General Audience (pg)

What does it take to be a good mommy?

A good mommy is one that is there for you,
through thick and thin.
A good mommy has a kind soul and a good heart,
but she will protect you from all evil.
A good mommy is firm and subtle,
yet loving and caring.
A good mommy will understand you no matter what,
You are all that and more.

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Update re: Health Problem

It appears, at least on the surface, that whatever is going on in my nether parts is not least on first examination. More tests will be run when I get to the VA hospital and further causes/ solutions will be found/discussed. A partial orchiectomy is not out of the question, although I will lobby for taking both as long as they are going to be taking one. I mean, as long as they are RIGHT know?

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100 Votes - Thanks!

Just a quick "Thank you!" to all who've been reading, voting and commenting on my stories over the past fortnight...

Petra's Outing - 1,762 hits, 101 votes, 35 comments.
Petra: I Will Survive - 229 hits, 18 votes, 2 comments.
The Genie - 1,670 hits, 83 votes, 15 comments.

All together: 3,661 hits, 202 votes, 52 comments.
(Stats as of 3rd Feb, 00:30 GMT)

Yes, my first story, Petra's Outing, has managed to acquire over 100 votes (so that probably translates as at least 50 of you clicking the button), and all three together have accrued over 200.

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The Princess and the Plague: 49

The Princess and the Plague
Part 49
By Anistasia Allread

“So what is Aunt Carrie like?” Erika asked her father as he pulled into the parking structure at the airport.

“I haven't seen her in a very long time.” he stated distracted by trying to find a parking space. “She was banished from my families gatherings.”

“Were you banished too?” Erika asked. “We don't go to them either.”


What Mother Didn't Know - Chapter 22 - Mommy Sue

What Mother Didn't Know - Chapter XXII - Mommy Sue

Part I - Taking care of Angela.

I went back upstairs when I heard Angie crying. I went in the bedroom, and saw she had fallen off of the bed. I picked her up and held her and told her everything was fine because her big sithy was here. She put her head against my breast and just sobbed and sniffled. I kissed her on the forehead, and asked her if she was hungry. She said yes, but she needed changing first. I changed her, and put the wet diaper in the diaper pail, and took her downstairs.

Petra: I Will Survive

February Music Motif Challenge
Petra: I Will Survive
by mittfh
Copyright © 2010 Ben Norwood.
Creative Commons License

Contains lyrics from "I Will Survive", written by Freddie Perren and Dino Fekaris - © 1978 Polydor Records

Synopsis: I've been mulling over the possibility of writing a sequel to Petra's Outing and doing something for the Challenge, when I realised a perfect opportunity to set the challenge within the context of Petra. This is set "the morning after the night before", at Kim's flat.

N.B. Think of this as a cut scene from Petra: The Aftermath, the (as yet unwritten) sequel to Petra's Outing, taking place immediately after that story ends.

N.N.B. This is completely unedited - this is more-or-less a stream of conciousness. Gedit thinks it's spelled correctly, but whether it makes any grammatical sense or is properly punctuated is another matter entirely... :)

A Question About Authors

I have noticed that there are a ew authors who have absolutely nothing in their folders. no blogs, no storiries, nothing at all. WHY? Janet Stickney who has stories else where is here, but no stories, and Christina Chase is listed as an author, but is a character.

May Your Light Forever Shine

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Pope attacks UK Equality Bill

(Saw this article at work, and decided to be very naughty and beat Angharad to blogging about it!)

(effectively the same article, just rephrased slightly.)

The Pope has urged Catholic bishops in England and Wales to fight the UK's Equality Bill with "missionary zeal".

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I don't know how to say this, but I might have a serious health problem.

I have recently become aware of a growth in a very sensitive internal area. There is some minor pain associated with it. I am scheduled to see a doctor today and, depending on his diagnosis, I may have to go to Buffalo for surgery, since the V.A. is the only health provider I have.

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Edeyn Okay, just so folks know what's going on... My typing speed has slowed. Dramatically.

It's infuriating.

Anyway, I am still working on things, but I can type somewhere between half and 2/3 as fast as I used to be able to do. Faster than that is not even a possibility most of the time, and when it is a possibility, it hurts to do it. A lot. Like me cradling my arm and weeping uncontrollably for about an hour painful.

