To paraphrase Noddy Holder, 'So here it is, we've had Christmas, everybody did have fun, look to the future now, its all still to come!'
Yes, we are now in that strange period between the year's two biggest holiday celebrations, call it what you will, its always a strange time. Sadly I am back in England after spending the Christian festival in Germany, it was quite enjoyable if a little surreal, the ghost of the Weihnachtsmarkts running counterpoint to a variety of entertainments at the hotel - Sankt Niklaus finally making an appearance on Boxing Day! It all sounds exciting but I was only there due to my father paying for me - my budget for the week was a whole €25.
It was a nice change of scenery even if the travel was pretty tiring. Not that the travel is over - I've got another half day of coach travel tomorrow to return to my current abode, just in time for the New Year celebrations. I'm not exactly a party animal, I may slip on a posh frock and have a drink or two to welcome the new decade - it hardly seems anytime since we welcomed the new millennium.
I do have some plans for 2020, returning to some sort of financial stability is of course top of the list but there are other more esoteric entries which i'm sure i'll mention from time to time. Of course, I look forward to seeing some of you through the coming months, maybe we'll have a Gabycon this year and I hope to do some travelling too (destinations unknown for now!) I don't feel any need to make specific resolutions, whatever will be, will be and stating stuff publicly almost guarantees failure. One thing is for sure, on a personal level the next year can only be better than the last!
I wish you all an unexciting (excitement is over rated and usually impacts the finances in the negative!) and fulfilling 2020.
Whilst I haven't done much writing over the holiday period, I have utilised some of the travel time to pen, well tap, a short stand alone tale which you will get to see on Wednesday - so make a note to pop in for a read.
Today you get a chance to read, at no cost, here on Big Closet, chapter 18 of Express, Boyfriend Material. There will hopefully be a posting on New Year's Day, after I've been for the annual welcoming ride.
Amazon have finally sorted out the paperback versions of the last couple of Scaramouch releases so here are the links for anyone who is interested.

So that's it for today,
Mads">Lulu Digital
Lulu Print
Peace and good things, Mads.
I hope our tracks do cross in the future, maybe with a glass or two between us. Enjoy your New Year. Say hi to our friends for me will you?
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."