Drew & the Half-Term Break Chapter 7

Drew and the Half-Term Break

Chapter 7 - Galadrial’s Return

A Gaby Fanfic

By Sharp

Galadrial’s Return
As Gandolf finished speaking with Oberon other strange people appeared Gandolf bowed before them. "Gandolf where is the Empress that I may pay my respects said the Fairy Queen?"

Gandolf & Tatiana took Gabriel by her hand Gabriel curtsied. The fairy Queen said, "No it I that must curtsy to you for I am a Queen, but you are an Empress. You also are of the blood of my friend Galadrial. My people have discovered that she is been held by the goblins in the caves of sadness."

As she spoke two very ugly creatures appeared. "Goblins how did you and your evil accomplice manage to get in here." She threw a bolt of lightening at them but it missed.

They ran to Gabriel’s side & kneeled down. "Please listen to us & then you can kill us if you wish. I am Oki & this is my brother Goki we both owe our lives to the Great Galadrial. On the day she went went missing we where looking after Justine & Titania her youngest daughter. We got them to safety, but could not save the Queen as we did not know where she was.

Tatiana stepped forward and gave them a hug & said, "These two can be trusted they found & helped release me. They may be ugly but they have heats of gold.”

Oki. “Only goblins have access to Galadria if she is in the caves of sadness.”

The fairy queen. “In that case Goblins will have to help release her. I will provide you with the help you require to effect an escape." Gabriel your enthronement & that of Renate's takes place on the 31st October 2008. Galadrial must be released by then.”

Gaby. “Goblins if you truly are friends of Galadrial then you must now decide if you want to lead the team to free her."

Both Oki & Goki. "Nothing would give us greater pleasure for Galadrial was like a mother to us & we want her free. We would rather die than compromise her children. We will go with seven others to the caves of sadness to free her."

Gabriel. "You may be ugly but you both have hearts of gold as she gave them both a kiss. Oki & Goki may the gods old and new protect you & those that go with you on your quest."

Pan gave them a flute & explained, “When this is played all nearby will fall asleep."

The robin." The bats of the caves will help us. Diana handed them a cloak of invisibility. Then there was the sound of trumpets blowing everybody turned around to see a host of angels.

One of them came forward." The one & only living lord sends his greetings to the Empress. To you the gates of Heaven are always open. The host will protect you on your travels.”

Michael "Go and serve your lady. Go now. The way greets the old.

Diana. "We the representatives of the old greet the Christ & his host.”

Around this time in the halls of Hades Satan summons his cohorts. "Lucifer why has there been a cosmic disturbance?"

"Most vile lord one of the Daughters of Galadrial escaped from where she was been held & has teamed up with two of her sisters who previously escaped us. Currently she is safely in the forest of Herne."

"Lucifer do you expect them to try & free Galadrial & her sisters."

"No most vile lord they are securely fastened & only your trusted goblins have access to them. As for the other three there is no danger from them. Unless they join forces with the Host. And that is a likely as me & Michael becoming partners."

Satan laughed at that joke. As Satan departed in a puff of Sulphur Lucifer gave instructions to change the guard every hour on the Queen.

Chains of silver bound Galadrial however over time they had worn thin. One day Galadrial like Tatiana before her found she could break her bonds. As she broke free of the silver chain 90 years of energy engulfed her. After a couple of minutes she set about setting the others held captive in the caves of sadness free. She had just finished when the goblin guard changed. The goblins found they themselves where the prisoners. The bats of the caves lead the rescue party to the escapees. A couple of them flew ahead to alert the Queen that Oki & Goki where leading a rescue party.

Galadrial. "Faithful bat lead us to them."

The Queen & her party followed the bats & soon where greeting Oki & Goki. Oki greeted the queen his step mother. "I am sorry my queen it took so long to rescue you. Only recently did we find the help we needed to free you. Tatiana, Titania & Justine are reunited."

"Goki my power has returned but it is different somehow."

"My queen now it is you who will have to bow. For your many times great grand daughter is responsible for the rescue party as she was for restoring Tatiana & Titania. With the help of Oberon & the host she sent us for you.

Galadrial. "My blood controls the host."

"Mistress not only the host but the gods of old & the spirits of the trees, Air, Water & Earth. The fairy folk & creatures of the trees & forest. Even Brigid as so know as mother earth bows before her.

Galadrial. "Then children I must greet my blood. For in a short while the demons of hell will be amongst us so we had better go"

Goki. "Mistress we will have you directly back in Valhalla for her enthronement. My Queen.”
The First Battle
21.00 Gabriel & the others after talking with Tatiana went home. When they got back home Gabriel said, "Did we all see what I think we have just seen or have I been too long in the sun.”

Em. "That Michael was fantastic."

Gabriel. "In that case I take it I was not hallucinating then." There was a knock at the door it was the postman with a special delivery item. The Letter had a crown on it. Gabriel opened it. It was the invitation to Renate's coronation in Bavaria. The coronation was to take place on the 31st October 2008 in only a few days time. Justine made her appearance "Gaby I have already made our flight arrangements. We fly to London and from there to Bavaria. In London we collect the others before departing again to Munich” When the plane touched down in Munich there was a fleet of BMW Limos to take them to the Royal Castle of Newswanstein.

At the Castle Gabriel was greeted by her sister Renate. Renate threw her arms around her twin & embraced her. "Come, Come I have something to show you." With that Gabriel followed her sister into the castle.

"They say that mad king Ludwig built this Royal castle but look." Gabriel looked all around at the pictures on the walls. They started off with murals of King Arthur & heroes of legends. Then the pictures progressed through the ages to the modern time.

Gabriel. "I thought you said he was mad. These show the first moon landing the first flight of man & the two great wars."

Renate "That is why they thought he was mad when in fact he could see into the future."

As Gabriel continued to look round at the murals she realised they had come to the present. The mural showed the Empress supported by the Nine. The Empress had a dagger in her hand to slay a demon. As they got to the last panel the sisters stood in front of a golden door.

Renate. "This is strange I know this place like the back of my hand & there was never a door here before. The sisters placed their hands on the door & it opened before them.

In the centre of the room was a golden chair below it was nine others. As the twins explored further Renate said, "Come sister sit with me on our throne for we are the Gemini & can never be parted."

