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Which Witch is Which
By Jesse Rabbit
Fate likes to laugh at us. Simple fact of life. It likes to put us through our paces, put snakes in our beds just to see us jump and bananas on the sidewalk just to see us fall down. Fate is laughing pretty hard at me right now.
My name is Andrew Steven Parker. I’m sixteen. I’ve got two, count ‘em, two little sisters; Gracie who’s fourteen and Megan who’s six. Gracie used to look up to me, while Megan used to think I was pretty much useless. It wasn’t that long ago… last week to be specific.
My life was pretty good back then. I did okay in school, hung out with my friends, even had a girlfriend who laughed at my jokes. Yeah, life was pretty good in New Salem. That’s the town I live in, New Salem. Quiet. Peaceful. Far enough away from all the big cities to be considered not quite a suburb, but small enough not to have any sky scrapers.
Yup. Life was pretty darn okay… Then the invasion started. I’m sure you know all about it, unless you’ve been living in a cave for the last month or so. Stupid Demons. I mean seriously, have you seen these guys. They pop out of nowhere, cause some havoc, and then get beaten up by some group of middle-school girls in silly outfits or color coded ninjas or superpets or whathaveyou. It’s pretty hard to take them serious, but they do cause a lot of property damage and people do get hurt.
First it was places like Tokyo and New York and Townsville. Places that already had their own Magical Girls or Superheroes or Ninjas or Pirates. So the Demons got, ahem, “smart” and started attacking smaller towns… like Miami and Mumbai and… I can’t think of another M-city. Anyway… so, as I was saying, those places got their own teams of do-gooders to defend the city limits. And some of these teams were getting pretty silly.
That’s when our Mayor decided to ruin my life. I’m sure that wasn’t his intent, but it sure worked out that way. See, we’re New Salem… like old Salem, but bigger… and proud of our witches… which were two old ladies who made potions and ran a hotel for pets. Don’t get on the bad side of a witch… especially when one of them is your great aunt. But I digress.
So, last Sunday, Mayor Applewick announces that New Salem’s very own witches are brewin up some special magic and that pretty soon we’re gonna have our very own magical girls, cause, you know, girls look cute dressed as witches or something… never mind that none of the Demons have attacked anywhere as small and unimportant as New Salem. Still, that’s how the fun began.
Bright and early Monday morning, some 15 year old girl named Francine Fair found a magical hat in a bush outside her house. Tuesday morning, this 13 year old Latina named Lupe Guzman finds an amulet under her pillow. Wednesday, like clockwork, Miriam Ramses, 12 year old daughter of the senior partner of my dad’s law firm, finds a necklace hanging from a streetsign. Thursday, Demi Wiesse, 14 and queen bee of the freshman class, finds a magic potion in a beauty magazine sample shampoo packet. And Friday… ah, Friday… Friday, Gracie ate all my captain crunch, so I had to eat her, shudder, count chocula… ugh. I couldn’t stand chocolate then, can’t stand it even more now.
See, this is where Fate is laughing at me. If Gracie had just eaten the damned cereal she’d begged mom to get her, everything would have worked out fine. I’d have eaten breakfast, gone to school… and she’d have found the stupid magic ring instead of me.
It’s a funny thing about magic. It’s very… possessive. Doesn’t like to let you go once it’s got you. It’s also very good at getting it’s own way. Picture it. I’m tired, bed head, grabbing some grub before I head on out to track practice, grumbling over the lack of selection, when I hear this clink as something metal hits the bowl. Now, what would you have done?
Yeah, I fished around in the bowl for a second or two until I felt that metal thing against my finger… and then the magic hit me. The ring, shaped like a bat, crawled up my finger and stuck there, a small, goth piece of fairly girly magical jewelry on my hand.
I struggled with it for a minute or so, then figured I go see great-aunt Milly after school and get her to unhex it or whatever. I figured, what harm could a little batring do?
Stupid question.
