Tranquility-Sorcerer/ Sorceress C-16-37

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Chapter 16

Andrew waits outside the room. After ten minutes or so Alice emerges telling him that Rachel is sleeping, "Mother is going to watch her for a while. Could you come and help me bring my things from my old room?"

They walk off and in a few minutes Andrew is helping Alice collect her things and he prepares to take them all to the new room while Alice is attempting to extract her kitty from under the bed, where she hid when Andrew walked into the room. Finally the small cat is coaxed out and Alice carries her while Andrew carries everything else. The small cat watching him carefully and occasionally showing him its claws as if to say ‘don't get too close or I'll chase you away'. Andrew is amused and not quite certain what to make of the cat's performance. It obviously is quite devoted to Alice.

"I pity anyone who tries to make her life difficult especially after the cat grows."

"What, Father?"

"Oh. Nothing. Just thinking out loud."

They arrive at the new room and Alice opens the door to allow Andrew to place her things on the bed.

"Here, hold my kitty a minute while I find her bowl and fill it."

Andrew finds himself holding a bundle of antagonistic fur which looks like it is about to erupt and attempt to claw its way up his arms to put his eyes out.

"Give her to me. That's no way to hold a cat," Alexandra admonishes.

Shortly after Alexandra begins holding her, the small cat begins purring and snuggling, content to be away from Andrew.

"See, she's much happier now."

Andrew gently tries to pet the cat but it spits at him and swings a paw toward his hand.

"What did you do to cause her to act like this?"

"I didn't do anything. We arrived at Alice's room and the cat ran under the bed. When Alice finally coaxed it out it was looking daggers at me. I didn't touch it. Maybe she only likes women."

"There now, Andrew won't hurt you. He likes you because you are Alice's friend. Won't you allow him to pet you? He won't try to hurt you."

Andrew slowly places his hand out toward the cat again and when it gets close the cat suddenly flashes its paw to his hand. No claws are used but it makes contact with him for a few seconds as if to warn him that he better be nice or else. It slowly draws its paw back and tucks it under itself while eyeing him carefully. Andrew pauses for a few seconds before gently petting the cat with just one finger. It finally begins to accept his attention and gradually raises and turns its head to accept the soft rubbing he gives to it.

The door opens and Alice enters, the small cat instantly batting Andrew's finger away as though it doesn't want the attention from him. Andrew seizes that opportunity to leave the room after saying goodbye to both Alexandra and Alice. He also says goodbye to the kitty, who looks at him with unknown thoughts but, at least, it did not spit at him. He goes off to Scearnvale to speak with Gabriel while Alexandra and Alice take turns going to supper so Rachel will have someone watching her at all times. The kitty has now jumped up onto Rachel's bed and is curled up against her. When Alexandra returns, the small cat makes its way to the edge of the bed, jumps across to Alexandra's lap and curls up going back to sleep as Alexandra absently begins to softly pet it as it is sleeping.

Andrew brings Gabriel up to date and then takes his meal. Before returning to his room, he links to his parent's home to let them know how the two applicants learning the new control are doing and then they visit for a short while. His father brings him up to date on the events at the various properties and at home, then they discuss that thing which still remains elusive but which has had hints here and there causing them some concern.

"Bandits have been seen at several of the small villages and a raid occurred on one farmhouse with the people killed and the livestock and stored supplies taken."

"Truly Bandits? Or are they perhaps linked with that over which we are concerned?"

"That is difficult to say. The bandits are very militant and so are those who raided these places. Whether they are the same or not is anyone's guess."

"And no one has been left alive to trail them?"

"Never. They always strike when there are few about and so far they have always gotten away clean. They never obtain more supplies than could feed perhaps fifty and seem to return to another village about the time those supplies would run out. The problem is knowing where and when in time to have a large force present to confront them. We always learn of them days after it is over."

"What of a spelled link which would allow an alarm to be raised quickly? A link from each of the outlying villages and towns might give us an edge. We could know in minutes rather than days and a force of Felines, Warriors, and Sorcerers could be quickly dispatched by link to deal with the threat. What of numbers? How many appear to wreak their havoc, Father?"

"We don't know. Everything is second or third hand. No one knows anything for certain. It's like they are ghosts. They materialize, perform their destruction and theft, and vanish again."

"Ghosts don't eat. Have there been any indications they are using Sorcerers?"

"No. None. We know nothing, we just have suspicions and thus far they cannot be proven. Andrew, is it possible they also have this new magic?"

"Possible? Yes. Probable? I don't think so. It has been held very tightly and conducted in secret. Those who are receiving the training have been cautioned not to reveal the source nor nature of the methods."

"Then, Andrew, I fail to see how they are doing this. Even the wagon load of supplies they took vanished wagon and all. We tracked it so far as the main road but lost it there, since the road is hard enough to hide the wheel marks."

"I still think alarm links would be a good approach. It is only useless if everyone dies before the alarm sounds."

"That would entail hundreds of links and someone to be certain they were always ready."

"Father there are ways with this new control which could be placed and not require a Sorcerer to maintain the link. It may need to be reestablished every so often but for a short time it could be self sustaining."

"How short a time?"

"Perhaps two weeks. Perhaps four. I'm not certain, I have never established a link which was self powered but a spell could be made and given energy which could once a day send a message such as ‘all is well' and the name of the town. The moment the alarm was activated, it could change the message and immediately send something like ‘enemy within' and the name of the town, then repeat each minute until canceled from this end."

"I'm interested. Could we try this at our five most distant holdings as a test? The link could come back to a room here and we could place someone in the room at all hours to monitor for the messages. Does the monitor need to be a Sorcerer?"

"No. Anyone could listen, they just need to be able to sound the alarm throughout the house immediately."

"Excellent. Could you perform this spell and, if so, could you do it now?"

"Certainly. I would need the help of someone who has been there otherwise I am as yet unable to link blindly to a location."

His father thinks for a moment, "We have three here who have been to some of those locations so perhaps between them all we may reach all five locations. I'll ring for them."

"Father, bring about thirty small coins in and I will spell them. These may be sent, one to each location and once they are there I may link to them and then set the alarm link. No even better, have enough small medallions struck, then I will spell them with the alarm spell linked back to here. A different spell must be placed on each as the name of the town is part of the spell. Each medallion must be given to the correct town or we will go to the wrong location when the alarm sounds."

When the servant arrives, Patrick de Toraline gives him instruction to have their coin maker come to see him.

"I'll have this done and perhaps two hundred medallions will be struck. Once they are ready then I'll contact you and you may spell them."

"All at once? Father, why don't you contact me each time you have ten or fifteen ready then I may spell those and they may be on their way while we wait for more."

"Good idea. Have you talked much with your Mother this evening? She would like to know when you are going to bring Alexandra over for supper, among other things."

"I'll go see her at once. Thank you Father. As soon as I finish talking with Mother I need to go back so I may prepare for tomorrow's lessons. It makes for a long day. Thank you for the information and I'll think about the spell and how much energy may be placed with it. If the medallions are made of silver then more energy may be placed than if they are some lesser metal. Be well Father, I'm off to see Mother for a short time."

"Be well, Andrew. AND Bring that lovely young lady here for supper soon."

Andrew smiles as he leaves the room in search of his Mother.

"Hello, Mother."

"It's about time, I was about to send a servant to track you down and drag you back.”

Andrew kisses his Mother on the cheek and sits before her, "Father told me you want me to bring Alexandra her for supper soon. I'm sorry, we have been terribly busy and by the end of the day we are exhausted. We'll try to make it soon. Perhaps Sunday when the early supper occurs."

"May I make that a firm date?"

"Let me talk with Alexandra and then I'll message you. Her Father wants us to do the same with him."

"I've been hearing through the Sister's grapevine that you and Alexandra have a daughter. What, pray tell, is that all about?"

Andrew smiles and nods his head, "True. We have given notice that once we are married we are going to adopt not one but two young girls. Alice is the one you have been hearing about. She is the gifted healer who helped Lady Elijah. The other is her younger sister whom the Sisters declare to be even more powerful in the magic. This is going to be an interesting household. I don't want to think how Alexandra and my own children turn out. I have my hands full enough just with the children we are teaching."

Shaking his head, "For example, a few days ago Jeremy froze a cow in order for it to deliver cold milk. That little mistake cost me six gold. AND, I must help the farmer locate another milk cow which he may purchase."

His Mother begins laughing, "Frozen cow? Children..."

"Yes. Children who are able to control more magic than many adults. It..."

"What? What is it?"

"Oh... good, nothing, a large flash of energy and I thought perhaps one of the children had gotten themselves into trouble again. It is one of the adults practicing."

"At least you needn't worry about one of them freezing a cow," she smiles as she shakes her head, "Do you think I could learn this new magic?"

"I don't know, Mother. Why don't you tell Father you will be going with me for a few minutes and I'll link to Scearnvale then we could test you. We will know quickly and I could begin tutoring you privately and I'm certain Alexandra would like to do that as well. It would give you both more time to talk behind my back."

She smiles at him, "Now would I do that?"

Andrew stares straight into her eyes, "Only if you thought you the two of you could get away with it."

Beatrice goes and informs her husband, Patrick, that she is going out with Andrew for ten or fifteen minutes and then they meet together in the greeting hall. Andrew links to the Scearnvale garden which has several Sorcerers sitting in it with some intent discussion under way. He closes the link and opens a vision link checking the meal hall which is empty at present. Turning the link to travel purposes they cross and the link is once again closed. Sitting together he guides his mother through the preparations necessary for someone inexperienced, to formulate a vision link of the kind necessary to reach his Father in the Survivor. Five attempts later the link occurs for a few seconds thus proving she may accomplish the task but a great deal of further training will be necessary.

"Do you see how you produced that link?"

"Not exactly. This is so much different. Alexandra learned this quickly?"

"Much to my surprise. We have both been learning quickly, teaching helps us a great deal."

"May I try again?"