Gabriel. "You the Alpha & me the Omega the beginning & the End. Leslie had seen Gabriel & Renate enter the room. She had been plotting how to get even as she followed them into the hall. A few days earlier Leslie had started recovering her memory.
As the sisters sat upon the throne Leslie burst in on them & said," For what the High Priestess did to me I am going to get even & kill you both." Leslie ran at them in a mad rage.

As she did so the sisters placed their arms on the throne. As they did a light shot out of the chair & as it did Gabriel raised her arm. Leslie you will tell nobody for now for now you are my crybaby. A bolt of energy shot out from Gabriel & hit Leslie. Where once a teenage girl had been now lay two new-born babies.

Gabriel. "Come Renate we must feed our babies." A rather stunned Renate rose from the throne as she went with Gabriel to pick up a baby each.

Renate."What happened to Leslie?"

Before Gabriel could answer her twin there was a rushing noise. "Greetings to the Gemini & welcome to the halls of Valhalla. Renate in front of the gods you promised to share your throne & crown with your sister. Even if it was meant as a joke the ancient gods accept your offer."

In front of them stood a blond haired blue eyed man. Renate asked, "Who are you."

"I go by many names the Norse called me Odin or Wodin, To the Romans I was Jupiter. "I am the light of the world."

Gabriel responded with, "In my father's house there are many mansions." As Gabriel talked both girls suckled the babies.

Then Renate remembered Leslie."Leslie's mother the High priestess will be looking for her."

Gabriel. " No she will not as none other than us will ever remember Leslie. Had Les stayed a Warlock he would have been a danger to us all. His power now resides in us for when the babies feed from us we absorb their power. The power Leslie once had is now shared between the two of us. The babies are now genetically ours & they will in time become useful members of the community again."

Gabriel turned to Odin. "Why do you smile?"

"When I chose you I made the right choice." "You could have the Wisdom of Solomon in you. You chose to preserve life rather than kill even when your life was in danger. Very soon these very halls will echo to the sound of many babies." At this he then vanished.

Around the same time Lucifer had bad news for his Lord Satan. “The Queen has escaped with all her sisters.”

Satan. "May the demons of Hades protect us from her wrath. For she will get even with me. The others I was not worried about but this troubles me greatly & I fear I will be spending the next Millennium in purgatory. Lucifer summons the sprites, Demons & all evil things for on all souls night we attack in force.

Lucifer "My lord they also will be at their strongest then. Would caution not be a better plan & see what they are planning."

Satan. "Lucifer the attack will go ahead as planned & I will lead it my self.”
In the halls of Valhalla the sisters explored further & looked at the chairs. As they Looked Gabriel remembered that she had to choose nine of her closest friends. Each seat had the name of a planet on it also had the name of flowers. As Gabriel looked round she saw the names Justine & Titania in two of the seats. Gabriel touched the seat. "Granny Titania & Justine I love you."

"You summons us Gabriel." Said her great aunt Justine.

Gabriel. "I am sorry for disturbing you. We where exploring & I recognised your name."

Justine. "Come girls let me show you both around."

As they passed each seat Justine touched it and said a name. In seconds seated in the nine chairs where the sisters of Justine. Justine said, "Sisters I would like you all to meet your future Queen & Empress my Great Niece." Gabriel & Renate both of you sit upon the centre throne please."
As they did so they held hands. Gabriel & Renate found their bodies merging into one.

Gabriel. "Renate are you still with me, where are you?"

Renate. "My sister I am safe for we are one now. I control the left & you the right.”

Justine spoke to the sisters, "You can now return to normal again." With that they separated.

Titania. "Girls you will have to get use to sharing one body for on your Coronation you will be one."

The girls looked at each other. "Permanently?" Justine replied, "No silly for the coronation."

The sisters carried the babies into the room where they where all to dine. Nobody noticed the two new babies or that Leslie was missing. After the meal & while the others where exploring Em came to Gabriel.

"Leslie has gone missing & nobody has noticed. Can you help me search for her." As Em was saying this Gabriel & Renate where feeding the two babies.

Renate. "I am sure she is close by."

Gabriel. "Let us put the babies down & we will help you." As the babies where put down they gave a cry. Gabriel touched Em on the head & said, "Forget."

Em stumbled. "Did I tell you tea was ready.
Later that evening Gabriel decided to consult with her grandmothers. Gabriel. "Why could Em remember when nobody else had any memory.

Tatiana. " It was either due to the fact Em was changing or had changed. Gabriel was worried & asked "How can she be changing she is now female? I do not want to lose a friend.

Titania. "Ally is changing also & there is nothing to worry about as she patted her Tummy.

Gabriel went looking for Em & Ally. "Do you two have something to tell me?"

Em looked at Ally. "You just can not keep a secret can you."
Gabriel. "Em it was you not Ally who told me when you started acting strange." "Like telling me the tea was ready nearly straight after we had just eaten."

Back in the halls of Hades Lucifer summons the hellcats. "Do we still have Sigfried here or has he been moved on." He asked the hellcats.

The hell cats brought Sigfried in front of Lucifer. "I intend to restore you to your family. Will you carry a message from me to the Empress." "Tell her she has friends in Hades as well as Heaven & we will all wear golden armbands. lnform her The Great Satan himself intends to attack Valhalla on all souls night. May the living Lord have mercy on me."

Sigfried found himself back at the Castle. As he approached the guards fled in terror for they knew he had been dead for a year. Sigfried entered the castle unopposed. He decided he was hungry & so went to the dining room. There he found festivities taking place. As he opened the door there was calm & the room became silent.

Justine. "Who dares disturb the festivities."

Sigfried "It is I sister dear. I am back from the very gates of hell. "Lucifer sends me with a message for only the new Queen's Ears.”

Unnoticed by Sigfried Renate &Gabriel merged as one. Gabriel took Maddy by her hand and walked to the throne room & said, "Uncle let us talk in here."

Sigfried pointed at Maddy "Not her."

Gabriel. "Uncle what you have to say can be said in front of the both of us."

After pontificating for a while Sigfried said, "Lucifer restored me to my family & asked me carry a message to you. Lucifer said, "All your supporters in Hades will have a golden arm band. Satan himself intends to lead the attack on Valhalla on All souls night.”

