Drew & the Half-Term Break Chapter 14

Drew & the half term break
By Sharp
A Gaby fan-fiction
Chapter 14 Helena Returns.

Queen Gabriel was at the castle in Skipton to greet The Archaeologist from the Lincon site.

The Archaeologist. "Have you got a computer & a video projector I could borrow? I wish to show you all the film I made." The film started with the finding of the coffin. Then the opening of the coffin & the cleaning of the contents. It showed the DNA being extracted from the bones. Then it showed the Computer team recreating the body.

As the body became lifelike Amanda burst into tears & said, “I am sorry.”

The Archaeologist, "We got some very strange results from the DNA." From two we found that exactly half of their DNA matched the body as if they where daughters of that person.

We also found that there was one who matched the other half of the two girls DNA as if she was the mother. There were also several others who had almost the same DNA. One alone carried all the same DNA sequence. Queen Gabriel & Maddy had disappeared shortly to return dresses in the clothes & mail of a Brigantine Queen. Queen Gabriel wore the Golden Helmet of Thor. While Maddy wore the Silver of Loki, Queen Gabriel carried the sword & sceptre while Maddy carried the lance & dagger. Little Lily & little Rose both dressed similar carried the shields of Thor.

Amanda, "You where warned that the very bones would walk".

The archaeologist, “I see but do not believe my eyes. I see two Queens of Brigantia in full battle dress accompanied by their Paige's." The archaeologist turned to Barbara & Nester, "You both knew where the coffin was when you suggested we dig there."

Queen Gabriel, "Yes you do see two Queens of Brigantia in full War dress. I will ask nicely for the bones to be returned to the family & not displayed in a museum. Had Barbara & Nester been able they would have recovered the bones but it was outside their scope. In case you are wondering these are the real McCoy and not a replica.”

The Archaeologist turned to Amanda, "Your name has changed only slightly while one of your daughters stayed the same."

Amanda, "His hair was longer & his eyes a deeper blue like Queen Gabriel. You also missed the spear & sword he carried. Andy reprogrammed the computer & the new design came up. "That was my husband so you were not far out."

Queen Gabriel, "Sit & watch this." The Archaeologist watched what looked like a replay of a cup final but it was showing the Welsh king being executed by the Romans & then the fleeing to York of Cartumander. They then saw Venutias go on the warpath with two of his daughters. The North & East of Britain rose up against the Romans. Venutias fought in hand to hand combat with the Roman Emperor and slew him.

As the Romans where running away a stray arrow killed Venutias. His daughters rubbed his blood on their body & vowed revenge on all Romans. They then set off in their war chariots killing every Roman they came across. Lincoln was put to the sword & from there they totally destroyed London & everything in their path. At this point the film stopped.

The Archaeologist, "For a moment there I thought I was there & was actually watching the battle unfold.”

Queen Gabriel. “You have just have just been privileged to see it as it actually happened down to the last detail." You are holding his bones. In that casket & those pictures you saw where from his memory & those of his Daughters. If you wish we can continue to Nester's final battle."

The Archaeologist. “Would the two Queens please wear the costumes for me?

Queen Gabriel, "That is no longer possible you may photograph the four of us & I assure you everything is correct down to the last detail except one ring that is missing & should have been with the rest of my regalia.”

The Archaeologist handed Queen Gabriel the casket containing the Bones of Venutias. "Queen Gabriel Lynn long ago I made a promise in York to you." Today I honour my promise. Your DNA exactly matched that of Venutias. So you must be him reincarnated. Barbara & Nester carry the DNA as if they where your & Amanda's Daughters. All the others carry your DNA with some slight variations.

Maddy, Little Lily & Little Rose are almost identical to you as if you where one person. When I was sifting through the remains in the coffin I came across this. Nobody but me knows about its existence. But I think Venutias would approve of me giving you this as she slips a Golden Ring with a Pearl engraved with the initials VL. From Venutias Leo to Queen Gabriel Lynn I think is quite appropriate. Please do not mention this to anybody else or I would never work again. Queen Gabriel there is something else I must tell you all. I am called Helena & I also had my own DNA tested" "My DNA exactly matched Barbara & Nester DNA."

