Drew & the Half-Term Break Chapter 18

Drew and the Half-Term Break
Angels and Dancers Chapter 18
A Gaby Fan-fiction
By Sharphawlad.

Ariel, “We will now have two Constance’s. Gaby you have not tried the sled yet they are great. Why not come with us and try them. Even the babies can use the detectors and we could re do areas we have been over previously and we could do with some more of them.”

Gaby, “Have we the address of the manufacturer of the sled and detectors?”

Maddy, “I have them both.”

Gaby rang them both initially the first manufacturer was going to say they did not deal directly with the public until Gaby said, “What sort of price can I expect for 300 units. Also how quickly can you deliver them”?

The person on the phone, “Please excuse the delay while I put you through to the MD she will arrange everything with you.”

The MD came on to the telephone, “I understand you want to purchase 300 units from us. We have a dealer who got 50 units off us in your area.”

Gaby, “Yes I have bought the lot.”

The MD, “We have 100 units ready to go to dealers we could let you have them. We produce 100 units a week so we could deliver the remainder of the order over the next two weeks.”

Gaby, “Do you know about this other company it appears to have a similar address to you?”

The MD, “The sleds are you interested in them. I do not sell them but my sister markets them.”

Gaby “How many has she in stock or can lay her hands on? Please inform your sister I am coming to see the both of you and I will be with you in ten minutes. Darcie, Maddy, Ariel, Robyn, Little Lily and both Constance’s official business woman dress this time. We are going to purchase more sleds and detectors.” Gaby set the co-ordinates and then they were outside the factory. Gaby opened the door and walked in. There was a young girl on the reception she could not have been more than 15-16.

Darcie s, “Tell your MD that her clients are waiting.”

“The girl went running through to another room, “Annie there are some girls wanting the MD what do I do?”

There was another voice replied, “Mary I have a very important customer coming soon go and find our sister Laura and bring her back here. We need her help.”

Gaby and the others sat down while they waited.

Lily, “Gaby the three of them run the factory their parents got killed in a car accident. They are producing the items their father developed and tested.”
Eventually three girls came into the reception area. The eldest would be 18 and the other two looked like twins.

Gaby, “We have come to buy Sleds and Detectors.”

The Eldest, “My sisters have not yet told me what this is about so please excuse me if I seem rather puzzled.”

Annie, “They want to buy 300 detectors and some sleds off us.”

The eldest, “If I was to collect in those out at dealerships we could deliver this weekend.”

Gaby, “I presume you will not have all the sleds we require but we can wait for them.”

The eldest looked at the computer, “We have 30 in stock and there are 120 at dealerships.”

Gaby, “In that case we will take the lot providing you can get them off the dealers.”

The girl, who was on the reception, “By any chance would you be interested in these as well.” They are mini sleds for children combined with a powerful magnet and metal detector.”

Lily, “Have you a pool we could test one out.”

The girl, “Yes we can go quite deep to test anything. Dad always insisted that everything was tested before we sold them.” She brought some other lines, “You might like to try these as well.”

The eldest girl,” I will bring you some towels to dry yourselves.”

Lily striped off and dived in, “Toss some coins in and I will see if the magnet attracts them.” Darcie threw a handful of coins in. Lily went down with the board. A few minutes later she was back with the coins.

Gaby, “Have you another for me to test.” Gaby went down and the mini sled attracted the coins. Gaby got out and dried herself. Gaby looked round and saw pictures of mermaids.

Annie, “Mum and dad where obsessed with mermaids, “You had to be one to appreciate the lines we sold.”

Mary, “Mum said we always had to produce items as if we were selling to mermaids.”

The eldest, “We might as well show you the rest of the factory.”

“The youngest, “I miss my Mum and Dad.” then she burst into tears.

The eldest. “As none of us have any real knowledge of business we are going to have to sell up.”

The youngest, “The man made an offer for the building but did not think dads inventions worthwhile.”

Ariel, “You have products we like and can make use of. I would rather buy half your shares and send all three of you to training school and put in a manager to run it for you.”

Mary, “We might as well show you some of our father’s silly ideas. These are to fasten to a sled for a mermaid to attach her babies on to. These are reigns for a dolphin or porpoise.” Ariel looked at Gaby.

Gaby, “All of these are yours dad’s inventions.”

Mary, “We have rooms of the stuff and most of it we will never sell.”

Gaby, “Are there just the three of you or are there more brothers and sisters?”

Mary, “There are just us three now. We once had lots of sisters once.”

Gaby, “If you want to sell the factory then we will buy it from you with everything. I expect the three of you to come to my school and further your education. I will put in managers and market what we can of your father’s ideas. If we discover other ideas your father had that can be marketed we will pay you a royalty.”

