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Chapter 41 Crimson returns
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction
The news broadcast stated there had been several simultaneous volcanic eruptions all round the world. Snow smiled, “It looks like more than Crimson survived after all. Keep playing and they will all find their way here as will any others who have not already answered the call?”
“Mum was not telling tall stories then when she said she was a dragon maid.”
Snow, “You quizzed the child but you yourself do not see.”
“Yes I know we all give off an amber glow but we are not dragons we are witches.”
Gaby pointed her trident at the old lady, “Tracy give your granny the pipe to blow as is her duty. Do your duty dragon maid.”
The old lady blew & as she blew she started to get younger. “Crimson will recognise you now although you should be in a crimson dress.” A quick flash & she was in a crimson Robe.”
“Mistress I gave myself to Galadriel long ago & to her & to her kin I am for ever loyal. Only Galadriel’s kin could be the Golden Queen. I must give you this as her successor.” Gaby broke the wand in half. “I was right for only the Golden Queen herself could break the dragon wand. All the magic of the dragons is yours to command.”
There was a knock at the door & one of the girls answered it. “We were summoned here said a powerful voice.”
“I presume you are Lord Crimson. Mother was just telling us about you.”
“It is a long time since I was called that name by my dragon Maid.”
Tracy, “I have to escort you to grandmother & the others.”
“You are not scared of us.”
“Why should I be scared of you as you could be my grandfather? I already have met Snow & his Family & they do not scare me. I am a companion of the Golden Dragon & so I know no harm will come to me.”
Crimson, “So the rumours are true the golden dragon holds court.”
“If you are Snows brother then you must be great uncle to the golden dragon because Snow is the grandfather twice over.”
“Tell me did the red & yellow Princess survive the conflict.”
“I presume you mean my friends the Red & Yellow Queens, Although I am the youngest I am Amber Queen.”
Crimson, “I certainly would like to meet the golden queen.”
“That is where I have to take you uncle & all your followers.”
“No need young lady to tell me further I can tell by the smells alone through this door is a parliament of dragons.”
“Each has their own aroma.” Neptune has sent his sea dragons for I would recognise that smell anywhere.”
“Not exactly uncle those are the companions of the Empress like me.” There are many dragons here but on Snows orders other than the golden dragon the highest ranking is the small purple dragon.”
Tracy looked at the others behind Crimson & she went & took one by her hand, “You will do give me your hand.”
“Do not be scared for Crimson is my grandfather as he is yours. Grandfather stay here. Crimola & I will announce you.”
“You knew my name without being told.”
Amber Tracy, “I know all your names just like the Empress knows all your thoughts.”
Crimola blushed. “As we got here Grandfather expected a battle as he could smell Green & Blue dragons somewhere nearby.”
Tracy, “They are the weakest of the lot & only Red & Yellow had the courage to challenge the Golden Queen.”
Crimson, “They challenged & still live.”
“Your daughters are among the favourite companions & two of the queens most loyal subjects. Like all of Lord Snow’s daughters & granddaughters they are also companions. Likewise your brother Neptune children, With the exception of his wives & the prisoners all the other sea dragons belong to the Empress as do their sisters.”
“Empress Gaby this is Crimola daughter of Crimson.”
Crimola curtsied, “Why was I chosen to come here first?”
Gaby, “Each of the dragons has a representative to advise me & you will be the crimson representative. Like your sisters you will become my companion for all eternity.”
Crimola, “But I have not challenged you like Big Red & Yellow did.”
Red, “Sister you have had a great honour conferred on you. Like us you are now part of the inner circle you will take your seat here with your sisters.” First though your sisters will crown you Crimson Queen.”
“I Crimola the newly crowned Crimson Queen from this day forward do accept as my liege lord & companion the Golden Empress.”
Crimola felt a tingle as it runs through her body. Red, “You just felt the magic bind you.” Crimola took her seat & her father came in.
“Ah I see why Crimola was wanted first. My daughter has been elevated to a queen like her sisters.”
Gaby, “Crimson in the great conflict your exploits where almost as legendary as your Brother Snow. As you can see other than Snow & yourself no Male dragons survived. This parliament is comprised almost entirely of female dragons.”
Crimson, “Where is the Purple Queen should she not also take her seat with the others.”
Gaby, “The Purple Queen is a title conferred on the smallest of us by your brother on your brothers daughter.”
“So where is the small purple dragon then?”
The Purple Queen, “I am her uncle although I do not look Purple at the moment.”
“I forgot my Brother Oberon. I take it you also are a companion. Uncle I have been with Gaby since we first met on the Isle of Man.”
Crimson, “Golden Empress I accept you as that. To be honest I thought I could smell my rebellious sons but I cannot see them here.”
Red, “Father I can confirm only your daughters are here & whatever colour they are they are all loyal to the Empress.”
Crimson looked at the different Colours & started to laugh. “Empress it appears I have daughters I knew nothing about. They apparently have accepted you without a fight. Tell me Empress did Galadriel & the terrible two survive?”
“Crimson I take it you are referring to my Grandmothers Titania & Tatiana.”
Drugs Destruction.
Galadriel, “Yes we survived but honestly brother going to sleep in a volcano of all places.”
“I needed the heat to heal my wounds Sister. I was trying to save your hide.”
Gaby, “Stop bickering or I will have Helen spank you both.”
Crimson, “You also have mother here.”
Gaby, “The majority of your brothers are here although some have changed form.”
Crimson, “Like my rebellious sons apparently all have. My children have honour bound themselves to you. I will give my remaining daughters a choice of joining their sisters or staying with me.”
“Father we all love you dearly but we also love Crimola. Crimola has made a choice & we feel we should follow her lead if the Golden Empress will accept the remaining Daughters & granddaughters of Crimson as her companions.”
Crimson, “What of me am I to be put out to pasture?”
Gaby, “I have somebody here who wants you & I think we can find a similar job to Snow for you or at least something that keeps you fit & energetic.”
Crimson, “Thank you Empress for restoring my Hellia to me.”
Hellia, “The Empress wants us to be a team again & be sort of head police officers. Our job will be to find & destroy Opium & Cannabis crops worldwide.”
Gaby, “The best ways to destroy the crops are either fire or ice. So when not relaxing with Neptune or Old Salt I expect to see reports of either fires breaking out in remote regions or freak snow & ice storms. Should you find areas under cultivation you are to call up help as the others also like to let off a bit of steam? All attacks are to be at night.”
Neptune , “You are always welcome to come with us fishing on my boat.”
Crimson,” You took to a boat?”
“I only do this for fun with friends. Old Salt here & his friends need to go out in a boat occasionally & we have our own rescue service these days.”
Gaby, “I envisage that after the first month or so you will only have to do a patrol about once a month.” Shortly after the patrols began there was a drop in the production of those two drugs. Within six months the sale of Cocaine & Cannabis had come to a halt.
Crimson, “Gaby we have them under control now But there are other drugs being manufactured we could go after. With our sense of smell it will be child's play to destroy the manufacturing plants. Empress could I borrow every dragon & hit every manufacturing plant the same night & the same time?”
The following night all round the world illegal drug manufacturing plants all went up in smoke. For about two months there was a drastic drop in supply & then it started to increase again. So Crimson once again led the dragons to destroy the plants. This continued for a while & some decided they where best getting out of drugs before they where closed down permanently. One lot of criminals decided to concentrate all their resources & production in on site. They brought in all their men to protect it.”
One man, “Boss this is not a good idea they can take us all out in one go if they get wind of this.”
“That is what I am hoping. We have enough ammunition & weapons to take on an army & when we win we will be the only supplier left.”
“I will go with you but I still think we should have a contingency plan in case things go wrong.”
“Look nobody neither man nor beast can get near the factory. Planes & helicopters can be shot down & the front has defensive ditches & armaments. Short of a nuclear attack no one can get in. Tell you what I will give you chance to prove me wrong. Choose those who will be most help to you from the guards. When you launch the test though the remaining guards will be instructed to shoot to kill. If you get to the centre control room all you need to do is push the Red Button.”
Little Rose had been detailed to watch the gangsters. She called Tinkerbelle up, “In two days they are ready for distribution.”
Tinkerbelle, “It is time for the purple dragon to do her bit can you get the evacuation team ready.”
Tinkerbelle found it easy to get inside. Once inside she found the control room & closed the doors. Then she switched off all the automatic weapons. She looked around & found there was ducting she could escape through. As She looked around she noticed there was an automatic destruct built in. She pressed the button after ensuring nobody could get in to the control room to turn it off. She got out side and noticed the group going to attack it.
“I would not go anywhere near there boys can you not here the alarm going off.”
“Looks like we will not have to get ourselves killed after all. Somebody has already breached the compound & by the sound of it has got to the control room. Come on lads we are going to retire we might as well split the remaining money between us all.”
As they spoke there was a massive explosion that shook the very ground they stood on. They waited for the dust to settle down. At first all they noticed was a massive hole in the ground.
Then one of the men found something in the wreckage of the plant. “Boss I have found a baby.”
As they searched the wreckage they found more babies. “Boss the only survivors are only babies. We will search the entire area there must be somebody or some other remains left.”
After spending several hours searching the area they could find no trace of any of their former colleagues.
“What are we to do with all these babies boss?”
“I know what to do if we can get them there. The Little sisters run a hospital not far away. These babies all need mothers & we are certainly not that.”
They put the babies in the trucks & drove to the hospital. They were greeted by the mother superior. “Mother we do not know what exactly happened as we heard the explosion & we went to look for survivors & all we could find were these babies once the dust settled.”
They followed the mother to the nursery & she said, “The babies will be well looked after.”
“Mother I have to be honest with you none of us is exactly pure but we did decide to go straight. I will return with sufficient funds for you to keep these babies. I think somehow in the explosion all those trapped in the building became contaminated with some chemical & they got transformed. The number of babies equal exactly to the number of men I knew was in the complex.”
The mother smiled, “I find that hard to believe but I do believe you can get the funding.”
“Mother may I pray in your church?”
The mother led him to the chapel & left him. “Lord I do not know why we were spared. I have promised the mother the funds to look after the babies. I still believe some of the babies where once my friends & colleagues. Living Lord I speak for myself only. I vow to dedicate the remainder of my life to helping people & using the remaining funds we have to help others less fortunate than myself.”