Gabriel summons the entire group to the Hall of Valhalla. Gabriel said, The new & old will unite this night. Sisters of Tatiana take your seats everybody else go and stand behind one of the chairs and place your hands on the shoulders of those in front. Will the nine please all join hands once I sit down? As Gabriel returned to her throne Maddy was still sat there. "Maddy I almost forgot you." "You better unite with the two of us." Maddy found her body merge with Gabriel she also discovered that she had a far stronger personality than Renate & took control of the Left side. As Gabriel took her seat she found the power of the nine flowing into her

Gabriel. "Uncle that just leaves you now." "You are still week from your journey but are still in danger." As Gabriel spoke there was a great flash & the entire hall was light up. Standing in front of the Highest Chair was the most beautiful lady Gabriel had ever seen. The light seamed to emanate from her.


"Child come here."

She beckoned to Gabriel. "Now is not the time to get to know you as there will be plenty of time after the battle. She touched Gabriel on the head & placed a small golden crown upon it. "From today you are the new Empress lead your people wisely." As she spoke she said, "son come and be reunited with your brothers & I on the high chair."

Sigfried did as his mother ordered him. Gabriel watched as only Galadrial was left & she took her place upon the high chair.
As Gabriel took her seat again at the centre throne the hall got brighter still. Michael appeare. “The host awaits your command my Queen. Gabriel started the spell to protect the entire group. Oki & Goki came running in & fled to the protection of Galadriel. The hall door burst open there was Satan with Lucifer by his side.

Satan. "Greetings to the new Queen from the depths of Hades.”

Gabriel. "Welcome Satan but I must warn you that only females are now allowed in the hall of Valhalla.”

Satan . "Rubbish the great Odin & Heroes of old have walked these floors.” As he said so Satan ordered his minions to attack. A great golden beam shot out from Gabriel's throne. Within 10 minutes the great battle was all over. All around the floor was covered with new born baby girls.

Galadrial came down & took Gabriel's hand & said, "Not one drop of blood spilled that was fantastic now I can get to know you better. First though we have this problem to deal with.

Gabriel. "We have to find homes for all these babies.

Gabriel."Michael will the host collect all the babies with Golden bands upon them. Michael one of these is very special to you & warned me make Lucifer happy this time. Take her & her companions to the light."

"Herne "For years my beloved animals have been vanishing from the face of the earth let me have some to become my people.

Gabriel. "Herne you can have all the others but first there is one I must find." Gabriel searched the remaining babies until she found the one she wanted.

Gabriel. "Satan you imprisoned the Great Galadrial & her daughters my grand mothers. Today in front of the nine you will pay for your crimes. You are condemned to live the next 10000 years living as a female & never getting older than 20. In time I hope you learn some compassion. Herne you may take all the others to do as you desire"

The next day the world woke up to find animals long since though extinct walked again on the face of the earth.

The Woolly mammoth & Mastodon once again roamed the earth. The Dodo & passenger Pigeon, The Unicorn & Flying horses appeared. In countries all around the globe animals started to appear. At the same time all warring groups made peace. Once again peace was restored to the earth. Gabriel let Herne tale the two babies that had been Leslie & he promised they would beome something special. The next day Herne returned with Two golden unicorns & handed them to Gabriel as a gift of the Gods.
Gabriel took the baby Satan into her arms & said, "Are you hungry let mummy feed you." Satan let out a wail as Gabriel placed the baby’s mouth around her nipple. As the baby fed Gabriel felt Satins power leave and enters her. "Good from now on you will only ever be good & if you continue to be good I may permit you to live a normal life."
Gabriel, Maddy & Renate separated. "Renate you are my sister & twin we will always be one you must be united as one with my companions." Maddy we are now bound together through all eternity first as my cousin & then my friend & now my Queen. You will never be one of the nine for you already have united with us. Maddy you proved your love many times over & with Jool’s provided the compassion & help when I needed it." Ally came in with the next generation for feeding.

Maddy spoke, Gabriel soon we will have to name our babies & have them christened."

Gabriel. "Next year at this time will be soon enough."

Maddy said as she cradled the baby, "What are we going to call her?"

Gaby. "What indeed."

Ally. "What about Shona?"

Helen, "It is a very nice name."

Darcie, "I like it." From then onwards Satan became Shona. She actually developed into a very nice female. She enjoyed playing with her sisters & cousins. Never more did she want to be as she had previously.
A Week Later
One day about a week after the battle had taken place. Gabriel was called to the throne room. There she found her mother, Grand Mother & great Grandmothers they spoke to her. "Gabriel we know you like it here but we must return to our ancestral homeland."

Gabriel."What about my sister?"

Galadrial. "From 6pm to 9am she will be reunited with you. Otherwise she will be here. Oki & Goki will keep her company & advise & guide her during the time she is away from you.”

Tatiana. "All the rest will return to the ancient homeland as there our base will be. You Gabriel will continue to run the business as you are doing now.”

"Your father has bought our new home & offices whilst we have been here."

Gabriel looked at her mother. "Dad has been buying again."

Justine. "Jenny have you not told her yet or have I to break the news."

The other ladies. "We are jealous you get a kiss and cuddle Justine." They laughed as Gabriel did the same with each one of them.

Galadrial then sat Gabriel on her knee like a little child. "We all are returning to Skipton along with all of your friends."

"Your company has by now purchased the ancient Castle. Some of the apartments where built for the Queen of France's Daughter & niece to Henry the VIII. They will sure do for an Empress."

Justine."Nearby are some former offices once belonging to a Building Society. Thet are now they are now surplus to requirements. Your father saw them as ideal for our latest venture."

Titania. "The Castle was the ancient home of the White Coats so it is rather apt that it is the new home to the White Witches. Like Bavaria it has lots of tourists it is also on the conjunction of the Great Ley. From here our powers will be amplified 1000 fold."
Skipton Again
It was with great sadness that Gabriel left behind her twin sister in Bavaria. at Munich airport they boarded their flight to Leeds-Bradford International Airport. It was a slightly shorter journey than to Manchester & the travelling time after landing was less. A fleet of coaches awaited them to take them to their new home. As the coaches drew up and parked outside the ancient Gatehouse. Gabriel read the inscription DES OR MAISE

Maddy, "It means henceforth,” As they all piled out of the coaches Gabriel's father was there to greet them.

As she saw her father Gabriel ran like the wind to greet him. & threw her arms around his neck. "Daddy" she said as she kissed him.

