Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 36

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gaby Fanfiction

Chapter 36 Chepstow.
Gaby spoke to the county archaeologist who had approached her. Gaby told him the plan. He said, “So the bridge & road would be restored from Chepstow to the Roman town & Fort. Which depending on what is found will be restored as a fully operational fort & town. The county was only willing to pay for the restoration of the road & Bridge. I can see no problem on working jointly with you on this considering your record with other councils. The only problem I can for see is acquiring the land from the landowners on the opposite banking as we own from Chepstow to the banking on our side.”

Gaby, “There is no problem with the landowners as they would like a piece of the action. If it turns out as I suspect then the owners want to restore what is found.” The archaeologist left.

Gaby, “Right all of you this time get to practice your skills. The sonar has shown other structures under the river & it is too dangerous for normal divers. The visibility is almost nil. We can see & if it is similar to this side then we will take similar action to preserve it.”

Astral, “Gaby can we use some of the new mermaids for this as it would be good for their moral.”

Chang, “The Ghurkha’s can provide all the security we need & we can provide all the catering & labour.”

Gaby, “There will be very little hard labour required. Everyone will participate & you will each have your own area to clear.”

Beatrice, “I see there are no tools for digging mother.”

Gaby replied you have all the tools you need already.” Little Lily whispered, “Use the clean up spell.” As each one of them chanted the spell the soil was whipped away & walls appeared.

Brenda, “We could now all try the restore spell & see if the roofs all go back on.”

The archaeologist rang Gaby to say there was a problem.

Gaby, “Come to the site & tell me about it.”

He approached the site & could see work had begun. “The county is willing to pay for the bridge & road restoring but unfortunately they have not the finances to pay for a dig on this site.”

Gaby, “The dig is already completed as you can see other than the roofs everything was intact. We have had to use new wood for the roofs but all the tiles are original. We uncovered rather a lot of bodies all the bones have been plotted where they were recovered from & put on this map. We have sent the bones off to Bradford University for them to do tests on them. It would appear though the whole town died in an attack in Roman times & never recovered.”

The Archaeologist, “Ah Boudicca revenge. The governor in York reported that rebels had taken & destroyed a town & fort near here. When the relief arrived the river was in full flood & the remains of the town where under water. The site was totally abandoned after that. The Romans did recover some bodies & place them all in a mass grave.”

Lucy, “We have been examining these photos & there seems to be some sort of disturbance over here.”

The archaeologist, “Can we go across there.”

Gaby, “This is part of the area owned by the council.”

“ER what sort of money would it cost me if I agreed to have this area surveyed?”

Gaby, “As I understand we have been given a contract for £1,000,000 to restore the road & bridge. If we happen to find other structures at the same time I suppose it will be in with what we are been paid.”

“OK start uncovering.” By the time they got there all the graves had been uncovered.

“Gaby we found this memorial.” The inscription was in Latin but read, Boudicca’s Revenge. These people Romans & Celts all died because of an error of judgement by our betters. One day we may all become friends again. Until that day I leave this memorial as I take the remnants to our Capital City of Ebor & the Empress Helena.

The archaeologist. “You now have a name for the town Boudicca’s Revenge.

Ally& Darcy. “Gaby we have found some more memorial stones.” Again in Latin the stone read. “This legion is no more they take their standard with them to the future.” The other stone read, “Once our friends & then our enemies in death we honour the Brigantine & Iceni let all who see this realise that in death we are united. This place is scared to all regardless of whether Roman or Celt. Here we are all in the safe keeping of the gods. Let all know that Roman or Celt none are above the law.” This is our punishment for our betters treatment of those most sacred.”

Hester, “Barbara look at this stone & what it said. On orders from the Empress Helena, All the Roman Legions in Britannica have all been ordered to Ebor. There they are to witness the execution of those who offended against the Brigantine & Iceni Queens & daughters.”

“I Maximus have to arrange the executions by beheading in front of the Empress Helena. This is my personal record & as such I hope it survives. My men have been ordered to inter all we find regardless of if they are Celt or Roman. We pray that the Goddess Persephone will look after them all in death. I lay this stone with the dead so the gods know what is to happen. I also lay a second stone with all my thoughts about this. Empress Helena although you would not believe it is far more blood thirsty than either of her sisters or their father. He had the admiration of the Emperor as he was a great tactician. The Empress was all for a quiet life. But when she found the true reason her sisters had gone on the rampage she was not amused. It is with great regret that I Maximus have to oversee the execution of Romans. Some of whom I considered friends. I write a list of those to die at Ebor.” Below was a comprehensive list of Romans who were to be executed on Empress Helena's instructions.”

Helga came & read the stone, “Ah Maximus always did as he was instructed. Alas he died from a fever & was brought home by his men. He was interred by his people the Atribatie.”

Tracy, “We have found one more tablet & the inscription reads “Our dear leader’s hopes are gone. We take him on his final journey to meet the Queen. I doubt that he will make it but it is his wish even if he dies before we get to Helena that we dress him in his finest & fasten him to his horse like a returning hero. Should he die he wished to be taken home to the Atribatie & buried as is their custom awaiting the second coming of the redeemer. All he wishes to take with him is his best uniform & weapons & the cross he believes in.” Septamus.

Helena, “He did make it to York but died before I saw him. Septamus carried the instructions to the letter & also fulfilled the remainder of his master’s duty. He personally executed by beheading all those names you see before you & then he took Maximus home to the Atribatie. As far as I know his grave has never been found but I know where it is.”

Hester, “We knew nothing of this.”

Barbara, “It is a period of time I wish I could forget but as a living working museum of Roman Celtic times. I agree that the town should be called Boudicca’s Revenge. As we do not know the names of the streets I propose we name them after those we know took part. I.E., Via Maximus Maximus, Helena Plaza, Via Septamus & even after those who were executed for their crimes.”

Hester, “I have no objection although could we have an equal number of Celtic & Roman names.”

As the archaeologist returned to the town he was surprised at how fast the workmen had completed their tasks. He looked round the buildings.

Gaby, “We have had to make some concessions to modern times. The Flood banking is reinforced with concrete & although it looks like an earth banking as it did in Roman times it has anti flood capabilities & will not be washed away in the first heavy flooding.”

The county Archaeologist, “I cannot believe so much was still intact after all these years.”

Gaby, “This is considerably larger than what we found at Lincoln. That has been making a tidy profit since it opened to the general public.”

The Archaeologist, “Madam is it your intention to turn it into a living museum similar to Beamish?”

Gaby, “It will be similar but everything here will be either Celtic or Roman. Whilst the buildings for the main are genuine we will need to replace other items such furniture weapons & crockery. We have access to skilled Artisans who can replicate all the Celtic & Roman pottery we did find. In fact we were thinking of having a potter here giving demonstrations. Likewise we also have the services of skilled metal workers.”

A week passed & the Archaeologist returned to the site with council members. One of the council members. “We in the town are concerned over the remains of people that where recovered & sent away.”

Gaby, “Once checked over at Bradford they will all be returned here & re-interred on the same site.”

One of the council members, “All the bodies regardless of whether they are Roman or Celtic?”

Gaby, “All found here will be reinterred here.”

“We know some would be Christian & others pagan with that in mind we have decided to ask a pagan priest & a cleric from the Church of England to jointly perform the service.”

The Mayor, “The pagan priest would he be a druid?”

Gaby, “Yes She would be a druid & is the most senior of the order. If you are wondering about beliefs in actual fact they are very similar & the service is almost identical.”

Ally, “Once all the remains are logged & dated we will ask you all back here to see them all interred & have a funeral tea Roman style.”

Gaby, “I will warn you now to put on your brightest clothing. To the Romans it was an excuse for a giant party & that is what we shall have. We have had to put in electricity & sensors to comply with legislation otherwise the buildings are all intact.”

As the archaeologist looked around. “I cannot believe all that mud is now grass again. You cannot tell that only a week or so ago all this was very muddy.” As he walked around he noticed metal protruding from the stonework of one building.

Gaby, “This was the slave market. Do you want to volunteer for a position here?”

“ER no I think I will forgo the privilege.”

Gaby, “I think we had better move on & see the remainder of the site.” He noticed a temple just outside the council’s area.”

Gaby. “You did not see this before as it was the hillside. We realised that the hill was actually a temple covered over with soil so we removed it & restored it to its former beauty. Another couple of weeks & all the remains will be back with us. Then they will all be interred in front of the temple as most of them originally where.”

Several weeks went by & the site started to get visitors. Schools organised trips to see what it was like in Roman times. Everybody got the chance to dress up as Romans, Celts or Slaves. Occasionally a child would say, “Can I be a druid for the day?”

Eventually though Gaby received the report on all the human remains that had been found. They all had been dated to the same time & the majority of them they were about the same sex & age. Occasionally they had come across a skeleton that was difficult to sex. Eventually though every one of them had been done. Some other interesting facts came to light. Every one of the bodies was Celtic in origin & had never seen Italy. From what was found with them it was obvious that they were living as Romans & having a very good standard of living. The council & the Archaeologist received an invite to attend the interment service.

A JCB digger had already dug the great hole & the coffins containing the bones where all laid in the pit.” Barbara & Mrs. Rushton where the priests who performed the service. Some of the others appeared as druids for the service. Replicas of Maximus's stones where placed by the graves along with a translation. Gaby also had a monument created, which read here lay 12,000 inhabitants of Boudicca’s revenge. 5,123 Males ranging in age from 20 to 42 & 6,877 females ranging in age from 25 to 35. No children or babies where ever found.

Helga, “No children or babies would be found as the remnants of the town where all brought to Ebor & placed under my personal protection. Most of them where eventually found partners & married off.”

Grass turf was laid over the soil & soon the grass has established itself again. The party was done as promised in true Roman style.

Nixie came & was talking to Gaby. “Ally has informed me you have drastically increased the population of your home town & now it has expanded into the adjoining area.”

Gaby, “To be honest I had not given much thought to how many of us there actually are.”

The Council chair person, “Gaby I for one am please with the sensitivity you showed in interring the bones & the whole council has agreed that in future all the maps will show this as Boudicca’s Revenge."

"We have taken note of all your other developments. What you do not have & we suspect could be in this area is the Roman naval dock yard. We own the area but the tidal river has been too strong a flow for the majority of divers to even explore the area for us. We would like to restore the area as it originally was & have replica Roman ships in the area. We already have the funding in place from ourselves & the National lottery. What we have is one archaeologist who has all the area to contend with. We need an experienced partner & we wondered if GB Archaeological services would consider sweeping the area & also restoring the dockyard to how it would have looked in Roman times.”

One of the chairman's fellow council members. “Actually we do not own the land we lease it from the Duchy of Lancaster. I am sure though we can get permission from our landlords to go ahead with the venture.”

Maddy burst out laughing, “Let’s get this straight. The land is actually owned by the Duchy but you lease it from them & you want GB to come in & develop the land that you only lease. You do realise the Crown estates could say sorry this is no go & take it all back off you after spending money on it.”

Ally, “I think we had better speak with the Estates & see what they have to say.” Ally dialled a number & spoke to somebody. “Apparently the estates would have no objection to the plans but they have been considering selling this piece of land off as it does not fit in with their future plans to another party.”

The chairman nearly had a heart attack. “We have paid rent for it for years & until recently most of it has been park land. There are still the remains of the former castle on the site.”

Gaby, “Are you still serious about the proposal?”

The Chairman, “We are willing to put up £5,000,000 for this venture.”

Gaby, “Sign this document on behalf of the council.”

The chairman, “I will sign but if a developer is after the site unless we could declare it of historic importance to prevent any development.”

Gaby, “Leave all the rest to my company. We will ensure nobody else gets the land. Providing you honour you commitment there should be no problem. Today is too late to visit the site but tomorrow we will visit it & also look at the castle remains.”

The following morning Gaby & the Pack went to the site. There the Archaeologist met them “This is the part of the Roman dockyard we were talking about.”

Gaby, “Has there ever been a full survey of this area & what has been uncovered.”

“Until yesterday we have had no funding for projects like this & I think some of this may be coming from the national lottery heritage fund. I would have liked to see the castle restored & opened to the public. However that is no longer an option as the estates sold it off & the new owner has put in an application to renovate & restore it.”

Gaby, “Where is this castle?”

The Archaeologist, “Some of the park land went with the sale to the new owner but the remainder has been left intact.”

