Hi all
A few years ago l read the first 4 chapters of a story by Lorraine B on crystals storysite entitled the alien within or holy crap there's an alien in my bed at the time she said the story would continue with part 5 war children which i later discovered on another web site.
After re reading the story this weekend and trying to find the 5th chapter l am coming up with nothing does anybody on this site know where I can find this chapter or did anybody else copy and save it if you did could you let me have a copy.
Many thanks and hugs in advance.
Part 5
A little looking around my archives and a little googling shows that part 5 - War Child was posted on Stardust and Sapphire at one point.
The Wayback Machine can probably be used to get it off Sapphire's. Apparently, the series was posted as 3 parts on Sapphire. However, Lorraine never looks like had finished the story as far as I can tell.
The Alien Within or Holy Crap, There's An Alien In My Bed!
Hi kimmie
Thank you for the information war children is part 3 on sapphires place and would have been chapter 5 on crystals storysite thank you again for pointing me in the right direction.
Here are the Chapters
Chapter 1 https://www.storysite.org/story/alienwithinorholycra~01.html
Chapter 2 https://www.storysite.org/story/alienwithinorholycra~02.html
Chapter 3 https://www.storysite.org/story/alienwithinorholycra~03.html
Chapter 4 https://www.storysite.org/story/alienwithinorholycra~04.html
Chapter 5 Could Not Find (War Child)
ps: As an aside, Lorraine B. may no longer even be alive :*(
War child
That was indeed written.
The only place that had it was on Sapphire's site, which is no longer active but can be found at internetarchive.org.
I have my own copy of the Sapphire file.
However since the author is likely deceased, it would be hard to post it here.
Not too sure about that.
Admin would have to sign of on that, but I think that a disclaimer at the beginning of each chapter stating that it is posted without permission (similar to what I did with "My Summer in Pantyhose" would suffice. I think that unless someone were to claim copyright and complain, the story would be OK here.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann