
being normal

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I went to Wal-Mart today in my nice new blouse and skirt, and got to chatting with the people on either side of the line up at the pharmacy counter. Then I strolled through a farmer's market, and then stopped on my way home to get a glass of lemonade from a kid's stand. At no point did anyone seem to give me so much as a double take, which once upon a time I would have said was simply impossible for me - there was simply no way I could pass.

Funny how wrong a person can be, isnt it?

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Women with balls.

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I'm still mildly seething, sort of like a dragon with smoke coming out my nostrils, but no flames. In my time being in the world of women, as one, I have never encountered a woman who acted like a man, aside from simply openly hostile, man hater, lesbian women, and even their presentation was, well lacking.

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got another nice compliment at work

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Well, last night I was telling my co-workers about getting my 2nd opinion, and one of my co-workers said "You should have just asked me - I knew you were totally a girl the first time we met."

I asked "how?" and she said, "It just radiates out of you."

Nice, huh?

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A Thank You Card

Thanks to everyone who commented on the new episode of Crossdressing Charlie. I was shocked to see that it had nine comments when I logged on just there. Nine comments may not seem a lot to some of the greater, better-known stories that attract high readership and reviews here on Big Closet but I think it is great. Mainly because I could tell I was gradually losing readers but the views are climbing back up better than ever. Thank you all so much.

Be on the lookout for a new Charlie episode next week along with some artwork I will be uploading to my DeviantART account.

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The American Museum in Britain

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My ex and I went to see this today. It's based at Claverton Manor just on the outskirts of Bath and literally down the road from the University of Bath - and the RSPCA dog and cat's home.

It's a lovely old house which houses the museum collection, and the most outstanding aspect is the collection of quilting, some of which are awesome and must have taken years to make. I was disappointed that they didn't have more Audobon prints but I suppose they have to change things around every so often.

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Just came home from my 2nd opinion

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Well, I just came back from my 2nd opinion. They called me in just as I was leaving to see the endo doc. He's recommending me for the SRS. So now I just wait until December when I see my regular gender specialist, and he will put me on the waiting list.

I think I'm in shock, it doesnt seem real yet...

I'm so happy I'm crying

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Doctor Visit

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I went to the doctor for a follow up on my elbow and it seems it is not healing properly so it looks like a visit to th O R to put some screws in to hold it in place. I have more nuts & bolts in me than they have at
Home Depot. Think about this 100 years from now someone with a metal detector going over my burial sight is going to think they hit the jackpot or gold pot at the end of the rainbow because of all the steel & titanium I have in me

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Today I see the endo doc

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Well, today I go to the endocrinologist today for a check up. Here is hoping I'm doing okay on the hormones. Its the last step before the 18th when I get my second opinion. I'm going to need a hobby or something to last the next 14 days, or I'll drive myself crazy thinking about that ....

Now would be a good time for my muse to come back from whatever party she's been crashing so I'll have something to do ...

Ah, well.

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Are they just being polite?

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I was just complimented by a very nice young man on the street today.

That can be a validating, life-affirming moment for any woman my age, let alone a trans one. A reassurance that a man still finds us desirable. It was just the thing I needed, in light of my recent struggles.

I turned and said, "Thank you...." and then my heart sank.

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Threw myself off my bed today

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I had a nasty flashback/nightmare today (I sleep days, because I work nights).

It was so bad I actually threw myself off my bed and woke up on the floor.

I'm so dam tired of this ....

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I was laid of in Jan 2011 and have tried to find work without much success but thats the case all over the country,I did sign on with up with several employment agencies but have had approx 26 days of work to date.
With only my Army pension I found it difficult to pay the bills and ended up being evicted on 23 April this year so I am living in a tent along with my dogs somewhere on the Pennines.

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Scientific American has an issue out on gender differences

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Well, the magazine "Scientific American" has done an issue on how men and women think differently, and to make things more interesting, they've included stuff on transgendered people. Its a well-written mag, you should check it out if you can.