Annie, “You promise to still sell the sled and detectors.”

Gaby,” I have no intention of shutting this place down in fact it will probably be expanded before long.”

The youngest girl, “I got this to sell because the others thought it would never sell.”

Lily, “Well both Gaby and I like it and so we will take what you have.”

Laura, “Before we sell we have something else to show you. We have some rooms our parents designed but would hardly every let us use.” The first they went into was a replica of Oberon’s palace. “We were allowed to play in here. Mum called us her fairies.” The next room was more like a cave then Gaby realised it looked like the cave of Minerva. The next room looked like the temple of the Winds in Nepal.

The eldest girl, “We promised our parents we would never let anything happen to the rooms. If we sell to you then you have to give us your promise that these will not be harmed or damaged.”

Maddy, “You have my assurance that none of us are going to destroy these rooms. “

The eldest, “We were never permitted to enter in here.”

They opened the door and walked in. Gaby and the others saw their seats and automatically went and sat in them. The three sisters where left in the centre of the room. Gaby waved her arm and all the other seats became full and there was a great light within the room.

Gaby, “Mary, Annie and Laura.” “I need some answers and hope you can give them to me.” Gaby noticed the girls where all stood within a pentangle.

A voice, “Sorry Gabriel that I cannot be here in person to greet you. I hope you like my rooms. The girls prefer the fairy nursery the best.” A screen came on and a man and woman came into view. Gaby mouthed Peter and Lucinda. The youngest one left the pentangle and went and kissed Gaby.

“You do know our Mum and Dad.”

Gaby, “Come and watch with us.” The other two left the pentangle and came and watched as a film came on. It showed the girls as children and then young ladies and then in wedding dresses. Then finally the film came to an end. It was only then that Gaby noticed the girls were in the wedding dresses they had been wearing in the film.

The Eldest. “As you see we have already been married but until a few minutes ago none of us had met our spouse.”

The youngest. “Mummy and Daddy only once permitted us in here. That was the day before they were killed in the car crash. We had to wear these dresses and where given earrings and necklaces to wear.”

Annie, “We were told we would be all married to whoever sat in that chair you two are in.”

Gaby thought for a moment, “You are Mary so I presume of the two left one may also be called Jo or something similar and the other Jess or something similar.”

The youngest, “Annie is Joanne and Laura is Laura Jessica.

Gaby, “Please excuse me while I tell somebody off. Peter and Lucinda I know you can hear me now get your buts here this instant.” There was a bang and then Peter and Lucinda appeared. First I think my companions might have something to say about me taking on extra companions without their consent. Secondly the father if available should be there to give his daughters away. Thirdly how dare you marry the girls to me in my absence?”

Eventually Gaby cooled off the youngest said, “Do you not want us as wives. You were very cross with our daddy.”

Gaby, “While I cool down will you go round with your sisters and kiss everybody and then return to us.” The girls did as they were instructed and then returned to Gaby and Maddy. “Girls show me your wrists.” There was nothing at all. Peter and Lucinda where both smiling away.

“Michael I hope you are also watching bring the choir and come down yourself. Michael, Peter has apparently married me to his daughters. So far my wives have been from the sea, land or sky but not from the Heavens. These three if Peter is involved have to be from the Heavens although they put on a good show of been children.”

Gaby, “Your Queen orders you to change to your normal attire.”

The three of them looked across at Peter, “Dad do we have to change?”

Peter, “You must always obey a direct order Gaby.” In front of Gaby stood three angels in all their glory.”

The eldest, “Before we became angels we were actually three sisters. We watched you and your family and wanted to be with you. We pressurised Mum and Dad to arrange a meeting with you.”

Maddy, “I take it that it is your wish to be our eternal companions.”

All three of them, “Yes but we would like to have you there this time.”

Gaby, “I better ask has anybody objection to three angels uniting with us.”
Tinkerbelle, “It would be nice to have some others that could fly like me.”

Gaby. “Michael can you conduct the marriage as Peter and Lucinda will be occupied giving their daughters away.”

Mary, “There is one thing though just who are we getting married to? As we were told our partner would be who ever sat in the chair. There are two of you who look alike sat in the chair.”

Maddy, “We are sisters and we come as a package deal. Along with all the others who you have all kissed.”

Gaby slipped the rings on to their fingers, “You are now bound to us and us to you. Peter in future if any more of the host decide they want to join us the direct approach is best. As for you three you will be keeping us warm for a quite a while.” This brought a giggle from the others.

Simone Returns.

The following day Simone and her partner returned from their honeymoon. Simone, “Have we missed anything.”

Zita giggled, “Gaby and Maddy got three more wives.”

Constance, “Yes I hardly got used to the bed before I was replaced.”

