Tranquility-Sorcerer/ Sorceress C-31-37

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Chapter 31

Andrew finds his Father in the midst of organizing several builders who, with some assistance from several hundred warriors, are in the process of felling trees for use in building as well as clearing the tree stumps and leveling portions of the land in preparation of building. There is a gentle slope to the land which will assist greatly in the drainage of the area should there be a hard rain, which always seems to happen when one least expects it, and the entire area appears to be quite adequate for the buildings and creation of a grassy field for use as a training ground. While the entire scene viewed from afar appears to be a ‘mad-house’, upon closer inspection everything may be determined to be well orchestrated with many logs being brought to the mill and kilns which have been hastily erected within the initial clearing.

Andrews approaches his Father and, after the Senior deToraline completes his conversation with the builders, they walk to a less hectic location removed slightly from all of the others that they might have a semi-private conversation without shouting to be heard.

“Hello Father, I see things are moving right along. Have you heard any more from Percoin?”

“Not today, Andrew. The last message indicated the enemy simply came in and killed or removed a number of people then left flyers behind which intimated that the action was taken by the Sorcerers and Financiers due to recent unpopular actions taken by the Politicians.”

“Does anyone actually believe that?”

“Much of the populace, I’m afraid.”

“This isn’t good. We cannot afford to lose our form of government. We also need to show support for our politicians even though they have taken some unpopular steps. The biggest problem will first be in somehow getting the politicians to understand we are not the problem, it is an outside group.”

“That may be difficult, Andrew.”

“I know. Alexandra’s Father is a politician and even though he knows Alexandra is trying to help, he is still distrustful. The politicians we have saved believe we have actually kidnaped them and have been demanding their release. We take a vote tomorrow but I think we will be returning them to Percoin and Scearnvale, as the case may be. That means they are going to be on their own as far as protection goes.”

“That could be very bad. I wish they could understand we are not the problem. I cannot think of a way to convince them.”

“Nor I. We could show the technological items to the politicians but then they would go off and think the techies were the ones causing the problems. I would rather not bring any of those devices to these locations as the enemy seems to have some manner of signature on them and are able to locate them wherever the items might be. I don’t want them to find our homes. It would not do to have hordes of them suddenly appearing in our midst.”

“I didn’t think of that. We have several of those items here for study, I will have them moved immediately. I’ll be right back.”

Andrew is now concerned that some of the devices have been brought to his Fathers new home site. Opening a gateway to his own home, he alerts the ready force and asks them to stand-by until he knows things are again presumably safe. Ten anxious minutes go by until his Father returns.

“The items are now off site and back at Percoin. I won’t allow that mistake to occur again.”

“Good. Allow me to tell my ready force to stand down. I alerted them since most of your warriors are busy aiding the builders and were unlikely to have rapid access to their weapons should they have been needed.”

Andrew, motions to the Captain of the ready force and indicates they may relax again, then closes the two gateways he was holding open and returns to conversation with his Father.

“What have you learned about the devices so far?”

“One appears to be a weapon of some kind. It has several spells impressed upon it so they obviously have Sorcerers in their employ or at their disposal. Healer Gordon says the spells are all of the older magic so we still don’t know if they have access to the new control but he doesn’t recognise the spells themselves. He thinks they are some kind of healing spells but twisted somehow.”

“Healing spells? Maybe they are devices to heal wounded or maybe something to be used before a battle in order to add strength or healing ability so that the warrior won’t be affected badly by his wounds.”

“Perhaps. At this point it is all guesswork. That nearly all of the warriors are carrying one would tend to indicate it is a weapon. I doubt they would all be carrying a healing tool. There are some who want to test it on an animal to see what it does, I’m not certain that is a good idea. Anyway we are making progress of sorts with regard to the devices and I have had those devices which seem to be used in travel placed in a separate location from that of the other devices since our previous experience has shown that they don’t seem to be able to locate the other devices.”

“Perhaps a small closet might be a good idea. That is assuming they actually come and collect the travel devices. Perhaps they use them as signatures or beacons of some sort and are able to draw them back without coming to collect them.” Andrew has an idea as he gives that further thought, “Father, we never found any bodies of the bandits, did we? Not even when the few villagers said some bandits were wounded?”

“No, never.”

“Then I think the bandits are a part of this enemy group and were simply posing as bandits. These travel devices would allow the enemy to take back their dead if the device was still attached to the body.”

Shaking his head, “Yes, Andrew. I think that would make sense. We were thinking the injured simply were not badly hurt. Why would they want to retrieve their dead? It would be more of a hardship for us if they left them behind since we would need to deal with the bodies.”

“Two reasons I may think of...
The first is to hide the numbers of their wounded and dead. The second would be to prevent us from possibly identifying any of those wounded or from extracting useful information from them. That we now remove the devices from the wounded and dead has probably caused them a great deal of difficulty. I think we may be dealing with a remnant of those who once were Alliance but hidden within our countries. They obviously have spent this time to good use and have recruited others... Possibly entire towns.

There are many towns, of which we are unaware, hidden away in the back lands. Alexandra’s searches have proven this. There could be many more. I think a large group should be used to visually link to unknown areas to examine much of the lands surrounding our known villages and towns. Possibly the search should begin in the library archives since somewhere in there we should be able to find maps which would show where the cities and towns existed prior to the war. Not everything would be destroyed so that would be a good place to begin.”

“That’s a good idea, Andrew. I’ll see to it very quickly. We could then do visual link searches of those areas to see if any are inhabited or show signs of recent use. I’ll get back to you concerning this in a few days, it would seem that our training of you as a Warrior is paying dividends. Anything else?”

“Not that I may think of at the moment, Father. Give my love to Mother and ask her to come visit with Alexandra sometime soon. Alexandra has been asking after her.”

“I shall. See you later Son,” Rolling his eyes, “I’ve got to get back to the builders. They don’t seem to be able to get along without me for some idiotic reason.”

Andrew waves as he begins to chuckle, walking through a gateway to his own property even as his Father turns and while proceeding back toward the builders is spotted by them and they begin trying to attract his attention by waving energetically.

As he exits the gateway, Andrew is greeted by a wondrous display of fireworks covering the sky over the open fields and river below. Alexandra is in the process of attempting to halt the perpetrators even as Andrew begins to applaud the colorful displays.

“Don’t encourage them, they are not to be doing that until properly trained by Friar Tuck... I mean Sorcerer Gordon. Someone could easily be hurt as a result of an improper spell.”

“But look, they are getting good at it, Alexandra.”

Alex gives him a scowl even as Missii walks up congratulating Rachel and the two boys who have just created the display.

The boys could not produce such a large display on their own, but with the sudden energy flow made available to them by Rachel they were able to cover a significant portion of the sky with the display.

“Now. How would you have put out the fire if your display set the forest ablaze? The property further across those trees is not Andrew’s nor I believe would he have enjoyed your setting fire to his forest.”

“We had six others watching, three to make spells and three to provide extra energy so if anything happened they were going to cause a rain to put out any fires. Alice is here too, so if anyone was hurt then she could help them.”

“Alexandra, watch... Jeremy and I are able to make a horse display and if Rachel provides us with energy we may make it big enough to be seen in the sky.”

“Really? And if she does not provide energy?”

Downcast, “Then it is just a small display and we cannot place it up into the sky.”

“Oh, very well. Since you have a team of firefighters and a healer here, go ahead and give it a try. But place it well up into the sky so if it gallops across to the hills it cannot touch them.”

The children look at each other and at the surrounding hills. Now they are a bit apprehensive and are considering the chances that the horse might set a fire further away. After a short discussion among themselves they finally settle on a smaller horse and much higher in the sky.

A minute later they are casting their spells and the horse is finally galloping across the sky. By now many of the children and a number of the guard and politicians are also watching. As the horse fades into the distance the spells fade away as well, diminishing the risk of an unforseen or catastrophic event occurring. The onlookers provide applause and the three children who have been creating the fireworks turn back to see several hundred onlookers. Rachel blushes and the boys each bow in thanks for the applause.

Turning from the momentary diversion, Andrew takes Alexandra aside after she convinces the children to halt their fireworks for the remainder of the day, “Why don’t you stop for now with this high point in your efforts? You are obviously happy with yourselves at the moment and it wouldn’t do to have a catastrophe occur which would leave you sad the rest of the day.”

The children agree although Rachel is becoming quite interested in the prospect of launching fireworks into the sky and she wants to go off with the boys to learn how the fireworks spells are created.

“Rachel, Alice, children... It’s time for supper,” Alexandra calls out

The children all change direction and start toward the cleaning room which has been added for the children’s benefit since they always seem to forget to wash before coming to a meal. The location of the cleaning room near the meal hall itself has produced far fewer dirty hands and faces in the meal hall. During the meal, Alexandra and Andrew spend most of their time settling small squabbles and listening to the children’s tales of what they have learned or done during the day. This consumes most of the meal time due to the large number of children now living at the home become a training center for both magic and warriors. The children finish their meals quickly and depart. Now the various commanders of warrior groups enter for their meals and conference with Alexandra and Andrew.

Another hour spent productively, they depart the meal hall and walk off together sharing quick kisses now and then while discussing the conversation Andrew and His Father have shared.

“I was wondering how many you have who are adept at the long range visual searches? Father is having the libraries checked for maps and we hope to begin using visual links to search for signs of habitation of any locations we find on the maps which may be previously unknown to us. As these prisoners have implied there are thousands of members of the enemy force and possibly many thousands who are support for them, we need to locate where they are hiding.”

“Andrew, it could be almost anywhere. We know of only about a tenth or less of the Survivor and even less of the Shambles. It seems strange to me that if the Antagonist had people hidden over in these two countries that they would initiate such a severe attack against either of them, even so long ago. That would have been as likely to harm their own people as well as ours.”

“Maybe back then it was acceptable to them, Alexandra. Or perhaps they warned them to take precautions before the attack occurred. We don’t know much about the events of that time. Events of the last two weeks prior to that attack are sketchy. Not much in the way of written material exists for that time. Books take so long to write and no one was doing it for years following the war, newspapers didn’t survive and only in the last twenty or so years have we begun to produce new written records of the history of the two continents. Surviving is more important than recording events possibly for no one to read. Everything recorded about those times is now pretty much third or fourth hand and there is as much fable as there is fact.”

“True, Andrew. Very well, I’ll let the others know that we may have some specific areas to look for soon. I’m not going to hold my breath since most libraries were in cities and most cities were destroyed nearly completely. Private locations don’t seem to have much in the way of maps. It never seems to be very important to private collectors.”

“Oh. You’re right, I hadn’t thought of that. Funny... I always thought of private collections as being the same as a library just smaller. I see now that the emphasis would have been quite biased toward the interests of the private collector. A condition far less likely to preserve historical information or maps. This may be more difficult than I was imagining. At any rate, if Father discovers anything then he will have the information passed to you so your people may begin searching. It might be nice if they could find a way of allowing us to see those distant locations without the people at those locations seeing or detecting those of us doing the viewing. If we stumble across a band of the enemy it would hardly do to allow them to know it.”

“That could prove difficult, Andrew. A visual link includes both ends in the viewing. Perhaps if we keep the links small they will be less likely to be discovered. However that also limits how much we see. I’ll talk with the others and see what we may do in that respect. Perhaps start small and slowly grow larger if nothing is seen at first. That would still be risky. I’ll think about it and have the others do the same. Perhaps the girls... They have been doing this for some time and are quite good at it. One good thing about a visual link though, Andrew...”

“What’s that?”

“A visual link does not permit physical things to pass. Remember, you needed to change the link slightly in order to pass the rose to me when this all first started. You also needed to change it even more when I gave you that kiss.”

“Speaking of a kiss...”

Less than a minute later, “Mother, Father could we... Oh, sorry.”

“That’s all right, Rachel. What is it?”

“Mother, could we go down by the river?”

“If you are very careful and take two of the human guards with you. Two who are able to swim well. You know the Felines are afraid of rapidly moving water.”

“Oh, I forgot. Why are they afraid?”

“It’s because they are special people, Rachel. They are very powerful and capable in many other areas so swimming is something at which they are not very good to make up for the rest.”

The two Felines listen to this explanation and smile. There have been no derogatory remarks and they have not been made out to be weak. Instead they have been said to be very competent so swimming is something at which they are not so well adapted in order to balance everything out. Even the children accept them as they are without a great fuss over things like not liking water. The controlled water when they bathe is one thing. Uncontrolled water is something else altogether.

The small group go out to collect two swimmers, just in case of a mishap, and then are on their way down to the river. Andrew and Alexandra continue their discussion with a slight change of topic... The politicians.

“Andrew, I am concerned for my Father. When the politicians leave tomorrow they will be open to attack once again and I still believe there is someone providing information to the Alliance or whoever this is who is causing these raids. I wish we had a way for him to quickly escape to here without someone else also being able to follow him.”

“We could provide him with a token... The way the gateways operated, before they were all shut down, the remote locations called to the gateway spell so someone could travel. We could give your Father a token to carry, but he would need to always have it with him day and night. That would allow him to call a gateway and rush through then the gateway would close and no one could travel through it. He must bring the token through with him when he returns here though.”

“That would serve the purpose, Andrew. I’ll try to get him to understand he cannot allow anyone else to use the token. Will it still allow him to go anywhere and be able to call the gateway?”

“I think so, Alexandra. The only reason we had fixed points for the one’s we were using was because the public needed a location to which they could travel and at which they knew there would be access to a gateway. The size of the token may actually be small and a very small amount of energy supplied for it. After all it only need to keep the call spell active and then the gateway spell energy ingots will provide the energy necessary to open and hold the gateway until he is through. Perhaps a quarter of a small spell ingot at the token and one large ingot at the gateway end. That would allow the token to fit in a pocket.”

“Let’s do it, Andrew. I want to give it to him tonight so when they all leave tomorrow he will have that security at least. Perhaps we could also put a small guard force, maybe four or five, at the gateway location so if he suddenly comes through there will be people there to help him if he is wounded or to fight if others manage to come through before the gateway closes?”

“All right. The gateway spell is simple so all we need is a holder which accepts large ingots. The token... One of the children’s training holders might work for that. It would fill his pocket but it would work and an entire training ingot would fit in it. I’ll go obtain the holders and ingots while you tell him about our plan. He will not be able to bring anyone through with him though so be certain he understands that.”

“I’ll go talk with him now.”

“Okay. And I’ll go get the holders and place the spells on them. Love you, see you in about twenty minutes.”

“Thank you Andrew. This is important to me.” She raises to her toes and gives him another kiss then turns and goes off to find her Father.

“But Father. I’m worried about you and this will give you a small protection. I also will have a set of spells placed on the token to help protect you from magical attack or surveillance much as we have done for the children.”

“I’m not a child, Alexandra.”

“Perhaps not, Father. But as far as magic goes you may as well be. You have no means of protecting yourself against magic nor of knowing if it is in use. This at least will help you to survive should it become necessary. Oh... Why are you being so hard headed? You know I’m right and you also know I would do nothing to harm you, nor would Andrew. Surely you don’t believe the stories that those who use magic are behind these attacks.”

“I don’t know what to think Alexandra. But I do believe you and Andrew are not a part of it. My opinions mean little with the other politicians however. I don’t like the idea of running if another attack occurs.”

“So you will stay and be captured or killed as well?”

“Well, no... but I would like to help as many as possible to escape if it is necessary.”

“You cannot do that. This will be a one time spell and it will allow only one person through or two if they are very close to each other. It is meant to save you should a surprise attack occur. If you have some warning then you should come through immediately and we may open another gateway quickly to send through a small force and help save others. You must save yourself first so you may sound the alarm.”

“Since you put it like that, I understand. All right, I agree Alexandra. If anything happens I will immediately use the token and come through.”

Alexandra goes over and kisses her Father’s cheek, “Thank you Father. It means a great deal to me and we will try to save as many as possible should something happen. Let’s go find Andrew and he may give you the token and explain how to use it.”

After a short search, during which it is discovered that Andrew is also searching for them and the three of them are going around and around, they manage to hold still long enough for the other to catch up to them.

Andrew begins the explanation, “This pocket holder now has a spell on it to create a gateway to a remote location which was discovered by Alexandra during some of her visual searches. If anyone comes through with you the guard may throw them through this second gateway so if they have any of those technological devices which allow the enemy to trace them then the enemy will go to the wrong place somewhere deep in the jungles. With any luck they may have some difficulty returning to wherever it is they came from for an hour or two. If we kill the one that makes it through, if someone does happen to make it; then the enemy will not understand how the person wound up deep in the jungle and with any luck they may waste a lot of time looking for us there instead of here.”

“I knew there was a reason I liked you as a potential son-in-law other than your money that is.”


“Just kidding, Alexandra. Just kidding.”

“I should hope so.”

“Sir, to continue the explanation...”

Andrew completes his instructions and allows Statesman Beaumont to attempt the use of the link generator several times so he will be able to use it quickly and almost automatically without trying to remember everything when his life is under threat.

“Sir, I would also ask that you use this once in a while to come visit... say once a week. This will give you the opportunity to practice and allow us to check the ingots in both devices to be certain they are sufficient to protect or transport you for at least another week.”

“Yes, Father. Please use it at least once a week. Besides, we would like to have you come visit. It would also make me feel better to know you are well and everything is still working properly.”

“All right children. I promise, I promise... May I go now?”

“After you say good-bye to the girls.”

“Where are they Alexandra? I haven’t seen them for at least an hour and they are usually asking me all kinds of questions by now. I didn’t know that being a grandparent would be so demanding.”

“I... don’t know.” Some concern now in her voice, “Rachel asked if they could go down by the river and they collected two swimmers to go along so there would be no mishaps. Andrew, we had best check on them.”

Alexandra’s Father excuses himself to return to the other politicians and the preparations to return to the two capitols from which they were previously rescued. Andrew and Alexandra link to the girls and then open a gateway and passing through to check on them.

“Alice, Rachel... Grandfather is about to leave, don’t you want to say good-bye?”

“Yes!” Rachel comes running over.

“Yes, may we go back with you?” Alice requests. Moments later the two girls and their entourage pass through the gateway opened by Andrew.

“GRANDFATHER!” an exuberant Rachel proceeds to tell him all about their fun down by the river.