As an aside, I wanted to thank everyone who sent me a birthday greeting. Thanks so much to you all!

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Tomorrow is my birthday

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Well, tomorrow is my birthday, and I'll be an ancient 46 years old. I missed being a Canada day baby by a couple of hours, apparently, but ah, well.

I doubt very much that when my mom carried home this tiny baby boy she ever dreamed that 45 years later she'd be shoe shopping for Mary Jane flats with him ...

Her acceptance of me is one of the blessings in my life, but I have a lot of those, and I'm trying to remember to be more grateful for them. You never know when one of them may go away, after all.

Happy Canada Day, everyone.

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046) I'm A Beauty School Girl

So I've been looking into the possibility of going back to school, and the interest was in Cosmetology. After some research, I concluded it was going to be either Toledo Academy of Beauty Culture, or Regency Beauty Institute - Toledo. My instincts told me I was going to be going to Regency, but I wanted to avoid any pre-bias before even giving TABC a chance, so I visited them first. Ghettoist Beauty School ever! So that was a... maybe, but prolly not.

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Our Box just got bigger. Misha Nova

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To day we have started our move to a larger apartment and I am a bit on cloud 11 [better than 9] We will have separate bedrooms for the girls, I get a larger bedroom and a walk in closet, the kitchen and living room are larger and we now have a dining area.

The cherry on top of all of this is that it is just down the hall from our smaller apartment.

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my muse has gone

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Well, the creative crash I expected to hit after I finished my novella "Quest" finally hit, and after a couple or month of unbelievable output my muse has decided to take a break. Look up your daughters and wives, cause when she goes on the town, she usually ends up doing something I wish she wouldnt ...

Ah, well.

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I now have a pony tail!

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My mom started fooling around with my hair last night, and now I have an honest-to-goodness pony tail. The ex had a bit of a freak out about it, but that's to be expected.

I kinda like it, though.

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some help, if possible

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In a few weeks I go for my first appointment for HRT. I am anxious about it, but feel that it needs to be done. My therapist is under the theory that I won't know what my next step after HRT is until I am actually on hormones and I'm inclined to agree with him. There are a lot of hindrances in my journey, mostly my concern about how other people will view me and if I'll be labeled a freak. But it is still a step.

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Experimenting with my look

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think I've reached a point in my journey where I feel confident enough to try out different looks to see what one suits me best. For example, I've been wearing a very subtle plum shade of nail color, and today I decided to try a bold red instead. I'm also looking at hairstyles, to see what I can do with that as well, although I still have a bit of thinness at the front that I would like to cover over as much as it can be.

I think a good step forward for me, and kinda fun besides.

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why do I still struggle with my identity?

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Why do I still struggle with my identity? Well, there are a few reasons why. First, because there is nothing feminine in my body - no intersex condition, no lack of testosterone, none of that, which keeps me wondering where does this fem thing come from?

Second, because of my rape and other nasty events in my life, I would be a good candidate for gender issues if environment plays any role at all, so the question becomes, "Would I feel the same if I had been blessed with some positive male role models?"

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Tropical Storm Debbie

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This storm is coming on shore at Cedar Key with is only about 20 miles away from my house . The good thing is at the center the rain and winds are light, we had are rain on Sunday 12 plus inches .This is a dry (wet) run for a hurricane and hopefully this is as bad as it get this year. I have lived here 6 years and this is the first tropical type storm we have had not to bad . Stay dry HUGS EVERYBODY -- RICHIE

That last line sounds like it should be on an AB site (stay dry huggies) LOL

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End Result

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I just got out of counseling. I am one week closer to going on HRT (July 12th or something like that). The question that keeps being asked, and one that I don't have an answer to, is what is the end result of my transitioning.

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wishing I had someone to hold me while I shake

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The worst part of not being in a relationship right now? Not having someone to hold me while I shake during a PTSD moment.

They're scary sometimes, and hurt all the time, and I ache afterward, but the worst part is going through them alone, when all you want is someone to put their arms around you so you can feel safe.