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TransBike-Valentine's Wish

TransBike-March Winds Wish

By Stanman63
Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for editing!

Synopsis:When a Trans-Woman who has created three memoriable stories and immortal characters finally meets the Dapper Gentleman and the TransBike, she finds her special wish to become a genetic woman is granted, thanks to the love of her many friends.

Brandon vs Sarah

Brandon vs Sarah

Sarah wants to go to a party with her friends but she has been tasked to watch Brandon. The party is a girls only event. The only exception is the brother of party host that Sarah is attracted to. Sarah hopes to get time with him but only if she can get to the party. None of the girls want to stay behind and miss Sarah’s rendezvous with her prospective beau.

Even though Brandon has witnessed many of Sarah’s pranks before he is still caught in off guard.

On the Flip Side, Chapter 4

Chapter 4

"But I don't want to quit!" I yelled at Mom as she tended to my fat lip and black eye.

"I was afraid this was going to happen," she said to Coach Mills outside of the principal's office.

"Lucas, you should have made me aware you were being teased," Coach Mills said. "I know you were being tough because you're a boy. But you're also in the seventh grade. You are younger and smaller than those boys are."

What happened? One boy pulled a pair of briefs underwear over my head. Another one shoved me in my locker and tried to lock the door.

The Transformation of Gwri - Part 1 of 10

Part 1 of 10 - Prelude

To subvert your will to vengeance requires you to throw yourself to something with no understanding of mercy. So it will use you, take from you your very being, in the pursuit of its end. And if victory is achieved, then vengeance will toss you aside, unneeded and forgotten.

But first there needs to be something avenged.

Status of stories in The Home That Love Built Universe being posted elsewhere

So far, I have posted the stories, with the exception of Megumi-Chan's, to the TG fiction list, and Sapphire's Place. I have begun posting them to Stardust, and Piper will be hosting them at her site as well.

As soon as I hear from Megumi, I will include her story along with the others. Thank you writers for your help, co-operation, and involvement with this new universe. As you all know, it means a LOT to me, and others.

Hugs and Love,
Catherine Linda Michel

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WWWeeeeeeee, It is official (well sort of)

After many false starts and a few shaky falls I am thankful to say ... my operations are not only scheduled for July in Thailand, but paid for. It is never easy this road we travel on, but I have to state, it is satisfying; especially as I check off my mental checklist. I am so excited.

I am grateful and humbled with all who have supported me, and encouraged me to get this far. 5 more months, then the next chapter in my life begins.

Kendra Carr

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Skipper! Chapter 9

Skipper! by Beverly Taff

This chapter describes how Sian and Margaret persuade Beverly to agree to let them renovate part of the barn. It also re-introduces Judge Elizabeth Porter with respect to Martin's revealing himself as a transvestite.

On the Flip Side, Chapter 3

Chapter 3

"Okay Lacy, 10 more crunches!"

I swear Gina Lenetti missed her calling. Did I mention she should have been a drill sergeant?

She pushed us at field hockey practice.

Now she's pushing us in P.E.

"Push ups next, you know what your goal is," Gina said, holding a clipboard, bracing it with her crutches.

"Mears, who said you were through?" Gina barked. "You've still got 10 more crunches to do, too. So do you, Miss Crue."

Fitness test day, you gotta love it.

Coach Martin sets the goals she wants us to reach. It's part of offseason work for field hockey.

Sarah Carerra - 1.20 - Lunch with the Prescotts

I’d spent a lot of my childhood over at Emily’s house, but I was never so nervous to enter as I was then.

Sarah Carerra
Chapter 20 - Lunch with the Prescotts
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2010 Megan Campbell
Released: February 1, 2010

Football Girl ~ Chapter 32

Sitting on the coach to Whitehaven, we had a match the next day–one of those mid-table clashes where no quarter was given or taken–I reflected on the past week...
Football Girl
Chapter 32

By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2010 Susan Brown

New website for German language readers

Guten Tag!

Heute bin ich eine neue Website speziell fá¼r meine deutschen sprechende Leser starten. Es ist ein Work In Progress und bená¶tigen eine Menge SanierungsmaáŸnahmen Arbeit, aber wenn Sie zum wechseln ká¶nnen Sie einen Blick nehmen.

sehen Sie hier fá¼r mehr


and in English!

