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Real life imitates fiction

Last week's New Scientist had a special issue on "The Self", and one of the subjects it tackles is the way the mind human scopes out the extent of our own bodies. They cite an experiment in which the subject's own hand is obscured, and an artificial hand placed in front of them. When the two hands are simultaneously stroked, the sub-conscious mind decides that the visible, artificial hand is part of its own body. Even though the subject consciously knows the hand is false, s/he experiences stress if the artificial hand is threatened.

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Revision History

I was rather disturbed to discover recently that all past revisions to any story are available for any logged-in reader to view. I suppose there might be some value in being able to see my own history, but I find it disturbing that others can also go through it. Even the best of us make mistakes at some time, and personally, I would rather such mistakes did not remain on public record. What is even more disturbing is that, like me, other authors may not be aware that such records remain publically on view.

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an update

Well I'm back to writing again. I'm taking it really slow, only a few hundred words at a time. Since my writers block morphed into a since of distaste anytime I tried to write I am trying to supplant this emotion by stopping my writing before I get to the point of feeling too frustrated. Hopefully this will help to get rid of the negative emotions by only feeling the pleasure of writing. I plan to keep adding more to my daily word count until I am back to where I was before.

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Angel Motherland pt. 2

Oh boy, have I been having a rough time. This is probably my longest stretch writing an episode, but I am please to announce to those who have been following "Angel" that the second half of Motherland is almost done, I am hoping to finish principle writing tomorrow, then spend some time closing gaps and a few re-writes before handing it over to the editors. This will be another long one almost 45 pages and continues with the situation unfolding in Star City, Russia.

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Idea for a couple of stories

I've been thinking of an idea for a story, inspired by a dream I had: Several people (or at least two, a man or a woman) are kidnapped by aliens. The humans are adequately clothed and fed, but the aliens, because they reproduce asexually or whatever reason, are interested in experiments regarding sexuality and gender. One day the main male character wakes up to find his genitalia missing, while the main female character finds her clit has been replaced by a penis.

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Ugh... hating life

Okay, so I just wanted to let you all know what's up. February hit me like a Hurricane and between nonstop headaches (due to a nurse practitioner screwing up a treatment) and life being extra lifey, I may, may have written 4-5k new words since the last chapter of Kit and Kin was posted. I was ahead in my other story but not with that one and since I can't seem to go a few hours without a headache or migraine, that makes writing tricky at best.

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Everything's sunny with Sarah

Ok I don't know if you all have been wondering, but Everything's Sunny with Sarah isn't finished yet, but It will be sooner or later well book 1 anyway, However the story is on hold, Zoe and I are writing an RPG Game for Sarah called Sarah's Adventure. We also have help from Cassie as well, We are going to be using RPG Maker VX Ace to make the game so just about everyone will be able to play it, all versions of Windows, and most Older and Newer Processors will be able to handle the game. I'll try to keep everyone posted on the games progress as we make some.

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I'd like to ask a favor of the readers.

If you've purchased a copy of my book, HEADLIGHTS GIRL, or if you've read it online, would you please go to my amazon page and leave a review? It doesn't have to be anything long, just a few words and a rating.

I'd very much appreciate it. Thank you so very much.

Huggles and love,
Catherine Linda Michel

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Thanks to KT

Now I must publicly thank K T Leone as I cant seem to get a PM through ..... So KT thanks for the reply on your story and thank you for starting the shifting from Classic to here.. they wont let me PM you so sorry for the publicity, but you are a darn good writer & I thank you again

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Truth in Tagging

I'm posting this on my blog instead of the story comments because some of my readers would probably regard this post as a spoiler. I still won't be disclosing exactly what condition Taylor has. Any spoilers will be mild, but I know some readers don't want any author hints at all. If so this post is not for you. Also if you are reading my story and haven't read through Part 14 yet, then you'd probably consider this post a major spoiler.

Spoiler Alert! Readers of The Taylor Project beware

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Favorite type of ending?

As I was writing my latest, I originally intended that the protagonist would become the daughter of his lover, who he looked on with more motherly affection than physical love. My editors convinced me otherwise, and I think they were correct; I liked the ending more. But I still have the "stuck as a girl" ending as a preference - sometimes.

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A military question for people who recall the 80's

I am back and working on some ideas for Through the years and I was wondering a simple question. Does anyone recall the cut off age that someone had to be under to join the military in 1983-1984? Would be the reserves, but I just wondered what the age is. I know it is 42 now, but not sure about 30 years ago. Also would they take someone after that age if they had been in service just a decade earlier, even if they are over the age limit by say a year?

