General Audience (pg)

A bit of advice for authors

Go through your story list, and make sure all of your one-shot, solo stories are marked as such!

When the update that allowed stories to be set as either series or solo was put on the site, the default setting is series. If you want your solo stories to be able to be grabbed by the "Five Random 5olos" feature (which is pretty awesome), then go through all your solo stories real quickly and make certain that that ARE marked as solos!

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new Gaby forum now live!

Hi there folks

After yesterdays miserable posts here's some better news, a brand new Forum for the discussion of all stuff Gaby and my other scribbles.

So if you have anything to share with other Gabfen pop along to

Hopefully we'll see some return to the bouyant exchanges that took place on the original Maddy Bell forum - was that really seven years ago?

Anyway, enjoy


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Gender Testing Hangs Before the Games as a Muddled and Vexing Mess

Today's New York Times published this article on gender testing in sports. I think the paper has had generally good treatment of the issue.


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Bishop: Born Again

Bishop sits in a strip club, alone in a crowd and wondering what comes next. It's three fifteen a.m. on a rainy night in Bay City; he catches his reflection in the mirror over the bar and wonders how events conspired to find him warming a barstool in a place like this. A friend once said that his smile made it seem like he saw the whole world as a joke to which only he knew the punch line.

And it’s true. Until yesterday, Bishop’s life was everything he could hope for, and the smile was his way of acknowledging how things had always seemed to fall his way. But not tonight. The grin is gone, the joke has fallen flat, and our hero is waiting for the other shoe to drop. Because they always do.

Bishop: Born Again

by Randalynn

Copyright © 2010 Randalynn. All Rights Reserved.

A curse broken

I have a curse.
How do I heal my brokenheart?
I can love yet I can not be loved.
I search for it the world over,
Yet it can not find me I am unloved!
My heart breaks with every step!
When I think I found it my heart breaks again.
I scream out in pain while noone can hear my agony.
When I am on the threshold of giving up,
You appear before me out of the blue,
I made you cry and you made me feel loved.
The curse is broken! I thank you as I weep tears of joy.

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To find love

What is it like to go around loving everyone you meet?
You know what its like to feel love for others,
But you never feel like someone loves you back.
Its soul wrenching to watch yourself,
Greet person after person who can not understand.
You can not stop tho because you have to find the one.

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Readers of Once The Hero

Hi everyone! I have a question and am looking for advice. At this point in the story, most of what I presented in the 'Bikipedia' exposition has already been covered in the story. I always knew that big whopping piece of information was clumsy but I felt the need to lay down the background so I could get into the meat of the tale.

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Thank you, Erin!

I'm not sure whose idea the "random solos" was or who implemented it, but I imagine if it wasn't you, then you at least had a big hand in it.

I've thoroughly enjoyed reading stories I haven't seen for a long time, and I know it's the only explanation why my own meager three stories keep accumulating a few hits per week.

No one could convince me that I'm on any par with the best story writers here, but I did post them hoping that others might enjoy or otherwise find something of value in them. Evidently others are still at least opening the links.

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Stunning sand art from the Ukraine

A friend sent me an email which says:

You don’t dare miss this amazing Video Clip . . . but, first, read this properly, all the way through…

This video shows the winner of "Ukraine’s Got Talent," Kseniya Simonova, 24, drawing a series of pictures on an illuminated sand table showing how ordinary people were affected by the German invasion during World War II. Her talent, which admittedly is a strange one, is mesmeric to watch.

The images, projected onto a large screen, moved many in the audience to tears, and she won the top prize of about  £75,000.

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help Help HELP Editor Needed

Good Evening ALL,

I am in need of an editor or two. I have two stories actively being worked on, one a Serial Comdex...(eight chapters, 3-5 more) and the other a much shorter story, "Between Christmas and Hell."

What I'm looking for in an editor:
1) Someone who will smack my nose with a newspaper and say no no no! Bad Writer
In other words someone who isn't afraid to make suggestions or tell me I'm wrong!
And then won't get bent out of shape if I don't always take their suggestions.

