Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

The Children's Book Project - New info

As some of you may know, I've been trying to get my children's book done. I finally got some preliminary drawings of the first two pages and have added them to the story file. Unfortunately, I can't move the story back to the first page and don't want to repub something as new that isn't.

So, if you want to see the new artwork for But I'm not a Boy, please take a look. The link is here,

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Is Marina Twelve still actively writing?

It seems I'm coming across a lot of unfinished stories on my hard drive lately. I recently read Marina Twelve's hard hitting space saga 'The Last Frontier' and 'The Last Frontier - 100 over 10'. While doing so I also found two stories in the same universe that Marina had started but never returned too. They were 'TLF - The fifth Vector ch.1' and 'TLF - Dark Matter ch.1'. Hopefully she's not gone from the community and one day will pick up her gritty and gripping stories again!


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My New Tale...

I am currently in the midst of another massive literary undertaking when I got the urge to take a break. I felt the need to write a little tale about coming out. There has been much in the news this past year or two about various people coming out about their sexual, and gender, choices. I have always had strong opinions about coming out but I’ve yet to really set something down in words. Thus…this new tale.

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Final words on BB: Heroes

This story has been an emotional roller-coaster for me, and mostly toward the depression side. I've gotten lots of comments, both good and bad, in the feedback and in my blog. That's the relatively benign stuff. What y'all don't see is the PMs and private e-mails that I've gotten, some of which are extremely hateful and/or spiteful.

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SEE Universe

Well, it seems I now have a Universe tag, assuming anyone else is daft enough to want to write a story set on Anmar.

I have written up some universe rules but I would rather not make them public just yet, as there could be (of necessity) spoiler material inside. If anyone wants to have a go at a story, then PM me and we'll have a conversation.

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Apparently, I f'd up in Bikini Beach: Heroes

In BB: Heroes, I obviously screwed up conveying the message I intended. Comments, both here and on another site, are either love/hate, and the comments I've received privately indicate an extremely strong dislike for the story.

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Tanya Allan is now publishing direct to KOBO

In answer to all those who have asked me to publish in any other format other than Kindle. I have now taken steps to publish in ePub format direct onto KOBO. Incidentally, the system is as easy as the Amazon Kindle publishing site, so I will try to get all my books onto KOBO soon.

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I have been reading a web comic called "misfile" and its amazing. Its the story of a boy whose life gets misfiled into the girl drawer by a slacker angel, and how he/she deals with the results. If you read it, be prepared to want to sit and finish it in one setting like I wanted to ....

Here is the link:

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Six years 52 weeks

That's what it says on my author page. Has it been that long? I suppose it has given the number of stories posted although my rate has decreased. I've had personal issues that has arisen. That's why I have to apologize for not responding to comments as well as I used too. Believe me I cherish each one, but just trying to keep writing is taking all of my energies.

So just so it is said a very big thank you to everyone who comment on "Who do that Hoodoo," "Rising of the Queen," and "Waking the Dreamer."

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What Happened to the Taylor Project?

So, what happened to the Taylor Project? It's probably been noticed that I haven't posted an update in months. Part of it was getting slammed at work. More of it was just me falling into a funk. What seems to kill my writing every time is I reach a place where every word I type seems lame and not worth reading. I'm trying to move forward again. It's not going easy, but I mean to push through and write an ending, even if it is a little lame. That's my great failure of a write, not finishing a work. This time I plan to finish.

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The Family Girl #060: Six Years of Being Happy

Six Years of Being Happy:
A Little Tribute, and "Thank You" to Holly "Happy" Hart
organized by Bobbie Cabot and Drea DiMaggio

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I have a question

What I would like to know is how you would like my next story posted? As usual It will be long so I'd like to know if you would like it done in chunks like Twins, around twenty thousand words per posting, or by the chapter once a day. I've had complaints either way, the post was too long, or I'd like to see a chapter every day but short. I'll leave it up to you because I haven't broken the story into chapters yet and will do that during the first edit. I won't start posting for some time because the story is just getting started and it's over thirteen thousand words long already.

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Hi People

Bet you thought I'd crawled into a hole or something. In truth, it was all Star Wars fault. I never realized how engrossing MMORPGS could be but now I'm back. I just finished writing Ch. 2 of I Bump Back and hope to have it posted within the day. I just thought I'd drop a line here to let everyone know that I haven't abandoned my writing duties lol.

