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19.00 Gaby was sat in the garden of Merling Wood. She was thinking of the first days when she moved to Merlingwood it seamed ages ago now. So much had happened to her and her companins in that time. She was thinking how Patrick one of the local boys had asked her & friends to go into Skipton to the youth club.
Patrick. “Would you all like to visit the youth club? It was called the Koinonia Club.”
Briget promised to take the girls in the mini coach and be close at hand if needed. So all of the girls descended on the youth club. They were to discover they could only get in as guests of current members.
The Leader William Church explained, “They had a restricted membership. The membership was normally for church members at Holy Trinity Parish Church. They though could bring a guest in. Until recently the youth club also had membership for boarders at the Girls High school. These places where now vacant.”
Maddy “As we will be staying close by and attending Holy Trinity could we take those places?” With the places available half of us would be a member and the other half could come as guests.
One thing Gaby noticed there appeared to be a shortage of boys in the club. The ratio was 7 girls to 1 boy. Em asked one of the local girls. “Where are all the boys?”
Helen one of the senior Skipton girl’s. “All through school we have had a shortage of boys. This is all we have.” The pack soon made friends with Helen and her group. Apparently the club was only open on a Friday night. But on other nights they went out to do sporting events.
Gaby & friends where visiting the youth club one evening and where busy talking to the Leader. When Helen came running in. “William three ladies dressed in the St Johns uniform wantto see You.
The elder of the ladies a Mrs. Stoddart.
“William in the past you have helped us out.Although you are not a member of the Saint John’s we wondered if we could impose on you again. Our cadets have to go to Bramham Park near Leeds for a county Rally. Unfortunately we have been unable to get transport to take them there. Would it be possible for you to take them in the Youth Service mini coach?”
Just then club members who where also members of the St Johns came across. “Please sir take us as each two of us should also be looking after a disabled child.”
William looked at Simon Hey, Patricia & Allison Brown. “Sorry the mini coach has been booked by some other group. I though could take you three and one other.
Whilst this was going on Maddy, Em & Gaby where in discussion. Maddy, “If William will accompany the group we have the use of a coach on Saturday for the day. We would be willing to go with the cadets to help look after disabled children.”
Anna Duggan the second of the ladies. “It is a very kind offer have you any basic first aid experiance.”
Gaby, “All of us girls are Red Cross trained as back in Sheffield we were all members there.”
Cath the third lady. “If all the girls where to turn up on Tuesday evening we could make the members. You could be then tested and given your uniforms.”
Maddy turned to the other members of their group, “Well do you agree?”
“Yes.” Came back the reply.
The cadets. “We still want William to go with us.”
19.00 Tuesday evening all the girls went to the St John's Hall. It looked to be a recently new building. The learers explained it was a new building. The old one had been sold for building houses on and as part of the deal they got a purpose built new hall.
Before they went thoug Gaby had asked her father where he stored he proof of her Qualifications. Gaby took the certificates to the Hall where they where greeted by Cath. Gaby handed over the copies of their Qualifications to Cath.
Cath looked at them . “Oh my. Oh very good in that case I do not need to test you all.”
Anna “Have you white blouses and black skirts?”
“Yes.” Came back the reply.
Anna. “In that case we only need to issue you all with Black Jumpers. William can you still take your car?”
Cath. “If you take your car then we then can take all the members of the PHAB club in Skipton.” (PHAB =Physically Handicapped and Able Bodied.)
There was something the ladies had omitted to tell William. The Princess Royal, The princess Anne was to make an appearance and present awards to the cadets. The awards where in the form of a cross on coloured ribbon. The six Yorkshire districts had a different colour ribbon the colour for North Yorkshire was Gold. William agreed to meet everyone at the Civic Hall in the High Street.
09.00 Saturday William as he has no uniform had decided to put on Black Trousers, White Shirt and a Black tie. He was also wearing a black blazer with his family crest on it. He took several small cameras, which he loaned, to some of the young male cadets. The coach and car followed Mrs Grainger to Bramham Park. This is the home of the Lane-Fox family. At the gate the entire cadet names where checked against a list. Then the coaches where allowed to proceed. Once inside the park the cadets where paired off with a disabled child. Two cadets to a child and they where responsible for that child for the remainder of the day.
Gaby & Maddy found they had been paired with Louisa who was a deaf-mute. Both girls found that she understood ESL, which is very similar to the Makaton they both could do, so they managed to communicate.
After arriving at Bramham Park Cath noticed the unicorn on William’s blazer. “William where did you get our national badge from?”