Jools looked at Maddy. "It looks like she is pleased to see him."

Gabriel's father, "Come in it is still a bit of a mess. All the unpacking is not yet completed. There is nothing a few witches or trainee witches cannot soon put in order.” In no time at all every thing was in its proper place & the castle was tidy.

Gabriel's father. "I had better show you our new training centre & corporate offices. Follow me. The girls went out of the main gate and through the gatehouse they then turned left and 100 yards on our right hand side was this fantastic Stone building with a multi-storey car park. These are our new offices."

"Gabriel & Ally will you help me with main frame set up & get it linked to our other offices around the world."

Gabriel. "What other offices dad."

Dave Bond. "While you Gabriel and your friends have been away the company has expanded rather quickly." They where running training centres in every major town in the UK & USA. Next year we are expanding in to Europe.

Gabriel's Great Grandmother. "This centre is special though. While the others teach the normal subjects this one will have specialist subjects. Skipton with the power residing in mother earth is the ideal place for our special training centre. A while ago you and your friends thought it was a good idea to have lessons in witchcraft & magic on the curriculum. Justine trained you in some of the arts & so did Tatiana. After discussing the topic among the senior family members we decided to put all the witches in one cauldron so to speak. There are still some of my daughters & their families still missing. We hope to locate most of them."

Gabriel & Ally helped install all the computers & software. While installing them Gabriel asked her father, "Dad could you obtain a satalight reflector & some receiving Equipment."
Two days later the equipment arrived. The dish was called the Starlight receiver 9000 it was ground based on a motorised support. After Helping installing it. Gabriel said, "Dad do you want to try it first or shall I?" Ally switched on the Equipment & it gave them a direct Starlight linkup. The software Gabriel had installed allowed her to track radio waves of various frequencies. As Ally switched it on everything seams to be in working order. They soon found the frequency they needed.

Gabriel. "Good tonight we can give the family a demo." That evening Gabriel & Ally gathered the family together at 17.00.

Ally. "Galadrial & Tatiana following your capture contact was lost with the remaining members of the family. Gabriel & I think we have a way of locating some of them. Gabriel switched on the bank of computers. We all know it is possible to receive radio waves. So we thought we could track radio waves."

Tatiana. "How can this help us?"

A smile crept across the face of Justine. "It is brilliant I wish I had thought of it as it would have saved me a lot of foot slogging."

Gabriel explained. “Because of our powers all witches emitted radio waves & these could be tracked.”

One area on the screen was a mass of red. "That is us,” said Ally They moved the screen & in Munich there was one solitary red dot.

Gabriel. "Watch in a couple of Minutes it will vanish as Renate joins us here." Renate joined her family & confirmed she had been in Munich. Following this revalation they started to scan for other red dots. They found several red dots in Africa. Some in India & some in Australia.

Galadrial. "We need somebody to go and check out this first. We will start with Africa." Jool’s, Kat & Em all wanted the chance to go and find their missing aunts. The first destination was Lagos in Nigeria. Before they boarded the flight Gabriel handed her sister a laptop.

Gabriel. "This has a built in detector." The flight to Lagos took 4 hours. The girls thought they where on a wild goose chase although they had decided to give it a try all the same. In Lagos they hired a taxi & told the driver where to take them. He took them to the place where they wanted to be. Unfortunately the taxi developed a problem with the engine & the girls had to stay where they where until it was fixed. As they entered the hotel, in the reception was the local witch doctor that could see their auras. The next morning there was a great multitude outside the hotel.

Their telephone rang & asked them if they could come to the reception. At the reception the witch doctor was waiting. Greetings to the sisters of the Great White Queen. The girls thanked him & asked who had told him who they where. The witch doctor explained he saw them arrive, as he owned the hotel.

Jool’s. "We have been sent to look for missing sisters of ours."

The witch doctors. "In that case I can help you in your Quest." He clapped his hands. In came slaves carrying sedan chairs. The chairs where placed down in front of the girls. Out stepped three very beautiful ladies.

Jool’s. “Rose, Iris & Flora I presume.”

Rose "You speak with the authority of the Queen. Although we do not know who are you.

Jool’s. "Galadrial & the old nine have been released. Galadrial is my Great Grandmother many times removed & the Empress is my sister. The Empress commands you return with us.”

Flora. "In that case we must return to the fold. First though we must collect our families." Jool’s thanked the witch doctor for looking after her sisters & invited him to their home. 27 witches accompanied the girl’s home. Before boarding the aircraft.

Flora. "What about our sister in Ghana?" Jool’s pulled out the computers & sent an email returning with Flora, Iris & Rose first though going to Ghana before returning home.

In Ghana it did not take long to locate Lauren. "It will not take me long to pack. Most of this is rented.” Gabriel & Ally watched the screen as the plane left Ghana. That is one Africa group on the way home.

A party was planned for the returning group. Gabriel decided to book the Waterfront for the party but also remembered how Les had met his end.

After giving it consideration Helen informed Maddy's mother that she would provide the security for the night & she alone would deal with the gatecrashers. Em reminded her to station somebody by the rear staircase. In the event there was no gatecrashers & the party went on until 04.00 in the morning. Following this results they decided to try & locate some others. The Indian group turned out to be in Nepal. But first they thought they would try Tunisia.
After Jool’s had returned with a successful mission. Gabriel decided she would lead the next group to North Africa. Gabriel selected Maddy, Jool’s, Em, Kat & Darcie. Buttercup & Daisy also wanted to go along. They flew from Manchester to Monastir Airport. The flight was 3 hours long. When they arrived in Monastir it was night but the first thing that greeted them was the heat rising from the ground. A coach took them to the Sahara Beach hotel where they rested. The following morning they had breakfast. After breakfast Maddy & Jool’s asked if the others minded if they rested for a while by the pool.

Gabriel said, "That is OK with us we will go to the Market & see if we can pick up any trace there."

Whilst in the Market Gabriel looked at some carpets & the man said, "Persian are OK but the very best are made in Tunisia." Eventually after much haggling Gabriel bought two carpets from him.

He. "He would post them on."

Gabby. "It was OK they would take them now."

The man looked at Gabriel. "I have something very special in the back.To you it is free as you have been such a good customer."

Gabriel followed him in to the back of the shop. There laid out was this beautiful carpet. "I call this the Empress for it is fit for an Empress. This is my gift to you my second gift is a warning to beware the followers of Khan for they mean you ill."