The Statue of the Madonna appeared to speak to him. “Zach I know your heart & if I did not you would not be here. Give the Mother the access codes to the accounts & she will release the money to you as you require it.”
Zach continued praying. “Lord or Madonna at the moment I cannot do that. It is not that I am not willing to give the access codes to the mother. At the moment I do not have them. I know where they were kept & can get hold of them.”
The Mother, “Sorry did you say something?”
“Mother the statue spoke to me & told me to give you the access codes & you would give me money when I needed it. I have to get to Lima before I can get the access codes. Even then I am not sure that I can actually access the codes. Mother I promised money for the children & even if I have to sell everything I own I will keep my promise to you.”
“The mother thought for a moment, “Will you leave all your remaining friends here to help us. I will send a couple of sisters with you & you can dispose of those trucks as we have no need of them but perhaps you could buy a bus or a coach as that would be more use to us. Zach I have prepared this note please read it. I Zach of Lima repent of my evil ways. I give all my worldly goods to mother & she will see to my upkeep. I promise to do as mother & the sisters tell me. I and my remaining friends promise to help in the running of this establishment. For that we will get accommodation & food & clothing & whatever tools are required."
"I Zach acknowledge that the heavenly lord spoke in the church to me & I told the mother who did not seem surprised by the news. I have to go with two sisters to Lima & liquidate all my assets. Then I will return with the sisters to take up my new duties.”
Zach looked at the note. “Sorry mother I cannot sign that. Not because I want to get out of the deal. Most of the other bandits had wives and children around the city. While we were bad I cannot leave them all to fend for themselves. Many of them would be dead within a short while & I do not want that. Please mother may I go back to the chapel and speak.”
The mother & sisters & his friends accompanied him. “Living lord what must we do to atone for our sins?” The statue spoke & all the others knelt down including the remaining bandits.
“Zach I see you brought all your remaining friends this time. I have a test for you. Your friends will remain here & help the sisters in all their duties & in their devotions. You though will go to Lima with two of the sisters & do all that mother requires of you. In addition you will find all the remaining families & return with them. Lima also has many children without parents you shall bring as many of these as you can transport & you will keep returning until you have them all. Once you have done all this you and your friends will be absolved of your blame & then you can then do the blood oath with mother.”
Zach, “A blood oath like we all took to remain friends come what may. I do not like the idea of harming the mother but as it is your wish then I will abide with it.”
Zach looked at the second piece of paper that was passed to him. “Well my friends we wanted to go straight we now have the chance. Are all of you willing to work for the sisters & look after the orphaned children I will return with them?”
One of the bandits, “I only have a sister & she has no children between us we would be willing to look after some of those you returned with.”
The bandits took a vote, “We agree to stay here of our own free will & do as the sisters require. Mother with your permission we will start building some new homes for our families & the children Zach will return with.”
“Zach the ladies of the village will help you with the building. Do not forget though some of you have to help with the babies.”
Zach, “Mother can the sisters who are not coming with me stand up?”
Seven sisters stood up. “I want each of you to select a sister & stand behind her.”
Zach, “So each of you gets a chance in the nursery. I will start with group one & Sister Virgil you will be on nursery duty on Sunday.”
Group two Sister Mary Ann your group will be on duty Monday.” Zach continued until he had done all the groups. “I want you to all obey the sisters as if it was a command from me.”
After eating a meal Zach & the sisters left. Meanwhile the village women came to say, “They would help in the construction of the buidings.” That night the men were allowed to stay the night with the villagers.
One group of men, “Sorry tomorrow we will not be here to spend time with you we have nursery duty at the convent.”
The women smiled, “In that case we have a special treat for those who go on nursery duty.” The men who were going on nursery duty found the village women appeared to be making love to them all night long.
Eventually Sister Virgil came to collect her group, “Are you all ready now for nursery duty?”
Zach meanwhile was driving one of the wagons while the remainder where driven by the sisters. They had to stop a time or two to remove fallen trees from the road. But eventually they got on to the highway. First place was a garage to sell the wagons.
The owner, “I could do you a part exchange if you where interested. I will pay you part cash and these two old coaches.”
Zach, Providing the coaches have a complete overhaul & have full tanks & are in working order by the time I am ready to return to the mission.”
The Garage owner, “These Wagons will be easier to get rid of than those coaches they have been here for some time now & I got a better deal than I expected.”
Zach went to his house. There he & the sisters made themselves a meal. Zach, “I could abandon my friends & run away now I am here.”
“Zach we know you far better than you think.”
Zach, “Sisters I know it is late but would you all like to pray in the cathedral.” I can take you there.”
The sisters followed Zach who was wearing his normal clothing again. Zach spotted the Father, “I have come with the sisters on an errand for the mother.”
The father “Is there anything I can do to help.”
Zach, “We have instructions to find these families & take them back with us back to mother. In addition I am to recover all orphaned children in the city & take then back and the sisters will care for them. I am expecting to have to make several trips.”
The father, “I presume you are on mothers bidding.”
One of the nuns, “Zach here is on the bidding of the Heavenly Queen who spoke to him. Once he completes the task in hand he is to be blood bound for all eternity.”
The priest, “So is it true mother is retiring then.”
“No but she is going to spend more time with her family as they requested & she already has her replacement in training.”
“Well I hope the replacement mother does as good a job as the existing mother.”
“Oh she will not be dropped in at the deep end & she can always call for help if it is needed.”
The priest waved his hands & several urchins came running to the father, “Find and bring all these here now.”
While Zach & the nuns were praying the urchins where running round the town. Eventually they had found all on the list & brought them to the cathedral.
The priest, “Some of you know Zach he has been sent here to collect you and your families. His instructions are that you are to sell everything you cannot carry easy that includes your homes & transport if you have any.”
One woman, “I only have an old Minibus.”
Zach, “If any other have minibuses then they would be useful to us so take them to Pablo’s garage where they will be fully serviced & filled up for the journey ahead.”
Zach did a quick calculation, “It is a pity I could not have got another two coaches then I would not have to make another trip.”
The father, “I know where you can get four coaches & all they need is a full service.”
Zach, “Go on tell me I am listening.”
“I used to run a free bus service for the parishioners but funds are low & we could not pay for the repairs so we sold two of the buses to Pablo now the buses require servicing again.”
Zach, “I will pay for the servicing & hand you these two back so long as you agree to run a free service to Mother. In addition any homeless children are to be collected and sent once a week to mother.”
Zach looked at the priest, “I think you may also be getting some mini buses if you agree to run a daily service for us to Lima.”
The Priest, “Now I know why you where chosen to come here it was to sort me out.”
Pablo from the garage turned up at the Cathedral, “Father is it true that mother has ordered all orphans are to be sent to her.”
Father, “Well Pablo am I to get my busses up and running again to transport them all.”
Pablo, “In that case I will loan the wagons back again as they will also be needed to transport the belongings.” Pablo checked each bus over to ensure they would be working ok.
Zach, “Pablo I am going to draw a deal up with you that you over see the bus fleet & carry out all essential repairs. If a bus gets to a state that cannot be repaired you are to notify mother & she will decide if a new bus or engine should be bought.”
Pablo put his mark on the document, “I can read but not write.”
Zach, “Father perhaps you could spend some time with Pablo & teach him.”
Everybody was piling in to the busses & indeed the wagons where needed for provisions.
Back at the hospital & village all the new dwellings where all going up fast. They were all timber framed buildings. With Daub & Wattle sides with leaves on the roofs.
Mother, “We are all going to have to work faster as Zach has managed to get everybody in one go.” The all started work as soon as it was dawn & continued to long after dusk. They though managed to complete the work.
One of the men, “I am a little worried what my wife will say when she realises that we have all developed breasts & can give milk like a nursing mother can. I think we must have all been contaminated by the same compound that changed the others to babies. It has almost made us mothers of us all. I wonder if Zach has noticed the changes yet. Probably not as he was always planning a way we could all escape without having the others come hunting us down.”
As Zach & the others approached the rumbling of the convoy could be heard for miles around. Zach was amassed at how the area had altered in such a short time. He stopped the coach & went to greet mother. “I have arranged a twice daily service so we have no need of the coaches. I also promised we would pay for the running costs of the transport.”
The Mother, “You did better than I expected & managed to get them all in one go Sister Zante. You will make a great mother to take over from me.”
Zach, “Mother you have made a mistake I am a man.”
The mother, “Look at yourself Zante & tell me what you see.”
Zach looked at himself in a mirror & said, “Oh it must have been the fallout that has affected me I had not noticed.”
“Your friends have all started changing.”
Zach, “In that case if you want me to take over then I will. But will the other nuns not be upset if I am put in charge while you away.”
“Sister Zante in future you will only answer to that name now. You have to promise that you will never have sex or give blood or kiss another human unless instructed by me.”
Sister Zante, “In front of the others I promise to carry out your instructions.” The mother took a razor & cut their thumbs.
“Take note Sister Zante will run this establishment in my absence. I will from time to time be back to check up on everybody.” What surprised Zante all the wives accepted the changes to their husbands?
One woman, What happened to my brothers I do not see them here.”
Zante, “Come with me & see if you can recognise them.”
“But this is a nursery.”
Zante, “These are the other survivors of the explosion.”
She looked around & then cracked out laughing. “So that is what happened to you all. Yes they where my brothers & I can still identify them all.”
On hearing this some of the other women came to look at the babies. One woman, “You for years have denied me a child & now I finally get my child due to your stupidity.”
The Mother, “Sister Zante I am taking some of the sisters with me but the remainder will tell you all you need to know. Zante each day go to the chapel & there you will receive your instructions. I know you can do the job or I would not have promoted you to acting mother. You want to help & you will help. One task I will set is for you to double the size of the infirmary. It is not needed yet but it will soon need to be either double or treble its current capacity.” That night the Mother & sisters vanished.
Zante followed instructions. First she prayed & then she went to see the village elders. “Mother has left me in charge & she has requested that the infirmary be trebled in size before she returns.” They looked at the existing building & decided the best way to extend was to build two more buildings parallel with the existing infirmary. To do this first they would have to remove to houses & build replacement homes. With the villagers help this was done & then the hospital could be extended. Zante found trucks of building supplies where arriving.