Gaby, “So this is the castle. It will need rather a lot of restoration before they can live in it.”

The Archaeologist, “I was very annoyed when it was sold off. As done up it would have made an ideal museum.” By using ground-penetrating radar they found nothing in the park area. In the suspected dock area though they did make some discoveries.

Lyris, “We dug a 1 meter trial pit & all these items have come out of it.”

Gaby, Helga & the Archaeologist looked at the printouts.” Gaby, “It looks like the remains of a ship of some sort.” All the girls started to clear the area. Eventually it was all uncovered & it appeared to be a Roman Warship & not just a trading ship. They brought in a crane with a special cradle & lifted the ship out of the Water.

Gaby, “We will take it across to the town where it can be preserved & inspected at leisure. At least this proves that this was a Roman Dock.”

The Archaeologist, “With finding that horde & the ship I can definitely give the go ahead to do a full scale investigation & then restoration. I will have to find the funding now for the ship but that should not be a problem as there are very few in existence.”

Ally, “Gaby you should have told him that it was us that had acquired the castle & was restoring it.”

Gaby's, “Just like they should have been told that GB owned the land already & they were paying us rent for it.”

A short while later the Archaeologist returned, “I got the extra funding for the ship. I now have to deal with the owners of the land.”

Gaby, “I have some good news for you on that. I have after some negotiations managed to purchase all the land you are paying rent for. So I suppose I am also your landlord as well as your partner in this venture. Your idea to investigate this area has paid off. So far we have one complete ship & four partial ships recovered from this area. In addition to this we have wine which is 2,000 years old or they’re about. We have recovered a whole selection of artefacts not normally recovered.”

Lyris, “You better come & look at this it appears to be a rather large warehouse.” What they found surprise them. While approximately 4ft of the upper floor remained intact. The cellars where vaulted & completely intact.

Gaby, “We have the site to place the ships & artefacts once it is restored.”

Two weeks later the archaeologist returned to find that a massive tent covered the whole warehouse area. All the silted up dockyards had been cleared of debris.

Gaby, “Other than clear them out there was very little work to do. I had to call an expert team it to check the building out before we fully restored it. We know exactly what it was like because we found these in the basement. They are detailed plans for the dockyard & also the fort & town.” Going through the documents we know exactly who was living in the town & can put all that information on the computer. We even found the instruction that the army had to join the main legions for a trip to Anglesey to suppress the Druids. There was nothing left here to stop Boudicca & her warriors & they where thirsty for revenge. The ship we found was the armies wage ship & the horde was the wages for the roman soldiers. The temple we found was dedicated to Venus."

The archaeologist walked into the tent “I thought this was a tent but the building is already up & serviceable.”

Gaby, “The tent was only so that the remains would not be damaged & that the building work could go on unhindered. By the time we are out of here the tent will have been removed & all the work completed.”

The archaeologist looked at the walls “I can tell where the join is but the frescos are superb.”

Lyris, “Thank you I was one of them who recreated the fresco.”

Maddy, “The floor is all original teseri. Although some of them needed resetting.”

Gaby, “We have tried to retain all the original features. We have had to make some concessions to modern times. We have had to install electricity & sensors.”

“Well I think you have done a superb job of this restoration & reconstruction.”

Maddy, “Have you ever been to Hartlepool?”

The Archaeologist shook his head. “There they have recreated the town & dockyard as it was in Napoleonic times. We can do similar here but it will be a Roman dockyard.”

The archaeologist, “If we could persuade the Roman & Celtic re-enactment society to come here at weekends we could be on to a good thing.”

Gaby, “My team has finished here & soon we will be looking for staff to run the complex. After having a word with county hall they agree that you & your staff should be moved down here & be the custodians. The council has agreed to take over the running of the sites. We will be back as we need to finish the restoration of the boats & they need moving.”

The Archaeologist noticed some young women who were still at the temple. He spoke to them, “Did you miss the transport as the others have all gone?”

Venus, “No but I want to inspect the temple of Venus before it is opened to the public. The rest are security until you get your own security team.”

They got to the temple & the Archaeologist said, “We best do this right as I do not wish to offend any god new or old. We have to go in bare feet. Usually men were forbidden but in exceptional circumstances they were allowed in.”

Venus, “I think Venus & her sisters would make an exception for you.” Inside the temple was beautiful.

The archaeologist, “If I was ever to get married again I would like it to be here.”

Venus, “I take it you where once married.”

“Yes I once had a lovely wife & two daughters. I will never forget them or the accident. I had parked on the cliff top & gone to get us all ice creams. A car started rolling down the hill & smashed into the back of mine & the car with my wife & daughters went over the cliff. “Both cars where eventually recovered but no bodies were found. Since their death I have still stayed loyal to Vespera that was my wife's name. I even joked often that she was named after the missing sister of Venus.”

Venus, “Suppose Venus really existed & you met her & fancied her something rotten.”

The Archaeologist, “I would know is she was truly my soul mate. If I did happen to meet up with her or anybody else who I believed could make me happy. I would take off this ring I wear & kneel down & say, “Venus will you be mine now & for all eternity & then slip the ring on her finger like this.”

There was a crack of lightening. Venus was smiling, “With all my heart I accept you offer of marriage.” She slipped a ring on him. “You will be with me for all eternity.”
The second crack of lightening startled him as he kissed Venus. “I know you are a friend of Gaby & have similar interest to me. As I told you before I still think about my wife & daughters & hope they are with the angels in heaven. A minute ago I was saying what I would say if I was to propose to Venus. I do not need to propose to Venus or any god because I have what I need right here. I Rupert do formally ask you for your hand in marriage. Will you be my partner & soul mate?” A third lightening strike startled Rupert, “We must be in for quite a storm.”

Venus, “I know all about you & yes I will marry you here formally.”

Rupert thought for a moment, “You would agree to get married in here.”

Venus, “I can think of nowhere better than the temple of love.”

Rupert, “I know you get to choose the bridesmaids & will probably choose Gaby & friends. I have no family as such & wondered if you would mind if I had Gaby as my best person, & Brenda, Andrea & Ally as Ushers. It is as if you knew that I would propose to you.”

A voice he also knew, “I wondered where you two had got to & we heard the proposal & the acceptance. I would have loved to be your best man but I am afraid I have another job to do. However I have made arrangements for you to be given away Rupert.”

Rupert, “Excuse me Gaby did you just say give me away?”

Gaby, “Well you cannot very well expect Venus to be given away.”

Rupert, “I am sorry I must be dreaming I for a moment thought you said Venus.”

Venus took his hand waved her arm, “Rupert we might as well perform the ceremony now in my temple.”

Venus felt Rupert started shaking, “You are safe with me & my friends.” He looked around & realised the temple was full of all the girls he had been working with.

Rupert realised that there was the same priest & the same druid who had performed the funeral services.” Barbara & Mrs. Ruston asked, “Who gives this person to be partner with Venus.”

3 voices replied, “We give Rupert to Venus to be her partner for all eternity.” Rupert fainted at the sound of the voices.

“Rupert that is some way to greet us after all this time.” Rupert awoke to find Venus cradling him.”

“Sorry about that for a moment I thought I saw & heard my wife & daughters. I must have passed out.”

A voice, “Hello daddy.”

Rupert, “I was not dreaming you are here.”

“Daddy we understand you have decided at long last to take another partner.”

Rupert, “I love you and your mother dearly but I have met somebody who has filled me with hope again.”

“We will always be there for you when you need our help daddy.”

Venus, “Rupert the accident never happened. My sister & friends where trying to get help when their spirit merged with yours. For years you have been carrying my sisters & friends spirits. A while ago they were released & that is why you thought they were dead.”

Rupert, “I will still think of them as my wife & daughters. I would like to kiss each of them if you will not get jealous.”

Venus laughed, “Considering they will be living with us I would have a hard time stopping you.”

Rupert, “Ladies I seem to be caught & I am quite happy to be with you. I propose we continue with the ceremony if that is OK with the priests.”

Barbara, “Who give this man?”

The three, “We do.”

“Do you Rupert promise to love Venus & her companions for all eternity?”

Rupert did not hesitate, “I do.” He turned around as a great cheer went up.

The cheering drowned out Venus saying. “I do.”

Rupert, “It has just occurred to me if my partner is the Goddess Venus. Then the rest of you all must be some sort of Goddesses. It is no wonder you find what you find. Some of you must have actually seen the place as it was.”

Barbara, “Some of us where actually there.”

Rupert, “In there as in Boudicca, Nester & Hester or as Helen? If the ancients where to be believed then those four at least are immortals or gods. Barbara you are a priest yet the druid high priestess holds you in respect. Do I have the privilege of being married by the Iceni Queen?”

Venus, “Mrs. Rushton is high priestess to us & you where correct that she did hold Barbara with the respect due to her.”

Barbara, “Do not worry that faze of my life is over.”

Rupert, “To be honest I always admired you. Please will you formally introduce me to all your friends & use their current names & their ancient names.”

Venus, “Family & friends I wish to introduce my companion & friend Rupert.”

Rupert, “Not that I am complaining, I noticed there is apparently a shortage of men here. Yet there are hundreds of very beautiful ladies here. To be honest with you all I could easily have fallen for more than Venus.”

Venus, “Rupert you have guessed correctly we are all special & our homeland is not far away from here.”

Rupert, “You mean the homeland of the Brigantines who gave Britain its name.”

Gaby, “Yes you are correct. For the majority of us it is also a new home.” It may be our ancient homeland & we are all returning to it.”

Rupert, “Venus are we returning with all these young ladies?”

Sam, “Once you accepted Venus you where accepted by all the gods. All of us will look after you.”

Rupert, “I am thinking you have made a big mistake. I am no stud. In fact I am more feminine than some men.”

Venus, “Do not worry we know all about you. For years my sister’s soul has been merged with yours. There is not a thing we all do not know about you.”

Lyris, “You where hoping to raise funds to raise the Resurgence from the sea bed which is eight miles off Colwyn Bay.”

Raising the Resurgence.

Rupert, “Yes it is my dream to raise it but I could never get the funding & it is a protected site.”

Gaby, “Well consider it a wedding present from us all. To be honest we could do with it in the naval museum we already have in Scarborough.”

Ariel, “As to raising it that is no problem a crane & a couple of slings will soon have it up.”

Rupert, “The diving team alone will cost a fortune.”

Lorelei giggled, “You do you not think we could work in the river Wye which is fast flowing without been expert divers. In comparison to the Wye this is a training exercise.”

Gaby, “The only fee we ask is for you to give Venus a very long kiss in front of us all.” Rupert took Venus into his arms & started to caress her he took a long deep breath. Their lips merged & tongue touched. After ten minutes he came up for air.

Barbara, “That was very good but some at the back would like an action replay as they missed it.” Rupert once again took a long deep breath & again kissed Venus. This time the embrace lasted considerably longer.

Rupert could hear voices in his head. He heard the voice of Venus telling him not to be afraid. He replied, “I will always trust you & your judgement.”

Rupert emerged from the embrace, “I think something must be wrong with me as I am getting all sorts of messages in my head.”

Venus, “Like what?”

“One telling me it was high time I had my swimming lessons. Another telling me to trust you. There was another one that appeared to speak with authority & it was saying to the other voices stop teasing him & leave him to Venus to train.”

Venus looked across at Gaby, “Thank you.”

Rupert, “Gaby you are the one who spoke with authority. You are also the one that some referred to as the Empress.”

Venus, “Gaby has many names & titles most of the time though to her friends she is Gaby or Gaby Lynn occasionally she may even be called Drew which is a nick name. Occasionally though on official occasions she will have to be referred to Empress.”

Little Lily, “Rupert you are one of the best receivers we have to practise on. We could do with you to help train the new ones as you have no resistance.”

Rupert looked at Venus for guidance. “Lily Rupert still has his job to do. If you use him to help the others then you must help Rupert with his tasks.”

Little Lily, “That is fine with us. Remember Venus though the Empress has already decreed that you must also start attending classes like the remainder of us.”

Rupert, “It sounds like you Venus have to be taught something.”

Venus laughed, “We will both be having lessons. I think you are in for the worst time.”

Ariel, “We can start with a swimming lesson in Colwyn Bay.”

Rupert, “But I have never used diving equipment before.”

Lyris, “You will be accompanying us to the Resurgence & help us bring it to the surface.”

