
Kids know

Just got back from picking up my daughter, and something interesting happened. There is a boy who for the last while has called me "smiley" whenever he's seen me at the school, and somehow, he's now got other kids doing it too. (I blush like crazy when he does it, I have no idea why). Then the ball dropped. As I was leaving with Sam, I heard him ask, "Is that a woman's coat?" So I guess I'm not as stealth as I thought, and if a kid notices, I'm sure Sam's teacher has noticed too. Oh well, as long as nobody makes a fuss about it....

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Happy Valentine's everyone

hope its a good one for all of my friends. If you're in a relationship, I hope you do something together that reminds you both why you got together in the first place. If you're single, I hope you can embrace it, or figure out what you need to do to fix it and take the first step.

Be well, everyone.

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Why am I smiling like a little girl? ^_^ There's nothing new about that, but I thought I'd share the reason.

I realised this morning... On one of my routes to work, I pass a house with a title. The title has "dyke" in it. ^_^
Despite my hardline MegaTomboyness, I am a Lipstick Lesbian at heart. The mere THOUGHT of being embraced by a "dyke" makes me feel all squishy inside. ^_^

Don't worry gentlemen, I am not 100% lesbian. It's just that "Lipstick Almost-Lesbian" can be a bit odd sounding at times.

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missing being able to attend church

I'm missing having a church to go to. I work Sundays, so that's just a no-go. There is one church near that has a Saturday evening service, but I've been reluctant to go because I cant seem to find out how they would feel about someone like me. I may just go, and if I'm welcomed, I will make it a weekly thing.

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Insights from a trans meeting

Yesterday we had a pot-luck at the trans group I belong to, and what happened there opened my eyes a bit. See, there was a new person there, who had just started to come out, and was getting harassed for it at work. But it was her attitude that made an impact. She seemed to be resigned to abuse, and in fact acted like she deserved it. She called herself a "freak", and all I wanted to do was give her a big hug and tell her, "You are not a freak. You are precious, and beautiful."

That's when it really hit me.

How many times have I called myself names?

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surviving a tough night

Well, I managed to live through a pretty tough night. Basically, I managed to lose track of time so I was more than 15 minutes late to go get the ex at her job. She had gone, so I tried the doctor's office she cleans, and the closest bus stops, and didnt see her. Meanwhile, my daughter was trying to help prevent me from beating myself up about it. Finally, I had to take my daughter back home to my mom, and ask her to take her to the ex when the ex called, as I was now late for work.

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Not healthy, not healthy at all.

For those of you who don't know, in a previous male only life I was a world class wrestler (not that crap on television but Greco-Roman). In fact I won nationals in college twice (wasn't a Div I school so I don't know if you count that as an accomplishment but I do.) I also wrestled overseas in Central America representing our country. Internationally I am undefeated in Greco Roman Wrestling and hold a 12-1 in Freestyle (I lost to the bronze medalist of the 92 Olympics, he tore me apart).

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starting to think about spring

I was thinking about spring yesterday. Right now, with a sweater and a coat on every time I go out, I dont have to worry about the wrong person (ie: my ex) noticing the fact that I'm in ladies clothes. Wont be able to do that once it gets warm, so I'm not sure what I'll do.

Ah, well.

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found my glasses, Yay!

I found my glasses. Somehow,they had fallen behind my bed. So that's better. Last night, I was talking to a co-worker about where I am, and where I hope to be, and it occurred to me that once I have my name change, I'll be as done as I expect to be, since SRS is not a realistic goal. So in one way, I'll never be a full woman.

And that hurts.

Ah, well.

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I've Got It

I've Got It!

There was a recent blog about significant people in ones life having dementia.

My dad died of Alzheimer's at age 72 in '96. There are family stories of men dieing from doing crazy things, in old age, in my dad's family. I think the family might be a hereditary propensity toward Alzheimer's. My mom has Alz now at age 87; she's almost completely gone mentally. There is no evidence that hers has a genetic component.

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Koff, koff, meh.

Why does everything always happen at the same time? I've had this cold for well over a week now, and it's so bad I can cough in my sleep, often without waking. It's also worked it's way down into my chest, and up into my sinuses...

So the bad weather happens just about now as well, and to top it all I just accidentally trashed one of my servers... twice.