As she said this both Little Lily & Candy managed to get into her mind. Helena was helpless as they broadcast within the room all Helena had done. It showed the Brigantines & Iceni sacking York but Helena been allowed to flee whole others were put to death.

There was a gap & then the Russian revolution & Helena again fleeing. There was another gap & then Helena again fleeing from the Invading Germans. Queen Gabriel switched on the receiver & discovered Helena emitted a very faint signal but it was there.

Helena, "Please listen I know this is crazy but ever since I became an Archaeologist I have been interested in the Roman- Celtic period in Britain.”I love my job when I first met Queen Gabriel I thought of Venutias but nothing fit. The second time I knew my mother immediately & the appearance of my sisters confirmed it to me." The blood tests & genetic test confirmed my suspicions. Amanda's reaction when she saw the computer generation also confirms it.”

Helena collapsed Amanda; Barbara & Nester took her to a room & undressed her. The mark was very faint but it was there.

Nester, “I thought Helen died in York.” In the morning Helena awoke to find herself wrapped round Amanda & Barbara. It took a short while to realise where she was.

Candy shouted, “Come on sleepy heads time to get up.” Helena had not brought a change of clothing.

Barbara, "You are the same size as me. I will get you something." Barbara returned with two sets of clothing. "I am going for a shower care to share."

Helena went in with her. Eventually they got dressed. Barbara, Give me your hand sister.” As she glued on nails & then painted them. By the time Amanda & Barbara had finished Both Barbara & Helena looked like twins. They took Helena for her breakfast.

Waiting for them was Queen Gabriel. Queen Gabriel said, "Helena we have a proposition to put to you. I have need of another archaeologist on the staff to work alongside Barbara & Amanda & Andy would you like the job.”

Amanda, "You would need to sell up & move in with us though."

Helena, "You want me here?"

Queen Gabriel, “Come with me.” Queen Gabriel took her through to the rooms they had discovered. "All this needs listing. Also there is other work to do."

Helena, "My entire belongings will fit in a suitcase & everything else is on my laptop.”

Helen, “This is our offer you can turn it down. A home rather than a hotel room. A family who want you. All the clothing, Food & Transport costs covered. All beauty costs covered & no need for money.”

Helena, "What is the drawback."

Queen Gabriel, "You do not receive wages so pay no tax."

Andrea, "Even Queen Gabriel receives no actual wages. What we all earn is pooled & is paid into a central account. From this Elizabeth normally does the purchasing. Queen Gabriel, Andy & Elizabeth along with others are our computer team. Nicole is our designer her designs go under the names house of Nichol or House of Nena. We have our own hair dresser & beautician. Our specialist diving team this brought a giggle from Ariel & Lorelei. You name it & we have somebody here that can do it. In most cases many of us can do multi tasking."

Helena, “I have to complete my contract on the site where I am working." I thought have several problems. I have been using my own money to pay the wage bill as the money I should have received has not come through yet. Secondly I could do with security but again cannot afford to pay.”

Maddy, “How many security guards do you need?”

Helena, "The site is very large 50 would be great but nearer 100 would be fantastic.”

Queen Gabriel, "Beside yourself how many Archaeologists are on site?"

Helena, “All the others are students who come for the extra cash and to learn what to do on a dig.”

Andy Payne, "How many weeks have you left on the site? How many extra students do you need, to complete the task?"

Helena, "I have 10-12 students working under me but that is not enough. I would need at least another 10 archaeologists working with a similar number of students.”

Queen Gabriel, "What about accommodation?"

Helena, "I have permission to use the nearby disused army camp for my site of operation.”

Elizabeth, "I take it there are all facilities & running water."