Rupert, “We have not got permission from Welsh heritage to recover it.”

Gaby, “You may not but we certainly do. So we go ahead with the recovery even if it is only to alter the history books.”

Rupert, “If we could prove it actually worked then it would be the oldest mechanically operated submarine in the world.”

Gaby, “As you seem eager to get there & collect your wedding present. We had better go there now.”

Rupert, “I must admit I would like to dive the wreck but it will take weeks to raise it as it will need freeing from the sea bed & transporting to the shore.”

Gaby, “Venus & sisters will you look after Rupert as we will be diving soon.”

Rupert found he was on board a ship. “I will not bother asking how I got here.”

Venus, “These shorts should fit you.”

Rupert put them on, “They look rather like scales to me.”

Venus & Lyris stripped off & jumped off the deck of the ship pulling Rupert with them. Rupert got a shock when he found he could breathe under water. The girls lead him to the wreck which on one side had rather a lot of concretion & sea anemies on it.

Rupert thought to himself, “This looks beautiful down here & there are certainly a lot of fish.”

Another thought, “We agree with you it is beautiful down here but we do have to recover it.”

Rupert watched as Ariel & Lorelei attached slings under the ship. Then they came over & waited with the others as Gaby pointed her trident at the base. A second or two later a blast of energy hit the ground under the ship. The submarine turned sideways & floated free of the seabed. The slings took the strain as it was slowly lifted out of the water. Water poured out of the conning tower. As most of the water was drained away it was lifted on to the waiting barge.

Gaby, “It is going to be taken to the Teeside shipyard where it will be dismantled cleaned & restored to how it was originally looked.”

Ariel, “We already have digital film of how it was on the sea bed & the rescue operation.”

Rupert, “I have just realised something, my costume seems to have stretched to cover my top half.”

Ariel, “Venus has not yet explained it to you yet. You did not need a costume other than to hide your difference from us. We all grow a new costume each time we go swimming.”

Rupert, “I still have rather a large chest for a bloke.”

Venus, “Do not worry over that as it makes no difference to us.”

Rupert, “I have to bind myself so nobody notices.”

Venus, “Not any longer you will just have to do the same as us & wear a bra.”

Rupert, “It will be noticeable.”

Dr. Jones, “If it makes you feel better I will give you a note that will cover any eventuality at work.”

Rupert, “My boss will probably be ok with the note but I am not sure about any of the others working in the office.”

Venus, “Remember you will be in a new location with new staff. We have anti discrimination clauses in all our staff contracts & there should be no problem.”

Little Lily, “Venus Rupert has to help me out & I will be there to ensure there is no problem.”

In Teeside the Resurgence had arrived & was cleaned of all concretion & marine life. After shot blasting the remaining metal work the rivets where removed and each section was measured cleaned & then reassembled. Joiners came to replace the missing wooden interior. The Engineering department stripped the engine down & reassembled it. The only alteration they made was to ensure the conning tower could be opened from the inside and outside. They tested the engine & it appeared to run perfectly. The engine was fitted back in the submarine & the wooden planes were placed on the outside.”

The Works Forman decided to test the ship in the deep water tank. They had already done computer simulations, which gave them the optimal size for the wooden planes & this matched the original sizes which were on record.

The engineers, “The original designer must have had a brilliant mind as the specifications match the ship exactly.”

The submarine was brought back up from the deep water tank & they worked out how long it could stay submerged before the air supplied had to be replenished.

Rupert meanwhile was helping Little Lily as requested. He spent the morning in Lily's class & then Lily & the girls all spent the afternoon helping him out.

Little Lily, “Why is there such a delay on checking these out Rupert?”

Rupert, “Planning permission cannot be granted until all the sites have had a full survey & are clear of any archaeological artefacts. Until recently there was only me & three office girls.”

Little Lily, “I presume they have to pay for a search?”

Rupert, “They have to cover all the expenses before planning permission is granted.” Each of the girls took a site & very soon they were all doing radar scans of the sites. Within a week 75% of the applications had been cleared & given the go ahead. The remaining 25% needed further investigation before building permission could be given.” Venus called to see how things where running.

Rupert, “They have already cleared most of the back log the remainder though need qualified archaeologists to investigate the sites.”
Within the week another 15% had been cleared the remaining 10% though required extensive investigation.

Owen Glendower’s Palace.

Rupert, “I have some very unhappy clients. They have just realised that the investigation is going to cost them more than they could make for the land had they been able to develop it.”

Lyris “Put this option to them & see what they say.”

Rupert, “All but one has agreed to sell their holdings in return for instant cash. The one who turned me down has a house & it was believed it was the home of Owen Glendower’s. They already have had extensive digs done and now they are short of money.”

Helga, “Do they want to restore the building & gardens to how it used to be? Do you mind if Amanda & I take a team to look at the site?”

Rupert, “Go if you want as I know I could not hold you back.”

In an instant they were at the house. Helga rang the doorbell a rather bedraggled couple answered the door.

The young woman, “Are you here about the survey. We cannot afford to pay for any more work at the moment. As we are rather strapped for cash.”

Helga, “Actually you have just come to my attention & I needed to find out what you actually wanted to do.”

The young woman, “Originally all we wanted to do was find out if it was the home of Owen Glendower’s & that has been proved unfortunately for us. We now have a listed home but not the money to continue the further surveys that are required.”

Helga, “Please can we look round the house & gardens?”

The young woman, “Charles make our guests a drink while I get ready. I apologise I look a right mess at the moment I probably look like the witches who where reputed to live here.”
Charles gave a nervous laugh, “Coffee, Tea or my own potion of Nettle beer.

Helga, “If you have sufficient then we would all like the Nettle Beer please.”

“My wife Philomena has this thing about witches. She says that the moon will always protect us. I must apologise about my own appearance and I realise we both look like a couple of hippies. I work from home & unless I have to go to a meeting I dress like this.”

After they had all had their drinks the couple started to show them round the house.

Helga, “I like your dress where did you get it?”

Charles, “Actually we found a dress similar that was very old.” “My wife decided to copy it exactly & puts it on when we have special guests.”

Philomena, “We have no intention in selling the house to anybody. I have no intention of selling it now we have it back again. Years ago it belonged to a distant ancestor of mine. The locals thought she was a witch & persecuted her. I do not know what happened but they moved away. I have always been drawn here & when it came up for sale I had to have it.”

Helga, “So you are not a witch?”

Philomena, “Some times I wish the rumours were true & I could just zap all that needed doing.”

Helga, “It must be a bit dangerous for your children.”

Philomena burst into tears. Charles, We have been unable to have children & it is not from trying.”

Philomena, “I have been to the doctors & they could find nothing wrong with either of us. A friend told me to try the old gypsy lady that comes round. She looked at my palm & said, The baby will come when you start to use the gift.”

Helga, “How long is this since she said that.”

Charles, “It will be three years ago as she has not been this last two years. I asked at the fair & all they would say was she had trouble with her two sons they had been caught poaching. I hope she returns this year as I quite liked her.”

First they were shown round the grounds. Then they were taken into the house. Helga said, “You have not shown us the cellar.”

The young woman looked at her husband. “OK I will show you but please do not tell anybody else. The cellar was done up beautifully.

“I now see why you did not want to show us your place of worship.”

Charles, “We found a diary & instructions how the room should look if the Queen was ever to visit us. I think the Queen has enough palaces of her own without bothering to visit this place.”

Helga, “Charles you are thinking of the wrong Queen.”

Charles, “We found these as well but only I could read the first six pages & they appeared to be a recipe book. That is where I got the nettle beer from. It is good stuff funny thing though it makes my hair grow.”

Helga, “You read the first six pages not your wife. Have you all the artefacts you found?”

Charles, “Yes everything is here.”

Helga, “I am going to ask you to do something that will appear strange but please do it. I want you to take the dress out of the box & go behind the screen & completely strip off & put the dress & shoes on.”

Charles, “I am not gay or anything like that.”

Helga, “Please do as you are asked.”

A short time later Charles returned. “I feel no different.”

Helga, “Philomena read the front cover.”

“Now you Charles have a go.”

Charles. “This is the Diary of Vespera. My children have an enchantment on them only when one wears my dress will they all be free.”

Charles turned the page, “The next is a prayer shall I read it.”

Helga, “No I can read it from here.”

Charles, “I can read the entire book now not just a few pages.”

Helga, “The gypsy was correct but she got the wrong one. She did not expect it to be the husband who was the witch. Philomena you still puzzle me though as you said it was your relations who lived here.”

Charles, “That was also correct.”

Philomena looked at Charles. “We did not know when we got married & where called Jones & Davis.”

Philomena, “I married my brother by accident. Neither of us realised & it was only when we started to delve here we realised. We have decided to stay together.” She looked at Helga, “I thought you would have been shocked.”

Helga, “Personally I can see nothing wrong in two sisters living together. Charles if you can read that book then you certainly are not a Charles & most likely a Charlotte. I will prove it to you both. Turn round clockwise & say Vespera the Empress commands your attention.”

The lights dimmed & then a purple smoke started to emerge next to Charles. Vespera appeared. Charles said, “I believe this are yours.”

Vespera, “You are the one who summoned me.”

Charles, “I said the words I was told to say.”

Vespera turned around. “Ah Helen I might have guessed it would have to be you.”

Vespera, “If you are here then the Empress & companions are not far behind.”

Philomena, “So the stories where right we are descended from witches.”

Vespera, “Yes but you are both inappropriately dressed. That is better novices should be in white. You have to earn the dress you where wearing. I am glad to see you both followed my instructions to prepare this for a royal visit. Charlotte when next asked you will hand your home to the Empress immediately no questions asked. Helga does it come to your expectation?”

Helga, “All we need is the seating & waved her hand. Vespera I will let you present these novices.”

Charlotte, “I am getting very bad tummy ache.”

Vespera, “Take these tablets it will make it go away for a while child.” Charlotte took the tablets & the pain subsided. “We need to do a few things first but then we will be back in here. Vespera placed earrings & necklaces on both girls & then bracelets. “Now I want you both to relax & think of each other. I want you to imagine you are inside each other & you can read each other’s mind. Philomena now read the book to me. You will now separate but from now on you will both be able to do exactly what the other can do. Twin sisters always have the same abilities.”

Philomena, “Why have you changed Charles to a girl?”

Vespera, “I have not or at least Charlotte has restored herself. I did not ask you to read the book or put on my robe. Neither did I tell you or Charlotte to summons the Empress.”

Helga, “Let’s get this straight. A boy could never have read the book only a good witch could read it. You managed to read part of it without putting on the dress. Once you put it on you where restored to how you originally where.”

Vespera, “You could not have children because it is impossible for two girls to impregnate each other. Until a few moments ago though your memories where split between you both. This has now been corrected.”

Charlotte, “I am going to ask the Moon goddess to help us with this place because I have no intention of selling this place.”

Gaby, “I am very glad to hear that Charlotte. Now perhaps Vespera you will get on preparing them & present them.”

Charlotte, “Vespera you cringed then like a schoolgirl been told off by the HEAD MISTRESS.”

Vespera, “I suppose you could say that was the head mistress. Come we had better not keep them all waiting.”

Charlotte, “Well there cannot be many, as the room is only small.”

Vespera. “Walk behind me & do exactly what I do.” Vespera walked up to Gaby & said, Empress I have been unexpectedly restored to my twin daughters. May I present Charlotte & Philomena to you?” Then she curtsied. Both girls also curtsied.

Gaby, “I understand you refused to sell the house to my agents.”

Charlotte, “It is our wish to restore the property to its former glory. We currently have run short of money.”

Gaby, “I am going to ask you to give me the house & I will see that it is fully restored to its former glory as a Royal Palace.

Charlotte & Philomena looked at each other. “We were warned by Vespera & where told to say yes.”

Charlotte, “I will not give it to you just because my mother told me to do it or because you instructed me to hand it over. I am a bit of a rebel & do not always obey authority.”

Vespera noticed some of the others cringing. “Empress I apologise for my daughters.”

Gaby was still smiling, “I have another proposition to put to you. As you do not want to sell it or give it to me perhaps this would please you better. I put up the remaining money for the restoration & get a 50% stake in the house in return. I promise that I will never try to sell my share or force you to sell yours in fact I will make it a condition that you continue to live there & work for me rather than for yourself.”