As they left Gabriel. "What do you make of that?" Darcie, "I think we had better get back to the others."

As they walked through the market back to the hotel they where approached by a lady who said, "Mistress return now for your friends lives are in danger as are yours."

Kat "That is the second warning we have received perhaps we should return to the hotel now." As they got to the room they discovered Jool’s & Maddy putting up a fight against two men but loosing. Jool’s & Maddy gave up the struggle when they saw Gabriel. The men had failed to see the group behind them.
Gabriel. "Freeze". The two men found them selves paralysed.

Jool’s & Maddy got up. "They are white slavers & intended to sell us to somebody called Khan.”

Gabriel turned to one of the men. "If you value your lives tell me now what you intended to do with my sisters.”

The two men looked at each other & then one. "Khan pays us with lots of gold for all the Beautiful ladies we find him."

The second. "Somebody will be coming with the money for these two they will fetch a good price.”

Gabriel "In that case we had better not disappoint the buyer had we. "
At that moment a golden ray shot out of Gabriel's hand & hit the two Men. The men when they awoke found they where in dresses & bound and gagged. Gabriel called for a porter & said, She had to go out but could the porter stay until the guests arrived to collect two packages.

Gabriel paid the porter for his time. “The men would leave something for her. Unknown to the porter Gabriel had left a mini camera hidden in the room.

Four men came to the room. The porter let them in. “The packages are in the other room.”

One of the men went through & came back. "Abdullah has done us proud this time." He pulled out several envelopes & handed them to the porter. "Give these to your master when he returns & have this for your self.”
After they had gone the porter waited for Gabriel's return. He handed her the envelopes he had been given. "I was given another envelope. I was told to keep it for myself. Mistress you already have paid me for my time. He handed Gabriel that envelope over as well.

Gabriel. "No keep that it was given to you." Gabriel counted the money out on to the bed. "Well it appears you both are worth at least  £100,000 each to somebody. I think for the moment we will return to the UK for we need to devise a better plan." They returned home with their purchases from the market but nothing else. "Ally can you change the frequency & gave a new frequency. I tagged those two & now we should be able to find where they are taken. The tags showed they had been taken to the oasis of Gabbes in the Sahara desert.

Maddy. "There is nothing for miles & miles we need a rescue plan if we are ever to go there."

Em, "Look at this it is a web site I have found." The great Khan promises to pay you money for every beautiful lady you bring him. There is even a Price list of what he will pay. Apparently if you are blond Blue eyes & white you fetch the most at  £75.000-  £100,000. Jool’s & Maddy fetched top Money.

Galadrial came into the room with Titania. They looked at the web site. Titania. "Have you a picture of khan?" Eventually Ally found a picture.

Titania & Galadrial looked at it & said, "It reminds us of some body." "Is it possible to copy the photo & then change the hair style so they look female.

Gabriel even put Khan in a white dress. "Is this what you wanted". Asked Gabriel.

Galadrial. "Is it possible to get a close up of the wrist."

All who where watching the screen recognised the mark at once. Gabriel said, "So the great Khan as he styles himself is one of my cousins & if he is there then there is the possibility my aunt is also.

Dave. "Whilst you where away I was playing with the receiver & now we can get better reception. "Blue is those two markers you put on the copies." But look at this there is a Green & yellow also at Gabbes.

Gabriel. "We still need a plan before we go charging off to Tunisia again.

In Tunisia Khan was please with his recent acquisitions & paid plenty for them. The two girls kept insisting they where men which annoyed Khan. One night after he had been drinking with some of his mates he complained loudly about these two. “ I wish those two could not speak as they are driving me crackers.” Two of khan's men heard him & decided to take him literally & they removed the tongues of the two girls so they could no longer talk. Khan was devastated when he found what had happened. Shortly after that incident he started taking both of them to his bed. Very soon both females found new life growing inside them. Unfortunatley both of them where to lose the babies at 20 weeks.
One day Kat, Ally & Em where busy cleaning the windows at the castle. Kat who was on the ladder at the time noticed a young man wandering around the grounds looking lost.

Ally. "He looks rather lost should we help Him?"

The other two agreed. Kat. “Oh my God it is Dan the American the one who dumped both Gabriel & Darcie."

Ally. "Stay up the ladder he does not know us.” Ally in her sweetest voice said, "Hello can I be of help to you?” Dan was still looking round. When he heard a voice speaking to him.

He saw two very attractive girls in front of him. "I am Ally & this is Em" Can we be of any assistance to you."

Dan. “I was supposed to meet a friend here & then we where going to meet some friends I have not seen for a long time. As he was talking to the girls he failed to notice the ladder with Kat on it. Dan walked right into the ladder. The jolt caused Kat to drop the bucket of water right over Dan’s head. The girls looked at the wet bedraggled mess in front of them.

Kat came down the ladder pretending not to recognise Dan. “Sorry about that but you did try to knock me off the ladder. We had better get you cleaned and dried off.” The three girls led Dan to the private wing of the castle.

Kat. "If you strip of we will clean your clothes for you. While you take a shower we will see if we can find something to fit you." Ally handed him some shampoo and body wash. “Use the shampoo first there were some nasty chemicals in that bucket of water. Then use the body wash.”

Kat disappeared with all his clothes. “We better had washed them as we promised but He will not need them for a while.”

Ally "By the time Dan has finished having a shower he will have changed quite a bit.”
Kat. "You haven’t gone and put a hex on him have you? For Gabriel would never stand for that."

Ally. "No, I have just handed him blond colouring and hair removing cream. Providing he does not use them the wrong way round he should be turning blond about now.” As he showered Dan failed to notice his body hair going down the plug hole. He also had not noticed that his rather long hair had turned blond. As he started to dry himself the girls returned. He quickly wrapped a towel around himself. Ally & Maddy brought in some dry clothes.

Mean while Gabriel was talking to Darcie & her sister Adrienne about Adrienne’s boyfriend. “He supposed to be meeting me here. I was hoping you could help us with a problem he has.”

Darcie & Gabriel. " What problem".

Adrienne. "It all started after he fell during one of the practise sessions.” Gabriel & Darcie where all ears. Adrienne continued "Each time we make love he appears to get more feminine.