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YAY I'm getting my testicles chopped off ;3

Great news gals and guys I'm going in for a orchiectomy on the 20th thanks to a very special friend of mine mew. So YAY my testicles are getting chopped off!!!! Ever since I learned I may never be able to get SRS thanks to my marfan syndrome, I've been kinda down, but this really made my day mew. I'll be going in on the 20th, and I'll be back who knows when. Everyone have a great day meow *huggles* ;3

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Sanity check here?

I've been out on disaster relief twice before; to Honduras after Hurricane Mitch. Of course that was 12 years ago, and I've had a broken back since. Still, I get around OK, and I'm only 63. I't thinkin I'd leave the Hijab and skirts at home. I am still a very good electrician and for me it comes down to my personal freedoms as opposed to a clear need. I'm thinking I'll make a couple calls tomorrow to see what develops. It would be a financial stretch for me, but I just feel driven.


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52 weeks 3 hours

Today I have been a member of this wonderful site for, as the clock in "My Accout" shows 52 weeks and 3 hours.

It has been great fun and I have met a lot of wonderful people here, and read lots of great well written and interesting stories. Thanks to Erin and the others who run this site. I also took the plunge and sent in a small donation in celebration of my anniversary.


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I am going to be AFK for awhile due to a death.

My best friend Tina's, Granddaughter died suddenly, at the age of three months. I don't know how long the process and everything is going to take, but my place is with her right now. Forgive me, and please say a prayer for little Tehya (Tay-uh)


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A little help from my friend.

A little help from my friend.

By Elizabeth Jean

What would you do if I sang out of tune,Ӭ
Would you stand up and walk out on me?
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a songӬ
And I'll try not to sing out of key.

Oh, I get by with a little help from my friend
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friend
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friend

Football Girl ~ Chapter 30

‘Wake up, Susan.’


‘Come on, you must wake up.’

My eyes opened stickily and there was Mummy standing, looking down at me.

‘I don’t wanna get up…’

Football Girl
Chapter 30

By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2010 Susan Brown

A Great Lady

I just read an obituary for a 100 year old Dutch lady named Miep Gies. She and her husband were the couple who sheltered the family of Anne Frank and another Jewish family in Rotterdam when it was occupied by the Germans in WW2.

She had been an employee of the Franks and gave them sanctuary (along with a few other employees) when the Gestapo were "cleansing" Holland of Jews and it was she who preserved the famous "Diary of Anne Frank" and returned it to her family after the end of the war.

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Healing a Princess...31 (Deals, Steals, and Warnings)

HaP 31

NOTE: It might be easier to read this in the format provided at


“Any word from your play thing?” the Elf Lord Raulah raised his eyebrow.

“Not as of yet, my Lord. I do expect to hear from her with in the week. A raspy, voice emanated from a dark cowl.

“Are you sure that she will do as asked?”

“I am my Lord.” Maskalah barely tipped his head hidden beneath his cowl. Not even the ruling Elf Lord was allowed to look upon Maskalah's face.

Something Feels Strange - 35

Feels Strange

“Yes,” I inject into the rambling. In fact, I have to say it twice before he gets the message. When he finally gets it, there is a long pause.

“Did you just say yes?” he asks finally.

“I did, Andy,” I respond. “I’d love to go to the dinner dance with you. If you want, we can just be two friends at a dance.”

“You’ll go with me?” he asks as if he didn’t hear me.

“Yes, Andy,” I say again, “I’ll go to the dinner dance with you.”

Chapter 35: Date Preparations

Problems accessing BCTS

Since I've gotten a new computer, I've had problems accessing BC with both Firefox and Explorer (up to date versions).

The only thing that has changed is that I'm running Windows 7 now instead of XP. All other sites I try to access work normally.

The error messages I receive are either "Problem accessing page cannot connect to server" or "DNS Lookup Error" once I refresh about a dozen times I get through, but it's getting old real quick. Anyone else having a problem or know of a solution?

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Silly Old Bear

Silly Old Bear

by poetheather

Copyright © 2010 poetheather
All Rights Reserved.

Winnie the Pooh is trying to figure out what has happened to Christopher Robin and where he has disappeared to.
He is sure it has something to do with Skool, but that doesn't explain the young woman in the Hundred Acre Wood.


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