Philomena went to a cupboard & brought out a document, “We had to be sure that your intentions where the same as ours. You can have the deeds to look after.”

Ally, “Thank you I will ensure all the work is completed shortly. Whilst that is being done it may be best if you & your mother accompany us as it will be getting rather dusty here.”

Gaby, “Will you give me a tour whilst your belongings are removed.”

Helga joined them, “Gaby they never located the crypt.”

Charlotte, “I think I know what you are looking for but there is nothing there & certainly no treasure.”

Gaby, “Do not be so sure.”

Charlotte, “There is this marble slab. I had been thinking of lifting it to see what was under but so far I have not had the time.”

Vespera read the inscription. “In the Empresses name open.” The slab slid back revealing a staircase.

Gaby pointed her wand, “Let there be light.” The room was totally illuminated.

Gaby, “Vespera are all the rest of your children here?”

Vespera, “Only two of my children were chosen to go into the human world & when the time was ready they would meet up again.”

Charlotte, “All I can see is lots of marble tombs & they look impressive.”

Vespera, “These are your sisters Charlotte.”

Charlotte, “It appears we had rather a lot of siblings.”

Vespera corrected her, “Have rather a lot of siblings.”

Philomena, “No they are all dead so it is had rather than has. I have also been wondering if you are our mother how come you look no older than the Empress. Have you a youth spell or something.”

Gaby, “One day you will find your mothers secret for now though you can help me & read the names out in turn.”

Charlotte read the first name & Philomena the second & continued to do so until they had read all the names on the monuments.”

Vespera, “That is the lot so you can come & join us here now.” They watched as Gaby's hands started to glow & then they both turned blue & what appeared to be balls of lightening left them & started to bounce around on the monuments.”

Gaby, “We should all leave here now.” Charlotte & Philomena followed Vespera & Gaby out of the crypt & back up stairs. They all took seats in the hall & waited.

Charlotte said, “What are we waiting for?”

Vespera, “We are waiting for your sisters to arrive as they have just been given a wakeup call.”

Philomena clutched hold of Charlotte as the first explosion happened. This was followed by other explosions.

Vespera was counting the explosions, “Only one to go. You two continue to sit at the Empresses feet & do not move. I must now go & fetch my other children.”

Charlotte, “Why are they all statues & we are normal?”

Gaby, “When the villagers attacked you mother was very weak and could do very little to save the family. Vespera changed her youngest to a baby boy & baby girl. After sealing the crypt she left. All the villagers ever found were you two. The both of you where sent for adoption. The Jones & Davis families knew nothing of your past.”

Philomena, “The others where all statues.”

Gaby. Your sister’s knew their mother would not use her magic to hurt the villagers whatever they did to her. Also your mother’s power had faded over the years. Your sisters decided to take their chance with the long sleep. They could be restored providing the statues are not badly damaged.”

Charlotte, “We heard & felt explosions.”

Maddy, “I was terrified the first time Gaby released somebody this way. Now they are now very good friends of ours.”

15 minute later, Vespera appeared, “Empress thank you for restoring my family.” She curtsied & then proceeded to give her daughters names.” The last two arrived & greeted Gaby.

They then curtsied to Charlotte & Philomena, “So you two are our baby sisters who helped release us. Come give your eldest sisters a kiss.
Ah I can see better now you are in need of money to do our home up & restore it I believe.”

Charlotte, “Until a short while ago neither of us realised we where witches.”

The eldest laughed, “You two maybe the babies of the family, but you also are the most powerful of all us sisters.”

Gaby, “Talking of babies has your mother explained that you all will have to spend at least a week in the nursery & the older ones it will be longer.”

“Yes Empress mother has explained to us.”

Gaby, “Take the babies with you to the nursery.” One of the sisters picked up Charlotte & the other Philomena.

Charlotte tried to speak but all that came out was a gurgling sound. Ursula & Urania said “Oh how cute the babies are trying to talk.”

Urania, “ I know you two can here all that is going on but neither of you can speak. You have been regressed for a purpose. All you owned is still there & will be there for you when you return to normal. All your sisters need your help. While our home is been repaired you two will be living in the nursery. You both will have to communicate like all the other babies. We have the task of looking after you two & all the other babies. In case you are wondering until we get the space problem sorted out only the eldest eighteen are left the rest are as you. You two wondered how mother could look so young well now you get to find out firsthand.”

Beatrice, “You two can still communicate with each other & you will find that there are others who can communicate with you. You are worried about Little Lily & the promises you made to her. Well at the moment she is helping Rupert & Venus out with a problem or two. Make the best of your time & you may find you like it. Mum will keep her promise & the house will be fully restored & how long it takes depends entirely on you. If you behave & do all that is expected then it should be no more than two weeks. If you play up then that will delay the restoration & you could find yourselves babies for a very long time.

The two of them started to cry. The next instant they found they where been laid down in a crib with lots of other babies. Gaby, “All the others were quiet but not these two.”

Urania, “Ha you are telling me you need feeding. I quite forgot that neither of you have been fed of bathed yet.” They both expected to be given a bottle. Instead they found a nipple was pushed into their mouth. The sucking response happened straight away. They both sucked as hard as they could & soon they were changed to the other nipple.”

Urania looked at Charlotte, “Is your baby fast asleep Charlotte sure is so I will bathe her later once she awakes.”

Ursula, “This one is also fast asleep.”

Vespera entered the nursery, “Your remaining sisters are complaining they have to help look after the babies.”

Ursula, “Mum it only needs the three of us to look after the babies. I propose the others get the same treatment. I realise we all will have to work harder but we can do it between us.”

“Mum why did you make Charlotte & Philomena believe that we would be returning to our home when we will not be?”

“I did not exactly lie to them they will be returning to their ancestral home & will live with all the others. Gaby is keeping her promise as we speak. Owen Glendower’s palace is already been restored to its former glory. The builder & restoration team have estimated it will take at least a year to complete. Once restored it will be opened to the public.”

Starr entered the nursery, “I have brought you three some food & drink. Just to let you know Gaby agrees that we only need you three to look after the babies so you will be on permanent nursery duty for the next year.”

Ursula “Is this place bugged or something.”

Starr laughed, “Not exactly but certain members of your family informed me & the Empress everything you have said.”

Urania, “They are all babies here & none can speak.”

Starr, “The Empress & I & a certain select few have other abilities. At least two of the babies have the same abilities & can broadcast to me & the Empress. They of course do not yet realise that they can do it.”

Vespera, “In that case it has to be Charlotte & Philomena who have the ability.”

Mehitabel entered the nursery, “In case you are wondering we all are been monitored 24 hours a day seven days a week. You get used to it & in fact some time it can be a distinct advantage. With the exception of the children we all are the same size in shoes and clothing. We all like the same things but we are still individual.”

Vespera, “Some things I had already realised but others I did not. I did not realise we all were all monitored.”

Mehitabel, “Even when you sleep somebody is watching over you. It is not always Starr in fact she is only a trainee.”

Vespera, “So all the babies now know they will not be returned to normal until the palace is fully restored.”

Starr, “You may find that the three of you are doing nursery duty longer that. Especially if some of them decide to stay as they are for a few years.”

Helga, “We could speed it all up but the house would not be ready. “I have a suggestion Vespera. I think all your daughters should be brought up by their Mother & grandmothers. I also think you would be better going to Oberon's for 18 years or so.”

Vespera looked at her, “Yes Mum I will do as you say.” Vespera & Helga picked up Ursula & Urania. “Sorry girls I know you wanted to help but you will now be brought up with all your sisters as you should have been. When you next see this place you will all have the bodies of eighteen year olds.” The two of them started to cry & they found Vespera was comforting them both. “Apparently your sisters all agree with me that you should all be brought up together & learn to play & go to school together again. You will still retain a full set of memories so nothing you have already learned will be lost.”

Mehitabel, “We have plenty of helpers & the time will fly by.” They left for Oberon's palace on the Isle of Man. The children grew up together & had birthdays & then they got close to their eighteenth birthday.

Vespera, “Girls we are returning home now.” They walked through a door & found themselves in the Great hall.”

Gaby, “I am afraid the house is not ready yet, as you have only been away 18 minutes.”

Vespera, “I clean forgot about the time difference.”

Charlotte, “Empress I know you intend restoring the palace but would not my sisters & I be better continuing receiving our education with our family & friends?”

Rhine & Volga came in together, “Grandfather Neptune asked us to invite Vespera & all her family along with you & your companions as he wants to meet Vespera & her family.”

Gaby, “Rhine you can tell Uncle we will all be there & I will personally introduce Vespera & daughters to him.”

Peggi & her sisters arrived. Peggi, “Neptune did not seem the least bit bothered at first when you where found at first when we found you Vespera. Since your children have been restored they are all he talks about.”

Gaby, “Vespera did you have a liaison with Neptune?”

Helga, “No but I did at one time & it is possible that Vespera is Neptune's daughter. I though did not realise he was Neptune.”

Lindi, “By any chance was it a Mr. Nemo, or Mr. Vater.

Mr Nemo.

Helga, “It was Mr. Nemo & I only met him the once & he was kind to me. I was swimming when it happened & he called me Lindi & embraced me. I said sorry you have the wrong girl & he apologised. He said, “I thought you where my wife Lindi she is missing.” A short while later I found myself expecting & wondered how it had happened as I had not slept with a man since Hadrian had died. I had Vespera & her sister.”

Helga, “Lindi even if Neptune is the father of Vespera & sister.”I am quite happy here with Gaby & certainly do not intend staking a claim on Neptune. He almost sucked the life out of me with the kiss he gave me.”

Vespera, “I have just thought of something. Ariel & Lorelei & Amazonian will all be my half sisters.”

Gaby, “Neptune himself decreed that all his daughters where to marry me.”

Vespera, “So my sister & I have avoided that. As there is a high probability he is my father then I suppose I had better ask mum to arrange my wedding.”

Lindi, “I think we better alter that to mums as we all want to be involved. As to the invites we sent out I think I can change it to read Neptune invites you to his palace on the occasion of the wedding of his daughters Princess Vespera & Princess Ventura.”

Gaby, “Peggi will you Rhine & Volga take these two while I have a chat with Linda, Lindi & Helga.”

Helga, “Honest Lindi I was not trying to steal him from you in fact at the time I was rather depressed.”

Linda, “He got me the same way & forgot to tell me that I had been impregnated.”

Lindi, “I know he was frantic looking for me.”

Nessie, “He certainly was & I could not help as I had been transformed at the time. You know Helga you are always welcome to live with us.”

Helga, “No I am now one of Gaby's companions as are my daughters as my granddaughters eventually will be.”

Lindi, “Although you live with the Empress you & your children will also always have the protection of Neptune. Neptune will want to give you & all the children a present & from that moment he will also consider you one of his wives regardless of the fact you are Gaby’s companion. The last person to harm one of his daughters was devoured by a sea dragon.”

Nessie, “Yes he tasted like roast pork.”

Neptune was chatting with Robyn & saying “Do you think they will be here soon?”

Robyn,” “I am sure they will all be here before long. Although father I could never understand why you did not lay claim to Vespera & Ventura before now.”

Neptune, “To be honest I was not sure if they where my daughters until Charlotte & her siblings came on to the scene. When I saw them as they originally where there was no doubt in my mind that I was their Grandfather.”

Robyn, “Father you do realise that Ventura & Vespers are due to get married, but I have not been told the date yet.”

Neptune, “Well they will not be getting married unless I get to give them away & nobody has told me yet or asked my permission.”

Gaby entered the room wearing a long flowing robe & wearing her crown. Neptune looked, “Empress I see I am having a formal visit from my niece.”

“Uncle a while ago you decreed that I was to marry all your daughters. Another two of your daughters have recently come to light they though had already stated that they wished to be united with me. I was due to take them as my partners this very night. I though decided to wait until you could formally give your daughters' away to me. With that in mind I will introduce my bridesmaids to you, as they are all the daughters of Vespera.” One by one Gaby introduced Neptune's Granddaughters & he gave each of them a present.

Gaby, “As the grand daughters of Helga they all should receive their wands from me. Uncle Neptune you will have to go to the door for the last two as they will need your assistance.” Neptune went polling down the aisle & opened the door.”
Vespera, “Oh good father you have finally arrived so we can get on with our wedding.”