“Grandfather, must you go?” Alice, ever more practical, attempting to entice Statesman Beaumont to stay even when the other politicians are about to depart.

“Yes, I’m afraid I must. We have a lot of work to do. Rachel, you don’t mean to tell me you caught a fish with your bare hands now, do you?”

“Yes, I was holding it.”

“Perhaps a little magic helped you to catch it?”

She looks at him with some trepidation, “maybe a little... Do I have to go to prison now?” tears beginning to form in her eyes.

Jason laughs, “No, Rachel. We repealed the laws about magic. There are many good people who are able to perform magic and even more who rely on it in their daily lives so it is foolish for us to try to stop it. You are not going to prison. But you must do what your mother and father tell you to do. Especially when it comes to using magic.”

“I will!”

“Grandfather? Will you come visit us sometimes? And maybe tell us some more stories?” Alice continues to take a practical approach.

“I will. I’ll come visit each weekend, and perhaps tell you both more stories as well. Now each of you come here and give your dottering old grandfather a kiss before I go.”

They come over and hug him each kissing his cheek before going back to Alexandra.

The master gateway has been re-spelled and ingots placed to provide energy allowing the politicians, their wives and families, who were slowly collected and brought here for protection, to again travel to both Percoin and Scearnvale.

As Statesman Beaumont is entering the gateway, Alexandra and the children call out, “Good-bye, Father.” “Bye, Grandfather.” “Bye... Bring a story when you visit.”

“Alice... You could at least ask,” may be heard from Alexandra as her Father smiles as he walks through the gateway.

Chapter 32

Now that the laws regarding magic have been repealed, the gateway transportation system is rapidly being restored to operation. The magical shutdown feature is still a part of the spells, since no one knows if or when those faceless enemies will again strike. The spells are changed slightly to allow for a turn on feature at a later time so long as the spell ingots have not depleted during the shut off period. This way it no longer becomes necessary to travel around to all the hubs re-spelling the ingot holders to allow travel and to permit destination selections.

Things once again diminish to a dull roar and Andrew’s Father continues his building upon the nearby property. Andrew and Alexandra during one of their visits with his parents, bring several ingot holders with them and these are placed for Andrew’s parent’s gateway use. These allow for a number of destinations to be individually selected as well as remote calls to the semi-major gateway now being placed. Destinations include the Percoin home, several of his father’s business locations, Andrew and Alexandra’s home, of course, and the feature which allows a remote call from those locations.

A new idea is also incorporated... a small pocket sized ingot holder with a call spell which is powered by one of the study ingots. It needs very little energy as all it does is to call to the gateway spell which then opens a gateway to the location of the portable holder allowing the individual to travel through to this new home. This small pocket sized holder need not be removed from the pocket in order to be used so most people would not be aware that the called gateway was summoned by a device rather than through the use of a person’s magic.

Now that the crisis between the practitioners of magic and the politicians is over, at least until they decide upon some other foolish endeavor, Andrew and Alexandra are able to once again begin planning classes. A week later the children are once again receiving instruction and experimenting with new spells. The fields near the river are beginning to produce large quantities of fruit as are the smaller locations the children planted at the homes of each of their families. Groups of children are taken around to alter the spells which were placed on the soil and seeds such that the plants will now continue their growth more normally thus yielding food for the families to eat and sell or barter.

The portable gateway call device is so effective that Andrew alters the spell system in use by Alexandra’s father such that he may use it as a means of travel rather than just in an emergency. For the moment the only drawback is that he must travel to their home and then go on from there. The slight drawback is more than made up for by the speed with which he may travel from the Hall to their home and then to his own.

Out of the minds of babes sometimes come the answers to difficult problems. Practice in the creation of gateways leads several of the children off on a tangent which directs them to the development of a single ingot powered gateway generator which is capable of two simultaneous gateways. The biggest change made is that the generator does not need to be at one of the ends of the gateway. The gateway may not be very large and thus only allows one person to travel at the time it is set but the two locations may be selected and the gateway generated between them rather than from one to the gateway spell device and then another from the spell device to the second location. By the time Andrew and Alexandra discover the concept is in use, the children are even using it in their games.
The actual generator has been placed at the location of the ready guard, but each of the now two dozen or so children using it has a call device or ‘token’ which allows them to select any of a dozen different destinations within Andrew’s property, where it is relatively safe to play. A separate kind of token has also been spelled and the children have talked with Missii and Kayla about the device. The two commanders procured over a thousand small pocket sized ingot holders each with a study ingot in it and the children spent several days placing the spells on these devices. In the case of the children’s game tokens the device is used as the anchor end of the generated gateway and the selected destination is set as the other end.

The new devices distributed to the warriors terminate near the ready guard location and originate wherever the token happens to be. Every member of the warriors is given one and shown how to use it. This will allow warriors to return to the property quickly and without waiting for someone who may place a gateway using magic. If the person is hurt and able to still activate the device then they will be transported back automatically for medical care. This allows the healers to remain relatively protected and away from a battlefield. Two marks have been placed on the warrior’s devices... one is for instant transport and the other is delayed by a few seconds. This allows someone else to activate the device of a fallen comrade and to move out of range before the gateway appears and transports the fallen warrior. As soon as a calling device magically registers as being at the destination location, the spell causes the gateway to close.

In the case of the children’s tokens a number of persons may pass through the gateway prior to the person who is holding the token. Not terribly nice from a security viewpoint but effective and allows a number of individuals to transit the gateway. Changing the selected destination also closes the previously selected destination’s gateway.

With an eye to fun, the twelfth destination on the call devices is actually a point about a meter or two in the air above a deep pool of calm water adjacent to the river. When the children want to go swimming they just place one of the tokens near the pool and call up the mid-air destination. To dive into the pool all one need do is step through the gateway and drop into the water. This unique idea allows for a number of fun ways to spend a warm afternoon.

Investigation of one of those tokens leads to the discovery of the swimming pool access... much to the chagrin of Andrew who was investigating the destinations and the method of selecting them.

Andrew, and a great deal of water transport back onto dry land before he indignantly squishes his way back into the house to change out of his sopping wet clothes.

Alexandra gives him a smile just before placing her hand before her mouth, laughter in her eyes, as he drips past muttering, “I needed a bath anyway... There should be a warning on that symbol.”

“Did you go swimming in your clothes, Father? Don’t you have a swimming suit?” asks an astonished Rachel.

Andrew quietly grumbles as he continues into the house.

After changing into dry clothing, Andrew seeks out the gateway generator used by the children and examines the spells upon it. Considering the spells on the portable call devices and on the gateway generator, he comes up with a spell modifier which will allow all destination calls to be diverted to that location above the pool of water. The activation of this modifier will allow the guard to divert incoming gateways to the pool should one of the devices fall into enemy hands. This way large numbers of people cannot appear within the enclosed house property but will instead be diverted to the pool much as the way the children use one of the devices to allow them access for their swimming.

Several have thought of diverting to a location over a long drop to the ground but this is vetoed by Alexandra as too hazardous, “Some child or other individual who is not an enemy might accidentally access the gateway generator during the time it is switched to the alternate location. The pool is best since the enemy would not be expecting it and they could more easily be dealt with in that situation and all of the children are learning to swim as well as capable of creating gateways without the use of the tokens. The tokens simply allow travel within the property limits without the expenditure of large amounts of personal energy.”

Spelling destinations into the tokens was relatively easy. A Visual link was used to find places which the children felt were interesting and then selection of that information is impressed into the locator spell thus giving a selection of destinations. One such destination is near the other end of the valley at a clearing near the base of the falls while several are much closer to the house. One ends in a meadow, one upon the overlook of a nearby mountain which allows a view of the valley including the house, which may be seen below the overlook some three or four hundred meters away and perhaps two hundred meters below the overlook. The river and most of the valley may also be seen from the overlook location.

With a better feel for exactly how the children achieved their game gateway tokens, Andrew begins to plan a way of incorporating a similar scheme into those fixed devices in use by the public thus allowing multiple destinations to be available from any one originating location. This will eventually permit single transit gateways rather than requiring the use of multiple gateways for city to city travel. It will also reduce the amount of overall energy consumed since a person will need but one gateway for their journey rather than two, three or even four. It may not be possible to reduce the more complex travels to one gateway but it might be possible to reduce it to two. This will also quicken journeys and thus allow for more persons to travel since the peak demand will be reduced. That will also allow for a savings in the number of ingots used and thus provide more profits to the fledgling business of mass transit. Andrew congratulates himself on the astute improvements about to be made to the business.

Over time, the senior deToraline’s researchers manage to find a few maps showing locations of cities and a few towns. Some of these are already known. Visual links are used to find others which are inhabited but which were also known, just not thought to be where the maps place them. With the new found information concerning the real placement of a city a more direct path may be created on the ground and thus saving time for foot journeys. The gateways don’t seem to care about distances so they are unaffected.

Of greatest interest are the few locations which turn out not to be previously known. Of these only two appear to be inhabited and both are discovered to simply be more people who are just trying to survive while totally unaware other cities have once again banded together for mutual growth and support. In both instances, healers and magic were completely unknown. The sudden appearance of a large armed party in the midst of the city or town which deposits supplies and a note then disappear through a hole in fabric of the air nearby is difficult for those inhabiting the city to comprehend. A week later when the large party appears again with healers accompanying them, the populace slowly comes forward with their sick and hurt and some trust begins to occur.

The one city is nearly half populated with old Felines and few young. Most of the older Felines have multiple injuries which have caused them to be of less and less use and more and more a burden. The point had been reached where some of these Felines were given weapons and a little supplies and they cast forth into the surrounding forests never to be seen again. Two of the old Felines are diagnosed by Kayla and it is decided they need to be seen by Alice and Rachel. Some heated discussion occurs prior to Alexandra allowing the girls to travel to the city to heal those two injured Felines. Alexandra demands that she also will accompany the girls as will a detachment of twenty human and twenty Feline warriors for their protection.

The warriors go through the gateway first, securing the area before Alexandra and the girls go through. This was not what the towns people expected but healers are supposed to be in the party so they again bring out the remaining ill and injured. Alice and Rachel go first to the two Felines.

“Missii? I will need two to hold this one. She is badly hurt and poorly healed so my healing will hurt her. She cannot be allowed to move while she is being healed.”

Three strong male Felines are ordered over to hold down the Female and Alice and Rachel begin with Alexandra adding energy as well. The healings are difficult and the Female screams loudly several times. Her mate tries to get through to her but he is held back as the healings continue. Nearly twenty minutes pass before Alice stops.

“She will need more healing in a few days. Now she needs to rest, eat and drink plenty of fluids to regain some strength before we begin again. She is much better. Is the other one ready?”

The Female’s mate is allowed to go to her now. She weakly acknowledges his presence with a tired smile, “much of my pain is gone now, dear one. The child is a gifted healer.” He offers her a little water and they are holding each other as the girls and Alexandra seek out the next Feline who needs her healing touch. Again, males must hold down the individual during the healing. And, again, considerable time is needed to accomplish a portion of that which is needed.

As with the Female, Alice stops after about twenty minutes again saying she will need to return for a second round. “He needs rest, food and fluids. When we return in a few days we will need three or four to provide energy for the healings.”

Alexandra acknowledges, “We have nearly twenty who are powerful sources of energy. We could bring eight with us so there are four for each healing.”

Alice goes to the bucket of water which is being used to allow the injured to drink,”could someone draw a full bucket of water and bring it here to me?”

In a few minutes a fresh bucket of water is placed from which the injured may drink. Alice goes to it and begins placing a magical spell on the water. Everyone watches in curiosity. Finally Alice steps back and asks that a small amount of the water be given to each of the injured to drink. She also asks for two more buckets full of water and when they arrive she places the same spell on that water also.

“Small amounts of the water from these buckets must be given to each of the injured throughout the night, it will help them to heal and provide energy where their bodies cannot yet accept it from the food they eat. I hope they will be much better tomorrow. There will be healers here to see everyone again tomorrow. Those two,” she points to the two Felines who were so badly hurt, “I will see them again in a few days after their strength improves a little.”

The majority of the warriors and healers return to the home through a gateway opened by Alexandra, leaving behind only ten warriors and two healers. All who have been left behind have a call tokens and have been instructed to depart rather than fight if an attack occurs. The warrior’s ready guard may be sent, with heavy reinforcements to follow, just moment’s after they are alerted should an armed response prove to be necessary for some reason. Once back at the house, the healers who returned all accept a little wine and honey cakes while the girls have milk and honey cakes. Everyone... rests.

Meals are sent to the warriors and healers who remained behind at the city, and about mid-night there is a change of that remote force at the same time as the change of the ready guard at the house. One request is made by the healers, “We would greatly appreciate some form of communication spell which is be ingot powered and which will remain active continuously whenever there are people at a distant location. It would be nice to be able to have things delivered quickly at such times; such as herbs or candles, especially the ones which produce large amounts of light. Perhaps even a small ‘sun’ or two if needed, so we healers will have enough light to perform surgeries during the night if the situation so warrants.”

This brings up one difficulty which has been noted over time. For some reason the number of people who are able to create the ‘suns’ is very low. Possibly related somehow to energy, experience and overall knowledge of natural phenomenon. A good example is one of the boys who may easily create a ‘sun’ but only when he is provided sufficient energy by two or three others who, for some reason, cannot do create a ‘sun’ even though they have sufficient other knowledge and energy to do so.

Giving it a little thought... The number who may successfully produce a ‘sun’ is nearly the same as those who are successful healers. The proportion therefore out of all the Sorcerers and Sorceresses is very low.

When Alice, Rachel, Alexandra and their entourage of Healers and Warriors return to the Feline city a few days later, they find the Feline injured already arriving, with the six more serious cases still present and under the care of the healers who have been changing in shifts of two. More supplies are being brought through to the city and that activity continues through the gateway for perhaps a quarter of an hour. Healings are once again under way and the two seriously injured Felines are able to move under their own power to the treatment area. Alice examines them and decides on a course of treatment after conferring with two other healers. The first four children come to provide energy and this time the woman’s mate is allowed to remain and comfort her during the healings. Half an hour later, Alice halts pronouncing the Female Feline as healed as much as it is possible to do so at this late date following her receipt of the injuries. Even so, the difference is remarkable.

Those children are sent home and they use their tokens to manipulate gateways allowing it. This is an interesting test of the range of the devices and proves even ingot powered magic has few limitations if properly spelled. Alice and the second four children prepare to begin with the other Feline who also is in need of further healing. Again a course of action is determined, healings are performed and just less than a half hour later Alice halts again, pronouncing the male healed as much as is possible considering the extent and age of the injuries. He also is greatly improved. Each of the children receives a hug from the male who attempts to place himself in their service. His dialect is somewhat different and the children have some difficulty understanding him so he is directed to Kayla and spends some time speaking with her as others are seen and receive minor healings. He departs the central plaza following his conversation.

Perhaps another hour passes before the healings are finished. Supplies have been distributed as much as is possible and preparations are being made to depart for home.

“Kayla, are you coming?” Alexandra queries.

“Not just yet. I am waiting for someone.”

Alexandra and the two girls walk over, “Waiting for someone?”

“Yes. I spoke with him earlier and he should be along very shortly.”

“Who is this person for whom we are waiting?” Alexandra motions to a small group of ten Felines and Humans who are waiting their turn to cross through the gateway. They depart the gateway and come over to Kayla and Alexandra.

“Would two of you take the girls back to the house and the rest remain here while we wait for someone?” Quickly a Feline and a Human guide the girls to the gateway and depart. Less than a minute later twenty members of the ‘ready force’ come through the gateway and fan out near the small group who is ‘waiting for someone’.

Alexandra again asks, “For whom are we waiting?”

Kayla looks around the group of Felines and Humans before answering.

“We are waiting for the old Feline Alice healed. He said he is a ‘Budokai master’.”

A murmur goes through the Felines at this declaration. The Humans just look at each other with some puzzlement. Five more minutes go by before one of the Humans points to a distant group of people walking toward them, “Here comes a group of Felines.”

Everyone’s eyes turn to take in the small party approaching the plaza. As the Felines enter the plaza, they spread apart slightly and a single figure in golden armor may be seen walking in their midst. Again the Felines begin murmuring among themselves.

“Kayla. Just what is a Budokai master and why are we waiting for him?”

“We are waiting because he asked it. Alice healed him and so he has decreed his knowledge and talents into our service. He will teach the art of Budokai to all of our warriors. These others are his disciples. He placed them into our service as well.”

“There are just nine of them including the master? Are they really all that powerful?”

“It is not so much the power, as it is the skill and knowledge. Those nine are easily worth a hundred of us. Or more. When he arrives bow to him. You do not need bow low but just show respect for his knowledge and declared loyalty to this your family.”

Alexandra tells the humans warriors to also show respect.

Budokai Takio Fel arrives and is standing proudly before Kayla, who bows to him as do all the warriors. He turns toward Alexandra and she gives him a curtsey rising again. Kayla explains, “This lady is one of our employers. She, her husband and their daughters are all users of magic and are the reason we have come to this place and the reason you are healed.”

Fel gives Alexandra a slight bow, “We are come to be in your service in the old ways. We will make warriors out of your guard.”

“Thank you Budokai Takio Fel. Your efforts are appreciated and will be rewarded. If you would come with us we may go to the home where we will speak with my husband.”

“Before we go, I must make arrangements for the protection of those who remain.” He looks at his disciples and selects three, “It is you who are now responsible to teach and protect those of this city. Make me proud of your efforts. You have reached the testing. You are masters in all but name. I will return in one year to see if you remain to all you have been taught. Be well, forget nothing.”

The three bow low to him and turn to walk back down the avenue up which they came, returning to the shrine where they will continue to live but as the masters for the city now rather than simply disciples of a master.

Alexandra opens a gateway to the property. The remainder of the ready guard immediately alerts and Kayla sends half the force here back to the house then offers the path to the Budokai. He walks through the gateway followed closely by the remaining five disciples and then by Alexandra and the remainder of the warriors. The gateway is closed.

Word of the arrival of a Budokai master spreads quickly through the Felines and soon most of them are present attempting to obtain a glimpse of him and those who arrived with him. This is a rare occurrence. Few now have heard of such a one since The War. At the time of the War there were many dozens. Now... The rumors would give the count as less than ten. People have now seen only one and he has decided to offer his services here.