Helena. “It has even a kitchen in full working order.”

Greta, "If it was possible for you to bring in 30 + registered archaeologists along with Catering, security & trainees would you accept?"
Helena, "Of course I would but I could never afford to pay the wages."

Barbara put her finger to her mouth to tell Helena to shut up. Maddy came with four forms for Helena to sign. The forms stated she subcontracted, GB Cleaning services, GB security Services, GB archaeological services, GB transport services, GB catering & Hotel services & GB Computer Services to take over the site & complete the operation within the specified time. Queen Gabriel asked for the co-ordinates of the former army campsite. Helena gave them. Elizabeth had already sent orders for goods & food to be delivered to the site. Queen Gabriel called for all the family leaving just a small Guard of Ghurkhas on the castle to act as Guides for the visitors.


The rest of the group returned to Lincoln with them through the portal Queen Gabriel had created. Elizabeth stayed behind to keep check on the computers. Queen Gabriel & Andy unpacked the laptops & got them working. Some of the Ghurkhas went on security duty. Mick's family took over the Laundry & Catering. Some of the Ghurkhas & Chinese helped.

They sifted all the soil that was removed. In one section of the site there was a deep ravine with what appeared to be a blocked lake.

Helena. "It is a pity the out flow is blocked if it was lower we might have found something interesting." As she spoke there was a low rumbling as the dam gave way. A great wall of water cascaded out & down the dried up riverbed.

Later in the day Ariel & Lorelei volunteered to go and see if there was anything to be found. They found a cave system and made their way through it. Eventually they came to what appeared to be a staircase. This they followed to some rooms all the rooms where very dusty. They made their way up what appeared to be a spiral staircase at the top they found another room that was spotless but there was a girl sleeping on the bed. Lorelei tried to wake her but could not.

Ariel, "It may be better if we both return together for I think only Queen Gabriel can rouse her.”

Zelda came to see what the problem was. Queen Gabriel was going to perform magic to wake the sleeping girl. Zelda stopped Queen Gabriel. "Try the old way first sometimes a kiss will do it.”

Queen Gabriel did as suggested & the girl awoke. "You managed to get in to free me, "I must have dropped off asleep for a while.”

Queen Gabriel, "How long have you been here?
The girl. "I came to this area on holiday & I was exploring the caves when there was a down poor & the water blocked the exit. Since then I have been trapped. I started marking the days off but then I fell asleep. I was dreaming of a boy I once knew called Drew. I was dreaming he was marrying me & we had lots of twins. Mandy looked at Nena.

Nena, “How old where you when you knew this boy?"

The girl. “I am called Marie Rushton & I met Drew when I was 6 ever since has always been in my mind. I was on holiday with my parents in Plava Laguna in Porec in Yugoslavia".

There was a cough came from Queen Gabriel. "I think we had better get you out of here & find out just who you are & how you survived.”

Marie, "Water was no problem there was plenty but food was." "This was solved when the silver bat dropped fruit usually apples or bananas it was as if she realised I needed help. Before you awoke me I was again dreaming of Drew & that he had lots of sisters & that they were all my bridesmaids & helped me look after all my babies.”

Andy, "I have found it in the police records. She is well look at this.”

Queen Gabriel, “Where is Darcie now?”

Little Lily called Darcie who came.

Mandy, "By any chance did your family ever go to Yugoslavia?"

Darcie initially said, "No." Then said, " I may have done was it a place called Plava Laguna at Porec?"

"Did you ever have a sister who went missing?"

Darcie, "We were on holiday in this area just after dad died. Marie was never found. The police thought some pervert had got hold of her but mother always insisted she was alive."

By the time Darcie arrived Marie had a wash & Mandy had trimmed her hair & given her new clothing. Darcie did not need telling who had been found when she saw the girl. "Marie is that you?"

