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As they where talking on the banks of the Rhine a great wave came rolling up the river. The wave stopped near the Lorelie rock. “Greetings Sisters and Alexis. I see two more of my sisters as well as my daughters have united themselves with you. Brunhilda I see your maternal instinct is once again occurring. Well sister even I have to spend time in the nursery looking after the children. Now where are the new babies?”
Astrid presented the four and then said, “There are also the children of the Rhine maidens to consider, should they not come under your protection as the Rhine maidens do.” The first six there was no problem.
Sephrena, “Father my sisters and I jointly adopted these two and as far as we are concerned they are our daughters.”
Neptune had a grin on his face and then spoke, “Then they also shall receive the blessing of Neptune and the right to call me grandpa. Although I do believe Oberon may have something to say about it. Regardless they now receive my protection. Sometime ago I issued an instruction to all my daughters they where all to be married to a partner of my choice. I was rather forgetful and I forgot about the children of the Sea witch and those of the Rhine maidens, but as they are my daughters then it should apply to them.”
Brunhilda, “I will have you know all of my daughters tied themselves to Alexis before they came for us. I certainly do not intend to tell them otherwise. In fact my sisters and I have also tied our selves to Alexis permanently.
Neptune’s style of arrival had an unfortunate occurrence higher up the Rhine valley. A young Asian mother was walking on the riverside holding the hand of a very young child. The backwash from Neptune’s arrival swept them both off their feet and into the river. The young mother managed to scramble back on to solid ground. She looked and saw her child was being swept down the river. Constance had accompanied the others to the ceremony when she heard the screaming and then noticed the small bundle being swept down river. Constance stripped off and dived into the Rhine She swam as fastest she ever had and, grabbed hold of the bundle that was being swept down the Rhine. The mother was running down the banking to a point where Constance could get back on shore with the child.
Constance took the bundle in her arms. She soon realised she was unable to use her arms. Then Constance thought to herself you silly clown. I have a tail in the water not legs. With that she smashed her tail down. This got the attention of the others. Neptune laughed, “I take it that was the first time she has used her tail fins?” With that smash of the tailfin Constance was propelled to the shore at great speed. The mother held her hand out to Constance as she got to the shore. Constance passed the child over to the mother and then realised she could not get of the water in front of the mother.
Then the mother. “Thank you for saving my baby. The Brahmin in my village told me to come here to meet my destiny. I am Asia my parents dedicated me to the great dragon. I noticed you are also dedicated to the same one from the mark you wear on your wrists.”
Alexis, “Constance come out of the water and show Asia your true self.”
“But, But.”
Asia passed the child to Alexis and held on to Constance pulling her to the shore. It took Asia a second or two to realise what Constance was.
“You are a daughter of the Great water God. Thank you goddess for saving my child I did not initially realise what you where.”
Neptune, “Madam it is I who owe you an apology for causing your child to be swept into the Rhine. Now did I here you correctly that you are dedicated to the great dragon?”
Brunhilda came up and spoke, “So can you prove you are dedicated to the GREAT Dragon? I am Brunhilda the Valkarie.”
“Well water lord it is I who should apologise for causing you a problem. Water goddess I thank you for saving my child. She is all I have left of my old life. I came here because my priest told me to come here. Brunhilda I have never heard that name, but you remind me of the great ancient man hating warrior queens. I though can prove that my child and I are both dedicated to the great dragon. Please look at our wrists as we both have been marked the same way.”
Brunhilda came across to Asia and looked at the child’s wrists. “I thought you said you both where dedicated to the great dragon. I know this is not the sign used by the priests for my brother.”
Neptune came across and looked. Then he burst into laughter. “Yes you are correct Brunhilda it is not our brother’s sign, but it is also correct. Asia you and your Child, neither of you could be harmed by the water. It is one of your elements as is the Air which you breath.
Freya came across and looked and then curtsied. “Your parents certainly went the whole way with you. The great dragon is our brother Draco. You though have been dedicated to the greatest dragon of all. Tell me did they also put you through a marriage ritual?”
Constance by now had reverted to her human form. She came over and looked and then smiled. “I once was human like you, I was saved by a daughter of Neptune. Today was the first time I swam as a mermaid. I though remembered not to kiss your child. Now I see it would not have mattered if I had for you both bear a mark which is senior to mine.”
