

I'm semi-retired and drive school bus. That means I'm right there with the school kids counting down the days till the breaks, like Christmas break. Then when it's here I relish the wonderful feeling of freedom that it gives.

Yet this Christmas, the call went out for a contest and being the masochist that I am I decided to enter. The length limit meant the the story was quickly knocked out. I've been sitting on this completed story for a few weeks now. Long enough to let it settle so I'm confident that self-editing will catch all the errors (well at least most).

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For what are we without love…….

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“If I have all the eloquence of men or of angels, but speak without love, I am simply a gong booming or a cymbal clashing. If I have the gift of prophecy, understanding all the mysteries there are, and knowing everything, and if I have faith in all its fullness, to move mountains, but without love, then I am nothing at all. If I give away all that I possess, piece by piece, and if I even let them take my body to burn it, but I am without love, it will do me no good whatever.

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Don't Respond


Sunday evening I received an email with all my personal, private, and financial data listed on it. A security breach at one of the health hospitals let them copy everything about me and a million others. They offered to sell the list back to me before they placed it on the darkweb for sale.

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Heaven or not……….

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I was sitting on the couch in my living room this evening, just catching up on my e-Mail from the last several days, while my wife watched TV. We had been watching the news, and when it went off the show ET came on. It was a special broadcast about Celine Dion, so she left it there even though she usually doesn’t watch that show.

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The reason for the season………


My wife and I had a nice dinner out this evening - December 25th is my youngest son’s fiancés birthday, so we all got together and surprised her with a dinner for her birthday at a nice local brew pub, Hank Hudson’s. We finally got to meet her parents (a very, very nice couple), and had a truly wonderful time. After, the two of us stopped and got a coffee, and then took a nice ride to look at all of the Christmas decorations - an annual tradition for us.

Without meaning to brag, the people at our house did a really spectacular job, lol.

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Looking for a story


I'm looking for a story that I probably read on this site.

Mankind has just started to get time travel reliably working. A university professors team goes back to France then England to do some research on an English war, maybe around the 17th or 18th century. One of the university techs pulls a stupid prank and has the professor, who will pose as the wife, materialize with HUGE breasts.

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lost post


Hi folks

I spent an hour doing a post earlier, hit the upload and now its gone. I can't be a@$d to try to recreate it

So the short is
i did stuff, theres stuff for you to read and i'll be doing more stuff.


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Need a Failure Icon


Instead of blogging this for attention it would be great if there was a failure icon to leave the data or glitch we have run into. Let's get to the crux of what is probably my problem and no one else.
Try to link on messages and I receive.

Access denied
You are not authorized to access this page.

This happens occasionally and it isn't that big of a deal. Sometimes it's because I have timed out and no longer logged in. So I tried to check if I was logged in and again received the same

Access denied
You are not authorized to access this page.

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So………, apparently……….

Someone thinks I should try writing a story, and thank you JoanneBarbarella, I am flattered. I know this is in conjunction with the recent blog about trying to get new authors involved here, and I truly am stunned that anyone would approach me.

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Looking for a story


I'm looking for a story that was published on BCTS. It consists of about 3 or 4 volumes worth of story. In the first volume mankind has spaceships. The main character is a young man who is something like a janitor or maintenance person. The ship is attacked by monsters that turn crewmen into more monsters. But something different happens with this young man and he winds up turning into a young woman with powers to fight back. Many of the battles occur on the microscopic level as the populations of "good" creatures fight the populations of "bad" creatures.

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Lot to Share

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Despite what many on this channel think of conservative news sites, if you aren't sampling them you only get half the story of life. The following is a lady who says she's a Christian. I would fault her on the following comment. Basically she is claiming if she dressed less like a woman and more like a man it would cure her husband of wanting to be what she no longer represented in the family..., a female. That is so wrong and so upside down in thinking and logic. Give it some thought yourself. She's okay dressing less as a female but he's wrong for dressing less as a male.

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There's got to be a story here

This is a free image from Upsplash. Photo by Florencia Viadana.

Really, the name of the store cries out for a TG author to write a story or maybe create a universe about the books inside. Transreal fiction

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Gentleman at Safeway


Yesterday, was the weekly shopping day. Being a Sunday, I dressed up a little more than I might have any other day. I was wearing a charcoal gray skirt that hit just below the knee and similarly colored top with faux jacket and light grey patterned front and long black coat. My make up was simple; true brown mascara and lipstick.

I was in the cereal aisle and attempted to pick up two Quaker Simply Granola in one hand.

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emotional rollercoaster


I want to take a few minutes to thank a sister who without her i think I would have given up. My admiration and love for her is great. Her wisdom knowledge and friendship means the world to me. Without calling her out by name i hope she realizes this is about her. She gave me the strength to move forwards when i was ready to give up . Sometimes we touch lives and we dont realize how important that touch is or that we may have saved a life . Thank you dear sister with all my love Lisa C

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If it was your husband Thank You’s

Now that the final segment of “If It Was Your Husband” has been posted, I’d like to take a few moments to reflect on the saga and say thank you to some of the folks that got involved with the story. This was the first serial I’ve ever posted. The only reason I posted as a serial was because of the length. I generally write at about 20K words or less, this one topped 40K before the epilogue. The epilogue added an additional 1500 words.

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If It Was Your Husband, 17 & 18 -- penultimate posting

The penultimate posting posting of "If It Was Your Husband" is up.

We see things start to settle in for Mike, but he's a bit gun shy and Alex has to offer moral support and advice on how to keep thing sanguine on the home front. Mike is nervous about exercising his recently granted freedom and Alex is there to take his mind off the uncertainty that invades Mike's mind.

We see Lisa struggle with doing the right thing by Mike and set aside her previous prejudice. In the light of day she comes to a good conclusion about how the rest of the world sees things.

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exactly when is Hallow'en?

Coulda sworn it was my mums birthday, 31st of October, just the one night if i recall but you wouldn't think so by the shops and decorations that have been festooning the streets for the last fortnight!

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Question for Drupal experts

Below is an abstract of the info on the "My Stories" page for "If It Was Your Husband"
It was taken at 6:20 PM on 2023/10/20. The story had been up on the site for about 6 and 1/2 hours. Yet, total hits showed 244 and daily hits showed 172. Given that the story was up for so short a time, shouldn't the total and daily hits have be the same?

Title                Date           Total Hits    Daily Hits
If It Was Your Husband Fri, 2023/10/20 - 10:53am    244       172
15 and 16 of 20

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IIWYH 15 and 16 is up.

"If It Was Your Husband" 15 and 16 is up. Much of the angst of the previous chapters has dissipated and our characters settle into a relationship approaching the status quo before all this happened.

Carrie seems to have gotten a little better at communicating with Alex. Though Carrie is still guiding him in how to progress, Alex has a little bit of forewarning about what she wants and there's some open discussion about the next step.

Things will progress at a pretty quick rate from here to the final posting. (Just two more.)

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Is it me, or are there more stories of questionable content being posted?

Maybe it’s just my perception, but it appears to me that recently there have been more stories on this site which seem to revolve around forced fem, rape, and other objectionable topics and actions.

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