The Terror Twins visit Britain
Chapter 8 by Sharp
The trip to the Ice Rink.
Back at the castle in Skipton several days later after the party Saphira came and found Sidonie. “We are all going on a trip to the ice rink at Bradford. Linzi has just informed me.”
Cindy and her sisters entered the room. “We have come to put something warm on as it will be cold where we are going.” They noticed others were also getting prepared.
Constance spoke, “Hi this will be my first time will some of you go round with me?
Miss Freiberg spoke, “I am sure Kirsty will be your partner Constance.” Soon they all boarded the coach and noticed Lindi was the driver.
“We thought Linzi was our driver.”
“Girls she has gone with the other coach as we have extra passengers today. Your school friends are bringing their hosts with them.”
Constance noticed Gaby Bond and her friends had also boarded the coach.
Gaby spoke, “We thought as there was spare seats we might as well join you. It is quite a while since any of us went ice skating.”
Soon they saw the other coach had pulled in and children & adults where boarding it. Once everybody was on board the two coaches set off down the Aire Valley Motorway.
Soon they were at Saltaire and the coaches negotiated the roundabout and went straightforward on the A650. They passed Bradford City football ground. There must have been a match on because the police were out in force. Sidonie spoke, “Look at those police horses they have visors on their heads.”
Gaby said, “Bradford City are playing Leeds United today it is a local derby match. The visors are to protect the horses if there is trouble.” We turned right just past the traffic lights and then follow the road round and turn in to Little Horton Road.
The coaches pulled up outside the Ice rink. There appeared to be some empty or derelict shops. They went up four steps and through some rubberised doors. They found the lift was not working so they all had to climb the 48 steps to the Ice rink. Linzi went and got the tickets for the children and then she and Lindi handed them out. They soon found the changing area and got their ice skates on.
Constance found it strange walking on a thin piece of metal. Linzi took her hand and they went on the ice together. Linzi showed Constance what to do. How to fall, How to do Lemon drops and bunny hops. Then she had Constance doing the moves backwards crossovers. The ice rink its self was in need of a coat of paint and could have done with a general spruce up. However the children were enjoying themselves and that was all that mattered. Constance noticed Astrid was also there. Astrid skated across.
“Hi Constance when we heard you had gone here we persuaded Grandpa Snow to bring us here. We came via the portal. Grandpa is enjoying himself here. He says it reminds him of his mountaintop home in Scotland. Linzi do you mind if I take Constance to meet Grandpa Snow?”
“No Astrid that is ok. I am going to the café and getting a hot chocolate. I will be sat in there if you want me.”
Linzi joined Lindi in the café and they both watched through the windows. Some of their group where showing off. Others it was obvious it was their first time on the ice. One by one the children all came back to Linzi. Kirsty spoke, “Have you seen Constance skate? She told me she had never been on the ice before.”
Linzi said, “That is quite true. I just showed her a few things to do.”
“Err Linzi do you mind showing me how to do them?
Lindi spoke, “She has only just come off the ice and got a drink. I will show you and then you can re-join your friends.
A white haired gentleman skated up to Lindi and Said, “Na then Lindi, Woo ist kinder?”
“Sir I am Kirsty Freiberg von Oberon and I do speak English. Your German was bad. Who might you be?
Lindi giggled, “Astrid and the others call him Grandpa Snow. We all give him the same title. As for the words he speaks he is used to speaking in Yorkshire dialect and that sometimes comes out as bad German.”
“Mein namen ist Kirsty Friberg von Oberon. Ich sprech Deutch und English.”
“Well young lady your name tells me which of my sons is your Grandpa. You may refer to me as Grandpa Snow. I am supposed to be looking after a horde of little dragons. They appear to be enjoying themselves. I think I will come here again as it is nice and cool here.”