The question of where to quarter them comes up and Kayla immediately makes it known that these are very honored guests. Andrew decides to put them up in the guest quarters of the house and asks, “Should a training temple be built? If so then would he be so kind as to provide the information to the builders such that it may be properly constructed to serve his needs and that of the training?” He also may be diplomatic when it is necessary.

Andrew and Alexandra show their guests to the house and give them time to prepare themselves prior to taking their place in the meal hall half an hour later. When they later seat themselves in the meal hall, Chief Chef Jacques comes out and bows to Budokai Takio Fel as though he is a foreign dignitary, asking if there is a specific dish which he would wish to have. Fel sends one of his disciples to the kitchen with the Chief Chef and preparations begin for a special meal.

Discussion of the building of a temple/ training facility and the creation of some new weapons of older designs begins. Fel is a little reluctant to teach the disciplines to Humans but Missii, who has been introduced by Kayla as the co-commander of the Guard, explains that the Humans are sharing their specialised knowledge with the Felines so it is only appropriate they reciprocate. “It is the task of the entire Guard, Feline and Human alike, to provide protection and an alert force in the form of a Ready Guard for any task necessary. Felines using Human tactics is upsetting to an enemy force and there is one out there striking here and there without warning before slinking away so we have no one to eliminate after their strike. To have Humans trained like Felines should also be upsetting. I like the idea.”

Fel considers this and nods his head affirmatively, “We will do this. Some of the techniques may not be easily accomplished by Humans but all that may... will be taught to those willing to learn.”

The meal is served as well as those slightly different repasts requested by the Budokai.

Once the meal has been finished, the Master and his disciples rise from the table, give a small bow to Andrew and Alexandra and walk off in single file exiting the meal hall and returning to their rooms.

“Well... This will be interesting.” Andrew notes.

The following morning the Budokai are out practicing their art before even the morning sun rises from behind the mountains to begin shadowing the house. The light may be seen reflecting off the distant waterfall and as the sun rises the light drops lower to the floor of the valley and then crawls slowly along the river toward the house until the sun is high enough in the sky to be seen above the mountains and the valley is in full light. Shortly thereafter the children are out of doors practicing their lessons.

The Budokai, coming from a city with few children, especially human children, and into a home where there are about a hundred human children find it to be a bit of a distraction. Not a large bit but just enough that they are a little more than aware the children are present on the training grounds. That the children are all practicing magic is also difficult. Magic has not been a part of the lives of the Felines of the city since long before the War and only recently returned in the form of healers from this home.

To see children opening gateways, throwing fireworks into the high skies, causing seeds to sprout into tall trees in less than a day, and magically diverting water from the river into the fields to irrigate the plants and trees growing in those fields is slightly unnerving. Lessor individuals would find it to be difficult to tolerate much less understand. The Budokai watch all that is happening in a mild awe before continuing their activities, attracting others who are watching them in equal awe.

Chapter 33

Lessons continue for everyone, the children, the Budokai, and the warriors. The children began their lessons after breakfast; for the warriors it is mixed, some before some after; the Budokai complete their morning rituals and slip off to have their traditional breakfast while watching the late comers in the meal hall and all the food they are eating. There seems to be plenty of food available here unlike in their city where there are so many mouths and so few provisions. That there are now six mouths fewer will make little difference except to the few Feline children who beg food from the Budokai and for whom those remaining Budokai will now have more available to help those children grow strong. The few who may be worthy might also be brought in for training to eventually become masters themselves. The Budokai might, once again, flourish.

Many days pass and at Andrew and Alexandra’s property things are falling into a routine. The children’s magic no longer disturbs the Budokai, the warriors are busy trying to learn a small part of the skills that Takio Fel has brought to teach. The Children are no longer spending much of their time watching the Budokai. Things are more or less back to normal at least until the week end the children go swimming again.

The children set their token gateway at the edge of the pool, as usual, so they may walk through and thus be above the water where they may twist into a dive before striking it. Some run at the gateway which is but a faint shimmer in the air and dive through it so they are already in dive motion and cutting a clean path into the water. As children do when they are playing, they are having fun and are yelling and taunting one another.

Several of the Budokai disciples who have been watching this from the distance, walk closer. As they approach the pool of water, one of the children begins running at them. They prepare to catch the child to prevent an injurious collision when the child vanishes only to appear as a splash near the center of the pool. Yet another runs toward them and vanishes to also splash into the water. This leads one of the Felines to begin examining the air near where the children have vanished. That magic is in use is not in question but... where is it?

The three Felines move out to locations a few meters away to watch yet another child reach an approximate location upon the ground before vanishing in a yell which suddenly is heard over the pool of water as the child dives down and splashes into the pool. Now that the Felines have observed from different directions they have a better idea of the location of the magic. They walk around the spot trying to see exactly where the children are entering the magic. As they stand there yet another child runs directly at one of the Felines before passing through the magic mere moments before he would have collided with the disciple. Two of the disciples walk toward the spot where the child vanished as yet another runs directly at them, the spot apparently directly between them. Just as the collision is imminent the child vanishes. An instant later, the Feline closest to the gateway but approaching from the opposite side does also.

A yowl of terror may be heard near the center of the pool just before a large splash occurs and less than a half second later a second disciple has also walked into the back side of the gateway. A second large splash occurs in the pool. The felines are able to swim. Not well, but swim. Several of the larger children rush to the gateway and land in the water near the felines, aware that the disciples may need assistance. The third disciple is backing away from the children who are rushing to the gateway and he backs right through it causing yet another large splash in the pool and adding further to the confusion.

A great deal of courage is needed on the part of the disciples to overcome their great fear of deep water. That it is not rapidly moving, like the river, helps greatly. Their acceptance of the children’s aid in reaching shore again is also slow coming but finally gratefully received. When they are partway to the shore the children tell them to try standing, “It should be shallow enough here for you to stand.” Much easier said than done. Finally the Felines are standing chest deep in the water but their paws are on what is squishy but solid ground under them. They begin to wade back to shore. Several of the children are trying to convince them to come back out, “just a small way and we will help you to learn to swim better.”

While that might be something useful to know, right now does not seem the time since the terror of the situation is still fresh upon their nostrils.

One of the children in particular approaches them when they are safe on dry land once again.

“I may change the spell on my token so it is in more shallow water where you may stand and where the opening is not so far above the pool. Then you could become accustomed to walking through it and into the water until you are not so upset with the sudden change. Slowly we could help you to learn to swim more strongly until the pool won’t be such a dangerous place for you. Then maybe you could come swimming with us.”

This is not at all what the disciples would consider an interesting pastime. But to yield to their fear is also not the Budokai way. One walks to the boy and asks, “Yes. May I try this? I may not like it but eventually I may come to tolerate it.”

The other two are not so certain but at least will consider it if not give it a try, “if the first attempts are close to shore and the fall not so very high.”

The child creates a visual link after asking one of the tallest children to stand in the water with it nearly to her neck. The location of the visual link is impressed onto the selector emblem previously used for the center of the pool and a gateway is opened. The boy walks through and drops about ten centimeters before entering the water feet first. He goes in over his head and swims to shore then stands next to the Felines.

“I was just touching the bottom of the pool when my head began going under so that means the water will be about here on you when your paws touch the bottom.” He indicates a level which is about low to mid chest on the shorter Feline. “You may go a little deeper before rising again simply because you are dropping into the pool from a short distance above it. Just stand up and your head will easily be above the water.”

He turns and runs, diving into the gateway entrance and the Felines may see him appear about a hand’s height above the water, sliding into it and going underwater before rising again to swim to shore.

The first Feline looks at the others and with a fearful sigh takes a deep breath and walks into the gateway. He appears just as did the human child a short distance above the surface of the water, dropping down until the water is nearly to his neck before rising again and standing in the pool, the water above his waist but below his chest. He gives a triumphant smile to the others and begins to wade back to shore. Immediately after arriving he is once again through the gateway and splashing into the water. Nearly immediately he is wading back to shore to do it again.

The shortest of the Felines now approaches the gateway and after gulping in a great shuddering breath walks through to fall into the pool. Fear overtakes him but the sudden discovery of the floor of the pool provides some courage and he stands to find the pool is not trying to drown him and the water reaches a little below mid chest. He hurries back to shore and pauses for a moment as the first Feline is once again out of the pool and entering the gateway. In moments the third also joins them and the second is going through the gateway once again. By now the first is running through the gateway and even as he hits the water he is trying to swim.

He swims most of the way back to shore, until it is too shallow for him and then he stands. The second Feline races past tagging him as he charges through the gateway and into the pool. By the time the children are about to depart to prepare for supper, the three felines are occasionally exiting the first gateway near the center of the pool. The drop still is a little difficult since it takes them under the water but they come back up and swim to shore. Their swimming abilities strengthening and their fear of the drop and water is diminishing. After all, if human children can do it, why not Budokai? The day has become great fun and they and the children have had a wonderful game of tag. The children are faster in the water and the Felines faster on land.

Several of the tokens have been reset to new locations so there are several places where people may dive into the pool. Trying to select the best gateway to go through in order to more easily catch the one to tag is becoming all a part of the game. Now a large part of the game is tactics and agility either on land or in the water.

One of the Felines has gone through a gateway but immediately notes that the person who is ‘it’ is swimming quickly toward him, he turns and moves to the nearby gateway which is very close to the surface of the water, feeling around until he finds ‘dry’ land at the edge of the gateway then pulls himself through in the opposite direction. Now he is standing on the land near the gateway and the edge of the pool as the swimmer splashes water at him through the gateway frustrated that the Feline was agile enough to go through in the opposite direction.

Now a new escape route for the Felines has been discovered. While not strong or rapid swimmers, they are very strong and agile so the gateway close to the surface of the water offers them an escape which cannot easily be shared by the children. It seems there are some tactical advantages which may be exploited by the Felines even if in the water.

Budokai Takio Fel has arrived down at the pool and observes the frivolity. Rather than disciplining his disciples he decides this is a valuable lesson for them all and asks if they may have four tokens which will allow them to open the gateways over the pool so they may use it during some of their training practice. Swimming will now become a part of their efforts at self discipline. If one may consider playing tag and tactics a discipline. Magic has its uses even if they are not always apparent.

“Young humans. I would like also to speak with those who have been creating the sky fire displays. I wish to know more how they are created and if they are anything other than just pretty lights. Perhaps a demonstration could be arranged that I might discover uses for this talent.”

“We aren’t allowed to do it without Alexandra’s permission and then only when we have taken many precautions. The fireworks could cause fires or hurt someone if they go wrong.”

Takio Fel nods his head, his questions partially answered. The sky fire has the potential to start fires and harm enemy, “I shall speak with the mother-teacher this evening at supper. Thank you for informing me.”

“You’re welcome. We have to go now to clean up and change.” They give small bows to Takio Fel and turn to the three Felines who have been playing in the large pool of water with them. “We need to shut off the gateways because we have to go now. Maybe we’ll see you at the pool another time, bye.” The children wave to the Felines who rather self consciously wave back unsure of the meaning of a wave. One rushes through a gateway and splashes into the pool just before the child shuts the gateway down. The children laughing at the antics of the Feline as they walk away.

Takio Fel looks at his disciple swimming confidently across the pool toward the shore and then at the children walking away, “It would seem we have much to learn from each other, even from the children. COME. We shall go and meditate upon these things.”

The Feline in the pool finally reaches the edge of the pool once more, getting out and collecting his robes after shaking most of the water from his fur then he follows Takio Fel even as the others have done so. The four Felines watch the children run up toward the house as they walk back up the hillside toward the same destination albeit in a slightly more dignified and thoughtful manner as befitting Budokai.

At the supper meal, when Andrew and Alexandra are present Master Fel has many questions, “The use of the sky fire against an enemy force could save the lives of many warriors. Properly used it could be a means of demoralizing thousands and a mere handful could control those thousands. I should like a demonstration of the creation and use of the sky fire.”

“I will speak with the children this evening. Perhaps we may be able to provide a small demonstration tomorrow during training, Master Fel.”

“I and my disciples will be present tomorrow to observe and learn more of this.” He gives a bow of his head to Alexandra and departs the meal hall, his disciples following single file behind him.

Later that evening, Andrew and Alexandra are speaking with the boys who have the most experience with the fireworks. They have also spoken with Rachel and Alice and made arrangements for several healers and a number of children who may provide energy such that the fireworks may be sent high into the sky and far above the potential problems of the trees, house and others who could be harmed by exploding fireworks.

A supply of materials necessary to the creation of the fireworks has been ordered and should arrive early the next morning. Just like all the other things which are “created” by magic, the creation is really a magical mix of items which already exist but which are mixed and held ready through the use of magic. Magic which may also control the rate of use and the shape which those items take, such as a fireworks horse pounding across the night sky. In the case of the fireworks they may be heated beyond ignition which will instantly cause the burn to begin.

The following morning the Budokai are out as usual involved in their training by the time the children have appeared for their training following breakfast. As Alexandra has the children practicing lessons, Andrew is following up on the shipment of fireworks supplies which has yet to arrive. Upon checking with the supplier and then with their shipper, he learns the difficulty. Shipment by wagon will take several days since horses are not comfortable with gateways. Andrew makes new arrangements with the shipper and opens a gateway to the home. After posting a dozen of the ready guard at the shipper’s end of the gateway, a slide is placed which originates at the shippers end of the gateway and ends at the location where the fireworks supplies are stored. The gateway is raised about a meter above the floor at Andrew’s property so the supplies may slide down to the property location where they will be received and stacked by other guard who are at the property. Once all the supplies are so ‘shipped’ Andrew closes the gateway and travels back to the house. As a precaution, the fireworks supplies are stored a considerable distance from the home and barracks.

Going to the location where the children are training, Andrew finds Alexandra, “I finally found the wayward fireworks supplies and they are now in the storage and ready for use. Everything has been stacked into the same separate piles as before. There should be enough for a month.”

“Thank you, Andrew. Takio Fel has not been over as yet so we are as yet ahead of the game. I wonder what he has on his mind?”

“Who knows. I have the feeling it isn’t just to watch sky displays. Nearly everything he examines he seems to turn with the thought of using it in battle if necessary. His disciples seem to be able to enjoy themselves more than he does. The most I’ve seen from him is a smile when he sees his disciples or the children enjoying themselves.”

“Perhaps, Andrew, he is thinking back to when he was young and found similar enjoyment in doing things. The other day I actually saw him down at the pool wading through the shallows.”

“Maybe he can’t swim.”

Alexandra gives this a little thought, “Perhaps. Although I doubt there is anything he can’t do to one degree or another. It’s possible his old injuries are still too painful for him to swim. Maybe I should have Alice and Sorcerer Gordon examine him again. They may be able to help him further.”

“Good idea. I’ll mention it to him at supper as something we wish to do as a thank-you for his beginning to teach our guard.”

“Would you? I would appreciate that. He seems a very nice old man... Feline. Oh bother... MAN.”

“What was all that about?”

“I just tend to think of the Felines as humans shaped slightly differently. They have desires and dreams and joys and woes just like anyone else. They laugh at many of the same things and cry about them as well. Even to the children they are just the same as anyone else so, here on the property at least, we are all equal. Takio Fel seems to be on the verge of understanding that. The children like him and when he asked about having tokens so his disciples could train in the pool, the children made up six tokens, enough for all of the Budokai here and included the other eleven locations on them as well. Then they took the six Felines around to show them the other places on the token and tell them about each spot. When they finally returned it was more like friends than Feline master, disciples and human children. He was actually laughing with the children.”

Andrew smiles, “Under a gruff exterior...”

“Speaking of gruff exterior... Here they come.”

The Budokai are walking single file across the training field approaching the children and straight as an arrow making their way toward Andrew and Alexandra. Alice and Rachel see the Budokai ‘marching’ toward their mother and father and run to be with their parents. They are joined shortly by Grace and several boys, the children now watching the procession nearing Andrew and Alexandra.

Alexandra begins the greetings, “Good Morning Master Fel. We trust you have had another peaceful night’s sleep?”
“It has been good here.”

“We noticed your training in the afternoons has moved down to the pool. Is there anything we might do to provide better for your comforts?”

“We are comfortable. Too much comfort make us soft and that is not always a good thing. We find you to be as respectful of our needs as our own kind. This is very good. You are... gracious hosts.”

“Thank-you, we but try. You are here for a demonstration of the fireworks?”

“Yes, if all is ready. I would see what may be done with the sky fire. I am most interested in the large bursts which spread colour in every direction.”

Alexandra turns to one of the boys, “isn’t Tomas the one who specialises in the sky rockets? Could you have him come here?”

“I think Jeremy does them too.”

“Then please find them both and ask them to come here.”

Turning back to Takio Fel, “While we wait for them to arrive, the children who are here have been practicing something different to cast into the sky for you to see. Please excuse them if it is not complete as it is something they have had little time to prepare.”

Takio Fel smiles, “All efforts by children are worth watching. They are not yet jaded by knowledge and life.”

Alexandra turns to the children and prepares to assist them by offering extra energy as does Andrew as well. Andrew mentions, “As this is a very large display, it might be best to send it further into the sky as a precaution. We will provide as much energy as is needed to accomplish that. Are you all ready?”
The children glance at each other, still not certain of the outcome of the summing of the parts they had been practicing. Two of the boys are a little concerned because with all the parts joined the display will be very large and greater than anything which has been previously attempted by them.

“Andrew, Even if we put it very high it will still be pretty big. James and I have never tried to hold anything this large together. The others say they can produce the pieces but we don’t know if we have enough control to do it right. This is much more difficult than the horse... It only had eight parts. This has seventeen.”

“Give it a try. If some of the parts don’t quite fit the others it will be all right. You had many hours of practice with the horse and you have had only two with this... Go ahead.”

The children are still apprehensive. They want everything to be perfect to show to Takio Fel. They begin the preparations until four children are holding all the pieces of the scene as well as the larger spell which will place it all into the sky. James and Greg begin their spell which will hold all the pieces in specific relationship to each other and then they add their parts to the spell to take it all into the high daytime sky. Great energies begin to be collected into the launch spell and into the binding spells then with some trepidation it is all released even as the command for ignition is touched upon a dozen places within the multiple spell construct.

