I Woke, Part 3

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I Woke
Part 3
By Dorothy Colleen


I waited. I was about to go into a MRI machine, and its soft hum calmed me enough to help me gather at least some of my wits. I had been feeling fragile and emotional for a while, making it hard to think, but I was able to use a grounding technique I had learned last year.

I tried to organize my thoughts. I remembered being in an accident, and then having a strange dream that I was dying, and somehow my spirit left my body, and went to the next room where they were working on a dying girl. I watched her spirit leave her body and head for the Light, and instead of going upward myself, I bent down to kiss her body when the nurses shocked her.

Next thing I know, I am waking up, and I am her. I wondered if I was still dreaming. I had never had a dream like this before, but maybe it was possible. I tried to pinch myself, but no difference.

It occurred to me that if I wasn’t dreaming, I was in trouble. Could I tell anyone I wasn’t this girl? Who would believe me? And even if by some miracle someone believed me, what could they do? I somehow doubt anybody knows how to do a soul transplant.

For that matter, I wasn’t sure where my real body was. If my soul was in her body, was she in mine? Or is my body in the morgue?

I decided I was going to have to try and calm down. I tried to remember what happened before the accident. It came in flashes - I was driving along, then I saw someone?

I stop, there is a girl, her clothes are torn, she is bleeding. I open the door, I call 911. She gets in. A truck comes out of nowhere . . . Blackness.
Tried a different idea. Maybe I could figure out what I could do next, assuming I don’t wake up first. By then they were done checking my new body out.

I smiled at the technician, and ask him “How did it look?” He smiles back, and says “The doctor will have to make the final call sweetie, but as far as I can see, you have a beautiful brain.”

It occurs to me he is flirting, and I blush. They take me back to my room. I find my “mom” waiting for me, and she is with a man. He bent down and kissed me on the forehead. I smell his cologne, and somehow, I felt better.

Then another impossibility. I had a flash of memory Of being in the arms of this man, hearing his voice, smelling that cologne, and knowing the monsters had been beaten back. I didn’t know what to think. I couldn’t have her memory, could I?

Now I was really worried. I made a choice. I wouldn’t tell them who I really am, at least not yet. After all, I haven’t decided if this is real yet. And I have a terrible feeling things are only getting started.

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And I have a terrible feeling things are only getting started.

Andrea Lena's picture

...they may just be getting started, but it may be that things won't be terrible after all. Can't wait for the next part...thank you very much!

She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Dio benedica la mia bella amici, Andrea


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena



You are taking some giant steps and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us
in future postings.You are going well,young lady.



laika's picture

From a jumbled beginning (and who wouldn't be a bit jumbled & disoriented) this is evolving into a VERY interesting story.
Can't wait to see how our heroine adapts, what challenges & discoveries lie ahead, and what happened to the old male body.
If his own body is merely comatose there might be a way back, but then I think that would leave the mom with a vegetable daughter,
unless her soul hasn't shuffled off into the light & is lurking around someplace. Lots of different potentials here!
~~hugs, Laika

"The federal government will only recognize 2 genders,
as assigned at birth-" (The man in his own words:)