Simone, “I thought we had discovered all the witches.”

Gita, “These are not witches or mermaids.”

Lily, “Neither are they human or fairy.”

Simone, “Gaby has taken some of my spirit sisters as companions.”

Galadriel, “I can assure you they are definitely not your spirit sisters.”

Simone, “Well if you exclude all that there is nothing left on Earth.” Gaby and Maddy came in arm in arm followed by three girls.

Gaby, “Well Simone have you worked it out yet? I hope you both are ready to start work. Simone Lynn you have a good teacher. Simone you or your partner will be required to swim under the boats twice a day for the tourists.
Also Sharon has four more baby seals but they should not take too long to feed.”

Maddy, “Tell us about the honeymoon did you have a good time.”

Simone, “We had a great time on the cruise. We have brought presents back for everybody.”

Simone Lynn, “Everyone we meet thought we were twins on holiday together. I persuaded Simone to bring a few extra presents back so we do have enough to go round. Juno we got these for you in Egypt and Turkey. The first is a model of Vesta and the second is Turkish delight.”

The Simones then started to hand out other presents to the children.”

Simone, “We got everybody the same present and there is one for Juno. Empress Can I have permission to put the first one on you.”

Gaby burst out laughing when she saw what Simone had bought. “Very appropriate for us I would say. Simone I would be very pleased to put one on.” The others all giggled as Gaby and then Maddy put on a belly dancing outfit.

Maddy, “You three are next to put one on and nobody is to be without one.” Very soon all of them had a belly dancer’s outfit on.

Ariel, “All we need is the music now.”

Juno, “Funny you should say that look what I have in this box.” It was CD of Turkish dance music. They put the disc on and after getting a demo from Simone they all had a go.

Little Lily, “I like this type of dancing.” The dancing went on until the early hours.

Simone, “Come on tonight we spend the first night in our bed. If we have baby seals to deal with we could be a week or two before we sleep in it again. Remember tomorrow though I will always be near you.”

The following morning.

The Simones had an early breakfast. Simone, “The first trip is due to depart at high tide and that is 07.30. Gaby and the new consorts are going to be on board the ships to see how we perform. So we had better put on a good performance.”

They got to the Sealife centre to find Sharon waiting for them. Sharon, “Good I am glad you both came as it has been hard work for me to run this centre and keep feeding the seals.” Simone showed her partner around the centre and then they went to the pool.

Simone, “We strip and put our clothes in here and then dive in to the pool.” The two soon found the baby seals had attached themselves to a nipple and were feeding away. The seals soon had their fill and swam away to play with each other. “Very good you have not freaked out so far.”

Her partner kissed her, “I wish it was possible for us to have our own children. You do realise we are now have the abilities of my sisters the mermaids.”

Simone Lynn, “After the last few weeks I believe anything is possible. I doubt that we have finished with me being a mermaid. What will be, will be?”

Simone, “Eventually you will be able to do this yourself but for now I control it. We are going to become porpoises but this is for show only.”

“Just them or do we get to become dolphins as well.”

Simone, “We are going to swim down the tunnel and then through the gates. We will need to swim around for about an hour. We will have to make several passes under the boats. Then we return to the centre.” Simone kissed her partner. They swam around the Island and spotted the boats they swam from one to the other.

A child on board the boat. “Mummy look there is two of them. Are they a mummy and daddy?”

The captain, “No they are both females the male is far larger than those two.”

After swimming around for a while they returned to the Sealife centre. In side they were greeted by Gaby who said, “The first trip went very well. Simone is it possible for you to be a large and small porpoise or Dolphin?” Simone, “I have been thinking about that. The morning run we could be mother and baby and then the following day male and female porpoise. We could do the same in the evening but be dolphins.”

Gaby turned to Simone Lynn, “Are you OK with this?”

“I am in love with Simone. I wish we could have babies.”

Simone, “We will be mother and daughter dolphins tonight after feeding the seals.” That night they went out again and put a performance on. Everybody on board was thrilled to see the dolphins.

They kept varying what they were and even the captain was unsure which they would see. Robyn went on one of the trips and gave the Captain instructions to drop anchor. She dived in and promptly changed into a male porpoise. That day both of the Simone’s were females. Initially when the male swam up they both thought it was the other. Simone soon realised her mistake and started to weave and turn but Robyn kept up with her and finally subdued her.

Simone Lynn Initially thought Simone was in danger and went into protect Simone and found herself having the same problem. The two of them both got back and managed to change back. Simone hit the alarm button and collapsed. Sharon found the two of them had collapsed on the side of the pool. They both woke up side by side in the hospital ward.

Simone, “There was a real bull porpoise out there and we both ran out of energy trying to get away from it. We still have the contract to fulfil.”

