
Finally, someone stands up for what is right……..

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It only took until day two of his presidency, but finally someone stood up and had the guts to tell the Orange Idiot to his face what millions should be saying. That there are very, very good people who are scared to death because of what he and his cronies are trying to do - people who have done nothing to hurt anyone else, who have done nothing but try to make a better life for themselves or their families.

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Today evil reared it’s ugly head once again…….

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Isaac Asimov said, “Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.” Although his intent was clear, in that the incompetent resort to violence as they can think of no other action to take, he is inherently wrong. The Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 attempted to outlaw war as an act of national policy, but it has obviously failed. The simple fact is that throughout history, war has been much more the norm than peace.

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My Summer in Pantyhose posting error

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Mea Culpa...

In my master document, i misnumbered chapters resulting in two chapters 37. As a result of that, the second Chapter 37 never got posted. That resulted in a continuity error. A new member, maerga galva, called my attention the continuity error; thank you Maerga.

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okay another help....


I'm look for another transgender story. It "MAY" be a Karin Bishop story, not sure. But it has a snippet in New York with a look at Eloise of New York hotel fame. Where Eloise staid in the hotel which "supposedly" has a gift shop in her name. The protagonist has to pretend she knows about her.

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Help wanted finding a story...

The story begins with a guy trying to hide. He goes to Northern California and is camping out, I believe on the outskirts of Yosemite. He transforms into a young girl, is found, taken to LA/Hollywood, becomes a star and ends up adopted. Please help me find this story. Thanks!


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PC wording in the doctors notes

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Last week, I blogged about taking my wife to the doctor. As I mentioned in that blog, I was wearing obvious women's pants and tops and had my hair fixed in a way that would lend itself to reinforce my gender presentation. The point of that blog was to highlight how relaxed my wife has become about how I'm dressed when we are out and about together.

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My wife's interesting relaxing attitude.

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We're getting older. Come March I'll join the ranks of the octogenarians. My wife is only two years younger. Like many of us, as I get older I feel the need to live as my real self more often and more completely. Props to my wife for dealing with a non-binary gender expressing person. (Read transgender in denial.) Five decades ago, when she caught me dressed and we talked about it she said, "Do it if you must, but don't let me see it.

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Stay safe in Storm Blair

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I see severe winter marching across from Kansas to DC. Please stay safe, our sisters and brothers in its path, and preferably under cover and off the roads. The temps and snowfall make our disruptive UK winter weekend a mere shower by comparison.

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Sorry it's a day late ... My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 36 is up

My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 36 is up. Sorry it's a day late. As a school bus driver I'm on winter break (remember when they used to call it Christmas break?) and somehow I lost track of what day of the week it was. :oP

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Keep The Girls Safe


With everything coming via laws passed and court battles it seems in their infinite wisdom our legislators and judges in state and federal government know more than The Almighty. In their own self righteous stupidity, ignorance, and bigotry they have pronounced My God only makes perfect males and females. Ignoring the reality babies may be born blind, missing arms, autistic, or hundreds of other genetic non perfect male or female, the ruling elite focused on transgender.

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For those who want a central location for all My Summer in Pantyhose

I've been endeavoring to learn how to do organizational pages. I'd like to thank Sephrena for patiently tutoring me in that effort. She walked me through the organizational page for the, "If It Was Your Husband," page, helped me when my boo-boos made me tear my hair.

"If It Was Your Husband," was a practice session for me. What I really wanted to do was organize "My Summer in Pantyhose." Jeremy Chandler did 24 chapters listed on his author page and I took up the story and have completed another 19 chapters plus an epilogue.

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Power outage Christmas present.

We had a great Christmas Day at my daughter's house marred only by the fact that my grandson and his new wife were ill and couldn't make it. We got home shortly after 10 in the evening. I was just catching up on the goings on here on BCTS when the first power outage hit. It was a minute later that it came back. Not to unusual for my little town that only has two feed lines from the electrical grid. Then about five minutes later, we heard a loud boom and the lights went out. No doubt, a transformer blew.

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Late posting of My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 33

To all of you who were anxiously waiting for the next chapter of "My Summer in Pantyhose," mea culpa, mea culpa. Christmas Eve got away from me. It's a big cooking day and a lot of prep going on.

