I had two very good days over the last week that made my heart sing. The first was at a party a week ago Saturday where i was truly myself in a social situation. i also wore a skirt for the first time. everybody treated me as who i am... not who i was. It felt right and was...
Today i went out by myself (a major achievement in itself) and went to Toronto's St. Lawrence Market area... i wasn't particularly dressed up...casual, no makeup, but i was mamm'd at least twice. i wandered the antique market for a while, bought a nice mug, and got my movie ticket (dark Knight) then i sat amidst the wandering crowd without panicking and just read... no weed, no meds... just calm... for an agoraphobic, that's huge...
Two out of eight days is pretty good, i think.
Hugs and bright blessings,
...That's my girl!!!
Love, Andrea Lena
Well done
Remember the progress and build on it - you can do this - just believe in yourself.