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Magical Number

A quick check on my account confirmed my suspicions. You lot have been very generous with your bestowing of kudos on me and my two feline helpmates - now before someone spoils it all by saying it was a sympathy vote - I can reveal that I now have the magic number of kudos in six figures, no not six kudos, but 100,000. Given that the kudos system didn't start until Bike was a couple of hundred episodes or more old, your generosity is overwhelming.

Thank you all for your generosity, if you keep it up I might yet write something worth reading.



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Technical question about Crossdressing

Hi everyone,

I need help for my most recent story. Well, technical help. My protagonist is essentially a she-male (I know many hate the term, but I don't know a better one) and I figure he'd have troubles wearing girls' jeans. I need to know if you can actually squeeze your nuts if you don't do it right and what you need to do to avoid it.

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Coming up to Two Years

It's almost 2 years. Where as the time gone since I joined this site. I never intended to write just to visit for a while and read a few stories. I liked some of the stories that I'd read so I had a go myself. I don't know how many hours of enjoyment I've had and I've always had help and guidance. i look at the stories that had the most hits and the ones that had the most comments and especially the ones with the most hits. I guess my style is popular with some and not with others. I only had one hurtful comment in all my postings that was nothing to lose sleep about.

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WAM and Christian content w/explanation

Wrestling Against Myself is a different kind of story for me, one that I openly share my theology in. It is no secret that Tony/Tiny is modeled after my high school male self minus the TG and weight issues. I had someone who got upset about me sharing my doctrine, especially the belief who goes to heaven and who goes to hell.

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Caelarus book review

Caelarus was a very interesting and sometimes romantic story. I would say that the level of plausability is very high. It is 190 pages; a full book, not what some people who sell e books call them. I think the writing was very good in spite of the fact that I sometimes struggled to see who was talking.

There are lots of different settings and several Sci Fi theories that bear some thought.

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The Taylor Project - Writing Update

When I started posting the Taylor Project back in January I was at 63k words. I've already posted 54k and I expect I'll catch up to my starting point in about two posts. However, since then I've kept writing and manuscript just kept on growing. It's up to 104k words now and still growing. I finally have the final chapters outlined, so now there is an end in sight. I've abandonded several novels. I can get to A, B, C but usually lose my way around E, F, G. This time I'm all the way Q, R, S and I can see the steps needed to get to the end.

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sense of repugnance

I tried doing some writing again today and didn't get very far. Just sitting down and looking at the word document gave me a gut deep sense of revulsion. Like looking a mountain of house work when all you really want to do is something fun, only stronger. A real sense of repugnance for the whole thing. Has anyone else ever had that kind of feeling when they tried to write?

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Back home again

Made it home,safe and sound. For those who was going to travel across the USA and go from either Emeryville to Chicago, or Chicago to Emeryville, I recommend Amtrak. I learned many things, like Ottumwa, Iowa is a real town. I always thought it was made up for MASH. Boy was I wrong.

The trip had one bad note, I left my phone in my dad's van and realized it as he go on the highway, so he has to mail it to me now. But other then that, I am home and time to go to bed and relax.

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Edeyn Hannah Blackeney, My Friend


My friend, Edeyn Hannah Blackeney, passed away early Monday morning, Feb 4, 2013, apparently from a blood clot in her lung. She was 37.

A talented and prolific writer, Edeyn had many fans on BigCloset for her stories of the Sk8r Grrls and others, though she had not posted much recently due to work and personal life.

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some good news

Some good news. Tonight, after 14 months of not writing more than a sentence, I have written 2 pages. feels good to be creating pictures with words again. the bad news - I'm leaving on a buisness trip for a week and will not be bringing my laptop. I'll be just too busy to write.

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Lulu and ebooks

So, I went to LULU, and with great trepedation bought Drew Millers book, Caelarus. It was easy to get them to take my money. But as usual, it is imposible to get the book out of them. I downloaded the thing from Adobe, twice actually, but still no book. I'm about as disgruntled as I have been any time in the last 10 years.

I don't know why LULU is always such a problem. I have downloaded several books from Amazon without issue.


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Trying to find a story

I was hoping someone could point me towards a story I read not to long ago, I remember that the main plot was these friends were playing this vr rpg and that the brothers were forced to play female characters, and as time went on characteristics from the game carried over to their real life.
I also remember that the in game GM was an older man who aproached them in real life once they finished the game...
Any help would be appreciated, it was a good story and I enjoyed it

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Thank You!!!!!!!

I am sure it is a small thing to many on BCTS, but to me it is a milestone when something I wrote and posted here breaks 100 kudos. Chapter 1 of Stolen Innocence topped the 100 mark today and I want to send a sincere “THANK YOU!” to all of the kudo givers out there. It means a lot to me.

Thank you, thank you, thank you…..


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