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Back in Germany Mariva & Marina had eventually arrived at their sister’s house. They could here her crying from outside. They knocked on the door and entered the house. Mariva spoke, “Sephrena we found your baby she was been looked after by a young Fay. They have both been sent to be with their sisters in England.”
Sephrena looked up and then spotted Astrid & Cleo. She ran over and cuddled Cleo. “So you two sisters of mine bring a cat Queen to visit me. I would recognise her anywhere. Child you look just like your mother Isolde. Is she fine and where is Isolde the Cat Queen?
Sephrena then looked hard at Astrid. She curtsied and then said, “Mariva & Marina we are in very esteemed company. I mistakenly thought both of these where children, but they are not children. Your Majesties as the Senior Rhine maiden I greet you on behalf of our families. Isolde I for one am pleased you are restored to us. I would follow you to the ends of the earth. Alas we cannot leave just yet, as there are others we must collect. We all must travel to the city of Ulm, there in the Cathedral we must pay our respects to our resting family.”
Several pixies appeared before the group and spoke, “Mistress is it true we also have to move away? Do you want us all?”
Alexis spoke, “I will change to my full size so you can address me correctly. My daughters are all ready looking after the six daughters of Mariva, Marina and Sephrena. All Fay are returning from far and wide to their ancient homeland. From the tallest giants to the smallest pixies slowly but surly they are returning. I already have allocated homes for you all. So yes my instruction says all Fay be they large or small.”
Mariva spoke, “Alexis, Sidonie was excited when she telephoned because she was staying with a daughter of Neptune. Is Lindi one of your companions?
“Yes Lindi along with her twin Linzi are some of my Mer companions. By now my daughters should have sorted yours out.”
“Sephrena you where also correct over the Cat Queen, as she is also a companion of mine. Our daughters are united as one, as are we.”
This brought a smile to Sephrena’s face. “So the Cat Queen is no longer banned from the Fay realm. I take it there has been a major reshuffle as to who is in charge?
Sephrena’s face lit up even more when Cleo transformed into the Cat Queen. “As Empress Alexis told you we are now one.”
Sephrena burst out in a fit of giggles and said, “Please can you both revert to the girl form. This will be the best jest yet on mother & her companions. Let us see how long it takes them to realise who you are”
With that the two of them reverted to the child form. Alexis though picked the pixie up and said, “You will be coming with us. I have a pixie size job for you to do.”
Alexis pointed her finger and a portal appeared. All of them walked through the portal and found themselves outside the great cathedral of Ulm. They walked into the cathedral and Sephrena showed them the passage to the crypt. Then she produced a key and opened a door. They let the air circulate, as it was rather stale. They then entered a room and all around they could see inscriptions to the departed.
Sephrena spoke, “Mother, Aunt and family we have come to tell you we the Rhine maidens are moving away. A new queen has arisen and is recalling all the Rhine maidens to our ancient homeland. No longer will we swim the Rhine. No longer can I come here and tell you the latest news for I will be far away in the Haunted Isles.”
Alexis freed one of the stones and placed the pixies in the crypt. “Take the chicks and do your duty.”
A few seconds later a great roar emulated from the great cavern. A few seconds later Brunhilda came out roaring like a demented banshee. “What is the meaning of putting imps and chickens in our crypt? Why do you disturb our sleep?
Sephrena was terrified of Brunhilda but Mariva & Marina both burst out in giggles. Brunhilda looked at them and said, “Am I a clown or some thing? “I will have you two ungrateful wenches know I may be known as Rhine to you three, but I also was known as Brunhilda of the Valkeries. Great warriors trembled when they saw me. Many are the time I have ridden with my sisters and the hellhounds to do Odin’s bidding. There was nobody more terrifying in battle than me.”
The apparent small girls started to clap Brunhilda. For a second Brunhilda looked puzzled and then she spoke. “It appears my rest and relaxation time is over. You appear to be a child, and yet you wear the shield of Thor. Even I Brunhilda the Valkerie must bow before you. I take it my brothers all know you are here? Rombald certainly must for he had charge of that and so must Draco for you to wear it like that.”