Marie, “Darcie I was telling them all in my dreams I was getting married to a boy who I met when I was 6 years old. Everyone here seems to find it funny. I presume that even you will one day get married."

Darcie, "I already am as are all that are in this room with you."

Marie noticed the rings, "I would like a ring like that."

Darcie winked to the others & said, "This boy was he good in bed?"

Marie, "I cannot remember that bit but I can remember you & me both feeding his babies."

A smirk came across the face of the others. Andy, “Darcie your twins need feeding shall I bring them in.”

Mandy brought in Queen Gabriel's twins. Darcie took one & started to feed her. Darcie said, Marie help me out let her suckle for a bit while I deal with this one.

Marie sat down & let Princess Beatrice Suckle. It took Marie a while to realise that she was actually feeding the baby.

Darcie, "Sister part of your dream has just come true you are feeding Drew's babies. As to you Marrying Drew that is not, possible but you may have his children."

Marie, "If I cannot marry him then I will stay with you & look after his children."

Queen Gabriel, "You would look after strangers children."

Marie, "If I cannot marry Drew as was promised me then I will look after his children."

Darcie, "Who told you would marry Drew."

Marie, "The silver bat talks to me & told me I would bear Drew's children & have twins like Darcie.”

“Mother was the one marrying me on the top of a hill near our old home.” There was a bit of a commotion outside.

A voice. Is it true has Marie has been found?

Mandy, "What are you doing here?"

The High priestess, "When I realised you needed help I summons the grand coven & additional help is here to help complete the work on time."

Mandy, "Marie believes you have been talking to her & she will marry Drew."

The High priestess, "Oh. Did she say how many children she would have?"

"She told Darcie she would have Drew's twins as she would

The High priestess asked. “Who awoke my daughter?”

Queen Gabriel, "I did in the old fashioned way with a kiss."

The high priestess said, "Queen Gabriel & the others can you come out here a moment & Zelda can you stay with Marie." One outside The high priestess asked, "You definitely gave her a kiss & did not invoke any magic.

Mandy, "Yes." "We can all confirm that."

The high priestess, "Queen Gabriel with that kiss you tied Marie to you eternally like your other wives all we can do is bless the wedding upon Sharphaw when we return.”

Darcie, “Do we tell her that she is bound to Queen Gabriel.”

The high priestess, No but Darcie either you Mandy or Queen Gabriel must be with her until the blessing otherwise she may get ill. Darcie noticed her sister spent most of her time in the Nursery & was often suckling & talking to Beatrice. Queen Gabriel also came in and fed both babies.

During this time Queen Gabriel had quite a chat with Marie. Who one day said, "Can I come on the site & help you?" "Also can you give me another kiss like you did previously"? As they lay down & Queen Gabriel kissed their souls merged & then separate.

Marie, “Drew I think we had better have a talk before the others return".

Queen Gabriel, "I do not go by that name now as you can see why."

Marie, "I can still be your companion like the others."

Queen Gabriel, "When we return on the ancient hill of Sharphaw we shall take our vows. Then you officially join the sisters of DREW."

Marie, "You have taken another two like me." "I can talk with Beatrice, Candy & Little Lily." "Beatrice told me some interesting things".

Queen Gabriel, "In that case give me your hand & try this."

Marie merged with Queen Gabriel. "We are going on the site. Nobody but me knows you are there." Queen Gabriel came to where the High priestess was working.

"We have uncovered a temple of Vesta here. Queen Gabriel I have been thinking perhaps it is better to tell Marie you are now female."

Queen Gabriel. "Tonight I will put it to all my companions & see what they say." That night Queen Gabriel was nursing Beatrice & had Candy & Little Lily either side of her. Darcie started it off by saying, "Sisters we are going to have to tell Marie that we accept her as our companion of DREW.”

Mandy, "It was plain from the way she talks she thinks Drew is still here.”

Queen Gabriel, "Candy & Lily will you accompany me while I put Beatrice down. The others continued talking.”

