Global climate chaos or Climate is what we expect Weather is
Women with balls.
This is: What Makes Us Girls?
got another nice compliment at work
A Thank You Card
The American Museum in Britain
Just came home from my 2nd opinion
Doctor Visit
Today I see the endo doc
Are they just being polite?
Threw myself off my bed today
Scientific American has an issue out on gender differences
Tomorrow is my birthday
046) I'm A Beauty School Girl
Our Box just got bigger. Misha Nova
my muse has gone
I now have a pony tail!
some help, if possible
Experimenting with my look
why do I still struggle with my identity?
Tropical Storm Debbie
End Result
wishing I had someone to hold me while I shake
Every time I think of SRS I cry
my hopes for my 2nd opinion
20th Anniversary!
Gwen to Khadijah
mixed day - good, better, then bad
The Family Girl #047: My Thirty-First Birthday
I need a collection or hobby
went to the YMCA today
Legal Update
My 2nd opinion has been moved up
Still struggling
Prayers, white light and healing thoughts?
Having a flashback in public
How can I be pregnant? Wasn't a born a boy?
the father's day paradox
Arrested for having a big closet account
tired, sore, in pain, losing my up state, and flashing
Five years and Fifty-Two Weeks.
Bit the bullet and went to the V.A today
publishing nibble turned out to be a dud
Success sort of snuck up on me
Muppet Therapy
got a new pic of me, hope this works
Got an amazing compliment today
045) Busy Week