Neptune, “Not before I give my daughters a present each & a kiss.” Neptune looked at the bridesmaids. “I wondered where you had all gone. I was expecting you to be there for the presentations.”

Vespera, “We decided with the help of our mums that all my sisters & their children should be our bridesmaids. As you can see all my children are Gaby's bridesmaids.”

Wreck at Barnmouth.

Robyn came into the room, “Gaby Rupert has a task for the girls if we are interested.” Rupert said, “Some divers have discovered the remains of a ship wreck off Barnmouth in 18ft of water They have recovered all the small artefacts but there are a considerable number of marble blocks & at least 28 cannons. Historic Wales had placed a restriction on recovering artefacts from this site but they have decided that the cannons would be better recovered & preserved so they have asked me if I could assemble a team to recover the remaining artefacts. There is a problem the two original divers want to be involved.”

Gaby, “That precludes Ariel & sisters then. We can use the Valkerie's & my other companions.”

Ariel, “We could look round this area as we did not actually check it over previously. There could be other sites we have missed around here so we will explore while you lot do the work.”

Rupert, “So I can tell them that the recovery will go ahead.”

Gaby, “As we are already in the area I propose we start immediately.”

Rupert, “But you will need cranes & barges to put everything on.”

Gaby, “They are already in place awaiting our arrival.”

Rupert, “But they cannot be I have only just mentioned it to you unless you already knew about it. If you knew then you where waiting for me to come & ask for help.”

Venus was chuckling away, “Gaby will have already known about it long before you. Come on you are diving as well as us.”

Rupert, “I better put on a wet suit this time.”

Gaby, “We will all be using wet suits as there will be normal divers with us.”

Ariel looked at the others. “With the wet suit on & flippers, “We could use them also & nobody would be any the wiser.”

Gaby, “Do you want to try the suit & see if it will do for you if it does then we know for future times.” Ariel put the suit on & then the flippers & mask.

Gaby said, “We will use the snorkels for now as you will have to get used to using the aqualung,” Ariel jumped in & realised that her tail had not appeared. She removed the mask & dived down again & realised that she still could breathe OK.”

She came up, “Gaby we can manage without the masks but if we have the suit on our tails do not appear.”

Gaby, “It is a good job I ordered identical suits for all of us then.”

Ariel noticed her mother had put a suit on. “Mum are you coming as well.”

Lindi, “All of us have decided to go swimming. Neptune has volunteered to look after the little ones & Robyn & Roberta have decided to help him.”

Nessie put one of the suits on & said, “It sure feels different with this on.” Peggi & the others all followed. “I just have had a thought. These suits are one piece & cover us from the head to the toes. Is there any restriction on a swimming team all using the same style of one piece suits?”

Gaby, “I know what is coming next. A while ago I swam with a youth club side in the county championships. I was spotted by the British team coach & he asked me to join his team which I had to decline at the time. He though did give me his number & said, “If I ever wanted to reconsider I was to give him a ring.”
Nessie, “I would like to see how we can perform against normal swimmers.” Gaby dialled the number & spoke.

The coach, “I thought you were going to America.”

Gaby, “After I swam with your members I should have gone on a trip to America. These days I am back in Yorkshire with some family. Do you mind bringing some of your best swimmers to the Grand at Scarborough & I will meet you all there & take you to our practice pool. If you can manage it then arrive Friday evening & we can have Saturday & Sunday for competitions. I only have girls but we are willing to race either sex.”

The coach, “OK then I will bring both teams but I also have the US national coach here with me as I am married to her & She wants to know if you could accommodate her team as well.”

Gaby, “Both teams are more than welcome & we can have two full days of events. I will warn you now my girls will be no push over either.”

The coaches laughed, “Look forward to racing against you on Saturday or Sunday.”

Gaby, “That is sorted now to get on with this recovery operation.” A quick wave of Gaby’s hand & everybody was aboard the recovery vessels ready to start work. The cannon did not take much to recover half of them turned out to be bronze while the remainder where all iron.

Gaby looked at them, “Once they are cleaned up we will know how old they are but I can already tell they are all British made.” The Blocks of Marble where very heavy but they all were recovered. Once this was done the girls scoured the seabed for anymore artefacts & recovered a giant anchor & pewter plate. There was also rather a lot of shot & cannon balls. There were no remains of the actual ship although the cargo remained. Nessie & some of the others decided to investigate further out as the operation was winding down. They found the remains of an almost intact aircraft & decided to recover it.

Gaby had one of the barges & the crane move to the site & the plane was lifted out of the water. The markings could still be seen on the plane & Gaby typed in the aircrafts number into the computer.

Gaby, “Well at least we now know what happened to her and the plane.” There was quite a celebration as the cannon & marble was brought in to Barnmouth. The news reporters where they’re though when it was discovered that Amy Johnson's aircraft had been discovered. The plane was lowered on to the dock. It was obvious that there was a skeleton inside the cockpit of the aircraft. The canopy was released & the skeleton removed.

Gaby, “It will have to go away for DNA testing but there is little doubt as to who the skeleton belongs.”

British Aerospace turned up to look at the aircraft & after inspecting it said; “We know exactly what happened. There was a malfunction causing the plane to go into a steep dive. The pilot was knocked out & drowned.”

Gaby had all the cannon cleaned & restored & then mounted on wooden carriages as they would have been originally. “Rupert these are to go to Chepstow to the castle there & be placed around the castle walls.”

Gaby looked at the Marble they had recovered, “Unless somebody wants it we could use it to restore Owen Glendower’s Palace to its former glory. It was later that same day the two who had originally found the wreck realised the girls had not been using breathing equipment. They were looking at all the small finds they had been allowed to keep.”

Ally knocked on their door, “I have been sent to find you two.”

“The cannon are worth so much & the marble is worth this amount. With the exception of the cannon balls you are welcome to keep the remainder of the small stuff. I have to advise you that after the recovery costs have been meet this is your share of the transaction.”

The divers looked at the cheque they had just been handed. One of the divers, “There must be some mistake as it could not be worth so much.”

Ally, “The Marble was the very finest & it is no longer available & actually it is needed for a restoration project.”

“The cannon on the other hand where not valuable although the bronze ones where. You have received your share of what they would have fetched at market value.”

The two divers, “We are not going to dispute the amount. We though where wondering if either the local museum or the navel museum in Scarborough would like the remaining artefacts.” The local museum declined the items but Simone in Scarborough said, “Yes we are always glad to receive items like these.”

The two divers, “Can we bring them across to you & you promise they will go on display & not be stuck in a store room?” After three hours of driving they arrived at their destination.

Simone, “So these are the small artefacts you & the others recovered.”

One of the divers looked around, “We recovered three anchors similar to that you have across there. Our partners claimed them though & paid us out for them. This is what we previously recovered & the local museum has no place for it.”

Simone looked at the Pewter plates, “Have your diving partners seen these?

“We did not think to show them all we had previously recovered.”

Simone spoke into the phone, “Have you two accommodation?”

“We intended driving back home after we had handed you these over. All we want to know is that they will all get a good home & be shown to the public.”

“So you are not interested in selling them then?”

“It was only our intention to give them to any museum that would have them as to selling them. Our former partners have been more than generous with the amount they gave us.”

Simone, “My bosses want to talk to you about these finds. I have been asked to put you up at a hotel. The only one that can accommodate you two is the Crown Imperial as the Grand is booked by the British & American Olympic swimming teams.”

“I would love to watch then in action.”

Simone, “You may as they are swimming at the Crown -Imperial where you will be staying. I have been asked to tell you that you may be here for the remainder of the week and the boss wishes to ensure you both are ok & that you have everything you need.”

The two divers looked at each other. One diver, “I must ring & let my ancient mother know I am safe & that I will eventually be home.”

The other diver, “May I ring my sister & let her know I will be away all weekend & that I am safe.”

One of the divers, “We did not come with a change of clothing or anything for a weekend.”

Simone, “Let me take your measurements & I will get all you will need.” They started to open their wallets. “No the bosses have instructed me to sort out all you need including all meals.”

“After we had dropped this lot off we were going to go for a meal.”

Simone, “I take it you both have good appetites?”

“Yes we have. Do you know where we can get a decent meal?”

Simone, “I will just lay these out on the table & then we can go for a meal. Leave your transport here it will be safe.”

They were just on the sea front in Scarborough & a little girl said, “Hello are you going in there the meals are fantastic.” There was an old man with her.

Both boys said, “Would you both like to accompany us as our friend seems to have vanished.”

Lyris, “I have been helping grand Father look after the babies.”

Neptune, “What do you do?”

“Well to be honest we are both out of work but we love diving & have just finished a contract which has left the two of us rather well off.”

Neptune, “You two should have a chat with my daughters as they are always diving.” Lyris gave a little giggle.

The waitress came & Lyris, “Four chefs specials,”
The waitress, “Are you sure?”

Lyris, “What I cannot manage grandfather can always have.”

The divers kept looking at Lyris, “Have we met before?”

Lyris, “No this is the first time we have met but you where with one of my aunts when we bumped into you.”

“Ah the lady called Simone she was nice. She has booked us into a hotel as we have to meet her boss.”

Lyris, “Did aunt book you into the Grand?”

“No that was full of swimmers or something so we are at the Crown-Imperial.”

“Oh good you get Aunt Sharon then.”

Neptune, “My daughters are manager’s at all three establishments.”

“Would you mind showing us where this hotel is sir as we have no idea where it is?”
Competition Time.

Lyris, “I will call for Zita to come & collect us all after this meal as I need to get back there or mum will be worried.”

The meal came & the lads looked at it, “No wonder the waitress thought you had made a mistake.” It took the boys quite a while to eat the meal & they noticed the old man was finishing off the rest of Lyris meal.

Lyris, “I have just thought of something. We were supposed to be going to the dance.”

Neptune, “Well our two friends can accompany us & then we can return to the hotel.”

“Would you two boy take me to dance?”

“After treating us to that meal that is the least we can do although neither of us are great dancers.”

Neptune, “Some of her aunts are dancing on the stage & that is what we are going to watch.”

“Just how many aunts do you have?”

Neptune, “She has lots of Aunts.”

Bridget came on the stage & danced. Both lads where enjoying the dancing. Neptune, “That is my niece, my Brothers Daughter.”

A little while later Lyris & some others on the front row vanished.

The two divers, “We thought it was supposed to be her aunt dancing. We have to admit though she is very good at dancing.” The girls danced & the shell opened.

“Look at her she reminds me of one of the divers we had with us.”

Neptune, “Oh that is another of my nieces.”

One of the boys, “I was thinking of something else.”

Neptune, “Let me warn you now she is a no go area. Look but do not touch.” Lyris leapt into the air & landed in Gaby's arms.”

Gaby, “I see them Lyris.”

Lyris came back to the seat, “I have been instructed by the big cheese to take you to the changing room.”

Neptune, “Remember what I said boys.”

Lyris, “Come on you two Dame Gaby is waiting.” She pulled both of them towards the dressing room.

Bridget, “Lyris have you managed to catch two boys?”

Lyris, “I have to get these two to Gaby as she wants to see them.”

Bridget, “Two big strong boys like you are not scared of coming back stage.”

“We do not want to offend the old man. He has warned us twice look but do not touch. We have no intention of upsetting the old man.”
Bridget laughed, “Uncle is a pussy cat & he knows we will not do anything that will upset him.”

One of the divers picked Lyris up, “I wish my sister could see me with you two. Would it be possible for you to have photos taken with us so we can show our mother & sister?”

Bridget, “I can arrange that for you both.”

“Er Lyris your aunt Simone was supposed to be getting us some clothing & some other grooming equipment.”

Bridget, “All you need will already be in your room by now if Aunt Simone promised you.”

They arrived at the changing room & found a party in full swing. Bridget said, “Take one Lyris & I will have the other.”

Lyris “Take your shoes off & copy me.” They both watched Lyris & did as she instructed. The others started to clap as they danced. Lyris started to spin & then leapt into the air & both boys caught her.

Gaby, “I am not sure who has caught who. It looks to me like little Lyris here likes these two. Perhaps we should marry her off.”

Lyris, “I am only showing you oldies that I can get the boys. They will have a long wait if either of them wants me as their spouse.”

One of the boys, “We have enjoyed our time with you & perhaps we could go to that restaurant again. I think it is now time we danced with some of the oldies.” Lyris giggled,

Gaby, “Now Howard & Hulbert it is time you took us oldies dancing.”