Gabriel looked at Darcie. "Honest it is not me. "

Gabriel. "We could do with checking this out.

Kat came up to them. “Have Ally & Em called for you two yet. They have a surprise for you both in the WEST WING. With that Gabriel & Darcie followed by Adrienne & Kat made their way to the west Wing.

Mean while Dan had got dried. He went to put on the clothes provided. "What's this as he held up a dress and a pair of knickers."

Ally. "Sorry, we only have girl clothing here. It is only until yours is dried". As Ally got close to him she touched him on his head and said, "Freeze."
Em. “Now we can get a proper look at him."

Ally. “ Oh my he got a bigger bust than me.”

With that Em came to look. "We better provide him with a bra as well." With that Ally quickly found Dan a bra to fit. Em & Ally decided to do Dan’s hair face and nails. It was not long before they had finished.

Ally. “Em Do you remember how to do the manipulation.”

“Yes but it is quite a while since I practised on anybody." With that she performed a slight operation on Dan.

Ally. "Come on lets get her dressed & then we can take her through to the others." They soon had Dan dressed and ready.

Em. "Unfreeze. Would you please accompany us? " Dan was led into another room where there was Gabriel, & the others seated down.

"Empress" said Ally with a giggle "we found this stranger wandering about." A bucket of water fell on them so we have provided them with clean clothing until there’s is clean & Dry.

Adrienne. "You have not seen a young man wandering about have you? We where supposed to meet here but he appears to have vanished".

As Gabriel went to greet the stranger she burst out laughing. "Darcie I think our surprise is here. Although I think the biggest surprise is for Adrienne.”

Darcie. "Dan Thompson.”

Adrienne came across "It look as if these two have already solved my problem for me.”

Dan then burst into tears "Gabriel after I made love to Adrienne I started to turn in to a female. I grew a pair of busts that any girl would be please with. My hair grew long and I do not need to shave. Now everything has gone". As he spoke he clutched his stomach and fell down to the ground.

Gabriel. "You had better get Danielle to a bed we will be up soon to see to her.” With that Em & Ally took Dan to the guestroom and prepared her for bed.

Ally."I though you fixed Dan."

Em. "I did so he looks even more like a girl".

Ally. “Can you explain why she is having a period then."

Em looked gob smacked, "That's just not possible is it."

Adrienn "I take it that neither of you are responsible for her transformation? It does not matter I still love her although I would have preferred her to have stayed as he was."

Gabriel. "We cannot blame Em & Ally for this. It is for the entire world as if somebody has put a hex or spell on him.”

Gabriel, Darcie & Adrienne went to the guestroom. There they found Em & Ally looking rather sheepish. "We did not change him into a girl. Although we did dress her as a girl.”

Em "Gabriel Danielle is as female as any of us".

Ally. "Yes she is having her period at the moment".

Adrienne looked shocked. "That is impossible only last night he was in me."

Gabriel laid her hand on Dan head. She is sleeping soundly but I detect magic in this. "Adrienne come over here," said Gabriel. Dan was perfectly ok when both your sister and I slept with him. This brought back memories to Gabriel & Darcie. Just how many times have you slept with him asked Darcie?

Adrienne. "Last night was the third time. Each time we kissed and cuddled his chest expanded."

Gabriel. "Let her sleep & we will try and work something out. Maddy will you go and get blood samples from Dan. I want to check something out.” Gabriel checked the samples all the samples showed XX there was no XY in sight. “According to this Dan is a female.”

Gabriel after giving it consideration decided to call on the family for advices. Back in the main hall Gabriel summands everyone to attend. Gabriel spoke somehow a friend of mine has been transformed into a girl. I am not pleased. Everybody looked at each other. Nobody would admit to it.

Darcie’s mother. “How far had it progressed.”

Gabriel. “As of last night she is 100% female.”

Adrienne burst into tears. Ally brought Dan to the assembled Grand coven. Each of the older ladies inspected Dan.

Each witch there shook her head. The high priestess was next she looked at Dan and then at her daughters. "By any chance have you meet up with an African over the last few weeks.”

Dan. "No”

Adrienne. "Yes you did. Don’t you remember. The Negro who reversed into us in the car park and you swore at him." He said he would teach you a few manners."

With this information Gabriel said, "Gandolf. "

The wizard appeared. “What can I do for you Empress?”

Gabriel explained the problem & that she believed one of Gandalf''s former students was responsible. Gandolf laid his hand on Dan. "Yes she has definitely been hexed."

“This is most unusual it is almost like a virus but only take effect when in contact with a certain female. Where is the partner?” Gandolf laid his hand on Adrienne. “You are the other half of the spell. Each time you got close to him, he will change untill there is nothing left to change? This is hex is not reversible. Unless you can get the person responsible to counteract it within the next 24 hours she will be like that forever.”

Gabriel spoke to Tatiana & her sisters. “We all know who has done this. But three of you where very close to him will he counteract it.”

Just then Gandolf reappeared with the culprit. “Sorry Empress it was only meant to last for a month to teach those two a lesson about being rude.”

The Wizard took the spell off Adrienne. Then he set to work on Dan. Part way through he stopped. “I have a major problem with this one. The spell was only partially responsible. I can remove my work but deep in his mind he always wanted to be a girl.”

Gabriel. "What. I do not believe that."

Darcie. "Neither do I"
The wizard saw the purple light starting to emit from Gabriel. “Please I spoke the truth although he probably never knew him self for it was so deep seated. His mind took over control of the spell and changed his whole appearance. I can change him back but he will never look as he once did. In fact it is probably better for her to remain a female rather than a feminised man.”

Gandolf came across to double check. “Gabriel the spell has been taken of Adrienne. The spell on him is still active although it should not be. Obviously something has gone drastically wrong. He turned to Adrienne and Dan. "Well the decision has to be yours."

Dan. "Gabriel if I stay in this form can you change all my records to show me as a female. Secondly I was in love with Adrienne and intended to ask her to marry me. If I stay in this form that is not possible. If I was to revert back I would still look like a girl but I could give Adrienne the baby she has always wanted."

Adrienne. "I love Dan has she now is and I will still marry her however she looks. I have some samples from Dan stored as soon as I realised that there appeared to be a problem. As for giving me a present Dan has already done that four weeks ago.” Adrienne patted her tummy.

The High Priestess. "We had better get a wedding organised quick before two many people notice."