William, “I have never seen your national badge. This is my family coat of arms.”
Anna said. “I think you had better come and see this.” As they walked together William noticed the flag flying outside the North Yorkshire tent. The emblem on the flag was identical to the one William was wearing.
Cath. Each district has its own tent but cadets are allowed to go and visit every tent. The cadets found they had a designated time in each tent. Just before Noon everyone was called outside to get their lunches.
12.00 We all wondered what was going on as a helicopter landed in the grounds of the Hall. It was met by several Rolls Royce cars. The appeared to be flying a flag of some sort. The cars brought the person across to North Yorkshire tent. Out stepped the President of the St John’s the princess Royal In full uniform. A few members of the local press had got wind of what was to happen. But they where moved on by the security men. Princess Anne entered The North Yorkshire tent. When she got to the far end of the tent a man walked down with a silver tray with badges & Gold ribbon on it. Various cadet names where called & they had to go and receive an award.
Gaby & her friends’ where in for a shock as their names had been submitted. Each one of Gaby’s friends found they had to go up and receive an award. William though was to get the biggest shock he had kept to the back of the tent but had been clapping his members as they recieved the award. There was an announcement we have a special award for one adult today for his service to St John’s & the youth service. Anna & Cath each took one of William’s arms as he went to receive the award from the Princess Royal
12.50 After been escorted down the tent by Cathy & Anna. William received the award from the Princess Royal in person. A great cheer went up from the assembled youngsters.
13.00 When they set out on this trip the last thing any of them expected was to be presented to the Queen’s daughter as St John cadets. After the presentation girls all had to go to another tent. They discovered a banquet had been laid on for them. Eventually the fleet of Rolls Royce cars returned to take the princess to another venue.
Cathy took William to one side. “Sorry William about the deception but it was essential to get you here today? You where recommended by us over six months ago & it was our job to find a way to get you here. You have spent a considerable amount of your time with our cadets and have never said no if we asked you to do something for us.”
William. “I will treasure this award. Of all the years I have been in the Youth service this is the first time I have ever been thanked.”
Simon returned with the cameras. “We got some great pictures of William & the Princess. Around 17.00 the event came to a close and we returned home the 20 miles to Skipton.
Maddy & friends went into a discussion about the day’s events when they arrived back in Skipton. Gaby was later to show some of the photo’s she took to her father.
21.00 Back at Merling Wood Gaby wasted no time in emailing the photos to Brittany in America. Gaby sent copies of the photos of her and friends receiving the award from Princess Anne. Gaby’s father promptly passed on copies to all their friends. Some of these found their way to the local Daily newspaper. They sent round a reporter and then ran an article about the local girls meeting the princess. This paper was in the same group as the local weekly one in Skipton.
09.10 Monday Gaby found she was been called to the head master study. She wondered what was wrong. On this occasion it was the chief reporter from the Craven Herald to ask about the previous day. So Gaby told him all about it the day’s event and even showed the photos that had been taken. That weekend the weekly paper changed its normal format & ran the title Local Youth Leader & Member’s meet Princess Royal.
The Craven Herald had used most of Gaby’s Photograph’s. The editor came personally to Merling Wood with a cheque for their use of the photos. “There could be more to come as other papers want the photos for their papers.”
In a stew
19.40 Friday some of the girl’s had previously gone to ask Mr Church if they could form a Netball team and if he would be their manager. William had approached the secretary of the Craven Netball league a Rebecca Ingram, to see if they could join and what the costs where. The result was the team was formed and the members duly signed on in the league. William had agreed to be the team manager and was the only non-female registered with the club. Rebecca the Secretary had informed William. “All officials have to be registered regardless of sex.”
Gaby & Friends turned up for practise to find Stephanie Warren the team captain in a real stew. She explained we had got through to the finals in the tournament. Now she could not play in the final, as she had to attend her brother Patrick’s wedding.
Maddy responded with, “Well you have a reserve.”
Stephanie. “She has broke her leg playing hockey.”
Gaby. “In that case one of us will step in.”
Stephanie burst into tears again. “We can only play those listed at the start of the season & if we are short we forfeit the match.”
Gaby. “How many do you need?” and looks at the list. “Who trains you?” “You have not got them listed.”
Stephanie. “Err William is our Manager and coach. He cannot play he is male.” Gaby had a word with Beverley who had taken over as team captain. She was also engaged to William.
Beverly. “Now we have got the team providing William agrees & I will have to persuade him. The team members had already decided they wanted William on the team. They decided on a course of action for the following evening. They all turned up at William’s house to have a discussion with him.