Asia smiled and said, “There is one here I do recognise as she was there when I was marked. I tried to remain pure. I never went willingly with a man. Unfortunately once life started growing in me the priest sent me away saying I had too leave the temple and find my own destiny. It has taken me quite a while to get here from my homeland in India. I do not understand though what is the difference between the Great and the Greatest.”
Friga spoke, “These are my children, tell me what you see.”
Asia looks and says, “They are branded just like me. You though have one mark like me and a different one. Have you also been married to the greatest?”
“Yes child I am, unlike you though it was my choice. When you already are a goddess we are rather limited for choice of mates. I take it you already know my younger sister Justine, or should I say Kali the goddess of life and death?”
“Ah Justine sounds more like Justice and regardless of culture is an appropriate name. The Indian name though strikes fear into all that hear the name Kali.”
As Asia was talking Draco arrived. “Hi wondered what you all where doing here. Though perhaps my sisters had decided to hold an inpromptue party.”
“Sir I am Asia and this is my child. Do you also have a mark on your wrist like I do? We where discussing the difference between the Great Dragon & the Greatest. ”
Alexis nodded to Draco who stared at Asia. “Sir you stare at me like you have seen a ghost of the past. I will tell you my mother Deli was the high priestess of the Red little dragon. She inherited the job from my Grandmother Angaharad. I am the child of Deli and as her daughter and I now hold the position of high priestess of the Great Dragon. When my time comes then I shall pass the job on to my daughter like I received it.
Justine took hold of Asia’s hand and said, “Draco, Asia here was telling us how the priests married her off to the Greatest Dragon. Who’s symbol she now bears.”
Draco appeared to look into the sky and said, “So you do not know what the greatest looks like child?”
“Sir I see many things but today must have been preordained. I have gods from many cultures in front of me, and Battle hardened queens feeding their young. If the greatest is good for them, then who am I to disagree. I do not know how the gods go about being bonded. So I wondered if you could formally present me to the greatest. Or failing that then will the Great Sea Lord do it?
Draco started to chuckle and said, “Yes I can arrange that in Valhalla you will be formally received as a companion of the greatest if you wish. I will play the part of your father.” With that Draco was gone in an instant
Neptune spoke, “Constance I am well pleased with you. This was your first time in the water and you go on a rescue mission. Now to you Asia my brother has gone to plan your formal binding in front of all our kind.” As Neptune was talking all present noticed the stars started to pulsate and then there was a myriad of explosions. “That child was the invitation to your marriage done dragon style. Now wait for the reply’s.” There was more multi coloured lights in the sky.
“Oh look there is a large gold star.”
Freya said, “Andorra is she also home? For that looked like her signature? Oh Morning Star is now sending her sign.”
Alexis looks across at the children and says. “Time for us all to reply also.” Cleo brought out the astral cannon and then each child placed a pink object in it. Alexis also placed a pink ball in to the cannon. A few seconds later the sky was alight as the myriad of pink balls exploded overhead.
Brunhilda smiled and said, “That was from your flower girls and bridesmaids. Finally the mark of your spouse.”
As Brunhilda spoke the entire sky appeared to explode in a golden light.
“Wow that was the best firework display I have seen in a very long time.” As Asia was speaking many little feathered chicks came running up to her. Asia bent down and picked one up. Asia kissed the chick. The chicks parted to allow two baby lions to walk up to Asia. After them came some pixies. “Ah little devils I am pleased to meet you. Come up here and tell me about this procession of animals I appear to be getting.”
“I am pixie Petal and these are my sisters. We are the smallest of the Fay and as you said we can be little devils. Normally though we assume human shape and that is what we will do now. All the daughters of Draco can assume the shape of other sisters just as you will after your official binding. I was looking after the little ones but they persuaded me to come and greet you in person.” (This brought some tittering and laughter from the chicks) The chicks all jumped into the arms of Brunhilda and her sisters.
Asia realised she still had one chick on her shoulder. She took hold of the chick and gave it a kiss. Andorra materialised as she was kissed.
“Hello Asia I was playing with the chicks when Draco sent out the invites. I decided to come in person and see what you looked like. Ah Rhine I see you appear to be taking over the nursery duties. As you can see I have regenerated. Soon you also will look like me. Now child hand me the baby and do this old matron a favour by giving us a twirl. Yes I can see the resemblance. Now tell me where is your mother Deli?”
Asia burst into tears. “She in eternal sleep lies in the Temple of the Little Red Dragon. One day I will return to the same temple and on that day my daughter will then become high priestess of the temple.”
To be continued
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