Okay. Let me take this opportunity to say this: “Demons Suck.” Lunchtime was like five minutes away and I was starving. I’d gotten a few looks and a few comments about my new fashion choice, most of them pretty snide, but it hadn’t really been that big a problem. It certainly fit well, and luckily enough I’d just happened to be wearing black jeans and a black T, so it didn’t, you know, clash or anything.
You know, Tornado Sirens are loud. Very loud. And they can frighten the heck out of you if you aren’t completely awake. I was contemplating lunch, kinda half-dozing in Algebra, when the sirens went off all over town. For a second I couldn’t figure out why everyone was suddenly jabbering excitedly instead of looking for shelter, until I realized that the Sirens were playing the new pattern… the one that signaled an attack.
Pretty much en masse, people were whipping out cell phones and cameras and laptops, trying to figure out where and how many and who the Demons were attacking. I, fool that I am, ran for the roof, figuring that, since my school, which is three stories high, is on a hilltop, I might be able to catch a glimpse of new magical girls in action.
What I didn’t count on was just how fast I made it to the roof. Look, I’m fast. I can run… could run… the hundred meter dash in about 11 seconds flat. But that Friday… I made it out of the room, down the hall, and up three flights of stairs… all in less time than it took for me to type this sentence. I hit the roof going so fast that I practically flew out the door and actually did fly off the edge of the roof… Then the whammy hit me.
It was like… well… I don’t think I can explain it. It was, painfully, like a full body stubbed toe, and a little nauseating, and very, very windy, with dark swirling colors and tiny bat shadows. And then I was wearing a white blouse, black-tartan vest and matching mini-skirt, witches hat, bat-patterned tights, and a pair of high-heeled boots. And I had boobs.
Fate was la-ha-fing!
Okay. I was also flying. And I could see the Demon, only two blocks away. And I was angry, hungry, and, okay, maybe I went a little overboard. I still maintain that hitting the Demon with that UPS truck was a valid combat move… I blame the big floppy hat for my poor aim. Still, I had that one, somekind of Monkey with Anacondas for arms on the ropes when the Clam-Centaur and the Russ Troll on Steroids showed up. Things kinda got violent after that.
I was, to my relief and chigrin, saved, by the arrival of the four girls I mentioned earlier… or at least their ridiculously attired counterparts. Over the course of the next minute or so, a wolf-girl in a green witch’s outfit showed up, followed by a Cleopatra-clone in white witch’s gear that looked like bandages, followed by what can only be described as a devil-girl (tail, horns, cloven hooves, you get the picture) in firey-red leather, and finally a purple and green skinned franken-girl, complete with neck bolts and about a million stitches. We pretty much trashed Mainstreet.
It was, in the midst of this mess, as the Demons faded back into whatever or wherever they came from, that the Newsvan showed up, cameras already rolling. We, the valiant defenders of New Salem looked at each other… and then the magic wore off and we were 4 girls… and a guy… me, again… on the news.
The Media named us within minutes: Frankenwitch, Mummywitch, Wolfwitch, Devilwitch… although it turns out sometimes Devilwitch turns into Angelwitch instead. She’s a little bipolar. Gracie still won’t talk to me. Claims I stole her chance to be a Magical Girl. Megan now thinks I’m the coolest girl ever. Anna, my girlfriend, dumped me for being, as she put it, “a she-male”. I have a fan club... headed by my best friend. And my, umm, teammates think its hilarious. So, I’m sure, does Fate. I am a magical girl… and I really, really don’t want to suck your blood… and stop sending me chocolates.
Frankie Fair — Frankenwitch
Lupe Guzman — Wolfwitch
Miriam Ramses — Mummywitch
Demi Wiesse — Angelwitch / Devilwitch
And me…
Andrew Parker — Vampwitch
A special thanks to the Universal Monsters… Sorry Invisiwitch, didn’t see you there.