The Village Elders, “It looks like mother had already arranged the supplies for us. We also have something to ask. After this is done will you and the sisters help us extent the school & will you provide the teachers.”
Zante thought for a moment, “Can I address all in the village please.”
Zante, “Mother has put me in charge so I will do my best to help you all. You elders have asked if the sisters will help build & staff an enlarged school. I agree to this although I personally feel with the size of the village we could also do with a college for the older children or adults.”
The Villagers, “The church is also too small for our current needs can we rebuild that also?”
After the church had been extended the villagers came again, “Mother once a year we have the festival of hope & many strangers come into our midst. Until now we have not been able to have them stay here with us. The village would like to build a hotel next to the infirmary to the same specifications. This we would like to use as a hotel but if we get much larger then you can take it over for the hospital & we will build a new hotel.
Zante, “I will order the materials but it also means moving some more homes also.”
“We have thought about that. On this side we have decided will be for all official buildings, Hospital, Church, School, College. Other than you & the patients the rest of us will live on the other side of the town.”
Zante also noticed the women were also making little shelves outside their homes & asked what was going on. “When the people come they will want to buy & we have to be prepared for them.”
Zante went to see what was sold in Lima. She also went to see the father. Father explained catering facilities would be needed along with other things she had not considered. Meanwhile the mother was relaxing with her family.
Gaby, “How are you enjoying your vacation?”
“I am enjoying it although I want to be back to ensure all is ready for your visitation.”
Gaby, “It is more than ready. If you want you can soon keep check by switching on the Lily Vision.”
Lily switched on the Lily Vision and the mother watched as the buildings went up. The mother noticed the road through the forest had been widened all the way to the main highway. She also noticed there appeared to be bus stops or lay-bys in the forest.
Gaby, “The sisters are all very busy & apparently the native tribes are making the most of the free bus service to the church & hospital.” They watched as the natives all paid in kind for the treatment they received at the hospital. Zante realised they have very little money & so has set up a barter exchange system. Some of the natives had nothing to exchange & so gave some of their time once they are well again.
The Mother noticed that very few males came to the hospital for treatment. They watched as one man was brought in by his friends. He was injured after a panther had attacked him. They though did not stay. The sisters took the man to the theatre & cleaned & stitched all his wounds. When he awoke he was in the ward.
A sister was looking after him.
“Where am I he asked?”
“Your friends brought you to the mission.” A look of terror came across his face & he lifted the sheet up. “I am in the city of women?”
The sister, “We do have considerable more females than males here but all are welcome.” He started to get up but the fell back down. “Your friends brought you here for treatment but left. Now we understand why you are scared to come for treatment.”
Zante, “You will stay here until I say you are well enough to go home.” The man stopped trying to get up. After several days recovering his weight had dropped considerably.
Zante, “You are a hunter so unless you want to stop and help with the building that is going on. We would appreciate it if you could supply us with some fresh meat.”
“Missy I bring you plenty of meat each moon.” Zante put him on the bus, which stopped at a halt near his village. He was greeted like a hero on his return.
The village elders, “What did the angels do with you.”
“They fixed my wounds & would like me to supply them with fresh meat each new moon.”
The village elders, “You owe them your life so that is only fair you supplied them. We will help you hunt for the meat. Only you though can enter the village of women.”
From that day at each new moon he was accompanied by other members of the tribe who waited for him in the forest. During one of these trips he met Gwen.
“Why not stay here with me?” He shook his head & fled. Gwen was puzzled why he fled like a scared rabbit.
Zante, “The villagers call this the city of angels or city of Women. It is not you he is scared of he is scared what might happen to him if he falls for your charms.”
Each time he came it was Gwen who collected the fee off him. Gradually he accepted a meal & drink off her. One day his father the chief appeared & asked to speak to the chief. Zante was called.
“My son you saved his life & for that we are truly grateful. There is one of your people who has stolen my son’s heart. I have to ask how much you require for this girl?”
Zante, “Chief I and my people are not for sale like cattle.”
Gwen, “Yes I do love your son & so do several others here. I have some conditions
you must agree to before I or the others agree to become your son’s wife. First each moon you shall continue to send the most eligible young men here with the meat supplies. We have many young women here who need husbands. Each young man may take many wives but he has never to harm any of them if he does then he will live to regret it.”
Zante, “I also have some conditions before marriage can be arranged.”
“All those married have to live in a new village between both our villages & will be able to call on both of our villages for help.”
“May I see all the girls who wish to marry my son?” Zante waved her hand & Gwen along with six others stood in front of the chief.
“Gwen spoke they have appointed me their leader. As you can see there are seven of us. A different one for each night.”
The chief, “All of you have agreed Gwen should be in charge. Then you shall be my son’s number 1 wife.”
The Mother smiled, “By the time I return for the festival of rebirth she will have managed to get quite a few married off & the village will have altered drastically. Now Libby where is that brother of ours.”
Libby, “If I know him he will be on the beach playing with the young mermaids failing that he will be having a good chat with Neptune. Those two get on well together & they even take some of old salt's friends out fishing. They have just about taken over the running of the museum & are enjoying themselves.”
Park Rash Kettlewell.
Libby, “We are all going to support some of our younger members who are entered in a hill climb cycle race at Kettlewell. I understand it is a one in four and goes on for some distance. The landlord at Horsehouses is planning a bit of a party with some friends. We have to get the winner there where she will be presented with some additional prizes.”
“Sister it sounds like you already know who the winner will be.”
“Well barring accidents on her current performance our Gaby should have no trouble winning it. That child is following in her mother’s footsteps. I was only introduced to her recently & like Gaby she is very nice.” Odin himself has taken a personal interest in this one.
Gaby found that her friends also had been entered for the race & even Kat had returned from Germany to race with them.
Kat, “My mother said, If I was to be in the same team with you then I was also to enter all the same events as you do Gaby.”
Maddy, “Have you entered a hill climb challenge before Kat?”
“No but I get plenty of practise in the mountains back home. Gaby your mum told me we would be flown out to Australia as a team & we would all be doing the Trans Australia challenge.”
Gaby, “Your kidding that would be the longest distance any of us had ever done.”
“That’s what your mum told me so it must be true.”
Kat & Gaby gave each other a hug again. “Mum also gave me permission to sleep with you & Maddy if you wish it to be.”
Maddy, “What was that you just said?”
Gaby, “Well after us winning the Ziegler the press have been a bit of a nuisance. Angela & Josie have done their best to ensure all the news is correctly presented.”
In Kettlewell the race organisers had taken over the car park behind the garage. Everybody had to meet outside the Racehorses hotel. The competitors had to do a lap of the village before starting the Assent of Park Rash. The climb is initially very steep & then it levels out before there is another climb again. Batches of five where set off at two-minute intervals. Gaby, Kat & Maddy were in the first five off.
They did the lap of the village & then started the assent. They all struggled with the first section but once that was over they found the next was relatively easy going.
Kat. “That was worse than the mountains back home are there many more like this?”
Gaby, “I am getting a transmission from Agatha. There has been a pile up part way up the hill & several of the good riders are out of the race. We all have to keep going though & go hell for leather.”
Kat. “I do not understand what this hell for leather is.”
Maddy replied, “We have to all go as fast as we can get going now. That is our instructions.”
“Friends whoever wins?”
They started to pedal like mad very soon they were near the finish line when Kat got a puncture but kept on going although it slowed her down.
Gaby came in first with Maddy a second behind & Kat still managed third with her puncture. Gaby, “That was a great finish it is a pity you got the puncture in the last few seconds.”
Kat, “That is twice you have beaten me recently.”
Maddy, “You would probably have tied otherwise if it was not for that puncture.” They watched as some of their friends came in.
Mfwany was the next on to finish, “That hill was a killer I hope we are not entered for too many of these.”
Gaby then noticed the cheerleaders were in place & where cheering each rider as they arrived. Jules finally arrived, “I was the last to get through before the pile up.” The results & timings where all announced.”
Jules found Gaby out, “Congratulations sister do you know where we are?”
Kat, “I noticed a sign that said welcome to Horsehouses. So I presume we are near some stables or something.”
A voice came into Gaby's head, “Come on you twerps you should be collecting your prizes.”
Gaby, “We apparently have to collect our awards.” The soon found the podium outside the public house. “I wonder if we say we are friends of Starr if we could get a drink in there.”
Kat, “Well I am cold & thirsty.” They noticed a man smiling as he handed them first second & third prize trophies.
“Would you all like a nice cool refreshing drink?”
“Yes please. Are you Starr's dad? She told us to look you up if we ever got in this neck of the woods.”
A lady came holding babies. Gaby, “Oh the twins are just like Starr.”
The lady smiled, “Do you think so. Would you like to be godparents to the twins?”
Gaby, “There are others far more important than Me, Maddy, Jules & Kat.”
The woman stared at Jules, “I know what I am doing don't I Agatha?” Agatha split from Jules & Starr's mum Curtsied. “Enchantress the request also included you.”
“Please just call me Agatha.”
“We have laid on a bun fight for you.”
Gaby, “You were expecting me to win this race. With your timings we all knew you had a very good chance so we decided to take a gamble on you winning the race. Most of your friends are already at the party. We usually have a big party each year to welcome the village queen.”
Maddy thought for a moment, “That is one task I would decline as Gaby has done it once.”
Agatha, “Fear not Maddy for that job has been filled already & is likely to be filled for some considerable time.”
Maddy, “Gaby is the village Queen from last year?” Agatha waved her hands & all the girls found themselves in robes.
Kat, “Vot is dis? Vot are we doing.”
Lyris & Starr came & Starr said, “Oh you have all changed already I was sent to collect you all & get you ready.”
Starr's father looked around. “Gaby & Maddy will you take a baby each?” They walked the short distance to the village church & walked in. Gaby realised they were having the christening there & then. Barbara was waiting. Gaby & Kat noticed their mothers watching & waiting. The organ started up & they all sang the first Hymn. One by one the guests came to greet the baby’s & several of them curtsied when they reached Agatha. After the service they were all back to the farm and the barn where all the other party’s had previously been held.
Gaby, “Kat will you dance with me?” Gaby actually found that all her friends where taking it in turn to dance with her.
A man came up, “May I have the next dance?”
Gaby, “Yes.”