Gaby, “Do not worry either of you. Others are doing the job. You two are on leave until I decide differently. In your condition it would not be a good idea to be working.”

Simone, “Oh no not the Bull Porpoise.”

Gaby, “Yes the two of you. Just so you both know I had nothing to do with it. We could have several more in the same boat if it is still about.”

Over the next six weeks 18 others were to have the same happen to them and then it came to a stop.

Around this time Gaby, “Robyn Maddy and I want you back with us tonight.” Robyn was to find out that Gaby intended to use the present on her. Robyn two nights later asked if she could go back to sleeping with Darcie.” A while later she started being sick in the morning.

Robyn, “I have had something that disagrees with me as I keep being sick.”

Gaby, “I think you had better go and see the doctor Jones and she will sort you out.” Dr Jones confirmed Robyn was expecting.

Ariel, “Have you been on the Gibb point run as well all that went on that route are now expecting.”

Robyn,” I did swim around there a time or two, but nothing happened that I can remember.”

Ariel, “You swam there at least ten times if my maths is up to scratch. Your babies are going to ensure you do not go on the rampage for at least another 20 years. You forgot we know about your special pouch that can only be released in salt water. Your babies will put a stop to that as all your energy will be needed for milk production. We have recommended you be put in charge of the nursery and feed all the 42 babies when they are born. Then the rest of us can swim in safety.” Both Simone's came in to see a rather depressed Robyn.

Simone, “We have come to thank you for what you did for us.” They both gave Robyn a kiss. A normal Male porpoise would have swum away after Simone Lynn came to my aid and now she finds herself in the same state as me. As for the others they all wanted to become pregnant and where specially selected. You forgot that like the rest of us you are under 24 hour watch and Little Lily reported everything to Gaby.”

Robyn, “When I saw the porpoise I do not know what came over me but I did not see it as you or the other only as a female needing impregnating. I seamed compelled to go after you. Sorry I did not mean to harm or exhaust you both.”

Gaby, “Robyn I have been talking with uncle. There will be no more sessions like you just have had. Apparently after the twenty pregnancies you exhausted yourself. By getting pregnant you have permanently joined the ranks with your sisters and there is no going back for you. As to the twenty they now have the same ability as you and your sisters to become pregnant at will. As for working in the nursery it is not a punishment. The children all love to have you in there and we all notice you are at your best when in there. Now let’s see a scan of my babies.”

Ariel came in, “Dad explained a merman often uses a Dolphin to relieve himself when there are no Mermaids available. Dad will be coming to talk to you Robyn. Basically it is to tell you that your secret pouch has new been used up and that because you yourself have become pregnant before it could recharge you have been changed to being a mermaid like your sisters. Yes you are now a fully-fledged mermaid like the rest of your sisters and in future we can all swim together again without you causing us problems.”

Claire and Sex offenders.

In Britain and America the new female President Clinton and Prime Minister Angela Eagle had brought into law a bill concerning convicted sex offenders. They were to all be changed into women and serve their time as women. GB got the contract to oversee the transformations in both countries. For most of the convicts they used the formula designed by Dr Smyth. However Gaby insisted on a personal interview with each one before the transformation. Lily and Maddy and the three angels were also in the room. Most felons admitted what they had done wrong. They were taken away and transformed as allowed by the law. On one occasion a man was brought in.

He, “I am totally innocent of any crime but the police just refuse to listen.”
Lily, “He is telling the truth.”

Gaby, “Put him on hold.” All the others were processed but for this one.

Darcie contacted the justice department. “In our opinion there had been a miscarriage of justice and that either a new trial or a pardon be granted.”

The woman at the other end of the telephone got on her high horse and, “You are not contracted to find mistakes just perform the assigned task.”

Darcie , “As this can never be revoked we have to be 100% sure they are all guilty of the crime if there is the slightest chance a mistake has been made then I have the authority to stop the change. We have proven the client is innocent and also that the police officer concerned has for a while now been trying to get this man’s wife to ditch her husband, but she steadfastly refused to do so. She was even raped and assaulted, the assailant was never found although the samples are on file and if you were to check I believe the officer concerned would be a perfect match.”

Gaby called the wife who came in. “I have instigated an appeal on behalf of your husband unfortunately I may be compelled to carry the sentence before it is heard.”

The wife, “If that is the case can you use these specifications on her. So you know I will refuse to divorce her as far as I am concerned we will still be united in Heaven. Michael knows his heart is pure and he harmed nobody and at least in Heaven we will be together again.”

Darcie got a phone call to say the sentence still had to be carried out but the appeal was still going through. This in its self-seemed stupid Gaby called the wife, “We have to carry out the sentence and we would like you there to hold her hand. There is one more thing we can do we can extract and save his semen then at least you can bear his children.”