"Yes. Then I think we best quit for the day and I'll open a link to allow you to return home. One thing Mother. Don't practice this unless Alexandra or I are with you. We suspect the enemy has Sorcerers who may also detect when someone is practicing and intercept the energy which would allow them to come to the House itself. Alexandra and I have enough energy we could likely beat them back should that occur. You would need to concentrate on the old way to aid yourself and the more you use the new, the more difficult the old becomes."

"Really? All right, I won't practice alone. Perhaps several Felines could be in the room with me while I practice."

"I don't know. We don't know enough about their magic to make intelligent decisions as yet. Please just wait until one of us is with you. I don't want anything to happen to you."

Beatrice looks at her son and smiles, "All right. I promise, but don't stay away very long I want to learn this."

Andrew smiles and remembers when he was a child and the promises his mother would make to her husband and the moment he was out of sight off she would go.

"One thing Mother. If you use the new control I will know. That is how I know when the children get into trouble. Come. Let's try the vision link once more. See if you may find Father."

His mother begins one more attempt with Andrew again guiding her thoughts. She closes her eyes and imagines her husband and gradually places life to that which she is imaging. Finally she has as much as she may manage clear in her mind and releases that funny feeling Andrew described to her. The room into which she is looking suddenly blooms and sharpens with several servants and her husband instantly aware of her link. All turn their heads to look in her direction, she becomes so flustered that the link vanishes in a small ‘pop'. She stares straight ahead for a few seconds, not quite certain of that which has transpired.

"I... Did I make a link?"

"Yes. That time it worked, Mother. Congratulations, you're on your way. Remember NO Practicing unless Alexandra or I are there to help. I'll try to make arrangements for you to receive training in a safe manner and with some speed. Once you are more proficient then you may practice, again with one or both of us present, some of the spells you already know but using the new method of control."

"Thank you Andrew. That was ever so interesting. Now I'll have something to talk about with Alexandra when she visits."

"Just don't tell anyone else. This is still a semi-secret project. Now I'll link to the greeting room and you may return home."

Andrew kisses his mother on the cheek and opens a link to his parent's House. His Mother smiles at him as though now she is privy to a great secret and then walks across, turning to wave to him as he closes the link. With that finally resolved, Andrew turns his thoughts to the lessons for the children, both the advanced and the new. Perhaps twenty minutes pass and he begins to contemplate that which the adults will need. This is a bit more difficult for they are each going off in separate directions. By the end of the hour he has most of the concepts in mind and has yet another headache. Fortunately these are nowhere as severe as the ones he was receiving prior to Gabriel's spell removing them.

Finally a chance to rest...

Andrew prepares and lays back on the bed, the next thing he knows it is morning and light is beginning to penetrate through the window of his room. As he becomes more aware of his surroundings his thoughts jump momentarily to the need to have a home built for his wife and family to be. Retainers will need to be hired, housed, and fed; as will be the family guard, of which he presently has only two. More of them need to be hired as well.

"Time is running out, old man... You better get your arse' in gear and tend to these ‘minor' details. You only have about two months remaining before you will need all this," he admonishes himself.

Contemplating the problems with finding time and conducting the business necessary to accomplish all this he finds himself considering, ‘I could send Kayla to make the contacts and bring them back so I may conduct these little activities and still be able to be teaching. She could carry a spelled coin and call me with it then I could link so they may come and discuss business without taking considerable time away from teaching.'

Now that he has that little concern partially resolved he turns his mind toward his stomach and preparing for the day, rinsing his face, dressing and going out to partake of his first meal of the day. He makes it no further than about twenty paces when suddenly Kayla is matching pace beside him.

"How many times must I tell you that whenever you go out, you tell me?" she instructs.

"Why do I need to tell you? You are beside me before I may go thirty meters. Day, night, it doesn't seem to matter. What do you do, sleep with one eye and one ear open?"

"No. I sleep just like anyone else. But when you begin to move I may sense it. You hired me so I am bound to be linked for the period of my hire, which you seem to have stated will be for a considerable period of time. Besides, someone has to keep you out of trouble. You seem to do well enough finding it." She manages to say all that without smiling but a hint starts on her lips the moment she finishes. A few seconds and she is almost laughing as she hangs on to his arm while they walk toward the meal hall.

"You had best not let Alexandra see you hanging onto me like this. She's apt to get jealous."

"Nonsense, she's far too intelligent for that. Just because men become jealous doesn't mean women do."

"I seem to recall..."

"We're here, are you opening the doors or am I? I'm hungry and want to go in."

Andrew looks around and once again discovers one of the SaVannah sisters has outmaneuvered him. This seems to be all too frequent an occurrence of late. He opens the doors for her and as she passes into the meal hall he quietly comments, "We need to talk before classes begin. I have a job which needs to be done."

"Missii and I have something we need to be doing as well. We must check on our armor and weapons. They should be finished. Which reminds me, we need more gold to finish paying for the armor you wanted us to purchase."

Andrew rolls his eyes, "Okay, how much is this going to cost me?"

"Not much. We paid all of the weapons costs in advance, and there isn't that much remaining on the armor, just 120 gold apiece."

"Just 120 gold."


"Apiece." Andrew dramatically rolls his eyes and shakes his head in mock exasperation.

"Then the weapons and armor need to be spelled. You said that would be accomplished at your Father's house. Speaking of a House, when are you going to start having something done to prepare for your family? There isn't that much time remaining you know."

"Are you certain you weren't a clairvoyant in a past life?"

"Past life? Nooo... But you need to consider doing something very soon. It takes time to do these things and you are nearly out of that, time that is."

Andrew smiles and begins shaking his head.

"Don't say no. These are things you need to start doing now, not one day before you need them."

Andrew begins laughing even as he draws back the chair for Kayla to sit at the meal table.

"What's so funny?"

This causes Andrew to begin laughing in earnest.

"Are you all right?" She begins to pat him on the back.
Andrew is laughing so hard now he can't talk. He just waves his hand at Kayla as she continues to try to pepper him with questions.

Finally she turns to ordering her breakfast and he has an opportunity to collect himself.

She is about to begin again when he says, "You're absolutely right. Something should be done. Let's discuss this for a while after breakfast and before class."

Somewhat mollified, Kayla relaxes and begins to eat allowing Andrew to order his meal. Suddenly Andrew has a thought, he immediately visually links to his parent's home and chimes in the greeting hall. Less than a minute later a servant appears and while the cast at Andrew's end has been held to a minimum of about two meter in size it is still readily visible to many in the meal hall.

"Master Andrew. Do you need to speak with your Father?"

"Actually if you could simply take him a message that would suffice. Tell him not to make medallions but make candle holders instead which may hold three candles each, it is not necessary that they be silver, any metal alloy will do."

"Very good. I shall deliver the message immediately."

"Thank you, John. How's the wife?"

"She is doing much better now except for the nights. Our second born screams her head off at night."

"My sympathies to you both."

"Thank you, I shall let her know you asked after her. Good Day Master Andrew."

"Good Day, John."

"There that's out of the way. Great idea, candles... Lots of energy in candles."

Kayla looks at him with curiosity in her eyes but doesn't ask any question. She's still busy eating and planning the way she will confront Andrew with the need for an active Guard to begin training prior to the occupancy of a house which is yet to be built at a location which is yet to be discussed. In fact this all is pretty much up in the air. Not something she imagined would be a problem. Andrew has no concept of preparing for the protection of himself, his wife, or their children much less those who will be providing that protection. ‘I must talk with Missii while we are out collecting our armor and weapons,' she muses.

Chapter 17

After he has had an opportunity to speak with Kayla concerning the property he owns in the mountains of the northern reaches of The Survivor, Andrew brings up the need for a household guard and for the construction of the house and other buildings which shall be on the property itself. Artisans are needed to perform the work and designers to prepare the plans. The beginnings of the guard plus the cooks, retainers, tenders to the livestock and more, all must be located, hired and brought in.

Kayla argues, vehemently, for an all feline guard but Andrew knows of at least ten human warriors which he wants in the guard. A half dozen Sorcerers as well. The problem of a healer is solved as the House will have at least two which are presently undergoing training in the new control, Alice and Kayla herself. He grants they need to speak with Missii, and it is likely a dozen or more felines should be hired as well.

Andrew hands Kayla the coins she and Missii will need in order to pay for their armor, "bring everything back here and we will sometime in the next few days take the opportunity to go to my Father’s House to have it all spelled. We may return the borrowed armor and weapons at that time as well, but for now, it is time for training."

Once the link is made and everyone present for morning training, the SaVannah sisters once again take the whistle and Andrew provides them a link to Scearnvale that they may pay for and retrieve their armor once the final adjustments are made. Later they use the whistle and return then Missii links to the shop in Percoin and they retrieve the weapons which have finally been finished to their satisfaction.

Class, meanwhile, has begun for the children, there are again small spells, dealing with practice at suddenly releasing small continuous amounts of heat or cold and spells are practiced for the first time which also have energy reserves attached so the spell may continue on its own over a period of time. The greater difficulty of crafting spelled candles is again attempted, but the idea of allowing them to pull small bits of super heated energy out of volcanic materials or elsewhere is something Alexandra decides is not to be broached. It would be all they would need to have a volcano suddenly appear on the doorstep. Perhaps in ten years or so when they have learned some restraint. A frozen cow, a diverted river flooding a crop field, and a few other such "minor" difficulties coming rapidly to mind. Andrew becomes convinced quickly.

Now they move on to spells requiring more than four steps in their casting. Seeds and the possibility of crops. The class now moves out of doors and into an empty field near the training center. In the distance there is a small stream from which a little water may be diverted to irrigate the ground within which the seeds will be planted. Each child will have a single seed planted and will be responsible for the spells affecting it.

The spells become more complex, for the children must allow the spelled seed to view time in a compressed state but only for a specified interval. Following that compressed interval the next portion of the spell must take effect and the seed will see time and nourishment in a different light and for a different period of time. Once again the spell will change and several smaller spells with all take hold to guide the seed, now a small sapling into its growth toward becoming a tree more quickly than nature ever permitted.

