I Woke, Part 6

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I Woke
Part 6
By Dorothy Colleen


I rode. I was in my “mother’s” car, going to the home of Allison Allen. Only problem with that was I had woken up as Allison two days ago, and before that I was a 40 year old man named Mark Collins. I had stopped to help a girl, who turned out to be Allison, when I had been hit by a truck, which I had learned was being driven by Allison’s attacker.

I didn’t understand it, but that seemed to be the situation I was in. The Allen residence was a nice one, in a upper-middle class neighbourhood. Along the way, my new mother took the time to show me several places to help “jog” my memory, as they all believed that was the reason why I couldn’t remember Allison’s past.

One of the stops we made was the school Allison attended, but we were not able to go in. So we pulled into the driveway of “our” house. She led me inside, and gave me a tour. We were headed for “my” bedroom, when the front door opened, and Allison’s father came in. My “mom’s” face brightened, and she took me to see him.

“James, you’re home early.” said my “mother”. He grinned, and said, “When I heard my little girl was on her way home, I managed to get away, Mary.” And then he picked her up and hugged her fiercely. He then came over to me and gave me a much more gentle hug, mindful of my bruises and dressings.

They led me back to the kitchen, sat me down, and began to make dinner together. Soon, they were laughing, turning the act of making a meal into a dance. It then struck me the quality they shared, it was Love. Love as if it was a liquid they bathed in, a pool they swam and splashed in. It was a warmth and light that radiated from both of them, spreading to the whole room.

Each also made a point to include me in their dance, creating a feeling of safety and security unlike anything I had ever experienced before. I couldn’t help but compare it to my own childhood, with its silences and storms of rage, and found myself envying Allison.

If I had had a home like this maybe . . . Soon, we were finished dinner, and curled up on a couch watching TV. I felt safe in a way unlike anything I had felt before. I found myself thinking that if I never got back to my old life, this one wasn’t a bad one.

My parents helped me go to my room, and for the third time since I was stuck in Allison’s body I had a flash of her memory. I saw myself as a little girl, dressed as a princess, having a pretend tea party with every stuffed animal in the room, and my mom and dad coming in to join the fun, which ended with me being tickled and hugged and kissed until I felt like I would burst from happiness.

I crawled into the bed, and after my parents had left, I said “Allison, wherever you are, I hope you know just how lucky you were.” Unfortunately, the good feeling didn’t last through the night.

That night, I had a nightmare of the last time I was Mark, of seeing Allison half-naked and bleeding and calling 911, and the truck hitting my car. What made it even more of a nightmare, was that somehow, I saw the scene from both points of view, my view as Mark, but now also how it looked for Allison.

Running up to my car, begging Mark to help me, watching the truck come around the corner and hitting us both. What was happening to me? How could I have both sets of memories? I spent the rest of the night tossing and turning, trying to make sense of all this before finally falling back asleep.

Where was all this going?

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I woke

This is very powerful stuff here. You have a way of conveying your raw emotion to us that is very real. Her confusion and pain is so raw. There is a sadness too of Mark and the life he had. That's thrown off by Allison's happy memories she reliving. Good stuff here!





Young lady,you are digging deep but doing a great job so far.I hope you can extend your chapters a bit.Thank you.



Not in the traditional sense, but reconciling both sets of memories into the same mind. Evidently, Allison's body came complete with her memories, and Mark's starting to access them. Of course, at the moment, the accesses are infrequent and uncontrolled, but perhaps the longer Mark spends in Allison's body, the more memories he'll be able to access, more frequently, and perhaps even eventually on demand.

If Mark's memories of the OOBE are accurate, then there currently is no "self" (soul / spirit / conciousness / whatever) in Mark's body, so presumably if he managed to return, then the same thing would happen to Allison's body. And as much as Mark may want to return to his body, I expect that once he learns of the consequences, he'll be faced with a very big decision. And will probably choose to stay as Allison as (a) he's already finding out she's a lot more loved and is having a happier childhood than he, (b) the potential impact on all her friends / relatives if he left and she (from their perspective) died.


There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!


It does appear that Mark may need to make the choice, and so far things are being set up in Allison's favor. But it's not totally cut and dried: remember Mark's mother and ex-wife (from the fact of her presence, I'm guessing the divorce was Mark's "fault") by the bedside. There apparently are people who'd mourn if Mark dies. On the "positive" side, he'd die a hero.

(Good chapter, Dorothy. As Ben suggests, we seem to be getting a better idea of what's going on and (maybe) what's ahead. And thanks for clearing up Mark's age.)


If I had had a home like this maybe . . .

Andrea Lena's picture

. . . Soon, we were finished dinner, and curled up on a couch watching TV. I felt safe in a way unlike anything I had felt before. I found myself thinking that if I never got back to my old life, this one wasn’t a bad one. Hard, but he/she is maybe getting used to the idea that things may never be the same! Thanks.

She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Dio benedica la mia bella amici, Andrea


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Very Lovely

A very strong story being told here. I have too read it from start too finish and i get a very powerful effect. Very raw emotions just keeps going on through the story. Very good work hope too see more.
Sweet Dreams
Akiko Mye Kato

I am very intrigued with the

I am very intrigued with the scenario you've set up and how it will play out...in terms of how Mark/Allison sort things out...especially as the confusion begins to subside, at least in terms of just being aware of circumstances. Obviously, she is still trying to gain her bearings.
Good stuff.


wow is all I can say

as this is a truly heart wrenching story in some ways and though this is my second read it still makes me cry tears of both sadness & joy. Thank you for such a beautiful loving yet heart breaking story. Well done Dorothy Colleen

thank you, Cinnamon

glad you liked it, and thank you for commenting
