General Audience (pg)

Two Little...Boys?

Two Little...Boys?
by mittfh
Copyright © 2010 Ben Norwood.
Creative Commons License

Otherwise known as the perils of listening to Desert Island Discs en-route into work, followed by a very quiet afternoon on the helpdesk...

Oh, and in my desire to always "do something different", I've tried writing this entirely in the present tense. On reflection, I'm not entirely convinced the concept works. Oh well.

Tranquility-Sorcerer/ Sorceress C-07-37

Chapter 07

One young boy has used his training link to check on his mother, for with him gone there is no one to do the work with her. He has been worried she may not be well. The link worked satisfactorily, to his mother's surprise and joy at seeing her son working magic. If he completes his training then she will be cared and provided for as long as she continues to live or until she takes another husband. Meanwhile, however, times are difficult.

Thank You Dear Readers

Thank you everyone for reading, voting and commenting on Cynthia and the High School Years - Part 1. When I conceived this little series of stories I knew I was going to take it to where the story is at the moment. The early emphasis of the story was on the male to female transformations; however, I knew that one of the most important events would be a female to male transformation. A major thought was that it was the person inside, not necessarily their physical being, that mattered. I also knew that there are many of you who sympathize with the FTM or are perhaps one.

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The Cliffside Heroine : Chapter 1 Girls will be Girls

The Cliffside Heroine
 © Nick B 2010


Edited, as always, by the fantastic Gabmeister

Somebody once said that this couldn’t happen by accident, but then I suppose that all depends upon the circumstances of the accident doesn’t it?

I’ve looked up the definition of the word ‘accident’, and according to the information I’ve found, it goes as follows:

An undesirable or unfortunate event that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, loss, casualty or mishap.

I can’t honestly say what follows was entirely accidental because it had been planned–I just didn’t know that at the time. However, it was what followed the part that had been planned, which is really what I define as accidental.

Whatever, it’s the nearest thing I can think of that can possibly explain how I came to be in the predicament I was in, suffering the mishap if you will and looking back, the memories of that holiday leave me with a certain warm fuzziness, but that’s not how it felt at the time…

Plagiarism claim against JK Rowling

Well we had one against Dan Brown a few years ago, now JK Rowling and her Harry Potter empire are under attack.

I suspect an example of money hungry lawyers exploiting the legal sytem - in this case the Statute of Limitation.

As far as I can tell, no one has yet linked Bike to a previously undiscovered copy of 'Velocipedes - a guide for the etiquette for young ladies using said form of transport,' (or How to ride without showing one's bloomers)by Jane Austen's second cousin three times removed (once forcibly), Lancie Headstrong.

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How do I delete a redundant posting?

By the time I posted the final instalment of my historical novel Balthasar's Elixir (The Titanic-era Diary of Evelyn Westcott), I had also posted two different lists of the characters, real and imaginary, who populate the book. I'd like to delete the first of the lists, but I can't figure out how!

Hugs to everyone,


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PCC & CPS clear Daily Mail over Gately article

Remember a few months ago when Jan Moir wrote an "extremely distasteful" article in the Daily Mail about Stephen Gately's death - and the furious backlash that resulted?

Well, it's been investigated by the Press Complaints Commission (who received 25,000 complaints) and the Crown Prosecution Service (2 complaints), and both have cleared the paper of any wrongdoing.

The watchdog's head said aspects of the piece were "extremely distasteful".

But the PCC said it was an essential point of principle that papers could print views which might offend readers.

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The last few weeks have been very difficult for me.

I have, no doubt, alienated some friends, and have been generally hard to get along with. I know that my health issues are certainly a big part of this. Not knowing exactly what's going on with my health is preying on my mind. Additionally, there is some pain associated with what's going on, and that makes me irritable as well.

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So, Here I Am - Chapter 2

So, Here I Am
by Hilltopper


I started first grade with some trepidation. All during kindergarten, I had been treated more or less as a girl. Our grade school went from first to sixth grade. That meant there would be a lot of boys much older than me. This could be bad if they perceived me to be less than a boy. I reasoned that I needed to try to be a better boy.

What does this mean?

Since there seem to be quite a few people from the UK on this site, I could use a bit of help in understanding a verse in an otherwise wonderful recitation on the 7 Deadly sins I found:

I got myself worked up with WRATH, aggressive and demanding.
I took a jumper back to Marks, they were quite understanding

My US trained mind is completely mystified.


