Well, I no longer have a computer. I tend to leave my computer in "sleep" mode because it has some problems with rebooting. Until last night, when a storm managed to knock the system for a loop, and nothing I've been able to do has brought it back. Sorry folks, but that means your not gonna hear from me much.
Wish I could help
I'm down to 2 computers in a house of 3 sentients... Dreaded Capacitor Plague reduced the house from 7 machines to 2 over the last year or so. I think your on the yank side of the pond... Check out geeks.com, they have some good deals on refurbs without OS. You can use the license from your old machine. I had the luck to have a bunch of machines all from around the time of 2003-2006 which is the heyday for capacitor plague.
We can rebuild it...we have the technology,
II'll give you a call probably tomorrow and see if I can fix it up. I've done it before and I'm sure I can do it again. Also, hopefully it doesn't cost 6 million dollars.
Dead comptuter
Sounds like the operating system needs to be reinstalled as long as it turns on. I have seen this before and could also be a virus. It is shame you do not live in Florida because I could easily retrieve the data and then do a complete rebuild. If you reinstall the operating system then run a virus scan using program called avg. Should not lose any data but might have to reinstall programs.
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
R.I.P. Computer?
Usually, when a computer dies due to an electrical surge (thunderstorm, or just power fluctuations), it is due to the power supply giving up the ghost. The power supply can be replaced easily, and depending on where you purchase it, can cost from $5.00 (used) to $80.00 (new, all bells and whistles included - usually with too much power rating for a personal system).
I recommend Ultra power supplies from TigerDirect.com. They are very reasonably priced (especially if you catch it on sale), and come with a lifetime warrantee. The 450 watt variety usually is big enough to power a standard system (non-gaming type). It is currently going for $39.00. (http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-det...)
I agree, but...
I agree that it's probably the power supply, but my guess is that Dorothy wouldn't know how to replace it and she'd be too scared to try. I'm hoping it's not, because if it's an OS/bootloader issue it's an easy fix.
Oh dear.
I do hope you can get it fixed soon, I know how important this community is to you.
In the meantime, I'm going to have to psyche myself up for NOT seeing your daily blogposts...
Computer Down
I also wish you luck in getting it up and going or replaced. As I do enjoy your work even though I do not tend to comment much... Maybe we should make a movie for it you know call it Down Computer and get some one like Bill Gates to play the captain... Just a thought ;) LOL..
My therapist once asked me when was I going to stop killing myself for everyone around me and start living for myself. I think it was what set me on the path to who I finally have become.....Me.
At your rescue!
Hey, sweetie. I just finished dealing with ebay and Amazon (Evil, evil sites) and if I did it right, you should have a new computer and a new USB flash drive on your way to your house. I'll give you shipping updates as I get them. (I couldn't afford overnight shipping :p)
Well, I guess it's not a *new* computer, as I told you on the phone; it's kind of a downgrade from your old one, but at least it'll get you back on the internet. And the USB drive is to get you in the habit of backing stuff up and probably getting you to install linux so the machine will work at faster than a slug's pace.