The children duck as their efforts raise suddenly into the sky. It is difficult to see everything since fireworks are best seen at night but suddenly a green field begins to appear with a winding blue stream sparkling through it. A small brownish orange ‘hill’ settles onto the field and, quickly now, a tea house appears on the hill coloured in reds, blues, violet, and white. The white ‘rice paper’ doors may be easily seen and one slides aside allowing everyone to see a hazy figure standing within the tea house just before the available energy is depleted and the entire scene fades into obscurity.

Takio Fel smiles at the children and gives them a slight bow, “You must do that for me again some night, when I may be more able to appreciate it. You have done well.”

That brings smiles to the children and will provide them something to talk about for days. They begin to critique each others efforts, as they wander off again, looking for ways to improve the edges of the tea house and to make the sliding door, hill and stream look more realistic.

“They wish their efforts to be perfect.”

“Yes. Especially since they were showing them to you.”

Takio Fel smiles as he watches the children walking away, “Sometimes, not to be perfect is a very good thing and more to be desired than perfection.”

Andrew agrees, “Sometimes.”

Tomas and Jeremy may be seen running up arriving breathless and giving small bows to Takio Fel who returns them with a small bow of his own.

“Master, these boys are Tomas and Jeremy.” Alexandra indicates each boy as she introduces them, “They are the ones who have greatest practice at the skyrockets.”

Takio Fel asks the boys to each produce a small skyrocket so he may see the effect in the sky before, “we begin other experiments.”

Tomas almost immediately produces a sky burst which throws blue and red streaks from its center while just a moment later Jeremy releases one which throws green and yellow across much of the sky.

Master Fel places a paw gently on a shoulder of each boy, “It is possible to make the bursts much smaller? Perhaps no larger than five meters?”
The boys look at each other with a little confusion, “We haven’t practiced that because usually for the bursts to be easily seen from the ground they must be very large.”

“Ah... but if I wanted a very small burst no larger than two or three men, you could do it?”

“Yes. It wouldn’t take much energy to make one that small.”

“And if it also had thousands of very small pieces flying from it rather than fifty or a hundred large pieces, could this still be done?”

“I think so.”

“We haven’t tried that before.”

“Could you place such bursts into the sky?”

The boys look at each other and mumble back and forth, “Small bursts but thousands of points.” “Five meters, we will need the peas to be even smaller so we could put a thousand in the spell area” “This isn’t as easy as the big bursts.” “We could try just lifting the points with a single explosion to disperse them...” “They won’t go out evenly then.” “Let’s try it first then see what we need to do to change it if he want’s it to be different.”

They settle on something to attempt and draw the spells together.

“This is difficult, the spells take longer to separate the materials into smaller peas.”

Finally the spells are released and a small burst may be heard but barely seen except for the trails of roughly a thousand burning phosphors departing the center.

“That didn’t look so good, Master. The big ones look much better,” the children comment.

“Ah... But what if I wanted that small burst to occur just above the water down in the river?”

“That would be a lot closer and easier to see but it could cause fires.”

“And if it bursts no more than two meters from its center?”

“That’s awfully hard to control.”

“Try it just once.”

The boys begin to discuss it again. Finally they turn to Alexandra, “Alexandra, we think we better have healers and firefighters ready so the river may be diverted. Master Fel wants us to make some small bursts down over the river and we’re worried they might cause fires.”

Alexandra agrees and asks Master Fel the purpose of the bursts. He explains that if they may be produced in the manner he is hoping then they could be used in battle and thus demoralize an enemy very quickly without placing any of the warriors in harms way.

Alexandra sends out the message and quickly the children are prepared to magically deal with fires and injuries although it is hoped there are none of either.

This time Tomas and Jeremy work together to produce the effect. The spells are created and Jeremy holds them together ready for duplication at a moments notice and Tomas selects a spot above the river where it turns and proceeds along the shore. Tomas then accepts the duplicated spells and ignites them over the river to explode even as Jeremy is again duplicating those spells he is holding so Tomas may do it again. The explosion causes a small depression in the river and the sound of it rocks through the valley even as Tomas sets another. Again a blast of sound occurs and the slight depression appears in the river for a moment before filling in again with moving water. Twice more this is done before Master Fel calls a halt.

“May these spells be placed onto a token to allow anyone to use them?”

“We don’t know. The spells could likely be placed and saved on a token with a large ingot to keep them but another spell is needed to place them and to ignite them. If someone with no magic tries to use them we don’t’ know how they could select where the spells are to explode.”

“Please, give it thought. This is an interesting application, I would much enjoy to see further thought.”

Master Fel gives the boys, Alexandra and Andrew a small bow before turning and walking away. His disciples following him once again in single file.

Chapter 34

Tomas and Jeremy spend most of the afternoon examining their spells and thinking about the ways someone without magic could use them successfully. There are not many answers. They do ask for several large, medium and student sized ingot holders so they may create and place spells for safekeeping which the ingots will continue to preserve. That requires yet another spell to change ingot energy to that which may hold the spells. Using a student token they are now experimenting with spells which may direct the placement of the burst spells. It takes several days before they hit upon one method which seems to have promise. Another day goes by before they have a working concept.

The token has several spells on it and six marks which are spelled. Each mark is for a different range from the holder of the token. The first or closest is about twenty meters away. The sixth mark is seventy meters. To be safe during the experiments a ‘smoke’ puff is used rather than a burst and after a couple of frustrating hours trying to aim the token another spell is added. This spell allows the person holding the token to ‘see’ the selected spot before touching the ‘launch’ mark. Finally the token may be used by someone who has no magical background. That’s when they learn if all of the energy is coming from the ingot rather than shared from the person casting the spell, the ingot is used much more rapidly.

Finally all of the spells are recreated and impressed upon different ingot holders. Now a multi ingot holder is used to both store the ‘marker’ smoke spell and the ‘burst’ spells. It is also used to actually cast one or the other to the location selected by the token. The token now has only the ranging/ launching spell and the small spell which selects either the smoke or the burst. The boys try again.

Selecting smoke, Jeremy selects a range of seventy meters which, alarmingly, proves to be too close and not allowing for sufficient range to reach the river or pool from up at the house. Back to the drawing board. The token is recreated with ten marks for range beginning at thirty meters and ending at 300 meters. Now they may reach just beyond the pool. The smoke/ burst marks are still present as is the launch mark. The token transfers the information to the multi-ingot spell holder and it launches the appropriate item to the specified location. The spells prepare the materials which are in storage just prior to launch. The whole process from the time the launch mark is touched requires a small fraction of a second .

A spot at the pool is selected along with smoke and the launch button pressed. Almost instantly there is a puff of smoke and a small ‘crack’ of sound from down at the pool. The boys now need someone with no magical background to test the token. One of the guard, a Feline, is walking past and the two boys enlist his services. Explaining the operation of the token the boys allow the feline to select the range and to launch smoke several times. The feline, of course, is becoming enamored with the idea and very quickly is placing bursts rather than smoke over the pool and into the air at large birds, whom he particularly detests, and up toward the distant lookout on the mountain well behind the house.

Becoming alarmed the boys magically remove the spells from the token and explain that something must have gone wrong since the launches were occurring so rapidly. “Perhaps the spells couldn’t keep up with the speed of selection. We will need to investigate that before we try again,” breathing a sigh of relief when the feline accepts the explanation. He thanks the boys for allowing him to enjoy controlling magic and once again begins to walk his rounds.

“Maybe this magic should only be used by people who can control magic.”

“Yeah. That was scary and we’re the one’s who would have been in trouble if something happened. At least we know it will work.”

“Yeah. At least we know it will work. I think we need to give the token to Alexandra to lock away until we’re ready to show it to Master Fel.”

“Good idea. Let’s put the spells on it again and then we can find Alexandra and she may lock up the ingot holder and the token.”

They settle down to re-spelling the token now that the crisis with the feline is over. When they examine the multi-ingot holder they discover a full quarter of one of the ingots has been used. There are two more untouched ingots but still that was a lot of use. They attempt to count the number of bursts which had occurred and while still uncertain, come up with approximately twenty. They also begin to wonder how much of the supplies have been used and go to the storage location to check. They don’t learn much from this as they had no idea how many supplies were available to begin with. They do, however, discover that there are approximately six boxes and four sacks which are empty and presumably were full in the beginning. They do not know how many of the supplies were used during the demonstrations for Master Fel so they decide to accept a third of the usage as that which the feline used during his attacks on the birds.

“Jeremy, we need to put a scale on here instead of the buttons to select smoke or burst. One end would be the smoke and the other end a large burst. That way the size of the burst could be selected as well as everything else.”

“That’s a neat idea. Another thing we could do is make each token a little different so the colour of the smoke or burst matches the token. Red, green, blue, yellow, orange, you know... That way if several of the tokens are being aimed at one area, it won’t be confusing and everyone will know where their token is aimed.”

“Yeah. Let’s do it.” They begin by cautiously sneaking into the ingot storeroom and taking nearly twenty of the student ingots to power the token holders they removed from the other storeroom. Now they go off to spell the tokens after placing three ingots into each one.

An hour later they are ready to test their first token at the smoke and then the minimum burst settings. It performs much as expected and further testing shows the others are comparable in their performance. They now take their tokens and begin hunting for Alexandra. Finally the guard are used to learn of her whereabouts then they are off once more to give the tokens to Alexandra for safe keeping. An explanation of the token operation is given to her and of the low level testing.

“We didn’t want to test the most powerful setting because you told us we need to have healers and firefighters ready if something goes wrong.” With a little hesitancy they tell her, “Besides, we’re not really certain how powerful the most powerful burst is going to be. We need to work up to it.”

“That’s good. I’m glad you remembered and waited.” She looks at them carefully, “Several hours ago I heard a large number of explosions which sounded suspiciously like fireworks and which seemed to be moving around the skies. Might you know anything about those?”

The boys look at each other a immediately have guilty expressions on their faces.

“We, uh, had someone testing one of the earlier tokens.”

“Who might that have been?”

“Uh... one of the... uh... one of the feline guard who has no magic. We wanted to know if someone without magic could use the token.”

“I take it the test was not altogether successful?”

“We... er... had to... remove the spells... from the token. The feline was directing the explosions first at birds and then at the lookout and all over the place. He... he just went a little crazy when the token allowed him to reach out so far with so much energy. We got scared and took away the spells then told him maybe the spells were being used too fast and they couldn’t keep up so they shut down. We didn’t want to get in trouble and we checked around carefully after he went back on patrol. Nothing was damaged or caught on fire.”

“So you see it is not always best to allow someone who has no magical experience to use magic which they may control.”

The boys nod acceptance of the statement. The event still fresh in their minds and a valuable lesson learned. Sometime magic is best left to those who study it and thus have more restraint in its use due to their respect for that which magic may accomplish, intended or not.

Alexandra has the boys follow her and the tokens are placed into a vault which is kept locked except when adding or removing something. Only Alexandra and Andrew have access to this vault.

“Tomorrow I shall bring one of these tokens with me to class and we shall perform some of the tests. I am a bit concerned that you don’t know the maximum power since it is possible the burst could be so large as to include the caster within it even at the maximum range. We will approach that setting slowly and carefully.”

The boys are quite amiable to that suggestion, the panic of medium large bursts occurring close to trees and the house and other places where much could have gone wrong still fresh upon their minds.

The next morning finds Master Fel and his disciples out going through their morning rituals. A small group of felines and a few humans are close by and going through their warrior’s stretches. The sun is up and the river mist is slowly evaporating from above the pool and the river. Across the river the small meadow which floods every Spring when the river swells, also is losing its morning dew and mist. The day is much like any other and well suited to just taking time to enjoy watching nature rather than working. Soon there are children arriving over at the corner of the training fields and they begin to fill the benches as they wait for Alexandra and the day’s lessons. Birds fly high overhead, some animals may be heard communicating within the forested land while others come down to drink of the moving waters, cold and fresh, making not a sound. All in all, a scene of tranquility and possibly one such which originally gave Tranquility its name.

More children are arriving and the background level of conversations is building, occasionally punctuated by children’s laughter. Alexandra departs the house with several children near her. Alice and Rachel, of course, but Grace, Tomas, Jeremy and James are also present. Upon reaching the training grounds the girls and boys split up going through the gathering and collecting others to follow them back to where Alexandra is waiting. Even as the two groups of children are arriving near Alexandra, a gateway opens and Andrew steps across to join her. In the distance the Budokai may be seen ‘marching’ toward the training area.

The other children begin looking for ‘clues’ as to what is about to unfold. Many are deciding upon more fireworks but the sudden arrival of four healers through yet another gateway and the group of children who are extraordinarily proficient at controlling the river waters is an indication that whatever is about to transpire might be a little dangerous. Many of the children may be seen to be checking their protection tokens and hastily adding an additional study ingot (or two).

With everyone ready and the Budokai’s arrival, Alexandra explains the tests about to be performed then she has Tomas and Jeremy explain the development and design of the token. Now for the moment of ‘truth’.

‘Smoke’ is selected and the range set at maximum with the target simply some place in the sky. The activation glyph is touched and a small burst of smoke appears in the sky, moments later the small sound of a minor explosion may be heard. The minimum burst is selected and everything repeated with a small but visible burst of thousands of small trails of fire emanating from a point near that where the smoke occurred previously. So far, so good. The selection is made for a quarter strength burst and this time the burst is roughly three times the size of the original. The selection now made for half strength and once again a burst occurs with much more size many more trails of fire and a much louder bang. Three quarters of the range on the scale selected produces a much larger burst. This time some of the trails actually reach down far enough to reach trees and portions of the ground. A few find their way to the training area but hit no one. The few trees which were touched, flared for a moment but went out on their own. As a precaution the children who prepared to fight fires immediately take nearly half the rivers output and rain it down on the trees on both sides of the river and on those trees and grasslands which surround the training area. Alexandra halts the demonstration and suggests a slightly smaller burst be set at the maximum. The maximum range for the device to be doubled and the size of the burst selected to also diminish with the change of range as the selected distance is chosen closer to the caster. More experimentation is therefore dictated along with the precautions of healers and firefighters being present during that experimentation.

“The other tokens will remain locked up until the boys have this one perfected. They may then re-spell the other tokens to operate the same way as this one.”

Jeremy changes the range spell and takes the range out to three time the maximum they previously had selected. He explains what he did and asks Alexandra if they may test the highest setting at this new range, “It’s nearly two kilometers.”

“It’s against my better judgement but aim it high in the sky and at the maximum range before you try. CHILDREN. We may need firefighters again.”

A puff of smoke occurs so high it is nearly impossible to see so he places a half burst which everyone notices easily. Now the setting is on maximum and the token activated. A huge burst crosses half the sky with many of the trails reaching the ground in hundreds of places. Several small fires begin and the children begin first with the trees, soaking them quickly before moving on to drown the grassy fields. For the first time enough water is being siphoned from the river to fight fires that it allows the river bottom to be seen and fish are flopping about until usage is diminished and the river begins to fill in the riverbed once again finally flowing full strength once more. Jeremy changes the maximum distance setting to ten times the present setting and once again releases the maximum burst into the high daytime sky.

This time, although large, none of the burst reaches the ground fading away long before the lowest trail even comes close. Now it is a simple matter to alter the relationship between the maximum size burst and the maximum distance. A new spell takes whatever size burst is selected and diminishes it in proportion to the diminished distance from the caster. Four more tests prove this spell combination functions correctly. It is no longer possible to produce a spell so large as to be a hazard to the caster and, if placed into the sky, it is not a hazard to trees or other things or people on the ground.

When the range is set for down near the river, the burst is relatively small and only slightly larger than two men are tall. The red token apparently is completed. Master Fel is permitted to test the token and he too becomes excited by the ability to control such a powerful device although he is far more careful of exactly where he places the target location than had been the feline who was attempting to burst at birds. Not that there are any birds in the area now since the sounds of the detonations and the bursts of fire in the sky have served to temporarily chase them away from the valley.

“Thank-you young men. I and my disciples must now go and consider that which these new tools may allow.” He bows to the children and to Alexandra and Andrew before turning and walking off, his disciples again following single file as they ‘march’ off toward the river. A short distance down the hill he stops and says something to his disciples then they all vanish a moment later having gone to one of the locations impressed upon the tokens given them by the children. A splash occurs in the pool attracting everyone’s attention and a disciple swims to shore then once again vanishes.

Many children are quietly laughing as some decide, “He pressed the wrong mark.”

The disciple arrives a few minutes behind the others and is dripping wet. It is obvious he selected the incorrect mark on his token.

Master Fel smiles and makes only a small reference to the error, “Takiol Mar, you are perhaps in a hurry to reach this afternoon’s swimming session? I shall not keep you here long. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to impart more wisdom to you. Perhaps more careful selection of your future destinations might be prudent?” He continues his teachings with no further reference to the wayward disciple’s ‘accidental’ selection of the wrong destination.

Shortly after the children have ended their lessons for the afternoon, so do the Budokai and once again there are six disciples and about twenty children down at the pool. Takio Fel has also arrived and while still not engaging in the swimming activities, he does wade through the water at depths up to his waist. When he comes out of the pool, Alice and three of the children who are adept at energy transfer intercept him.

“Master Fel.” Alice bows to him.

“Young healer.” he also gives her a small bow.

“I would like to examine you again to see if there is more we may do to allow you more movement and less pain.”

He smiles at her, “Pain and I are old, old friends little one. If it were all to depart me then I would feel I am missing something.”

“But if we may help you to have less pain without taking the ability to feel it would that not be a good thing?”

“Pain tells me I am alive.”

“You would still feel pain if it occurs. But why have pain which is not necessary?”

“Why indeed? If the problems are healed then the pain would become less. But if the problems are not healed then the pain needs to remain so I know that which limits me.”

“All right, Master Fel. I agree, pain tells us much but I would like to heal the cause not just to give you relief but to allow you to be able to move more like the others. I know you are no longer young but you are still someone who could do much if you did not have unneeded problems and pain.”

He again smiles at her persistence, “Very well young healer. You may examine me and decide if you are able to further help me.”

“Alice. My name is Alice.”

Just then two of the disciples rush past and into two different gateways as the child who is ‘it’ follows them and seeks a third gateway to try to head one of them off in the pool. Just a moment after leaping through the gateway, one disciple is climbing back through and onto the solid ground to avoid the human child who is now in the pool.