The girls asked him to play and Stephanie. “You are registered so you can play.”
William “I could not get away with it as I look nothing like a girl.”
Gaby, “William would I or Em be able to play if we where registered?”
William looked at them. “Yes your are girls although you are not registered.”
Gaby cracked out laughing. “William we both had started out as boys. We both have a defective gene that kiks in at pubity and changes us to females. If we could get you to look like a girl would you play?”
After much pleading by the other girls William agreed to give it a go. Helen Rushton the Vice Captain asked Gaby, “How long do you need?” Gaby. “You have three weeks to the finals and we we will need all that time. William can you accompany us to Manchester tomorrow. We will meet outside the Civic Hall at 09.00.”
09.00 Sunday. The Girls meet up with William Church & Beverley Mountain outside the Civic Hall.
Gaby. “First we need to go to Manchester and then to the Trafford Centre.
Maddy. “Who is insured for the youth club mini bus?”
William, “Helen besides myself.”
William plugged in a satnav system as he had no idea where they were going. Gaby punched in a couple of post codes. About an hour and 15 minutes later they pulled up outside a shop on Bury Old Road.
Gaby. “This is the place.” They all piled out of the van and into the shop.
“Can I help you,” said a lady.
Gaby. “I spoke to you on the telephone yesterday.”
“Oh yes the group from Skipton. We are ready for you. My name is Stephanie Love. I own this shop and will be looking after you.”
Helen. “How long will be required?”
Stephanie “If you return at 13.00 he will be ready for you.”
Beverly went to give William a kiss and have a word with Stephanie. “William remember I love you.”
10.15 After looking round the store the entire group apart from William went on to the Trafford Centre. As the group got inside the first thing the noticed were stalls like a market hall. Maddy noticed a store called Beverley Hills where you could have your fingernails done. The girls all decided to go and book a session. they had to wait for their turn. Gaby decided to have one of her nails pierced. Three of the girls also had their ears pierced while we where in the store. The girls then went into Debenham’s department store. Then on to New look where Gaby got several items. Into the Disney store where we had fun trying on dresses.
Gaby put on one and said, “Look I am the fairy Queen with wand and all.” Her companions all burst out laughing and they went into Top Shop. Maddy & Helen bought some items there. By now we where all shattered and went looking for the fefreshment area it was called the Orient. There they all ordered a coke. Then girls realisedthey would have to be getting back for William.
10.45 Back at the store William explained to Stephanie why he had agreed to be a girl for the next three weeks.
Stephanie. “Other than your body hair which will not grow again everything else is reversible. First though I have to remove all your body hair. Can you strip off completely and go into this cabinet? Will you please put the helmet on.”
The helmet covered William’s eyes and scalp. William was blonde he had plenty of hair at the sides. Like most men his age he was going slightly bald on top. The door of the cabinet closed and there was a blinding flash. William’s body felt very dusty.
Stephanie said, “You can go for a shower now and wash off all that dust.” Whilst getting dried William noticed all his body hair had gone.
“What happened.”
Stephanie replied, “Do not worry it was the first part of the treatment. You have Blue eyes don’t you.”
William “Yes.”
Stephanie. “Then you will be Blonde”. Stephanie produced several blond wigs. After trying them on one was chosen as been the best for William. I am going to attach this with glue but it will eventually come free again or I can give Beverley the solvent so she can remove it for you. Now do you want manipulation or a gaff.”
After having the option explained, “I had better go for the manipulation”
Stephanie asked him to lay down on a couch and put his legs into stirrups. A nurse came in and injected him in his groin. She then carried the manipulation out. After 20 minutes it was all over and William stood up.
“I can not believe it apart from the bust I look like a girl.”
“That is next and you have three choices. The first is silicone which glue on. The second is inserts which go in your bra. The third is a new procedure and could be done now. We make a slight cut about half an inch long and insert a bag made from collagen. This we fill with Soya extract. It can be removed at a later date and is the most realistic of the three options.”
12.30 After thinking it out William went for option Three. By the time the girls returned he had been ready an hour and was having a coffee with Stephanie when they returned. William also used this time to explore the store.
William. “Stephanie when the others get here can you refer to me as Wendy & see how long it takes them to twig on.”
Stephanie, “Wendy I started life out as a man, but now enjoyed this life far better.”
The girls eventually returned for William.
Beverly. “I left my boyfriend for a make over is he not ready yet?”
Stephanie. “William is no longer here but Wendy is.” The girls all turned around to see this 5ft 10 blond bombshell walking towards them. Wendy came across and gave Beverly a hug and kiss.