Nourishment from the ground must now also be considered and various fertilizers brought up from the stables and fields will be spread to assist the growth. Finally after only one day the trees have their spells removed such that they revert to normal life spans and have the opportunity to bear fruit. Five rows of four trees hopefully providing five different fruits in limited quantities. By the end of the week this process has been repeated a number of times until finally ten rows of eight trees or bushes each exist in the field. This brings ten different fruits or berries available for the Sisters training center to use as supplements to the meals. In addition to offering the various birds and other small wildlife the opportunity for additional meals when no one is looking.

Several kinds of nuts have been spelled and planted, as well as flowers and a little corn. Again, the end of the week finds the field looking a bit strange with its wide variety of available and edible products. The location becoming wildly accepted by the bees, butterflies and birds. Bees are difficult to find as so many died of some strange malady long before the War, which killed off many more, but those who survived are now beginning to once again produce in larger numbers.

Squirrels and other small animals have discovered the field as well, so now the added difficulty of preventing raids upon the fruits, berries, and nuts is about to become a problem. The plants have not all returned to "normal" but continue to be slightly accelerated in their life spans. This does not become immediately apparent but will show as multiple crop bearing of some of the trees occurring as the year continues. The problem is easily corrected. For an initial attempt the children have done quite well.

The SaVannah sisters have collected their weapons and armor this Monday past but an opportunity to spell them has not occurred for a few days. Finally a visit to Andrew’s Parent’s House is arranged and the sisters are introduced to the Sorcerer who will perform the spellings as well as spell some daggers owned by Andrew and Alexandra. Supper allows Alexandra, Andrew and his parents to chat for a while before the men go off to check the triple candle holders which Andrew has requested, as Alexandra and Beatrice go to "have a little woman to woman talk."

Ten of the candle holders are selected and spelled with specific town names attached to each. The candles are quite normal and, much to the joy of the candle makers, this little experiment proves that candles may be used as a source of energy even when not used to provide light. A little experimentation is necessary but finally the method is worked out and candles prove to be a valid source of energy for some spells. Thus an energy reservoir may be had by simply replacing the candles before they all have evaporated.

If little energy is in use then the candles last a long time. If a lot is in use then the candles diminish in size appropriately to the rate of use. Spells that are ongoing but require large amounts of energy are given candles of up to 8 cm. in diameter and as much as 25 cm in height. One experimental spell required so much energy when activated, that three of these large candles diminished nearly their full height before the spell ended. Expensive source of energy... It did do the job, however, and gave even more proof to the fact it could be done. Interesting concept and, within limits, viable. Over the next months small candle powered spells begin to crop up all over the place...

Someone even went so far as to put a candle holder on the top of a small cupboard sitting on a table with a spell to keep everything inside it cool. All one needed to do was to maintain candles in the holder and to replace them whenever they became diminished in size. The "cooling box" eventually to become a great seller. Merchants finding they are unable to keep them on hand for the first month of sales, so quickly did they sell and vanish out the door. Someone also made a container for heating water which functioned much in the same way but it did not do so well. People had some difficulty with using the candle energy to heat water when they already had a fire going for cooking and warmth so if they wanted hot water all they need do is place a pot over the fire and warm the water which is in it. Not all inventions are successes.

About a week after the first conversation Andrew and Kayla had concerning a house, property and guard, the four of them visit Andrew’s property in the mountains. Alice could not come along as she is still watching over her younger sister whenever the Sisterhood does not have someone present.

"Andrew, this is beautiful. The shallow valley with that small river and over there... That area could be crop fields. This spot is perfect for a large home and allows us to see a beautiful view. Is all this yours?"

"Almost as far as you may see. See that promontory protruding near where the river turns?"

Alexandra and the Sisters turn to look while shadowing their eyes, "Oh yes, the river curves around it."

"That’s right. The property becomes my brother’s at that point but everything in the valley here and back across to that other bend in the river is mine," pointing. "This hilltop and," turning to indicate behind them, "all the way to those far cliffs in the distance is as well. Father owns most everything beyond those cliffs for quite a distance. They look to be small from here but are actually about 100 meters in height. My brother isn’t really interested in his property, so I have been halfheartedly trying to talk him into selling it to me. Someday I may continue and see if he is really interested in my possible purchase. His property goes on down the valley to that far outcropping on the left."

"The one just beyond that small hill?"

"No, even further. It’s hard to make out from here. See the valley here which is mine? His mostly valley portion is about four times longer."

"Oh, so that means it’s the outcropping down near what look to be falls?"

"Yes, that’s right and those falls are nearly 60 meters in height. There is a wonderful lake just beneath them and fish. The water is good and a lot of wild life visit that lake. Sometimes we even see bear. That’s part of the reason I’ve been considering purchasing it from him, if he would sell. I want to be certain no one will encroach upon it and endanger the wildlife. Look, quick, over there... See the fox? We have a small community of them here. There are a few more each year. There’s another."

"Andrew this is a wonderful place. We would need some kind of permanent links back to Percoin, and our parents, as well as to Scearnvale, but this could be so lovely."

"I know. I have ideas about those links too. The candle idea might work as an energy source. We would need to perform some experiments to see how reliable it would be but if it doesn’t use too much energy then the candles could be used. I was thinking of a spelled candelabra which could hold a half dozen of the large 8 cm candles. If they are spelled for the light they produce then they could also be used as a light source and most people would never know they were also the source key to a link/gateway. Mother has started calling them "gateways" which I suppose makes more sense."

"I agree with her, Andrew. We have been talking about it. Have you checked her spells recently? She is advancing fairly quickly. I’m surprised, she’s twice our age."

"I’m not, not really. She was always frustrated at the way the magic worked before and now she is finding the control she has looked for over so many years."

Andrew turns to the sisters, "Well... Missii... Kayla... you two have been very quiet. What do you think of it all?"

"The valley will be difficult to defend. Especially if you purchase the additional property."

"Nice spot here on the hill. If the house and grounds are walled with spells then it could be defended fairly easily with enough people. Two dozen felines could do it. Perhaps a hundred or so humans. Add four or five Sorcerers for the magic and you could hold off a few hundred for several days."

Andrew begins laughing, "Do you two always evaluate everything in terms of combat?"

"Of course."

"Certainly. If you don’t, then what do you do when the time finally comes? Prepare in advance then if you don’t need it, be happy."

Andrew just shakes his head, "This is where the House will be, and all the quarters. We may bring water from the river. There is enough space we could have stables and kennels and some livestock. Even a small granary."

Missii turns, "We need to talk about all that. The things you and Alexandra want here, as well as those necessary for the defense and support of everyone. The buildings will need to be arranged and constructed with defense in mind but then the whole thing could be self-sufficient. Kayla and I will lay out the basic plan. You and Alexandra decide what things you must have in the home and quarters, then we will see how it all fits together. We will need a draftsman to aid us but within a week we should have something to examine and within another week workmen could begin. This might just be finished before it is time for your wedding."

"All right. Find a draftsman and hire him for me, don’t pay him too much, I’m not rich. Also begin to put together the lists of materials, people and information we need for workers and others to make this all happen. I have a number of warriors in mind who I would like to hire and I want the craftsman who built the house my Father now uses to also build this home. He has the concepts down to a small science and has built five now. I’ll give you all the names, so after you have had the opportunity to put together some plans then he may be consulted for the finishing changes and actual construction. You said you want Felines in the guard?"

"Absolutely. The more, the merrier."

"That won’t be cheap. I hope my finances are able to handle all this."

"Leave that to us we know where to find them and still hold the costs down. We will talk more of this soon," Missii makes this sound more like a command than a suggestion as Andrew grimaces and then shakes his head in agreement.

"I suppose I could always sell a few of my hoard of gemstones and perhaps a little of my other holdings to obtain the funds to complete all this."

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking out loud. Alexandra, what do you think? What would you like to see here?"

"A greeting hall, large kitchen, nursery, laundry!, children’s bedrooms close to ours, a study, a library, great hall for entertaining and a dining room for same. Perhaps fifty or sixty guests, which also demands guest rooms. A two or three story structure to hold it all. And running water within the House. That may be difficult since the water must come up the hill from the river."

"Actually Alexandra, there is a way we might bring river water up without carrying it. Missii, we will need a cistern above the house so the water may feed down into the house. We may use magic to bring the water to the cistern and if I obtain my brother’s lands then the water may come from near the top of the falls which places the source near our present height. That will reduce the amount of energy needed to bring the water to this level."

"It will also place our source sufficiently out of the way that attackers may not realize we are obtaining it from that location. They will likely think we have a well. The source would be sufficiently up river that if they try poisoning the water it will have no effect on us."

"Has everyone seen enough? Alexandra, anything else?"

"Yes, I want a healing room and the greeting hall will be the location of our links or gateways to the other locations."

"What about placing the greeting hall out of doors but covered from the elements? That would allow us the means to surround any arrivals, if necessary, as well as allowing us an open feeling when receiving guests."

"I suppose... I would like to see some simple plans so we may decide how everything will fit together. Nothing complicated. If I must run this house in addition to my Father’s then I want simplicity."


Kayla chimes in, "Missii and I will work up the ideas and present them in a few days for you both to examine, We will hire the draftsman today."

"Could you try to hold him under two gold a day? And if you can hire the warriors who’s names I will give to you for less than two gold a day I would appreciate it."

"Draftsmen usually work by the task. The warriors at two a day or less will also require housing and food. We will try for one gold but one and twelve (18 silver = one gold) is more likely."

"Great," Andrew mumbles. The sisters nod their heads as though they believe Andrew has agreed with their assessment.

They return to Percoin and the sisters go off to begin their plans, Andrew and Alexandra go to check on their 'daughters'.
The moment Andrew enters the room, Alice’s small kitty scoots under the bed and begins to eye him suspiciously. Andrew sits, while Alexandra goes over to check on Rachel.

"Has she awakened yet today?"

"No Mother. She moaned a few times and Sister Ophelia was able to give her a little porridge which she swallowed but she never opened her eyes. They also spelled her again to try to help hold down the pain. I can’t find anything wrong so I can’t heal her."

"Alice, I’m afraid just now this is the only way we may help. The only other would be to permanently remove her magic and we don’t want to do that for many reasons. She’ll be better soon. That she is eating is a good sign even if she is partially unconscious as she does it. And the next time we go to look at the location for our new home, I want you to come along. The valley where we shall have our new home is beautiful. Your kitty will likely find it nice as well."