Once Queen Gabriel had got the others with Marie. Queen Gabriel said, "I want to try an experiment with all four of you.” Queen Gabriel handed Marie Beatrice. “Feed her.” Marie let Beatrice attach herself.
Queen Gabriel. “Lily & Candy hold her hands & I will take hold of yours. All four of them found they were inside Queen Gabriel.

Queen Gabriel, "Can you all here me". Beatrice gave a kick. "Now all of you open your minds & let them merge." Queen Gabriel found she could see what was going on in the next Room. She thought of her father & saw him working at the computer. She then thought of Maddy & saw her signing documents. She thought of Nepal & saw the kings wives were expecting twins.


Gaby thought of America & Sandy & the others. Sandy was full-time as a female now.

Queen Gabriel, "Now separate. Marie you have never met my father what is he doing.”

Marie, "I see a lady getting very cross with somebody & telling them if they do not produce payment they will regret it.”

“Candy can you tell me what my former headmaster is doing now.”

“He is at a bed side the lady has just given birth to twins.”

Lily was next, “Mother I am in Lake Marjorie in Italy. You & Mandy are looking at some bones in a glass case.”

Queen Gabriel, "All of you will now find your powers have increased as will Mandy. "I can now see all you saw & much more."

Come we will all go to the other room? Lisa had said, "I am glad Queen Gabriel took the others we can talk openly now without it been broadcast. Mandy smiled as she felt the others merge.

Maddy, "I do not mind how many more Partners are taken on so long as they all do their bit looking after the babies. Personally I do not want any more but I know Ariel does."

Zita & her sisters. "We all want the Empresses children."

Amanda, "Along with Barbara & Helena we would like children."

Mandy, "Point of order Helena is not yet one of the sisterhood yet."

Barbara, "Once this contract is finished she will also be warming Queen Gabriel's bed. Queen Gabriel & the others could all see what was going on. Before they got back to the room they bumped into Helena.

Helena, "Thank you for without this help we would never have been finished in time."

Queen Gabriel, "The council who ordered the work have still have not paid up & I will be claiming the whole site including the camp when they default.

Helena, "What use is this to you?"

Queen Gabriel, "Once the work is completed we will announce we have discovered an almost complete Roman town outside Pompeii. We will also announce we have found the final resting place of The Emperor Hadrian & the Celtic king Venutias. Tomorrow you will find Hadrian’s last resting place. Helena the others are discussing if I should take you as a partner how do you feel."

Helena, "It has taken me years to find you. I already have accepted the job offer & I would say yes."

Marie cuddled up to her. “That makes another two to feed you Beatrice.” They all entered the room together.

Darcie, "Marie & Helena we have been discussing whether we should ask you both to the sisterhood."

Helena, "Queen Gabriel has just asked the both of us & we accepted.”

Queen Gabriel, "Ladies I have asked the Guards to transfer all you belongings into this building. For tonight we have a terrible weather forecast & I feel we would be better together. Our transport has been moved to a secure place & I have asked the Guards to abandon the site tonight."
Before Queen Gabriel started her meal one of the Guards asked Queen Gabriel & Mandy if they would accompany them Candy & Marie also got up & went out of the room.

In another room there was a very bedraggled Lady who Queen Gabriel recognised. "Have you seen the news yet they are all dead but us.” Queen Gabriel switched on the news, which said, "An attack had taken place at the palace & it was thought it was a joint IRA-Islamic group that had done it."

Queen Gabriel switched the news off. Then Queen Gabriel said, "We can hide you here but you may have to stay hidden for some time."

Queen Gabriel said before we return there is something else we must do. They held hands & Queen Gabriel said, "Winds of the North, South, and East & West I call you to sweep away the dust of centuries & show what was there 2000 years ago." They returned to the others & said a fair storm is brewing up.