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Well, last night, before I went to work, my mom let me know that my ex mentioned reading my letter when she dropped off Sam after having her for the day. Mom said that my ex's only comment was, "Well, he'll always be Todd to me." If that's the wost that comes out of this, its a pretty darn good result.

Then, I got to work, and my supervisor passed on a compliment from the day staff in the fashion department . He said they had said, "Can we keep her?" So that made me feel pretty good.

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That is the way the Cookies crumbles.

I know it has been mentioned at least once. But, here in California one of the supposed more foreword thinking areas of the USA. Unfortunately this is not true, and her parent may have affected her opinions of a person her has never seen in the flesh according to the sources I have read and the videos I have seen both in her favor and against the views he has taken. There is Girl Scout who is trying to under mine the organization of girl scouting.

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Life Update- still no stories

I finalized on the house on Monday, so I am now an owner of property. I've had the plumber come out and got those little odds and ends taken care of. I also had the outside pressure washed and the yard work done. On this coming Monday, I have the exterminator coming out to deal with the termites and the spiders (ICK!!!) and all the little carpenter ants. I've had the bed and the living room delivered, so technically I can sleep there. But I still have no wires. Actually, that's a lie, I have two hundred feet of wire, it's sitting in a coil on the counter.

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Had a nice lunch with a friend

Just got back from lunch with a friend from the local trans support group. It was really nice, especially when they said I'm more feminine than most of the other members, some of whom have already transitioned fully.

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The Family Girl #028: Lessons from the Heart

In My Life -
Thoughts and Dreams and Hopes

"Crying is all right in its own way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do." - C.S. Lewis

a blog by Andrea DiMaggio
The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #28: Lessons From the Heart -
A Blog by Aunty Andrea and her niece, Bobbie C.
To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

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a productive day

Well, despite still fighting the flu, I had a productive day. I got my laundry done, and took my bottles to be recycled. I took the money I got from that and spent some on getting my hair done, which was a nice experience for me since I asked them to do a more feminine style, and they had no issue with it. Again, the amazing tolerance of Canadians comes through.

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Amazing amounts of progress

Had a peek at some of my old entries, and I find it almost impossible to believe how far I've come in such a short time. If I was writing my life as a fiction story, everyone would say "oh, come on now! That's just not realistic!" But its actually happening, and its been almost .... easy? Like all I really had to do was just .... decide to live, to be the real me, and everything would start falling into place? I'd pinch myself, but if this is a dream, I dont want to wake up....

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Road to Myself 24: Catching Up

Road to Myself - 24: Catching Up
Annette MacGregor

It's been a while, and a LOT has happened. I even posted another segment in my slowly developing serial. But, that's not the topic of this blog. Life HAS been interesting. Yes, I think that's the right term, interesting.

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Amazing week so far...

Ok, i know that by saying things like the title is a way to have the gods notice you, but... What an amazing freaking week so far.
Yesterday, i went to the Y for the first time in...well forever it seems. The fitness guide, Nathaniel, was an absolute sweetheart, he understands where i'm going and aside from some pronoun trouble, he is great... and sorry Dani... he is cute too. so I'm doing that again Wednesday.

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okay, so this is weird

Okay, so this is a little weird. I'm on my way home this morning, and the song "Lose Yourself" comes on, and I just start crying, tears running down my cheeks as the song plays. I mean, I know I'm a bit more emotional than normal, but I hadnt expected that. Anybody else have a song that makes them cry for no good reason?

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The Long Journey

Since I began to seriously began to address my different-ness in 2001 the good folks at this site have carried me through crisis after crisis; 5 hospitalizations for mental breakdown, a SRS operation, the loss of my family and everything I cared about in life. I was three days from living on the street before things slowly began to turn around. It took years, 10 of them to finally feel like I really wanted to live again, and that did not begin to happen until early last March.

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Temporary suspension

I don't know how many people are looking towards the next pinkilicios birthday and I hate to do this: But the continuation will probably be delayed further.

I am about to close on a house so that means moving after a few repairs get done (like rewiring the place because someone stole the copper wires). I would pull the story down, but don't see the point in that.

Here's to more prolific writing in a new place: hopefully one more Gatorade bottle friendly!!!

