop visits Rombald's home.

With that Rombald left his friend and entered a room through some massive brass doors. John sat down on a chair and two kittens entered the room. They both pounced on Archbishop John.

Archbishop John rolled both cubs on to their backs and started to stroke them. A little voice spoke, “You will send them to sleep if you continue doing that to them.” Archbishop John looked up.

“Oh Hello Astrid who is your friend? As for these two should they not be on a leash or something?”

“This is my sister Cleo and I do not think mum would approve of these two been on a leash. We have come to tale you into Valhalla. We use it for formal settings and parties these days.”

“Valhalla as in the home of the ancient ones?”

“Well that used to be its purpose. You see Archbishop Grandpa used to be known as Thor. He and his family are the ancient ones as you call them. Do not be scared Cleo and our sisters will look after you. I better show you what else they can be. Astrid tapped them and two little girls appeared.”

“Astrid you meanie we were enjoying being stroked.”

“You two better get in there fast.” The two girls shot of very quickly.

“Now Archbishop John it is not often we get one so high ranking as you here. Now will you take our hands and we will enter Valhalla.

The first thing John noticed was they had entered a massive room with seating all around. A young woman stood in the centre of the room and held her hand out to John.

“Welcome John to our home I am Alexis. I understand this is not the first time you have been here. The last time Rombald brought you here. He thought you were in great distress. Had he not found you then you certainly would have been dead. You caused a major problem for my family when Rombald brought you here for most of our people are not allowed to touch mortals.
We needed a human versed in our ways to see to you through the illness that was brought on by you falling into the bog. Well eventually somebody was found in Rwanda and she was brought to care for you. You may well remember her.

Eventually you recovered and both of you returned to your own lives. A while later you visited war torn Rwanda visiting both major tribes the Whotoos and the Tootsies. While there you visited a refugee camp, you failed to recognise the wise woman as the same person who previously had looked after you during your stay with Rombald. You though listen to what she told you. She told you that you would do the lords work and where headed for great things. You promised her help and you raised and sent a considerable amount of money to that refugee camp.

Then later you visited Egypt and while there visited many of the ancient temples and tombs. You visited the ancient temple of Isis and while there you talked to an old crone. She looked to be down on her luck and you decided to share what little you had with her. She realized you had no inkling of whom she was, But then you would not have believed her had she told you who she was. Isis though read your heart and mind. Isis knew you were intended for great things and decided that day she would always help you if she could. It seems you have come across Isis as well as Rombald. Isis also knew your visit was a turning point. Shortly after your visit she had another visitor who instructed her she had to return home. Over the centuries the powers of Isis had weakened until she was no more powerful than a conjurer on stage.”

“One of the first things Isis did after her return home was to ask a favour. She never forgot you and your kindness when you thought she was an old woman. She also told me of your prayer in her temple. You prayed to the living lord and then you went and kissed the statue of Isis. Believe it or not that was the first prayer said in the temple for a long time by a man. Your prayer was heard by Isis who decided to test you out to see if you were worthy of her attention. What a surprise she had. As soon as she saw you she realised you had been marked by Rombald and not only that you were in love with the High priestess of Isis. From that day Isis has taken a personal interest in you Archbishop. Once she returned here she utilised the services of some of our smallest people like Petal here, Petal or her sisters have been watching your back and making sure nothing happens to you.”
Isis came out and spoke, “Archbishop John we the ancient ones have been known by many names. The ancient Celts knew of us and prayed to us. Likewise the Romans when they visited this land did the same. York Minster stands on the site of an ancient temple. Soon Miracles will start happening there as they used to do once before. As I speak to you more of our people are returning to the haunted isles. They like me know they all must return to their ancestral lands. As they arrive so the power of Alexis increases. You may ask why do we let wars go on. We could have long ago stopped wars. Man though needs to grow and learn like a child. Sometimes we do help like with the floods in America and Nepal. Just because we normally do not interfere does not mean we will not. The governments of Britain, China & India all long ago decided to accept we were there, but gave up looking for us. America on the other hand had to learn it was futile to search for us and that it might anger others if they did so. After many futile attempts at searching for us even George had to eventually admitted defeat. Others have not fared as well when they tried to harm one of us.”

Cleo spoke, “In Africa some naughty men set traps to hurt me and my sisters. They should have known better than to harm daughters of Isolde the Cat Queen. Then they tried to kill our aunts. They may still be alive but their village is now destroyed. Same in China certain local warlords decided to harm people they suspected of being our people. The most where not related, But at least two where our people. That area of China got a sudden baby boom as their punishment. Mother would not permit them to be executed although they killed and injured many people. In the big church you lifted Astrid up into the pulpit. You joked about the girls to the congregation well the same girls will line up and show you our wings.”