Dan then spoke to the wizard. “I am sorry for swearing at you when you reversed into us. Can you make me appear male for my wedding day and then revert me to this form."

The Negro Wizard accepted the apologies and promised he would try and do that.

Dan then turned to Gabriel. "Adrienne & I had intended to ask if there where any jobs going here for us as Adrienne will not be able to continue with Ballet now she is expecting and neither will I now that I am female."

Darcie. "Why can't you continue with ballet."

"Well look at me how can I dance the male part again."

Gabriel. "Who said you had to dance the male part when you are ideal for the female part." Adrienne looked at him and cracked out laughing. "They are right. You would make a good Prima."

Darcie. "We can find a job here for the both of you.Please give dancing a chance first. Besides after having the baby Adrienne may want to return".

The high priestess went to give Dan a kiss & said, "You will have to think of a new name to go by." As she kissed Dan she looked puzzled. "Dan who was your mother?”

Dan " The honest answer is I never did know for I was found wrapped in a wicker basket with a Gold and silver shawl. In the basket was a note asking the finder to take care of me. It said my mother loved me but her life was in danger and she had to get away. I was adopted by the Thompson’s' I never did find my real family.” As Dan was telling this story Gabriel noticed the expression change on three of the Witches. Rose, Lily & Lauren.

The High priestess, “Come Danielle with me please.” Dan did as requested. She changed the dress Dan was wearing. "How does Faith sound as a name."

Dan. "Yes that will do for me."

High priestess. "Faith I do not know why I did not spot it before but you are my niece."

Faith looked at her. “Which witch is my mother.”

"I am not sure but I do know three likely candidates.”

With that they re-entered the room. “Empress I introduce my niece Faith to you. "

Before Gabriel could reply there was a shriek "No" from Rose, "That is not your job". Rose jumped up as Lily & Lauren tried to hold her back.

"Aunt Rose is there a problem?" said Gabriel with a smile.

Lauren. “Gabriel, Faith is Rose's child. She was very ill when we took herto a friend for treatment. However it was not possible for her aunts to look after Faith so she was left Faith on the doorstep of the Thompson family. By the time Rose was recovered the baby had been adopted by them and so we decided to let things rest as they were. We always kept an eye on Faith until thefamily moved away and we lost contact with them.”

Gabriel. "Aunt Rose I think you had better introduce my cousin Faith don’t you."

Adrienne. “Darcie does that mean I have just got pregnant by my own cousin"

"Afraid so.” said her mother. "It solves one problem though. Why the change was happening. It happened to Gabriel, Em, Roberta, Kirsty& Kerry to name but a few."

Gabriel. “How many more of you have missing Children or Grandchildren. For I understood we had reunited almost everybody.”

As she spoke there was the sound of trumpets. They looked around to see Michael had put in an appearance. "Very soon the whole town will be filled with your brood. Why not try looking in Nepal and the Sarara desert. "

Gabriel brought out her scanner indeed there appeared to be a large contingent in both places. Why did I not notice them before? Then Gabriel remembered how Kahn had tried to abduct her sisters but they had taken the abductors instead. She also remembered how the soldiers from Nepal had treated her in London.Gabriel thought for a moment. "Right first we summons everybody here”
No sooner had she said that than Oberon & his family Came followed by Neptune & his daughters. The last to arrive was Woden. "You wanted me here, he said with a grin?"

"Grandpa & Uncles we are all going on an official visit to the Temples of the Heavens."

Odin. "Oh good I always enjoy going to Nepal.”

Gabriel was a little worried about her cousins and Neptune. Neptune assured Gabriel that they would all be ok.

Gabriel sent an email to Nepal to say they where coming. This caused rather a lot of running about in Kathmandu. For the priest king wanted everything to be ok for his special guests. Although they could have transported there direct. They decided to take the long route and take a flight there. With the amount of them going it was better for them to charter their own aircraft. They took the flight from Manchester to Kathmandu. Gabriel was asked why she required everybody.

“We are looking for missing family members. My treatment in London previously leaves me to believe that some of the family may be residing there. Even if they are not it is good for public relations.”
After what appeared to be a very long flight there flight touched down in Kathmandu. . The red carpet was certainly out for Gabriel. Before the flight touched down everybody smartened themselves up and changed clothes. Gabriel was the first to depart the aircraft. As they saw Gabriel the Nepalese people prostrated themselves on the ground before her.

There was a fleet of Limos waiting to take them to the palace.

Gabriel. "Let them take the luggage for we will walk among the people." As they walked through the main street of Kathmandu all the people prostrated themselves on the ground. As she approached the palace the guard came out to greet her.

“Hail Empress of the heavens.” Gabriel notices two tall white men with the guards.

"Come here you two.” They did as ordered. “I know you two. We met in London. " As she spoke she noticed the EH on one mans arm and then the same on the other man.

“Only one of you offended me. Yet you both now have the mark why?"

"We both got demoted for allowing the problem to get out of hand. Also our friends took exception to the way I spoke to you. So they gave me the same treatment."

"Come escort me" as she took one in each arm. "You are following my instructions and the brand says you are mine to do as I see fit."

The king priest came to welcome Gabriel.

"OH Empress & Queen of the heavens welcome". He looks at the former Guards.

Gabriel “They are mine." And walk on. “Captain I am looking for some of my family I think I will find them here.”

"Go to the temple of the winds. For there the Oracle may help. As they approached the temple of the winds Gabriel noticed the statues of her and her family. There was one for each of then. There were also several other ones she did not recognise. When some of the others saw the statues. They started to cry. Gabriel stopped the procession.

The king priest came up to Gabriel.”Mistress is there a problem.”

“Who created these statues and where did you get my likeness.”

"My Queen the others made them. They promised that you would return to collect them and take them back to the Kingdom of Heaven.” As the procession approached the temple of the winds they could hear chanting and singing. Gabriel noticed they where singing in English. She came to a halt to allow the older members to catch them up. At the entrance Gabriel waited for her grandmother and great grandmother.

Gabriel spoke to her two leprechauns. "You two look after these two guards for me." A big smile came across the face of Daisy & Buttercup.”

“Mistress Gabriel that will be a pleasure.”

Gabriel took her grandmother and great grandmother in each arm she was followed by her mother and aunts. As the great golden doors swung open there was a shriek from inside. There sat in the chancel was twelve girls who all appeared to be about Gabriel age.