Takio Fel and the four children move further from the pool and Alice begins her examination. This will be the fourth attempt at healing the Budokai Master’s many injuries acquired over the long years of the application of his arts.

During each of the previous sessions, Alice has worked at healing the muscles and nerves with reasonable results but leaving the Master with much the same pain as he had prior to the healings. Now the abused skeleton will be examined as will more of the nerves which have been cut or torn and improperly healed leaving exposed endings which result in sudden or extreme pain out of proportion to the cause. Of these problems there are many which have accumulated over the years. Especially since there were no trained healers in the City of Felines and only few who could use their magical talent at all. Many could work small magics but with no training and no access to these new ways the few who could apply even some magic were as a drop of water from a soft rain compared to the torrent of a waterfall after dropping hundreds of meters. Healings such as those which could be achieved by these children were completely unbelievable to those of the City of Felines less than three months previously.

After forty minutes the children are tired and must halt the treatment. The result though is astronomical as far as Master Fel is concerned. He is standing straighter and has greater range of motion than forty minutes previously. Many of the constant ‘pains’ he has been enduring are gone. He slowly walks into the pool and the drag of the water against him no longer causes distress. Reaching a depth just above his waist he launches into a cautious swim toward shore, two of the children accompanying him just in case things do not go well. After standing he smiles at Alice and the three children who helped her, then offers them a little bow as he stands in the water.

Now he wades back to the shore and goes to examine the gateways seeking the one which ends at the shallow location. Finally he takes a breath and then walks through to splash into the water and down until his paws touch the bottom but just before his head goes under. The small waves from the activity of all the others lap against him as he is standing chest deep in the pool. He flexes and smiles then begins to swim to shore eventually standing and doing it all again. After four or five such trials he is smiling widely and selects a slightly deeper gateway where he goes under for a moment and comes up sputtering but still smiling as he swims to shore. In a most undignified manner, Master Fel runs for the gateway giving a yowl as he enters it and flies out across the pool about two meters before finally splashing into it. He begins swimming to shore as his disciples and some of the children begin yelling with him and the game of tag is on once again.

Up at the overhang near the house, Andrew and Alexandra watch the activity at the pool.

“It would seem that Alice has once again healed not only Master Fel’s body but his soul as well.”

“Either that or she imbued him with a second childhood,” Andrew laughs. They begin walking toward the house, “For having such a dislike for deeper water, they are certainly adjusting quickly.”

“Andrew, all of the Felines seem to relate well to the children. Somehow I don’t think they would be this way if the children were not here.”

“Probably not. It gives them a chance to unwind and to discover that the children are accepting of them. This is probably something they never encountered with Humans before. Of course, they have had no outside contact since before the War so their notions about humans are probably a bit antiquated. Look at the difficulties the Guard had and they have had much more contact with humans in recent history. Speaking of Guard... I need to go into Percoin and sell a few of the larger gemstones I’ve been hoarding.”

“Whatever for?”

“Cash. We have nearly 1100 guard here and at a half gold plus room and board for over 1000 of them, and a gold a day for seventy and two gold a day for eighteen plus Kayla and Missii, I’m spending a lot of gold every day. That isn’t likely to end any time soon so I need at least a year’s worth of funds so I may continue to support everyone. My investments are doing well but my cash flow is out rather than in.”

“I hadn’t given that a great deal of thought. I’m sorry, Andrew. Perhaps if we could somehow get Father to put forward a petition for some support, the government might help with the expenses.”

Andrew rolls his eyes, “I don’t think we need the restrictions which would be placed on the use of the guard. Right now I may send them on a moments notice to any potential problem but if governmental funds were involved then the bureaucracy would slow our response times significantly. I think I can handle the expenses for a few years. Maybe I’ll sell four of the gemstones and put three or four hundred thousand gold into more investments. That might turn around my cash flow. I need to spend more time at the bank and work on this...” Andrew gives that a little thought before changing the subject, “Is your Father coming tomorrow? It’s the week end again.”

“Yes. He will be here tomorrow early afternoon and through Sunday. I’m having him put up in the small suite just down the hall from the girls.”

“What about Master Fel and his disciples?”

“They are still in the end rooms... Andrew, is there any estimate for the completion of their temple?”

“That’s still about six weeks away. Part of what delayed it was the need for the hard woods in lengths of forty meters. That’s one more thing that is costing me a pretty ruby or two.”

“I’m sorry Andrew.”

“I’m not. Even with the cost of the Temple I think we are getting the best end of the deal. Once the temple is completed they will have both an indoor training area, the temple itself, and their quarters with room for eight more disciples. I don’t need to pay them since they are essentially accepting room and board as payment. They also have rapid access to healers and that is something which they apparently feel is very important. I’m happy if they are. By the way... Shouldn’t the Sisters be coming out soon to check the children’s progress again?”

“Next week. Gabriel and his delegation are coming then as well.”

“Oh joy. Where are we going to put them all?”

“I’m planning on allowing them to return to their own centers at the end of each day. I asked the children to make up forty of the tokens with the four destinations on them allowing them to go back and forth as they wish during the two days. We are also placing lock-outs on the tokens so we may disable them if necessary. If I activate the lockout, it erases the spells which were impressed on the tokens.”

“Good thinking Alexandra. The last thing we need is an army pouring through gateways we provided.”

“It also allows me to remove the spells after the testing period has ended.”

“Good. I think I’m going to the bank to start the ball rolling on my gemstones. I should be back in time for supper. If I’m not, link and remind me of the time would you?”

“Andrew are you looking for an escape from the bank?”

“Let’s just say that sometimes they tend to latch onto me and it becomes difficult to remove myself from their clutches.”

Alexandra moves closer to him, smiling up into his eyes, “I’ll think up a suitable emergency to drag you away.”

“Thanks I appreciate it.” He leans down and they kiss while holding each other wishing for but not quite achieving the solitude they had originally thought this location would provide for them. There’s something about 1100 guard, 120 workers, a construction crew or two, 100 children and what seems like thousands of interruptions each day that tends to be just a little disruptive where solitude is concerned.

Andrew now opens a gateway to the bank in Percoin and asks Alexandra, “If I’m not back by supper, PLEASE contact me.” He winks and gives her another kiss before walking through the gateway.

Chapter 35

Alexandra continues to watch the children and the Budokai playing in the pool until the first of many interruptions assaults her once again. Now she goes off to resolve yet another difficulty which for some reason always seem to demand either Andrew’s or her own attention.

At the bank, Andrew greets a number of the employees as he makes his way toward his ‘office’ which is actually a small portion of the second floor overlook that allows the bank’s senior officers to observe everything which goes on within the bank. Once at his office, he opens the minor gateway which accesses the small portion of the vault which he uses for his personal treasures.

Two drawers which were full of gold are not so full any more but the three drawers of gemstones are still at the level where they have been since he married Alexandra. The last drawer, which crosses above both the lower sets of drawers is filled with documents; deeds and contracts which are the basis for his holdings and investments. He briefly examines these before turning to his gemstones. After perhaps twenty minutes he has selected seven gems from out of all those stored, placing the seven into a drawer of his desk and locking it immediately after closing the access gateway again. He spends a few minutes in thought then removes five of the larger gems from the locked drawer of his desk before calling his assistant over.

“Adrian, would you place these four gemstones into the gem house bidding system? I’m looking for a yield of 350 to 400 thousand gold for the four of them. I believe they will be able to fetch at least that much after Master Coulle has sold them and removes his usual exorbitant fees. I would like the remainder to be invested into the bank’s land and building projects on my personal behalf. I will have some projects in the future for the funds generated by these investments however, until I say otherwise, any funds generated are to be reinvested. I would like the usual tracking of the gems and the funds generated.”

“Certainly Sir. These appear to be fine specimens. Would you like an appraisal prior to the placement? It would likely cost a little over twenty gold apiece.”

“Yes, now that you mention it. A good appraisal sometimes drives up the value. Have a copy placed into the tracking file and the originals will accompany each gem.”

“Very good.”

“Now this fifth gem...”

“That is quite a beauty, Sir.”

“I’ve had this a long time. This is one of the first Emeralds I ever procured. I would like this to be taken to our usual jeweler. Let’s see if he can discover a means of displaying it which will do both it and Alexandra justice.”

Adrian gives a smile and accepts the large uncut fist sized gem, “What of the fragments, Sir?”

“I would like the larger ones placed into whatever they create. The smaller ones to return here for my further decision. I may have them used for something for the girls. I’ll decide after I see the remnants.”

“Very good, Sir.”

“Thank you, Adrian.”

“Of course, Sir.” He walks off gently cradling the small fortune in gems, returning to his desk before commencing the appropriate actions and making note of the bank’s fees concerning the handling of these actions.

Having completed the first portion of his thoughts, Andrew opens the drawer once again and removes the two remaining gemstones, placing them into an inner pocket in his robes and sealing it to prevent the accidental loss of the gems. Now he turns to the small mountain of papers which are sitting on his desk having awaited his return to conducting bank business. The first items to be considered are those which have the red clips attached. He frowns at the heading seen on the first and begins reading.

At the pool Master Fel, having had much of his pain alleviated, is enjoying the games and renewed activity afforded to him. As he and the disciples ‘play’ in the pool with the human children, his thoughts continue. That the children and especially the young human healer continue to seek him out in order to help him is worthy of these thoughts. These humans, including the mother-teacher and her husband are much different than those he encountered shortly before the War so many long years ago. So too, are the human warriors found at this location. None of them are like those who have been related to him by Master Po, his old mentor, nor are they like any he has known before that devastation which claimed so many of his people, of all people.

Yes, even the children tend to group with others of their own kind but they are quick to accept and include the Felines, both his disciples and the warriors into the games they play, and himself as well. Of course children would... That the adult humans also are quick to include Felines in their activities is interesting. Then those two Female Felines are an interesting conundrum as well. The two females appear to be, no that is not fair, the two females ARE in charge of the entire Warrior force. They also have control of magic and it has been said to him that the mother-teacher and her husband teach it to any who have the ability and who wish to learn. When first the mother-teacher met him she treated him respectfully and continues to do so. Her husband is a little less so but that is to be understood as males are always a little less respectful in their manner. It is simply a different way of showing their respect.

Watching the two young female humans who act as though they are sisters, what are their names? Alice! Alice is the healer, and... Rachel, she is the younger of the two. They have worked together many times during healings but what is it Rachel does? Those two are seldom far from Feline warriors who appear to consider it a privilege to be protecting them. There is much about this which needs further thought. This entire place is upside down to that which I have been taught and which I have learned myself. Perhaps not all humans are enemies. If course not all humans are enemies. The question is when are humans not enemies and, for each human, in what is or are those humans an enemy? Past history long holds old animosities and precludes many attempts at reconciliation. Is it possible that times have finally changed and Felines may be treated as equals?

For now, the training of the human warriors may continue but until I am certain of trust, that training will be very limited with only the basic movements to be imparted. Some of those humans will still not be very effective for humans are shaped so strangely it makes the training difficult. Their bodies are much more vulnerable.

Ah, and the sky fire... the... fire works? Those have potential which he wishes they had, had available to them when the humans first stripped them of their heritage and thrust their physical structure together with the humans own. Yes, a new and much more rewarding race was created, but to be warrior slaves. That is not something which is easily forgotten. Perhaps the disciples and I should... visit... this city of which the other Felines speak that I may see just how other humans treat Felines. Yes... It could be good to know if humans have changed in their attitudes or if these are of a peculiar difference. I will think more on this.

“Tag, you’re it.” A child touches him while running past before diving through a gateway into the pool. Master Fel surfaces from his thoughts to hear shrieks and laughter and once again joins the game at the pool searching quickly for the best gateway to use to enter the pool near someone whom he may tag.

Inside the living quarters for the guard, Missii and Kayla are checking both their human and feline personnel. Lists are being created for the next week’s assignments.

“Being a commander is not an easy assignment, Missii. We are always spending our time deciding what everyone else is to be doing. I miss having the time to do our own drills and the quiet time we had with Alexandra and Andrew.”

“Yes. That is what happens when twenty become twelve... hundred. Look at the bright side... Andrew and Alexandra have more work to do than do we. Perhaps we may have two of our lieutenants watch things for us for a few days and we may go visit one of those cities... perhaps the Feline city. It might be good to see others who are not warriors nor a part of our guard.”

“We could take more food. Master Fel said the city never has enough of that.”

“Perhaps we could talk with Alexandra and she could take the children there and plant the spelled fruit trees and those strange balls which grow on the vines on the ground.”

“The water things?”

“Yes. They taste different and are a good treat.”

“They need much water.”

“There is a stream near the city.”

“What of those strange berries which have their seeds on the outside?”

“Those are good also. I ate an entire bowlful when I first discovered them. They are very good. I think normal food would be most appreciated though. Perhaps the I-Cats might accompany us and do a little hunting with a team of felines such that meats could be brought back for the city. They have hunted the area surrounding this house and barracks almost to the point of extinction. Animals have abandoned the area. The Cats might welcome the opportunity.”

“Perhaps Andrew might purchase some more of the adjacent lands surrounding this valley.”

“Perhaps he might purchase some of the lands surrounding the Feline city. A gateway would allow travel between them at any time.”

“We need to speak with him about this.”

“There is Alexandra. Hurry, if we get outside before she decides to use a gateway we may speak with her now.”

Alexandra has just finished speaking with the builder who is crafting the Budokai Temple. Master Fel has made yet another ‘slight’ change which the builder is convinced will add yet another three or four thousand gold to the cost of the Temple. Even though it is a large building, since it has no fancy statues or other grave expenses placed within it the costs have been very low. The greatest expense has been for the large open training room. Now Master Fel wishes to add a second large room to the opposite side of the building. This, of course, means more trees must be felled to make room (an expense), the trees must be processed into beams and cross struts (an expense), the mill must be kept here another week (an expense) and so on. The building will be formidable once completed. Felling the trees is viewed by Missii and Kayla as a training exercise for some of the Warriors and thus the expenses there are reduced but...

Looking around, Alexandra wonders where they would put more warriors or refugees should the need arise. We are running out of land on which to build unless we go up to the overlook. I suppose we could build more of the barracks up there. The original plan of two to a room vanished quickly but we have managed to hold it to only four. Then too there is flowing water and the kitchens have been increased in capacity. Two more water tanks exist even though they are up at the overlook’s level on the mountains. The diversion of water from the falls was a bit of a problem since the falls are a little lower than the outlook. This required the placement of a small intermediate tank equal to a hundred barrels from which the water could flow to the original tank and be pumped to the two up at the outlook level. Things just seem to become more and more complicated as the number of people here grows. We must keep the fruit growing fields which are down by the river and somehow expand them as well. If we could purchase the land on the other side of the river then some of that meadow could be turned to farm land, but I don’t want to lose much of the meadow because that is a part of the beauty seen here. Perhaps we might fell some of the trees beyond the meadow and plant there. The I-cats could also hunt there, if they don’t already... I’m certain I heard one of them over there somewhere just the other day.

Alexandra has just decided to open a gateway to her father’s to check on things there when she sees Missii and Kayla walking in her direction obviously intent upon talking with her. She debates pretending she didn’t notice them then decides that would be unfair and so she walks to meet them.

“Missii, Kayla, are you looking for me?”

“Yes, we have a request.” Kayla blurts out.

Missii is a little more diplomatic having spent a number of years at the home of Alexandra’s father. “We have been thinking and have some questions.”


“Kayla and I were thinking about taking a few days off and going to visit the Feline City.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful. I’ve been thinking about that as well.”

“About the city?”

“Yes. It seems remarkably well preserved when compared to all the others we have seen and there may be so much we could learn there. I was hoping we might have an opportunity to take at least some of the children there to look at it and learn a little of the past. There may even be a library where we might find books. The city could be a grand treasure of literature and art and history.”

The SaVannah sisters look at each other, not having given this any thought.

“Well, yes, perhaps...”

Alexandra gives them an inquisitive look. “Obviously this isn’t the reason the two of you are thinking of going there. You said you have questions?”

They look at each other again then both begin to speak, halting and Kayla finally indicates Missii should begin.

“We were thinking about taking more food and perhaps the I-Cats and some warriors so meats could be hunted and brought back to feed some of the felines in the city.”

“We also were wondering if you might take the children and plant those fast growing fruit trees and some of those water balls which grow on vines on the ground.”

“And some of those berries which have their seeds on the outside.”

Alexandra laughs, “Strawberries and which water balls, Cantaloup or Watermelon?”

“Yes, those.” Kayla says excitedly, “ and maybe that bush which has the leaves that smell so nice. I just want to brush my fur in their scent. ” She smiles fondly at remembering the smell. “And the funny one which makes my mouth cold when I chew it. The children could make this a class project and the city could benefit,”

Missii is a little more practical, “We could also plant herbs which could be used in medicines.”

“All right, you two. We will need to collect seeds again and to schedule a trip to the city. I think it would be prudent for Master Fel and his disciples to go with us as well as a fairly large Warrior force. We may have nothing to fear from the city’s residents but it doesn’t hurt to be careful. We really know very little about them. I will make the arrangements for seeds and for the children to spell them and the project will be one for the class. We will need to go each day for three or four days. If you will speak with Master Fel about it we may schedule it for next week. I hope we will be able to obtain seeds and cuttings by then. Andrew may wish to go also.”

“Yes, we were hoping he might place a gateway there.”

“I’m not certain that would be a good idea as yet. We are still uncertain about the allegiance of those inhabitants as well as still unaware of the location or locations in use by those enemy forces which have caused so much trouble. Just because they have been quiet for a while doesn’t mean they have gone away. We might place a gateway here which will allow travel to that city, but each person has their own token which allows them to return so an uncontrolled gateway to return here is not necessary.”

Missii and Kayla both see the wisdom in this suggestion.

The discussion ended for now, Alexandra bids goodbye to Missii and Kayla, then opens a gateway to her father’s home and crosses into it so she may see how things are going there and orchestrate then next week’s preparations for the small political gathering her father will be hosting.

Alexandra spends slightly over an hour tending to the details necessary to the running of her father’s home and is just completing her tasks when one of the hired servants enters, “Mistress Alexandra, will you be staying for supper?”