Kirsty thinks and then says, “Oberon is my Grandpa, Neptune has given me a bracelet and I have to call him the old man. In Roman & Greek Mythology you would be called Zeus or Jupiter. Chromos was a titan and the father of Zeus”
Snow clapped his hands. “Well done now do you know the names of the Fay queens young lady?
I am not sure of the order but there is Little Astrid, Alexis, Galadriel, Titania and Tatiana. Then there is big Astrid who goes by another name. I did not know there was a snow dragon. Mother taught me Draco led the red dragons or wyverns. There are many different colours. And most colours are associated with an element. Blue for Air, Green for sea, Brown and green for Earth. Red and Yellows for fire. All ruled by the Golden dragon. Or in other words Alexis and her siblings.”
“Mum had me study all religions and their beliefs. They all have one thing in common. That is a belief in either a supreme god or gods. Some religions have kindly gods while others had very scary ones. After seeing Brunhilda in a strop there is no wonder some prayed for salvation from bad tempered gods.”
Snow laughed, “Lindi you can leave this one with me. She is a free spirit and speaks her mind. I like that in my grandchildren.”.
“Grandpa when mum and I boarded the coach I was not expecting to be staying in England. I like it though and I like to play with Astrid she is fun to be with. I had more family on the coach than I first realised. I teased the daughters of the Rhine maidens. They are now my friends. Alexis and Astrid are easy to recognise from the aura they exude. Even when they are in human form they can be scary, but yet I like them. They are human enough to play practical jokes, but serious enough if an emergency arose. Astrid and Cleo managed to persuade Lord Tiger to come into the centre of the village. I was a little scared, but mom was close and she would not let any harm come to me. It was funny though when Astrid, Cleo and the kittens all launched themselves at Tiger.”
What appeared to be two teenage girls skated across to Snow and spoke, “Hi Snow have you been adding another to your nest?”
Snow looked at them and replied, “I will have you know I am spending time with my granddaughters.”
“Sorry we were only teasing. Hope we are not embarrassing you but you appear to be leaking. How old is your baby?”
“I do not have any baby. This started a few days ago and I was too embarrassed to mention it. I am only 15 years old and have never been with a man.”
The women smiled and said Snow she had better come with us and we will sort her out” In the changing room one of the women brought some breast pads out of her bag and handed them to Kirsty. These will keep you dry in future.
“Thanks very much. I appear to be ok until just after lunch time and my breasts fairly expand. The funny thing is they are back to normal in the morning.”
The two women looked at each other, “Kirsty are you Fay, Dragon or Eagle? Have you had any strange sleeping companions?”
“I suppose I am Fay, mum is and I was her son Kurt, I started to change back at home and now I appear to be Kirsty all the time. I woke up a few days ago sneezing I was covered in chicks. Each night since then they have slept with me. Mum spotted them on night and said I looked like a great eagle. She went away laughing. I doubt that I could get to sleep without the chicks now.”
“Kirsty I could not understand how they could be so full of energy. Now I understand fully. Kirsty we both had problems feeding the chicks and it appears they think you are their feeding station.”
One of the women snapped her finger and a cue of little girls appeared. “Girls this is Kirsty she is Fay and has a leakage problem.”
“Sorry Kirsty we thought we could get a drink at night without you realising what we were doing when our mums had a problem. None of us chicks realised it would cause you problems during the day.”
Kirsty smiled, “I actually like you all snuggling up to me and with your mothers’ permission hope you will continue. I though am still left with the milk problem.”
At this point Karen appeared and said, “Milk problem Kirsty?”
“Mum it is nothing the chicks discovered I am producing a little amount of milk and helped themselves to it while I slept. Apparently it is the nearest to their mums milk that they like.”
Karen smiled and said, “Kirsty I will be back in a minute or two do not agree to anything till I get back. There is something I want to check out.”
Karen returned a short time later with Helen. “Kirsty I have assured your mother that there is no health issues concerning you and it will be ok for you to feed the chicks. In fact I would recommend Karen that you give serious consideration to feeding some of the chicks. Breast feeding will certainly inhibit you from getting pregnant.”