"Speaking of the kitty," Andrew chimes in, "I seem to have developed a heater on my lap."

Alice and Alexandra turn to look and see the small cat is now curled on Andrew’s lap, dozing.

Alexandra gives a sly smile,"When did it do that?"

"While we were all looking at Rachel. As long as I sit and don’t bother it then it’s happy here." He gently reaches down and begins to pet the small cat using one finger. It opens one eye and looks at him with suspicion before closing it again content to accept the light-fingered petting from him while remaining quietly curled upon his lap.

"Has anyone noticed or is it just me? Doesn’t "kitty" seem a bit larger than just a kitten, but not a full grown cat yet? I’d say it is about ten kilograms if anything."

They begin to pay more attention to "kitty" just as a light chime rings in the room. Moments later Andrew’s Father calls to him. In the background may be heard a loud gong accompanied by, "Attack in progress at Nathan’s Village..." GONG! "Attack in progress at..."

"I better go. Alice will you take your cat? I’m surprised, I didn’t think they made daytime raids."

Andrew chimes Kayla before he begins to rush to the garden, "Kayla meet me at the garden. Quickly, we may have need of a healer."

Andrew and Alexandra give each other a quick hug and kiss, "Andrew, be careful."

"I will," he is out the door and on his way noting as he draws close to the garden that Kayla and Missii are just arriving as well.

"We are going to Father’s and then to Nathan’s Village. There is an attack. Ready?"

The felines both answer 'yes' moments after checking their weapons, then Andrew opens a gateway so they may rush into his Father’s House. The greeting hall is crowded with warriors. A mix of about half Feline and half Human. Sorcerers may be seen entering from the long hallway. Andrew stretches his mind out to feel for the candle holder which is sending the alert, opening a visual link so everyone may look at the scene.

"Did the correct candle holder go to Nathan’s Village? I see no sign of an attack," as he moves the link around so they may see in each direction around the candle holder’s location. "In fact, it looks quite peaceful."

"The alert came in only moments before I contacted you. It could not have happened and ended in this short a time."

Andrew prepares to open the gateway, "everyone ready? On three, One, Two..." The gateway opens and as he says, "three," the warriors followed by the Sorcerers and Andrew, His Father, Missii and Kayla rush through spreading out to check everything.

A few town’s people look at them in astonishment, for where there was no one, now there are over fifty people spreading out across the courtyard. Andrew checks the candle holder’s message, which seems correct, and resets the spell but sees nothing which would have triggered it.

Just then two children come running around the corner of one of the buildings, rush up and slap the candle holder which is in the center of the courtyard. The alarm goes off once again and two of the warriors catch the children just as another comes running from yet another direction. Andrew resets the alarm spell again and turns to the children who are just realizing they are surrounded by armed warriors. A number of adults also are entering the courtyard and begin staring at the large group. One older man hurries over to Andrew’s Father offering a small bow as he looks around at everyone.

"Primary... We had no idea you would be visiting. I’m afraid nearly everyone is out working. Had we known we could all have been here to greet you."

"Just a moment. Ducas, I want four three man patrols to check everything here. I want to know it is secure."

He now turns to the older man and questions him," We received the alarm that the village was under attack. This is the first response group."

"Attack? I... An attack? We’re not under attack."

About this time the first patrol is reporting a quick check of the village seems to show it is secure. Within moments the others report back as well. Continued questions narrow down the event until the children are questioned. The "attack" alarm was apparently triggered when the children began using the candle holder as their "base" for their game of seek and tag. Anyone who slapped the holder was "free".

"Was not everyone told this is a spelled holder and is the attack alarm?"

"We thought it best not to tell everyone, only a few know."

"Then if those few are killed who sends the alarm? Everyone in the village must know, even the children. If an attack occurs then anyone may request help by activating the alarm. A candle must always be in the holder as well. If they are burned down or removed then the alarm will not sound. Where are the other two candles? They are what power the spell. Why was this not explained?"

"Oh, those who needed to know have been told. And the candles were probably needed elsewhere so they were removed from the holder. We don’t light the courtyard at night anyway."

"God save us from well meaning people..."

"There will always be candles in this holder. They power the spell. Tell all of your people about the magic and the alarm, even the children. And tell everyone to leave the candles in the holder. If you need help and the candles have been removed then the spell will be gone. You could all be killed and no one would know or come to help. Andrew is the spell okay?"

"Yes, there is still one candle here so the spell did not vanish. The missing candles must be replaced. One good thing has come from this, we know the alarm works as well as the daily check it makes."

"Yes. All right, let’s get everyone together and return home. As for you, Mr. Mayor, tell all of your people and the children about this alarm. It isn’t a toy and the candles are not to be removed from it. If there is an attack then someone, anyone, must slap the holder to sound the alarm."

The mayor quickly agrees that he will see everyone knows and understands, two candles will be brought to replace those removed.

Andrew opens the gateway back to his Father’s House and everyone goes through, the mayor’s eyes bugging out as he watches, the few other adults who are present also watch with interest to see such a large party so quickly vanish through a space in the air. The children are back to their game but now are using a watering trough as their "base".

"Father, while we were there I was considering an additional spell for the candle holder which would allow a gateway to open so one village could help another. It seemed like a good idea until I realized that if the bandits figured it out then they could easily raid the other villages as well. Further the villagers could be "stuck" at the wrong village since it would be difficult to allow for continuous travel and the candles would likely be consumed quickly. I will give this idea further thought in the event something might be possible."

He thinks about that which has just occurred, "Who would have thought that someone would decide no one needed to know about the alarm?"

"Or remove the candles."

"Yes. Good idea but poor practice. I’ve spelled around fifty or so. How many are out there now?"

"Forty Seven. There are six en-route to their villages now and a new batch will be ready next week."

"That reminds me of something, Kayla?"


"Would you and Missii try to remember we will need an iron worker and smelter as well?"

"Iron? Yes, is this the blacksmith or something else?"

"They could both work out of the same facility but I have something else in mind, more ornate."

"We will remember."

"Thanks. Well Father, the alarm works," as he chuckles, "now if people just learn to use it properly we will have a working system. We had best make certain at all the other locations everyone is told about how the alarm works and of the need to leave the candles in the holders."

"We will get the word out tonight and tomorrow. Removing the candles to use elsewhere..."

Andrew’s Father goes off muttering to himself as Andrew gives his Mother a kiss and inquires to her health and her practice sessions then he, Missii and Kayla return to Percoin.

"Andrew, I was becoming worried."

"False alarm. The alarm worked just fine but the village elders failed to tell everyone that the candle holder would send an alarm signal. Some children were using it as the base for their game of seek and tag."

"Oh, No."

"Oh, Yes. Father nearly had apoplexy when we discovered that. Then two of the candles were missing because they needed them elsewhere."

"Now see Andrew, that is the very reason not everyone should be allowed to use the magic. Providing spells which anyone may activate is not always a good idea."

"You are right my lovely lady. But the candles turned out well."

"True Andrew, not all things need to be kept under the control of those who have the command of magic. However it still takes a Sorcerer or Sorceress to spell the candles so anyone may use them. The "suns" as well."

"That reminds me Alexandra. How are the "suns" working out that we provided for the assembly?"

"I don’t know. I’ll check with Father the next time I see him. Are you eating here for the supper meal? We could all sit together and talk while we eat. Maybe we could go for a walk in the garden afterward," Alexandra leans into Andrew slightly as she mentions the walk. The perfume from her hurried trip to her room at her Father’s home, which she made while Andrew was out fighting children, now offering its scent to him.

"I really should..." he notices Kayla scowling at him and pointing to Alexandra then smiling, "uh, eat something soon and yes, I would like to go for a walk if you would care to accompany me."

"Why thank you Master Andrew, I would enjoy that."

He offers Alexandra his arm which she accepts after she pops her head in to tell Alice, "You should go eat now, the sister is coming to feed Rachel and you need nourishment as well." Glancing at "kitty" who is curled up next to Rachel, "perhaps ‘Kitty’ should go with you to obtain her meal as well." The large kitten raises its head then jumps down and goes out with Alice and they all walk off toward the meal halls, Andrew glancing at ‘Kitty’ as they go.

"Alice, where did you find your kitty?"

"Oh, Lady Pixie gave her to me."

"Lady Pixie?"


"At the risk of sounding a bit on the stupid side... Who is Lady Pixie?"

"She’s a nice lady who comes to trade at our village once in a while. Sometimes she has kitties on her wagon and I will sit and hold them, and talk to them."

"Do they talk back?"

"Some of them. But it’s a little hard to understand them sometimes."

Andrew nearly stumbles but catches himself. Slowing, he take a closer look at ‘Kitty’ who turns its head and eyes him, "ounnt hstarree aht mreee."

Alexandra suddenly looks at the large kitten and raises a hand to her mouth before stooping to bring herself more to the kittens height.

With a smile, "You are an I-cat, aren’t you?"

"Esss, uuhtt ouff itt?"

"I am pleased to make your acquaintance. I have never before met one of you. I have heard you are all very intelligent."

"Annkk ouu. Eee uut trryyy."

Missii interjects, "why shouldn’t they be intelligent? They, just as we, are derived from the large predator cats. Alexandra, you didn’t know she is an I-cat until just now?"

"Well, no not really. I hadn’t given it any thought until this moment. I hope we become friends. I have always thought an I-cat would be someone who could offer new and good ideas."

"Ahhkkk oouu"

"And my thanks to you too, for deciding to be protector to our daughters."

"Auterrss? Ehy doohh hsmeell ike ouurr auterrss."

"Well, they came from another litter but we adopted them."

"Aahhh. Ess houurr mhatte?" Pointing at Andrew with the claw of one paw.

"My... Oh yes, Andrew and I will soon be married. That reminds me, we are building our house and Alice will be coming with us to look at the land where we will be living. Would you like to come look at it as well?"

"Esss. Ahhkkk oouu."