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Just something fun I thought up on the drive home
Hey all. I hope I still have fans out there in Big Closet Land. Sorry I've not written any Elan Owen or Man Among Vikings in a while, had to move, got kicked out of my old place for being too young... I kid you not. Anyway. I have a Blog now, and I'm posting a full length novel on it. Not TG, but good old fantasy. Come and check it out, at I hope you like it and I hope you like this. If anyone wants to try and draw pictures of the five witches, let me know, I'd love to see them. Also, if anyone has any story ideas for these girls, I'd love to hear them. I've got nothing planned, so, hey, why not.
Short and fun!
I still have to ask:
So, the great aunt didn't do anything to rectify the situation?
Are there any more witches-in-making out there?
When will Gracie decide to mess with Andrew and change his underthings, even if it was all her fault?
And how regular are the Demon attacks? Worldwide and locally. And are those the same apparent groups or different?
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Faraway, I can't give you all the answers, yet, but here's some info.
So, the great aunt didn't do anything to rectify the situation?
Nope, she sure didn't.
Are there any more witches-in-making out there?
Yes, there surely are.
When will Gracie decide to mess with Andrew and change his underthings, even if it was all her fault?
Gracie's vengeance will be more sophisticated than simply swapping underwear. She wants Andrew to suffffffffer.
And how regular are the Demon attacks? Worldwide and locally. And are those the same apparent groups or different?
Well, I figure that in the last month there have been, world wide, probably three or four hundred attacks, mostly in big cities. There have been, in the last week, in New Salem, three attacks. And, as far as anyone can tell, all the demons seem to be from the same place... Elsewhere.
So that means
About ten attacks a day, and they tend to mostly frequent regular places for whatever reasons. Other fact is that they came to Salem awfully conveniently - it is as if the Mayor got heads-up, or the creation of Teenwitches somehow attracted them. What do the demons even want?
Gracie, Gracie, Gracie... Poor Andrew.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Which Witch is Which
What a fun, tongue in cheek tribute to the classic monsters. Now, what about classic superheros? I am sure that we can easily rename the god ol boys made girls. :)
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
You'll have to drop me a private message and let me know which ones you are talking about... Aside from Buck Rodgers and Flash Gordon I mean.
Countress Chocula
Thanks! I got a nice chuckle out of this. I do hope you know this has potential to continue? I also got some 'A Practical Magic' vibes out of this seeing the small town and the witchy Aunts.
Good thing the ring wasn't in a box of ..... drum roll ...
Fruit Loops.
Sorry it was too tempting.
Very silly and ... yeah why can't grandmom fix things? If not, at least make her female all the time, if she wants it.
Sis got what she deserved, stealing Captn Crunch, how uncouth.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
If Great-Aunty could fix things, it wouldn't be much of a story, but don't worry, I have a reason why Great-Aunty no can fix. And Vampwitch very much doesn't want to be female all the time (Silly boy). Vampwitch doesn't really want to be female any of the time.
But yes, I agree, Stealing Captn Crunch should be a capital offense.
Jesse Rabbit, What a fun
Jesse Rabbit, What a fun and cute little story. I, for one, would love to see you write more on it as it has a lot of ways it could go. Thank you for sharing it with us all. Jan
If he's only Vampwitch, female, when ...
... demons attack - "and then the magic wore off and we were 4 girls… and a guy… me," - I think his girlfriend is overreacting, and if he's with her when the demons hit, I would think she'd rather have a magical girl there who could protect her than a guy who couldn't, especially since "she" would change back to normal he when the danger was gone. I suppose, though, the negativity of the "she-male" aspect would depend on the frequency of the demon attacks.
BE a lady!
Oh, I agree with you that the girlfriend is overreacting, but when you are a 16 year old girl, social pressures can get the better of you, especially when half your class thinks your BF is a fag... and the other half wants to be / be with him/her.
Cute and funny
I loved it!
It is most likely coincidence, but did you know that there is a web comic about a transvestite magical girl?
The site is Magical Transvestite Cherry. (
I think that the site originates from England (the donation request is in British Pounds.)