The Archbishop watched as all the little girls grew wings. Sidonie spoke, “Oh we have also grown them as well as Astrid and the others. I thought we only swim.”

The Archbishop did not appear to be shaken by the appearance of the wings. “Astrid no wonder you told me I had a direct link with heaven. I though have some questions for Isolde and hopefully we might prevent something disastrous happening. Isolde by any chance did you live in the desert in an abandoned French fort? Also did a local chief bring some badly injured people to you after they had all been attacked and left for dead? If the answer is yes then one of those attacked and left for dead was my nephew. His father Chief Pluto of the Zulu nation is my brother. My nephew turned up at my house to tell me his father has declared war on those who had attacked his son. They took my son from me and that requires retribution.”

Isolde looked at her daughters and waved her hands. With that all the young girls vanished. “Archbishop your nephew was he as Black as coal and would he have been brought to me by his father’s cousin who is also a chief?

“If your nephew is the one who I think he is then other than emergency treatment there was little I could do but arrange emergency evacuation of those injured.”

“Alexis what the Archbishop is not saying is that those who attacked his nephew and left him for dead took a trophy. The Archbishops nephew is more likely to be his niece now. The murder of a chief or son of the Zulu requires blood retribution.”

Astrid and the girls returned with a tall Zulu lady who was as black as coal. “Uncle John the girls they came and brought me here. I have told them what my father is going to do. They also say that they might be able to help me with my problem.”

Alexis spoke, “Those responsible have already been dealt with. Brunhilda will you and your sister’s ride again to prevent the Chief making a major mistake. In fact take Isolde with you. Do not harm the Zulu but send them home. The Chiefs cousin can assure the Chief Pluto that he already has removed the lives of those responsible for this crime and others. Now Princess I take it that you were the only son and as such your Uncle John is now chief in waiting? Am I also correct in thinking as a daughter you are now only considered as a possible means of your family allying themselves to another tribe?”

“It would normally be the case, but because of modern technology all other tribes know what happened to me. I am now a nothing as I cannot give my father a son and as a daughter I still cannot give him a child. No chief will take me as a wife. Not even as a second or third wife. Uncle John has been kind and he says the Lord has something in mind for you.
I though do not worship his god. Like most in my tribe we worship the mother goddess. I might have to go and see if I will be accepted at her temple.”

The Archbishop spoke, “I have no doubt that you would be accepted as a disciple of the mother goddess. However what would you say if I could arrange a spouse for you who would not mind you once where male?”

“Uncle, father would be pleased if you could find somebody. I will not deceive anybody. I would have to tell the person concerned I was once male.”

Alexis smiled and then spoke, “Actually I know your uncle is friends with a priestess of Isis. How would you feel if you had to live in a harem with other females and was instructed never to kiss or have sex with anybody outside the compound?”

“Madame I do not know you, but you appear to be a friend of Uncle John. It is not possible for me to have sex with anybody. As for living with females for the rest of my life if you know a place like that I would jump at the chance.”

Rombald grinned and then said, “Princess your uncle owes me a life. I can find a home for you with a relation of mine. I doubt that what has happened to you will bother them much. I am sure your uncle will agree to your placement. Now Princess I see you like my nieces all are looking very tired I suggest you go with them to lay down while we negotiate your dowry.

The archbishop cracked out laughing, “Rombald you old fraud telling the child we would negotiate a dowry.”

Brunhilda returned with Zulu chief.

“Have I missed much? Isolde thought we had better bring the two chiefs along.” One chief looked around and smiled. The other was trembling away.

Alexis spoke, “Your brother has been attempting to find a suitable partner for your child Chief. We were just about to discuss the dowry that is required.”

“Brother you obviously do not know with whom you are dealing. These ladies who brought us here are not mortal like us. You do not seem afraid of them and neither is our cousin, but I am as I remember reading the ancient Germanic saga. Those who came to stop us can only be the ancient warrior queens. My child is of no use to them as he was born male.”

Alexis spoke, “Chief you are quite correct these are the Hell Maidens of old. They were led by Isolde the Cat queen who previously arranged transport for your child. Your child needs somebody nearer her own age. What is she 19-20?

“Good then we had better continue with the arrangements.”

The Archbishop looked at Rombald and said, “Ok now to settle the amounts of Goats, Cattle, Silk act.”