Howard, “You know us.”

Gaby. “Now is not the time to talk but there will be plenty of time back at your hotel.” Back at the hotel. “Right we can get down to business.”

Howard, “We still have not been shown our room or found our change of clothing.”

Gaby, “I am given to understand you have a disabled sister & mother back home is that correct?”

Howard, “We spoke to them on the telephone & they had somebody coming to help them. To be honest we are not usually away from them for so long.”

Gaby smiled. Daisy arrived back with Poppy, “We got the two items you required.”

Gaby, “Make sure they are both well cared for. Now boys you received your payment I understand.”

Howard, “You where very generous with the payment. It was far more than we expected & the girl told us we could keep all the small items. We had collected rather a lot before you & your team arrived & nobody asked to see it. We would rather it went to a museum & thought of here when the local museum could not take them.”

Gaby, “Do neither of you realise why Simone was so excited.”

Howard, “I cannot see what is so exciting about some old tin plate.

Valerie, “The pewter all has coat of arms on of British & Italian families. The bell has a date as have the anchors. All the wood has long gone. Only a few coins have been found & they gave us a date. The British & Italian Coats of arms have been located & there was a similar one on one of the cannons. We have both families now & have discovered now found where the stone was heading for. Quite strange as things turned out because it was going to the former palace of Owen Glendower.”

“It is also where it has been sent so the Marble at least has completed its journey. The British coat of arm belonged to the Clifford family while the Italian belonged to the De Mecia both families are very well documented. A check through the records of both families revealed a marriage in 1707. A note in the Italian records said, “Their boat was carrying Marble & her Jewels. Apparently the marble was to restore their home following the civil war as it was in quite bad shape. According to the records they were making for the port when they hit a reef. They all managed to get to safety but the ship was lost. Everything else went down with the ship.

Lyris, “In that case do you want us all to do a more detailed search & see if we can find the treasure chest.”

Gaby, “If we find it then it must be returned to the current family.”

Howard, “When we found the ship we had no idea what or who she was.”

Gaby, “We all know that. Howard, Some of the De Mecia were reputed to be witches do you think that could be true?”

The colour drained from Howard's face. “John Clifford & Catherine. “I could never work her last name out.”

Gaby, “You know who you are descended from.”

Howard, “Better than that I can show you. I left my laptop in the car & I require internet access.”

Gaby, “Will mine do?” He soon accessed his site. “Look this is us & what relations we have living to my knowledge. That is the current Duke of Devonshire who is descended from a different line. That line is the lady who should have been queen. Lady Anne she had as much right as the kings illegitimate children.”

Two voices, “You think she was great then.”

Howard, “Lady Anne took on the king & her family & yes she & her mother both have my greatest respect. Had I lived then I would have loved to have her as my wife.”

Gaby, “What would you have said to her if you had lived then?”

Howard, “My mother & sister always tell me I still live in the past. I would have said, “Lady Anne, Countess of Pembroke & Baron Clifford.” “I Howard Clifford your distant cousin ask you for your hand in marriage.”

Howard's mother & sister where been wheeled in when he proposed to Anne. Anne noticed their arrival. “Thank you kind sir for that offer of marriage. After giving it due consideration I accept your offer of marriage Howard.

There was clapping at the back of the room a voice said, “I wondered when you would get the courage to propose to some poor girl. So you are to be one of my daughter in laws then. My friends here collected me & your sister & we have been watching you been manoeuvred. Just like your brother who at the moment is also proposing to Lady Margaret. I would get out & curtsy but as you can see neither of us can move below the waist. I have a present for you Empress.”

Howard, “Mother you are going crackers this is my friend Gaby & this is one of her associates. I was saying what I might have said if I had met my distant cousin in real life & I do not mind admitting that I fell in love with her the first time I saw her picture in the book. I realise I cannot have my dream girl but because of the dive I am relatively well off & you certainly look like a younger Anne so this time. I am asking you if you will consent to be my partner whatever may come.”

Anne, “Howard you silly goat I said yes & it is still yes.”

Margaret came back in, “You will ever guess what has happened. Our diving friend has jumped in the deep end & proposed to me & I accepted.”

“Mother how did you get here?”

Lyris came in & pulled a face, “I wanted this one.”

Howard, “My friend I know it is not normal but would you be our Chief bridesmaid. Had you been older it might have been you I proposed to instead I will always be there for you when you need a friend.”

Lyris, “I already know how much you love Anne. In fact we all can sense your mutual attraction.”

Anne, “Lyris if you want the chief bridesmaid’s job then it is yours. Lily, Starr, Rose & the little ones can also be bridesmaids.”

Howard, “We have a couple of problem as my brother is getting married I cannot use him as best man & likewise he cannot use me. We do not have any other friends, but all you we dived with.”

Lyris, “I could think of a best man if you two do not mind sharing.”

Howard, “You mean your Grand Father, or as you where calling him the old man. Is it ok with you if we ask the old man to be best man?”

Anne, “I will ask his brothers to give us away & if your brother wishes a beat man we have Cousin Diana's husband who could step in.”

Starr, “Or there is my dad.”

Howard, “No the old man will do for the two of us providing he agrees. I have just realised something. If the jewels are recovered then we are the legal owners of them.”

Howard's mother, “Before my son interrupted me I was about to give you Empress a present. These days I do not get out much & neither do my sons. Sometimes I used to think they were more like daughters as they have quite a caring nature. Other than when they are away they both have looked after us. I would like to thank your associate & give her a gift from me.”

Daisy came up to the old lady. The lady, “I only have two things other than my children I value. This I give to you for bringing me here.” “It is supposed to bring me luck but it never seemed to work still I treasure it.”

Daisy accepted the bracelet & departed quickly. Gaby noticed her go but none of the others did. “Like the other item it has been passed from mother to eldest daughter. My daughter is in no fit state to receive it. So I am giving my other treasure to you as you have looked after my sons.”

Sydel who was nearby noticed the wand, “That reminds me of one I once gave to a friend.”

The old lady said, “There is no power in it.” Sydel tapped & nothing happened.”

Sydel, “It is completely flat & so the owner would not be receiving energy & neither would her family.” Where did you get this?” asked Sydel as she looked at it.

The Mother, “It came from Catherine down the maternal line to me. It has never worked to my knowledge.”

Sydel. “Do you know how to charge it?”

Gaby, “It is obvious from the blank expression on her face she has no idea.” Gaby placed it in the fire place & it started to sparkle. “Howard can you pick it up & bring it here.” Howard did as he was told.

Sydel, “Empress do what you must do.”

Gaby, “Catherine's Spells are now no more. Do you know where she lies buried?”

Howard, “Yes they are in the crypt at St. Mary's Beverley. All those of her line lie there.”

Gaby, “Sydel take Lyris & Little Lily & Rose & go now.”

Howard, “So Catherine was some sort of witch then & the stories where not all rubbish.”

Gaby, “She was very powerful & very loyal to her friends.”

“So by the same token are we all witches if we are descended from her.”

Gaby, “That is what I need to find out how much of her is still inside you all. I am going to give all four of you a book to read & I want you to read it until I say stop.” The mother read all first six pages & so did the daughter the brother read nine pages & then it was Howard's turn. What he read was totally different from the others & started.

“Today I married the love of my live we are bound together forever. We are setting sale for England & my new home. My sister enchantress has given me a new wand I have to charge it when we arrive home until then I will continue to use the old one.” I will place it in the bracelet once I start to use the new wand. I feel new life in me John & I are going to have daughters. A great storm is brewing up & there is nothing I can do to stop it. It is the second of June & we are been blown off course. The captain has made adjustments & we are off the coast of Wales. We are going to try & land as the storm is getting worse. We all got off safely although all we owned is still aboard the ship. A massive wave has just lifted the ship & smashed it down into a thousand pieces.”

“As the storm subsides we are seeing what we can recover. Some of the chests with my clothes we have recovered. John said, “We will need some specialized men to recover anything else. I still have my wands.” Today my daughters are born. John is over the moon & he says a prayer for all our safe deliverance. John & I are still very much in love all these years later. We have handed the wands to our daughters with instructions on how to use them. John & I will take the long sleep together & forever be bound as one. Before we take the sleep I must warn the others. John & I have been that long together we look more like sisters than husband & wife. We are still in love regardless of how we both look. John can no longer give me children. We have given our daughters instructions that are to be followed explicitly. We are to be laid in St. Mary's & there all our children & grand children will follow us. Sydel my friend I have never seen you again but when the great queen summons me I will be there alongside my family.”

Gaby, “Thank you Howard.”

Howard, “Did I die in a diving accident or something?”

Gaby, “What ever makes you think that?”

Howard, “The diary was written as if Catherine expected to be summons from the dead. The bible records a couple of cases where a child & a friend where both brought back from the dead. The Great Queen is you Gaby even my mother is calling you Empress & I thought she was going senile.”

The old lady, “Son her eyes gave her away to me.” I do not know her full name but I do know she is Empress of all. I can feel the warmth from her here as can your sister.”

Howard, “Somehow I think we have been tricked or conned brother by these girls.”

The brother replied we were warned not to touch & you lifted the little one & we both danced with every girl.”

Howard, “And we liked it.” Anne came & joined Howard. “Be blowed to the warning I am going to kiss you after all we are engaged.”

Gaby, “Howard I am afraid you will now have to be married to your chosen one & rather sharpish if you want family.”

“Not without me present.” a voice said.” Two female approached followed by others.

Gaby, “I see the invitation has arrived.”

“So you are Howard? Your aunt has been telling me about you two.”

Catherine did a full curtsy & Lyris said, “Congratulations you did that perfectly.”

Gaby, “Catherine I presume?”

Catherine, “This is my partner Joanne.”

Joanne stepped forward & curtsied, “Pleased to meet you Empress Gaby.”

Sydel, “Empress I promised I would help introduce the rest if it pleases you.”

Gaby, “Running Water will you make your cousins badges as their names are given.”

Catherine, “Where both my wands destroyed or only the new one.”

Gaby, “I only ever received the one.”

Daisy, “I was given a bracelet & took it to show father & he retained it to inspect it further.”

Catherine, “Father as in Oberon.”

Daisy, “He promised me he would bring the bracelet back.”

Oberon pushed open the door & walked down with his queen. “Daisy is the one who gave you this here.” Oberon looked at the two women in the wheelchairs, “How did you come by this?”

“Sir it was pass to me by my mother & it came to her from her mother.”

Oberon, “Thank you for sending it to me.”

The lady, “It is of no use to either of us & the ginger haired girl might as well have it.”

Oberon, “She is not allowed to accept it so I must return these to you.” He placed a bracelet on the mother & daughter. “These are for you & you alone. Now Catherine you will be somewhere nearby. Do you recognise this I believe it is yours although there appears to be something hidden in here. What do you know a golden wand inscribed with all my love your brother Oberon? Empress Gaby I believe this is the missing artefact you where looking for.”

Gaby appeared to break it & then put it back together. “Catherine this is yours it now needs charging.”

Catherine looked at the wand, “You broke it & repaired it so it now is a new wand.”

Gaby, “Catherine look at the additional inscription on it & read it. “Now try it out as if it was your first time.” Catherine tapped it & then pointed it at the fire. “Now ask Howard to hold it & give him a kiss.” Catherine did as she was told. Now tell me how you feel honestly.”

Catherine, “Since I have been restored I have been feeling very different. When I was given the wand back it did not feel the same. It was very different. In fact I would have thought it was a brand new wand apart from the inscription.”

Gaby, “Catherine exactly who can read your diary other than you.”

Catherine, “That was easy only the first born daughter could read it. All others would read the potions if anything.”

Howard, “Well your spell was wrong I was first born but the son & I read it.”

Catherine, “If that is so then you can also wield what you have in your hand.” Just tap it three times & point the wand at the fire place.”

Howard looked at Anne. “Just do as you are asked.” He lit the fire.

Catherine, “Now put it out.”

Howard, “I feel strange it is as if there is electricity flowing up through my legs into my arms.”

Gaby, “Are your finger tips tingling? Howard drop the wand. Now make a fist with both hands. Point your hands at the fireplace & slowly undo the fist keeping your palm upwards.”

Howard did as he was told. “Do I hold my hands out like this?”

