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for Oktoberfest!

Yep brush off your dirndl, practice the bier lift and loosen those vocal chords for its time to celebrate King Ludwig and Princess Therese' wedding for the 214th time! The festivities have barely started so there is plenty of time to get into the spirit (and lederhosen!)

I must admit that whilst its on my bucket list, i've so far not managed to get to Munich at the right time - one day perhaps. No, i've had a much less exciting few days.

Monday it rained, when i say it rained i mean wet was falling from the sky from before dawn until late into the night, quite hard at times so outdoor activity was restricted to a dash to the shops! It was so wet the birds were sheltering most of the day, only hitting the feeders when hunger couldn't be ignored any longer @ tea time!

Yesterday, that's Tuesday was much better - well it was dry and reasonably warm even if it was a bit blowey and very grey. I set off for what i thought would be @ 60 kilometres, just a burger at Clevedon then back. I guess that is what i did except the return ended up being 70km giving a total of 101km! A lot of the birds are flocking, i was lucky enough to see egrets in more than one location but they are really shy, i've never managed to get a really good photo, one day perhaps.

Today is dry so far, quite cool but there is a promise of rain later, well i wasn't planning on doing much, we have the electrician in, replacing some stuff and fixing some poor wiring. All being well i'll get a short walk in later, well i will go for a walk as i need a few groceries but will it be a dry walk?

As for the rest of the week, well tomorrow i'm off for a ride in the morning then a friend is arriving from GOC for a long weekend. We haven't decided exactly what we're doing, there may be walking, possibly bikes, there could be some archaeolgy, maybe beer but mostly good company.

That's it for now, i'll be back on Sunday with more 'Tales of BlauHase', but for now,
Madeline Anafrid

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Visit the Oktoberfest? Thanks, but no thanks!

In 2019 I visited some friends on the outskirts of Munich during the time of the Oktoberfest. (It should be more properly be called Septemberfest, since it is actually held mostly in September.) During that trip I had to change trains in Nürenberg. While waiting there in the train station, I got to see a train arrive from Munich with people who had been at the Oktoberfest. It was disgusting to see people collapse unconscious on the platform, as well as others vomit all over the place!

According to a press report I saw today, so far the first aid stations at the Oktoberfest had at least 200 sorties per day just for alcohol over-consumption. Not to mention that the minimum price for a single “mug” of beer is €15.

For me personally, I find just the smell of beer to be nauseating.

In the late 1990s we had a brass band instructor from Germany. When he mentioned that he played in a brass band at the Oktoberfest, several band mates voiced a desire to also visit the Oktoberfest and indulge, he told us that the odor in the beer tents got so obnoxious that he could not stand to consume any alcoholic beverage any more.

the first

Maddy Bell's picture

Oktoberfest was indeed in mid October but it was brought forward to late September to get better weather, it always ends on the first weekend of October so it varies in length up to 17 days.

Over indulgence of alcohol happens everywhere, i'm sure that any Friday night throughout the year in any UK town of any size there will be casualties of the booze, in fact what you describe sounds like the aftermath of a Premier League football match! 200 'casualties' a day from the 6.4 million visitors is, if you'll excuse the pun, very small beer! And lets get this straight, you don't have to drink lots of beer in a big tent to have a good time, there are plenty of alternate beverages available on the site and lots of fairground rides and 'events' too.


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Many years ago

Lucy Perkins's picture

I was in Bavaria in late September, staying in Nurenburg, actually. At the time I was definitely on the wagon, having just survived three years as a student, and trying to let my innards recover.
Of course I went to Oktoberfest. Oh course I saw lots of drunks, but I also saw a lot of people having a great time, and really not giving a damn.
I think Maddy is right. I've seen much much worse on a Saturday night in Nottingham town centre. Fat German businessmen and women drinking beer? Weasly English teenagers drinking White lightning? It's pretty much all the same, but the craic at Oktoberfest made it all worth while.

"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."