“I am sorry I do not know your name although I know the young woman you are with. I hope the lady Diana is not cross with you for coming & asking me to dance when you could have her on the floor.”
Maddy went across to Diana, “Will you dance with me?”
Silv decided she would go and ask Snow. Snow said, “Certainly daughter.”
Brittany said to the remainder of the girls, “This looks like a ladies excuse me. Let’s go and get the remaining men up dancing.” Jules headed for Crimson. Very soon every male in the building but for Odin was dancing.
Gaby walked across to Odin, “I believe this is my dance Odin.” Gaby appeared to just glide effortlessly across the floor. All too soon the evening started to close down. A clock chimed. Gaby spoke up. “That was to warn me I had 5 minutes to transport you all to Mount Sharphaw for the continuation of the celebrations. From now on we all will be in official mode.”
Maddy & the others noticed their dresses changed colour & they all appeared to have small crowns on their heads. The next second the barn shimmered & they were all stood on the top of Sharphaw. A massive bonfire was burning but no heat was apparent from it.
Snow & Crimson smiled. Crimson, “She can do what none before could do.”
Snow, “She already has lit the fire of Eternal rebirth & renewal.”
Gaby, “Our ranks will shortly be swollen again as those who where lost to you are returned to the fold. One by one please come here and place a bay leaf for each family member you wish to recall.”
One of the Women, “Are we limited to one or can we say all we can remember?”
“Sorry I did not make myself clear it is all you can remember.”
Crimson went first & said the names of his fallen sons & brothers who had not been recovered.
One by one they all did the same. Finally only Gaby, Maddy & friends where left.
Gaby, “We now have to join hands & encircle the fire.” As the final ones joined hands there was a great rushing & the flames shot up into the sky. With the flames dragon after dragon came out of the flames & each had many people upon their backs. The dragons landed a short distance off & transformed to quite handsome young men.
One of the young men, “Father you have finally managed to recover us all.”
Crimson, “I might be powerful but I was unable to do what has been done.”
The young men looked around & noticed Gaby. They bowed, “My Liege.”
Gaby, “So you are the sons of Crimson who all fought valiantly & I see you have also returned my missing family.
One of the young men. “Empress we would like your permission to select our partners from those who have been returned with us.”
Gaby, “Before I agree to your request you all should be presented to me formally.” Gaby waved her arm & she & her companions where all seated. “Let the presentations begin.”
Crimson presented his sons. “Empress these useless articles are my sons.”
Gaby, “I understand you all fought valiantly & that allowed your sisters to escape & heal their wounds. Until the day your body decides it wishes to become one of the Empresses companions you will all hold the titles Dragon Prince companion to the Empress of Heaven the Golden Dragon.”
“Empress that will be sooner than later. Neither my brothers nor I can hold this shape for long. That is why we asked if we could marry our chosen ones immediately. There are those who returned with us who have stated all along they were destined to become the brides of the Golden one.”
Gaby, “Crimson you gave all your daughters to me although some had already united with me. Prince Lilac shortly to become Princess Lilac do you & all your companions from this moment agree to become my eternal companions?”
They all replied, “We do.”
Gaby waved her hands & the prospective brides found they were all in a gown each. “First I deal with the Dragon princes & their partners.” Two by two they where united.
Shortly after the uniting Lilac said, “Father I can hold this form no longer.”
Gaby, “Welcome Lilac Queen & your companion.” Red & Yellow greeted their new sister. Before the night was over all the princes had transformed Magenta was the last to change.
Gaby, “Now to deal with the others.”
Lyris, “Mistress there appears to be torch light processions approaching Mount Sharphaw from all directions.”
Little Lily, “I have been monitoring them for some time. Some of them have travelled considerable distances to be with us.”
Gaby, “In that case we should not disappoint then.”
Old Rose & her sisters, “One group is from Africa led by our friends the Umbongo.
Running Water, “It looks like all the Shaman from the American Indian tribes are all approaching.”
Rose, “The dream people come to honour their Chief’s daughter & the honour bestowed on them by the gods.”
Little Lily, “There appears to be a group flying the Imperial Chinese flag rather than the Communist red flag.”
Chang came & spoke with Gaby “It appears that the General was a distant Ancestor of the Empress & since your departure he has searched China & Tibet for the remnants of the Empresses family these he brings tonight.”
Gaby waved her hands & tiers of seats appeared on the mountain.
Gaby & her companions took their allocated seats & watched the approaching torches. Once the processions got close to the Empress they were stopped by the Ghurkha guards.
“The Empress commands you wait here until the others have arrived then the chief will present you in pairs.
Gaby, “How did they all know how to come tonight as I did not instruct them to.”
Lyris, “Actually Gaby you did when you repaired the lady on Monte Rosa. She has switched on every lady again. This time there is no mistake. All the magic peoples come to do homage tonight. Some come to live permanently with their sisters while others wish to return to the land of their birth.”
As Gaby watched there was a flutter & Ator & his family settled down on the perches provided for them. Ators' daughters, “Father looks rather splendid tonight.”
Look Gaby & Maddy are getting on the back of father & grandpa.
The great eagles took off & circled the mountain. Gaby could see that almost all the groups had nearly made it up the mountain. One small group was struggling. Ator gave a screech & several eagles went & collected the small group. Gaby & Maddy had one more circuit before the eagles landed. The other eagles landed.
The precious cargo disembarked they approached Gaby. “Thank you Empress for sending the winged warriors for us. It has taken us longer than expected to get here.”
Bluebell & Tinkerbelle whispered they are Cornish pixies. “They are sort of relations of ours.” Gaby handed each one a cup with a sugary drink.
“Thank you Empress that has energised us.” As she spoke the girl started to get taller. “I am April & as our cousins loudly told you we are Cornish pixies. Most of the time people think we are normal girls but we revert back to form when our energy reserves are low.”
Gaby, “The entire Fay in whatever guise they use are welcome here.”
April, “In that case can the winged warrior go lower down the mountain.” There they will find the remainder of our group been attended to by the Devon pixies who are worn out.”
Ator himself took off & soon found the group. “The Empress commands that I transport you to her immediately.” Ator set off with his cargo & landed in front of Gaby.
Ator, “Gaby some of these are old, infirm or injured.” Gaby gave each a cup of her special brew. One by one they transformed. As they transformed they lifted the baskets containing others off Ator.
Finally they said, “That is us all & we have all made it here.”
Pixies & Princess Luster
April, “We pixies are loyal to Galadriel. After her capture our power started to fail. The children of the forest told us the Empress had returned & she summoned all her subjects to attend. Old, infirm or young we sold all we had to get here. We hitched rides & then the bracken was too much for us we were so close but we could not do the remaining distance.”
What was obviously an older pixie approached, “I should introduce my children to you. I am Augustus Matron of these pixies & friend to Galadriel.”
Gaby picked her up, stand on my shoulder & you can introduce the children as they approach me.”
“These two you have already met are April & May. They have a special request. They would like to be united with their Fay cousins.”
Gaby, “Augustus’,” Oberon has already decreed that any Fey who I find & give the nectar of life to belong to me forever. April & May shall be my number 1 & 2 Cornish pixie companions. Just as Tinkerbelle & Bluebell are my number 1 & 2 fairy companions.
Daisy, “Do not forget you number 1 & 2 Leprechaun companions.”
Gaby, “I do not think I could ever forget you Daisy if I tried. Daisy & Sister where assigned to protect me & it was them that needed the protection.”
April blew a whistle & another 10 pixies lined up. Gaby, “Let me guess you are all named after the months of the year.”
April, “All but for December who we all call Noel.”
The old lady, “These are the young months while we are the old months.”
Gaby, “Young or old you all drank the potion. Augustus’ you and the old months once rode Ator before. Otherwise April would have not known to have called him the winged warrior.
Augustus, “Ator or his father Atol provided a rescue service for us in those past & dark days.”
Gaby, “Augustus, Galadriel & her daughters all escaped & are here with me now.”
Augustus looked round & saw her friend. ”Empress now I know all will be right now.”
Galadriel, “Well Augustus you have accepted Gaby’s food & stood on her shoulder just as you once did with me.”
Augustus noticed the others laughing. She went across to Galadriel. “My queen I vowed to be true to you and your kin forever.”
Galadriel, “Old friend you have not broken your vow only strengthened them. Have you not just handed Gaby all the young months like you and all the old months became mine & my kin.”
“Yes Galadriel we The old months vowed to be true to you and all your kin for all eternity. The Younger months though decided to ask Gaby if they could remain with her.”
Galadriel, “Then Augustus serves Gaby as if she was me for twice over she is my great, great granddaughter twice over. She is also the great, great granddaughter of the Lord Snow.”
Augustus’ looked at the two females at the side of Galadriel, “Galadriel are these the terrible twins?”
Gaby cracked out laughing, “Augustus you are the second person to describe my grandmothers as the terrible twins.” Augustus started to curtsy to Gaby.
Augusta, “It appears that I have inadvertently strengthened the bonds that bind us by letting my children be bound to you my queen. The girls wanted to spend time with their cousins as they heard rumours of Golden Pixies. I did not realise that it would be a full family reunion here.”
Gaby, “Augustus. I am accepting all twelve of the months as my eternal companions. As for the Golden Pixies they are some of my most favoured companions. Unlike the Cornish & Devon Pixies they are fire Pixies. They are led by Petal & Sepal their children are as numerous as grains of sand. Their mothers will appreciate other pixies been around too help. Here comes the Golden pixie army to greet their sister pixies.”
Upon a white Shetland pony sat three tiny figures behind them proudly marched the pixie Army. The procession stopped by Augusta.
The three dismounted. “Senior Mother Augusta the pixie army is ready for your inspection.”
Augusta stopped by one of the younger pixies who spoke to her. “Mother Augusta is it true you once led a pixie army in defence of Galadriel?”
Augustus smiled. “Child I did but my pixie army was not as numerous as yours. Empress young or old we are all called the months if you accept all months then you get us all as partners. We the older months have pledged our loyalty to Galadriel & her kin. You honour us all by making us your companions. May I have the pleasure of leading this new pixie army like I did once the old? Will my former comrades in arms all join at the back of this procession? For now we are one big pixie army.”
Gaby, “Augusta I have many companions from the Fay and Mer world. You will probably not be the last. Others are approaching & we will see what they all want. Now Augustus’ as matriarch of the pixies I will let you choose the time of the binding.”