The winds howled & they could feel the very foundations shake. The car Elizabeth & Family had fled in was picked up & hurled into the North Sea as if it was a matchstick. Everyone inside the building continued to have their tea. The lights went out & then came back on as the emergency generator kicked in. Eventually the winds abated. Queen Gabriel received an Email from Elizabeth in Skipton.

Queen Gabriel, "Ladies at 12.00 Noon the Lincolnshire County Council defaulted on payment to GB services for this dig." "As of 12.00 Noon GB Archaeological services now owns this site."

Helena, "You own this site now & all below the surface."

The following morning Nena noticed both Queen Gabriel & Mandy where rather occupied as if they were trying to concentrate on something. They switched on the news to discover that most of the royal Family along with President Bush had been assassinated. Eight members of the family where unaccounted for. A car similar to what they had been travelling in had been found in the sea off the Lincolnshire Coast.

As they went outside they discovered this was the only building left standing in the area they had been living. Helena was getting very agitated as they walked towards the site. The winds had removed 2000 years of dust & soil. In front of them lay an almost perfect roman town some even had their roofs on. As they looked around they discovered The Mausoleum Hadrian had built for his wife but ended up using it himself. Inside they found a lead coffin.

The coffin was inscribed in Latin & the translation Read. Killed in battle by my father in law & laid to rest by my wife Princess Helen of the Brigantines & her mother. One of two men we both will miss greatly. On another tablet there was. We must leave now or die in the place of death a great storm is covering the town in sand & we must flee.

Helena called to Queen Gabriel & said, can you return with me to the mess hall. “Queen Gabriel did as requested. Helena hell a casket out to Queen Gabriel & said, "These are yours now open them." "Queen Gabriel opened the casket by inserting the ring with VL in to the lock. The box opened. Inside the casket where several other rings one with the initial C & another with H & one that looked like an N. Queen Gabriel handed the H to Helena & said, "This is yours I believe." Likewise Amanda received the C & Nester the N.

“Queen Gabriel said, "I would prefer it if this was kept to us." The rest of the day was spent exploring the site but nothing else was found. That Evening was supposed to be their last before they packed up and returned home. As they were having tea. A group of men burst in & said, "If you do not tell us where they are we will kill you all."

Queen Gabriel. "We do not know what you are talking about we are archaeologist working on the Roman site. He pointed his gun at Zita. The next second he was on the floor with the gun pointed at him as where all his mates.

Queen Gabriel spoke into the telephone, they had caught a group of terrorists could the police come & collect them."

The girl on the other end thought it was practical joke & sent a lone policeman called PB Sidewhite on his bike to investigate. He got the shock of his life when he found 20 of the most wanted terrorists trussed up like chickens ready for lunch. He then called for backup and reported the call was genuine

The media was there soon after & Mandy gave the interview they wanted and about what they had been discovered and uncovered .

Mandy. "We are Archaeologist who are working for GB services. We have been that busy trying to record what we have uncovered on the site we have had little time for anything else.”

Helena, "Gentlemen I know you came here for another purpose but we must show you a great Discovery."

One of the Reporters, "Do you all work for GB."

Helena, "I was originally commissioned by Lincolnshire County Council to do the Archaeological work on this site. GB services was contracted to do the actual work six weeks ago. However the LCC decided not to pay for services rendered & by the order of the court this site became the property of GB Archaeological services."

"As you can see we have discovered our very own Pompeii.” This town was covered in a dust storm & uncovered by one. The newspapers reported the capture of the terrorists but it was confined to a small column. Every newspaper leaded with the discovery of the Roman Town in Lincolnshire. The discovery of Hadrian’s tomb was also reported.

Note. For history buffs Brigantia was a Pre Roman Celtic kingdom that covered most of Northern England and part of Southern Scotland. They were pro Roman at first, but that was to change. Venutias like the Iceni Queen lead his people in battle against the romans. The 9th legion was based in York or Ebor and no trace was found of their defeat. Emperor Hadrian took Princess Helena of the Brigantees as his wife.

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