"You’re welcome. Here is the meal hall so you both best go in. Alice I’m certain your friend would like a great deal more meats than she has been receiving. Good meats and a lot of them will help her grow."

The kitty smiles at Alexandra, "Ahhkkk oouu!"

"You’re very welcome. It is the least we may do for your friendship to our daughters."

Andrew poses a question to the large kitten, "As most I-cats are paid to protect various individuals, would you be offended if I offer you a half gold a day for the protection of our daughters? You may still be friends but this would provide you with an income which you may save so eventually you will have a dowry or funds for whatever you might need. You will, of course still receive the foods and shelter in addition to the funds."

The kitten pauses to give this some thought, then walks over to Andrew and gently slaps his hand with a paw, "ahhkk oouu. Aurr-ghan," before turning and going into the meal hall with Alice.

Alexandra, Andrew and the SaVannah sisters continue to walk to their meal hall.

"That was an interesting development."

"Yes, it was."

"The two of you were unaware the kitten is an I-Cat?"

"No, we had no idea."

"But we could smell it."

"We don’t have that ability. Sometimes it could come in handy."

Missii give the thought a moment’s consideration before her single word comment, "Humans!"

The four of them enter and seat themselves ordering their meals. Later they may be found walking in the gardens at Percoin and Scearnvale. Andrew opens a gateway and the two of them vanish to Scearnvale before the Feline sisters realize they have gone. Andrew’s ploy doesn’t stop the sisters, however, since Missii and Kayla both are good at the gateways with Missii the more proficient. She simply casts for Alexandra and opens a gateway leading to her so the two lovebirds are not alone for more than ten seconds. Hardly time to get into any trouble. They, of course, receive a scolding from Missii, and from Kayla, who threatens to take Andrew back to his room over her shoulder if he tries anything like that again.

"Kayla, you’re supposed to be on my side," Andrew complains.

"So long as the two of you are not yet married, we will do whatever is necessary to be certain this courtship remains dignified."

Alexandra pouts and Andrew says, "Party poopers," then they begin laughing, with the sisters soon joining in. This little evasion from surveillance for a few seconds now nearly an expected event during the walks.

Chapter 18

First group classes (mornings) continue to deal with complex spells, Alexandra taking the forefront now, due to her proficient experience, with Andrew dropping back. He continues to come up with ideas and methods but the number of spells and experience in casting is insufficient for him to continue as leader in those more complex castings now facing them. As is the case with teaching, the teachers are learning nearly as much as the students. Especially when dealing with the already accomplished Sorcerers and Sorceresses who are studying these new methods of control.

The power of the spells produced is so great in some cases that the air fairly crackles with the excessive energies floating through it. The healers are also rapidly advancing and while there are presently but few, there is talk of bringing the rest of the known healers in for this training with Alice, Kayla and the three now advanced healers as teachers. This idea is met with both agreement and concern since this will mean for a short time there will be no healers out at the distant reaches.

"That shouldn’t be a problem of great concern. We may place spelled candle holders at the places the populace would usually contact a healer and the touching of the candle holder may signal us that a healer is needed. We may also open a gateway to the candle holder so the healer may return to that location quickly. The difficult part is sending the candle holder to the location in the first place and then teaching others what to do if there is need. I have also learned to place a spell preventing the removal of a candle by someone once it has been inserted."

Gabriel agrees to this quickly. Two days later there are seven candle holders, accompanied by nearly a dozen candles each, being taken to the locations of those healers, some of whom are nearly two weeks ride distant.
Alexandra and Andrew, who have delayed their wedding to allow time for completion of the construction of their House and who are about to once again check on that construction, meet with Gabriel and Kaitlyn before so going.

Alexandra begins, "Andrew, have you paused to think about these past months? It has been over seven now. Look at just how much the new control has changed our use of magic. I’m certain Gabriel or Kaitlyn would agree," as they shake their heads in consideration.

"Not really. I never knew the old way, so this seems natural to me."

"Well, it really isn’t. I trained in the old way for years before we found each other, and this is far different. For instance, it gives our healers greater ability to heal but it also allows them new ways of examining those who need a healing. It allows them to perform some spells which they could not previously accomplish. Friar... I mean... Gordon for instance, may now open a gateway or link which he could not do before. He may also do other small things which were completely out of his province. Before, all he could do was perform a healing. Now he may travel to and then link back returning from the one who needed the healing. This saves him a lot of travel time. It also allows him to use the gateway to check on those he has healed. His services are now available for healing many more people and in much less time. This is either saving lives or prevents permanent debilitating injury, in many cases, due to the earlier treatments. It is absolutely wonderful."

Kaitlyn chimes in, "It isn’t just our healers who may offer greater help. Many little things such as the spelled candles now mean a great deal in the lives of our people. So much so that I have heard women talking in the markets about things they now have to aid them in their homes. Less than four months ago most talked about the drudgery and now they are talking about the labor saving devices they have.
One of the better ones only just came into being and few are yet available. It is a strange device which moves about the floor eating all the dirt and small bits of food which have been dropped which helps to prevent rodents since there is no longer any dropped food for them. The device uses a large candle as its energy source but that candle lasts for more than a month of continuous use. There are many other small things beginning to find their way into everyone’s lives as well. Then of course there is that newspaper article from Percoin and reprinted here."

Kaitlyn pulls out a small piece of paper and unfolds it for them to read.

Scearnvale Sun:

reprinted by permission from the "Percoin Daily Gossip" written by their Science Editor Christina deKampf.

"During the past few months, we have all noticed new things becoming available to us through the efforts of the Guild and Sisterhood.
However, a few small problems with candle-powered spells have reared their heads early on.

When a spell is merely controlling a burning candle there is no apparent difficulty. It seems the burning is quite acceptable to the spell controlling it. When the candle is used as a source of energy, however, we find there is quite another matter. Just to make our lives miserable, the spells have decided they are going to be rather specific to the ratio of materials which go into the making of a candle.

Some candle makers perfume their candles rather than to allow that noxious smell of burning tallow to permeate the air when burning. Smell, however, is not a problem in the applications which allow us to use the tallow as a source of energy since the spells do not burn the candles. Spells, on the other hand, do not consume the perfumes nor utilize them as a source of conversion energy and thus allow the perfume to remain as a sticky mess in the candle holders.

The perfumes, themselves, eventually becoming a slight impediment to the operation of the spells due to the difficulty in placing more candles, not to mention the eventual smell due to rancid perfume ingredients. Further, if the candles are removed so the holder may be cleaned of any of the messes produced as a result, the spells vanish permanently. Without a continuous uninterrupted source of fuel the spells simply dissipate.

Candle makers occasionally use the far more expensive beeswax due to the greatly reduced noxious smell thereby removing the need for perfumes, but beeswax has proven to be very difficult to come by in quantity on a continuous basis. Another difficulty with the beeswax arises due to some spells refusal to function while using the beeswax although it is a superior and much more clean burning wax.

Another discovered problem is the variation in ingredients used by the different candle makers, and sometimes by the same candle maker, due to ingredient variations or availability when taken throughout the year. These changes, while slight, still make for a bit of a problem since the spells seem to feel the mixture of the source of their energy should be rather specific in nature, again leaving some unused residue which must be cleaned away without dislodging all of the candles in the spelled holder. Not always an easy task.

One, more pricey, candle maker produces candles with a thin coating on them to allow for better storage prior to use. While this is wonderful during storage, and something I myself usually purchase, it leaves a "husk" which prevents one from realizing the candle has been completely diminished by the spell and thus the eventual cessation of the spell occurs due to lack of fuel. When there is no longer any fuel to power the spell then the spell vanishes. Placing more candles into the holder, upon this discovery, avails naught. This presented a bit of a problem for those who sold the spelled "cool boxes" and some more than angry conversations concerning the spoiled meats and other foods which had been within.

Wicks are also a bit of a bother. These, however, are not so difficult with which to deal. Some conversations regarding the necessity of a wick in a candle which is being used as fuel for a spell became a bit heated as many felt they should not need to pay for the wick portion of the candle.

These problems looked to be approaching the insurmountable before the candle makers put their heads together and came up with a solution.
At a slightly higher cost, which naturally occurs whenever one has a captive market, the candle makers begin to produce what they call ‘spell ingots’. These are candles which are more uniform in their ingredients, manufacturer to manufacturer as well as throughout the year, unperfumed and unwicked. Granted, where a Silver would purchase four normal candles, it purchases only three of these "spell ingots". While the cost reduced a bit in their manufacture due to the absence of the wicks and perfumes, the increased cost due to the uniformity in material ratios to be found from manufacturer to manufacturer as well as throughout the year was the basis for the slightly increased price.
It makes one wonder why the candle makers seem to have a bit more money to spend these days?

The cool boxes which lost their spells were at first re-spelled at the seller’s expense but now there is a notice placed with each box that failure to assure proper and adequate fuel to maintain the active spell, and thus the loss of that spell as a result, will not be considered the seller’s responsibility. The purchaser will be required to fund the expense of any re-spelling necessary as well as take on the responsibility for any foods or other items damaged or spoiled as a result of the failure.

Now that "spell ingots" have come into being and the spells are more nearly happy, it is hoped that everyone’s lives may take on a more calm meaning, and life may continue with more new and wonderful inventions finding their way in a trickle down from the Guild and Sisterhood to become a part of our day to day lives. At least until the arrival of the next unforseen calamity which is likely coming at us like a bull charging a waving flag.

Magic is good, but we shouldn’t place all our trust in either it or those who wield it."
--- Christina DeKampf.

"Now isn’t that an interesting article? Not too many months ago no one would have thought any of this to be possible."

"I would like to have a copy of that for our archives, Kaitlyn."

"It is readily available from the Sun. It was in today’s edition on the editorial page. They likely will have extra copies laying around tomorrow."

"Ah, then I have it already. I just haven’t had the time to read the entire thing. Thank-you for bringing it to my attention."

"Not at all."