Augustus, “I am already regaining my powers back my queen. When the others arrive you will be taking others as your brides in full view of all Magic peoples. I will prepare my people for the same time. Now though I will lead the pixie army as I have been requested by this little one.” Gaby picked her up and sat her on the pony.
“Petal & Sepal take care of them.”
Daisy giggled, “Gaby If you thought we were a hand full just wait until we have more pixies running around the house.”
Tinkerbelle, “They are not bad as having a house full of leprechauns in fact it will be fun having them around. Unlike some fire pixies who like rolling in ashes”
Amelia spoke to April. “Are you all going to marry Gaby? I remember when she found me & walked into the shop that I owned then. She restored my family to me. Yes I am a full blooded witch. At the time I did not know that though. Since then I have learned all my skills. No doubt you all know your skills.”
April, “Actually most of us have had no training as we tried to conserve our energy to get to the queen when we heard the command. Only the fittest of us managed to get as far as we did before the winged warriors came & rescued us.”
Amelia, “Gaby will insist that all pixies go to school & no doubt you will all be taught by Galadriel.”
April, “The Empress Galadriel teaches the children?”
Gaby, “Galadriel is the head teacher or Principal of the college. Even as the Empress Gaby, I go for lessons as do the rest of our community.
Tinkerbelle, “Gaby would not expect us to do something that she was not willing to do herself. We all dance; Sing, Swim & some of us also have other skills like Gaby & friends all cycle.”
April, “I can teach you how to fly if I can use my pixie dust.”
Sepal, “April we all can already fly. Whatever skills we all have you will find that we all share them equally.” Gaby was talking with Maddy & Kat.
Gaby spun round as a voice she recognised, “Hi Andi when did you get here?
“Hi Gaby we all saw you win the second national title in Lancashire.”
Jules spoke up, “She only saw you win because Agnes & I saw you & we did not realise we where broadcasting to the others.”
Kirsty came up with a trophy, “Actually you should have also received the prize for the first girl back as well as the overall prize instead of me.”
Andi thought for a moment, “Dr Jones My anatomy is it all in full working order.”
Dr Jones laughed, “Andi you are as fertile as the rest of us & yes you could give birth if you were not careful.” Andi went pink,
“Oh I just wondered when I am more boyish than most girls.”
Gaby, “Actually Andi it was at my express instruction to speed your changes up without them stressing you any further. The changes where still happening to you and the estrogenic shot just sped up the body changes.”
Gaby, “With me, Maddy & Brittany realised the changes that where taking place that is why they were keen to get me into dresses. You were slightly different in that you for a while had an excess of male hormones in your system. That is now corrected.”
Maddy, “Actually I liked the idea of having an identical twin sister & now we certainly look like sisters.”
Jenny “Gaby I promised you all the trophies you won as Andrew or Drew will all be credited to you. One or two adjustments will have to be made though.”
Diana came across, “Gaby it is time the flight all took off.” One by one all the assembled dragons took off.
Gaby was left with Maddy who said, “Pixies, Dragons, Eagles, Fay & Angels all have taken off.”
Gaby, “Come then Number 1 companion it is time we also took to the sky’s on this holy night.”
Andi & a few others appeared to be left but Snow returned, “Sorry I forgot you have not had your basic lessons yet. You shall find out what a flight is like.”
Crimson, “Between Snow & myself we should accommodate the rest of you.”
Snow, “We are going to do several laps of the planet before we land again.”
That night several pilots reported seeing hundreds of dragons in the skies. The USA sent up military jets to investigate the occurrence. One jet got two close to Crimson & crashed but not before the pilot ejected. “He found himself on the back of a giant Eagle & passed out. The black box recorder reported the jet had a fault the pilot could not rectify & it was going to crash. Mean while back at Mount Sharphaw all the processions had finally arrived & where waiting to see the Empress & her companions.
One of the Ghurkhas, “It looks like every coven in the Kingdom has responded to the call. By the look of some of these they have also come from Australia, America Asia & Africa.”
The dragons swooped down several times & did a couple of circuits of the mountain before landing. Gaby was on her final approach when she noticed a tiny flicker of light at the base of the mountain. With Maddy she went to investigate.
As they landed they heard a small voice say “Help please we need to get to the mountain top and are unable to go any further.”
Gaby, “Where are you.”
“Mistress we are here in the bracken it is too long for us to get any further; We are an odd assortment of Pixies & Elves. Please can you help us all get to the top we must pay our respects to the Queen who summands us all to attend. We are the outcasts in that all of us did something at some time or other & found ourselves banished. I am Wendy & I have helped look after the sick & infirm.” Gaby noticed Red & Yellow had returned.
Gaby, “Wendy can you and the able body ones help put all the sick & injured in the dragon pouches & then return to me.” A short while later all the passengers were aboard the dragons.
Gaby, “Wendy Hold on to my neck as we are going to take off.” Once more they did a circuit of the mountain. Then the four dragons came in to land.
As they came in a great cheer went up from the assembled group. Wendy scrambled down & saw some of her sisters where already there. “Please help me with the sick & injured before the queen arrives.”
“Wendy it is far too late for that the queen is already here. We will help you with the injured.”
Wendy burst into tears. “I tried my best to get here on time but I could not Abandon the sick & Injured.”
Galadriel saw her tears. “Wendy is that you?”
“Empress Galadriel I did try to get here before you I could not leave the others although it will cost me dearly.”
Galadriel, “Who brought you here child.”
“Empress the four dragons brought us here. The Golden dragon commanded I hold tight of her neck & as we landed I jumped down to ask for help with the others.”
You realise Wendy if you accepted help from the Golden dragon you serve her now not me.”
“Empress Galadriel you banished me to teach me a lesson. If I have to serve the golden Dragon then that will be my punishment for being late.”
“Come with me Wendy & will introduce you & see if the queen agrees.” The remainder of the group followed Wendy & Galadriel to where the Queen was sat upon her throne.
Galadriel. “Empress this is pixie Wendy & her rebel crew. She was banished for speaking out of place.”
Gaby, “You elected to stay with the sick & injured Wendy.”
“Empress it is true I could have made it on my own but that would have meant abandoning my friends. I made a promise long ago & I will not abandon my friends. I apologise for not getting here before you but I did my best to get us all here. I forgot to thank the Golden Dragon & her friends who brought us all here. The Empress Galadriel said, “I must now serve the golden dragon because she gave me help.”
Gaby, “Yes I see you where clinging hold of her neck. Empress Galadriel is correct if you accepted aid then it must be repaid.”
Wendy, “Empress we were coming to ask to be returned to our families. Before we take up our positions with the golden dragon. Can I as a loyal follower of Galadriel & her kin still present my fellow rebel crew?”
Gaby, “You have permission to present them.”
One by one the group where presented. “I am fairy Tulip & this is Daffodil we told Oberon to get a life & stop being nasty to the pixies. We where exiled with this group.” They laid their wands in front of Gaby.
“Oberon decreed some time ago that all the Fay I found would belong to me. Obviously he has banished you then you can work for me.”
“Sorry Queen although there is nothing we would like better. We along with the others accepted help from the golden dragon & we must remain her loyal servants until she releases us.”
Gaby, “Do all you rebels also agree with this.”
Tulip spoke out, “Your Majesty we have a request, which we hope you will grant. This request concerns the entire rebel crew not just ourselves. We ask permission off you and Galadriel and any other it concerns. Whilst we are honour bound to the Golden dragon we would like to make the situation permanent so with your permission we would all like to become Eternal Companions of the Golden Dragon.”
A very old pixie stood up. “You are all forgetting your vows to Galadriel & Kin.”
Daffodil, “We are not breaking our vows at all. Did you not see the tattoo on the wing of the Golden Dragon? By doing this we will be bound to Galadriel & kin forever.”
The old pixie, “Daffodil & Tulip can you take me to the new queen so I may touch her hand as my eyesight is not very good.”
As she touched Gaby she said, “You I have never met before you are Galadriel & the terrible two all rolled into one.”
Gaby, “Not many refer to my twin grandmothers as the Terrible two. To call them that you must at one time been very close to them.”
“I chose to stay with the children & help them as much as I could. It was my decision. For years now my sight has been failing & I can no longer look after the children as I always have done.”
Gaby placed her hands over the old pixie eyes. “Lustre open your eyes for me.”
“You called me by my correct name & nobody has called me that for a long time.” Lustre opened her eyes & saw Galadriel & knelt in front of her.
“I failed to keep control of the children Galadriel. I have also done something that no self respecting Pixie of Fairy would ever do. I suckled on the Golden dragon & that alone make me her child.”
Galadriel, “Did you climb in to the dragon pouch like a thief in the night or where you commanded to enter the pouch?”
“Others where commanded to place all the sick & injured in there so I suppose we were all commanded to enter.”
Galadriel, “In that case you have nothing to worry about.”
Gaby, “Lustre will you and your companions serve me & the golden queen faithfully & do your very best.”
Lustre, “Like all the Fay before we all regardless of whether we are exiled or not remain true to Galadriel & all her kin. “As you & the golden dragon are descended from Galadriel I will serve you and all your children for my remaining time.”
Gaby, “Lustre look around & inform me what you see, not what you think you see.”
“I see lots of girls, No correction they are not all human girls by a long way. Heavenly Queen preserve us the host are among us.”
Lustre went up to Snow. “Lord Snow it is a long time since I last saw you.”
Snow, “Princess Lustre I fear I may see more of you as I hear you accepted the breast of the golden dragon. You realise you where all already her children & what mother would not feed or nurse her child.”
Snow my old friend, I may be old but I am far from senile. If I am not afraid of the largest & bravest of all dragons why should I be scared of his children?”
“Ah Lord Crimson I thought you would not be far from your brother.”
“Remember me Princess Lustre.” Crimson bowed to Lustre, “Who could ever forget you & your Pixie Horde. I or Snow would be honoured to have the privilege of handing you over.”
Crimson, “Empress Gaby you could have no more loyal a companion than Princess Lustre Queen of Pixies & dear friend to the dragon people.”
Lustre looked at Gaby & then at Snow. Then at Galadriel & the twins.
