I am so happy and excited and I wanted to share my enthusiasm with the site and offer some encouragement to those who are thinking about publishing E-books. There is a market out there and it isn't as small as you may think. If you write good books with global appeal, it will do well. You need to work, you need to market, but it can be done. I'm not the only author on the site who is doing well on Amazon, and I think there are several others who might be wanting to join the ranks.
Below are two screen shots taken this hour from God Bless the Child. I did a marketing push and it's paying off.
I saw it promoted in "Kindle
I saw it promoted in "Kindle Books and Tips". I would have bought it, if I hadn't already bought it.
Good luck on your sales!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Two factors
First, the general public have become aware that we exist and do not see a moral problem.
Second, the story has to be more than "My First Bra", and needs to be well written enough to catch reader attention.
:) catchy yes
Yes is very catchy I agree. The moral issue should even be put into discussion considering the other values. Dorisbet.com
Maybe I should have done
Op Rescue: New Co-Ed as an e-book? It's certainly meaty enough, with complicated interpersonal interactions and plots.
Maybe someday. I'm thinking about doing a much longer, more detailed version of Progenitors as an e-book. Maybe. Wife still frowns (mightily) on TG fiction.
Imagination is more important than knowledge
A. Einstein
I am doing OK with mine as well, Had enough for a second cup of tea today...
I have to check several regions for my sales...
Way to go, but I am wondering. I "published" Part I of my story Trailer Park Baby http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/26817/trailer-park-baby on Amazon last week http://www.amazon.com/Trailer-Park-AB-Infant-ebook/dp/B00E9X..., Part II yesterday, Part III next week.
Now I am trying to figure out exactly what is meant by "Amazon Best Sellers Rank:?" I guess I'll just have to wait to see how many I've sold. I guess since I have a ranking, I must have sold some.
Your posted pics are a bit small, and I can't really make out what they say.
I will say one thing, while your story is about a transgendered child, the story is way beyond that. You tell great stories Miss Leone.