
I could loan you a black cami

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We had to go to my grandson's wedding this last Saturday. As family we were invited to the rehearsal dinner on Friday as well as the wedding. It was a three hour round trip to the venue. We decided to spend the night. As we were packing for the two events. My wife was dithering over what to wear. She picked out a nice top but the neck line was a little loose and she was concerned about "down the blouse" views if she bent over a little and was wondering what she could wear under. I offered:

"I could loan you a black cami."

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The Casa Susanna weekends

I might just be the last person to learn about this and I know the place and people have been mentioned on here before.
This morning I found a BBC video about the wonderful past getaway place for crossdressers in the Catskills. I hope those interested can get to this:

Casa Susanna programme 93 minutes, personal stories, many pictures.

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If You Drive


The world has changed from hardly ever meeting anyone on the highways to a constant stream both ways. X amount of years back I never gave it a second thought about things going belly up. Different times I asked strangers who stopped to call Daddy and tell him where I was and what went wrong. Broken axle, lost duals on a Bobtail, tractor lost it's axle and rear tire, front axle fell out, rear tire on PU threw all it's rubber off, and so many others lost in time and memories.

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looks like my discord is not going to be working for while .someone in the Philippines hacked my account and was using it to send out spam . they are investigating it but there is a chance discord will end up doing an ip ban as this has been going on for along time with out my knowledge .i spent 4 hours working with discord support it may take several days to fix this .in the mean time my discord is locked so no access .

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As the years roll by...

There are a number of unfinished stories here that I would dearly love to see completed. As the years roll by, however, there are two for which I constantly look for status updates and new episodes; Catwalk Confidence by Connie Alexander and Sarah Carerra by Megan Campbell.

Kelly Shannon Driscoll

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Reading recomendation: The Opus Magnus of Teddie S.

After having shared on one of the first “BCTS Recommends” at the start of this year (2024) among others the Opus Magnus of Teddie S. with the title Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?, I decided to dig up this story and re-read it. It is truly a Opus Magnus, counting 253 chapters and approximately 1,400,000 words. So buckle up for the long haul!

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Precieved differences between BCTS now and pre-attack

The most noticeable for me is the fact that clicking on a link used to change the color of the line from an orchid to black (at least on my computer). It made it easy, when scrolling through the teasers to tell when you got down to a story you'd already considered or read and could stop.

It's a very small thing, but I miss it. I'm pretty sure that it's not on my end because Fictionmania's site still does that.

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Trying to remember

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Candy Cane Club By Tanya Allan, was there a second story?

I seem to remember another story, crime drama?, though I cant remember if it was written by Tanya or just used the club as a focus with permission from Tanya

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Cant remember the Title or Author

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I am looking for a story, though all i can remember is that, it is set during WW2, MC is a Military Officer, used as translator by both Germans and allies,

MC, Hides in village house, German/fFrench border???, in wardrobe???

MC, uses the only civilian clothes available, female

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This is harder than i ever thought it would be im in New Mexico at the hospital .My Uncle is on his death bed .im the last relative he has so its my duty to be here even though he never accepted me. My knee jerk action was not to come but the more i thought about it i decided that i needed to be here for closure if for nothing else . Just please send hugs good thoughts and prayers that i get through this . As always I care about all of you sisters and friends thank you for allowing me into your lives through bc .

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JACKSON, Miss. — Mississippi’s Republican-led Legislature will not take final votes on two bills that attempted to restrict legal recognition of transgender people.

The bills died quietly when House and Senate leaders failed to agree on compromise versions before a Monday night deadline. Lawmakers were working on several other complex issues at the time.

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Looking for story


I am looking for a story about a brother and sister who trade places every so often, but as they get older they switch more often and the sister eventually shaves her hair off to force them to stay switched. At the end of the story, the “sister” gets breast implants. For the life of me I can’t find this story anywhere.

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Request help rememberinng a book...

This is a non TG Book, but in the Fantasy genre. All I remember is the covers and the basic premise of the book. The first book has a woman in a green dress playing a violin. The second has her in a white shirt and black leggings with a red sash around her waist, with a violin bow in her hand.
This story surrounds the girl as she learns she can use magic, which is forbidden and she ends up running away from the school she is at. In the second book she helps lead the magic users in a revolt from the "Clergy", I think. Any help would be appreciated.

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Beware of the Light at the End of the Tunnel


Most will be elated with this news and justly so but it is an executive order and may be removed as easily as it was put in place. I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade. Ttry and keep in mind we (transgender) are a political football to politicians, medical personnel, news commentators. Also the same to anyone who thinks they can bank political points by using us. The smallest minority we have no political clout, no financial clout. We are the Mistress to the Billionaire, good as arm candy and trotted out for show and tell when it suits anyone to use us.

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Im looking for a story


Guys,Im looking for a story...he is young,has gynecomastia and is chubby (plump?),so he wears a corset.His mother is a seamstress...and there was also the fact that the boss of the company where his mother worked gave his employees checks with a Christmas bonus.

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Keeping in touch with friends……..

Recently, Willow Dancer posted a blog reminding us all of the fourth anniversary of the disappearance of Elsbeth, a much loved author on this site. Like many, I followed her work religiously - especially her stories The Lost Queen and Frejya’s Daughters.

Four years ago this week was her last posting. During the height of Covid, while many of us were stuck at home living vicariously through her wonderful writing, she was still hard at work. Until she wasn’t.

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Four years without Elsbeth

Elsbeth, one of my favorite authors on BCTS, abruptly disappeared 4 years ago today. I made a memorial post a year later. (See the last link below.) Here is what I posted. You will need to go to the original link to see the comments.

We miss you Elsbeth. I still read your stories several times a year.


I've met, well read the stories of and messaged with, many wonderful authors here at BCTS. One of them in particular had a large impact on me. Her name is Elsbeth.

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Accept the Difference


Four days earlier, lady in front of me was holding two planted pots. She tried to get the attention of the man pushing a cart already headed for the exit. Wasn't having much luck.
Obviously she wanted him to wait so she could pay for her plants and put them in the cart. "Ma'am do you want him back?"
She glanced in my direction and nodded, "Yes." Then turned her attention toward him.

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I am a Republican, but I am so sick of the stupidity…….

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I am so sick of the stupidity being spouted by Donald Trump and his cult of morons - it just gets worse and worse.

Their latest claim is that the Transgender community purposely scheduled Transgender Day of Visibility on the same day as Easter in order to mock Christians. That is total bullshit, and what’s more it is intended solely to stir up hate against the LGBT community.

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Saved login

Is anyone else not able to save logins? Every time I login, I check the "Remember me" box. Then then next time I come to the site, I have to login again.

Everything works well for me. I'm just wondering if it's something I'm doing wrong or is it just one more little detail that will be fixed when its priority number rises to the top.

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Many Thanks!!

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This is Amy, Piper’s wife. I just wanted to thank everyone for the donations as well as their patience. As previously stated, the gas bill has been paid off and the new goal of $2400 will cover the rest of what is needed for electric.

I along with Piper, and our Ninja cannot thank y’all enough for the support!

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I'm officially jealous

OK, I'm officially jealous. It seems that others have had access to the site for a few weeks and just this morning my bookmark for the site actually brought me here. I've been looking at a 404 error that replaced the temp page that went up a while ago for at least two weeks.

I've only experienced the kind of feelings I had about not being able to login here once before. That's when I quit smoking. I didn't realize how much it meant to be a part of this community. Dallas put it right when she said, "just know you are there," is a big thing.

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