Gaby, “Just close your eyes now turn around.” Stop now slowly uncurl your fist. Think of your mother & sister.”

Howard smiled, “I can see them both now walking hand in hand.

Catherine, “Howard you will not be able to hold on much longer. Can you hold your fist as long as possible?”

Howard, “My hands are really burning now I am going to have to let go.” He released his fists.” He heard two screams & then nothing. Howard opened his eyes.

Catherine, “You did very well for a beginner. To hold the eternal fire for as long as you did was fantastic.”

Howard, “Who screamed?”

Catherine, “That was your mother & sister as the power surge hit them both.”

Howard went across to them, “Are you both OK? I did not mean to harm you.”

The sister, “Howard I am not sure what you have done but I can feel my toes again. Howard help me up & out of the chair.” He looked at the other chair as his sister walked for the first time since the accident.

“Mum is that you? You look a lot younger in fact you look more like my sisters twin.”

Catherine, “Help her out of the chair Howard.”

The mother & sister walked across to Gaby & the mother spoke. “I know you where directing him & using my Howard as a tool to restore us. I do not understand why you just did not do it yourself.”

Gaby, “Howard the reason was easy the bond between you is stronger & I needed the strongest bond to restore your mother & sister.”

Kelda looked at Howard, “You are starting to look more like my twin than my elder brother.”

Catherine looked at him, “I hate to rush things but Howard you & your wife are going to get married immediately.” Both couple took their vows.”

Howard, “Old Man your warning did not matter as I was already infected although it was dormant. Sorry I do not know your proper name & I was going from what Lyris called you.”

Neptune laughed, “The Old man of the sea is one of my titles.”

Howard, “Opps I have just realised you must be Neptune. I thought there was something strange when all the girls wore one piece costumes but did not need breathing equipment. Have I been swimming & dancing with mermaids?”

Neptune, “Not all of them where mermaid but they all have the same abilities.”

“The little one who can dance fantastically I presume she is one.”

Lyris, “Yes I am & I love it in future you will be able to swim with me.”

Howard, “Well we both enjoy diving on wrecks but we are in need of a new job as the last firm we worked for went belly up like many others it did not survive the recent banking problem .”

Anne, “If you will take advice from Margaret & I then the money you received should go into this investment.”

Howard thought for a moment, “Lyris You looked after us both before? Would you accept what Anne & Margaret said?”

Lyris, “Actually I would have given the cheque to Gaby & asked her to invest it.”

Howard thought for a moment he walked up to Catherine, “Neptune referred to you as his sister & you are sort of my Gran in fact providing you do not object I will call you Gran. I have listened to the advice from all my friends & family. You & your children have now been restored & none of you have anything. As this is because of you I feel it is only right we share it with you. I am giving this to you for all your children & grandchildren.”

Catherine took it of Howard, “Howard I have no need of this & neither do you. Your advisers where all correct & I shall invest it with Gaby on your behalf although as I said you do not need it. There is something you and the girls can do though.” “Somewhere in the bay is a lead lined steel casket with all my jewels in I would appreciate them returned if possible.”

Anne, “Catherine it will not be this weekend as starting tonight we have competitions to win. Come Monday every one of us will be scouring the sea bed.”

Lucy, “These may come in handy after all.” It was the floats within built metal detectors.”

Mary, “We have one for each of us. They are great for the children but will be very useful in this search.”

A short while later the two coaches turned up with their teams, “We thought that we would come across & see what the opposition looked like.”

Gaby, “We are having a family meeting but that has just finished.”

The two coaches, “The teams are waiting for our call but we would like to see the pool first.”

Gaby, “It is brand new pool with a separate deep diving pool & viewing gallery.”

The two coaches, “This is your normal practice pool.”

Gaby, “Yes is there something wrong.”

The two coaches, “We were expecting a small pool not a full size Olympic standard pool & diving area. Is it possible for the teams to come across now & use the pool?”

Gaby, “My girls will use the four outer lanes & your teams can have the four inner lanes.”

They two coach went to collect their team. The teams will be ready in five minutes.”

One of the English girls as soon as she saw Gaby, “Oh no we have already lost. I remember the last time I swam against you & lost.”

Gaby, “Come & meet my sisters & cousins. We all swim in a one piece costume which makes us more streamlined.” The teams where already changing & then they noticed Gaby's girls. The teams dived in & started their practice.

The American coach, you seem rather short of males?”

Howard, “We can just scrape a team to swim against you although the girls are better.”

Neptune, “I am in charge of the men's team but we will all be wearing similar costumes to the girls.”

The American coach, “As tonight is just a practice session we will only do a mile each.”

Neptune laughed, “While they are swimming come & watch the competition on the high board.” Lyris performed a perfect dive she was followed by her cousins. The two coaches looked at each other.

Neptune, “They are only the beginners unlike their aunts & cousins who are the expert divers.”

The British coach, “These are only the babies who are practicing as they do each & every night.” Lily & Rose where next.

The Husband & wife looked at each other. The coaches, “If we had these in our teams we would be clearing the deck with the diving awards.”

Neptune, “Come & watch the others.” They watched & realised that Gaby & the others were considerably faster than any of their swimmers.”

Neptune, “My niece Gaby does not get much practice these days. She could do with a lot more practice as she is a bit slow.”
The two of them spluttered, “Slow!”

Gaby got out of the pool, “I did my mile & the others are going in now.”

Neptune, “Your friends here thought you were rather slow.”

The two coaches, “Gaby have you ever been approached to host an international event?”

Gaby, “Sharon here runs the Hotel for me so she is the best one to answer.”

Sharon, “One time we did get an inquiry but they never followed it up.”

The two coaches, “We are in desperate need of an Olympic facility.” There has been a problem with the site that was chosen.”

Sharon, “Exactly how many are you talking about.”

The two looked at each other, “As you know Greece is holding the Olympic Games this summer. The pool that they were building for the games there has been a major problem. As following an earthquake it will not be ready in time.”

Madam Popadopalis.

Gaby “So you wondered if it could be transferred here at the last minute. Well we have the accommodation in fact it is just ready for opening. We can accommodate all the National teams at the Empress Gardens.”

The two coaches, “The Greek government intended giving the pool an Olympian theme but that has gone out of the window now.”

Gaby, “Why not ring the Chairman of the Olympic committee & get him to come here.”

As they were speaking Lyris came into the room, “Gaby there is a Madame Popadopalis to see you & it is rather urgent.”

Gaby, “Coaches return to your team & tell Uncle you wish to commence the races. Madame Popadopalis what can we do for you?”

“This is rather embarrassing but I need help urgently. I am in charge of the swimming event for the Olympic Games. Our national pool is not going to be finished on time & we need somewhere that is up to standard & where can accommodate the teams.”

Gaby, “Well we can accommodate all the teams but transport will have to be laid on as the hotel is a mile away. If you want you can see our pool we currently have friends swimming in a friendly against us.”

Madame Popadopalis looked over the site, “I had intended giving the pool a Greek theme but yours looks like an Olympian temple already.”

Gaby, “I have the greatest respect for all the ancient gods & in fact we call this the temple of Neptune.”

“Who are the divers in the one piece body suits?”

Gaby, “Oh they are my sisters & cousins & family. We all always use the body suits.”

Madame Popadopalis, “Can I see the accommodation?”

Gaby, “Zita can you take us to the Empress Gardens.”

“Am I right in thinking that four lanes where all your family?”

Gaby, “Yes we always train here unless we swim the five miles & back in the sea.”

Madame Popadopalis, “You all swim the ten miles.”

Gaby, “Children included.”

“If I was to include a ten mile swim then it all could be done.”

Gaby, “The swimmers would need one piece suits as it is very cold in the North Sea.”

They arrived at the hotel & Valerie showed her around. “We are due to reopen following alterations.”

“What is that?”

Gaby, “That is the naval museum & the sea life centre.”

“Please can I see it as I am here?” They walked across.

Simone, “Gaby we were just about to swim to Gibb point would you like to come.”

Gaby, “I will take the motor boat & show my friend here Gibb point. You had better put this on as it will get quite cold out there.” The woman watched as Simone & the others all set off swimming.”

Mrs. Popadopalis, “Your swimmers do this often?”

Gaby, “Simone does it at least twice a day. This is the island.”

Mrs. Popadopalis, “Oh there is an injured baby porpoise.”

Gaby lifted it up and into the boat, “We will take her back to the sanctuary.”

Mrs. Popadopalis, “There appears to be a pod or something in front of us.” Gaby stopped the boat. She held her hand out & a dolphin appeared.

Gaby, “Tell the porpoise I am taking her baby to the centre for treatment.” The dolphin gave a series of high-pitched squeaks. The porpoise squeaked back & then did a flip & was gone but the Dolphin accompanied the boat to the shore. “You had better come inside & you can help me with the baby.”

The dolphin was waiting inside. “Her mum is too scared to come in here but Bottle here has all she needs.” Gaby looked at the wound, “I am going to have to stitch this up for you.” She was talking to the porpoise all the time. “One day she may return the favour. Bottle until she is fit to release unless you can persuade her mother to feed her you will have to do it.”

Simone arrived back. “Have you have already treated the baby.”

Mrs. Popadopalis, “I have a favour to ask you. “Would it be possible to mark a course out to the Island & back for a ten mile race?”

Simone, “Yes but we don't want any boats other than official ones as you can see what happens to the children.”

Gaby. “I can fix it so the full course is televised & other than the official boats no others will be allowed.”

Mrs. Popadopalis, “So this is actually a sea life hospital.”

Gaby, “We never think of it like that but that is part of the duties here. Simone runs the centre & the museum for me.”

After looking round the museum she said, “The Greek-Roman section looked authentic & the statues are similar to those on my home of Simi.”

Gaby, “You live on Simi I went there once.”

Mr Popadopalis, “Officially it no longer belongs to Greece as the government sold the island & several others a while ago. Officially the games are the responsibility of Greece, Cyprus & the Simi Isles. Each of the countries is entitled to enter a team for the event.”

Gaby grinned, “Has the Simi Isles entered a team?”

Mrs. Popadopalis, “We only have one decent swimmer & he is swimming with the Greek national team. I would have entered myself to represent Simi but I have an affliction & that would bar me.”

Lyris, “Why do you not ask Gaby if you can borrow one of our costumes & swim with us?”

A short while later she was putting on the costume & said, “It is a very tight fit. Will you two come with me as it is a while since I last swam? Gaby do you mind if we swim to the island & back rather than the pool.

Simone looked at Gaby, “I will take the boat in case it is needed. No please just the three of us.”

Lyris, “Gaby can you help me with my costume it seems to have shrunk. Gaby looks behind her ears at what she has got. They are like mine.”

Gaby, “We both know what her affliction is then.” As they went back “Mrs P have you any family or children? I have no family & normally make my living by diving for sponges to sell to the tourists.”

Gaby, “We have a friend who used to have to rub lanolin on every time she went swimming as she had a skin problem.”
“Yes I may have a similar problem & hope that your costume would cure it or at least hide my problem.”

The porpoises came up & Gaby spoke to them.” Bottle is looking after your baby. If you want to see her then you know the way. They understood you just like the dolphin did.”

Gaby, “You have to meet our biggest friends Willie.” In front of them loomed a pod of killer whales. “This is Willie & his family they are sort of the policemen around here.” The youngest Orca swam under Mrs. Popadopalis & lifted her out of the water. She realised that the whale was giving her a ride.

Willie, “She is new family.”

“Are they always so playful Gaby?”

Gaby, “Usually only when they get a new mermaid to play with.”

“The Whales & Dolphins can all talk to you.”

Gaby, “Yes they talk to me & Willie wanted to know why you where ashamed of your heritage.”

“You know what I am & why I only go swimming at night & why I have never got married.”

Gaby, “Well I think you should be in the Simi team.”

“Oh yes a team of one I will sure win a lot on my own.”

Gaby, “You are serious that the owners of Simi & the islands are entitled to enter the competition.”

“The Greek government know that somebody very important bought it but the islands where sold to a company in Munich & then they went to somebody else. They have been unable to ask the owners if they would like to put a team in.”

Gaby smiled, “Perhaps they will submit a team yet.”

“Well the cut off is in an hour & the team needs to be submitted by then.” Gaby flicked her fingers which was unnoticed.
Mrs. Popadopalis, mobile rang & a voice said, “We have all the entries in & apparently there is an entry from the Simi Isles.”