Lustre, “Crimson my friend as your brother Lord Snow will be accompanying the Golden Dragon will you give this Pixie Queen away to her new companion. Empress Gaby, Empress Galadriel & terrible twins, “Today I reaffirm my vows on behalf of all pixies. Snow & Crimson have another name for me. They used to call me the Pixie dragon Princess. Crimson was the one to evacuate me & my pixie horde. Snow was left to fight a rear guard action. I owe my life to these two many times over. Then when I think my time is up the dragon queen herself rescues me & my companions. As my sight is restored it is obvious that the grand daughters of Lord Snow & daughters of Lord Crimson where our rescuers. I already have the genes of the Golden Queen running through my body as I suckled on the Golden Queen herself.”
“Empress Gaby unlike my fairy cousins & sisters I do not have a wand to perform magic. I produce Pixie dust. It helps me fly. This is a bag of my pixie dust I hand to you as a sign of our alliance & friendship.”
Gaby, “Princess Lustre of Lothlorien, Pixie Queen of Dragons I accept your friendship & companionship. Also I have to present you with a wand as all my companions have one although they rarely need to use it.”
Crimson spoke Empress Gaby; “Not long ago I gave my remaining daughters to be your companions. Now I have the pleasure of giving to you Princess Lustre of Lothlorien, Pixie Queen of Dragons & her friends to be your companions.”
Oberon “Crimson you can continue presenting the pixies but the Princess Daffodil & Tulip are another thing.”
Tulip, “Dad you agree we can be married?”
“I not only agree I insist you join your sisters.” Oberon pointed his hand at the two fairies. They found they were in wedding dresses.
“Father you intend that we should be married immediately?”
“I insist this is carried out immediately.” Gaby came down & took both their hands.
“Uncle thank you for these two they will be a useful addition to my fairy companions.”
“Empress Gaby we are promised to the Golden Dragon. We must honour our agreement to marry the golden dragon.”
Gaby, “Do you agree to be the companions of the Golden Dragon for all eternity.”
“Empress Gaby we do as we said before we are bound to the golden dragon & my sister Tinkerbelle told me to ask to be married immediately. Apparently father thought we meant you.”
Oberon burst out laughing, “You are definitely a companion of the golden Dragon now. My daughters Gaby your cousin is the Golden Queen, Empress of All, Queen of witches, Empress of the seas. These are just a few of her titles.”
Bluebell & Tinkerbelle came up & said, “As no 1 & no 2 Fairy companions we get the privilege of giving you your new wands.”
Princess Tulip, “Tinkerbelle I feel strange as if I am about to burst. Please take the wands back they are going into over load.” Both Daffodil & Tulip handed the wands back. “Sorry Tinkerbelle we could not handle them as they were far two powerful for us.”
Galadriel.” “Before your kin I have been asked to test you and see if you are fit to be a companion of the Empress. You returned your wands so you will have to do the test without wands.”
Tulip, “Daffodil we spent most of our time with our pixie cousins what would they do?”
Daffodil, “We have no pixie dust but we can go through the motions.” They pointed their finger & said “fire lightus” & it did.
“Tulip we have no need of wands we can do it all with out. Father put us both in White we will change each other’s clothing so we are in full regalia of a Royal Princess of Oberon.” They pointed their finger at each other & they shimmered.
“Empress Gaby we are ready to take our final vows.” Gaby handed them the wands back “You need them for your marriage. Now the Pixies & Fairies have been dealt with we had better meet the others they have been kept waiting long enough. We will start first with the Chinese delegation that appears to be quite large.
The General appeared & said, “Empress I searched all of China & Tibet scattered among the provinces I found remnants of the Tung & Chang these I bring tonight.”
The next was the dream people of Australia. “I come to see my daughter & the god companions she has.”
Gaby, “Friend you and your people are welcome here.”I have some news for you although it may be better if your daughter tells you.”
“Empress I also bring these presents for my soon to be granddaughters.”
Gaby, “Before this night is out all your tribe shall meet the new Princesses.
Miss Underhill.
Ursula, Rose & Lily where the ones to greet the next group. The Umbongo headed the African group. Ursula recognised the Chief & his wife. They were carrying a bundle.
The Chief, “Empress as you gave life to the Umbongo then we must return that life. This is our first born she is given to you as a sign of our loyalty.”
Gaby looked at the child, “I accept your gift of life. When she is old enough to speak for herself return & she will become a companion.”
Oberon, “Chief come with me I can help you.”
The chief & his wife went with Oberon & the daughter grew up to be quite attractive. Oberon taught her all she needed to know & then one day her parents said, “We have to return for your wedding daughter.
They returned to the hill & where surprised that not all the Africans had been presented. Gaby, “Chief you have returned.”
The girl with the chief & his wife curtsied, “I am to be married to a great chief & become a companion.”
Gaby, “Is it what you want?”
“My father’s wishes & mine are not exactly the same. My father wants me to marry a great chief. I though have other feelings I am ashamed of. I want to spend all my time with girls & boys do not interest me.”
Gaby smiled. What if I could arrange for you to become a companion of an Empress instead?”
“I would like that very much but would not the great chief be mighty upset. I will abide by my father’s wishes. “
Gaby, “Chief is it still your wish you heard your daughter & it is her happiness that concerns me.”
The chief smiled. “In that case my daughter shall go to the Empress as her companion.”
“Thank you daddy she will bring us all closer together.”
The next group was a small group of Dwarfs. “I am Miss, Underhill & these are my brothers. We tend the Welsh mines & extract precious metals & gems. We give to you & your number I companion these dresses made of gold, Silver & precious stones.”
Gaby, “Thank you & all your people for these precious gifts you gave us.” Gaby and Maddy both put on the outfits.
“Miss Underhill, Queens’ of dwarfs & all burrowing people thank you for presenting us with our regalia.”
One of the dwarfs spoke up. “Empress you will need a Dwarf to keep your regalia in tip top condition. Will you accept a dwarf in your midst?”
Gaby, “I will providing you do not mind living with my Leprechauns.”
Miss Underhill, “Empress I need a razor to shave my beard before my wedding.”
Daisy said, “Come with us & we will give you a full make over.”
The Dwarf left with Daisy, “We will return in plenty of time for your wedding.”Daisy & the leprechauns fairly worked on the dwarf.
Daisy, “Now all you need is a bath to remove that hair that went down your back.” The dwarf took a bath & while she had her bath realised her hair had changed to the same as the leprechauns. “You look like us now & perhaps we should ask father to give you away.”
The dwarf was shaking, “Oberon will not like me as I am.”
Tinkerbelle came in & said, “Glad you are all ready.” “Father is getting impatient waiting. Tinkerbelle pointed her finger & the Dwarf's clothing changed.
Oberon “Oh good you are finally ready. I do not know what takes you girls so long. You all are the same.”
Daisy giggled, “I told you not to be scared as you are with friends.” After all the presentations a great party was held. After the party came to a close most of the groups drifted away.
Running Water was talking with White Bears father. “I would like to see my son Empress.”
Running Water, “That is not possible. He no longer is alive.”
The chief, I know full well he is alive as I can feel his presence here.”
Sydel appeared, “Chief I sent you a letter to say White Bear had decided to become a Beardash.”
The chief, “I read the letter & no son of mine is ever going to become a Beardash.”
Sydel, “You are far too late. You removed off me the only thing that could stop it & now it is far too late.”
“Sydel please he is my only son.”
“Sorry I cannot help you & neither could I help White bear although he left Running Water with a couple of surprises.”
“I have grand children here? Sydel in that case I must get to know them both.”
“Yes you are to be a grandfather very soon.”
Katra was with Gaby & Kat & Maddy they were talking. Katra was saying, “Gaby when did you first meet Kat?”
“It was during my trip to meet mum in Germany. I got on well with Kat. Then mum brought Kat & her mother home.” “She broke some news to me I did not want to here. She told me that her & father was separating. It was not because she did not love dad but because she loved somebody else more. I thought Mum was going to live with Eric when I saw him here. For a short while I hated Eric & then I realised it could not be Eric after all. When Erica changed & joined this group. Then I got friends with her & realised Erica was not to blame. Then I wondered if it was because mum thought she was saving Dad from changing like me. I also wondered if mum had become a lesbian & fallen for Tina. Just like tennis stars sometimes do. I still love my Dad. Although since moving I have not seen much of him as he has been kept busy by his new bosses.”
“Katra I understand you have taken the last place on the team.”
Kat spoke up; “I am sorry Gaby I should have let on before now what I knew. Your mum can not & will not ever get rid of your dad that is impossible as you are descended from Agatha. Your mum does love your Dad & mistakenly thought if she stayed with Tina your dad would be safe. Of course this is not true as we all have discovered.”
Erica, “Gaby I have realised that Carole, Your dad, Jenny & my sister Tina are all taking equal time looking after us all. It is as if they are sharing the responsibility for us. In fact if I did not know better I would have thought Carol, Jenny, Tina & your dad were all sisters, as they all look alike.”
Gaby, “Jules can you call Agatha as we want to talk to her.”
Agatha, “What can I do for you Gaby?”
Gaby, “We were discussing our parents & wondering if we could get them all together.”
Agatha, “If you did there may be a price to pay & your father may be the cost.”
Gaby, “From what I understand most of the changes have already happens. As they have with Uncle Andrew and John. At least dad will get to spend more time with us rather than Carol having to sort us out when mum is away.”
Agatha, “Ok I will help you but remember you may be watched.”
“Tina, Starr or Little Lily if you are watching then come here as we have nothing to hide.”
Kat, “I have something to ask. I know mum is at her most fertile at the moment will that mean that shortly she may have to give up cycling for a while?”
Gaby, “Not exactly their places will be taken by Carole & Claire who look like her.”
Jules, “Agatha can we show Maddy and the others the mural?”
Agatha, “Do you want to come with us to see it?”
Maddy, “Actually I never got to see it so I would be interested in seeing it.
Agatha, “Gaby have I permission to transport us there?”
Gaby nodded her head. The group found they were in the Palace of Ludwig and they were looking at the Mural.
Agatha, “That is my mum and that is me.”
Maria, “Empress I heard a sound & came to investigate. I will summon your sister as she would be very annoyed if she was to discover you had been and had not seen her.”
Renate, “Maria I came as quickly as possible. You said there was a problem close to the mural.”