I love my online friends, and I'm super grateful for their support, and I've been pretty lucky at finding someone to talk to when things have been bad, but I ache sometimes for a pair of actual arms around me, holding me and supporting me.

Ah, well.

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Every time I think of SRS I cry

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Since the possibility of me being able to get SRS has gone up, I find I've been reacting super emotionally to the subject. I tear up talking about it, and even just writing about it is hard because I start crying. I'm scared of the pain, the discomfort, the whole thing, but I want it, I NEED IT ....

Oh crap. Here comes the water works ....

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my hopes for my 2nd opinion

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As strange as it may sound, I'm rather hoping that the doctor who will do my 2nd opinion does more than just rubber-stamp me onto the SRS waiting list.

I hope he takes the time and effort to make sure of me, because sometimes I'm less than sure myself, and having a medical person confirm my status would help me deal with those anxieties.

But, only time will tell - 3 weeks and 4 days, to be exact.

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mixed day - good, better, then bad

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Well, yesterday was a bit of a mixed day. First, I went to my daughter's grad, and it went really well, which was the good part of the day. Best of all, I wore female clothes, (abet very androgynous ones), and didnt have an issue with my ex or my daughter.

The better happened about halfway through my shift - Some of you might remember me blogging a couple of years back while I was working for Zellers about working in the Health and Beauty section, and getting depressed looking at the pretty women on the boxes.

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The Family Girl #047: My Thirty-First Birthday

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #47: My Thirty-First Birthday and Still Counting, or  "My bathroom scale is now my new best friend"

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Some folks here know that it's my birthday today (or rather, tomorrow if you're back home since Manila is like twelve hours ahead).   Yep, thirty-one years on the planet.   Happy-sad actually, coz I currently have some problems, but that is something I have to work out for myself, and I won't lay my troubles on you, dear blog-reader.   I think I'll stick to the happy part of the happy-sad equation.
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I need a collection or hobby

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I need to start collecting something or starting a hobby, but I don't know what so I was hoping for ideas.

I use to collect Christian Music CDs but with the internet and downloading, that has gone to the wayside. I wanted to collect awards for writing, but I haven't gotten one yet. But now that I have the house, it needs something with personality.

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went to the YMCA today

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I went to the YMCA this morning, and I had a wonderful time. I got shown around, given a free pass for the day, and got info on how I might be able to get a membership at a discount or even free if I qualify based on my income. Then I used the pass and went into the pool and swam for an hour, just enjoying the ability to go out as a woman without any mistreatment.

So that was good, but now for some reason I'm really shaky. Dont know if its depression, or flashbacks, or what, but I'm really struggling to hold on to my happy

Ah, well.

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Legal Update

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There are two legal maters that I am dealing with right now; one is a case against me and one is a case against people who stole from me. I got updates on both and figured I would share them. As you can gather, with all the stress I am under, I really haven't had the mental energy to continue writing and I apologize for that. I will continue the cure as soon as possible, but I wouldn't be able to tell you when.

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My 2nd opinion has been moved up

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Just got a call from the hospital, and my 2nd opinion has been moved up. Now it will be July 18, at 1 P.M.

One more major hurdle could be done a month from now!

(Does a little happy dance)


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Prayers, white light and healing thoughts?

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I received some disturbing news this morning and would appreciate it if you could take a moment and turn your thoughts towards Douglas R. Howe and send healing energy, white light and prayers his way? we aren't positive and are awaiting tests but he needs your strength against possible lung cancer... thank you all

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Having a flashback in public

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Well, apparently I cant hide it very well when I'm having a bad flashback.

I was at the pot-luck dinner for my trans support group, and started having real problems, when a couple of people made a point of asking me if I was okay.

Of course, I wasnt, but by keeping myself engaged in my surroundings through what I could feel, see, hear, and even smell, I was able to ride it out and get back to normal.

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How can I be pregnant? Wasn't a born a boy?

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The weirdest thing happened and it might be one for the record books.