The woman burst into tears, “Do that but unless you know how to work a miracle then I will never have children. I had cancer as a child and underwent treatment this left me sterile. So unless you know how to regrow my ovaries. May I be allowed to spend some time alone with him please?”

Gaby let the two of them be alone. Lily monitored them both. The wife was saying, I believe you are innocent. I promise that although the sentence has still to be carried out that I will never leave you. I have asked Gaby if you can be made to look like my twin. At least then people will not think we are a couple of Lesbians.”

The husband, “That bent policeman has actually done us a favour although it was done out of spite. We both know I would have had to wait a long time had this not happened. Unfortunately I get a conviction for something I did not do. The bright side is I no longer have to pretend to be a man.” They cuddled and kissed then Gaby knocked and entered.

Gaby, “I am going to have to transform you now. First we need to remove all your body hair then you will be steamed cleaned in the cabinet over there and then we have you lay on the couch here while the rest of the procedure is carried out. Somebody will pay for insisting this goes through as you and I know it is a mistake.”

The wife, “Can I stay with her for all the procedure?” It did not take long to finish the procedure.

Just as they were finishing off there was a knock at the door and a rather distressed clerk was at the door. “Have you started the transfer yet?”

Gaby, “Seeing as we received an order telling us to do the job although an appeal was pending we have just finished the transfer.”

The clerk burst into tears, “I am in trouble then. The order should have read you are not to commence. It was only a short while ago I noticed the error.”

Gaby, “You better come and explain your mistake here.”

The girl was obviously in distress. She, “I am so sorry I did not notice the mistake immediately and I came here to stop the alteration but apparently I am too late.”

Gaby, “As it stands she is due a considerable pay out for wrongful conviction. In addition the client now will be due additional payments for the sentence being wrongly carried out.”

The girl looked at the two of them, “I can feel the love between you two. I wish somebody loved me as intensely as you love each other.”

Gaby, “Ladies we may be able to help you with your problem if you are interested.”

The wife said, “So long as we can be together and do the same things I will give it a go.” Dr Jones gave them both something to knock them out.
Gaby laid her hands on the two of them and said they are both entire again. Little Lily brought in the girl.

Gaby, “Once this case is over you have to return here as I need to have further talks with you. It may be better if you start disposing of all your assets and turn it all into cash.”

The girl, “I have speeded up the appeal and it should be heard next week.

The judge when the case came up ordered the immediate arrest of the officer concerned and then apologised for the mistake and awarded a considerable amount of damages.

Gaby, “She is also going to need new documentation.”

The judge, “I can do that under the protection of the Realm act. Nobody will know her former identity.” Once the court had cleared the man’s name. He and his wife went straight to Gaby.

The wife. “I may need to use the item you saved for me after all as I have started my period.”

Gaby, “Do you want me to arrange a full medical for you now with a view to getting pregnant?”

The wife, “Not yet we have something else to do first.”

“The Clerk can you arrange for her to come out with us for a meal?”

Gaby, “Ask her yourself as she is here.”

The clerk had disposed of everything as instructed other than the clothes she was wearing and a small suitcase.”

The wife, “We want to take you out for a meal and discuss a little proposition we have.” They went out together.”

Maddy, “I wonder what that was all about. I thought for a moment they wanted to join us.”

Little Lily, “They may do later but at the moment they have something more important on their mind.”

At The restaurant they ate their meal in silence. Then the former husband turned to the Clerk. “We have you to thank for this.”

The girl burst into tears. The wife said, “We are not mad at you in fact the opposite is true. We can sense you need love and we want to give it. Will you come and live as our sister. If you say yes then it will mean a few minor changes.”

The girl, “I was told to report to Gaby today. I have already sold everything off except for my small case of belongings.”

The wife, “We will go back and see Gaby because we have put this up for sale. We would rather start new somewhere else that we are not known.”

Gaby greeted them. The wife, “All three of us want to look alike.”

“We have decided to live as sisters. Is it possible to change Claire so she looks like us two so people think we are triplets? Also we need to move away and start with a clean slate.”

Myra, “Gabriel. Why not let them run the Metro centre shop for us?”

Gaby, “How will that do and there is accommodation and uniform provided as well as full health care.”

Claire was the one to speak. “I would love to help run a dress shop.”

The wife, “It is something I am trained for and he is good on computers so between us we will manage. There is something though we need to sell our house and move the remainder of our belongings.”

Gaby, “We can invest the money from your house sale like we did with the others.”

Claire, “That reminds me you instructed me to sell or give away most of my belongings. I did as requested all but for that small case and this with the money in.” She hands the money over to Gaby and Darcie checks it all.
Gaby, “Is that your documentation? Can we have that please?”