Maria, “In here mistress is the problem.” As she opened the door Renate saw her sisters Gaby & Maddy.
“We thought we would come for a surprise visit.”
Maddy, “I would like have a look round the palace.”
Agatha, “I do not normally get time to explore & after Gaby and the girls wanted to come here I thought I would join the group.”
Renate, “Maria I am cancelling all engagements as we have an official visit from my sisters & Aunt.”
Maria spoke into the phone. “Empress Gaby we are now free until you go home.
Gaby, “I wanted to look around all of Renate's castles.” Jules here is a budding archaeologist & photographer she wanted to take photos with her digital camera.” Agatha pointed out all in the mural.
Jules, “The mural has changed since the last time I saw it. Ludwig has vanished off it. It has all girls on it now.”
Gaby, “Renate did you have us added.”
Renate, “I certainly did not.”
“Well if you look you will see our Grandmothers & all their children & us.”
Renate, “Gaby I have found you & Maddy & I have found me & Jules. There was a rumble and another group arrived as they arrived the mural changed again.
Gaby, “Grandmas I only wanted to explore the castles & apparently I somehow have attracted your attention.”
Renate, “It is my fault. I told Grandma we had a problem but I did not expect them in full force.”
Galadriel, “Jules you are correct that Ludwig has gone from the picture.” “He will have because he is no longer with us but his sister has appeared. Likewise when all my children visit the room their picture is added to the mural.”
Gaby, “Grandma Galadriel I thought that my sister Jules was a witch because she shared her body with Grandma Agatha.”
Galadriel, “Gaby all my children are fully fledged witches as are their children.”
Gaby, “Jules that makes us all the daughters of witches.”
Jules, “Gaby I have ended up joining the cycle team to be with my sisters. They in turn should be joining me in my magic classes.”
Agatha, “Mother Jules & I can teach them while we are away. While at home you can teach then all they need to know.”
Gaby, “Actually I have made arrangements as some of Galadriel’s other daughters also wanted to accompany their granddaughters.”
Agatha, “Mother would that include our Nina?”
Another voice, “Nina and her twin daughters.”
“We have to help Mum & Agatha teach you all.”
Jules, “Gaby I thought for a moment you meant the Empress Gilda was to accompany us on the tour.”
Gaby look at Agatha & then at Nina.
Galadriel, “Gaby if the group cannot have the best at least they should have the second best instructor in our group.”
Gilda, “As my sister is unable to go then it looks as if the responsibility falls on me. As we cannot allow my sisters who have not used magic for some time to teach yet. My sisters may assist me though to teach the smaller classes we will have.”
Gaby, “I know you may think I am wrong but you will be taught by three of the very best instructors we have.”
Nina, “Although Gilda & I did not always to see eye to eye over certain things. She is one of the best instructors we have. Both Agatha & myself will be pleased to have our sisters help.”
Gaby, “Nina you were prepared to die with Red & Yellow when you thought you were under attack. I know you are very loyal this is not a slight on you. I need the group to have the best available in tutors. Gilda is the best in Magic, You in Potions & Agatha in spells & Charms. None of the others have any input as they are all cadets. So Gilda will teach you all magic & all the group will attend. Likewise when it is Agatha’s turn Gilda will sit back and listen & perhaps she will learn something.”
“Finally when it is Nina turn Agatha & Gilda will sit back & listen.” “When you all return everyone will be tested by Galadriel. If I as your Empress can be tested by Galadriel then I am sure everyone else can.”
Butterfly came across, “Do you need a head mistress to go with them.” Gilda, Agatha & Nina were all shaking their heads.”
Gaby, “Sorry Butterfly I have already appointed a tour leader to look after the youngsters. Also you have only just returned to us and still need to complete all your levels yet.”
“Miss Bell has been appointed as Tour leader & she will inform me of problems.”
Gilda, “Is that because she is a better transmitter than us?”
Gaby, “Yes she is the best transmitter but she will attend all your classes as she has not her basic certificate yet. Just so you all know you will also be monitored by Lily Vision. I like Miss Bell when she was in the charge of the American youngsters.”
Maddy, “We all liked & respected her. Drew found he could talk easy with Miss Bell about things he would not even talk with me. Now he has changed fully but there are times when we all can use a confidant.”
Miss Bell came in and said, “As we appear to be having a group meeting I thought I better be here. I was going to arrange a full meting for all those going. Gaby it also includes some others from your old school who are not club members.”
Gaby, “Actually it is a good idea. Girls remember no kissing except with gold badges. Also I asked the two daughters of Nina to accompany you as I expect you all as my representatives to look immaculate at all times.”
Maddy, “Great, I bags Silv to do my hair.”
Gaby, “Her sister is almost as good as Silv.”
Renate, “Sisters not only are you representing your school but you are representing team Goddess. We are combining your trip to America with several cycle races whilst you are there this also involves a full back up team & security for you all.”
Gaby, “Our school friends will not notice any difference & most of the backup will already be out with us. Some of the original teachers have had to back out of the tour for various reasons & others take their places. So tomorrow night all going will meet in the school hall at 19.00. Now sister are you going to give this group a personalised tour of the castle?”
Renate was giving them the full conducted tour. Eventually they came to a door. Renate, This door was closed shortly after Galadriel went missing & the key appears to have been lost. I have often thought about opening it but I never have got round to it.”
Gaby, “Well you have a group of witch cadets with you. Perhaps now would be a good time to test their skills & see if they can open the door.” Gaby and the others put their heads together.
“Gaby, Aunt Carol bound us all to you & although we are not yet companions we are children of companions.” “We your companion’s children have decided as a group we will open the door. We have learned how to produce and play with the Blue & pink exploding balls. If we all produce a ball and hold it as long as possible & then direct it at the lock we should open the door.”
Jules, “I could have opened it an easier way.”
Gaby, “Granny like me they are all on a learning curve so let them open the door their way I can soon repair any damage.”
Jules, “Agatha has told me to keep out of this as I can do it alone.”
Gaby, “Maddy, Kat and others on the count of three we release the balls.” Each of them was producing one glowing ball in each hand. “One, Two, Three.” There was an explosion & the door was hanging off its hinges.
Gaby, “Lesson one that is why we do not use the balls unless we have to.” Maddy pointed her wand & the door was closed again.
“Lesson 2 from Jules how to open a closed door or locked without causing damage.” Jules approached the door & pointed her finger at the door & said. “Open.” The door immediately swung open and allowed them all entry.
Gaby, “Lock it again Jules & we will see if Maddy or Kat can open it the same way.”
Renate, “Do you mind sister if I have a go as I never get chance to practise on my own.” Renate did it just the same as Jules & then said, “Maddy it is your turn next.”
After each of the cadets had had a go. Madame Butterfly said, “I have never seen so many inexperienced witches do that on the first attempt & the Balls was a work of genius.”
“If you where ever trapped where you could not find a door then you could do the balls. I have to admit that more than one cadet has played chicken with them like this.”
She tossed the ball to Gaby who tossed it to Maddy eventually it got back to Madam who threw it out of an open window where it hit a dead tree.
The tree immediately sprung to life. Madam Butterfly, “If any of you decide to play the game make sure you have a suitable medium to send it to like a bucket of water or a few dead trees.”
Gaby, “I can see you all are going to do very well under the expert guidance we will have while away. As for our other subjects according to the reports I have on you all. It will be possible for you all to take a break from them while we are away.”
“However if you are not in competitions then you all will be doing the three sections comprising practical witchcraft. Once a week madam will come over & check your progress and give me recommendations concerning you all. If your magic is not up to scratch then you will not be riding & the same is applicable to all team members. By the time we return from America I want our magic to match our other work.”
Kat, “Gaby are we allowed to start with one subject each?”
Gaby, “So long as you get the work done I am not bothered how you do it so long as you do not cheat.”
Jules, “If I, Maddy, Kat and you work as a team we can get all the work done. If we four are going to try a mind merges and if it does work then we will be able to link with our friends.”
Lily, “Jules and Kat have already forgotten we can read them.”
Gaby, “Aunt Gilda as this group wishes to learn rather fast. So will it will be permissible for them to do a mind link. To demonstrate we will have four volunteers. “Kat, Maddy, Tina & Julie you will do.” Tina looked shocked but stepped forward. The others followed.
“I chose you as you are the team Captain & these are the closest to you.” Can the rest of you split into groups of four preferably with close relatives?” Gilda found she was with Nina and her daughters. She looked for Agatha who had merged back with Jules. Right these will be your speed learning groups.” “Now before we go any further we will try first with this group.” “First sit down and form a circle & link hands.” “Now I want you to let your minds go blank.” The other groups were also doing the same thing.”
“Now you are all going down a long tunnel to a very bright area.” “Raise your hand when you can see nothing but light.” Very soon all had their hands in the air. “Now Kat I am going to ask your group some questions about Gilda that only Agatha knows the answer to. Kat what is the difference between a love potion created by Gilda & one created by the Whitby coven.”
“Aunt Gilda never permitted her sister to manufacture full strength potions and all she created where at 20% strength.”
Kat, “Where did that come from I do not remember learning that.”
Agatha, “Empress this group will have linked up to more than the five of us as I am permanently linked to my sisters.”
Galadriel smiled, “Agatha for a moment I thought you had forgotten as it is all of you which ever group you where with have pooled your knowledge.” “The best time to do a mind link is when you are going to bed and then your minds have all night to merge.”
Kat, “Gaby if we were to do it regularly would we get all of each other’s memories?”
Agatha, “I think I would be more qualified to speak. Even after doing the mind link you are still an individual. You will know all your sisters know or learned within a given time. If though you are separated then you will no longer be able to do the mind link. My sisters and I are now catching up after being separated for some time. If as certain individuals here are able to do you ever manage a body merge then you will share everything with that person. So Jules shares everything with me. As do Gaby, Maddy, Renate & Lily who have all body merged at some time.”
“I though did not have the skill once merged to separate myself from Jules although I could talk to her & we shared a body. I needed the help of a person far more skilled than me. Likewise the Grand Visor was unable to separate herself & like me needed the intervention of the Empress. Some of us have tried merging with objects or other living creatures & also needed the intervention of the Empress to separate them.”
Gaby & The Inexperienced Angels.
