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Firstly, a big thank you

I received my first cheque for A Witch In Time last week and it made my day ... or rather my lifetime. I never expected to sell as many copies as I have and whilst it wouldn't make literary news anywhere but in my household, it's really put a smile on my face and Penny's too!

I know I have all of you out there to thank for that, so, thank you all!!

I have plans to release more books into 'E' format and hope those are as well received as this one has been.

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What's going on

Once again I finished a short series and I've fallen off the edge of the earth, or so it would seem. But I am still around, reading blogs, sending random comments, writing the occasional tidbit to make sure people don't forget about me.

I figured now is as good a time as any to update people on my life and current work.

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Sorry that I fell off the planet, but my health has still been spotty, with plenty of migraines and other fun and games. Right now I am dealing with a badly sprained wrist and while my one handed typing is getting better not much is happening on any story front. Pain and an inability to type has certainly thrown a wrench in that one. Oy!

Thankfully you guys have loads of great stories on here to keep you occupied. I am sure you have barely missed me ;)

Take care you all and hope to type at you soon.

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Sorry, too late to write tonight.

Sorry folks, I was just starting to write tonight's bike and my needy friend rang - do I have to say more? She talks for England - she's lonely and anxious and I don't have the heart to tell her to go away I'm busy, but after a twelve hour day, I'm going to bed, I'm simply too tired to do Bike tonight. I have started the next 'Bonkers', so over the weekend I might get some more done, along with redoing the brakes on my bike, decorating, gardening, laundry, shopping, cook...


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A Story That Won't Go Away

I still get requests to finish the tale I began in 'Goodbye Master Stokes', and not only on this site. Recently I received a message from someone whose praise was so fulsome, and whose analysis of the story was so erudite and penetrating, that I was compelled to look at it again.

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Kind thoughts for the authors that are ill.

Some of Big closet's authors are and/or have been under the weather lately. This is a shout out to them from others in this family that they are being thought of and loved. Hope that you get well soon! Hugs!
Feel free to add your best wishes and names to this message!

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And so it starts --- Again

And so I do what I've been doing for quite some time. I am undergoing another project, another novel. I haven't posted anything since the last chapter of Just Friends, but I was busy editing and publishing a few stories on Amazon while I gathered my wits about me.

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"Only A Baby Machine", offered with bells and whistles

Hello All. Back in late 2011/early 2012 I posted a rather long novel of forced feminization, "Only A Baby Machine". (Some liked it, some did not--what else is new?) I've revised it (not significantly, just improved dialog and such) included introductory material not given in the BC version, and added bells and whistles not possible on BC (exotic fonts, pictures). If anyone wishes to see this recent version, send me a message here, and I can email .pdf version.


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I Want A Literary Alter Ego

I have no 'real world' tg issues. I'm lucky enough to be happy with my gender identity, and to have a wide circle of friends who understand why I write tg fiction and who approve of my reasons for doing so.

Here in cyberspace (way to show your age Rich, you'll be talking about superhighways next!) it's different. I want a female alter-ego because I believe it might help me grow, both as a writer and a person.

I'm being serious. This has bugged me for a while, and I want it settled.

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"Snapshots" is the word I use to describe most of my stories. When I get it right, I can invoke a mood, or an idea, but do it in as few words as I can manage. They are not usually intended to give a lot of details (to do that would be like comparing the story to a movie rather than a snapshot), but instead force the reader to fill in some of the descriptions for themselves, individualizing the story to an extent.

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I recently received permission to post stories by Diana Kimberly Heche here and was very excited about that. She is a fine writer, story teller, and a lot of her stories are old enough that they aren't getting the attention I think they deserve. With Diana's approval, I'll be posting around two chapters a week until the story is all told. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

For now, aside from comments, anything you would like to say to Diana should be sent to me and I'll forward it to her.