Hellen. “I can not believe it you look very feminine. We all left the store to go and get some lunch back at the Trafford Centre.
Wendy. “If I am going to live as a female for the next three weeks then I will need some clothes can some of you help me pick them. After lunch it was back to the shops with a vengance to help Wendy get the clothes she needed.
William had managed to get A months leave that was due to him from his normal job. In the semi final our side where down to the last 5 minutes of the match when Wendy Church scored the winning goal. We where now in the final in Two weeks time. Beverly was enjoying having Wendy around privately wished she would stay like she was as they got on very well.
Beverley. “When have you to return to work.”
Wendy. “Well to be honest I will not be returning for a while. I have been put on the club. Do you remember the robbery at the Post office”
“Well I had a sledge hammer hit me in the chest. I fell down from the blow and started to get up. I then had a sawn off doubled barrel shotgun thrust into my face. I thought I could cope. I have been having nightmares. So I went to the doctors who decided I have Post Traumatic Stress. I should have let you know before but as Wendy I have been finding I get on better with you. If you will still have me I wish to continue as Wendy as I am far more relaxed when dressed as her.”
Beverley “I did not know how to tell you, but I far prefer Wendy to William as the gave each other a hug and kiss.”
The Final we had managed to reach. The arena was packed out with supporters. The atmosphere was electric. First on were the current Champions the Building Society girls. They scored first but by half time we where level at 6 each. Into the second half we scored first and then again. Then the Building society girls drew even again. It was level pegging all the way to the very last minute when Wendy scored the final goal of the match. And with it won the match. The team carried Wendy back to the changing room.
17.00 January 8th. We had our tea and started our Ballet lesson at 17.00 At the local Girls High School.this went on until 22.00. The local girls had a less of an hour for their session. We though had to ensure we stayed in shape and did a full 5 hours. Th first students came in to join us they where young girls around 9-11 years of age. We all practised at the barr.
Caroline was our tutor. “It was good for the younger girls to be working out with more experianced ones .” We practised our positions from 1 to 5 our Plie & Demi Plie. Gaby’s favourite was the Grande battlements with the Jete. During the evening the principal came in hobbling. (She had very bad arthritis and was around 80 years old) Somebody brought her a chair and she sat down and watched us perform. After a little while she spoke to the tutor. As a result half the class had to sit down and watch the other half. Repeat the routine we had just done. Then we exchanged places and sat down. Gaby noticed the principal was writing names down in a book. But did not know why. Later on in the Evening we where to find out why. We where being paired to work and practise together. We would do alternate shows.
09.00 Saturday. Gaby & friends had Tap & Modern today this was on a different site , and was based in the youth centre. As we had already met our instructors we had a great time. The principal once again came in to see us. She asked if we would try the National dance as well. We had a great day without there been any problem.
19.00 In the evening we had agreed to meet the boys to go to a disco in Ilkley we caught the service bus there. At the disco we had great fun. Maddy was dragging Gaby on to the floor all night. The disco was been held at The Ilkley moor hotel. This is right on the top of Ilkley Moor near the cow and calf rocks. We all caught the bus there but we missed the last bus home. Rather than wait for a taxi or ring for transport we along with some other started to walk the nine miles home to Skipton. We where just going under the railway bridge into Skipton when a car came tearing round the corner, skidded and hit a group of us. Bruce was badly injured and another boy and girl where killed outright. Somebody from a nearby house on Otley road called 999 the police & Ambulance came.
Gaby & Ally worked on Bruce until the paramedic arrived. We where all transported to Airedale General Hospital to be checked over. Bruce was to be in hospital for seven months. A policeman told us later if we had not worked on Bruce as we did. Bruce would also have been dead. In the early hours of the morning we where transported back to Merling Wood.
09.30 Monday. In the morning at school the headmistress came to talk to us and said, “ A lady from the Craven Centre was coming to talk to us all as we had gone through a traumatic event.” The lady talked to us individually and in the group. Then she asked to speak to Ally, Maddy, Em, Gaby, Hellen & Adrienne. The others where told they could go but they would go nowhere with out Gaby so they stayed.
The lady, “I thought it prudent to see you all again considering your history. She first questioned Gaby about her change and the drastic consequences it had on her.
Gaby explained that initially she had gone off the rails and had a relapse following a break up with her girlfriend. “Now though I am OK.”
Maddy. “She do’s not have the night terrors now like she used to.”
