
small body of water or a small stream?

small body of water or a small stream?

neither, Brook(e) while it does mean small body of water or small stream

In this case it is the new name of a main character of a story i cant remember the name or the author of, and most importantly much plot

MC changes school, to boarding school, can't remember if this is because change from middle to high school

can't remember if Brook is MC's name and mistake in gender is assumed as someone spelled Brook with an e

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Time to binge read "My Summer in Pantyhose" by Jeremy Chandler.

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I've finished writing what I'm calling a "Prologue of My Continuation of My Summer in Pantyhose." It's a chapter by chapter summary of the 24 chapters posted by Jeremy Chandler. The intended purpose is to allow those who've read the original to refresh their memories as to what gone on up to this point.

If you haven't read the original, this probably isn't for you. Binge read "My Summer in Pantyhose" instead.

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A Backup or Writing


There are several choices for a backup for all our hard efforts at writing.The hundreds of hours gone when a computer or only the HD crashes are hours one can't replace. Floppies and then disks, and now jump drives but if a computer gets corrupted even if it's an MS update. It happened and it wanted to rewrite all my files. It's been months since I removed my jump drive not letting it get close to the computer as I looked for my Win 10 disk to reinstall a fresh un updated win. Blocked Edge and Win updates from touching my computer again but the damage had been done.

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Debate regarding gender violence in Germany

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The German Green Party has proposed the creation of “women only” train cars for the underground network in the capital city of Berlin, due to the huge increase of sexual assaults and rapes in the last ten years. This proposal has caused a huge backlash from most other sectors of the German society.

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Question: Nearly ready to post my continuation of Jeremy Chandlers tale.

I'm nearly ready to post my continuation of Jeremy Chandler's "My Summer in Pantyhose." I've continued it to the 2nd week in September. While it obviously leaves the reader wanting more, the title limits the tale to the "summer," so it ends with just a glimpse of what may be to come.

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Have you read, "My Summer in Pantyhose," by Jeremy Chandler?

I'm looking for someone who's read "My Summer in Pantyhose," by Jeremy Chandler. I've picked up that story and written a fan-fiction completion. I've taken Jamie through the summer and ended the tale in September when Jamie's a freshman in high school.

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Ayla Black? Story search


I'm trying to find a Harry potter fanfic. I'm fairly certain it's called Ayla Black, but my results turned up nothing. It's one where HP goes to the goblins, and they perform a ritual, with permission, to remove magic from HP, cast on them by Dumbles. If it's the one I'm thinking of, she inherits the black family titles, frees sirius, and reforms bella. There wad something about a private island too. Any help appreciated

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Being treated like a woman.

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Today, as I sat in my car after grocery shopping. It occurred to me that once again, I had an offer of assistance from a man as I was hoisting 40# box of kitty litter into my cart. I already had it lifted to the top of the basket so that it rested there as I braced to put inside. I said, "I've got the hard part done, but thank you anyway."

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Another Mental Health self-help resource

Through the recommendations by the YouTube algorithm I “stumbled” upon another self-help resource that can help me with my mental health challenges. And I want to share that resource with the rest of our community here, since so many have expressed their personal struggle with mental health challenges.

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Coming out

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A thing happened today. After screwing, glueing, nailing my courage to the sticking place, and procrastinating like a pro, I came out to my wife of 40 years. She took it well. We still love each other, and she declared my feminine side irrelevant to our relationship, though she reserved the right to take the piss at any of my antics.
Hands still shaking.

Love to all.

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A “Touch Starved” person in Germany

Today one of the “Random Solo” recommendations was Touch Starved by Bailey Summers (her main story content page is here). We would all do well read this powerful, raw and painful story. Despite the “Adult Oriented” rating this story is absolutely NOT erotica, graphic sex or porn, but just pure emotional pain and desperation, that fortunately ends in a glimmer of hope.

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To shoe, or not to shoe……..