And, it seems like this could be a universe worth perpetuating.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil Blonde Proofreaders

Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Another Magic Girl Story
is Taralynn's Magical Girl Policy. It is still in progress receiving monthly updates.
Plus there is Sailor Ranko and Valkyrie Generation Yuki.
The Evil Sorceress Shirley
Surely there's somebody behind all these demon attacks. Someone whose lips don't quite synch with the words coming out of their mouth,
and whose conversational skills (unless you catch them off duty, unwinding after a day of mayhem down at the Pandemonium Bar & Grill...)
This little jewel is every bit as much fun as Ewan Owen. I'd love to see more of Vampwitch's adventures. Welcome back Jesse!
~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I might use that.
Never give the GM ideas... we might run with them. Seriously, at the moment I don't know who is behind the Demons, but I have got a really screwy pair of Supervillains in mind.
OMG this was so cute, I love the ending xD He said to stop sennding him chocolate, so listen already xD
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Bisexual, transsexual, gamer girl, princess, furry that writes horror stories and proud ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
I love
Jesse Rabbit's pixillated prose, and it was such a pleasure to see a story with plot-lines out the wazoo! (I gon't know what that means but it cried out to be used.) Your hero's dialogue with Aunty Witch should be a hoot!
I should also put in a plea for more Elan Owen---you've hir in such a complicated situation that an old Hollywood hack would just type "And with one bound Elan was free!"
Pixillated Prose?
Hee Hee. I'm working on more Elan Owen, I promise. and no, there will be no sudden freedoms... I have a plot. I'll probably write more of Vampwitch and Company, But considering that I came up with the idea at 4am last night and posted it before 6am, I haven't had much time to think about what I'm doing.
Brought a Smile to my day!
This was a cute, and very well done short story. I'd definitely love to see more from the little girl witches, especially the VampWitch :)
Hey, These are Teenwitches.
You haven't seen the Junior Witches yet.
Agreed, cute and funny
I too would love to read more of these stories, or to see this in picture form!
Melanie E.
You and me both
I'd love to do a web-comic... or even an actual comic book. Shame I can't draw stick-figures.
Magical Girls
Ooo-eee! That was fun, and so cute. It might be better as a Halloween story but I'm not complaining, not one bit. I wouldn't mind seeing more of Vampwitch and her teammates. *hint* *hint*
Thanks very much for the story.
- Terry
Interesting and Fun...
Sounds like a real anything-goes worldline here...
I see the tie-ins between the other five names and their witch IDs, which seems to make Andrew (i.e., manly) Parker a real outlier. Grace, with tie-ins to Greek/Roman tradition, gifts from the Almighty and smooth movement, doesn't work a whole lot better, though. The Count Chocula cereal, obviously, is the direct vampire connection, but that's not an identity thing like the others.
OK, Wikipedia tells me that the Roman version of the Fates are the Parcae, and Andrew has been invoking Fate a few times here...
Hey Eric
Dracula became a Vampire via "a fall from Grace" when he turns away from god. And Parker sounds like Harker. I thought calling him Harker would be too obvious. Still, I thought the fangy reference would be obvious. 10 points to anyone who can figure it out. Ready? Andrew Steven Parker... A.S.P. I also considered naming him Brandon Andrew Taylor, but figured... tooo corny... and the feminine of Brandon is Brandy... too too much.
Also, Vampires are known for their eerie grace.
Oh... and for anyone who missed it: Auntie Claire... Chanticleer. Just a stupid joke. And I chose Abbigal because it's so close to an anagram of Baba Yaga. A well
Haha this is totally fun. But
Haha this is totally fun. But I can understand he's pretty miffed, loosing his girlfriend about something like that. In the end he'll probably be glad about it. I mean what good is a girlfriend who can't accept her boyfriend to turn into a magical girl. Seriously, I believe she was just envious that he had bigger boobs than her :D
Great hillarious story, I hope the girlfriend gets to regret her decision.
thank you for writing,