Alexis spoke, “Rhine Once a valkarie always a valkarie, Now though you are one of my Valkeries rather than Thor’s. For I now lead the Golden Valkeries.”
Brunhilda sniffed the air, “Are those crackpot brother and sister of mine close by as I can smell them both on you?”
Alexis said, “Would you mean my father Draco and my companion Justine?
Brunhilda roared with laughter and then said, “It looks like I could do with going on a diet if I am to ride with the new queen or is it Empress? So have you already claimed my daughters like you have my sisters?
Mariva said, “Mother really.”
Alexis spoke, “I have many companions from my Pixie sisters to all the daughters of Neptune. Brunhilda allow me to introduce my chicks to you. They are as you can see my eagle companion’s offspring. My tallest companion’s though await my return as does Lord Rombald”
Brunhilda looked at the chicks and then spoke, “So dragon and eagle flights are once again united as they should be.” Brunhilda picked a chick up and it whispered something to her. Brunhilda started to laugh. “She has asked if she can play with my chicks when they hatch. She also says I will make a great trampoline for the chicks to jump up and down on. I have told her I will not mind that at all.”
As she was speaking other forms came tumbling out of the crypt. “Brunhilda do you have to make so much noise? We where having a little nap. Oh god!” Freya was the one who spoke and she immediately curtsied. “Mistress, Freya and the remainder of the old Valkarie guard reporting for duty”.
Brunhilda was still laughing at her sister. Then Freya spotted the chick and picked it up. Then Freya looked again at the group of women. “Oh I am slipping up. I spotted the cat queen but not her companion. I should have recognised the shield of Thor. We have gone into battle many times behind it. I though have never seen it worn as it is now though. I see we also have the representatives of the Lorelie.”
Mariva spoke, “Greetings Aunt Freya. All Rhine maidens are being recalled to our ancient homeland. Our daughters have already gone ahead with the daughters of Neptune and Oberon. We come today to collect you all.”
“Yes the chick told me all I need to know. She asked me if I would like to ride with her sisters on the devil dogs when they go on a training practise. That means we have a new valkarie team. Something though does not seam correct with the chick. She actually reminds me of my baby sister Justine.”
Alexis burst out laughing and said, “Justine it appears she spotted you after all. So you better assume your regular form. Freya, Justine is now one of my companions. She took the form of some of my children. Now would the old guard like to ride with the young in future?
Brunhilda spoke, “The old guard request the Empress’s permission to come out of retirement and train with the young guard. Also as our baby sister has obviously bound herself to you Alexis. I feel as the senior Valkarie that I should also have a similar position. I noticed my daughters are already partially bonded with you. Justine I am sorry I failed to recognise you in the chick form. As for politely saying I am over large I will have to do something about that. In the meantime if the real chicks wish to play with me as you suggested they are welcome. ”
Justine laughed, “Sister’s we need to go to the Lorelie rock there you all can swim with Alexis if you wish to ride with the new Valkeries.”
Brunhilda as bossy as ever replied for her sisters. “That is a good idea we all could do with a good wash to get the dust of centuries off us.” At the rock Alexis stripped off and dived in. Brunhilda was the first to follow Alexis and embrace her. Freya was on the bank laughing then she turned to Justine, “They all appear to have forgotten their basic biology. I will follow but I know what is coming. Will you also play with my children Justine?
“Freya I get to play with all of Alexis children. Most of my sisters for some time to come will be having nursery duty. I also have to take my turn but I also have other duties protecting a young queen. I could do with help from my sisters for that task. We also still have much family to recover. By any chance do you know where the star of Neswanstein is located? Alexis had Sephrena looking in the Rhone for it.”
Freya dived in and swam across to the rock and then dived down. A few moments later she emerged and placed a necklace on Alexis neck. The star has claimed you Alexis. I heard it call to you as I swam across. Now like those before me I must also become one with you. All Valkeries must now be one with you.”
Rhine and the others looked shocked. “Freya what are you doing? That has to remain hidden until such time as the new holder appears.”
“My sisters that time is now. Is not Alexis already wearing the shield of Thor? Alexis is the one the prophecy foretold long ago.”
“Alexis I must apologise for my sister Freya. The star of Neswanstein should only be given to the one who will regenerate us and bring rebirth to the Valkeries.” Meanwhile Freya embraced Alexis and deliberately ensured her sisters knew what she was doing.
“Rhine as you can clearly see Freya knows what she is doing. The star is now part of me as was originally intended and Freya is now getting her reward as will all who embrace me like this.”
Rhine looked at her breasts and gave them a squeeze. A milky substance poured forth. “I thought they felt swollen like when I was pregnant with the girls.”
“Brunhilda or Rhine which ever name you prefer, You led your sisters to embrace me. I have accepted your embraces so now you can ride with the Golden Valkeries or at least you will be able to once you have had a spell in the nursery.”
Friga spoke, “Alexis we blindly followed our sister Brunhilda in embracing you. By any chance where you born male?”
“Friga what I was no longer matters although I was originally baptised Alex Middleham and thought I was human. My first companions where my cousins. If you embrace me in Water or Air you get the same results as if Neptune or Draco had embraced you.”
Friga grinned like a cat that got the cream. “Unlike Brunhilda I have never had children as I much prefer the company of females. Would it be possible to also seal my fate in the air? Now I know we can determine when we give birth. So after giving it though I have decided that I will not delay the birth of my children.” Freya was still holding on to Alexis as Friga approached. “Mistress take both of us to the heavens.” With that Alexis shot out of the water and up into the sky with the two sisters holding on.
And Isolde was laughing away as Brunhilda shook her head; “Those two will be constant breeding machines now they know what Alexis truly is.”
Isolde said, Brunhilda normal rules do not apply to us. You know from personal experience we can not mate with normal humans or at least if we do there are consequences.”
Brunhilda looked at Isolde. “I did nor realise anybody knew of my indiscretion. He was a brave warrior and I fell in love with him. We had much fun together and then I became pregnant. As I changed so did he. At first he started to get slimmer and smaller until the day I gave birth, and then he changed into my third daughter. I brought all three up as sisters. What else could I do? There was no way I could tell the others their father had become Sephrena. From then I have never looked at another male. I have totally screwed up now as I failed to recognise Alexis for what she truly is.” Brunhilda spun round as a child’s voice spoke from behind her.
“Brunhilda I would not worry about your indiscretion as you are not the only one who has been in that position. Now though you can help feed my new sisters as they are rather hungry and can not wait until the feeding stations arrive.” Brunhilda looked up at the sky and saw four silver streaks diving into the water. Brunhilda just dip your hands into the water and they will be here like a shot.” As Brunhilda did so two creatures shot out of the water and attached them selves to Brunhilda nipples. After a short while they released themselves and two more attached themselves.”
Justine was laughing away. Brunhilda said, “Justine you may be laughing but at least they know where to come for a good feed.”
Alexis returned with a considerably younger looking Friga & Freya. “Ah Brunhilda I see you have introduced yourself to my daughters.” Alexis snapped her fingers and all the children lined up.
“Brunhilda the children ask if you will continue to feed them when they are hungry as their birth mothers cannot yet produce sufficient milk for them. It will also help you regenerate.”
Brunhilda looked at Astrid and the other girls. “So I Brunhilda of the Valkeries am I now considered a feeding station for Baby Alexis’s.” She looked around and all the children where nodding their heads up and down.”
Friga spoke, “Well sister it is not as if you have not done it before. I know for a fact you fed both Isolde and Justine. As you can plainly see we have not yet started producing milk, but hopefully it will not be long. It will also be good practise for you when your twins eventually arrive.” This statement caused a growl from Brunhilda.
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C... ca..
Cat queen!? And... SEPHRENA!? Wow, I've never seen such a coincidence before mew. One might think that we were accidentally inserted xD Mew mew meow ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Princess Chelsea
No it was living with Gypsy fortune tellers for years. Glad you enjoyed it