“Actually Helen that is a very good reason to start, But I cannot just tell my body to start lactating like that.”
“No mum but you can make yourself look like me and the chicks will be all over you. Regardless I have decided I do not like being wet and so will borrow two to dry me out. I will take them out in a pram so that they are with me when I feel the need to feed them. If their mums agree then the chicks can rotate so each of them gets a day with me. At night they all can still do their thing as I could not get to sleep without them.”
Karen turned to the chicks and spoke, “Well would you like me to look like Kirsty? Do you also want me to become a surrogate mum like Kirsty apparently become?”
One of the chicks spoke, “There is a shortage of Eagle partners we could go to. We tried the Mermaids and while they are willing to feed us the milk did not taste right. We discovered Fay milk is similar to our mums. But the entire older Fay already are caring for somebody. We got excited when we discovered a young Fay. Sorry Kirsty we should have asked, instead we helped ourselves.” As they were talking Opal and Crystal appeared.
Opal launched herself at Karen. “I thought I was alone with our cousin Crystal. We got adopted by three Rhine maidens. Now I am happy I have a sister again or should it be two? I left home long ago looking for you Karen. Dad was in a right strop when you left. I though nearly wet myself when you called him an over grown pumpkin.”
“Oh Opal I have already discovered father has already married me off in my absence. Kirsty here is my daughter and we have just decided to help these chicks out who are the children of our Eagle cousins. The chicks need surrogate mums to help them out and apparently Fay are the best to help them.”
“Well count me in and Crystal here will also help. I do not relish going home just yet. Just imagine what dad would say if we each turned up with a couple of babies, especially feathered ones” This brought about giggling from the girls.
One of the chicks threw herself at Crystal who caught her. “I like you. Your feet are like grandmas. Are you going to help look after us? Our mums have got something called broodyitis. So they can no longer feed us like they used to. We had to look elsewhere for a good feed.”
Karen started to chuckle. “Broodyitis I have heard of that disorder. As it is obvious you all need help, I think we can help you out with. At least I am a mum.”
Crystal spoke, “Yes I have also heard of broodyitis, but I thought it was a disease hens caught.”
Opal spoke, “It is but other foul also can catch it. Chicks I will help you if you want. Hopefully your mums will find the cure although there only is one sure cure to my knowledge. Until then I will also help you. Karen If our father turns up perhaps we could tease him by pretending theses are ours.”
The chick spoke, “We did not think to look at the Hobbits. But seeing as she is your Sister we will share her with you. We should have enough with the four of you looking after us. We still want to sleep in Kristy’s nest though.”
Crystal spoke, “Karen the other hobbits informed me our father has arranged the marriage of all his daughters be they Hobbit or Fay. I for one do not want to be married off to somebody just as a political alliance.”
One of the Chicks spoke, “Is that Oberon you are talking about? One of your sisters avoided his ruling by becoming a companion of Alexis like our mums. She could not help us as she already has a new flight of her own.”
Karen’s ears picked out the words a new flight. “So at least one of our sisters has more than one child.”
“The hobbits all come under the control of our sister Astrid. So we did not even consider they could help us. Dragon milk gives us a little too much Zip but we will have it if there is no other choice. Astrid and the other sisters are busy skating.”
Alexis came skating up. “We decided to bring the family. I see the chicks have found you all. Have you accepted their proposal?”
Karen looked at Alexis, “Is it true some of my sisters are already your companions? As for the chicks I think their proposal could have mutual benefits. It appears the chicks are able to bring whom they desire into milk. Father knows full well normally only married Fay can do that. So we should have no difficulty-convincing father we all have children. Especially if he happens to catch us suckling them.”
Opal started to giggle again, “Sorry Karen we should be asking Alexis if she minds us as companions. It would be nice for our sister if we were there for her if she has a new flight. Also we all have promised these chicks we would help look after them. I still cannot get the image of Father as an overgrown pumpkin out of my head.”