“Others of my sisters have learned how to absorb others and give birth to them many times over. Some of us can carry others for so long and providing they separate soon enough they can become normal again.”
Jules, “The mind link cannot harm any of us or else the Empress would not have shown us it. As it was we were thinking about doing it and now it has been demonstrated to us safely. Please can we go on and explore the other passages?”
Gaby, “I agree Jules we have spent long enough opening & closing this door. Renate tomorrow you will have to get a new key made for the lock. Latch & Lock should be able to make a new key to fit the door now it is open.”
Galadriel, “Sisters we will go first as we have walked these floors before.” Galadriel pointed her finger at some torches fastened to the castle walls and they all lit up. They came to a solid wall and Agatha pressed a stone. The whole wall slid back to reveal a room. They all entered.
Galadriel, “Gaby sit on the chair in the centre and place your hands flat on the arms.” As Gaby did the entire room illuminated.
“Welcome Empress Gaby. Those who did not here the Lady will hear me. I am summoning all your subjects. Even the sleeping Giant will attend this time. All your people shall make their way to the Haunted Isles. My lady in a second another door will open you may take all your companions with you as it is perfectly safe. Now you have started me I am locked on to you permanently. The Great Galadriel had not the courage to sit on me. Had she done so the evil horde would not have captured her?”
Galadriel, “I knew the seat was not for me but for one far greater.” The door slid open and the group went through.
Gaby, “Granny I know where we are or at least were I think we are.”
Galadriel, “I have been here many times before but never by this route.”
A young and very inexperienced angel turned up, “You lot what are you doing here.”
Gaby, “That is no way to greet me. I shall walk with my group where I please.”
The angel disappeared, “I am going to bring Michael to sort you out.”
Gaby waved her hands. “We might as well all be seated while she brings the heavy mob.”
Jules, “Kat keep Quiet,”
The Great Galadriel sat alongside Gaby & Maddy. Very soon Michael arrived with the angel. “Now where are the disobedient angels you told me about?”
“Michael they are walking in the garden as if they owned it.”
Michael came in & then spotted Galadriel & Gaby. He called the young angel over, “Are these the disobedient angels you told me about.”
“Yes sir.”
“Can you go back to Peter and Lucinda and tell them to bring the entire host with them to the garden.”
Michael laughed, “My ladies I am sorry I was not informed by the front gate of your visit.”
Gaby, “Michael Actually we came by another route that has not been open for a long time.” Gaby showed him the route.
Michael, “It looks like I will have to station an angel at this entrance to inform me of your arrival.”
Peter arrived with the host, “Michael what is going on I have had to lock the front gates to come here? I was told you needed help with a group of disobedient angels.”
Peter saw Galadriel & Gaby & spoke to the young angel. “By any chance are these the angels you told me about.”
“Father you know it is forbidden for us to walk in the garden.”
“Daughter you are correct all bar the Queen & her companions. In this case I should say Queens & companions.”
Galadriel called the angel over, “Peter this angel needs to recognise us so she should be on duty inside the garden with the angels of her choice.”
Gaby, “Grandma I agree & perhaps she should spend some time with your sister Gabriel.”
It was only at the mention of Gabriel that a look of terror crossed her face. “Please forgive me I did not recognise the Empresses Galadriel or Gaby.”
Peter, “Gaby I take it that you have opened a new route to your garden.
Gaby, My friends may come in the future to rest in the garden. Unless they have explicit instructions though they are not to enter the main area. Michael unless accompanied by me or Galadriel only angels or arch angels are to be allowed admittance this way.” Michael & Peter accompanied Gaby back to the room.”
Peter, “I had forgot this existed. I presumed you actually sat in the chair.”
Gaby, “Granny advised me to so I followed her advice.”
“Gaby sit back in the chair.” Gaby did as requested.
The screen spoke again. “Mistress I see you are again here. I did as I said I would and all will now know and come. Mount Sharphaw is too small so I have arranged for them to come to the ancient home of the Brigantine Queens. That mountain with the flat top you call Ingleborough. There all those who have not already pledged their loyalty to you will pledge to you.”
Peter touched a button and Gaby found an orb and sceptre. Nina & Agatha pressed another button. A platinum crown was placed on Gaby’s head.
Gaby, “I feel more power than ever running through me although I did not need it.”
Galadriel, “Besides being my Great Granddaughter. You are many other things one of which is to absorb all power & discharge it like a giant battery.
Gaby, “I already have worked that out. Each time I get new companions I feel the increase. When the pixies recently returned to me. Although their power was almost gone. I felt a massive surge as they pledged to me. Power also flowed from me into them to heal their wounds. As they healed I once again felt the power flow back into me. The same was true with the Spirit sisters of Herne when they merged their packs with me.”
Gaby, “Peter my power is there for all my people to draw on. I have no intention of abusing it. I did not want to change from a boy to a girl but I accepted it. Likewise I do not want to be an accumulator but I am one. I still keep finding things I can do.”
The Young angel. “Father can I request a transfer to accompany Gaby as there is much for me to learn.”
Peter,” You have changed your mind quickly. Not long ago according to you Gaby here was a disobedient angel who you called Michael & me to deal with.”
“Mistress I was doing my job and reporting angels walking in the garden when it is forbidden.”
Lucy appeared, “Father so your angels do not have to come in the garden I will station an angel inside.”
The young angel curtsied to Lucy.
“Arch Angel Lucy I have to report I have been rude to two Empresses who I failed to recognise. Father cannot permit rude angels in heaven so I will be sent to earth. Will you find a place for me?” Lucy looked at the young angel & then at Gaby.
Lucy, “You though are not experienced enough to walk in the garden so one of my sisters will do that task. You though if coming back with us will find life different on earth to that in Heaven.”
Kat, “I hate to seam disrespectful considering where we are but should we not be getting back to the others. It is a wonder they have not sent a search party out looking for us all.”
Galadriel, “I forgot Kat you do not yet realise any time will have passed in your world while we are here.”
Gaby, “Regardless of that, Little Lily will be sending out a dragon team unless we get back soon.”
Michael turned to Lucy, “You had better take this one with you she will no longer settle now she has laid eyes on the Empress.”
At the flick of a switch the group found themselves at the other side of the door. They continued to explore the castle to see what other delights it had for them.
Gaby, “Silly me this is like my castle back home the plan am the same only the exterior is different.” Renate looked puzzled.
Gaby, “If that is the case off this corridor we should find doorways to Neptune’s, Oberon & a blocked entry. Also I back home I should have an entrance to Heaven that has been missed. Gaby soon found the entry to Valhalla easy.
Gaby, “One correct let us see if we can find the others.” Next was Neptune’s who surprised to see Gaby & gang.
Neptune, “So Gaby you have discovered more doorways there should be one between your home & the Castle. In fact all of your homes should have inter connecting passages.”
Gaby, “That is what we are doing now locating them.”
Agatha, “I found the one to the Crown-Imperial.”
Nina, “I have the one to Ingleborough.”
Mfwany, “I have one to back home.”
Gaby was marking them all on her computer & said on the right should be the entrance to Oberon's.” Galadriel opened it & sure enough there was Oberon. One by one all the doors gave their secrets.
Renate, “Sister I can use this doorway to spend each evening with you all. Would you mind coming with me and looking over the other palaces we own?”
As they spoke Little Lily appeared, “Gaby several more doors have appeared in the castle back home and so we decided to investigate.”
Gaby, “I am going to have to have signs made like Neptune’s Rest,
Oberon's Place and Heavens Garden.”
Little Lily, “Valhalla could be Throne Room. Empress Gardens & Crown-Imperial could be given their correct names. Likewise we could name all the other doors after the castles they led to Like Newswanstein to get to Renate. Gaby pointed her hand and a bolt of light shot out of the hand and hit the doors. When they looked signs were carved on the doors where they led to was carved on each door and it was in old Germanic script...
Renate took a phone call from the security. “Madam at your other palaces somebody has been carving on the doors in Old German.”
Gaby, “Sorry I did not inform you but I ordered the carving.”
All the curators, “Mistress we did not realise you had been here.”
Renate, “I will be calling round all my Castles & Palaces to see that the carving has been done to my satisfaction.”
Over the next few days the group visited every one of Renate’s homes and found all the entrances. Gaby, “I have just thought of something. I will have Castles & palaces in almost every country.”
Agatha, “All we need to do is cloak the entrance so those who are not part of your group do not see the entrances & walk straight past them. After spending a few days visiting the palaces they returned home.
Gaby looked at the diary, “Tonight we have to go to my old school to sort out about the trip as we go on saturday. That night Gaby found Jenny & Carole accompanied her. There they found a large proportion of the teachers had been replaced with new ones. Gaby smiled as she noticed the new teachers.
The Head master, “Students we had had to find last minute substitutes for your teachers who have left or are off ill. This is Miss Agatha Spellbinder. This Mrs Gilda Khan. This Mrs Nina Snow and as luck would have it her daughters the Miss Snows. These ladies will look after the whole group of you and will be responsible for teaching you all the subjects you need to know.”
“Now as some of you already know we have been fortunate that this trip is been sponsored by Dame Gaby Lynn. Originally the flights were to have gone from Manchester. Now though we will be flying from Yorkshire. Our flight is from the recently opened lady Anne International Airport. We will fly at 03.00 this means with customs & security checks we have to be at the Airport by Midnight. The flight time is about 8 hours & we will have the plane almost to ourselves. I say almost because party of an international cycle team will be on the same flight as us.”
“Now as you all know you will be away for four months so we have to ensure everything is in order. Because of the time you are away you will all be allowed 66Kilos of luggage. I recommend though you take less than this as you will need part of your luggage allowance for bringing extra items home.”
“In America you all will have the services of Miss Bell who accompanied some of the American Youngsters here previously. As you all know you will be away for Christmas and so arrangements will be made with your families to have a video link. As you are all representing England and Northumbria I expect you all to be on your best behaviour. I understand some of you will while you are there be racing.”
“All your school will be there with you in spirit. We all hope to see team Goddess win few more trophies. We are now going to hold a farewell disco for those who are departing to distant lands. I almost forgot there would be another two teachers going with you Miss Mary Angel’s & Miss Marie Tulip.”
Gaby looked at Jules, “Teachers my foot. We get two winged guardians going with us. I suppose our security team will be on the plane also.”
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