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I was perusing some older stories this evening - as I often do. A comment by another reader at the end of a current story got me started looking at an older story I had not seen before, which in turn led me to going through an author’s previous works. As a coincidence, it was an author whose work I had read quite a lot of before, but I decided to go through some of her solo work I had not previously read. I tend to be attracted more to multi-part stories or serials rather than solo stories, and as such I had ignored her solo works for the most part, much to my loss.

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Yesterday was my 39th wedding anniversary……..

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Yeah, 39 years……… probably 38 more than I deserve, lol.

I fully expected that my marriage was over a decade ago when my spouse and I had our first discussion about my gender dysphoria. And then again multiple times after that, but especially when I told her I was going to transition.

We had gone through a lot, between my time in the service and the ensuing issues it left, to my civilian career which kept me away from home about 75 to 80% of the time, and then eventually due to my gender issues.

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Interview: Hilary Cass 6 months on

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Six months after her report into gender care for children, BBC Women's Hour interviewed Hilary Cass

What I hear in this interview is not what I expected after reading much of what I read about the report.

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I need to be alone, but get sick from being lonely

I have been struggling for a long time on how to formulate this post on a deeply personal issue. While sharing this personal struggle that is affecting my own mental health, it is also a request (maybe even a cry) for help to members of this community located towards the north-west of Germany.

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Rethinking strategies in a relationship that changes

Many of us who struggle with gender identity also struggle with many other emotional issues and even neurodivergence. There is PTSD, ADHD, OCD, autism spectrum, depression and anxiety, to name some of the heavies. That list is most definitely not exhaustive, but it contains the issues that are most prevalent and/or that cause the most collateral issues for us.

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Transgender Suicide is up Seventy Percent


When all hope of living the life they are driven to find and live, there is only one final solution.

Nothing I can write will make this go away nor make it better. The transgender suicide rate already was more than all other classes of people combined. We need understanding, we need support, we need to be able to live our life the same as anyone else. God give me guidance what I need to do to support these girls. What more can I do to tell the world they don't chose transgender. It is not a choice for them.

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Legal enquiry


If an author has disappeared (i.e. passed away, hasn't posted an entry on the website or any other reasons) who has permission to legally take over another authors' story if a person has ideas to continue a story.

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Funny thing with FaceBook

A few years ago, Facebook maintained that my password was not as I remembered it and locked me out of my Facebook page. In order to "prove" that I was who I said I was and entitled to access my page I need to pick four friends from a list of six that Facebook supplied who could be sent a code and forward it to me outside FB. I could then list those codes and regain my FB page.

One of those listed was Wren Phoenix. So meant I needed to get four responses from only five possibles. I could only manage responses from two and so remained locked out of my FB page.

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Now you’ve done it………

I jumped on the site this evening just to see if there were any new posts I was interested in reading, only to be reminded of a terrible loss. What did I see? Beyond The Pale By Elsbeth.

It has now been some four and one half years since Elsbeth last posted here - and I still miss her. She possessed a unique talent and my world is more than little less bright without her in it.

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Gods, my closet is full of jeans and shorts. Looking for brick and mortar plus size dress shops and some new shoes that are trans friendly getting tired of online buy, try, return, routine, because of bad fit. Clothes are something you need to try on in person. Seems like covid-19 decimated the in-person shopping. in the Midwest area, guess it's Kohls and J C Penny's, sighs Dora

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Jeremy Chandler

Does anyone know how to get a hold of Jeremy Chandler. I see he posted here in February this year. I have an email address for him, but just now I sent an email to it and it bounced before I could even look at my next email.

I talked with him a couple of years ago about the possibility of contributing a chapter or two to "My Summer in Pantyhose" when he was having trouble moving on with the story, but at that time, I couldn't wrap my head around the storyline well enough to do so.

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Recomendation of a video about cross-dressing

I had a very interesting video recommended to me by the YouTube algorithm. The video “Top 5 Benefits of Crossdressing in Public 2024” looks at both directions of cross-dressing, It also explores the individual and societal benefits of cross-dressing.

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