“I had an argument with Oberon a long time ago. I called him a pompous over inflated pumpkin. I left home that night. Eventually I found myself with the Rhine maidens. We all knew what each other were. I got a job teaching. To this day I am not sure how Kirsty came about. I was careful with whom I associated.”
“Mum you always told me my dad might have been a boy that saved you at the Rhone Glacier.”
“Kirsty I know I told you that, But for him to have been your father would have required him to have been Fay. I do know I slipped and fell into the Rhone. He dragged me out and gave me artificial respiration.”
“Mum you told me it was like a long wondrous kiss you did not want to stop.” The chicks where all giggling. “Mum you told me you would have married him like a shot, but you also where concerned what Grandpa would say if you married a mortal.”
Constance came skating across. “Did I just here you correctly? You also fell into the Rhone. Sephrena dragged me out or I would have been dead. You were lucky Karen, that the boy who dragged you out of the Rhone must have been very hot to stand the intense cold of that river. The cold of the water in the Rhone can kill within a very short time.”
Karen thought. “Now I think about it I was freezing but he soon warmed me up. I did not even consider the intense cold could have killed me. Nine months later to the day I gave birth to Kirsty. It was like he breathed fire into me. I never did get his address. I do know he was a student from England.”
Oberon appeared. Karen’s face was a picture. “Hi Alexis, I heard these had turned up. Now let me look at my granddaughter.” Oberon hugs Kirsty and looks at her wrists. Karen you must be the densest of my daughters. Your daughter’s wrists tell me who sired her. I must say though I am surprised you caught that one. Well as you bear his child you will now have to formally accept him as your partner. Now what about you others?”
Opal looked Oberon in the eye. “Father we now have these babies to care for. So we cannot be used as a political bartering item.”
Oberon grinned, “So Opal these are yours?”
“Father I would not be able to feed them if they were not. See this one is hungry.” Opal puts one of the chicks to her breast. Eventually the chick came off with her mouth covered in milk.”
Crystal spoke, “We all fell for the same parent.”
Oberon picked one of the chicks up. “Have you ever suckled on any of these ladies?”
“Yes I have I will not lie to you. Are you my grumpy grandpa? Snowdrop says her babies also have a grumpy one, but she is looking after her babies.”
Oberon let out a low growl and walked away.
Karen picked the chick up and kissed her and then noticed the marking on the chick. “Kirsty come over her and let me compare you marks? No wonder father was laughing. You chicks have the same dad as Kirsty.”
Two girls with snow-white hair appeared again and the chicks ran to them.
Karen spoke, “Greetings cousins or should it be sisters? It appears we have the same taste in men and yet none of us wishes to be with one. The chicks have explained you both have gone down with a bad case of broodyitis. It appears the chicks have already been sleeping with their half-sister Kirsty.”
“Yes cousin we have just been informed uncle Oberon has gone off in a huff. Girls it is not nice to say we have gone down with broodyitis.”
“Mum you told us yourself your nipples where sore and you thought you were going down with broodyitis. We were worried about you. Somebody told us there was only one known cure.”
Karen looked at the two females, “We four have agreed to look after the chicks while you both recover. I believe the recovery period is around nine months for such as you. Now perhaps you can help me I need to find the father of the chicks. I have to tell him he has a daughter by me.”
The chicks where giggling away. One of the chicks spoke, “We do not get to see daddy, and we only have lots of mummies. If you skate across to Alexis put your arms round her neck and kiss her. She might tell you where he is or even show you.”
One of the mothers said, “No do not do that.” But it was too late Karen had already done it.” Girls it looks like Karen also has gone down with broodyitis.”