The wife, “As we are going to become three sisters could we all change our names. “The surname we decided on Lothlorien. We will be Alpha, Beta, and Claire.” Our daughters when they are born will be Delta and Gamma and so on until we get to Omega.”

Gaby, “I am interested in why you chose that particular surname.”

Claire, “We all like the Hobbit and Lord of the rings. Lothlorien was a magical place that was ruled by the lady Galadriel. It had Oberon as the Leader.”

Gaby, “To me it sounds as if you believe in magic.”

Claire, “There are things on this planet that normal people do not understand. I have seen it with my own eyes. I have seen people who should be dead cured with potions. I have seen the lame walk again and a lady so riddled with arthritis she had to be carried. I saw her walk out of the room and look like a 25 year old. Yes I believe there is some power or higher being. If there is then we ask for their blessing by calling ourselves Lothlorien.”

Gaby, “If you could cure people would you?”

Claire, “I already know some simple remedies that will cure some people of illnesses. I could show you what I know.”

Galadriel, “I think that is a good idea” and looked across at Gaby.

Gaby, “We will have the three of you stop with us for a short while and Claire can show us what she has previously been taught.” The following morning Claire turned up with a book under her arm. Galadriel watched as Claire prepared a potion. The first was to cure a headache. The second was to cure baldness.

Claire, “It was always impressed on me that I had to make sure all the ingredients where exactly as written down. That is why I am using the scales. If I deviate slightly the potion could be altered in some way.”

Galadriel looked at the book.

Claire, “I have never attempted some of the harder potions but I know somebody that has if you are interested.” Zelda and Gabriel came and looked at the book.

Zelda started to say something but Gabriel put her finger to her mouth. Galadriel borrowed the book while Claire was asleep and looked at it. She tapped it and said, “Speak to me.”

The book, “My lady thank you I was being to despair that nobody would realise I was here.”

Galadriel, “Before I continue I better put a replacement back for Claire.”

The book, “She found me in a car boot sale after seeing one similar. Claire has only done the first four potions so far but she has the ability to be a first class herbalist if she wants and I would recommend you persuade her to take that course mistress.”

Galadriel, “House elf show yourself.”

The elf materialised out of the book. She looked around and then at Galadriel “You are no ordinary herbalist.” As she was speaking Gaby and Maddy came into the room.

“Granny we want to talk to you about the book Claire has acquired.”

Zelda and Gabriel also came in. Zelda, “The book you got it away from her.”

Galadriel, “I have left a replacement. She has only learned the first few potions so far.”

The house elf, “Please can somebody introduce me or do I have to do it myself.”

Galadriel, “Ladies this is a house elf who got trapped in the book. Her name is Gabby because she always likes to talk a lot.”

The House elf, “I never told you that and there was only one person who ever called me that.”

Gaby, “So Gabby you have the same name as me so who called you that.”

“The nine used to tease me but they were kind. She always called me Gabby from being a child. There was nine Queens but she was their leader and lived in Lothlorien.

Gaby, “That is strange Claire and the other two wanted to be called that.”

The house elf, “It is of no surprise to me considering her lineage.”

Galadriel waved he hand and all the books that where similar appeared. The names appeared on the books. “Zelda yours, Gabriel yours, this is Mine, and I have my sisters book. That is mums' and so now belongs to Gaby, Tatiana and Tatiana. One with Claire and one missing which Claire knows where it is.

Gaby looked at the one she had, “This is different from the others.”

Galadriel, “That is the Queens book.”

Constance came into the room and said, you found my book.”

Galadriel, “No I have had yours it was mine that went missing and has been returned.”

Constance, “I make it still two missing unless you have given Claire a replacement.”

Zelda, “She now has a training book which belonged to Galadriel. Oberon has a book and Claire knows where the last book is.”

Zelda, “We are going to have to ask her where the other book is.”

Lily came in, “I have done that already so we can go and visit the person who has it.”

Galadriel, “We have two sisters who I thought were dead.”

Gaby, “Could they be masking themselves like Zelda did with some of the family? Or could their output be that low to be almost off the scale. Well none of us have contaminated Claire so she should give us a reading of sorts.

There she is she is barley readable. She always wears the cross could that be masking her and preventing the readings.” Rose went in and removed the necklace and placed it on the Vanity with her other jewellery.

Gaby, “Her output has more than doubled although it is still very low.”

Zelda, “It may be advisable to replace it with an almost identical one that has not the charm. Claire when she awoke noticed her necklace on the vanity and put it on.

Lily, “She is far easier to read now and I can easy read her mind. She keeps thinking of two very old ladies who live out in the wilds. One of the ladies is not very well and the other has failing eyesight. Claire was hoping she could find something in the book to help them both.”

