

Several people from different compartments of my life have asked me to write my autobiography and I am finally feeling well enough to take on such a task. It will be a transgender (inter-sex) story, and it will also include every aspect of my life, including my success, failures and embarrassing moments. It will include all aspects of my spiritual journey.

I still have a lot to think about, but I think if it has to be sugar coated to avoid offending someone, then it is not worth the effort. It will include it all both smelly and fragrant.

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Two years

Well, I was going to share about my trip to the endo doc in a skirt, but I made the mistake on my way home of turning on the radio in time to hear the sentence for Graham James for raping two kids while their hockey coach. Two years. Two years for destroying two lives. Two years for humiliating two teen boys into being his sex toys. I'm going to scream and cry into a pillow now.

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Progress, but some tough moments too

I've noticed that as my body slowly feminizes, I'm getting better in terms of dealing with self-doubt. I feel so much .... lighter now I cant understand why I fought against this for so long. But it hasnt been all sunshine and roses. For example, today I was out walking our dog with my daughter, and had to introduce myself by my male name for my daughter's sake, and I actually choked saying it.

Ah, well.

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COMDEX COMDEX - Coming to a computer near You! COMDEX COMDEX

I know a LOT of people have been waiting for this for far, far too long. Now that I've got a timetable, and even more, my Muse (or whatever I'm calling inspiration) has decided it's time.

In two weeks I expect to send the next chapter in my Comdex series to the editors. Hopefully, that means in about three to four weeks I'll be posting it.

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I'm like a baby

I was talking to a friend at work, and mentioned my age, and then it hit me. I might have lived 45 years on this planet, but in some ways, I'm actually only about two. It was about two years ago that I went to my rape therapy dressed, which has led me to starting a transition. It would explain why everything feels so fresh, so new to me.

Maybe someday, I'll take things like having my hair long or developing boobs, or being accepted as a woman for granted, but it hasnt happened yet, and I kinda hope it never does.

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Update on transition

Today I had my first counseling session so I can transition. It went very well. I am happy that the counselor doesn't want to dwell on the past, because neither do I. I am tired of doing counseling where I relive all the past traumas of life. Let's leave it in the past where it belongs and live in the now. I am not disassociating with my past, I'm not saying it didn't exist or that it happened to the boy I am not, but I'm tired of being depressed about things. The counselor is an F2M which proves body swapping should be legalized and we can all find the body we are happy with.

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My hair

One of the biggest improvements I've noticed is with my hair. Not only is it softer than its been in years (feels like silk to the touch, no lie), but its now long enough that I can actually feel it move. I'll be walking along, and I can feel my hair bounce, and it feels so feminine and just ... right. Like something I hadnt even realized was missing has been returned to me.

Now, if I could only do something about the bald spot in the front....

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Tangled threads and shifting targets

Things can get complicated at times.

Work is finally back to a (relatively) sane level, and I'm *finally* able to settle in and start pecking away at Maureen's 'to-do' list.

I'm finding that, for Amazon's Boot Camp chapter, there are too many things going on to keep everything on track without first writing each thread separately and then weaving everything together. Far more time consuming, but 'ya gotta do what ya gotta do.'

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This too shall pass

My week has sucked immensely because from Tuesday until Friday I was in a VA hospital being treated for kidney stones. I had one that was moving, that was really huge and a veritable zen garden in my kidneys, just not trying to get out. I had stents put into place and they are trying to find a time to put me on the surgical schedule. Loads of fun.

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The Family Girl #036: Back home!

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #36: Back home!

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Moe n I are back home. Yayyy!

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The Family Girl #035: Imitation of a Regular Life, 2

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #35: Imitation of a Regular Life (2 of 2)

To see all of my Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I am a post-op TG girl, as many know, and I have had to make adjustments over the years - from the simpler, visible side of things, like the way I dress and act and sound (and even smell heehee), to more complicated things like learning new ways to live, to relate to others, and to be happy.   No choice, really, especially after I had changed what my therapist calls my "basic physical parameters," which is 21st century doctor-speak for HRT, SRS and the other plastic surgeries.