"By the way Andrew, speaking of labor saving devices and other marvelous ideas. There is a Sorceress who studied with your first small group and who resides in the Survivor. She had a Carousel cleaned and reconstructed then she placed a candle spell upon the gear mechanism so it would move on command. She needs to charge a small fee for the ride so she may continue to purchase the spell ingots which power it but, for a copper each, twenty children may ride for nearly ten minutes. It requires one silver to purchase the large spell ingot which powers it for that ten minutes.

Ten minutes allows a little of the ingot to remain thus preserving the spell. The spell stops the Carousel before the ingot may vanish so the spell doesn’t need to be replenished repeatedly. As the Carousel is in one of the larger communities there are many hundreds of children and it is a favorite place for them at the moment," shaking his head as he considers someone learning the new control having the time to simply devise a ride for children. "It would seem many new things may be devised using this new control and the spell ingots."

Alexandra brings up the time, "Andrew, it is becoming late and we did promise Father that we would have supper with him. We had best collect Alice and Kitty and check the progress of the House then we may all go to my Father’s directly from there."

"Good point. Time seems to slip away from me lately. Thank you Kaitlyn, Gabriel. We will check with you again in a few days when we have more information."

"Good Day Andrew. Alexandra would you give my regards to your Father?"

"Of course."

"Thank you."

Alexandra opens the gateway to just outside the door of the girl's room and the two of them walk through to meet Missii and Kayla who have been waiting.

"About time."

"Sorry Kayla, Alexandra and I were with Gabriel and Kaitlyn... We lost track of the time."

"Alice? Are you and Kitty ready to go to see the House and property?"

"I am. Maybe Rachel could come next time? She is awake more often and her headaches are getting much better."

"Esss. Eerr feehrr ess ghooen awa."

"It is? How may you decide this?"

"Auui shmeel eehtt. Oohhwwt mruuch ow."

"Oh. Not much now... That’s good. Thank you Kitty. Do you have a name other that Kitty?"

The large kitten looks at Alexandra, "oooh. Ittti ess nhamm."

"All right. Are you ready to go see the house and land?"

"Hhoou shtaayzzz???"

"I’ll have a Sister watch over Rachel while were gone. We will also visit my Father while we are out and eat our supper there. I told them you would need enough meat for eight. And a large bowl of milk as well."

The kitten’s eyes grow large and she smiles as best as a cat may smile. If she were human one might expect her to be rubbing her hands together in anticipation, "HRrraaaw?"

"Well, perhaps lightly warmed."

There is a knock at the door and it opens to reveal a Sister who will watch over Rachel.

A light purring may be heard as Andrew opens a gateway to the house construction and the six of them walk through.

Many of the buildings are in near completion with a number of others well under way and all of the structures joined by common halls or covered outdoor walkways. The construction of an exterior wall encompassing the hilltop is just beginning to form with the hints of both an interior hallway and an upper level to allow the advantage of height if necessary. A covering structure is hinted at along the one partially constructed framework as well as at one of the corners.

"Things seem to be coming along quite nicely. That one building looks to be near ready. I see the portion of the main house which supports the cistern is complete now. We may likely begin to bring more warriors soon. Missii, have you hired the warriors in whom I’m interested/"

"Ten. The other four declined. We should begin to discus the Feline members as well."

"Soon. I would like to see enough housing to hold everyone first."

"Andrew. Your House will be completed and you will be married in less than fourteen days. You may not wait any longer for your guard. They must train together and at least have some appreciation for each other before that time. Two weeks is not enough for them to be a cohesive force and you may be certain all this construction and field work will have attracted a lot of attention. Have you obtained your brother’s property yet?"

"No. But soon, I think. He has decided he does not wish to be bothered with it but has yet to set a price nor the period over which he wishes to be paid. I think he may take two of my city properties in exchange with a token cash payment. I would be happier with that arrangement as well."

Turning to Alice and Alexandra, who with Kitty have been looking at the House and surrounding land, "Well, what do you have to say ladies?"

Alice immediately, "I want a swing. Is that tree staying? My swing could hang from it. Do I get my own room? I would like a room of my own.
Rachel would like her own room too. How do we get to school? Are we far from Grace’s home? I want to be able to visit and play with Grace."

Andrew smiles at the barrage of questions Alice is generating. "Yes, you may have a swing. You and Rachel will each have your own rooms. We are quite far from Grace’s home but magic may take you there and back easily, that is also how you will get to and from school. What do Alexandra and Kitty have to say?"

"Andrew, I’m quite happy with the progress. As soon as you have purchased the other property then we may make the arrangements to fill the cistern. I see they are placing the pipes for the water and for the drainage. It looks like they are beginning to plant in the valley even now. We may have some crops this season. I agree with Missii, we need the warriors here now."

"And what does Kitty think of this?"

"gRuhd hruntng."

"I suppose. See off in the distance in that direction? The falls spill into a small lake. There are fish there and many animals go there to drink or eat of the plants around the lake. There are deer and bear as well as other smaller animals."

"fRiissh mreet..."

"Well, yes the meat will be fresh but until you are a bit larger I would be careful what you attempt to catch."

Kayla interrupts, "Andrew, apparently you are unfamiliar with I-cats. This young one could very likely bring down one of those bear you were just talking about."

Andrew looks at the kitten who might weigh 12 kilograms and thinks of the bear which may weigh in at around two or three hundred, "I think that would be an unfair contest."

"I agree, the bear had best watch out."

Andrew looks at Kayla and at the kitten who is even now licking her lips in anticipation of hunting a bear.

"Oh, Alexandra..."


"Over there just off the kitchen is a preservation and cool room. It will be heavily insulated and spell ingot powered but we will be able to keep a lot of foods cool in addition to the ingot powered preservation spells upon them. We will likely be able to maintain two weeks or more of food for nearly two hundred people here. That makes it much easier should we decide to entertain because we won’t need to bring everything in overnight. We could begin stockpiling a week or two before the event. The large kitchen you wanted will allow six to cook at the same time and five more to prepare. Those large events you were speaking of could easily be achieved."

"Good. I was hoping it would all be ready before Christmas as I would like to have both our families here for that event. With all the brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews we could have fifty or sixty here for several days. How is the hiring going for the staff?"

"It is happening. We have had acceptance by over half of those you suggested. A few have turned us down and there are still ten or so who have not yet responded from the second round of offerings."

"Good. Did Jacques accept?"

"No. But he said he would be amiable to further consideration if we would raise our offer. He wants a small fortune."

"He’s worth it."

Andrew grimaces. The chef wants nearly as much gold as Andrew is paying both the SaVannah sisters combined, "Alexandra, isn’t six gold a day a bit much for a cook?"

"ANDREW... Jacques is not a COOK. He is the lead Chef for Terrance Brooke Associates and has been involved in most of the major event preparations of the Survivor. If you do some checking I think you’ll find that he has turned down larger offers, so the fact he is willing to accept six a day means that he feels he will gain prestige from taking the position as Chief Chef for the two of us."

Rolling his eyes, "If you say so."

Missii pounces on this like the I-cat has considered pouncing on a bear, "Andrew, don’t you know the reputation you and Alexandra are developing? Many through the Survivor, and likely the Shambles as well, know your names. You are as important in peoples minds as most of the statesmen in the governments. The only reason people don’t curry more favor from you both is because they don’t know you by sight, and even that is changing. You will need your guard very soon. Bandits are more likely to know your appearance than the general populace.
The only other reason you are unaware of the respect and deference people will offer to you is because you never go anywhere except to teach or heal or to family homes. Try going out to a nice Inn for a good meal and see what happens when they learn who you are. But if you go, then go with a guard."

"That’s quite a joke, Missii."

"Andrew," Alexandra admonishes, " it is hardly a joke. Don’t you pay attention to what is going on around you?"

"Of course I pay attention. I’m always trying to rescue our students, help the healers, or going off to check on children playing games with alarms."

"Andrew, I think we must provide for your education. Tomorrow night we are going out to supper. Missii could you find four or five more Felines to use as a guard short term. Just for the night?"

"Yes. They will likely each want four or five gold just for the one night of work."

"Andrew will pay it. Consider it to be part of your education Andrew."

"Out to supper. Alexandra, we won’t be able to get in. I’ll play your little game. We’ll show up unannounced at Brooke’s eatery, so I may sample the food prepared by this Chef you want. But I’ll tell you right now they won’t let us in. The waiting list at the moment is likely at least two weeks long and at the holidays it sometime reaches five or even six weeks."

"I think you are in for a surprise Andrew. Missii find those Felines. You, Kayla, Alice, Kitty and the four Felines you find are accompanying Andrew and myself to supper tomorrow evening at Brooke’s... Wear your best clothing and if the Felines you hire need nice clothing have them purchase it at Andrew’s expense. We are ALL eating together at Brooke’s."

Missii and Kayla look at each other and at Kitty who smiles back, then they all glance at Andrew who now looks around like everyone else knows some secret to which he hasn’t a clue.

"Andrew, you better offer good wine at your table," Kayla mentions as she gently digs into Andrew’s ribs watching him squirm.

They finish examining the construction and again speak of purchasing the brother’s property then Alexandra opens a gateway to her Father’s greeting hall and they walk across. Alexandra rings the bell and in moments a servant is present.

"Mistress Alexandra. Would you all mind going to the living room? I’ll let your Father know you have arrived. Master Andrew, ladies..."

Moments after they enter the living room Alexandra’s father arrives, "Alexandra..."

He hugs her and receives her small kiss on his cheek, then turns to shake hands with Andrew.

"Good Evening Statesman. If you don’t mind I’m not going to kiss you."

Statesman Beaumont breaks out in laughter, "I would prefer that as well. Come, come everyone, sit. Now I know everyone, how are you Alice?

Everyone except the young lady curled up there next to Alice.

"This is Kitty. She’s my friend and she is going to protect me and Rachel."

"Pleased to meet you Kitty, and who is Rachel?"

"My sister."

"Ah, the one Alexandra mentioned to me just the other day," he looks at Alexandra, "Here the two of you are not yet married and you already have a family. You’re going to have the whole world talking."

"Father, we were speaking earlier of dropping into Brooke’s tomorrow evening for supper would you care to come along?"

"Brooke’s? Certainly. I tried to obtain a last minute reservation a few nights ago but they were booked solid. If you two had been along I might have made it. The three politicians are still in town. Maybe we could all tag along?"

