
The Left-Handed Cantaloupe


Mom took an immediate job in one of the agricultural sheds since Aunt Opal would stay at home to take care of me and John. Dad soon joined Mom, sorting fruit and vegetables for shipment. I seem to remember this as being cantaloupes, but that doesn't seem right since we arrived in fall after most of the melons would have already been harvested.

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The child

Once upon a time there was a small child, and like all children do they dreamed there dreams and played there games, But something was different, this child didn't play the games that other People thought they should, they didn't act the way others thought they should. The Child didn't know they were different, other children played the games they played and dreamed the dreams they did, If others could then why can't I.

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having a "I hate my body" day

yesterday at work while I was in the washroom, I stood up, and for a moment saw myself pants down in the mirror, seeing everything. I dont think I could possibly explain how ugly that part of me seems to me, how ... wrong it feels to have male parts.

I actually cried at the sight.


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puff puff puff... bike... puff puff puff

I bought a nice mountain bike with 24 gear ratios (eight sprockets in the back, three up front,) 29" knobby tires, and shock absorbers front and back.

It's nothing like what Bev and Ang and Cyclist ride, but it suits the dirt road and trails around here. In fact, it's probably less expensive than just the frames that they have. It appears to be made out of aluminum, not titanium or graphite.

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Painting the Chinaberry Trees

Chinaberry tree

Near the end of the three weeks, Aunt Grace got a phone call from Aunt Opal, the oldest of the sisters. Aunt Opal lived in Brawley, California a town almost as much like Casa Grande as Cleveland is like Chicago, which is to say, quite a lot and not at all.

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I grew up in CA at the time you were doodlebugging, Erin ...

... but one thing was the same. We also called ant lions doodlebugs, so I don't think it was strictly an Arkansas thing.

I never worked the cotton fields around Fresno, CA, but did do some agricultural work with many of my friends in the same time frame, 1950-1954, when I was 6-10.

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spent the day femmed up

well, I planned to meet a friend for lunch today, so I got a little femmed up for the occasion - skirt, hose, heels, necklace, lipstick and eye shadow. I had a nice lunch, and am doing my laundry with no hurry to change into pants for work. Its hard for me to explain to someone who isnt trans how .... nice a feeling this is.

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went to a bible study last night

went to a bible study run by my brother's church last night. It was pretty good, and they called me Dorothy without hesitation. Not sure what they thought about the whole thing, it simply never came up. But the end result is I got what I want more than anything else - to treated like the woman I am.

All in all, not bad.

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As I was at my counselor I did recieve several nice compliments from him. I think they are important, because they solidify what I already know about myself.

The first was when I said I wouldn't get any facial reconstructive surgery. He said he didn't see the need. I've been blessed with high cheek bones and I think my face has always had feminine qualities to it, now if I would add to that some make-up (which I don't wear as of yet) think how far I should come. The thing about make-up, is 1) I break out easy and 2) I never learned and don't want to look like a harlot.

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Fighting back from depression

Well, despite the temptation to wallow in feeling down, I'm fighting back. Yeah, sometimes, life sucks, but you got to carry on. Its not in good times you find out who you are, but how you deal with troubles. So I'm going to keep fighting to find positive things in my life, no matter how hard I have to look. I'm a stronger woman than my fears would have me believe, and I can do this.

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I've Fallen OUCH

Well things where going to smooth , Yesterday my left leg just gave out from under me and I fell hitting my head and breaking my right elbow.This is the third break in 2 years I wonder if my bones are becoming brittle it's something I am going to look into after I get the cast off. The doctor said we will tke it week by week as far as the cast goes.

You know how people say they know it broke .I knew I broke it as soon as it happened HUGS EVERYBODY --LOVE RICHIE2


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My Untamed Dress

Most of the time I successfully resist my exhibitionistic wanna be stripper inner self with great success. Though several years ago, I did go clubbing in not enough clothing, those days are long over for me and I strive to be as modest as a Nun, or more. It seems my Muslim days left a permanent mark on me.

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Surgery News

First off, thank you all for the twenty responses I got and for the responses Grover got on his thread. That was very cool and gave me a warm fuzzy. I did kind of need that.