“Is it that late? No, Thank you, I must be going home to tend to the girls. Here are the approvals for next weeks items and for the gathering Father is having late next week. Would you see that they are given to the appropriate individuals so they will be tasked?”

“Of course, “ he accepts the small pile of papers.

“I was hoping to see Father today before I go home, do you know if he will be back soon?”

“I’m sorry, no. He was planning to stay at the state lodging this evening as he will be involved in a late session tonight and an early one tomorrow. Would you like me to give him a message when he returns?”

“Just remind him that his granddaughters are expecting him tomorrow afternoon. He has probably forgot what day of the week it is.”

Smiling and offering her a small bow, “Of course, Mistress Alexandra. I daresay he probably has forgotten it just as you thought.”

Alexandra smiles as well, “Thank you. I must be going. I need to collect Andrew and we must be home for supper with the girls and our usual meeting which follow the meal.” She rolls her eyes and slightly shakes her head as she mentions the meeting.

Alexandra rises and opens a gateway to the bank crossing over to search for Andrew even as she once again closes the gateway to her father’s home. Not seeing Andrew up at his space on the second floor, she begins to think perhaps he has already gone home just as she spots him in a conference with four others downstairs at one of the junior officers work areas.

“Madam deToraline, how may we help you today?”

“I’m here to collect my husband. He seems to have forgotten we have an important meeting in just a few minutes.”

“Ah, I see. I shall let him know you are here and remind him of the meeting.”

“Thank you.”

The employee crosses the floor of the bank and enters the area bordered by the low ornate bannister which separates the space used by the junior officers from the rest of the bank. Quietly clearing his throat he waits to be recognised.

A few moments later the junior officer, who’s area is hosting the meeting, looks up, “Yes? What is it, Thompson?”

“Madam deToraline is here to collect her husband for an important meeting they have scheduled in a few minutes time.” Having delivered the message, he gives a very slight bow to the junior officer and departs.

Andrew turns and smiles at Alexandra, “I had best be going. We may continue this Monday morning after I review the information you have noted. Have copies placed on my desk under a green seal and I will check them first thing before the meeting continues.”

“Of course.” The junior officer and the other all take leave and say their goodbyes to Andrew who walks out to Alexandra even as he opens a gateway to their home and arm in arm leads her through the gateway to their home. Moments after the gateway closes Alice and Rachel, who have been in search for Alexandra, discover them.
“Mother, Father we have been looking for you.”

“Contrary to popular belief, I do need to go to work once in a while.” Andrew chuckles. Turning to Alexandra he gives her a kiss, “I probably should go in for a short time tomorrow morning to read the material they are going to leave for me. Monday is likely to be a very busy day. Well are we going to stand here all night or are we going to go eat supper?”

Alexandra and Andrew follow the girls through the washing station before entering the meal hall. This welcome addition is now quite popular, with nearly everyone going through to wash up a bit before their meals.

“Well Andrew, did you decide how you were going to continue funding everything?”

“Yes. I’m selling off several of my larger gems and investing the money. The return will continue to reinvest until I need to begin removing small amounts. Judging from that which I have examined and my hopes for the investments we will probably remain solvent for several more years. Provided we don’t grow much more and there are no new major building projects.”

“Speaking of building projects, Master Fel has decided he wants a second great hall at the opposite end of the Temple. I signed the papers, would you prefer I cancel that?”

Andrew sighs, “No. Let it continue. But I hope to halt new construction and to begin to concentrate on acquiring a little more property here. That land across the river” he nods his head at the land with the meadow, “I have discovered is State land and not private property. I am attempting to learn if it may be purchased. It would be nice to obtain it for a song but as it is State property I doubt that will ever happen. One thing I learned was that it goes as far as we may see toward the falls but on the opposite side of the river and then on down the valley to the North until reaching yet another falls and feeding the land beyond. It is an area larger than all the land we now hold here. It would be a good addition especially if we may keep it pristine.”

“Andrew, we could use some more meadowland for growing crops. If we could obtain that land and then fell the trees across from the existing fields that would double our crops but still keep everything close. The trees could be used to build that second great hall for Master Fel.”

“That would mean the hall would be delayed a bit. I doubt the property could be obtained that quickly.”

“You said the land is state property? I could ask my father about it. He might be able to learn more and if I tell him we are curious about it he might grumble but he would probably learn about it for us. I doubt he would do anything about the price though.”

“It isn’t up for sale, that much I know, Alexandra. If we begin asking about it the potential price will likely increase but if he could do it quietly so we could know more about the land it might be worth asking. There might be something in the middle of all that which would make it less desirable.”

“Why don’t we go up to the overlook after supper? We could cast a vision link from up there and examine much of the property before we make any inquiries.”

“Good idea. I’m curious about the area North of here since the property is partially divided by the river as it makes its way toward that second falls. Come on girls, haven’t you washed up yet? I’m hungry.”

Rachel and Alice come running over and the four of them continue on into the meal hall. Throughout the meal the family discusses the children’s adventures of the day and Andrew and Alexandra are asked to officiate over a petty squabble which has mushroomed into a minor feud between four Feline and five Human guards effectively halting the idea of going to the overlook after supper. Several minor injuries are healed by Alice during the interval following supper which started as an impromptu medical event each evening and blossomed into a tradition although sometimes immediately following the other meals medical assistance is also offered. Any major trauma are treated immediately to alleviate pain and suffering, further, the more promptly any major injury is treated the better the healing and recovery.

After the medical session the girls are off to watch some new attempts at fireworks. A half dozen are planning to participate in the New Years fireworks creations and have been working on the individual portions of the display for the past two weeks. Tonight they plan on joining several of the parts to see how well they join and to make minor adjustments to the spells to aid in that. The first joining of all of the components is still a month or more away but the smaller portions are all worked out and simply need refinement, perhaps a lot of refinement.

Andrew and Alexandra go to listen to the complaints and explanations concerning the ‘squabble’. Resolving such conflicts is becoming a little easier as they learn the cultural difference guiding each race. Sometimes what is a joke to one is a serious offense to another. Attempting to maintain an even hand and thus not becoming biased by racial training may be difficult.

After listening for half an hour, they decide to send for Master Fel so his wisdom may also be included in their decisions. Both the Felines and the Humans are a bit anxious at this decision for by now the reputation of the Budokai as being well known to be ruthless in the enforcement of a decision once made has become common knowledge amoung the guard. The two ‘sides’ begin an earnest attempt at reconciliation and by the time Master Fel arrives the nine Guardsmen and women are laughing together having finally resolved their issues without external intervention by Andrew, Alexandra, or Master Fel and the Budokai.

The opportunity to visit the overlook and to examine the adjacent property has effectively been eliminated so it is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Saturday is a light training day for the children and Andrew will return from the bank in time for the noon meal so that offers the afternoon to examine the property which actually provides much more time to obtain an in-depth look than the hour after the supper meal could have offered. All in all, things have worked out quite well.

Saturday begins early, as usual, and shortly after the morning meal Andrew has given his good-byes and love to Alexandra and the girls before traveling a gateway to the bank. The children are gathering on the training field for their morning session amidst numerous animated discussions of the pros and cons of the fireworks displays... some whispered ideas for improvement from those not actually engaged in creating the fireworks and further discussions into exactly how to provide a more seamless interaction between several of the more difficult components such as the stream which looks more like a shimmering purple jelly than a blue flowing stream.

“I still think the yellow daffodils in the field are bleeding into the stream and changing its colour.”

“Jeremy is going to fix that. He will move the edge of the field of flowers back so there is bare ground touching the stream. The colour of the ground will be changed too from the dark brown to a much lighter one. At least everything was in the right place even though we had a little bleed between various things.”

“I wouldn’t worry too much you two. That’s why we began combining things now instead of waiting. We have two months to get the spells right.”

“We might need it. I’m still not happy with the two deer that come down to drink at the stream.”

“Susan said she will fix that. She watched some the other day and says she knows what needs to be done. She promises to have it looking better by Tuesday. I’m more concerned with the rain storm which is supposed to cross the entire display. We may find it’s necessary to eliminate it if we can’t control it a bit better.

“Wait a minute. That’s my rainstorm. What do I get to do if we take it out of the display?”

“We still don’t have anyone creating the spells for the hunting scene...”

“Gee thanks. I think I’ll stick with the rainstorm. I’m not that good with the people spells.”

“Rachel could help you with that. She has the spells for people down perfectly. Why don’t you talk with her?”

“Why doesn’t she do it then?”

“She can’t do that and provide the energy to send it all up high enough.”

“Oh.” brightening, “What about Alice?”

“She can’t do fireworks much. Besides she’s the primary healer for the show so she needs to save her energy for that.”

A new voice pipes up, “This is all getting quite complicated. Do you really think we could have it ready by New Year’s?”

“I think so. We need to do the scaled down display for the judges the week prior or they won’t let us enter the contest. I hear there are no other groups bringing healers and firefighters with them so maybe we’ll get extra points for that.”

“If we can’t get everything working together properly, we’ll need them.”

“CHILDREN... It’s time for class. Let’s concentrate now.”

The children settle down to begin their lessons. Not everything revolves around magic. Review of the basics are necessary as well as the fun and games.

Chapter 36

Missii and Kayla have seized this week end to return to the Feline City with Master Fel, his disciples and several dozen guard plus the three I-Cats. With them, they bring several weeks supply of food for thirty and some medicines, arriving at the temple previously occupied by Master Fel and now used only by those few of his disciples who remained at the city. There are Feline children outside the temple attempting to beg food from the disciples and Kayla breaks open several boxes, handing out food to the children. She knows how it feels to be going hungry.

“Do not give out too much.” Master Fel admonishes, “We cannot feed the whole city.”

“True, Master Fel. But I wish to feed as many of the children as I am able.”

“Give out only enough to sustain them, for your problems will multiply when the rest of the children learn of the giving. Children never have enough food even when well fed at home. Too much free food will only undermine their parents authority and make the children fat.”

Kayla sighs, “I was once starving and my sister and Sorcerer Andrew came to my aid. I cannot deny aid to these children.”

Master Fel nods his understanding, “Some debts are difficult to repay.”

“Yes, they are.” Kayla relates her story to Master Fel, and the kindness and offering to her of employment in order to see she had sufficient food and shelter while allowing her to save face by giving her a job rather than free meals.

“Andrew is both a rare and an interesting human.” Master Fel observes.

“I think he was supposed to be a Feline but somehow wound up in the wrong body.”

Master Fel smiles at this observation, “Perhaps. But I think he is able to do more for us as a Human than as a Feline. Thank you for providing me with more insight into our hosts. The Sorceress Alexandra seems much the same.”

Missii has walked up and listens to much of the conversation, “She is indeed. Alexandra is more like a sister to me than an employer. We may talk about anything.”

Again Master Fel nods his head, “I am beginning to understand more of the reason the Feline Guards respect them both. How is it with the two daughters?”

“They too have earned the respect of the guard. There have been battles and the most seriously wounded receive the first treatment regardless of race. This family is worth the honor of their guard.”

His head still nodding, “They have earned the respect of the Budokai as well. It is not always necessary to be extraordinarily capable in battle in order to earn respect. Honor is the most important ingredient.”

While the members of the guard have been carrying the boxes of food into the Temple, the I-cats with a small contingent of guard, have gone exploring. This is an area which they have not previously hunted so it is interesting to examine the scents for likely prey and to investigate new scents to determine their origins. No bear have been scented but they are more likely to remain some distance from the city. As the party travels further away from the city a few new scents add into the mix. Now there are at least four scents which are animals but which are not known near Andrew’s property. They begin tracking one of these only to discover that it apparently is tracking yet another scent. This is interesting. They are tracking a predator on the hunt. The scent is unfamiliar but similar to both I-Cats and Felines.

Continuing to follow the scent, which is growing more fresh with time, brings several similar scents together before they separate once again going in the same general direction but independently. It is a pack hunting. The scents being hunted are unfamiliar. The I-Cats and Felines come to yet another meadow like clearing which is much larger and which has a few collapsed buildings within the center of it. They pause to observe the area prior to proceeding and note some movement near the buildings. Remaining back in the shadows of the trees they watch and discover three very large humanoid figures moving in the area by the buildings which is overgrown with weeds and flowers. These figures are unknown to them. They are about to move forward to investigate when Kitty halts everyone. She has seen movement in the meadow. Careful observation allows them to note four sets of movement of the flowers and plant growth which do not follow the wind, lightly blowing through the meadow. The hunters are here and those strange humanoids are their prey.

The humanoids appear to be unaware the hunters are in the tall flowers and grasses and no one appears to be aware of the I-Cats and Felines. One feline pulls a bow from his shoulder and places an arrow to it. The others quietly draw swords for protection should the ‘wind change’. A hurried conference decides they will send an arrow to strike the building near the humanoids and thus warn them of the impending attack. Moments later the arrow is on its way and shortly afterward the largest of the three humanoids bellows a challenge. The four hunters now begin their attack moving rapidly through the undergrowth making their way toward the humanoids and arriving in the clearing for their attack even as four more humanoids come out of the building rubble and the two smaller of the three original humanoids hurry into its protection. The hunters now attack toward the first large humanoid but are rapidly beaten off due to the appearance of the four from the rubble. Those four are carrying clubs or throwing rocks which have been sharpened and the attacking animals are quickly subdued.

Examination of the hunters reveals the threat is now gone so the humanoids slowly move back into the rubble eventually to exit the other side with close to a dozen more of the smaller ones accompanying them as they fade into the distant tree line. Now the I-Cats and Felines venture forth to check those hunters which they find to be very large cat-like animals each of three to five hundred kilograms weight. A sword is put to each as a precaution then another conference occurs to decide best how to get them back to the city for this is a source of meat for the Felines in the city. None of the Felines are able to open a gateway but they do have their tokens. Unfortunately use of the tokens will transport them to Andrew and Alexandra’s which they decide is the safest route to take since they may return to the Feline city from there.

With two each grasping one of the bodies a gateway token is activated and the two with their trophy arrive near the ready guard. Of course this causes a minor stir while they gain assistance to quickly move out of the way so the next pair may arrive. Five minutes later the eight with the trophies and the remaining three each accompanied by an I-Cat have returned. Now they need someone to open a gateway to the Feline city and the Temple there.

One guard rushes off to notify Alexandra who has just completed the morning lessons and is on her way back to the house. The guard misses her since she uses a gateway to return from the training grounds to the house but another from the ready guard location spots her and quickly informs her of the need for her assistance. The circumstances are explained to her and a vision link is opened to the City then the Felines who had been to the Temple area describe the path for the link to follow in order to reach the Temple. Moments later a gateway is opened there and the Feline Guard begin to carry the fresh kills through to the area outside the Temple. Those who had been out hunting remain there as do the two male I-Cats but Kitty remains with the girls and Alexandra. The extra guard who helped to move the heavy burdens return to the ready guard location and the gateway is closed.

A new need has just been noted. The ability to allow the tokens to recognise a location and return to it would be useful. Alexandra notes this and promises to present this challenge to the children who devised the original tokens spells, which she does later in the day having found two of the children and asking them to bring together the originators of the token spells.

The challenge is given to the children. Perhaps the tokens could have several more icons added. One which when pressed allows the token to note the present location of the token user and the other to allow that user to return to the location noted. This could be complicated since the token would need to be the item determining the location information which is stored for icon use in sending to the gateway generator which remains back near the ready guard. This would information would be a changeable location rather than one which has been fixed by the person impressing the magic upon the token.

This may be too complex for magic to quickly solve, but if it could then it might be a powerful tool in battle. If there were two or even three icons which would allow the impression of a location at which the user happened to be then multiple locations could be set and later selected, thus allowing the user to escape from a poor tactical situation to that of one which is more safe and then return moments later when the attackers do not expect it thus gaining tactical advantage during a battle.

As there might be hundreds of tokens in use in such a manner, the location information would necessarily need to be impressed upon an icon by its user while at the location to be recalled as in the manner presently in use by the other icons on that same token. This will require a new spell or two to be added to all of the tokens and modification of the existing spells to separate the destination information from the activation spell but still allow the activation spell to use the location information.

The activation and location information could still be sent to the generator collocated at the ready guard. The massive transport spells would need to be altered to allow for far more simultaneous uses since they are presently limited to a total of two concurrent users but it is possible. The question now is practicality and the need for more of the large spell ingots for the generator as well as more small ingots in the tokens carried by the guard. Training in the new uses would also be necessitated, but first... Is it even possible?

By Sunday evening the children have come up with a solution. The previous tokens will all need to be inscribed with four new icons. These four will allow the addition of up to three destinations which may be altered by the user of the token. The spell combinations placed upon the token are also more complex but may still allow for easy use in battle. Pressing the locator icon will allow the token to determine its location then pressing one of the three new icons will store that location for recall by touching that icon again. This will allow the three user locations to be added to the token and to be changed by the user.

To activate the location request one must simply firmly press the appropriate icon and the information will be sent to the gateway generator and the person holding the token will be moved to the selected location moments later. The original two icons used for immediate or delayed transport back to the ready guard location remain the same.

Changes have also been made to the gateway generator to allow for battlefield conditions. Some of the generator’s magic notes the destination choice and seeks a clear area nearest to the requested destination. The requestor is then moved to that clear area. While things may change rapidly on the battlefield the clear area is taken to be a minimum of one meter from all nearby objects. This may not always offer tactical advantage but will serve to assure that the individual will not collide with some other object during transport.

The number of simultaneous transports is also increased to over fifty but that remains dependent upon the complexity of the transport. A set of spells which will store up to two hundred requests for transport in the order received and then send them to the generator as it becomes available have also been added to the main device. This slows the speed of action very slightly but allows for far fewer refused requests due to overload of the generator. It remains capable now of roughly fifty requests per second so it is possible to move a large action force in just a few seconds.

Great numbers of large spell ingots are now to be stored next to the generator and the ready guard have the responsibility of assuring the generator always has no less than three ingots within its energy tray during a remote (or local) battle. Prior to any battle the tray is to be fully loaded with all five ingots. One enterprising feline has even placed three more on top of the original five but there is no guarantee the bottom five would be used evenly so those perched on top might fall off due to uneven use.