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Totally Insane

I recently reread this series and actually enjoyed it, forgetting half the stuff that was in it. I'm tempted to write another episode, even though the person it was written for seems to have vanished. Such is the nature of people with gender identity problems, though I hope she and her family are safe.

Why I'm blogging is, assuming I find the time, and an even bigger assumption - I can rekindle Kylie's innocence and charm - are any of you interested in me doing another one. In other words, would you lot read it?

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The Bone Palace. Discuss.

I'd always considered Savedra to be one of the strongest tg characters modern fiction has produced. Not only is she thoroughly convincing, but her transness (come on Rich, you must be able to think of a better word than that!) isn't immediately obvious.

Clearly this reviewer, who as a trans woman is almost certainly more qualified than me to discuss these issues, has a different opinion. I'll make no comment other than to say it gave me plenty to think about.

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An honest question

I try to produce good works. I really in truly think I tell a very good story. But something must be lacking and I am wondering what it is. As long as it isn't an attack, I am wondering where people think I come up short in my writing so that I can improve. I have vision of finding an agent and a publisher or at least being mildly successful on my own. My goal is to make $2000 a month so I can live off of (right now I make 400 and I wonder if that would last). I sell about 200 books a month (so by math i would need to sell 1000 a month) on amazon.

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Where Did Today Go?

You get up with the best of intentions. You write 642 words - good ones, as well. You take one break to check if there have been any new comments to a story you particularly liked. You find one and think yeah, I know a good Moody Blues track to link to. There might be others as well...

Suddenly it's gone six.

Where the hell did the day go?

No one to blame but myself. (Sighs loudly.)

Bugger it, I might as well link to some decent 70s stuff.

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Just Friends now on Kindle

As has become my practice as of late, I am making certain works available on Kindle. Now, instead of loading up the different parts and wearing out precious mouse components, you can have it for your Kindle reader. I hope no one minds that I do this, but it is a great way to show support and it broadens my readership.

The Kindle version includes:

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I've become aware of a website that seems to actively be trying to work things out. I went in there with my gun locked and loaded, expecting trouble, assuming the worst. That is not what I have found. I am willing to give them a try and just see what we come up with.

I have decided to behave myself and see what sort of dialogue we can have. So far, I have no objection to their policies, but have only been there a while.

I'd like to see what you think of the website. Please behave and don't make me sorry I published this. :)


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I am learning more and more about who I really am. It used to be that I used my writing to explore aspects of myself, but that is becoming less of the norm. I am no longer living as Katie vicariously through characters and words on a page and am living real life as the real me.

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Where oh where is Renae at...

I've just finished re-reading Renae's superb partial stories, 'After the Ashes' and 'First Among Fools' and thought I'd try to see if she's on BC these days. They are wonderful stories and I'm REALLY REALLY hoping that she will find the wherewithal to finish them one day!

If you have not read them I highly recommend them to you. I have to warn you that they ARE unfinished at present however and will probably leave you with withdrawal symptoms afterwards. lol


First Among Fools

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Book 11

Thought I'd give you all due warning - a new Gaby book will be published this week! It might be Wednesday or it might be next weekend but sure as eggs are eggs it will be available! There's all the angst, racing and general Gabyness you've come to expect so be prepared!

So look out for Gaby - Wunderkind part 1 coming to a screen near you - soon!

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Help finding a story

I need help finding an old story. As I remember: there is a mother with a son and daughter. They are rich with a large corporate company. The son is the best mind and talent to take over but the mother of males. Consequently she has the son transformed into a woman. His problem is that she didn't trust enough to ask. There is a young woman that was rescued by the mother and is working and living in the household. The son and woman eventually marry I think in Minn. There are a couple attacks on the home/mansion using ATV's to approach.

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TG Story on one dollar

I'm trying to get the hang of bitly links and I figure I might as well promote something in the process. This will be my last one, I promise. But, people probably don't know the dress punishment is up for sale anyway and it has absolutely 0 reviews.

Anyway here is my recent facebook post:

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