As for the surgery itself, it went great. They got the majority of the stones on both sides, easily getting the larger stones, and leaving some of the smaller, more easily passable stones. It took the full two hours to accomplish as there was a lot to do. The docs really worked hard to take care of me and do it right.

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Need to Vent

Hello, it's a beautiful day. I just finish my income taxes and both of "my" prime minister want MORE of my money. No I didn't vote for theme, not that the options are any better.
The car in the shop for several small things.
The washer is starting to act up, so probably more money that way (or is it way MORE MONEY).
Brother dearest is still not paying any thing.
And the pay check is not getting bigger to compensate.

So not good for any clothing, therapy, i don't even thing about meds.
Still in the closet for most part.

Health is not bad, my cat is lovely and i envy her.

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I'm not doing as well as I thought?

Well, yesterday I went to the trans group pot-luck, and it was good, but apparently, my friends there are worried about me. They told me they can see both the manic and the depression, and that I need to get it under control, or I risk something bad happening.

Now, the person I was would have said, "Serves me right for opening up. I try to be honest, and they think I'm nuts." and would have withdrawn from the group.

But I'm trying to be a better person now, and sometimes, that means I have to be able to know when people are trying to tell me hard truths to help me.

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A glimpse into my life ...

In the past 5 months I have realized I am as a flower ... like a seed planted in the ground I only existed, struggled with my life and hid from myself. Potential was there, waiting for me to realize living was not a punishment, but a gift from god. When my spirit was woken the seed cracked and I became aware of myself and a little of my surrounding. As time progressed the sprout broke through the ground and I was no longer hiding from myself and my surroundings. However, it was not until I formed my bud that I realized the true potential I had in my life.

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a "footprints" moment

You may be familiar with a poem called "Footprints" where a person looks back on their life and realizes how often God carried them through hard times. Well, God has been walking me through some "footprints" moments the last little while. Not so much about hard times, but just how He has put me in just the right place at just the right time to receive a blessing. I could give lots of examples, but two really stand out for me. First is the very existence and presence in my life of my daughter.

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Blog 8: The Real Crossdressing Charlie


Above is the next outfit Charlie will try on in Episode 6 - The Tennis Uniform

Recently my Crossdressing Charlie series seems to have gathered a wee cult following around the TG hemisphere. All i can say is thank you all for favouring the series. Thanks to all the comments and reviews. I appreciate that the most! Keep reading and I promise you all that you won't be disappointed.

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Fun Week!

So the last week has been a little slice of hell...Mixed with a little slice of affirmation(leavened with some idiocy). Anyway, step 1 of getting hubby healthy has been accomplished. Full mouth extraction(Which his cardiologist insisted on prior to surgery to repair a congenital Atrio-Septal Defect). He tried to chicken out and I had to gently bully him into going.

The surgery itself went just fine, although he almost didn't survive check-in. Not from any medical issue aside from my intense desire to strangle him...

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Is being trans a blessing?

I was listening to the radio the other day, and this woman was talking about being able to see blessings even in some hard times. Now considering she had been raped by her father, that's pretty amazing ability. So it got me thinking, can I find a blessing in being trans? Well, maybe there are some. I think I've become more patient of the failings of others, and more grateful for the moments of femininity I get than I probably would have been if I had been born fully female.

Maybe, as I grow as both a woman and a Christian, I will find even more blessings. I pray it will be so.

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Electro convulsive therapy.

If anybody ever tells you that Electro-convulsive shock therapy is not painful go to this site.

I endured this sort of stuff from 1952 to 1958. It hurts! It hurts like hell and it is abuse not therapy. They might as well just have beaten me with sticks.

No requittal. No f-----g requittal!!!

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my life at the moment

I'm not sure how best to describe what its like for me, to finally be able to push past fear and live as the woman I know I am, especially on days when I can get a little bit femmed up. I just feel so at peace with myself, so nice, so RIGHT ... How did I ever go so many years without it? Ah, well, better late than never, right?

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a lttle shaky thanks to a conversation online

well, I'm a little shaky thanks to a conversation with someone on the support site I belong to. She told me she was being used by her own father for sex, something she described in some detail, and she refused any idea of reporting him or stopping him.

I ache in grief for her, but I had to let her go because considering my background, it was all I could do to not throw up while she was talking, and I got very upset at her lack of interest in helping herself.