Later that morning Gaby spoke, “Claire we are going on a trip and would like you to tag along.” Claire noticed several others all getting into the mini bus. Darcie was driving and Gaby and Maddy where cuddled up.

Zelda, “Tell me Claire exactly where did you get this book.”

Claire, “To be honest I did not get it from a car boot sale I borrowed it as they had two of them.”

Zelda smiled, “Two books just like this.”

Claire, “It is strange I looked at this and it seems different but I do not know why.”

They drove out of the town and up into the dales. Through Kettlewell and then took the 1 in 4 hill called Park rash they made their way to Horse Houses and there they stopped for refreshments at the village pub. The landlord when he saw Claire greeted her like a long lost friend. “Are you going up the dale to see them? They are both as blind as bats but yet they seem to manage.”

Claire, “Well I am on a day out with some friends. I do not suppose they want to visit two old ladies, I would like to see them if we go that way.”

The landlord, “I still go and collect their pension and do their shopping but they really should be in a home or with their family”.

He looked at Claire. Claire, “They point blank refused to move to be in the town with me. I cannot force them although I love them dearly.

The Landlord, “If you are taking your friends it might be a good idea to vent the place first before you go in.”

As Claire came out of the pub she noticed Galadriel reading a book, “You have a Grimeoldy Galadriel?”

Galadriel, “You know what it is then and what you can do with it.”

Claire, “They would not let me touch it only the potion book and then only the first six spell. There was me trying to show you how to do the potions and you could have taught me.”

Galadriel, “If it is any consolation you did very well with the lesson. As to these two I think it may be advisable to bring them back with us.” They eventually got up the dirt track road and found the cottage in rather a dilapidated state.

Claire, “Do you mind if I tell them there are guests.” Claire went in and nearly choked on the smell. She opened all the doors and windows to ventilate the place. The two old ladies came outside with Claire.

They were both very grubby and smelly. One of them, “Where are your friends Claire.”

Gaby,” Ladies Claire has asked me to help make you better.”

The old ladies, “You are wasting your time lassie. Only our sister queens can help us or the Empress herself.”

Gaby, “How would you know the Empress if she was here if you cannot see her?

Whilst they were thinking Gaby waved her hand and the Cottage was sparkling again. She twiddled her finger and the old ladies became more presentable.

Gaby, “Do you mind if we sit down in the cottage?”

The old Ladies where eager for their Guests to be brought inside. Claire was amassed at the transformation. “Well ladies how would you know the Empress?”

The old ladies, “We may be blind but if our Empress or one of the queens ever came here we would get them to read for us. Claire, the big book can you pick it up and ask each of your friends to read a line off the first page.”

Gaby, “This book is the property of Ethel and Eve Spellbinder in the county of Lothlorien.”

They all read a line and then one of the old ladies spoke, “Claire where did you find your friends?”

Claire, “I made a mistake at work and tried to correct it and that was how I met them.”

“Claire are you still wearing the necklace we gave you.”

Claire, “Yes but last night for a while I left it off.”

The two old ladies chatted to themselves, “Will the person who spoke first speak again and also the one who spoke third.” Gaby and Galadriel spoke the opposite way round to confuse the two ladies. “Please go to the very back of the book and read the passage to us.”

It was a family tree and it started with Galadriel and her sisters. Gaby read in the being there was the nine and they beget theirs and theirs beget theirs and so on until we get to the present.”

One of the old ladies, “You two tried to confuse me but you did not succeed. “Will the first one read the hand written incantation at the bottom of the book?”

Galadriel started to read it but Gaby stopped her.” Ladies we have had enough of this.”

One of the ladies, “Please take me round the others.” Gaby led her round and she, “That is my sister Zelda.” She always smells of Roses, “That is Constance and she smell of Lily's. That is Gabriel and she smells of Daffodils. She then got to Tatiana and Tatiana. “Yes Gabrielle's twins they remind me of nappies.” Gaby tried to suppress a giggle. “The next is Claire she is Chocolate Whole-wheat biscuit.”

Maddy was next, “This one is new, But she likes swimming I can smell the sea on her.” Darcie was next and she got told. “I can smell the sea on you but also money.” The old lady worked her way through to the last two. “Galadriel I would recognise your voice anywhere. You young lady speak with authority and I do not think you just happen to be driving by. I can feel somebody probing me even as we speak. There is a little one I missed and she is probing our minds to see if we are still all there. Claire your friends already knew where to come. You told them last night when you took of the necklace.”

The old lady, “Claire have you returned the book you borrowed.” Claire put it in her hand. The old lady laughed, “Claire this can now be yours. Galadriel you substituted your old trainer book for your herb book.”