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Need a name for a fictitious band

The writing bug hit again, and this time, it demands a band - so my problem is that I need a good name for a fictitious band. Nothing real, but cool-sounding name. I hereby open the floor to suggestions. Winner gets - (drum roll please) - credit in the story. Sorry, but my bank account won't go for cash prizes.

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might be a while before I have some new stories to share

Well, I have to apologize to my 3 fans. Between the fact that the stories I have underway have stopped flowing, (and were looking to be much bigger projects than I originally planned in any case), and the fact I have really struggled to write anything the last couple of days, its gonna be a while before you see any new stories from me.

Again, my apologies.

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The Wishing Blanket and other news

Last week wasn't a banner week for writing. It isn't that I didn't get anything done, just very little. The issue was that I had something crop up everyday that ate into my time. On Monday I had counseling and dealt with car issues. Tuesday I was able to get some writing in but also built a bed frame. Wed I had my group meeting. Thursday I was able to write. Friday I had electrolysis and van issues. So the week yielded little but I got a lot done when it came to counseling and fixing cars.

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Dialect Survey Results

I found a interesting interactive site while reading the news on the web. Its from NC State University and it's a survey of dialect and usage from around the united states. there are 122 different surveys, about half of them are how words are pronounced and half are what kind of word or expression are used, like Coke, pop, or soda. It is all shown on a map with shads of color matching the degree in which it is used. The maps have a composite view and a individual view.

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SEE - Request For Comments

It seems that Somewhere Else Entirely has turned, without me realizing it, from a simple tale to a small industry. I have helpers tabulating names and places, proof-reading and even making maps! I even have a reader who wants to write fan fiction!

This story is no longer a one-author endeavor. What could or should I do here?

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Copyrighted Art.

OOPs, I put some art that has been sitting on my computer for a long time on my Facebook page and it so magnified it that I now see that what I thought was a belt buckle was actually a Copyright mark. My eyesight is not wonderful.

So, I'm trying to find a way to contact FB about it to take it down, so if anyone can help me with that ????

If anyone knows M. C Krauss, please extend my apologies.



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Porous Memory - Lost Story

Since my main computer died awhile back I've been a bit lost, and my porous memory isn't helping. There was a multi-part story awhile back, by one of our top authors. Set in medieval time, it's about a boy who is so scrawny he can't find anyone to apprentice him except the local dressmaker. He goes to a tournament and the victor in a duel on horseback chooses him, thinking he is a girl. As the story goes on he actually turns into a young woman, and what a little hellcat she is!

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I'm transphobic

I was looking on Amazon and noticed a one star review for the transsexual and the cross. At first I thout the religious right had struck and was going to take it as a badge of honor. Instead, the reviewer said that no one from the lgbt community should read it and then accused me of being homophobic and transphobic. I am totally pissed off.

I would appreciate if a few people would come to my defense.

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two years

Like the title says, its been two years since I first joined. I don't recall my first comment, but I came to this site through the stories "shoes" and the ones that followed it. I was going to try and have a bunch ready and post daily this week, but looking for work has cut into writing time. But I should have something later today or tomorrow
Thanks to everyone for keeping this site going and making people like me get our stories out there

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Six completed novels

When, nearly three and a half years ago, I signed up to BC and ceased to lurk in the background, I had six unfinished stories all about 25,000 words in length. I had never been able to finish any work, which tended to become bogged down and so I started something else. Now, as a result of the encouragement and help received, I have just posted the final part of my sixth novel (ranging in length from 66,000-120,000 words) with also a couple of short stories thrown in for good measure - so thanks to everyone who has ever read, kudoed, commented, edited, or corrected any of my stories.

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After reading Digger's comments I realize that I should have mentioned ALL of the MEN AND WOMEN that served deserve the respect and thanks of those whose freedoms were protected and saved. To those who served and I overlooked I offer my sincerest apologies and greatest appreciation.


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When Wasps Make Honey

When Wasps Make Honey, the sequel to Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, is now available from Amazon in Kindle Format
and from Smashwords in EPUB format. This novel follows the continuing adventures of Kazmina and Launuru as Kazmina secretly rescues slaves from various estates and Launuru is drafted as an acolyte of Kensaulan, the god of the dead. Psavian and Znembalan play larger roles here than in the first book, and there are many new characters, several of whom get transformed in interesting ways.

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