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Cynthia and the High School Years - Part 1 - Chapter 11 Posted

I just couldn't stand it and had to post this chapter instead of waiting another day or two. I am really very proud of it. This chapter brings us to the second major event in Cyndy's life. Her transformation being the first one. Please let me know if you like what I did. There are still two chapters remaining in Part 1 to try to straighten this mess out.

:) Portia

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The Chosen~Withdrawn

Please note that due to adverse comments and because of the subject matter, I have regretfully decided to un-publish the story.

I may return to the story at a later time, but at the moment I will not do so.

I apologise to all my readers as I hate not finishing the story which was to be one of resistance and fortitude but I am aware of the current sensitivity about minors in stories and I have taken the decision not to continue.


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Sarah Carerra - 1.22 - Happy Birthday, Aunt Judy

My nervousness turned to outright anxiety when the door swung open and the inviting smell of a roast wafted out past my cousin Katy.

Sarah Carerra
Chapter 22 - Happy Birthday, Aunt Judy
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2010 Megan Campbell
Released: February 15, 2010

To Whom It May Concern...,

I've only now learned of the departure of Margaret Jeanette, a prolific writer whose work appears on FM. I have, on occassion been entertained by her work and am saddened that our small community has become somewhat smaller, and dimmer.

She passed on Feb. 4th and requested that her body be buried with a smile, and that laughter permiate the celebration of her life. I urge those who might be interested to read the details at the beginning of her last story.

Lil Kelly

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Wow! just looked

on my account and realized i've just celebrated my first birthday, Thanks everyone for making my time here so very enjoyable, But most of all my thanks to Erin and all her helpers, Because without all there hard work, I would'nt be writing this.

Over the year i have been reading all the wonderful stories posted on BCTS, I have seen more and more authors realize that if they want there work published on a site which tries to respect everyone's views then this is the place to be. Long may that continue.

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Tranquility-Sorcerer/ Sorceress C-06-37

Chapter 06

Training of the children continues throughout the morning with each of the children given another chance to link and to move a small object from one place to another. Andrew and Alexandra carefully guide them while providing explanations. Each time the child is cautioned not to try it alone but to always have either Andrew or Alexandra with them until other Sorcerers or Sisters are able to help.

The Transformation of Gwri - Part 5 of 10

Part 5 of 10

Linen Gift;
Harvest stalks, then cast adrift,
crush and weave into a swath,
craft the cloth to hide your shift.

With his friends placed into the sleep of the ages, by Fintan Mac Gabhann, a minion of the mischievous Goban Saor, Gwri is forced to serve them in their plot to strike back at Brarn the Reaver. Set before him was six tasks to gather six items. This is the tale of the third of those tasks.

DSM-V "Gender Incongruence"

I ran accross this nugget:

A commentary on the proposed changes to the DSM-IV for the new DSM-V, dropping the "Identity Disorder" from the name tag and reduce the stigma of it being a mental illness.
It would become "Gender Incongruence"
Also for the posties out there, good news! They want a fully transitioned person to be diagnosed as fully cured. This can be an issue in several career paths.
They wish to remove the sexuality aspect from it as well, gender incongruence and sexuality being two different issues.

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So, Here I am - Chapter 1

by Hilltopper


Yes, here I am, 62 years old and waiting in my hospital bed to be prepped for SRS. WOW! I can not believe it is here. It has been a long struggle; a journey with lots of ups and downs. Mary, my spouse, is here with me, dozing in the chair beside me. If someone had told me that I would be at this point even a year ago, I would have laughed at them or maybe cried. But, here it is. I think that I hear the nurse coming.

Dick Francis, British Mystery Champion Dies

Dick Francis, author of dozens of popular mystery novels has died. He was 89. Most of his stories were set in the world of racing, where he had once been a champion jockey.

I have on the table beside my computer, two Dick Francis novels I found in a used bookstore that I have never read. His latest book, co-cuthored by his son, Felix, (I think it is called Silks), I also have not read. I may have missed a few more, here and there over the years but will doubless find, read and enjoy them as I have all of his work.

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I Keep a Close Watch on This Heart of Mine

When I set out to tell the story of Bob Isle and Mattie Grant in I’ll Grant You My Wish I decided to draw heavily from my youth. In my original outline, Bob’s a twelve-year old boy who is dragged into femininity by a domineering Mrs. Grant who is seriously disturbed by the loss of her own daughter. In the end, Bob decides he has to stand up to Mrs. Grant and rebels. Since he is basically a nice boy, when he puts his foot down it is done quite gently.

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Margaret Jeanette

I found out today that Margaret Jeanette died a couple of weeks ago. On her last story to be posted is a note from the story editor which releates why the story would be the last one written which was written before the editor found out about her death. That note makes very sad reading on it's own. Few of us would have known about Margaret's suffering and for the second time this week it took me close to tears. First I read about Andrea's nightmare and now Margaret's. Why do all the good people have to suffer.