I should have posted in the morning before the rush of the day hit. But I remembered that there were a few things that didn't make it onto the shopping list and the Sentry Market in our town has a habit of closing at noon on Christmas Eve. So after breakfast I headed to the store.

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Just a short note to wish everyone…..


Here’s wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!

I had a wonderful Christmas Eve with family and friends, and now as I lay down for my long winter’s nap I just wanted to say thank you to all of my friends here on this site, to all those who have been there for me when I was down and in need of a kind word, and to all of the wonderful authors who have helped me through some very trying times in my life.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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Attn: Admin. Trying my hand at an organizational page.

I'm trying my hand at an organizational page. I think I've got it. I've tried it out in preview and it works. I'm going to copy and past the body content to my word processor so that I can reproduce it.

I'm not sure where it will end up. I'm reluctant to just hit "Save" and hope that every thing is really ready. Can someone give me a hint as to what I can expect.

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This is just me, blowing off steam, and putting my thoughts in order…….

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The last few days have not been great for me. My spouse managed to ruin my holidays - something she has always been very adept at over the nearly forty years we have been married. Yesterday, the mail arrived as I was walking past our front door. You see, in my neighborhood, the mail carrier walks from house to house delivering incoming mail and picking up outgoing mail.

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Christmas, God, and Emma Anne Tate………

Yeah, I know, which of these things is not like the others? LOL - believe it or not, they have a lot in common this evening.

I had just finished reading Emma’s latest posting this evening, part 6 of 8 of her story Who Makes Intercession, and was leaving a comment when my youngest son came in the house - he was eating dinner with us this evening. I finished typing my comment regarding Emma’s story, and got up to eat dinner.

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Please Act and Dress Appropriately


Stopped as the wheels don't seem to want to roll unless there is a high priced liquid in the tank. A horse would be more expensive. Guess I'll stick with the old jalopy until I can train the goats to pull a cart. Life is so expensive any more.

Lady pulled into the pump behind me. I was at the back of my get mobile and she was at the front of hers. It was kind of a mutual greeting when she looked me up and down. "Are you a rodeo queen?"

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An eventful day


So here I am, in deepest Germany, things were going swimmingly until this afternoon. Yep I’ve been to markets, eaten lots of weird and wonderful food, matched that with drink and even had a ride on the Schwebebahn!

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Cathartic crying from music

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Due a scarcity of spoons I am just now sharing this for me very cathartic experience with you all, even though it happened late on Wednesday afternoon and into the late evening.

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Hobbes get a new best friend.


Looking at Facebook and ran across this. I'm plagiarizing it in total. Note that the story has Calvin giving Hobbes to his grandson Francis and then look at the picture.

"Calvin? Calvin, sweetheart?"

In the darkness Calvin heard the sound of Susie, his wife of fifty-three years. Calvin struggled to open his eyes. God, he was so tired and it took so much strength. Slowly, light replaced the darkness, and soon vision followed. At the foot of his bed stood his wife. Calvin wet his dry lips and spoke hoarsely, "Did... did you.... find him?"

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To readers of my continuation of "My Summer in Pantyhose"

I appreciate the Kudos. What I'm wondering is just how well did I do in picking up the storyline and the writing style that Jeremy Chandler used.

It was a stretching of my writing skills to run multiple story arcs at the same time. I had particular trouble keeping multiple time lines running parallel. That and I haven't written in third person in years.

So what do you think; did I accomplish my goal of making a seamless transition of authors and did I do a credible job of taking the story where it needs to go?

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I was priveleged to read a new addition to a story this morning…….

Fake It Till You Make It, and the main character, Holly, expressed how thankful she was on her first Thanksgiving as her real self. It made me cry, and it made me think of all the things I have to be thankful for.

I truly have much to be thankful for, as I expect most of us do if we think about it for a moment.

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Holiday week posting My Summer in Pantyhose

This week having a holiday on Thursday, I'm posting a day early; Monday and Wednesday rather than Tuesday and Thursday.

Next week I will revert to Tuesday and Thursday as planned.

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