Today i'm launching a new website especially for my German speaking readers. It's a work in progress and will need a lot of remedial work but if you go to you can take a look.

watch this space for more


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Poetry and other attempts at self expression


Audience Rating: 


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These are the beginnings of a collection of "poetry" ranging from the standard rythmic couplets to the exploration of productions requiring great imagination to see the poem held within.

Tales From the StrangeSide


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This folder holds short stories of under 80,000 words and usually less than 40,000.

Some of the stories may be placed in portions of no less than one chapter if not complete.

Stories here will be much in keeping with the category title.
Larger stories or series (such as Tranquility and Air Force Sweetheart) will be posted in their own folders


One of BC's Best Features

I absolutely love the ability to edit my stories as easily as we can on BC.

I wonder if all writers are aware they can edit their stories once they're posted.

Most of my stories have been edited dozens of times after I've posted them. I learn something new about writing almost every day and try to keep my stories updated to reflect what I now know.

The last few days I've been editing "Danny's Perdition" and just finished. It's a story set in the 23rd century, but is based on a poem written in the 14th century. Some have told me it's a Divine Comedy.

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Skipper! Chapter 8

Skipper! by Beverly Taff

This chapter dwells upon Sian And Margaret's decision to live at the 'cottage' The logistics prove to be perfect and the 'family' begins to grow. All in all a very sweet chapter with some surprising developments towards the end.

On the Flip Side, Chapter 2

Chapter 2

I hadn't been to "the barn" since I was about 8-years-old.

"The barn" was what Aunt Paige called the building where she taught gymnastics, cheerleading and tumbling.

She talked Mom into letting me take class when I was in kindergarten and I took lessons for about three years. I never really told anyone, but I could still tumble, do cartwheels and handstands.

That is until I showed I could tumble during gymnastics tryouts.

"My gosh, Janice, it's seems like he's grown!" Aunt Paige said when we walked into the building.

Tribute to Erin's "Getting Sorted" series

The original for this is Romantic Marriage comics #23. When I came upon it, I had just finished reading Chapter three of "Getting Sorted", and it seemed a perfect fit; I just changed the hair color. Thanks for what's shaping up to be a great and most unusual story with fun quirky characters. Vaingirls Comics covers 001 - 780 can be found at

Hugs, Jezzi

2009 Terry Awards - Serials and Solos

I created the Terry Awards to celebrate past stories. Older stories are too easily forgotten once they move on to the archives (back pages) and I think that's a terrible fate.

This batch of awards is for serials and solos only. Terry Awards for complete stories that have been posted in multiple parts will be included later in the year.

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Impending Terry Awards Alert

I just finished working on the Terry Awards. Yay!

I've spent many, many hours on this but I'm a little disappointed that I didn't have time to go through all of the stories. I'll be covering stories that have been posted in multiple parts later in the year -- when I have more time.

As I was sorting through vote totals, I was surprised to see how high they were. For the best real world serials, every one of the six entries had over 100 votes! 2009 has been a good year, not only for quantity but for getting the vote out.

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Skipper! Chapter 7

Skipper! by Beverly Taff

This chapter describes the childrens presents after the certainty of their having accepted Skipper changing permanently to Beverly. Beverly buys Jennifer and Beatrice each a pony then Margaret and Sian decide on buying their children Chennile and Martin each the same.

The second part of the chapter explores Beverly's heterosexuality and the strange exploration of it by Margaret and Sian.

Wi-i-ild horses; couldn't take you from me!

Crystal Friend — Snip 1

Crystal Friend

Snip 1

By Mildred Ki'Lya


This is a preview of the future of the story, I wrote this short extract on my English exam while I was bored to death just having to write something simple and too technical/real for my liking. It probably won't be included verbatim in the future of the story but it gives you an idea where it is going. Be warned, the style is very raw (no proofreading at all). I hope my teachers will still like it.

URL for all Home That Love Built Stories

All stories linked to the Home That Love Built universe, can be viewed with this url. My thanks to theTop Shelf administrators for their help with this.

Hugs and love,
Catherine Linda Michel

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Program on BBC America

I watched an interesting program on BBC America last night. Called 'Transvestite Wives'.

It was a look at how the partners (not all were married) of men who dress as woman cope, and participate with their partners lifestyle. It was sensitively produced, and showed the men in both male and female persona.

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