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On the Flip Side, Chapter 7

Chapter 7

"What in the world could it be?" Mom said as I opened the package Maria sent me.

I honestly had no idea. It came as a complete surprise.

"Books!" I said.

It also included a note.

"These were mine when I was your age. Katie and Sasha are too young. Thought you might enjoy Jane Austen's books. Love, Marie."

There were three books: Emma, Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility.

"I read those when I was your age, too," Mom said. "I never thought I'd be saying this, but it's really a thoughtful gift. You need to call her and thank her."


I've come to realize that what many authors have said, many time, really is true. It's a lot more work to write a story than to read it. "Real Life" can intrude on time to write, as can other literary commitments. Nice encouraging comments, or comments that point out perceived flaws, but include suggestions on how to rectify them, are greatly appreciated.

However, seeing a comment or PM that basically says "yeah, you posted something, but when will you get back to the other bit" is very disheartening.

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Now I lay me down to sleep.

I pray the Lord, my soul to keep.

If I should die, before I wake

I pray the Lord, my soul to take.

this is not a suicide note. it's only me, trying to deal with more loss than anyone should have to.

I'm tired, and I want to sleep...that's all...just sleep. Don''t call. Don't message. Just let me sleep. at least in sleep, I can dream I've not lost.


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Football Girl ~ Chapter 33

When I got up the next morning I felt like death warmed up. My period was still in full swing and so were the cramps in my tummy–not forgetting my mood, that was up and down like a yo-yo...
Football Girl
Chapter 33

By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2010 Susan Brown

VC Update

Well, I've finally finished re-reading all of Venus Cursed! and the side stories so that I could get back into it. I have some new ideas on how to proceed, and will be starting with yet another side story. This one will actually begin around chapter 23 or so of the main story. Once it catches up with the main story line I'll continue it, and the other side stories. As usual, I'll have links at the bottom of each chapter to the appropriate chapter in the main story, and will add links to those chapters of Venus Cursed!, as well.

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Dr. Who Short Story contest - winners stories published in audio book

For all of you that are Dr. Who fans, check out this link

The Return of Short Trips

Big Finish Audio is looking for submissions of short stories, under 2500 words to include on new audio books, to be read by professional actor/actresses.

These stories have to feature Dr's 1 - 8.

I know this isn't TG but I know that some of our author's are Dr. Who fans, and might just enjoy the chance to have something published.

Good luck to you all!



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Some things about Dream Lover

Just a few words about the story Hope and I are working on for all you inquiring minds out there. First, I looked and unlike the Bikini Beach stories found nothing about MAU being closed. If I missed something there I profusely apologize to both Elrod and everyone else.

We are sticking with the canon, in that the machines work for about four days before shutting down. The grad students have just been having way too much fun experimenting in a few days time, which Hope and I will address in the next few chapters as the story unfolds.

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Yak Breeding for Beginners

(I thought that title would grab your attention! Sadly, it's not original - it's mentioned in a story on this site. All will become clear if you read further!)

I've finally taken a bit of time to do something with a project I started a while back.

The project was inspired by tales told of Yak Breeding (sorry, Wuthering Dormice), and the aim was to skim through the chapters and produce one line summaries of the main event(s) of each. Easier said than done, and I initially gave up after the first 40.

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I do wish people wouldn't do this!

I was reading an excellent story and one of the comments was and I quote:

This story is very similar to another story posted.....

I hate to see this sort of comment as the implication, to me anyway, is that the story might in some way be plagiarism, even if that isn't the intended meaning.

A lot of my stories have had that sort of comment and I must admit that I take it personally.

The writers of those comments might mean something like 'Oh, I like this so try that story', but it doesn't read that way.

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A little computer help please?

So, I have been wanting two monitors run off the same computer for a while, and yesterday went to Best Buy to see if they had a vid card that would do that. Well, according to them, I already have one in my computer.

They sold me a HDMI cable, and the old style cable is hooked to one monitor and the HDMI is hooked to the other one. When I was booting, both monitors did display some text but now that it is fully up and running, I only get stuff on one monitor; the one that uses the old style cable.

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Metamorpho-sis Part 3 of 3 (1st Song of the Kylie Warren Saga)

(1st Song of the Kylie Warren Saga)
Part 3 of 3

Things are different now, when I walk by
You start to sweat and you don't know why
It gets me nervous, but it makes me calm

Love is blind?

It seems as there are some people for whom garments that cover the entire face can be useful/necessary, wherever in the world they may be...

Courtesy of El Reg (an online IT news tabloid) here:

A Dubai man whose fiancée kept her charms hidden under a niqab opted for a quick divorce after his first glimpse beneath the veil revealed she was cross-eyed and sported a beard.

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Skipper! Chapter 15

Skipper! by Beverly Taff


This chapter is a complete re-write of the old chapter 15 and it explores new developments in Skipper's life. From here on there are new chapters that take the story beyond what is posted on Fictionmania.


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