Claire, “It was your book all along.”

Galadriel, “Claire open the back page and start to read it out aloud.”

In the Name of the Empress your eyes are open. Gaby waved her arms and all but Claire where in full regalia Claire was in a white dress.

Galadriel, Very good keep repeating it but get faster and faster.”

The old ladies, “You are nearly their Claire keep on going.” A beam of light shot out of Gaby and appeared to hit both of them in the eyes.” Claire ran across and said are you OK.

The two ladies, “Claire you took the book hoping to find a treatment to cure us. Well that is exactly what you did get.”

They both walked across to Gaby and curtsied. “Claire you have some very powerful friends. Meet the most powerful of them all, the Empress and some of her consorts. They can never be separated. Then there are my nieces and grandmothers of the Empress. And finally our sisters.”

Gaby, “Ladies I am going to pull rank on you and order you to return with us. Your necklaces please ladies you will not need them any longer.

Claire was going to hand hers over but Gaby said, “Not yours Claire.”

Eve, “She is spring cleaning my mind now.”

Little Lily giggled, “Do I wait or do I connect now.”

Gaby, “We will wait until we have returned home. They called back at the Pub.

Claire, “I thought I had better let you know my friends are taking them back with us.”

The landlord. “You will bring them back Claire for the well dressing. It is the one time the whole village prays to Helen. We would not want to offend the ancient gods by having our two oldest inhabitants missing.”

Gaby, “I personally promise you they will both be here and will also bring a few friends and relations.”

“All inhabitants and relations of the Dale have to wear a white rose all day. He looks at Gaby, “We normally ask a pretty girl from in the village to be Queen Helen but all those suitable are all away at college. “Do you mind if I ask you to play the part?”

Maddy giggled, “You could not have chosen anybody more suitable than our Gaby. We would be honoured and we will provide the attendants for the pageant.”

The landlord, “That is a relief. I was thinking we were going to have to ask one of the old dears in the village.”

Gaby, “You take it seriously then.”

The landlord, “The whole village takes it seriously. We had a prophecy long ago that so long as we had a queen Helen the village would prosper. There was a second prophecy that she would herself return to the village one day. How about a coffee or something before you go.”

Gaby, “No not today but you can treat me the day of the well dressing.”

“Before you go I need to record your name in the book and your address.”

Gaby, “My full name is Gabriel Lynn Bond-Peters.” I will give you two addresses and you can use which you want. Skipton castle or Valhalla off Pan's Lane, Horse houses.”

He looked at Gaby, “That house has not been lived in for years.”

Gaby, “I do own it.” That night the landlord went down Pan's lane and saw there were lights on in the house. He knocked on the door and a man came to the door.

State funerals.

Gaby returned to the castle and noticed there was a letter from the Prime Minister’s office in London. It was a request for Queen Gabriel to attend the state funeral of those killed in the terrorist attack. Whilst Gaby had been busy with other things in England and America state funerals were being arranged for those killed in the terrorist attack in London. The new African American President of America was one of those who died that fateful day. This in its self would cause Mrs Clinton to become the first female President of the United States Prince Charles and the Duchess of Chester both were to perish that day. In fact many of the Royals would have a joint funeral. Queen Elizabeth had survived alas Phillip had not and like his uncle Louis died at the hand of assassins. The Prime Minister Gordon Brown was one of those who died that day. Angela Eagle was to find herself propelled into the Prime Minister’s job. She knew she was only the second female Prime Minister in British History. She was the first Prime Minister that had a civil partnership.

In America the President would join the other Presidents who had died in office. He like them would be buried in the national cemetery. The whole of Britain was in mourning the great loss of life. Nearly everybody in the country had been affected by the assassination. Those men whom Gaby and friends had managed to capture were to stand trial in London. Already many of the MP’s who had previously been anti death penalty were calling for its reintroduction for cases like this. A search through all the court records revealed that for certain crimes the death penalty had never been revoked as thought.

Queen Elizabeth returned to Buckingham Palace along with Queen Gabriel. There much to the surprise of Queen Elizabeth her grand children were waiting for her. “I was informed you had all perished.”

William, “We would have done so like our substitutes had we been there. Harry and I wanted to arrange something for our wedding. Father knew and approved of the substitutes taking our place. Our cousins have been keeping us informed of what was happening.”

The procession was to start at the Palace and go down the Mall to Westminster. Hundreds of thousands of people lined the route. The coffins of the Royals that perished were carried on gun carriages. Queen Elizabeth was dressed in black and rode side saddle leading the procession. Prince William with Gaby on his arm and also dressed in black walked behind the gun carriages as did all the other Royals. Representatives from countries all round the world came to pay their last respects.

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