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S T O R Y    T E A S E R S

Big Book of Heaven and Hell by Maggie Finson on Kindle


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TG Universes & Series: 

The only thing bigger than Heaven and Hell is The Big Book of Heaven and Hell!

The Big Book of Heaven and Hell
by Maggie Finson
Bek D. Corbin
E. E. Nalley
Melanie E
Buy on Kindle!

Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 3

Things Edited.jpg
The Chelmsford Academy

Julia tells her psychiatrist that as punishment for being discovered in a compromising position whilst crossdressed, Julian is sent to a Boy's Boarding School. The place is meant to 'make a man of him' but quite the contrary occurs when Julia falls into the clutches of and becomes infatuated with one of the school prefects.

Please heed the warnings as this chapter explores themes of coercion and reluctance.

The Rise of a New Empire Chapter 3

We stepped into our new home, and I was immediately enveloped by the serene beauty that surrounded us. The grand hall showcased the same flowing, natural designs that were emblematic of all elven architecture. It was as if the very essence of the forest had been coaxed to form the structure itself. The banister of the curved staircase seemed to have grown organically from the floor, its smooth lines resembling the gentle twists of vines reaching toward the sky.

Heaven and Hell 1: Recruiter


Audience Rating: 


Michael, after a debauched and corrupt life, goes to Hell, as he very much deserved. In a fit of demonic irony, the Powers of Hell recruit him to be sent back to Earth, transformed into a succubus called Lorilei.

Who the Hell knew he --now she-- would have such talent for the job? And if Heaven knew--They aren't talking about it.

Sex and power go together for a succubus and Lorilei learns to enjoy both with a spicy bit of Chaos as well. But there are dangers even for one of The Damned and Lorilei needs to watch her cute little tail with the spade-shaped point on the end.

Heaven and Hell

The Mockreet - Chapter 40

“Sheena, come in please,” High Lady Jenwise motioned to Sheena who had already entered the office. She stood there, her expression grim and her face pale as she once again stood before the picture windows that framed the city of Auglire in their own regal fashion. Her footsteps made the smallest of padding sounds as she passed the rows of bookshelves to either side of her and stood before the High Lady’s desk. Jenwise observed her from the other side, seated in her high-backed green chair, hands folded before her on the mahogany surface.

Gaby Book 1 - The Anime Days - Chapter 31

Gaby Book 1 - The Anime Days
Chapter *31* Mr Bond, Drew Bond
by Maddy Bell

Drew is just an ordinary thirteen year old. Well perhaps not that ordinary.
The girls challenge him to wear an anime costume to the Easter dance,
however they forgot to mention that he'd be going as a girl! Enter Gaby!

First it was his friends, then it's his family — everyone seems to want Gaby around except Drew.
And when perfect strangers think he's a girl, well the lad's got problems! Can he ‘kill' Gaby?

Or will he get dragged ever deeper into girldom?

A Sad Little Song

A Sad Little Song
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Just a little music to break up all the words. Just a little fluff to compensate for all the deep ideas, thoughts, and ideas floating around on this site. Just a little laugh to get us ready for the holidays... I hope YOU like it.


"So, sometimes a song makes me sad."

Linda, my wife, was asking why I was crying. I felt I was crying a lot lately, but in this instance, I had a good excuse, it was a sad song.

"This song is so not sad."

The Return of Lilith Chapter 10

I lay in bed thinking about my life and the life I want now here in the modern age. I don't want to go back into hiding again. There is just so much that I need to know about the world and how I can live in it as I am. Neither Kyle nor I have any experience in living as a teenage girl. Now that Kyle can exert his own will on me is something we will have to work out.

Eight Miles High, part 9 of 12

Chapter 9

Our company ground crew finally came on board to take the plane to its parking spot and check it over again. I signed off and picked up my personal bag, put my heels on and left them to it. I knew that Betsy would be in good hands because she was our meal ticket. Without her we may as well go by bus.

Ask the Right Questions - Chapter FIN

The author retains all rights to this original work of fiction.


Saturday, June 9th, 6:51 a.m., 53 miles south and southwest of Boulder, CO
The engines throttling back woke me. Flagg was watching me get my bearings, then raised a bottle of water to his lips and finished it off.

“Get a good rest?”

Cemetery Shenanigans (3)

Cemetery Shenanigans
Part Three: Punishment

It all happened so fast. One minute I was standing in front of this strange woman, the next moment I was being guided back down the long hallway. A few minutes later I was being ushered into what I'm going to assume was the spare bedroom she had mentioned earlier. The bedroom was about half the size of the other rooms I've seen. Just room enough for a bed, a night stand and a small closet. The walls of the room had been painted a coral pink color, and on the floor there was an oval rug, also pink in color.

The Beauty and the Beast by Aladdin, Chapter 6 & Epilog

Necromantra's plans fall apart due to an act of treachery out of left field. The chaos places her stepdaughter at great risk and it's up to her to prevent a tragedy.