The Psychologist. “The trauma of seeing a friend killed could bring it all back to You.” So we all where to have weekly visits with her. She also recommended we change our sleeping arrangements so that we where together to support each other.
Helen passed the recommendation on to our parent’s and so they were carried out with immediate effect.
The Psychologist also wanted to contact Gaby’s former Psychologist as she was interested in Gaby’s condition. Gaby handed the address over. The remainder of the week went with out any further incident.
19.00 That evening a group of us went down to the local Hospital to visit Bruce. It turned out that he was a Geek. He was out of the ICU and now was on ward 9. He told us he had started out on a ZX81 and these days he had a Toshiba 486. Whilst not earth shattering it got the job done.
Bruce asked. “Will we could call at his home and bring back his laptop for him to use in the hospital. Two days later we visited him again with his laptop. Gaby had taken the time though to upgrade the computer to the maximum it would go. By now we had been at Merling Wood for two months and had made many friends. Gaby had managed to avoid getting in trouble so far.
One evening down at the Club Gaby was talking to her friends when Janet, Alison &David came round with a clipboard in their hands.
Janet.“There is going to be a county swimming event at Norton. Before that though we are holding a area event to select the best swimmers. At the time we did not know that our Youth Club had three of the British Olympic team in their Team. They went round every member regardless of ability asking them to have a go. By the time the three had finished they had 40 entries. The local event was to be held in Skipton at Aireville swimming pool. The Craven area would select their team from all the best swimmers. Then they were to be sent to the county event at Norton.
The local swimming club had also entered a team. By the end of the day the Koinonia had taken first place with second going to South Craven and third to the Swimming club. Wendy selected the final team from these three clubs to represent Craven in the competition.
Gaby was one of those selected to go to Norton. Wendy took a mini buss full of youngster to Malton with Norton. At the competition one of the umpires came to see Wendy.
“We received a complaint about three of your team members. Apparently you have put in ringers in your team.”
Wendy. “I can assure you all the ones selected are members of my youth club or South Craven. I have all their detail with me which three where you concerned about?”
The umpire. “Janet, David & Alison.
Hellen over heard this. “This is ridiculous those three came round asking us all to have a go and enter. We all won our places fair and square.” Wendy got the records out of all three. It showed the date they joined which was over 3 years ago and that they liked swimming.
The judge admitted that another team manager had recognised them & complained.
Wendy asked if that team had also shown their entry’s Membership proof.
The umpire, “No they had not.”
Janet, David & Alison , “ We are legitimate youth club members and it should not matter if we have been selected to swim for the British Team.”
Alison. “I think this is a case of sour grapes from somebody who did not make the team. I will swim again them and beat them fair and Square.”
The umpire had to allow the Craven entries. Alison won her heat and beat the girl who Alison thought reasonable for the complaint.
She. “Sorry Alison it was the coach’s idea when he saw all three of you.” He decided to put an objection to get you out of the running and give me a clear run. We did not hold events to find the best like you did. Instead the swimming club put the team in & the coach was mad when I failed to get into the Olympic team.”
Gaby, “Will you repeat all this to the umpire please.”
Wendy went to have a word with the three which all admitted they where indeed in the British team. But they had entered as club members.
Janet. “It appears there is an objection that this was supposes to be a youth club side rather than a swimming club side well we will stand down but I expect all the other Swimming club teams to be treated like wise.”
Wendy looked at her.
Janet “We are the only true youth club side all the others should be disqualified by their own rules.” This is Alison A friend of mine & in the York-Selby team. Alison told the Umpire the other three teams had all ringers.
The umpire looked rather sheepish at this.
“Well.” Said Wendy “If it is true we win by default”
The umpire still looking sheepish admitted that Craven was the only area that had bothered to hold an event & all the others where swimming clubs and not youth clubs as stipulate on the entry form. Craven it turned out was the only side with a legal team.
After calling the managers together the umpire said, “The three from Craven where legitimate members & could prove it. However as the other teams failed to meet the rules the competition would be cancelled & Craven awarded the cup.
Alison, “I don’t know about the rest of you. I came here to swim & I am fed up with petty rules. If they think they can beat me then let them try. I came to swim. & I intend to swim”
Janet, “I am with you.” All the children regardless of what team they where with sided with Janet & Alison.
The umpire Craven will still win the team prize by default however all the races will take place and individual trophies will be awarded
18.00 The end of the event and the trophies awarded. Craven-Harrogate in fact won by 21 points. York-Selby came second. Scarborough-Ryedale third and Hambleton-Richmond in last place. There was some shock results David got beaten by his club mate Graham Peter’s. Alison got beaten to first place by club mate Jessica Peter’s. Jessica was Graham’s younger sister. A man who had been watching them approached them.