Now the joy of inscribing four new icons on all of the existing tokens, nearly 1200, and re-spelling them begins. The scribing must be done first and a production line of sorts is established with one icon scribed by each child in a line. The token is then given to one of two small groups of children who place the necessary spells onto the tokens with different spells associated with each icon and then those spells feeding their instruction to the remaining spells for storage or use by the generator back at the main compound. The spell changes take considerable time and it is a number of days before all tokens have been updated.

There are a few tokens which have been placed into other hands, such as the one used by Alexandra’s Father and Andrew’s parents as well. All remaining guard, which includes those of Andrew’s and Alexandra’s parents must also be checked for the updated tokens and corrections made if necessary. To catch up with the stragglers requires yet another week but finally all tokens have been accounted for and updated. The children breath a sigh of relief and things begin to settle down once again as training in the use of the new icons completes as well.

Initial tests have proven the object avoidance works well. Now that all of the tokens have been updated and everyone taught their use a final test may be made. This final test uses three hundred of the guard and ten children, who accidentally participated at the time of the test. The guard are transported from areas down by the river and from up on the overlook plus other areas where the participants are able to see the green firework burst which signals the test initiation. All individuals were transported over a period of just over five seconds from wherever they happened to be to the clear field near the location of the ready guard. It was interesting to see people arriving so rapidly with only a meter of space between them. Where no one was standing in only five seconds the entire space is occupied with people. Of course this necessitates the occupancy of a rather large area but it was still amazing to watch.

Now a blue firework bursts above and everyone, except the ten startled children, presses an icon taking them back to their previous location. This requires a little more than ten seconds. No one is quite certain why the difference in time has occurred but the test has proven to be valid and appears to prove the rapid transport of large numbers to be safe.

The ten children quickly abandon the now clear test area lest they be involved in further testing. A red firework is sent into the sky ending the test. Gradually the large number of Guard return to the ready guard location and to the things they were doing prior to participating in the interesting event. A check is made of the ingots in the energy tray and they are nearly equally used with the equivalent of about a half an ingot spent. That would seem to indicate that roughly an ingot and a half to two would be necessary to transport 1000 guard to and from some location with possibly a bit more being necessary if distance is a factor in the usage and if multiple transports at that general location are affected. Those little details remain yet to be proven. What began as a children’s gateway generator for their games has become an advanced gateway generator which also includes battlefield transports.

By Friday Alexandra has become concerned about her father as he did not come to visit the girls the past week-end and when she visited his home she discovered two new guard there with whom she is unfamiliar. Everything else seems quite normal however. She spends about an hour or so taking care of the details for the next week and investigates the hiring of the new guard but finds no details in the ledgers, which isn’t all that surprising since her father is well known for forgetting little detail like keeping records of his hires and the payments due to them. She makes those entries and promises herself to verify the amounts which the two claim they are to be paid each month. She leaves a reminder, “My Father missed his visit last week end so I will expect him for breakfast early Tomorrow morning.”

“We will pass on your message.”

Alexandra opens a gateway and returns home with a strange feeling nagging the back of her neck.

Andrew returns home slightly early for a change and happily greets a concerned Alexandra.

“Andrew, something strange is happening. Father has hired two new guard and they seem a bit coarse.”

“Well, that’s not entirely unusual. What has attracted your concern about it?”

“I was just thinking... He missed visiting the girls last weekend and the one prior to that since it was taken up with extra sessions. That is why he promised he would be here last weekend. A change of pattern for him and these new hires has me worried. I left a message that I expect him to be here early for breakfast tomorrow.”

“Sounds good to me. Is there anything specific which has your concerns going?”

“No. Not really. Just a lot of general things. For instance it has been nearly five weeks since we have heard from Scearnvale and the guard have mentioned strange little things occurring in Percoin as well. There are more patrols in the city and not all of them are city guard. I may be concerned over nothing but it all seems a bit strange. Has your father mentioned anything?”

“No, not that I recall but then I don’t see him all that much since he is at the main bank and I am at one of the smaller branches. I think I’ll pop up tomorrow to see him and ask if he has noticed anything.”

“Would you do that now? He should be home by now shouldn’t he?”

“This really does have you worried doesn’t it?”

“Very much so... and not just these few things. There are other small things which all seem to add up to something strange going on. Andrew, could we double the ready guard? I know it will play havoc with the sisters planning but I feel uneasy about all this.”

Andrew thinks about it for a few moments before acceding to Alexandra’s request, “All right Alexandra. I don’t believe it will be too much trouble if we take the number up to... say... fifty for a week or two while we investigate all this. It’s not like we don’t have enough guard to sustain the increase. In fact we could probably handle one hundred as the ready guard for several weeks without difficulty. Let me borrow five and go check on father and mother then I’ll let you know if he’s noticed anything.”

“Thank you, Andrew. I hope it’s nothing, but I am concerned.”

“I think I’ll also check on Scearnvale as well. I haven’t talked with Master Liam for a while and it would be good to say hello. I’ll let you know before I leave Father’s so you know where I’ve gone. Would you let the sisters know we want the ready guard increased to one hundred while I go talk with father?”

“Of course, Andrew.” Alexandra presses close hugging and kissing him, “Thank you for not ridiculing my concerns.”

“You’re welcome. As you say, it’s just a lot of little things but it has always been my experience that a lot of little things add up quickly. By the way, if your father doesn’t show up tomorrow morning what do you want to do about it? Assault his home?”

“I’ll think about that while you’re gone.”

“Fair enough.” He winks at her then goes off to collect five guard to accompany him in his travels.

Even as Andrew is departing for his parent’s new home above and behind his own, Alexandra is contacting Missii and Kayla to notify them of their suspicions and the need to increase the ready guard to one hundred from the twenty normally maintained. As soon as that notification has been handled, she also alerts the children to a special and immediate session.

“ what I propose is each of you learn how to use the fireworks tokens and ten of you accompany the ready guard but only here on the property. The purpose will be to sew confusion in the ranks of any enemy who may come calling if they are far enough away to do so before our own guard begin to encounter them. I don’t want you using fireworks which may also harm our own guard. Again, this may be nothing so I don’t want you sending fireworks at anything that moves. Wait for the guard to let you know of the need. Do you all understand?”

A hundred children’s voices reply and their faces are grave. They will be a part of the battle. Well... at least they get to send fireworks at a distant enemy. They have been told to run for the protection of the house rather than remaining in the enclosed yard if an enemy approaches within the closest range of the fireworks tokens which mean they will never see an enemy much closer than the distance to the river.

“Alexandra, what if we use up all the fireworks? The supply is low because we have been practicing for the New Years display.”

“I’ll let Andrew know right away and we will obtain more. Are any of you familiar with what we need?”

Two of the boys say they will go check and make a list of materials which are needed. They run off to do so and Tomas and Jeremy begin to teach the other children how to use the tokens. “Be certain to have a lot of student ingots available since you will need to be certain your token always has no less than two in it. They don’t use up quickly but in the excitement it is easy to forget to check.”

Every child now is given the opportunity to produce both several smoke bursts and a small fireworks burst so they may learn how to control the token’s multiple spells.

The two boys return with their list and tell Alexandra that all the learning is using supplies so the list should probably be increased by perhaps 10% in order to compensate for the usage by the children. By now night is beginning to creep over the compound and the fireworks are much more visible even though they are small bursts.

Alexandra creates and vision link, “Andrew? Could you speak with me for a moment?”

“Certainly. I’ve spoken with the guard here at Father’s and they tell me that he and mother moved back to their city house this past week. That’s a little strange since he had planned to remain here and sell the other property. This is much easier to defend. I took a little time to check at the bank and I think I’ll check Scearnvale next. I should be back about supper time.”

“It is supper time now.”

“Is it?” he looks out and sees the dark skies, “Sorry, I lost track of the time. There were some interesting developments here at Father’s which I wanted to investigate. Well... I suppose I’ll come home and check on my parents and Master Liam tomorrow morning. I’ll only be a few minutes and then I’ll join you and the girls.”

“All right. And I have a list of the fireworks materials we need to order. If something unforseen occurs it would be far better to have them here and ready for use than to need them. Who do you use for those supplies?”

“The last batch came from Merchant Thaine. He offered the best price if I could guarantee a minimum order from him each month. If this is a large order ask if we may allow it to count as two months orders. That would still allow us the good rate and fill more than one month’s requirement even though we are ordering it all at once.”

“I shall. It’s late so I will contact him in the morning after father arrives and we all have breakfast.”

“Sounds good to me. I should be back in about ten minutes.”

“Promise, Andrew?”

“I promise. You may remind me if I don’t arrive on time.”

“I shall. Love you.”

He winks again, “Me too, MiLady... Me too.”

Alexandra collects Alice and Rachel and reminds all the children that it is supper time. The two boys who checked the supplies run off to check them again and upon returning give Alexandra a revised list which is about 60% larger than the original, “We were off just a bit at our guess of the practice usage and we would like to nearly fill the storage room. If a battle begins somewhere then it could be very important to have as many supplies as the room may hold.”

Alexandra although taken aback considers this, “That’s very true and we don’t know if the supplies will continue to be available for ordering. A large supply would not hurt us. Could the room hold more than you have on the list?”

The two boys look at each other, “Maybe a little, but a pathway through the room must remain so the supplies may be placed into the proper places. The room is divided and the new supplies must go into the areas which are used by the same materials. The spells are designed to remove materials from specific locations so we can’t just put everything into the room without organization. The wrong materials would be used and our fireworks wouldn’t work. Besides then we couldn’t inventory and wouldn’t know if we were about to run out of something.”

“All right, I’ll order what is on the list tomorrow morning. I hope we may receive the first supplies quickly.”

“So do we. Some of the supplies are nearly gone.”

“Show me which one’s are nearly gone here on the list and I will try to have them delivered in greater quantity at first. After that I will have them delivered as quickly as possible.”

By the time Alexandra finishes checking the list her daughters have walked up and want to go to supper. The two boys run off to wash and Alexandra contacts the wayward Andrew reminding him to, “Come now for supper or you don’t eat.”

He sputters and fusses but walks through the gateway and accompanies Alexandra and the girls to supper.

Chapter 37

The following morning finds everyone in preparation of continued training with the number of ready guard now up at the one hundred mark. The Budokai are down at their morning rituals, the workmen are placing the final portions of the roofing on the Temple and yet more trees are beginning to be felled to be milled into beams for the second large indoor training room. The property across the river from Andrew’s own has yet to be acquired and information has been sketchy, at best, concerning it.

There is talk of annexing the Feline City as a part of our complex provided, of course, that the Felines of the city decide to allow it. This would be both a welcome and an unwelcome addition. Welcome because it would nearly effectively double the number of ‘guard’ and unwelcome since Andrew would then have twice as many to pay and provide for. It would, however, allow other benefits such as increased hunting grounds, a hidden area which could be used as a place of rest as well as allowing for increased skill development and the chance to prove to a large number of Felines, who have been isolated for decades, that not all humans are their enemy.

Alexandra and the girls are preparing for her father’s visit, “Mother, when is Grandfather going to arrive?”

“I left a message asking him to arrive for breakfast. Andrew is also waiting to see him before going to check on his own parents. Come now, we must go down to the greeting room and if he doesn’t soon appear we will go drag him here.”

“Oh good. Will he tell us more stories?”

Smiling, “Doesn’t he tell you stories each time he comes?”

“Yes, but sometimes he forgets which ones he has told to us and tells us one which he told to us before.”

“When he does that he changes the story. Is he making them up or does he just not always remember everything?”

“Possibly both, girls. They are stories after all even if some of the information may be true.”

“Which information, Mother?”

“Now that is part of paying attention to the story. You must decide which is and which isn’t true.”

“Is Grandfather lying?”

“No. He is creating a fantasy... a story in which parts are real and parts are the fantasy. It’s a little like playing a game. While the game is going on it is real but we know when we stop, it will just have been a game.”

“Oh... I see. Then we could suggest possible changes which might be part of the story?”

“Sometimes. Just remember he is a bit older and he may forget which changes you created and which ones he created.”

The girls look at each other with mischievous gleams in their eyes.

Just before they arrive at the greeting room a gong sounds, “Hurry girls, that is probably your Grandfather now.”

Andrew is approaching the room even as Alexandra and the girls arrive. The girls of course rush to him shouting, “GRANDFATHER!” as Alexandra scowls at the three scruffy looking men who are obviously mercenaries of some kind and who arrived with him even as she greets her father, “Father, I’m so glad you finally made it. The girls have missed you. You promised not to remain away so long.”

He gets a slightly stricken look, “Duties Alexandra, duties. But I am here now.”

Andrew arrives and greets Alexandra’s father as he notes the three men who are standing near to him. Something seems to stand out to him but he can’t quite place it. “Shall we go to the meal hall? Breakfast is waiting.”

They walk to the hall with Alexandra leading the way, the girls holding hands with their grandfather, the three men following him and Andrew behind them. As they walk Andrew realises what it is about the men that has his sixth sense working overtime. He pauses as he is about to pass a Feline guard member and speaks with her for a moment before continuing.

They reach the meal hall and enter. Half the tables are occupied with a number of the Felines who are taking their meal prior to going on duty as ready guard. The three men are suddenly much more alert and one reaches out grasping elder Beaumont’s shoulder drawing him up short while drawing a short blade which he attempts to keep concealed. The other two also draw short blades and one makes his way toward Alexandra. The girls don’t understand what has just happened but Alice notices the blade near her grandfather and shouts, “BAD MEN,” just before she strikes two of them down with a blast of ice cold magic. Rachel not to be outdone hits the third man, who has just reached Alexandra, with a freezing spell of her own.

Andrew quickly crosses to the men even as the guard are arriving at their location. He removes two items from each of them and is about to send those items deep into the jungle when Alexandra calls out, “Andrew wait.”

He looks at her and indicate the items.

“Andrew, I know but we cannot send them just anywhere. We must protect everyone while we learn what is going on. Send them to my father’s study. Others might not detect anything is amiss for a much longer period that way. They have already been at his house for a while so if they remain there over the weekend nothing would be suspect. We might need that time.”

Andrew nods his head in agreement and the six devices vanish.

“Now Father, what is going on and who are these men?”

The story comes out quickly. Every statesman and their families have been targeted. There are a number of these ‘new hires’ ‘protecting’ each statesman thereby effectively holding their families and other statesmen hostage through the threat of the death of the others.

“What do they gain from this?”

“They are asking for a resolution to disband the government and assign control to a military leadership they designate.”

“That doesn’t make much sense.”

“They claim they have the ability to destroy our seven major cities if we don’t comply. They have given us a week to make our decision. There are three days remaining.”

“What cities?”

“We don’t know.”

“How are they going to destroy the cities? I don’t see any way that could be done.”

“They claim they have weapons left over from The War.”

“My God. Could there be any weapons remaining which could still work?”

“Don’t ask me. I’m a Statesman not a Techie.”

“I think the first step is to rapidly secure the release of the families and Statesmen. The enemy combatants need to be permanently neutralized but their devices allowed to remain at the locations they are presently occupying to prevent detection by someone at a remote location. This must be done immediately and completed before the end of day today. Someone send for Missii, Kayla and the Budokai. Tell them it is urgent they come immediately. Alexandra have the fireworks supplies been ordered?”

“No, but I shall do it immediately.”

“Tell them I will pay double if they can provide all of the order today.”
Turning back to Alexandra’s father, “So in addition to holding the families and Statesmen hostage, they are also holding seven cities for ransom to your good behavior?”

“Effectively.” Statesman Beaumont answers as he ponders the fireworks statement.

“How long has it been since you have heard from someone in Scearnvale?”

“Scearnvale? I don’t know. Perhaps a week, maybe two. What does that matter?”

“The same situation may be occurring there. They are rumored to have enough men to be able to cover both locations. Which of these three is in charge?”

“None of them. They take their orders from someone who seems to come around randomly.”

“Wonderful.” Turning to a feline who is nearby, “I need eight guard who may post themselves at Statesman Beaumont’s home. We need to capture this person who ‘comes around randomly’. His equipment needs to be removed and left at the Statesman’s home and the individual brought here for questioning... NO. Bring him to the area down by the river pool. I think we might introduce him to swimming in the event he doesn’t know how to do so. We must also be careful that no captives are brought to this compound nor to that of my father’ located above us. Andrew gives the matter a little more thought, “We had best not allow any of them to discover the Feline city either.”

“Andrew, they are going to begin sending us the firework materials if we will provide a gateway like the last time, whatever that was,” Alexandra injects.

“It was a gateway from their location to the storeroom and which appears about a meter above the floor of the storeroom. The slide which is against the wall may be inserted and the supplies allowed to slide down so they may be stacked in the proper places. The two boys who know the storeroom layout may direct the stacking and four guard may move the materials. Will they be sending everything?”

“No. They will be sending almost half of the order this morning as soon as we are ready, then this afternoon they will send more. They hope by sometime later tonight to have the remainder. They want to know if we would like to have anything else.”

“Tell them no, but thanks. We need to create our displays from scratch.”

Statesman Beaumont takes this moment, “Fireworks? This seems a strange time for fireworks.”

Andrew replies, “You will see, should the need arise, that fireworks have other uses besides creating pretty displays.”

Alexandra continues to communicate with the suppliers as Andrew thaws the three men and asks they be taken down to the pool. “I want one child who has a pool token to bring it up here for us to borrow for a short while. You may wait here and I will return it to you when we return from the pool.”

One of the children runs up and hands Andrew the token quickly filling the small hopper with student ingots. The three men look at Alice and Rachel with stunned expressions as they are led out of the meal hall.

“Send for the I-Cats and tell them I have some hunting practice for them. They may meet us at the pool. I don’t want the prey harmed, but I also don’t want the prey to know they are not to be harmed.”

Several of the Felines smile at that comment and one goes to locate and speak with the I-Cats.

Alexandra meanwhile locates the two boys who provided the list of needed materials and has them and four Felines accompany her to the storage room where she opens a gateway to the supplier. The slide is once again inserted through the open gateway allowing the supplies to slide across and into the storeroom where the boys direct the placement of the boxes and bags to the correct locations within the multiply divided room. Eventually the shipment of supplies halts and she signs the papers then closes the gateway after the slide is once again placed against the wall.