It's real difficult adjusting to a feminine life.   That's not to say it's unwanted - after all, these are the things I needed to do to accomplish the magical transition that I had desperately wanted, and eventually  have the life I have dreamed about - to have my imitation regular life.

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Another step forward

As I move towards transitioning to full time I have certain things that I see as small milestones. It would be nice if I could just start wearing dresses and be beautiful, but everything is a process. I don't want to force me being fem on people, but right now the only place I am not fem is at work (where I am androgynous).

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"Is she like you?"

I was chatting with my friend Kylie yesterday on IMVU while my daughter was over, and she cuddled up close to me and watched me typing.

She looked at the avi of Kylie, and asked "Is she like you?"

I said, pointing at our avatars, "she's a pretty girl, like I am, see?"

My daughter then said, "No. Is she .... Like you?"

I said Yes, she's a boy on the outside, but a girl on the inside."

She just held on to me, and said nothing.

Does this mean she's getting the idea about me?

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My Life as a Iconoclast

20120312_resize.jpgOkay -- as some of may have seen, I've posted some of my meager output here as part of the Female to Male crossdressing genre.

So I thought that I would intro myself and do a few whys and wherefores.

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just came home from the counselors

I had a good session, with one of the things I did was have an exercise where I pretended to punch my rapist, taking time to see how my body moved, what muscles I would use, and so on. Being given permission to be angry at him in a safe place felt pretty good.

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an incident with the ex

I had forgot to mention a little incident that happened between my ex and my mom on Thursday night. They had a open house at the school my daughter will attend next year, and after a presentation, they were supposed to take a tour in small groups starting with the people at the back of the auditorium. My ex, my mom, and my daughter were at the front, but my ex grabbed my daughter and ran to join the first group, leaving my mom behind. Unable to keep up, my mom decided to skip the tour entirely and went to her car to wait.

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Gave a talk yesterday at a gender education group

Yesterday afternoon i gave a talk at the local Metropolitan Community Church. It was for a Gender education outreach ministry they called Gender 101.

I posted the full text of my talk at my Blog, Looking Forward, Moving Forward( Latest Update ).

It was scary, it was wonderful and i feel in my own little way, i am helping others Like so many of ourselves.


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The Family Girl #034: Imitation of a Regular Life, 1

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #34, Imitation of a Regular Life (1 of 2)

To see all of my Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

There are so many things that have happened to me these past seven or so years, though I know that all I have gone through don't even compare to one-tenth many of those here in BC have gone through.   But these changes of fortune and ups and downs in life are mine own, and they have helped to shape what I am now, whatever that is, which includes my attitudes, my beliefs, my points of view on life, and so many other things.

Being in a foreign land makes one look at one's life from a fresh perspective.   I suppose because the people around you look at you differently, forcing you to re-assess who and what you really are - to see yourself from a different perspective.

Hence this blog.

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Hosting and Beauty Pageants

I was hosting/emceeing an anime event at a mall yesterday when one of the contestants in the cosplay (costume play) segment asked, while waiting for his turn to go on the catwalk, whether I had joined any pageants because I was pretty and had a good voice. Though I agree on the voice part I didn't believe the pretty part. I know I look okay, but not good enough for pageants. The guy asking has had some fame (or infamy) in our country because he has had multiple surgeries to look like Clark Kent / Superman. He also happens to be a trainer / coach in beauty pageants.

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Who would hold my hand?

I've been thinking about the surgery, and I realized a sad truth. Even if somehow I could magically afford it, who would be with me through it? And after it was done, what in my life would actually change? Plus, I might end up losing my daughter if I were to go further than I have, which would not be worth it.

Ah, well, just another day.

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Being stuck in the middle

You know, not that long ago, I would be moaning over my status as being somewhere between male and female. But I seem to have found a kind of peace about where I am right now. Good thing, since this is the level that I will probably be stuck at for the rest of my natural, since surgery is out of my reach.

Sure, it would be nice to be able to go to the pool without being a freak, but that's life.

I'm Dorothy, and I dont need no stinking surgery to know that.