"Certainly. Andrew doesn’t seem to understand that he and I have a bit of notoriety."

"Well, I guess he is about to learn. You better have a small army for protection."

"He is hiring four Felines just for the night as a temporary guard. They will be eating with us as well. With you and the three politicians we will be a party of fifteen, including Kitty. We had best invite his parents as well, that will make us a party of seventeen."

"You really want to stack the odds against getting in don’t you. Making space for two or three is nothing like making space for seventeen. I think I’ll enjoy watching them squirm. Wouldn’t miss it for the world."

"Pardon me Sir, Supper is served."

"Thank you. Well here we go. Sorry, its no Brooke’s but it’s good. Oh, and I take it the order of nearly raw meat for eight is for Kitty?"

A loud purring begins again and the eyes of the kitten grow wide with anticipation.

Chapter 19

The next day is spent with the children and adults continuing to practice extensive spell casting.

Small spell ingots have been obtained for use in practice. Andrew commissioned a candle maker to cast hundreds of the small ingots after explaining the need for short term energy sources to be used during teaching.

A number of attempts have been made to link spell ingots with healing spells to no avail. For the time being such spells still require living resources, a lot of living resources. Some have even surmised, given sufficient people to provide energy that the near dead could be brought back to health. Thus far, no one has had sufficient people who are capable of offering large quantities of immediate energy to test this theory, not to mention a healer who could channel that much energy.

A number of spells are attempted including one which Jeremy devised. He finally had a spell go very right. Using a small spell ingot as the energy source, he placed a spell on a pump and the spell operated the pump bringing water to the surface of a field and allowing the water to irrigate the field. He also placed into the spell the ability for anyone to control it so the farmer or his workers could tell the pump to begin or to stop.

This innovation was very favorably accepted by the farmer since it released three people to work on the field itself. The spell ingot, while small, provides enough energy for the spell to pump for nearly an hour. Other ingots could simply be dropped onto the small tray and they would also be used as energy sources. The cost of a spell ingot vs the cost of several people to man the pump in a relay is also very favorable to the farmer’s pocketbook.

The end of the day finds the children entertaining more new ideas and discovering the limitations imposed upon them due to the frequent inability of the magic to perform entirely in the manner desired. Just as with healing, some things cannot be accomplished, as yet, through the use of spell ingots or, occasionally, magic itself. Many hope it is simply a matter of discovering the appropriate manner by which the desired effect may be produced. Several adults have come up with new ideas they wish to "refine a bit" before attempting and one of these could be of great value.

Considering the Carousel and its method of locomotion, three Sorcerers are jointly discussing the possible attempt of something similar using a wagon. This would allow far greater distances to be traversed with heavy goods. It would also allow the use of gateways to pass those goods since horses would not be involved. A horse, for some reason, absolutely refuses to pass through a gateway, almost vehemently so, much to the detriment of its rider. A few "little kinks," in their words, need to be addressed before the idea is placed upon the open market. Such as steering the wagon, or stopping it, not to mention it might, in some cases, be nice to travel a little slower than an all out race.

Andrew is about to wander off with them to ponder these "minor points" when he is stopped by Kayla, "Andrew, don’t you remember? You have a supper engagement."

"Supper? I don’t remember a... Oh, surely you all were joking."

"Missii is about to arrive with the other Felines. We are all dressed to go to supper and Alexandra and Alice are preparing even as we speak. I don’t believe she was joking."

Andrew looks at the departing Sorcerers who have just opened a gateway and are entering it. His mind obviously in turmoil looking at them and at Kayla whom, he just realizes, is wearing one of her finer gowns while retaining her sword and daggers.

"Ah, here comes Missii and Alexandra’s Father. I suppose the others must be those politicians of whom he spoke. Don’t you need to change before we go out? You could at least wear a clean cloak," as she spitzes his cloak with some scent to mask the sweat and dirt smell permeating it."

"What’s wrong with my cloak? Statesman Beaumont, so nice to see you again."

"Hello Andrew, thank you for inviting us out this evening. I see you haven’t had a chance to change. Why don’t you hurry on off, we’ll be fine here. Plenty of protection. Alexandra and Alice will be along shortly I take it?"

Kayla breaks in, "Yes, I was just telling Andrew there is a small delay but they expect to be here any minute. Let me take him to change. We’ll be right back."

A gateway opens to Scearnvale and Kayla rushes Andrew through.

"What are you doing?" he protests.

"GO CHANGE. Do you want me to be ashamed of you? Do you want ALEXANDRA to be ashamed of you?"

"You sound like my mother."

"I hope so. She and your Father will be there any minute. What do you think she would say with you looking like you just got out of a mud puddle?"

"I... She... They would... Nuts."


Andrew storms off to his room and takes a few minutes to drop his robes and put on a clean tunic and trousers, "mud puddle, hummpf."
He exits his room and Kayla gives him a close examination, "That’s better. Now, let’s get back. Alexandra should be there any moment as should your parents."

"What’s the point? There will be..." he does a quick mental tally, "seventeen of us. They are not going to let us in when there are so many with reservations waiting."

"Missii called on them half after lunch and told them we would be arriving. Not only that but we would also need a private room and table. They will be ready."

"Oh, of course. No notice and then an unknown Feline waltzes up and tells them to hold their private room for two unknowns and their party. Will you all please stop dreaming."

"Andrew, how you could have gotten so far in business totally eludes me if you don’t know how to use your renown to best effect."

"It’s called astute business sense." as he taps the side of his head, "I know how to make good decisions based upon definitive financial data, not some pie-in-the-sky, oh-by-the-way I’m a Sorcerer tale."

"Well, you better learn this pie-in-the-sky in a hurry because you are becoming a political "power player" and this is the way the game is played. Straighten your tie. Don’t make me ashamed of you."

"Now you DO sound like my mother," turning and walking through the gateway and up to the growing party even as he sees his mother and father entering from yet another gateway she has opened.

"Mother, Father," Andrew gives a small nod of his head to his mother.

"Andrew come here, let me straighten your tie. Don’t make me ashamed of you."

Andrew turns his head and gives Kayla a glare.

"What? I told you, didn’t I?"

"Women..." he quietly mutters under his breath as he walks toward his mother.

"I heard that," Kayla retorts from behind him.

Now Alexandra and Alice join the group with Kitty pacing near Alice, head held high and a bright shiny bow around her neck.

"Jason, isn’t that an I-cat?" one of the politicians asks.

"Yes. That is Kitty, she and the young lady are good friends. Allow me to introduce my daughter, Alexandra. She and the young man over
there with his parents are about to be married."

"Well, congratulations young Lady."

"Thank you. I am pleased you all could join us this evening. This was a spur of the moment affair so it is hopefully going to be a little less trying than some of the event circuses in which we become involved."

"Join you? Then you are the Sorceress who is one of our hosts?"

"Didn’t Father tell you? Shame on you Father. Yes Andrew and I are the two who began teaching this new method. We have quite a few who are adept now, including Alice, Kayla and Missii who are also with us this evening. Please excuse me while I extract your host from his parents so we may be on our way."

"Andrew... Andrew, come on. Good evening Primary, Lady deToraline... We will have my Father and three politicians with us this evening as well as Alice, her protector and a number of Feline guard. Sixteen of us for supper. Brooke’s is waiting."

"Brooke’s? How did you keep this a secret for so long? You must have made the reservations weeks ago," Beatrice asks in surprise.

"Actually, we notified them only a few hours ago. They were understandably upset but once they realized who we all happen to be they settled down quickly and told us they would have everything ready for us. I do have a little gift for them as a token of appreciation. Which reminds me... Excuse me please."

"Of course."

"Missii?? Missii, did you bring the spell ingot holder?"

Missii points to a small box on one of the benches.

"Thank goodness. Would you bring it and we may be on our way. EVERYONE... Andrew may I have your arm? We are about to go through the gateway to Brooke’s. Alice I expect you to be on your best behavior this evening."

"I will be, Mother."

Alexandra tilts her head as she develops a smile for the child.

"And Kitty that goes for you too. No swatting strange men, especially the waiters."

The kitten’s shoulders droop for a moment then she is once again an aristocrat and favored representative of her race.
Missii takes the box from the bench and Alexandra opens a gateway to Brooke’s allowing everyone to walk through much to the astonishment of those who are waiting to enter the establishment as well as that of the young man who has the reservations list and who is responsible for orchestration of the parties entering.

Alexandra closes the link even as she notes the outdoor candles are not spelled. She takes on and completes that little challenge without giving it half a thought. Andrew, not to be outdone, provides a thimble sized sun which he allows to rise above the area, providing enough light for everyone walking within 30 meters of the building.

"Show off." Alexandra whispers to him.

A runner has been quickly dispatched and in moments two of the owners are out and greeting them. Introductions are made all around before Alexandra has Missii bring forward the box.
Removing the silver ingot holder, Alexandra places a spell series upon it, immediately after placing two ingots into the holder.

"Place this near to your front door. Touch the base of the holder and an air barrier will be generated which will dramatically lessen the wind passing by the building and far out into the lot where the horses and carriages are waiting. This will help prevent winds from disturbing ladies skirts. The spells will also shift rain away, so that the entire area will remain dry from all but the most severe storms. This will allow those waiting to remain dry and wind free. Snow will also be directed away although the cold will not be dissipated."

"Thank-you. This will be wonderful for inclement weather which usually slows our business."

"You’re welcome. It is a gift from Andrew and I. One caution however, always be certain to have at least one ingot in the holder at all times, and in inclement weather there should likely be three or four since more will be used when the weather is more severe. One ingot will likely give you several nights use, if you remember to shut it down and place it inside at the end of each business day."

The owners place the spelled holder on a shelf near the front door, then touch the base and in moments the light breeze calms and while everyone may see dust blowing out at the edge of the spell the air is calm within it. A carriage rolls into the generated field and as it passes through, it is possible to see the light dirt slough off of it to drop to the road outside the area of influence.

"Interesting. Please come with me and I shall guide you to your table."