The room, which was never more than half full in the past, is now close to half full once again with the promise of more supplies to arrive in the late afternoon and, hopefully, again later in the night. The supplier wants his double payment so he is making every effort to provide the full order as quickly as possible.

“Alexandra, we still need the Phosphorous. We can’t do much until we have that. They didn’t include any.”

“Thank you.” Alexandra contacts the supplier and makes note that, “no Phosphorous has been supplied so little may be done until that arrives.”

“I am hoping to provide it in the next shipment in a few hours. I have but a little so I was waiting until I had the whole order.”

“We will accept partial shipments so long as the total amount is supplied as quickly as possible. The show begins in just an hour and we have little on hand.”

“I may provide only a small part right now. Perhaps a quarter of it by the end of an hour then the rest later. Will that do?”

“I suppose it must. Very well we will begin with what you have on hand.”

“It seems strange that you have such a large order with so little time for it to be prepared.”

Alexandra explains, “It’s a case of each of us thinking the other had ordered the supplies and then we discovered no one had. We’re sorry for the short notification. That is the reason Andrew said he would pay double to receive it all today.”

“Ahh, that makes sense. Will you need more supplies in the near future?”

“I expect with the displays we shall be creating today and tomorrow we should think of replacing at least some of the supplies. Let’s make another order for half so many supplies as this order happens to be and the second order may be delivered any time up to two weeks from now. I should think we will be all right with that. Keeping some on hand is likely a good idea since we will be having more training sessions and displays as they hone their skills in preparation for New Years.”

The supplier is suddenly much more understanding of the need. “New Years is still some months away and I know some of the elaborate displays require a lot of practice. I have a number of others who have placed large orders as well. Perhaps you might think about a standing order which is filled monthly. That way you needn’t pay extra for rapid delivery and my stocks will have a more even flow.” As he thinks of the future few months wherein he may be assured of an ongoing income at least through the New Years celebration. Possibly for one order beyond that if no one realises they need halt the monthly order. The thought of his profits sounding like the jingle of coins in his head.

“I shall take that up with Andrew. We may decide to do just that.”

“Thank you, Lady de Toraline.”

“Thank you for supplying our needs on such short notice.”

Alexandra closes the gateway and notes the few containers of Phosphorous have been placed. “Will that be enough?” She asks the boys.

“Not really, but we may start with it. We should probably increase that part of the order by a quarter or a third but for now we just hope he will have more in an hour.”

“So do I.”

Opening a gateway near Andrew, they all step through shortening the time required to depart the storeroom and arrive near everyone down by the pool. Alexandra tells the boys they may return to the other children so they activate their tokens and are gone in moments. The three men see the children disappear without realising they have used some device for transport. The four Felines who accompanied Alexandra ask if they should remain but Missii tells them there are sufficient Guard on hand and they may return to the ready location. They turn away and disappear as well.

Again the three enemy fail to see the tokens used to provide transport. This appears to be a stronghold of magic users, something of which the Alliance was unaware. This could be a problem, for now however getting away and returning to Percoin is yet a larger one. Not knowing where they are, nor in which direction they should go even if they could escape has them at the mercy of their captors. Just then three I-Cats approach eyeing the men and licking their lips as though in anticipation of a meal.

Andrew presses the icon on the token he has brought with him, setting it on the ground and indicating that the Felines should bring the first man over to a spot just next to a shimmer in the air. “Do you know how to swim?”


Andrew takes that as a yes and pushes the man through the shimmer. A moment later there is a muffled shout and splash in the middle of the large pool. The man begins frantically beating his arms about the water in an effort to stay afloat.

“Hmm, guess not. Either of you able to swim?”

One of the men backs away but the other appears defiant.

“I suppose you can swim, then? Go help your friend.”

The Felines throw him through the shimmer and there is another splash in the pool.

They begin to drag the third man toward the shimmer, “I can’t swim... I can’t swim.”

“Now that’s a shame. Do you want to learn?” The enemy soldier has a look of panic on his face. “No, I suppose you don’t. All right two of you go in and help those two to shore.”

Two of the human guard jump through the shimmer and into the pool. Assisting the two who are splashing about semi-successfully attempting to remain above water. Soon the two have been brought to shore with two Felines wading into the water to help control them as they reach more solid ground.

“Either of you wish to tell me anything?.. No? All right then. Percoin is that way. I’ll allow you ten minutes and then the Cats will begin to track you. Good Luck.”

“What? You’re just going to let us go?”

“Well, I suppose it is a little more complicated than that. The lands about us are teeming with wildlife. Large wildlife. Predators. The three of you shall be allowed ten minutes lead before our own predators begin to track you. One or the other will likely find you.”

“And if we make it to Percoin?”

Andrew pulls gentle at his chin as if in consideration a smile on his face, “IF you make it to Percoin you are free to go. Ten minutes.”

One of the men looks in the direction Andrew indicated, “I don’t see Percoin.”

“Oh, it’s out there. All you need to do is get through the forests, up the cliff by the waterfall and through perhaps another 200 kilometers of forest and mountainous land. Eventually you’ll see it, if you live to get that far. Nine minutes.”

Two of the men begin running in the direction Andrew indicated. The third remains, “If I tell you what you want to know will you let me live?”

“If I am able to convince the Cats to do so then yes, you will be allowed to live.”

The soldier looks at the I-Cats and slowly moves so that a couple of Felines are between him and the Cats, “Command probably wouldn’t let us live since we have been captured. What do you want to know?”

Andrew spends a rather productive half hour with him. About fifteen minutes into the interrogation, Kitty comes over to remind him about allowing them to track the other two.

“Oh, sorry Kitty I lost track of the time. Take a couple of the Felines with you, would you? Have fun.”

The three I-Cats take off at a light lope with six Felines accompanying them. Missii explains, “If they need to separate then two Felines may go with each Cat. I wish I was going along. This has all the earmarks of a fun hunt.”

“Are you certain they understand those two soldiers are not to be harmed?” Andrew quietly asks Missii to prevent the soldier from hearing.

“Yes. They were told several times.” More loudly, “It will still be a fun hunt.”

It is about twenty minutes later when the hunting party returns. The drop one badly damaged body to the ground and gently lower the other seriously injured man before sending for a healer.

“A large Predator got to them before we did. We killed it and the others will be bringing it back. This one,” pointing at the body, “told me, before he died, that one pushed him at the large cat before running away.”

“I see. No honor among ‘thieves’... In this case, enemy soldiers. I think we need to safely rid ourselves of this one. After he is healed have him taken to the humanoid’s rubble and released. Give him two days food, a knife and a sword from those we seized when we captured them, his survival will be up to himself after that.”

Andrew leans over and quietly tells Missii, “I don’t want him to see the Feline City so if a vision link may be used to locate the Humanoid’s rubble then a gateway may be opened directly to it and he may be pushed through. His weapons may be thrown on the ground nearby before the gateway is closed.”

“What of the other items we took from him?”

“Nothing else will be returned to him. Only the knife and sword. Be certain someone checks them to be certain there is no magic associated with them.”

“Good.” Missii goes off to give the orders and to have someone describe the path from the City to the Rubble to one of the children who is very good at creating vision links. Less than fifteen minutes later the rubble has been found and another prepared to open a gateway directly to it.

The healer has completed his task and even as the man is being brought over for expulsion through the gateway, another guard member is bringing a knife and a sword plus a small packet of food and water.

“Those are not my knife and sword. Your leader said I could have my knife and sword.”

“He said you could have them if there was no magic associated with them. There is some kind of magic on them so you will be given these instead.”

He is obviously not very happy about that change of events but has little say in the situation. A gateway is opened and he is thrust through. The gateway moves five meters and the food and weapons are dropped through before the gateway closes.

The guard member who inspected the weapons which were taken from the three soldiers reports to Missii who in turn goes back to speak with Andrew.

“The weapons have spells on them. The one sword has a strange handle with buttons in it. I am concerned that these weapons may be able to be tracked.”

Andrew becomes instantly alert, “Bring them here; and would you prepare a dozen groups of a dozen Guard members each to be ready to travel for battle. We need to start checking on other politicians and their families as well as my Father and Mother. I think things are going to begin to become very interesting, very soon.”

As soon as the weapons arrive, Andrew examines the sword quickly then opens a gateway to Statesman Beaumont’s home. The eight Felines who are stationed there are contacted and additional information, obtained from the enemy soldier who is talking, is given to them. The knives and swords are added to the small collection of other items which have been hidden away in the library. The trap remains ready and extra cheese has now been added but there is no indication of how long it will be before it is sprung.

Those Felines’ tokens are examined and more student ingots added in order to be certain they have a way of returning to the Andrew’s hidden home which some Felines are now beginning to call ‘refuge’. Andrew is thinking it is developing a feel more of a fortress than a refuge... or a home. At least the Feline City is being called just that, the ‘City’ and it is being thought of as a part of the ‘safe’ or ‘refuge’ locations, even by its residents, although they have yet to officially declare it to be a part of either the Guard or ‘ready’ force which, other than at the City, is comprised of nearly 50% human and 50% Feline members.

Andrew and his immediate guard depart Statesman Beaumont’s home then link with Alexandra and her Father as Andrew seeks more information and direction that sudden rescue attempts may be made of the other politicians and of Andrew’s Parents if that should also prove necessary. Instructions are given that all items found on the enemy shall remain at the home where they are found such that no early indication of the rescue actions will be provided to the enemy through their ability to track some of the items carried by their soldiers.

With little concern of any guard change by the enemy, due to information provided by the captured soldier, the few who have been assigned to monitor the families and politicians are gradually captured. A few who fought were killed or injured and some Guard hurt but they quickly transported back for medical care and replacements sent to the location of the fighting. It was determined that Andrew’s parents were all right, having decided to return to their home of these past twenty years rather than ‘roughing’ it as the new location was being built. The threat having been temporarily presumed to be over.

This new chain of events now causes Andrew’s mother to decide to move into Andrew and Alexandra’s home where she could ‘grandmother’ the two girls while remaining relatively safe. Andrew’s Father, on the other hand, begins preparing much more for a battle; concern for his employees at the various branches of his bank becoming of paramount concern to him now that his wife is secure.

Another group of 144 Guard are chosen and once again raids occur upon homes of politicians in an effort to secure release of the politicians and their families. This continued effort finally results in several interesting events.

Upon arriving at one home, several high ranking soldiers are captured. The politician appearing to be allied with them and in the process of discussing the next series of events to take place is also captured. Many papers are found in the room and these lead to the discovery of a number of strange devices placed in various cities around the Survivor. Each of these devices is approximately the size of a steamer trunk and they are immediately thought to be the weapons described previously. For safety’s sake they are sent through gates far into the night sky where they strangely create a trail much like a shooting star before bursting like an extremely large firework. Only five of these devices are found although all of the politicians seem to agree that seven had been mentioned.

The discovery of two more politicians allied with the enemy occurs as the rescue efforts continue. After several hours the rest of the politicians and their families are secure once more and the three who were working with the enemy are being questioned. Kayla, in a voice a bit less than quiet, asks “Why not place them out in the jungle as we did with those soldiers? Maybe a large cat will find them to be good eating.”

That idea gains immediate support of the Feline Guard members who find the questioning thus far to be a bit less bloody than they might like.

The three politicians and the high ranking soldiers are unimpressed, “You wouldn’t do that. Your kind can’t win this war as you haven’t the stomach for what it takes to do so.”

Andrew considers the time which has been spent trying to learn where the rest of the devices have been placed and the lack of answers they have thus far achieved, “open a gate to the pool. Push them through and send a contingent of guard down to seize any who make it back to shore. Those that make it send through a gateway to the humanoid’s rubble. They are to be given no weapons.”

The Felines enthusiastically open a gateway to the pool and push the six through it. Now two go out to collect more to go down and recapture any who might be able to swim while a third goes off to find the person who opened the previous gateway to the rubble and to escort them down to the pool. By the time they arrive, four have made it back to shore albeit quite soggy from the effort. One went the wrong way and was taken by the river screaming for rescue as he was rapidly transported downstream. It is not known if he made it to the second falls, however search teams found no sign of him along the shores. The sixth was rescued from the pool and while not in good shape is still alive and will be sent through the gateway with the other four.

The three politicians are still protesting their treatment since they are not warriors.

“You may not be warriors but you are traitors. How do you expect us to treat traitors?”

“We expect to be treated in a civilized manner as befitting enemy combatants captured in war.”

“But you are not enemy combatants as you just stated. Therefore you are traitors or spies. We are treating you in a civilized manner. If it had been my decision, I would have had you facing a much more terrible and prolonged fate than banishment into a jungle. Who knows, you might even survive;” Kayla happily tells them all, “But I doubt it. We shall tell your families that you died valiantly. Unless you should like them to accompany you?”

The gateway is opened and they are thrust through. The politicians still arguing and asking about where they shall sleep and the food and drink they might need.

“I’m sorry... Were you of the opinion this was to be a vacation? Perhaps you didn’t understand. This is a death sentence not a recreation spot. Good-bye. Close the gateway.”

The three ‘politicians’ may still be heard to be arguing their treatment even as the gateway vanishes and the sound of their voices cut off.

For a second time the Magicians and the guard have come to the rescue of the politicians of the Survivor. This time, however, they are thanked and appreciated. Now the examination and possible extraction of those in the Shambles must begin. And the remaining two weapons must be found.

This time the proof of the betrayal of three of the politicians is known and accepted. These are also the three who pressed for the anti magic laws so strongly during the previous difficulties thus leading the politicians to a little soul searching and chagrin at having been so easily, “led around like a bull with a ring in its nose,” as it was so aptly reported in the Percoin Daily Gossip.

The ‘rescue’ of the Scearnvale politicians determined that only the Survivor had been targeted this time. That presumably either as a test of the defenses or due to the realization by this faceless enemy that the greatest threat to their campaign success came from out of the Survivor. Apparently they once again underestimated the ability to produce a counter campaign. An all out war never materialized and Andrew and his Guard were no closer to discovering the hiding place of those supposed thousands of enemy. The final two weapons also were not located so if they exist the enemy still has them available to use as a threat.

Things begin to settle down a little and training continues. The Budokai now offering far more of their fighting experience to most of the Guard and the entire discipline to a very few who decide to follow it pending approval of Master Fel. It will take a year of study just to receive that approval.

The children continue to receive both their training in magic and their schooling, although many would prefer to continue only the training in magic, especially fireworks. Changes have been made to the area on Andrew’s property and the addition of a specific school structure has been made up on the overlook and its nearby promontories. Many dozens of those adults who have had the advanced magical training are now teaching the children who are first brought into the school, having been brought from the schools at both the Shambles and the Survivor.

Those who could not embrace the techniques of the new magic continue to teach at the old schools for there are many children who also cannot embrace the new methods. The ratios are low with roughly fifty old magic users for every new magic user. It is for this reason that the unified school has been accepted and supported by both continents.

Fortunately for Andrew, financial support has also been forthcoming and he has happily embraced the influx of funds which follow each child who arrives for training. The old schools now have an important new roll to play in that they not only identify those with magical talent but during the first few months of training they determine which students are most likely to benefit from the new techniques.

With acceptance of the new school of magic, Andrew’s request for the properties across the river from his own is quickly allowed with the Survivor’s legislature granting the property to the school for use as a training area. Andrew is quick to accept for this means they may use the land and hunt the forests while the property legally belongs to the school. After some discussion with the politicians, through the adroit manipulations by Alexandra’s Father, the property up on the lookout which actually hosts the new school but which is owned by Andrew, is exchanged for a small part of the granted property. Thus the school is now separated from Andrew’s financial holdings and Andrew has been compensated for his loss of the lookout portion of his properties.

The school while still closely allied with the Guard and with Andrew and Alexandra, is capable of independent operation removed from the possible vagaries of the financial paths Andrew may follow. Andrew and Alexandra remain as the headmaster and headmistress of the school and teach the advanced classes, which for the moment continue to be those students with whom they had begun some twenty four months previously.

New Years? Oh yes, New Years, the Fireworks contest. Well... With all those nicely stored materials just itching to be used for fireworks a lot of practice was to be had and in addition to the original concept, two more active portions were also explored and added to the overall display... very active...

Here is the quote from the Percoin Daily Gossip:

There was only one fire resulting from the display which occupied most of the night sky for nearly a minute and a quarter and there were no injuries or fatalities. The fire was quickly extinguished and little damage resulted. Extra points were awarded for the largest and more enduring display as well as for the most active - with background. Points were removed for the fire but overall the children received the greatest number of points and easily won the New Years contest taking the First place title away from Friar Tuck... er... Sorcerer Gordon for the first time in six years. He was seen sulking off with a very close Second place while threatening to produce something the next year which would surpass anything anyone previously displayed. We shall wait and see.

Things have settled down and the threat of the Alliance drifts quietly into half forgotten memory. Life is, once again, good.

 © 2010 by Rénae Dáºmas. This work may not be replicated or presented in whole or in part by any means electronic or otherwise without the express consent of the work’s Owner (copyright holder), with the exception of the private and non-commercial viewing by the reader who is also the end purchaser. ALL Rights Reserved, including but not limited to ownership of Characters, final content decision, and more. This is a work of Fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional and any resemblance to real people or incidents past, present or future is purely coincidental. Any and all images shown within this work are taken by license under Corel. Sketches are a product originated through the efforts of Terry Volkirch.. No affiliations, involvement or gender assignations through the use of the images provided by Corel, Terry Volkirch or the subjects contained within those posted images or sketches is implied or intended.
An Aldoennetti Original.

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Quick Vote and Comment

terrynaut's picture

Just passing by to vote and to thank Rénae for posting.


Oh. I should also say something to the readers....

Please read this story. You might just like it.

- Terry

It didn't go the way I anticipated

But it's still extremely good. The threat is, once again, held at bay. Hopefully, it won't come back.

Is there a second volume BTW?


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Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

An Excellent Story

Jemima Tychonaut's picture

I enjoyed this immensely and I hope that there is a volume 2!

I still can't quite believe that it hasn't been more widely commented upon given its quality.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."


This is the best story on the site that I have read.



Loved it. Will there be more to TRANQUILITY?--I am Hoping!!!

Great Story

Does anyone know if TD posted the next series "Forgotten Menace"? It would be ashame if not. Great WRITER

Men should be Men and the rest should be as feminine as they can be