“Do you realise whom you both have just beaten.” Graham , “Yes we live in the same town and go to the same schools are friends.”
Jessica. “We often swim against each other. Some times they win some times we win” Janet came across.
“Hello I did not expect to see you today boss.” Janet turned to her friends. “This is John the British Team Manager & my fiancée.
John. “There are four young people who I am interested in” “Graham & Jessica agreed to join the team. Gaby & Maddy where the other two.
Gaby. “I would have liked to join, but soon we are due to go on a tour of Europe and then we will be going to America. Perhaps one day we will meet again.”
Maddy. “We might not at the present be allowed to swim for your team as I am sure our Northumbrian side would object. I would like to swim against these again if at all possable.”
19.00 Saturday. Nicholas Proctor & Robert Skeleton asked if we would like to go to a disco in Clitheroe, which was about 20 miles away. Transport was arranged with various friends to get us there. We had a fantastic evening but it turned to sorrow when the Mini car containing Ally & Em over turned after skidding on black ice on the road at Broughton. Ally & Em got out shaken but otherwise ok, as did Louise. We all expected Robert & Nicholas to get out also but they had been killed instantly. All the youth club members attended Nicholas’s funeral, which was held in the Parish Church where he was a server. It was rather strange though to find Robert’s mother attending Nick’s funeral. Apparently they where Scottish & women are not allowed at funeral’s. The entire choir turned out for Nicholas’s funeral. He was in the choir, a server and played for the local rugby football club.
19.30 Friday while at the club Wendy asked Maddy & Gaby if they could do her a favour and go round the members to see it they could scrape a team for tennis together. Wendy explained for the last three years they had won the Girls events, but never had enough boys interested to enter. Maddy & Gaby set about rounding the boys up with gusto. First the approached Martin Chopstick he was head choirboy and a club member.
Em. As she wiggled her hips at him and fluttered her eyelashes. “Martin we are looking for boys to play tennis in a tournament.”
Martin. “If you are going to be there then I will play. Have you tried my younger brother he is quite good?”
Em went to look for Alfred. He quickly agreed. Mean while Maddy had been working on Tim who quickly agreed. “Can I bring my younger brother he was going to join here next week.”
The girls then started on the remaining boys and they all agreed to have a go. Getting the girls to play was no problem, as they all wanted a go. Wendy had a policy of allowing every child a chance & never refused anybody. She did not believe in taking just a select few.
As usual the club turned up with a very large contingent. Margaret a friend of Wendy’s was there with her small village team. Margaret asked, “Wendy how she was coping and thought she was very brave. Do you intend to take the girls awards yet again this year?”
Wendy “No this year we intend to clear the deck as we have a full side.”
Margaret “What you mean to relieve me of the boys award.”
Wendy. “Margaret lets go for a coffee while the draw is been made we are not required today and can relax for a few hours.
Gaby came and joined them. Wendy was explaining that Gaby was a recent member of the youth club and that later in the year she will be going on tour with Northern Ballet.
“Oh I have to go on that trip to chaperon the girls.”
Margaret then started asking Wendy questions about her current life style. Wendy thought for a moment. “Before I say anymore can I have your assurance it will go no further.” Margaret & Gaby nodded their heads in agreement.
Wendy. “ First dressed as I am now. I am now far more happy and relaxed and at ease than I ever have been. It is as if William never existed. From being a child of four I have had strange cravings. When at home I used to dress in my mother’s clothing. After I got my own house I used to relax each night in bra and panties. However when I meet Beverley and we got engaged I dumped everything. The day the team came round to persuade me to dress like this and join the team I had been thinking about telling Beverley about my strange desire. The team did me a great favour. How do you tell your girl friend & future partner that you like to dress as a girl? I was willing to give up everything for Beverly. It though was tearing me a part. I already was seeing the doctor for PTS & told her everything. She recommended I come clean with Beverley. I am in love with her yet I have been unable to discuss this with her. I want her as my wife if she will have me. But I was scared what her reaction will be when I tell her I would rather stay as Wendy rather than William.” Gaby looked at Margaret.
Gaby. “Margaret there is something you should know. Until 18 months ago I was a perfectly normal teenager. I liked pop music and was a computer geek and loved cycling. Gaby was my long time girlfriend. I started to get ill and had various medical tests. The results sent me suicidal Especially after Maddy & I had a mojor bust up after our trip to America. With the help of family & friends I pulled through. Last year I collapsed and had to have an emergency operation to save my life. The result is the girl you see before you. If I was to be given a test now the results would show that I was genetically female. So I know some of the stress and Trauma that Wendy is going through. I would suggest that Wendy & Beverley make an appointment to see Stephanie again for I think she can help you.”
Unknown to the other Beverley had over heard this and went to the telephone. After making the appointment she decided to keep it to her self for the time being. Beverley came up to the group and they stopped talking.
Beverley. “The draw has been made and Tim has already won his heat in the juniors.
Maddy. “Martin is playing for the seniors and is winning easy. Are you lot coming to give him your support?”
We looked at the board Tim was to play Andrew from Margaret’s club in the final. Martin was to join him in the finals. He though was to play his brother. So which ever won at least one boy's trophy would be going home with us.
Margaret . “You where right, you do intend to clear the decks this year. We are going to make you work for it. The girls were no problem for all four-semi finalists where from the club. The boys finals where something to be seen. Martin eventually beat his brother, but it was a close thing. Andrew and Tim where slogging it out eventually Tim won. Both boys got a rousing cheer as they finished their game.
Tim came up to us. “I would like to introduce my doubles partner and friend Andrew. We play each other often.”
Andrew. “Martin should win easy he is after all the Schoolboy Champion.”
Andrew. “We all are in the choir at the Parish church. Tim is the Junior Yorkshire Champion.”
Tim. “When Andrew found out we where going to play he wanted to join but you had already sent the entry in. Andrew also visits Carleton club and found that you Margaret had not so he joined your team.”
Margaret. “W endy we would never have won if you had previously played these three. Wendy looked rather sheepish as she said, “I must have over looked them when I was going round the members looking for entrants. In fact it is Em, Gaby & Maddy you have to thank for asking the boys to play.” The day ended with Maddy taking the intermediate. Tracy the junior girls and Helen the senior prize. Margaret for a bit of fun suggested they should play to see who was the better the boys or the girls.
The finalists played each other with the girl’s beating the boys. The boys won one game to the girl’s two games.
The following day Beverley took William for a drive. “Where are we going he asked.”
“Just to see a friend” They pulled up out side Stephanie’s home. Stephanie came to the door to greet them.
“I believe you have some questions you want answering Beverley.” Once back home Wendy had decided she would go ahead with the operation. But before doing that Beverley & her had to set their wedding date. Wendy was still legally a man although he looked more like a girl as they days passed. Beverley had found she preferred him this way and in a year or so they could go all the way. William never did return to his job at the Post Office. He was retired on ill health grounds. Wendy & Beverley decided to make another appointment with Stephanie in Manchester.
Beverley telephoned Stephanie, “We wanted a further chat.”
Stephanie. “Could you both make it for tomorrow at 11.00 as she was free then.” They got up at 7.00 and took a shower before getting ready.
Beverley played with Wendy’s breasts. “They still look and feel real to me. Lets go in matching dresses.”
Wendy. “Do you want to drive today?” It ended up with Beverley driving the Ford Focus.
Because they had made good time and where early for the appointment with Stephanie. They decided to stop at the Trafford Centre. Where they all had a drink before going on to the store to meet Stephanie. Eventually they there for 10.55 Stephanie were waiting for them in the store.
10.55 they where just going through the door of Stephanie’s Shop. Stephanie greeted them like long lost friends. “Well what can I do for you this time?”
“Well first can we go somewhere private.” Asked Beverley.
Stephanie took them into a room that looked like an office
Wendy. “Since first coming here I have been living as a female full time. We are shortly to get married. The both of us want me to remain female and we need further advice. We thought you would be the best to advise as you have gone through the mill so to speak.
Beverley. “Wendy is far more relaxed as she is now. We though where wanting children of our own & wondered if the operation went ahead could some sperm be saved?”
Stephanie. “We have a clinic across the road which will be able to help you. Normally you will have to wait a year at least before anything is done. As you are already part way there you will not have to wait as long. Would you like me to see if they could see you now?”
William nodded his head. Stephanie got on the phone and spoke to somebody. “I have to take you both across to the clinic.”
11.15 Inside the clinic Stephanie took them to a desk and gave their names. They filled in various forms and then where taken through a door. Inside was a lady with a white coat on. "These are your friends Stephanie?”
Stephanie. “Yes.” “I will have to leave you in the hands of Dr Jones.” She then left the room.
Dr Jones. “She will see you again once I have finished with you both.” Dr Jones shook hands with them and asked them to sit down. She explained the operation and what it involved.