Karen surfaced from kissing Alexis. “Dragon breath that is what the boy revived me with Dragon breath.” With that Karen went in for a second helping. Karen surfaced. “Alexis I think I must be addicted to Dragon breath. I could do this forever. The last time a dragon did that to me was 16 years ago. I ended up having Kirsty to a dragon lord. He must be a son of Draco. I should ask Draco if he has or had a son.”
“Karen Lord Draco already recognises Kirsty as his grandchild. You do realise you have just embraced me twice on the ice in full view of all family members. You do realise like Snowdrop before you that you have just bonded with me.”
Karen grinned and spoke, “Alexis actually I am already bond with your brother for he breathed dragon breathe into me. It is my duty to find him ant inform him I had his child. I believe the boy did not know he was Draco’s son and how he gave me a child. You as his sister I promise to be a companion of until the end of our days or if your brother returns.”
“Karen my brother will never return as he is unable to. You though have kissed me twice. You also have verbally bound yourself to me. All my brother’s partners and children have now become mine. Now would you like to make it third time lucky and give me another kiss?”
Kirsty skated across. “Mum your cousins say you also have gone down with broodyitis like the chicks mums.”
Alexis started to chuckle. “Kirsty neither the chick’s mums nor yours have a disorder called broodyitis. They all though have a similar condition in that they are all feeling the urge to nest. Karen I must apologise to you on behalf of my brother. I can honestly say he had no idea he was what he was. Had he known about you then you Karen would have been his first wife instead of Chris? My brother had no idea that giving you the kiss of life also would give you a new life in another way.”
Kirsty looked at them both, “My mum until recently herself had no idea how I came about. Mum has always been puzzled as she maintained she never ever slept with any man. It is only since being here we have both learned that a kiss in water was all it took with a boy dragon.”
Karen looked at Alexis and spoke, “Your brother I would have liked to know him. I have to believe you when you say he is not around. If I become your partner will you accept Kirsty as your daughter?” Karen noticed the sparkling in Alexi’s eyes. Karen embraced Alexis for the third time. “Alexis that naughty brother of yours came to me in my sleep. He told me to kiss you thrice on the ice. I did his bidding and I enjoyed the kissing. My father used to call me the ice maiden for I rejected all the suitors he proposed for me. I realise there are only Snow and Draco who are male dragons. Can female dragons create new life like Alex did?”
“Karen some can, but not all female dragons can do that. I like some of my sisters have that ability. Kirsty is already sleeping with her younger sisters. Thrice you kissed me as Alexis. No longer are you the Ice maiden but now number one Fay companion.”
Snowdrop and the Fay sisters of Karen appeared, “Karen Alexis has made you number one Fay companion because your child is the oldest child of her Fay companions. We your blood sisters accept you to our fellowship. Your bad case of Alexitis should only last around nine months as you have embraced Alexis on water.”
“Now then sisters you are wrong. I have never embraced Alexis while I was in on water.”
Kirsty giggled, “Mum my sisters tell me their father embraced you while you were soaked through and that is how I came about. Also you cannot deny you have just embraced Alexis, as we all saw you. Well you have embraced her on ice and ice as we all know is frozen water. It looks like there will be plenty of children for me to play within the future.”
Sidonie and sisters skated across with Lindi and some other females. Karen recognised Andorra and curtsied. “No need of that Karen. Did the first kiss warm you through? The second one would make you quiver from head to toe. The third seals your fate for all eternity. You are now truly bonded with Alexis and her sisters. As I speak you should be hearing voices. Those voices are the children practising their skills on you. I can see by the smile on your face I am correct. Other sisters will eventually join you.”
Sidonie spoke, “We are in for a baby boom Karen as our mums have also bound themselves in water. The old Valkyries also have done likewise. Except two could not wait & gave birth immediately. There are others who have yet to take the final step.” A lady came up to the group and spoke with Sidonie.
“I was wondering if you would help me with the tiny ones Sidonie?”
“Sorry I do not think we have met. I am Gwen of the Zulu. I have been helping with the little ones at the swimming pool.”
