Well here i am, back in Sheffield after the briefest stop in Brizzle. Of course its all due to ore trip events, sorting out Dad's affairs and possessions, stuff that we were unable to do before our departure. Hopefully tomorrow / Tuesday we will be able to move things toward a conclusion. With a following wind i'll be returning south by the weekend, fingers crossed.
So lets catch up. Thursday was our return to the UK but with best part of the day free before we needed to head to the airport we got in some extra Berlin time, first a bit of shopping around the Ku'damm then it was up to the Brandenburg Gate before a long walk took us to Checkpoint Charlie and other tourist hotspots on our way to take the train for our flight. After our previous transport 'issues', everything ran smoothly, no rail delays, straight through security, a late burger lunch then through to the gate, our flight even departed on time. It was only once we were over the UK that things went nipples up, turbulance combined with high cabin pressure had me almost screaming in pain as my eardrum almost imploded, an instrument landing due to very low visibility (at times the wing tips were not in sight!), we landed in a wet Bristol. The final legs of the journey went well, even our airport transit was short, mostly taken walking from the gate.
Friday was the trip up to GOC, no detours this time but Thursdays wet ending was replaced by sunshine and we reached Sheffield mid afternoon. It was a very bittersweet affair, Saturday though we needed to get on with sorting Dad's possessions, not that he had many personal bits, we got a bit further than expected so all is good.
Today, well we had a day off ahead of what will be an intense week and took a trip out to a museum on the Wirral to enjoy the weather.
The trip was a mixed bag for me, some new experiences for sure but i was reminded at every turn of trips with both my parents to almost all of our stops. So at times i felt great sadness, others it was joy at new discoveries. Overall i think i've come out on the plus side but at times, and even as i write this, the sadness weighs heavy, the tears never far away. As for things going forward, well i worry for my brother, he's never been alone before, when i return to Brizzle he has no one. It's not as bad for me in that respect, i have folk around me, i have my kiddlings, he has, well, me i suppose.
Hopefully, i'll be able to string some words together soon, i have some new ideas and potential plot lines from my trip so fingers crossed. I do have to apologise, the start of posting the next Gaby book should have commenced today but whilst i have some net time i don't actually have the files with me, here's hoping for next week.
I'll leave you now, with luck, by my next post things here in GOC will all be sorted or close to and we can move on and return to the new normal.
Madeline Anafrid