I think it is the rain that's falling down.
Leastways it was certainly making a right din earlier.
The back end of the week has been smote by some quite autumnal weather as we pass the September Equinox, strong winds carrying quite a bit of liquid has meant my riding has been curtailed somewhat - when you don't have to go out, when you can ride whenever you want pretty much, why go out in the wet and wind? What it has meant this week is that instead of 100km rides i've only done 50km and those have been close enough to base that i could make a quite quick run back if the weather got too unpleasant.
After said short ride on Thursday, Aunty Bev ferried myself and my broken bike to the bike shop - the new bus is really good for such jobs which was the whole point. Anyhow, i got the call Friday lunchtime that the work was done so i made my way out to Keynsham (there are closer bike shops but the ones i've tried have verged on incompetent, this one has so far been very good - not that i use workshops much). The new bits were installed, the bill was reasonable and i was soon bowling along, happy as a sandgirl, Foxy is a fine bike but the Mares is somewhat plusher to ride.
Another short ride on Saturday actually filled most of the day which brings us around to today. My Little Bro was to be in Bath for work so i'd arranged to meet him - that was before the 'weather' came in so rather than use a bike i've ended up using motorised transport. It's been a different day, some time with a familiar face, organising some stuff for my next visit to GOC in November and enjoying a relaxed excursion.
I've posted the next Gaby chapter, Pink Flamingo for your enjoyment, life on the road is of course never going to be straightforward for our favourite girl, oh the trials!
And thank you one and all for your response to the 'short', Parental Consent that i posted last Wednesday, maybe my creative juices haven't totally evaporated!
So to close, the weather is looking better as we head into the new week so i'm hoping to get some longer rides in, i'll be back on Wednesday but for now,
Madeline Anafrid