Karen holds her hand out and feels an electric shock. “We both should be having our babies around the same time Karen.”
“Actually I was there when your marriage was arranged. Although there was that many of us there you might not remember me. I noticed you have made friends with the daughters of Rombald. Are you looking forward to your formal marriage back in Zululand?”
“To be honest I am rather nervous. The wedding of a Zulu princess is totally different to that of a prince. Father has already sent invites out to honoured guests. These include the Lion people of Princess Mara. I am nervous about Mara’s father. He must have heard what happened to me. I am also worried over Mara. She after all is carrying my children.”
Karen took Gwen by the hand. “Come we will go to the bar and have word with the boys. They appear to be quaffing back copious amounts of Old Peculiar.” (Old Peculiar is a strong beer produced by Theakstons in Masham.) Karen and Gwen went to the bar. “Father and Uncles Gwen here is nervous about her wedding and also needs some sound advice.”
Neptune handed them each a half pint of the same brew. “I do not consider it seemly for female to be drinking pints, but you might find you like a half each.”
Gwen took a sip. “I have had this previously some student friends bought me some one time when we were walking the hills and dales of Yorkshire. We tried to see who could drink the most. I dropped out at 13 or 14 pints of the stuff. The lad who won managed 21 pints. The following morning he had one heck of a hangover. Sorry you do not need to know that.”
Rombald pointed to a chair. “As a normal human you did well to drink so much. Even I would be wary of drinking that amount. Now Karen says you are nervous. I suppose it is to be expected it is your big day.”
“No it is not the wedding it is my concerns over Mara that trouble me. I was a Zulu prince when I got her pregnant. I know father has made her Princess Mara of the Zulu. I am still worried over her welfare and what will happen to her. She is after all a princess of the Lion people in her own right. I think I must have been hallucinating because I was sure Mara turned into a great she cat and tore the throats out of those who tried to do me further harm.”
Draco called Cleo across and said, “Gwen this is my Granddaughter Cleo she is the youngest daughter of Isolde the Cat Queen. Cleo can you show Gwen some of your others forms?”
“Grandpa this is the latest I learned from Lord Tigger. I can do my lion form better and Astrid showed me how to become a little dragon. Are you worried about Mara, Gwen? You know she still loves you although you are now in a female form.”
Oberon spoke, “No I think Gwen is worried that if Mara can transform to defend her then perhaps so can others of the lion people. Gwen is worried what might happen if Mara’s father got upset.”
Mara skated across. “I myself did not know I had inherited that ability. I was wondering what I could use as a weapon to defend myself. I remembered my grandmother present I wore around my neck. She said, no man can harm you while you carry this amulet. I felt the anger rise as my future partner went down under a hail of clubs. The next second I was ripping the throats out of the attackers. One fled in terror shouting something about a great she cat had returned to seek retribution. Grandmother told me as a child sometimes the great lion queen decides it is time she walked the earth again. I learned many things while staying with Isolde. Unlike Isolde I also have discovered I am unable to transform at will. Father sent grandma to be with me. Grandma told me I would only change when I was in great danger. She was not surprised at my transformation. As far as we know only she and I have that ability. Grandma greeted Queen Isolde like a long lost friend. Isolde promised to keep watch over me. Eventually Grandma had to return to the tribe. So Gwen has no need to worry that father might turn into a lion and eat the Zulu. I have informed father I was bonded with a Zulu prince and now am a Princess of the Zulu. I informed him my Prince was dead and that I was having his child. I also informed father that a great queen wished to take me on as her companion. I thought father would hit the roof, but it was Grandma that replied. “Your father will be there at the formal binding of Princess Gwen. Should you wish to avail yourself of your father’s services on that day then he will formally hand you over to the aforesaid Queen.””
Karen spoke, “I presume they think it is Queen Isolde you are to be bonded with?
“Well I just said a great queen. I suppose they could think it is Isolde.”
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