Rainbows in the Rock 46

University life was so very different from school. It looked, on the surface, as if we had much less work to do, lessons being fewer, free time seeming to be endless, but it wasn’t at all that way. There was so much background reading to do, for starters, and then we weren’t being handed the answers for later parroting. Our lecturers actually expected us to go out and bloody RESEARCH things, the sods.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 15

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 15
An Interesting Morning

When magic class finally ended, I headed off to subterfuge, the one class I actually wanted to attend. I didn't want to become a trained liar, but it had my favourite teacher Bob, and I wasn't likely to get burned or horribly maimed in it. That had never really been a concern of mine before coming to Doom Valley Prep, now it was at the top of my list.

Parallel Lives Chapter 6

The moon was high in the sky as Natalie took slow, tedious steps toward the cabinet in her apartment’s unused guest bedroom. The bedroom she now knew as the one Astian slept in before the… event.

There was only one way to end all her pain for good.

She took a shaky hand and grabbed one of the door handles, opening it to reveal a pistol on the top shelf.

It needed to stop.

She grabbed the pistol and examined it in her hands.

By any means necessary, it needed to stop.

Magic Blanket

My third story posted here, but actually the first one I started preparing to post. It's actually one of my older stories. But... it wasn't properly finished (which is my biggest writing problem), and needed editing to fix typos, grammar, and inconsistencies. Not to mention it's 3 times as long as the first two put together, so there was more of all that. Read on to find out what that magic blanket does.

Chapter 1: Boom

Friday, December 7, 2007, 11 PM

Boom! I awoke to the sound, and to complete darkness.

The Dink

This is a sci-fi story that contains forced crossdressing and sex. The character is one I have used from my earlier stories. He explored femdom worlds in two stories. This is the third. He investigates a world inhabited by giant mutant men.

I lay spread-eagled on a huge bed. I had just woken up from being knocked unconscious. How long I had been out I had no idea. The strangest thing would have been what I was wearing. This is if I had been on our earth. The one where Biden was U.S. president and Rishi Sunak was the prime minister.

Necromancer Unmanned: Chapter 13

Necromancer Unmanned
Chapter 13
Necromantic College

Putting the old priestess and her words out of his mind, Keir turned his attention to the children and teenagers who were coming to a stop before him. They were looking at him with wide eyes, some bowed their heads when they saw him looking. The oldest boy hobbled up on a crutch, then fell to his knees, his lame leg stretched awkwardly behind him, and looked at the ground.

Smalltown Heroine

Smalltown Heroine
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I was always a small-town kid. I was brought up by loving parents in a small town in Alabama. We had not much money, but what we had was enough. I played with local kids, just like any other boy. It was just that I was a little different.

I say ‘a little different’, because it was never a major thing for me. I liked to think of Crystal as an imaginary friend, like maybe every other only child has. It was just that she was a girl, and she was part of me.

Gaby Book 25 ~ Only Five Minutes ~ Chapter *4*

Book 25 full cover.jpg

Book 25
Only Five Minutes

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2019 Madeline Bell

After all the excitement of the last few weeks culminating in the trip to Austria, surely Gaby can get back to some sort of 'normal'?

Well it wouldn't be Gaby if it was that simple would it?


The Black Sword. chapter- 17

The Black Sword.

Down through history there has been many stories of heroes and the weapons of power. Thor with his Warhammer Mjölnir, the sword of Aries and Mars, Attila the Hun’s sword, and King Author’s Excalibur. These are but a few legends. Yet for every one of these legends there are two legendary weapons lost to time. Among those lost weapons are the few whose power comes with a cost. They are the cursed weapons of power. Each curse is unique to the weapon. The Black sword is but one such weapon of great power. This is the story of the weapon and its newest welder.

The Suitcase - 6

Greg and Jill begin their new lives as Lisa and Blake. Lisa bonds with the girls at Bonnie's class. Afterwards she goes shopping with her new friends. Blake recruits a personal trainer and makes an exciting purchase. Lisa cooks a delicious dinner and she and Blake consummate the love they have for each other. 

[NW 04] Tits A Lot

Joshua is utterly broke and desperate to boot.
That's when his neighbor Twilla offers him a little job on the side.
But not before revealing that she is a witch and the job in question is everything but ordinary.
Despite the drawbacks, Joshua can't help but partner up with Twilla.
However, her offer might be too good to be true.

Wings, part 18 of 62

There were more people in line than I expected for a town that size, more than we usually saw at the Brocksboro library on a weekday. Most were doing boring rejuvenations and improvements in each other’s appearance, as usual, but one couple venned each other into giant matte-black insectoids.

Hannah and Hannah – The Bigger Girls

Hannah and Hannah – The Bigger Girls

However, as I said we got lucky, with pretty lacy trim, a lovely bow to enforce the dividing line between our conjoined state, and overall some delicious shades of coral. Not exactly pink you understand, there’re just enough shades of orange in there to make us truly distinctive and obviously of superior lineage.


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Shannon's Course by Angela Rasch in Kindle


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High School Honors Student Shannon has a new psychology teacher with a plan that might get Shannon in trouble - and change his life forever!

Is it going to be good or bad for the reluctant Shannon to pose as a girl for a semester? And what about Shannon's friends and family?

Teenage angst is not always this confusing! With a murder mystery, too!

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