
Gov Abbott Exec Order

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Erin, ladies remove this if it's out of line for this channel.
Abbott passed the same exec orders Gov Stitt did years ago.

Thus I reached out to and explained how I worked past Gov Stitt's exec order when he had done the exact same thing. Received a response thanking me and inviting me to join. I'm not going to but it was a kind of them to offer.

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A slice of life series by Tiffany Shar

If you like “slice of life” stories, you might want to take a look the series Standing Up To Life by Tiffany Shar. The first book has already earned the “----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------” status.

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Story recomendation from the archives of Tiffany Shar

As I mentioned in my last post Thank you for a blast from the past to Tiffany Shar I am currently re-reading some of the stories posted many “turnings of the seasons” back. Some of these I not read in over a decade. On re-reading them now, I remember having read them in the past. This fact is also confirmed by the fact many of parts have a Kudos registered to my user ID.

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Voice Training


For those who seek to sound like the gender they present. It's possible to train one's voice to be different from the voice they were born with and grew up with. Think of singers. Opera singers are some of the best when one thinks of the sounds we humans emit. Even those who do Country or Classical songs train so their records, or now days DVDs sell. Think of those who do voice for animated characters. The Simpsons, it was a female who did Bart. She does several other voice overs also.

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Thank you for a blast from the past to Tiffany Shar

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Thanks to a recent story chapter post by Tiffany Shar I started re-reading her previous contributions and got a serious blast from the past! After re-reading Suddenly Royal from a contest in 2020 in order to establish context for the sequel that Tiffany just recently started to post here on BigCloset TopShelf.

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Another white knight

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Oregon has this really screwy law regarding grocery bags. While I'm not totally on board with banning single use plastic grocery bags, I can see the logic and I'm willing to admit that throw-away plastic has become a global problem.

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Well here i am

sat typing this at eight in the morning on an overcast but still warmish morning in my hometown of Sheffield

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Story Walked Away


The title is A PORTRAIT of the SOUL the main actors and actress is Nathan and Natasha, They go to a flea market a town distant from where they live. They talk to some really interesting owners in the booths they visit who seem to know them better than they know themselves. One has them try on a ring and it fits both. Another offers to paint their portrait Another sells them plaques to ward off evil they picked up in the flea mart and is following them.

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Homeward bound


Well we are back in Berlin ahead of our flight back to Blighty tomorrow it’s been warm today travelling down from Hamburg, it was 30c when we got to the capital! And it’s been very humid too so not the most comfortable of days.

We have some more time in Berlin tomorrow before a tea time departure back to Bristol.

What have we done since Sunday? Well on Monday we spent best part of 7 hours in the model railway before finishing the day with a couple of hours in the nearby Maritime Museum. A warm day but we were in air conditioned luxury for most of it.

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Re-charging the grey matter


Or what Maddy did next

So for the last few days we have been based in Hamburg, I say based, so far we’ve not seen much of the place beyond the Hauptbahnhof! Instead we’ve been out and about exploring.

Thursday we went to Lueneberg @ an hour to the south. It was hot and sunny as we explored the old salt town founded in the 11th century and home to the oldest ‘potions’ shop in the world which dates from the 16th century.

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But not forgotten

So on Monday we set off on our long planned trip to Berlin and Hamburg, both, as it happens, destinations that Dad loved to visit. We’ve had time in the capital and I write this from our ICE train taking us to Hamburg.

It’s been a bittersweet time, we went to Potsdam yesterday which I first visited with Dad in @ 2007 and going around Berlin I was remembering visits with both my parents in the intervening years, happy memories at least.

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Documentary on Trans in Germany by DW (Deutsche Welle)

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The Deutsche Welle [DW] (literally “German Wave”, the German equivalent of the British BBC) just published a documentary on trans life in Germany. It covers the lives of three different people at three different ages.

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Voice is Important


When we meet someone whether they are an old or a first time meeting our voice is the second thing noticed and it's usually an unconscious thought. The first thing noticed is physical appearance and that includes not only body but also attire. Do not dress like an escapee from a homeless shelter who lost all one's clothes in a flood or a fire. The Hippy Revolution was in the past and it should have been left there along with the tie dyed clothes and other bright ugly mismatched colors. Did everyone suddenly go color blind back in the sixties?

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Some kind soul willing to be an editor?

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Hello all,

Is there some kind soul who would be willing to be an editor for an attempt of mine to write a story? Preferrably a native English speaker.


1. It is big - almost 100k words.

2. Its English is awful (non-native speaker here, please don't kill me, that is my best)

3. It is trans-ish stuff, but I'm not trans (hence in there might be plenty of unintentional idiocy, outside of that of some of the characters)

4. It re-uses an idea that already has been used (but hopes to both amuse and tell new things)

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Peerage for Hilary Cass

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Hilary Cass, who wrote the recent report on care for trans children for the UK government, is to be made a peer:

This means she will have a seat in the UK House of Lords and have a vote on UK laws - for life.

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Getting Published


After reading this, I'm guessing most will be more than grateful to the ladies running BCTS. Here writers and authors may publish their stories without an agent, or a NYT Best Seller pitch behind them. It is almost too easy as many don't realize the meat grinder of getting published in the cut throat business of selling a story. I want everyone to think what will happen if Erin and the girls can't keep the doors open? Will you open your own domain or possibly find another site to post on? Lots of luck as hundreds, possibly thousands of those sites have come and gone.

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Life imitates art

I've been thinking about this since I first found out. As mentioned a couple of blogs ago, my grandson got married on the first. While at the wedding, I talked with a lot of family members that I don't often get to spend a lot of time with.

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lynn conway passes away


Lynn Ann Conway—a computer scientist, electrical engineer and a trans-rights activist—died in Jackson, Michigan on June 9 of heart trouble. She was 86.Conway was fired in 1968 when it became known that she intended to transition. IBM later apologized for that action. That same year, Conway consulted Dr. Harry Benjamin and became a patient. She completed her gender transition, also in 1968. In a divorce, she was denied the right to visit with her then-minor children.

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My Computer not MicroSoft


Last week MS automatically installed two new programs on my computer without my permission. A year earlier I turned Win updates off via Registry Edit. Somehow with reboots over the past year Win 10 refreshed all it's command prompts for Win startup. I didn't catch it as it was stealth. The programs MS installed last week was MS Edge and One Drive. I only noticed because my HD was running excessively. Started a search for the guilty program taking up loads of memory and HD intercepts. It turned out to be MS Edge and One Drive. Searched for the install date and it was last week.

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Lynn Conway has Passed Away


This breaks my heart as I loved this lady so damn much for what she has done for all of us who were caught up in the gender-blender. I conversed with her many times and she was so sweet to take the time to talk or text me. My only desire left in this world was to meet this amazing lady before I checked out. Lots and lots of tears, I'm going to miss her so damn much.

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Judge Strikes Down Florida Ban on Transgender Care for Minors

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Judge Strikes Down Florida Ban on Transgender Care for Minors

Not quite as good as it sounds, but it's still encouraging.

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Every Woman is Not a Beauty Queen


Sometimes it is funny to bring them up to speed if done right. Yesterday I was picking up goat panel from Atwoods, a farm and ranch store. Each panel is five feet wide, sixteen feet long of four inch by four inch welded, grade six rod. They sent one guy out to load it. Not happening so it was up to him and me. One had to be there to see the problem and understand. I'm five five, picking up my end of that panel meant I had to climb up on the pile, pick up my end, slide it off to the side, get down, help put it up on the flat bed, and do that all over before the next panel.

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