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A letter to my wife

This is the exact letter I wrote to my wife. After over 20 years together she walked in while I was on the toilet wearing bright pink silk panties. She had left for work and returned fast to tell me something. When she walked in I pulled my pants up as high as I could to hide my panties. She asked what was going on and I said nothing. She did not ask again but I knew she would. I so much wanted to be honest with her. That day I wrote this letter and gave it to her (we work at the same company). She read it and gave it back.

Here is my letter to her exactly as written:

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Finishing up "Six Forty-Five." and feeling much better

Well, I've written a little epilog to "Six Forty-Five", and I'll publish it tomorrow. With that little piece of business out of the way, I might be able to get back to focusing on my "Quest" story. Hopefully, it will be a bit more popular ....

Meanwhile, I feel a lot better for having written this, so at least in that way it hasn't gone to waste.

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more from life

My company finally left after two weeks, though I am glad to have my house to myself again I really miss them. I suppose I didn't realize how much I needed to let my secret out in "the real" world. It was so odd to open up and to be me. I must say that I was more comfortable around Tiffany than her husband Marcos. I think that may be because I've been hurt by men often in my life (when it comes to physical/sexual abuse). But I will give this for Marcos, he was accepting and told me that he and his wife loved me and wanted me to be happy.

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getting into hard territory

As I had said before, my latest story has turned into something a lot more autobiographical than I had originally intended. So that creates a problem. How the heck am I going to get this poor girl out of this mess? And will it be at all interesting to anybody but me?

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039) May I speak with...

So yesterday a telemarketer called my cell phone -again-. I really wish I could figure out a way to get that to stop... Anyhoo... I answered it with "Hello", and they asked if they could speak to my male name as though there was no way on earth he was already speaking to them. I said speaking. And they were seriously shocked. They asked, in a disbelieving tone: Are you really Andrew? As though there was absolutely no way on earth I could possibly be Andrew.

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15 Minutes of Fame

My story scrolled off the front page today. It is still part of Short Story Month - February 2012,, which ends soon. I did not put a teaser on the story, which means it does not show up there, and when I looked on the Stories it is deeply buried.

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The Family Girl #033: A Lesson on Language

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #33: A Lesson on Language, or
No, My Thing Isn't Broken...

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Online translators are rarely perfect when they translate sentences from one language to another, but most times they at least approximate what you intended to say.   Sometimes, though, they don't even come close.

Aunt Andrea sent a comment recently and she said, in Filipino, "pumalya inyo."

Anyway, I talked to Tintin, my assistant here, and asked what that meant.   She said it meant, "your thing is broken."


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The Family Girl #032: I'm a Hot Girl

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #32: I'm a Hot Girl

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I am one hot girl.   And you know why?   Coz it's ninety-four degrees over here.   Heehee.

And people say I'm cute, too (joke!).

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my lastest piece is surprisingly autobiographical

I had not intended this when I started writing "Six Forty-five", but its a lot closer to what I was like at that age than I care to think about. I was a pretty odd kid, yeah?

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Getting some development up top

I was shaving today, and as I tried to get rid of some more of the hair on my chest, I could see (and feel) some development in my breast area. Then I put on my shirt, and I could see my nipples sticking out and thought "My God - I've got real boobs at last !"

Needless to say, I'm pretty happy about this.

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The Family Girl #031: Oh, No, You Don't!

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #31: Oh, No, You Don't!

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

For those intending to "borrow" text from my stories or posts here or in the website,, or in other websites, I am stating directly and without any qualification, exception or limitation, that I am not giving permission for any part of my stories and blogs here and in other websites to be used in other stories, posts or publications.

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Reading Karen Bishop's story has had me thinking about memory - especially my memories of my abuse. For most of my life, I had little conscious recall of what happened to me, mostly it was something that I only had flashes and nightmares about. Now, I can remember, and I think that's better, but its been a painful journey, and I'm not done yet.

Ah, well.

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Amazing compliment at work.

Well, last night I got a compliment that blew my case of "Tg PMS" (That's what Bailey Summers calls those times when I struggle with feeling like a fake). What happened was I started early, and I was talking with one of the evening staff who I dont know well, and was gushing over my daughter. His response "Ah, you're just a proud mom."


He called me "Mom"

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