I was having some stomach discomfort the last few days and was feeling really sick. Normally I don't go to the doctor's office but things were getting really bad and I decided I better get checked up before I keel over and die.

After a few test I discovered that I was seven months pregnant, and here I was thinking that I was just getting fatter. I don't know how it happened... I mean, I have a penis and everything still.

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the father's day paradox

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Well, on Mother's day I talked a bit about how that day and Father's day can suck for people who dont fit the gender stereotype, but today, with Father's day being tomorrow, I wanted to talk a little about some of the challenges I have being one.

First, you have to understand that I was totally not prepared for parenthood, to but it mildly. This was not just because of my gender issues, or my overall mental health, both of which have played a part in my struggle to be a good parent, but because I had no role model in my own life to draw on in terms of what a good dad looked like.

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Arrested for having a big closet account

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Some people here know my background and many people probably don't. Because it is a matter of public record, I have no problem divulging information. Due to circumstances out of my control, I was arrested back in 2003 and in order to escape 650 years of prison I took a plea deal. Part of that deal requires me to register as a sex offender (which makes my life oh so joyful).

Anyway. I did my time, I finished probation, have been gainfully employed, own a house, have 2 cars, am owned by 2 cats and I thought life would just continue on this way until I died.

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tired, sore, in pain, losing my up state, and flashing

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Well, I had a super hard day at work in terms of trying to get stuff done, and I'm paying for it with a stiff neck, sore shoulders, and general tiredness. Added to that, I'm losing my up part of my bipolar cycle, which means I'm headed down, and fast ...

To make things totally yucky, after reading a story on here that had a forced sexual moment, I started flashing, and really havent stopped so much as have small breaks between flashes.

Ah, well.

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Five years and Fifty-Two Weeks.

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Wow have I really been here THAT long? :) I recently was asked a question and I had to go check. How many stories have I written. The answer is a little vague, but this is me after all. More than 50 not including two novels. The sad part is I probably have at least as many incomplete sitting in a stack of notebooks and my hard drive. I do hope to complete them someday, but I'm dependent on the fickleness of muses. I'm also not as functional as I would like which is a sore point with me since I'm not nearly as challenged as many here.

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Bit the bullet and went to the V.A today

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I am a Desert Shield/Storm Veteran. During the war I was a Field Artillery Surveyor in the 1st Infantry Division. As such, I directly participated in the liberation of Kuwait from Iraq. This also means that I actually witnessed the results of what happened on the "Road of Death". This is the main road between Kuwait City and the Iraq border. Needless to say, the sights were not very pretty (I actually stepped on brain matter). For years now, I have been having difficulties so, I finally forced myself to go to the V.A. Medical Center in Bedford MA.

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publishing nibble turned out to be a dud

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well, the nibble I got regarding publishing my novella turned out to be a dud. The whole thing was all about selling me on a publishing service that charges to publish, with prices starting at 600 dollars and going up from there.

Ah, well.

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Success sort of snuck up on me

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For the vast majority of my life, I've felt like a failure. No matter what I tried, I failed at it, or at least that's how I saw it. Then, having nothing left to lose, I went looking for help for my rape, and then for my gender issues.

And a funny thing has happened since. I've made amazing amounts of progress on both issues.

First, with the rape, I can now ground myself through a flashback, and my nightmares have gotten much better.

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Muppet Therapy

I have been having a bad day, can't find the root cause and have spent most of the day retreating into sleep... oddly, the one bright spot today was watching The new Muppet movie... i'm not looking for anything...just observing the fact that the Muppets rock.

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Got an amazing compliment today

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My mom took me to Pennington's today to get a ladies bathing suit, and to say I got treated well is an understatement. When I told the sales lady I was transition, she told me she couldnt even see me as having ever been a boy, I was so feminine.

Neat, huh?

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045) Busy Week

OK, so, I've been "out" for a while. Just about everyone knows about me, lots of people who passed me with only a casual glance were already seeing a girl... So it was time to take the next step and drop the male facade completely.

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