Beverley. “How long would we have to wait. Could they save some of the sperm so she could have Wendy’s baby.
Dr Jones. “We will start away by undoing the manipulation and extracting a sample from Wendy.” Dr Jones said, “we have a new technique that is currently in the trial stage that we need volunteer’s for. If you go for this option there will be no charge. The operation involved collecting stem cells and needs the testicles to be function to work. That is why we need samples today. We can also save some sperm so Beverley can be impregnated in future. In three months time William you will return for the final operation.”
“If all goes to plan we will have been able to grow a fully functioning organ that you will not reject. In fact you will then be a fully functioning female.”
Beverley, “You mean that Wendy will be able to have children.”
William looked gob smacked,” You mean I will get periods and can get pregnant with this operation.”
Dr Jones, “Yes but it is only in its trial stage at the moment. If it fails you will still be female though.”
Beverley, “Where do we sign up for it?”
Dr Jones, “I want to see you both in Twelve weeks time & for Wilma to bring her night attire.” They then made their way across to see Stephanie again. Stephanie told Beverly she could stay with her and help in the shop while Wilma was in the clinic. Wilma would be in there for a week to twelve days. After going for a meal with Stephanie they drove home.
William, “Do you still want me to go through with this for once it is done it cannot be reversed?”
Beverley, “I love you and it does not matter to me if you are male or female, However for your health you would be better as a female so we go ahead.”
Maddy “Wakey Wakey Gaby what were you dreaming about?”
“I was thinking about the friends we have met since coming to live here. I was thinking what might have been. Like Wendy & Beverley are very happy.”
“Happy is not the word to describe those two. Have you seen the size of Beverley. She must have her own Netball team in there.”
This brought a giggle from Gaby. “Gaby some of the others want to explore the plantation and the rock scar.”
Gaby. “I am coming as I read how a previous owner of this place had planted some giant redwood saplings and filled his Blunderbus with seed and things and shot them at the rock face.”
"Gaby the rest of us are ready." They all got up and headed in to the forest glade. In the forest clearing the spirits of the trees watched silently intently. One great redwood tree said to another." She is going to make a great Queen one of these days."
Another replied, "Yes but not as great as Galadrial."
Another pine, "The great Galadrial has been missing for some time."
The First tree spoke again, “ This one has already freed Titania &Tatiania Galadrial will be next."
The second pine, "Yes her return is at hand. Each time this one takes a new friend or partner then the children of evil are delivered another fatal blow. She has already brought about the return of Briget, Justine, Tatiana & the others will follow. As they talked Gaby & the others where making their vows to each other in the forest glade.
The giant pine commanded all the spirits of the Trees & Forest to take Gaby as their Queen. On his order a great flow of energy was released in to Gaby. For a moment Gaby was transfixed. Then in front of the group stood a very tall lady with silver hair.
Gaby "Grandma." As Gaby embraced her grandmother.
Tatiana. "Gaby from today you control the spirits of the trees & Forest as well as the spirits of men.” As she spoke a great eagle landed nearby with a Robin & Wren on its back.
"Great Queen we represent the birds of the Air, Forest & Hedgerows & all other flying things. The spirits of the winds are with you,”
Two otters who where playing nearby where next. "We represent the spirits of the Seas, Lakes & Mountains. The waters of the world are with you. They are the ears & lifeblood of the earth.”
Then there was a flash Wendy & Beverley stood in front of Gaby. "Today we represent Mother earth. Today Gabriel you have been given total control of Earth, Air & Water use your gifts wisely for they are not lightly given".
There was a rustle & a white hart followed by the animals of the fields appeared. The hart, "We the people of the fields & forest welcome you the daughter of Odin."
The rabbits where the next to speak, "We welcome you to the forest of Herne. Herne, Diana & Pan bid you welcome & promise there will always be a safe & welcome home for the Daughters of Odin. As the rabbits finished speaking there was another flash.
In front of them stood Gandolf. He spoke "Gandolf the magnificent welcomes the Great White Queen & her charges.” As he took Tatiania by the hand.
Tatiania, "Brother it is not me your sister you should bow to but my Grand daughter and your great niece." He turned & looked at Gaby. "She is very young for such responsibility."
"You Gabriel are all our future. You must reunite our people" "As you select another eternal partner then the power of good increases & so does your power. Your partners must be your most loyal & trusting for you will need their help in days to come. I give unto you Gaby the power of the White & Grey Wizards. Soon you will free Galadrial from the bonds that hold her & her sisters. You must be ever ready for the coming battle."
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