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The Chosen~4

Things became somewhat muddled for me after that. I remember crying–a lot. Ms Jones tried to comfort me, but my brain was overloading with frightening thoughts of what my parents might be experiencing...


The Chosen

Susan Brown

Swan Song

I wrote this story probably in 2000 and published it in 2001 on Storysite. At the time, I don't think I had any idea where life would take me; certainly not to transition. It is true, and short. This really did happen to me.

Swan Song by: Credence Browne (Now Gwen Brown)

I stood on the seat of the couch, looking out the window, wanting to go outside. Pointing outside, I began talking in my little child's voice. "I want to go mom." I said.

I'd like to thank PS, in New Zealand for taking over the Bike Archive

For quite a while, Real Life, in the form of time spent looking for work, and a few other things, got in the way of archiving EAFOAB.

I'm no longer looking for work, but the new job came with a relatively long commute, so my time is still at a premium. I would like to spend it on other stuff, and limit my time at BCTS to reading and editing.

PS, in New Zealand has been, with my thanks, collecting everything from 650 on, in the usual 50 chapter blocks.

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Yet another new career...

Pop quiz: Who has had 125 different occupations over the past 60 years, and has now decided to move into IT?

Here's a visual clue

And here's the answer:

She certainly has an "interesting" taste in workday fashion - black leggings, bright patterned tunic top, and a white sleeveless jacket - coupled with specs, Bluetooth headset and suspiciously perfect hairstyle...

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A TG Assassin?


After reading the somewhat bizarre story about the alleged assassins who killed a hamas leader in Dubai, my ‘tg radar’ started to twitch.
Far be it for me to cast aspersions but I have doubts over the photograph showing the Irish ‘woman’ Gail Follard
Have I been reading too much TG fiction? take a look at the link and see for yourself

Love to all

Anne G.

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The Journey is the Destination 23

The Journey is the Destination
Chapter 23

By poetheather

Now the training begins and Ukyo and Akane get a taste of the kind of training Ranma did while growing up.

How to use the Author Menu - Multiple Authors

For most input types, choosing an author for the piece is done on a scrolling menu. It's very easy to pick an author, just select the menu, type a few letters of the author's name and it will jump to the alphabetic neighborhood of the author where one can scroll up or down until the proper author is highlighted. Clicking off the menu then will leave that author as the selected one.


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So, Here I Am

I want to thank everyone for their wonderful comments. I am not really a writer. I have not written anything except reports and scientific papers since I was in junior high school and I am 62 years old. It has been very emotional reliving these events in my life. Yes, all events that will be depicted in this series did happen to me. I may embelish some what here and there due to a weak memory or to make it a better read. I hope to put a chapter on a week but, since I have never done this before, I can not guarantee it.

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The Princess and the Plague: 50

The Princess and the Plague
Part 50
By Anistasia Allread

“This is a don't ask, don't tell situation.” Aunt Carrie stated. “I'm only giving you some information, the rest is up to you. If anyone asks, you didn't hear any of this from me.” She gave Erika a penetrating look.

Erika nodded.


Statistical story analysis

It would be interesting to see an Exell style graphic representation of the stories on BCTS. It would not need to mention names or titles, but it would be interesting to see number of votes, reads, and comments on one axis and perhaps the time on the other.

I know that we have people getting well over 100 votes on some stories, but I am thinking that may not be the average at all. It may be that the average is somewhere around 30-40 votes.

I also think I saw a significant jump in votes when the vote box was moved to the bottom of the story.

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Is someone wanting to kill me?

So, this morning I was reading on this site and I had an interuption. I had to leave and I forgot to get off the internet. When I got back a few hours later and sat down at the computer, I spun the track ball and the computer woke up to a funeral home on my screen but with BCTS in anothe window. I am not suicidal and have not been looking for a Funeral Home. Worse yet, it was an Arab Funeral home. Even more worser yet, I had a young woman with me whose brother had blown his head off a year ago.

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Finally Finding Myself Part 3 (Updated)

Finally Finding Myself Chapter 3

Jamie was surprised to hear that Karen followed him home. He wiped the tears from his face with his shirt sleeve and headed down the stairs to the front door. He unbolted the lock, and let Karen in, with his eyes pointed downwards, ashamed to meet hers. He thought about how he had admitted to the entire school that his life was just an act. "I guess you must really think I'm a freak after that." Karen's eyes welled up, and she hugged Jamie tight. "I don't think you're a freak, and I really don't think you're weird either. I'm so sorry I said that Jamie."


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