Rombald came out with some ridicules figures. The Archbishop saw his brother look glum. “No Rombald that is far too high.”

Brunhilda handed the chiefs a stein of beer. As it got empty it was refilled.

Alexis then spoke to Rombald. “Your guests have fallen asleep so can you accommodate them and we will discuss terms in the morning.

The following morning Gwen awoke to find lots of little arms around her. She got out of bed and kissed each child. Gwen soon found the bathroom and took a shower. She was surprised when she found new clothing laid out for her and then she spotted Petal. “Stop there, thank you for the clean clothes.”

Petal spoke, “You have already made your decision I saw you kiss the children. By now the mistress will also know. I promise you have made the correct decision. Your family fell asleep trying to sort your dowry out. Personally I think it should be set at a kiss each off your new family.”

Gwen giggled and said, “And a feast for all our tribes.”

“In that case can Petal claim her kiss now? Petal not likes to do it in front of others like Uncle Rombald. You become companion of Petals big sister. Petal also companion of sister.”

“I thought Uncle John was arranging for me to be companion to Rombald.”

“Silly Rombald knows you can only go to one place. You already gone to bed with little princesses. Lucky you not man. Queen would be cross if man sleeping with little princesses.”

As Gwen kissed Petal Gwen was gripped with a very bad tummy ache. Gwen shot back to the toilet.

Petal entered with a drink and said, “Take this it will help.” Petal recognises signs of red face and tummy ache. As Gwen wiped herself dry she freaked out when she noticed the blood.

Eventually Gwen calmed down. “Is today Princess Gwen first time? You like Alexis start at new moon.”

“Yes Petal today is Princess Gwen first time. For a day or two I have being feeling strange. I was not expecting what happened and I thought I must have damaged something.”

There was a knock on door and Sidonie entered the chamber. We have all been informed you have decided to stay with us and the dowry was a kiss for each of us. So we decided to be among the first.”

Petal spoke, “Hi Sidonie I see you have brought your crew.”

Gwen giggles. “Petal you make it sounds as if Sidonie is a captain.

“We wondered if you might like to come for a swim with us in our pool.”

“Err I would like to swim with you all, But at the moment it might not be a good idea.”

Constance spoke, “Is today your first bleeding time? I remember my first time and it came as a shock to me. I thought I had damaged something and was going to die. I found going in the pool helped me relax better.”

Gwen cuddled Constance. “How did you all know have I a neon light saying it was my first time?”

Sidonie replied, “Not quite, But your face is flushed and you had very bad tummy ache. We are not kidding when we say a good soak will help you. Also we have heightened smell receptors and we all know who is on and who is not.” At the pool Gwen realised the other females where swimming with nothing on. “Oh, Oh I was not expecting that.”

Lady Helen approached the group. “Sidonie I see you have brought a new friend who is she?

“Lady Helen this is Gwen she has just had a shock and we thought a long relaxing soak here with us all would do wonders for her confidence.”

“Hi Gwen I am the resident doctor who looks after all this lot. So you decided to join us permanently. I will have to give you a full medical, but that can wait a day or two. Oh dear the red light has come on and so we will all have to get out of the pool.” Quickly all the females scrambled out and got dried.”

Astrid appeared at the side of Gwen. “Neptune quite forgets himself once he is in water. Look at them all wrestling. We will watch them for a while.”

“You are one of the little ones that I found cuddling up to me when I awoke.”

“You kissed us while we slept so we demand another one. Now we will just watch the boys for a minute or two and then we will have to go and put a stop to their fighting. They have even got your father and uncle involved in the fighting.”

Cleo appeared, “Weapons already prepared and armed Astrid.”

Gwen looked shocked. You do not intend to harm them do you”?
Helen handed Gwen two water cannons. “These are yours as you have to go with the little ones on the attack.”

Gwen noticed some tall girls in the group. “Do you mind if I join this section. You all appear to be my height. I am Gwen a Zulu Princess our tribe tends to grow tall.”

Isolde and Iolanthe giggled. “Yes so does our tribe so you are welcome to join us these are our sisters.”

“Do they always act silly like this or is it for my benefit?”

Iolanthe said, “Actually we have not been long here ourselves. We came on a trip and found we have moved permanently here. Our mum is still adjusting to our new surroundings. Astrid here is the better one to ask about procedures here. Oh Justine is also arming the reserve team.
Justine came across and said, “This is two good a chance not to bag them all at once. Of course once we get in the water they all will have committed a serious breach of etiquette.”