King priest. “We kept them safe until you returned for them.”

As Gabriel approached them one of the girls came running & threw herself at Gabriel. "You came as promised."

Gabriel asked the king priest to leave for a short while. When he did so some of the ladies came running to see if their missing daughters where there. There was a great party and celebrations.

One mother, "There are still some missing."

Gabriel checked her scanner "These are all there is here". For the others we will try the dessert of Tunisia. & The camp of Khan. For I have a score to settle with him.”

The king priest returned. "When you return to the heavens you will take the children?”

Gabriel "Yes".

The king, "Can we have somebody as your representative here?"

Gabriel. "Who I appoint you will have to take care of regardless of sex."

Gabriel thought for a moment she spoke to the two former guards. Would you be my representative in Nepal?” Then to the two Leprechauns. "Would you look after these two for me and be my representatives here?"

The leprechauns. "We have to look after you that is our orders."

Gabriel thought again. "Monday to Thursday you stay here then Friday to Sunday you can rejoin us and bring your husbands with you."

A squeal went up from the girl leprechauns. "We get to keep them for ever?"

Gabriel "Yes they are already marked as mine as are you two. Your Majesty we are going to have a double wedding. My two trusted Leprechauns wished to select their husbands from among your people and have now chosen them as their eternal companions. These four will represent me here. I though will require the in the Heavens for part of the time.”

The king much to Gabriel’s surprise suggested they stay from 9.00 Mondays untill Wednesday at 5.00 PM would do us fine. Then they can spend time with the rest of their family.

The King organised the wedding for the two Leprechauns The Royal gown maker was called to ensure everybody was correctly attired. Gabriel went to check every thing was ok with the girls.

Gabriel. "You two are very dear to me."

Daisy. " Empress those two do not know what is going to happen to them shortly do they?"

Gabriel smiled. "No I do not think they do know Although I do know they both like you."

Gabriel just to be sure went to see the two former guards. "If you have any objection to marrying my friends please let me know now."

The one who had previously talked to Gabriel at length. "Can I have a chat in private." With that Gabriel took him in to another room. "I Love Daisy and under normal circumstances I would have courted her and proposed to her. My grandfather was a friend of a wizard called Gandolf. He taught me some magic. I also know I will turn in to a male leprechaun as soon as we get into the marriage bed. As far as I am concerned it does not matter for I adore Daisy. I only wish my old friend could be here. Also I am worried how George will take it.”

Gabriel. "Do not worry Buttercup will ensure he will forget everything and think he was born a leprechaun."

Gabriel went to have a chat with Daisy. “John has informed me he would have proposed to you regardless of my request. He also knows what will happen to him on his wedding day.”

Daisy squealed "Did you tell him"?

Gabriel, "No". "But he is a friend with a friend of ours."

"Who.” squealed Daisy.

Gabriel. "Gandolf the white."

As she said there was a puff of smoke and Gandolf appeared. "Is this the minks who intends to take my Grandson as her husband."

Gabriel. " He informed us he was an old friend of yours. He made no mention that he was your grandson.”

"He would not for when he failed his practical magic I would no longer acknowledge him as family."

Gaby. “John did request though that you be invited to the wedding. Gandolf if it is a problem for you then I will cancel the wedding though I fear that those two will still go ahead regardless."

Gandolf. "Well he knows what will happen to him the choice is his. Any way Daisy might improve his skills in magic for him."

Gabriel. “ Daisy and John come here. John I have somebody to see you. Daisy meet your future grandfather."

"Gandolf" she said as she slung her arm round him.

Gandolf. "I think today I get my grandson back. He failed as a wizard and failed as a guard perhaps it will be third time lucky. You my friend are going to have to teach him all you know and perhaps one day he will make a decent leprechaun."

Daisy cuddled up to John. "Grandpa Gandolf I would still have gone after him even if he had passed his tests. We where attracted to each other & don’t worry he will make me a fine husband & father for our children.”

Daisy's sister Buttercup entered the room “Daisy is everything ok?"

Daisy ."John he is Gandolf grandson."

"Oh no we now got Gandolf as well as Oberon to contend with What about George he is not another grandson is he."

"Sorry no he is not."

George came through into the room. "I am looking for my future wife." As he looked around he spotted Gandolf. "Gandolf the white."

Gabriel turned to Gandolf "I thought you said he was not your grandson."

"He is not my grandson. He though is my great nephew and another failure like John.”

George. “Uncle we both have found our true calling and girls we love. We have each found lovely girls' to be our wives and mothers to our children. We both will become the very best with these two behind us. Each of the females snuggled up to her chosen mate.

Gabriel. “Gandolf you better ask your family to the wedding. It looks like we are keeping it in the family. The wedding went with out any problems and both boys turned in to red haired leprechauns that night. A short while later their where four more leprechaun girls running around the castle and in Nepal. Both John & George learned from their wives and became quite good at magic although they where driving the king of Nepal crackers.

Back home Gabriel called the others. "We now need to sort out Khan & his minions."

Kerry. "Cousin what do you plan for him?"

Gabriel. " The nine shall accompany me to Tunis Meanwhile another two groups shall also go. I want Lorelei & her sister to lead a group each with Daisy & her sister going in one group each with their husbands. Helen will look after the children. The rest of you can decide which group you prefer to go with. We will depart from Manchester, Leeds and Sheffield airports. If Khans minions are up to scratch they will try and abduct at least one of our groups.”

Lorelei "How about escape.”

Gabriel "If captured I expect you to be taken to the oasis of Gabbes. There is an oasis at Gabbes. "

A smile came across the face of Lorelei and her sister. "All we need is too get everybody to the oasis & protection." As Gabriel spoke a green blue light appeared.

"Good morning father," said the Mermaids.

“Morning uncle.” said Gabriel & the others.

Neptune "I will be waiting on my war chariot close to the oasis. I will not interfere with your plans to free your sisters. Should any of you get harmed then my wrath & that of my brothers will befall on them that harm you." With that he was gone.

Lorelei. "Even the great white whale vanishes out of sight when he loses his temper.”

Gabriel then spoke to Galadrial and Tatiana & Justine. "This time I will only take the younger ones. You and your sister must be the nine again while I am away. For we may need all the help we can muster.”

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