Fake It Till You Make It, and the main character, Holly, expressed how thankful she was on her first Thanksgiving as her real self. It made me cry, and it made me think of all the things I have to be thankful for.
I truly have much to be thankful for, as I expect most of us do if we think about it for a moment.
I am still here, unlike so many others - friends and comrades in the service who never made it home, and so many of my sisters for whom life simply became too much. I very nearly didn’t make it this far - both due to things that happened while I was in the service, and nearly due to my own hand on several occasions.
I still have so many good friends and a family that loves me - more than ten years after transitioning, I still have a spouse who loves me and three wonderful sons that I love so very much. My little family is still strong, and growing. Perhaps someday I will be lucky enough to have grandchildren.
I have a nice home and have had a good career, which has enabled me to live a comfortable life and provide for my family.
I am in good health, having survived a cancer scare some few years back, and I am looking forward to a long life yet ahead of me.
Yes, there are challenges in this life - especially in light of the current political situation in this country, but if we all persevere and show each other a little caring and compassion, if we all strive to be better than those in the public spotlight, then we can make our world a better place for ourselves and those around us.
Happy Thanksgiving to all, and a wish for a happy and healthy holiday season!