Astrid giggled, “Just wait for Andorra and the matrons to arrive. Justine this is Gwen she is joining our team.

“Err I hope to but it depends on what sort of dowry is required for me. Dad may be a chief, but he does not have a lot of actual money, he has used what he had for the benefit of the tribe.”

Justine said, “Oh the Zulu operate a big man policy. Your father has given to the tribe now they will give it all back. So do not worry over the dowry that is just a formality. It is far too late now as you have slept with the little ones and so will have to join us.”

“Ha Justine mum has arrived along with the matrons.” Astrid nodded her head and wave after wave of little girls attacked the men. Then Justine went in with the adults.

Astrid approached her Grandmother and said, “Look the boys are fighting again and they are all wet.”

A bright flare shot into the sky and exploded. Andorra spoke. “Boys fighting again in front of queens. Not only that but you are all wet & you know what that means. Rombald I am shocked at you. Normally you are such a gentleman. Regardless the girls have caught you all fighting.”

Rombald said, “But Andorra they all attacked us. So we should not be punished. Prior to that we were only practising our wrestling moves.”

Andorra spoke, “Your guests will not be punished but you boys should know better. The children have already decided your punishment.”

The chief’s cousin spoke. Madame we could not agree on the dowry and so as our tradition dictates we must wrestle to decide what the dowry should be. Normally we would do it in the river or the sea, but here it has to be in the pool.”

Oberon spoke, “Alexis we were only helping your guests with their tradition. Perhaps we should have gone down to the lake. Knowing how your information gets around though we would have still been attacked there. Until we got attacked by Astrid’s hordes we had a stalemate and neither side was winning. I instructed my brothers to make the fight fair we could only use our strength and not magical powers.”

Alexis tried to look stern. “So Neptune you decided to upset our tradition to help the chief with his problem. Oberon at least you had sense enough to ensure your brothers fought fairly. Chief you need to choose a champion from your team. As the dispute was not settled one of those who fought with you will represent you. I will then choose the opponent. If your representative fails to fight then Rombald side wins the argument on the dowry.”

The chief chose Draco and said, “I know this gentleman is one of yours but he did join my side to even the odds.”

Alexis spoke “Draco you are to be the chief’s champion. Astrid suggests I should select Justine.”

“But Alexis you know I am forbidden from fighting Justine.”

“Draco tough, if you do not fight you lose. If you do fight and win then Andorra will not punish you. On the other hand if you lose then you have to spend a month with Andorra doing her bidding. Now as this is my instruction nobody can object to that”

Brunhilda and Freya taunted Draco saying, “We never thought we would see the day the great Draco was afraid to take on Justine. If Alexis had not chosen Justine I would have volunteered to take you on. It is time one of us took you in hand.”

Never one to miss an opportunity Draco said, “What has got into you Brunhilda. I know Justine and I have fought often. But you always considered it an unfair fight and so never challenged me. Tell you what I will fight you for the feast. If you win I provide it and if I win you provide the feast for the celebration.”

Draco and Justine went at it hammer and tongs both of them quite forgot they had an audience. The Archbishop shouted “stop this at once.” As he shouted Draco managed to get Justine on her back. Brunhilda did not give Draco time to recover. This time Brunhilda got Draco on his back.

“You forget Draco I know all your weaknesses like I know Justine’s weaknesses.”

Andorra spoke, “Draco Alexis did not authorise the second fight and so you have just earned a month in my school.”

Draco laughed, “It will be worth it. At least I can now admit Brunhilda has fought me. Even if it was after I had just fought Justine. If Brunhilda wants to I will fight her when I am fresh rather than tired. Astrid and Cleo launched themselves at Draco and he ended up on his back again. The girls tickled Draco. “Ok I submit.”

Andorra shook her head. “Perhaps I should make that two month Draco.”

The Archbishop looked at Draco and then spoke. “I am a little perplexed you were known as Thor among other names. You were famed for your fighting skills. Yet you appeared scared stiff when Andorra pronounced judgment on you for fighting.”

Astrid spoke, “Archbishop, Grandpa Draco does have a wild streak in fact some here call him the one who is wrong in the head. He needs to learn that he did not need to accept the challenge. Andorra may have given the impression she is the big boss, But that job lies elsewhere. Grandpa Draco does not mind looking after all the little ones. That is why we decided to fight him. He is a real softy as far as we are concerned. You came here to celebrate Rombald birthday. Somehow we have got distracted with one thing and another. Archbishop your former nephew will stay with us. Now to both chiefs. Chief Pluto your cousin helped carry the sentence out on your son’s murders so your blood vendetta should be appeased. Your cousin is already in the employment of Queen Isolde. From this day Princess Gwen of the Zulu will become one of my companions. Unlike leaders of other tribes I am not bothered if Gwen was once male. Your tradition allows for females to fight in battle alongside males. Your people are among the tallest of the African people. I noticed Gwen quickly allied herself with the daughters of Rombald. So I have decided Gwen shall stay with the daughters of Rombald.”