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The Family Girl #027: Of Shakespeare and Private Messages

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #27: Of Shakespeare and Private Messages

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I got a pleasant private message early this morning, which I read before my usual early Saturday morning jog (sometimes bicycle ride), from someone named Kate, and she wanted to talk about some of the stuff I wrote.

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a question of Identity

Well, my little link about TG kids seems to have produced some interesting responses, the one everyone is talking about is the person who seems to feel disappointed that we are not all a bunch of sissy masochists. In honor of him, I wanted to produce a list of questions that would generate some anecdotal evidence that we who are transgendered actually do exist, and my own answers.

1: When did you first notice a gender variance in yourself? My memories are hazy, but my best recollection puts it just before my sexual assault, so that would be about 7 years old.

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Aunt Roe's last gift

After a lot of conniving double-handed back stabbing that included a lot of misdirection and lying, I am saddened to announce that my mother did not steal my inheritance. She tried her best to do so, with the truth of what she was doing coming to me in the end. She did things like tell the insurance company she was my aunt's only surviving near relative (I guess nephews don't count as near relatives, but besides, my Aunt also has a surviving older brother).

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A thought I had several decades ago, and has been reiterated more than once here is the idea of wearing a mask. Nothing physical, just the emotional face you show people under different circumstances. We always have one on. Sometimes they are thinner than other times, but we always wear it. I think couples occasionally drop them, but even then it is rare.

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The Working Girl Blog #19: A minor wardrobe emergency

The Working Girl Blog #19:
A minor wardrobe emergency, or
No, I don't want aspirin, I need pantyhose!

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:


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The Working Girl Blog #18: I'm bored

The Working Girl Blog #18:
I'm bored, or
I'm bored, bored bored.... I'm BORED! ... borrrred...

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:


Got nothin' to write about again. As in totally nothing...

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The Working Girl Blog #17: I can't reach that high

The Working Girl Blog #17:
I can't reach that high, or
Why did they have to put the furshlugginer box of bond paper at the top

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:


Nothing much to write about today's boring workday,

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The Working Girl Blog #16: Working with girls is different..

The Working Girl Blog #16:
Working with girls is different from guys, or
"Yes, the PowerPoint's fine, except for the font - it's not cute enough"

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

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The Working Girl Blog #15: For some friends

The Working Girl Blog #15:
For some friends

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

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The Working Girl Blog #14: Going out to lunch

The Working Girl Blog #14:
Going out to lunch, or
Being a girl means never having to pay

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

I think I mentioned the guy in one of my earlier blogs - you know? That manager that started the whole standard documentation brouhaha? Well, he asked me to lunch today. Yeah, I know.

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The Working Girl Blog #13: Woke up on the wrong side

The Working Girl Blog #13:
Woke up on the wrong side, or
I'm mean today

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

You know that hackneyed old phrase, "waking up on the wrong side of the bed?" I don't know the etymology of the phrase, but I know what it means. And I think I did indeed wake up on the wrong side this morning.

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The Working Girl Blog #12: Bringing up my seven-year-old

The Working Girl Blog #12:
Bringing up my seven-year-old, or
I don't care how old she is 'coz she's mine

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

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The Working Girl Blog #11: A conversation in the bathroom

The Working Girl Blog #11:
A conversation in the bathroom, or
"Are there napkins left in the vending machine?"

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

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The Working Girl Blog #10: Learning to dress in "business...

The Working Girl Blog #10:
Learning to dress in "business casual," or
Girl clothes are fun, but I miss pockets -
The new meaning of VPL

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

Be warned - nothing major happened today, so today's blog will just be a lot of folderol about nothing. Hope you aren't too disappointed.

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The Working Girl Blog #07: Back from my trip to Minnesota

The Working Girl Blog #7:
Back from my trip to Minnesota, or
Went on a business trip, met a girl, and now I think I'm in love

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The Working Girl Blog #05: Having lunch at the office

The Working Girl Blog #5:
Having lunch at the office, or
maybe I should just keep my door closed

I spent the morning with my three team leads, talking about user requirements, and the fact that we had some questions that only the client can answer. Actually, a whole lot of questions. I had a short five minute talk about it with the boss. The upshot of it was was that all four of us are on our way to Richfield, Minnesota tomorrow.

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