Since I began this blog, I've stated that one of my goals is to be as honest as I can about my journey, and therefore when someone points out something I've said here that's not honest, I need to deal with it, and here goes.
For the last several years, I've referred to the mother of my child in this blog as my "ex", and that is not accurate.
Yes, we are separated, and yes, we will never be a couple again, but the fact remains that in the eyes of the law, I'm still married to her.
Therefore I wish to apologize to the readers of this blog for this lack of honesty on my part, and make a commitment to ensure that it doesnt happen again.
In fact, if I call her my ex again in this space, you have my full permission to call me on it.
Thank you all.
Are you not...
...being a little hard on yourself? I have yet to see a dictionary definition of "ex". Your usage seems appropriate.
The maternal mother of my children.
When a marriage relationship is beyond recovery it is a former or an ex relationship. I second the opinion you are being very hard on your self. The world will be hard on you no matter what you do so do not do it's job.
Big Huggles lady
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book