“Astrid I did not mind you and the little ones snuggling up to me.”

The chief looked at Astrid and then at the child he was holding the hand of. “Err is there more than one Astrid. How else can you be here and over there?”

As he watched the child started to grow taller. “As I said previously Gwen has been accepted by me. She also made personal prayers to the mother goddess to help her. Well those prayers have been answered. I will return to your country in nine days’ time to formally accept Gwen as a companion. You are very lucky Rombald and Isis has touched your brother. Now chief I apologise for my little joke. There are times that I find looking like Astrid has benefits.”

Draco held his hand out, “Chief Pluto you are now my friend. Like your brother and cousin you have now been touched. Isolde told me your son went down fighting and took many of his attackers out. Isolde has brought a witness to the attack to tell you what happened?

A terrified Negro girl was brought into the centre of the room. She looked around and was clearly scared.

“Girl I Chief Pluto of the Zulu I am told you saw what happened to my son, inform me now.”

“Jamil the mini coach driver pretended to breakdown near the village. The villagers attacked the group thinking they would be easy pickings. Your son was a real hero taking at least nine out and seriously damaging many others. He got knocked out with a war club. The villagers thought he was dead and so took his manhood as a trophy. They did so because they had great respect for him as a hero. Your cousin was with a hunting party and found the dead and injured after hearing the sound of battle.”

“Chief Pluto I have much to tell you. I am Princess Mara of the Lion People and we are closely related to the Masi. I recognised the markings on your son the first day I met him. I telephoned my father and told him I was on holiday with a Zulu prince. Father was pleased and stated perhaps this time I would get what I most desired. I though did something I am not proud of I deliberately seduced and enticed the prince to my bed with the intention of getting pregnant... The morning of the attack on us, I told your son I was with child by him. Much to my shock he was happy and said father will be pleased I have finally started a family. When the attack happened I took out two of three of the Enemy, but eventually like your son I was knocked out. Those bandits with their throat slit I am responsible for. It was the first time I have ever taken any life. I spent a long time with the cat people recovering for they are similar to me. Had not your cousin appeared on the scene then I have no doubt the villagers would have finished us all off.”

Chief Pluto looked the young woman up and down and then he smiled. “You young lady like a true lioness defended your chosen mate and your unborn cubs. My son may no longer be with us but through you his bloodline continues on. You shall come live with me as my daughter if you so desire. Your children shall be chief after me. From now you are Princess Mara of the Zulu. My son made a good choice in you as you stood by him. Unlike your tribe once a Zulu beds a woman they are bonded for life.”

Isolde came across, “All the dead and injured where brought to me. Mara was the only one who was conscious. She showed me the two lion’s fangs she carries as a chief’s daughter. With those as her only weapons she sent many warriors on their way that day. Mara stayed with me learning the ways of the cat people and helped when the same tribe attacked my sisters. In retaliation their village was raised to the ground and those who survived taken as slaves. Mara told me she had taken this trip to decide if she should break with tradition and become a priestess for the earth goddess.

Chief Pluto looked at the young woman. “Our priestess is elderly and will not last many more moons. As priestess you would have to inhibit your carnal desires, as no man would be allowed to touch you. I take it you are willing to train for that position? As my son is no longer here I take full responsibility for my grandchildren. I will write to your father and say how brave you were. The Zulu and Lion people are now one.”

Mara burst into tears. “I thought you would be cross about the way I got you son to come to bed with me.”

Pluto shook his head, “Child many moons ago I did the same thing and ended up with a lovely wife. She will help you through the coming months. What you have showed me is you have determination and courage to do what needs doing. My cousin told me how many bodies had had their life force ripped out of them. Your heart though is neither with my cousin nor me that I realise. I presume you know my son is now my daughter Gwen. She is to become a companion of a great Queen. Perhaps she might also consider Princess Mara of the Zulu as a companion. Then your children would have both parents to look after them. Regardless of what you decide there is a home for you with the Zulu.

Rombald spoke, “While you consider the options perhaps you should stay with my daughters. They will help you make your mind up.”

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