Listing a rather large team. Mrs. Popadopalis, “How did you find the true owners?”

“We did not find them the form has just arrived in the post a few minutes ago. The names are rather strange. Empress of Heaven, The old man, Lord of man, Princess of the sea. All the entries are very similar.

Mrs. Popadopalis said, “They all sound like titles rather than names one even had Queen of the Iceni. & another Princess Zita.”

Mrs. Popadopalis, “Can you Fax me the full list or email it to me as I can get access to a computer.”

“I have emailed it to your personal number Madame.”

Mrs. Popadopalis put the phone down, “Can I borrow a computer there is something I need to deal with. Now can we get back & see the pool again.

Gaby smiled, “Certainly. Zita can you take us back to the Crown Imperial please.”

Gaby, “You better keep the costume on as it will be my turn to swim once we arrive back.”

Mrs. Popadopalis looked, “I am dry already.”

Gaby, “They dry almost instantly & help you through the water better.”

Back at the hotel Oberon had just won his heat & it was Neptune racing some of the young men. Starr & Lily where very vocal & where shouting “Come on old man do not let the side down.”

Mrs. Popadopalis, “Excuse me what did you shout.”

The next second Lily shouted come on Mr. Nemo you can do it.”

Mrs. Popadopalis smiled, “I presume I have to race you as we are the only ones left.”

Gaby, “No the remaining lanes can be filled by the swimmers male or female with the fastest times.” The scoreboard gave the swimmers that were required to swim again. Remember this is 10 miles so no slacking it is not a leisurely mile we normally do.” Jools fired the starting pistol & they were all off. Gaby, Neptune & Ariel where neck & neck then Gaby pulled ahead & she knew the watching audience was going wild with excitement.

Mrs. Popadopalis heard the voice of her friends shouting come on Gaby Lynn.” Gaby finished a mile ahead of all the others & got out. Ariel, Neptune & Mrs. Popadopalis where neck & neck Ariel pulled ahead & arrived a length in front of the others.

Neptune & Mrs. Popadopalis came in Joint third place.

The two coaches came to see Gaby, “It is a good job that you are not swimming against us. We like the idea of the costumes & would like to know the name of your supplier.”

Gaby, “Several other teams have already placed similar orders for them in including most of the former soviet countries, Spain & Germany.

Neptune came up, “It was an honour to tie with you” & looked closely at her.”

Mrs. Popadopalis, “Can I use your computer to down load some documents.”

After she had gone Lyris said, “Gaby she is working out who is who. Her mind is currently working overtime & she has realised Zita & Princess Zita are the same person. She has also realised the old Man is Mr. Nemo who she tied with.”

Gaby, “Tinkerbelle just keep an eye on her while we all change & prepare for the party.”

Starr knocked on the door. “Mrs. Popadopalis, Gaby instructed me I had to tell you we were having a party & I had to show you where to come.”

Mrs. Popadopalis, “What is your name child?”

“I am Starr.”

“Are you different from the others?”

Starr, “If you are wondering if I am like you the answer is no. I am like Gaby while you are like Ariel & the old man.”

“The Old man of the Seas & the Princess of the seas. It makes sense now those two are a mermaid & merman.”

Starr, “The old man will be insulted if you call him a merman, as he is not.”

“No according to my history the old man of the Sea was Neptune himself.”

Starr, “You did very well although Neptune will be wanting to know where you have come from as he keeps a list of all the mermaids & you are not on it.”

“I have not always been like this & I have to keep changing my name. I was Born Spiro Spinoff in 1772. I was courting a girl & we got on well together I had intended asking her to be my wife. We both got drunk on wine & made love. A few days later an old gypsy woman appeared & said, I had been cursed because I had made love to the girl without her consent. This was totally untrue as I loved her dearly. I never saw my girlfriend again but strange things started to happen to me.”

“I changed from been a man to been a woman & when I went into the sea I developed a tail instead of legs. I felt a real freak but I swam at night when nobody was around. I always got the best sponges. At least with this costume I can swim with the others & appear normal.”

Starr, “Your girlfriend can you remember what she looked like.”

“She had a tattoo on her wrist with a crown & what looked like a three pronged spear.”

Neptune entered, “So you once had a friend with those markings.”

“Sir I had intended to marry her & make her my wife. When I said, Could I meet her father she was rather evasive? I did really love her & want her to be my wife.”

Neptune, “I for one believe you. This crown can you remember what it looked like?”

“Yes I still remember to this day. The crown was small with three points on it she was called. Oh what was her name she had blue/green eyes & a lovely kiss. Her hair was long & blond, which was unusual in Greece. Ah I remember now she was calling Astral.”

Neptune, “You actually asked her to be your wife?”

“Yes that is why we were celebrating my only reservation was I never got to meet her father. To be honest I do not know if she was ashamed of me or was terrified of her father. We both got drunk.”

Neptune, “So you both ended up in bed together.”

“I regretted it later & I still wanted to marry her but she just vanished. I never knew if it was because of me or if there were other reasons. One thing for sure she will never accept me now even if she is still alive. Even if she was having my baby I would have loved her & certainly looked after her the best I could. I do not know why I was cursed unless it was because I had slept with her before we were married.”

Neptune, “By any chance is she here now.”

“No when I first saw Ariel I thought it was Astral but they have totally different personalities. She gives you the little girl lost feeling when you are with her. I still love her with all my heart.”

Neptune, “Well will you allow me to escort you to the party.”

He linked up with her Ariel said, “Looks like that sister of mine is going to get another partner.” Neptune danced all night with Mrs. Popadopalis.

She approached Gaby, “After trying the facilities out I can now tell you that this facility will do fine & I have already made arrangements for coaches to bring the swimmers' the mile to this facility. I have arranged with a coach company 80 miles away to do the transport. Now I would like to have a dance again with my escort.”

While she was dancing, “Neptune are all of these here your family?”

Neptune,” Brothers, Wives, Daughters & Nieces & Sisters.”

“So is Gaby one of your sister’s children?”

“Yes that is why I call her my niece.”

“Is Astral one of your daughters or a niece?”

“I am sorry to say she is my daughter. Had she brought you to me you would have been welcomed with opened arms.”

Ariel, “Our Astral always was silly that way. She should have been honest with you from the start. There was no curse as such but once you have slept with one of us you would always have changed. Had you met father he would have told you what would happen to you. You would have been given the choice never to see Astral again or become one of us. Astral probably thought that by going away you would be safe but it was already too late.”

Neptune, “It is far too late for me to right the wrong done to you. I can though accept you as my daughter & name you accordingly as Cordelia. I must present you to the Empress of the Heaven or I will be in trouble also I have to tell you that you are to be married as all my daughters are. Do you know how to curtsy?”

Cordelia, “Yes as Lyris was showing me how to do one correctly.”

Neptune stepped forward, “Empress a while a go one of my daughters was responsible for me receiving another 1000 daughters the same person has struck again. Although there was only one this time I would like to introduce Cordelia my new daughter although she has in fact been my daughter for at least 300 years & I never knew about her.”

Gaby, “Astral I am waiting for your excuse this time.” Astral came in front of Gaby shaking.

Cordelia, “Astral I still love you why did you just go.”

Astral burst into tears, “I was rather naive & thought if I introduced you to father then he would turn you to a girl like me. I did not realise that by sleeping with you I sealed your fate. I loved you dearly & hoped by going away you would be safe. Unfortunately I did not realise that you had already been affected. I apologies for the missfortune I brought on you.”

Cordelia, “It would appear that another name will have to be entered on this list.”

Astral, “Can I see who has been entered on the team. I think if you look you will find your name is already on the list with your timings for various events.”

Cordelia looked at the list. She noticed every one of them was listed with their timings. But I only swam twice once doing the trip to Gibb point & then in the pool.”

Astral, “Your timing to Gibb was enough to give Gaby all she needed.”

“This Princess Cordelia is me!”

Astral, “Allow me to alter the list slightly.” That is Uncle Oberon.”

Cordelia, “Well Ariel came second so I presume she is Princess of the seas.”

Astral, “Actually we all are but yes it does refer to Ariel.”

“Then the first Is Gaby herself.”

Astral, “I was not allowed to compete.”

Cordelia, “Well I for one want to challenge you even if I cannot beat Gaby & I tied with your father.”

Astral, “Our father & there are very few who can beat him it has taken Ariel & Lorelei years to beat him.”

“I do not think I have meet Lorelei.”

“She was with me in the nursery. The result of my last misadventure.” How on earth did you manage to change 1000 men?”

Astral told her story. Cordelia cracked out laughing, “So you ended up with twins out of it.”

“Actually I will have far more that as I am able to store almost all the sperm I am impregnated with.”

Cordelia, “So you just need a trigger & you are pregnant again.”

Ariel, “You have it she is going to be a mum for a long time to come. So does this other man you changed know how to trigger your pregnancies?”

A voice said, “I think between us we will be making Astral pay for a long-time to come. Like you Cordelia I still love her. I was trying to save her life when it happened to me.”

Cordelia, “Astral I searched high & low for you & until now never found you although once I thought I had seen you.”

Astral, “Empress “In neither case did I mean for it to happen. “Spiro filled me with joy & happiness & I was going to tell Dad but events overtook me & I ran away.”

Cordelia, “I have to use rather a lot of make up because if I did not people would realise that I was younger looking than I actually am. A while ago I started to get younger & when it stopped I looked like this.”

Ariel, “Would this be about three years ago?”

Cordelia, “Yes & a while ago I started to have considerable pain in my tummy. I even have been producing milk in rather large quantities.”

Neptune, “Please can you remove all the makeup & appear as you actually are. Cordelia peeled of what appeared to be a latex mask. I have been dying my hair dark because it went blonde.”

Gaby, “It will not take long for Sandra here to cut & trim it & take out the colour.”

Astral, “I am coming with you & once it is done we will have to return. Cordelia I think you got more from me than I realised. We both sealed our fate that night. You have milk because my children must be yours.” You actually felt me giving birth to the girls. For a mermaid I have been struggling to produce enough milk for my daughters & the others have been helping me out. With your help though we will have enough to feed them.”

Sandy, “It will take about an hour to restore your hair Cordelia would you like a manicure & pedicure while you wait.”

Astral, “Give her the complete works & it is all on me. Astral I have lived as a woman far longer than I ever did as a male & think of myself as female these days. At one time I contemplated going to the island of Circe & asking for help. I got to one of the uninhabited islands & rested & there I had a dream. The dream warned me that my life was in peril if I continued. I found some old cave system & for a while lived in the cave & caught fish & crabs. It looked like somebody at one time had lived on the island because there was a doorway blocked by rubble. I shifted some but there was a massive stone I could not move.”

Astral, “Can you remember where this was.”

“I think it would be one of the islands Gaby & the rest of you bought. I could show you if you were interested.”

Sandy’s, “All finished.”

Astral, “Now to get you out of that clothing & into something lighter.”

Cordelia after they had finished changing clothing, “We look like identical sisters now.”

Astral, “None of them can tell us apart. How do you feel about playing a joke on them all?”

Cordelia, “So long as it is a joke & nothing nasty.” They returned to the hall where the others were waiting & they both went up to Neptune & kissed him.

Then they went to Gaby, “Empress may I present my sister.”

Gaby, “Astral apparently back in the 1700's you must have merged everything. I can only detect the one of you.”

Ariel, “I know how to tell them apart & brought the babies in.”Empress meet the Astral detectors.” Cordelia fed one & then the other & they fell contentedly asleep.

“That has to be Cordelia as Astral could never get them to do that.”

Cordelia, “I am going to have to resign my job with the Olympic committee. Do you know where I might get a job baby sitting or similar?”
Astral, “Empress as Cordelia has become my sister through my mistake & she is the true father of my children I would like permission for her to join us.”

Gaby, “Cordelia as I told you before Neptune decreed all his daughters' where to be married off & that applies to you. Have you any preference for where the ceremony should take place.”

Astral, “Yes we were discussing it & she wants it to be on an abandoned island off Simi.

Cordelia, “The Greek name translates as the Lady Isle.”

Gaby, “I think I know the place you mean.”

“For a long time I lived in the caves there & always go back when troubled.”

Gaby. “First we need to get this venue sorted out for you. What was the specification that where required & it will be changed so it is ready for the teams. As to the hotel we can give that a thought."

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