Ah, well.

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a good session at the rape center

well, I had a good session today at the rape center, and I fell as good as can be, considering. We talked about my nightmares, and my therapist said it actually represents some signs of progress, because in each dream, I intended to act, rather than simply freeze. Baby steps, I guess.

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two nice moments last night

Well, had a couple of very nice moments yesterday. First, while taking out the garbage before going to work, and the person who lives at the end of my row came out with a small dog, who had to give me a sniff. He said, "Dont worry puppy - she's a nice lady."

Now, I was dressed in my work shirt and pants under my coat, no wig, no makeup, and this guy who has no idea about me called me a lady which made me actually start to cry with happiness, and then when I got to work a co-worker complimented me on my hair which just about sent me over the moon.

Things are getting better, yes?

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Coexistance and Happiness

Since arriving here, I have to tell you that I am one happy tomboy! I really have to admit that the fact that I actually have had people reading what I've written (as well as that which my friend Koz has allowed me to share) has really gotten my juices flowing in the mental and, pardon me, physical sense. (with apologies for the not so subtle joke there).

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Shave and a haircut -- two bits

It was a great day here in Where-ever-ville yesterday. Spring is here and I am a happy tomboy. As the sun gleamed in through The first sight I saw was my GF Sparky laying there in all her butch beauty wearing nothing but a t-shirt and pair of Obviously for Men briefs just as she had worn last night when we fell asleep in each other's arms after making raucous tomboy-love.

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The Family Girl #042: Easter Backyard Picnic

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #42: Easter Backyard Picnic

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I am a second-generation Italian-American (well, one-half of me is), and I am sure that those of you who have Italian roots and celebrate Easter in the traditional way, you'll know that the big deal thing is (aside from the morning High Mass) is lunch.   Lasagna, hard-boiled eggs and green salad with asparagus (or salads with tuna), and then roast beef and lamb and roast potatoes, and for dessert - sweet Easter bread and chocolate eggs, and then ending with an espresso or a nice cappucino.

But, of course, none of that for me this time as I'm not at home. Darn...

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The Family Girl #041: Easter Sunday

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #41: Easter Sunday

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter from sunny Manila.

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answering a pollster's questions in a skirt

well, I just had a funny moment. I was just chilling doing my laundry and wearing a skirt when the doorbell rang, and it turned out to be a pollster. I answered his questions, which included the gender of my mom as the only other person living here, but he didnt actually ask me my gender. I wonder what he wrote down?

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The Family Girl #040: Holiday Blues, 3

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #40: Holiday Blues (3 of 3): Poolside Musings

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

The stereotypical image we have of summer (and it's most definitely summer here - ninety degrees, can you believe it?) is a sumer spent mostly at the beach.   But some girls - girls like me - don't look at time at the beach as a stereotypical summer - lying in the sun, lounging around and working on their tans.   But, being "a stranger in a strange land," I felt anonymous enough that I thought I could do some of that without any of the consequences.   We planned on going to the beach this afternoon.

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The Family Girl #039: Holiday Blues, 2

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #39: Holiday Blues (2 of 3): Mall Insecurity

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Wednesday was a regular workday here in Manila, but it was the day before the start of a four-day weekend. Most everyone wanted to go home to their hometowns, so there's usually a massive exodus of people from Metro Manila going towards various other places in the country.

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041) The Stink

The fridge at work has been smelling awful for a long time, when I went in today, it was so bad that the entire shop literally stank and you couldn't tell the stench in the fridge anymore for the odor permeating the entire place. Towards the end of the day, 'Thal decided to once again clean the fridge. This time, he took it in his head to actually take the shelves out and REALLY clean it - that's when we found it. The reason for the stench. The odorous villain. The... Black Mold.


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The Joy of (FTM) Crossdressing

Spring is here and I am in a particularly happy place. Naturally its because my GF Sparky are totally in love with each other and have mutually compatible kinks and fetishes. But, I wanted to list my reasons to be cheerful (with apologies to the late great Mr Lovepants, himself, Ian Dury) about being an FTM crossdresser

1) Being in public and having someone refer to me as "Sir" or "Young Man"
2) The warm soft feeling of pair of cottony y-fronts straight from the dryer as I pul them up my legs to my mid section.

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