The owners still in a bit of a shock to have two of the foremost purveyors of magic as well as the Primary and his wife, Statesman Beaumont and three of his political associates all in one party.

"And to think, when that Feline came asking for the reservation I nearly turned her away. What a stroke of good fortune for us this is. All we need now is for the meal to go perfectly and we shall have more reservations than we may possibly handle. We might even be able to open that second location or annex the building next door and expand, or perhaps even both. We could move that spell holder to center between them and make a single entrance there which branches out to the two buildings."

The two return to their office as they ponder their immediate future.

"Alexandra, do you seriously expect me to believe we got in so easily because they know who we are? They knew our fathers and some other political representative were coming so of course they made room."

"Andrew. When Missii made the reservation for us, the only names they were given were Andrew and Alexandra. No last names were given and only the approximate size of the party was mentioned, not who would be in it. Ask the waiter when he comes or go back out and look at the register."

Andrew thinks about that for a moment, "Excuse me everyone. I’ll be right back."

He rises and starts for the front door, which brings several people scurrying over to him.

"Is something amiss? We may move you to another room... Do you require something immediately while waiting? We have a large assortment of wines and may have the hors d’oeuvres brought out immediately."

"That might be nice, a good wine selection, not something flat but flavorful and full bodied. I was just going out to check your reservations list. I wanted to know the name under which our reservation was held."

"The name..?"

"Yes. Was the reservation under my name or that of my fiancee or perhaps under some other name."

The man licks his lips and appears to be uncertain of the action he should take.

"The owners placed the name on the list... All it says is ‘special party’."

"So I need to speak with the owners then?"

"Ahhh... Yes Sir. I... uh... I’ll go get them, sir."

The man vanishes toward the offices like he’s shot out of a cannon. Within moments the concerned questions begin again, this time from the owners.

"No. No. Everything is fine. I would just like to know under which name our reservation was made."

"We, that is, I thought you didn’t want the name placed on the reservations list. We simply placed ‘special party’ so no one would know in advance."

"That was greatly appreciated, believe me. I would still like to know, however, when you were contacted by a Feline what name was used?"

"The feline told us there would be a large party of between twelve and twenty which would include two of the world’s foremost purveyors of magic. In fact the two who are responsible for the new magic. After what I have seen here this evening I may quite believe it."

"Were you given any names of members of the party?"

"Alexandra and Andrew she said."

"And on just the strength of those names and our supposed magical ability you provided the reservation?"

"Well, yes... Putting it that way does make it seem a little strange but then the talent the Feline had, seemed to indicate the request was valid."


"Yes. Just before she was leaving, she cast an opening to DelMonico’s and said if we didn’t want to provide the reservation then she would go to them and request one. We said we would, and she changed the opening to another location and departed."

Andrew is shaking his head and smiling.

"Is everything all right sir?"

"Everything is fine. Thank you. What are the best wines you have here?"

They mention several and Andrew makes his decision based upon the number of bottles which are available.

"Please deliver one each to the six Felines in our party. Everyone else will choose their own to accompany the meals."

"Yes sir, right away sir. Those are quite expensive, are you certain you want that particular wine?"

"What would six bottles cost?"

"The six will be about 100 gold. A lot of money for a wine."

"Here," bringing a coin purse by magic then handing them 120 gold, "We are looking forward to our meal."

The two owners look at Andrew’s departing form, the 120 gold and each other before telling the Maitre Di’ to have someone fetch the wine and deliver it to the Felines in the party.
He listens to the owners and rolls his eyes but complies. The wine is soon delivered and the six Felines are appropriately but impressibly grateful. Soon the party begins.

A few hours and a number of courses of food, and bottles of wine, later the little group finds itself leaving. Andrew quite contentedly paying for everything, including all the wine once again, as they make their way to the door. Outside they look around the lighted lot, "That’s what we need, a nice calm night."

The small I-cat contented with her meal, is leaning up against Alice softly purring for only her to hear. I-cats are not known for their ability to withstand the effects of a saucer of wine, unlike the Felines who may consume several liters before any appreciable effect may be noted. Even when drunk, most Felines are still capable of prevailing in combat against most humans.
Gateways are opened and people return to their homes or Inn’s before Missii and Kayla bring up the subject of the guard once again.

"Let’s discuss it in the morning," Andrew objects, "All I want to do just now is go back to my room and sleep. I’m filled, I’ve had a bit too much wine, and I’m tired."

The sisters relent with the promise to bring it up again first thing in the morning. Andrew and Alexandra share a kiss and an embrace, which the sisters finally separate, before everyone returns to their rooms. Kayla escorts Andrew to his room where he drops onto the bed, motionless. She looks at him for a moment then grunts, "He’s a grown man he may take care of himself," she closes the door and walks away.
Alexandra and Missii check on Rachel then put Alice to bed and return to their own rooms.
The following morning finds all the women up and in fine spirits, that may not be said so easily for the men, especially Andrew. Thankfully, it is not a training day.

"Kayla leave me be. Let me sleep."

"You have work to do. Here, drink this."

"Was sat?"

"This will help stop the pounding in your head."

"Oh. I thought they were building next door. In my head???"

Kayla rolls her eyes, shakes her head and leans over Andrew pinching his nose. In seconds he opens his mouth and she pours in some of the concoction. This has the effect of bringing him spitting and choking to an upright position whereupon she pours the remainder, "Swallow that."

Perhaps more than half makes its way down his throat, the remainder finds the front of his tunic, a portion of the bedding and the floor. Kayla, wisely, jumped back just in time.

"Are you trying to poison me?"

"No, you were doing that last night. This is your cure."

"Why did the poison taste good and the cure taste so bad?"

"Most good cures do. Here, hold this pot."


"Just do it."

Andrew takes the large pot and holds it in his lap looking first at the pot then at Kayla with questioning eyes...


"That’s why. Now drink this."


"I’m stronger than you. Do you want me to force you? Now drink it."

"Does it taste bad too?"

"No. This tastes better. Just drink it down quickly."

Andrew begins to take a tentative sip and Kayla tilts the whole thing with Andrew gulping to prevent more from spilling on his clothing.

"Eeaaghhh," he makes a sour face, "You said it would taste better."

"I didn’t say how much better."

"Remind me not to argue politics with you."

"You will feel a lot better in a few minutes right after..."


"that. Now rinse your mouth with a sip of water."

Andrew is uncertain which is worse, the remnants of the effects of the wine or the cure.

"Rinse your mouth with another sip, then drink a small sip."



A few more minutes and he is actually feeling a bit better. Looking at his clothes, he gets up and begins rummaging around for more clean clothing.

"Are you able to dress yourself or do you need help?"

"How would you help? Strip my clothes off of me and then drop me into my trousers?"

"That’s an interesting idea. I’ve never tried it that way before," she begins to move in his direction.

"I may do it. Go wait outside. I’ll just be a few minutes."

Kayla pouts, but her eyes sparkle and in moments she is laughing as she goes out the door, closing it behind her. She opens it a bit of a crack, "I’ll give you ten minutes to get ready then I’m coming back in there and dressing you, ready or not." She closes the door again before the footstool hits it.
Andrew exits the room with a few seconds to spare, especially so since Kayla has been involved in a conversation with Missii who arrived a few minutes ago.

"Good. The cure Kayla gave you worked."

"If you mean it didn’t kill me then yes, I suppose you’re right."

"All right, let’s go to breakfast. Rachel is up today and they are all going to breakfast at the Sister’s. The three of us need to talk about your Guard. Your permanent guard. Then we shall meet the ladies. Go on, go inside, the food won’t find you out here in the hall."
Twenty minutes later, the sisters push a second plate of food before Andrew, "Eat more, Andrew. It will help you to feel better. A little will simply upset your stomach."

"My interest at the moment is in almost anything but food," he sighs.

Missii takes this as a good sign, "All right, then let us talk of the Guard. We have most of those humans you wanted to hire but now you need Felines and there are protocols you must learn and understand for obtaining those who are trustworthy."


Kayle injects, "Yes Protocols. A Feline will not hire on to work for just anyone. Especially not as a Pride. We may be expert warriors but we are also discerning in whom we will allow our employ."

"You both agreed to work for me."

"Yes, but we had both examined your mind long before we did so, if you will recall."

"I’m not recalling a great deal at the moment. Perhaps tomorrow."

"This won’t wait."

"Why can’t I just let the two of you select the members of the guard and leave it at that?"

"They will likely want to examine your mind as did we."

"So I’ll let them examine my mind. Just not today."

"No, not today... Tomorrow!"

"Oh, joy. All right. You win. We’ll go tomorrow. Satisfied?"

Missii scowls at him as she places another fork full of breakfast into his mouth, "No. You have much to learn before we may take you to find your guard. Such as not using your magic."

Kayla adds, "Whatever happens, don’t use your magic."

"Don’t use my magic..." Andrew answers woodenly.

"Was that an agreement or was that a question?"

"Neither. But now that you mention it, why can’t I use my magic?"

"Because that will likely get you killed."

Suddenly slightly more sober, "Pardon me?"

"Using your magic would be likely to get you killed. Aren’t you listening to us?"

"You have my full attention... Well, almost my full attention."

"After we go to look at the house again and the girls have a chance to see their rooms, we will speak more of this. We need only a few hours so you won’t make a serious mistake as we find your guard."

"What if I make a mistake AFTER we have my guard?"

"That won’t be so serious. The Felines we hire will have examined your mind and will allow you misstatements and mistakes after that, if they agree to the employ. They will know you don’t mean them the same way as do so many others."

"Wonderful. So instead of cutting my head off they will just throw me around a little while? May I use my magic then?"

"You’ll understand better after we talk. Here, eat some more food."

"It’s cold."

"Then heat it. Eat some more food."

"When did you become my mother?"

"When you hired us. EAT!"

"Yes, mommy. I want ketchup on my eggs."

"EAT!" they both say in unison. Andrew places a fork full of cold eggs in his mouth and grimaces. Moments later the food is steaming hot once again as his fork reaches for some of the potatoes.

The others in the meal hall wisely refrain from making any comments during the conversation between the sisters and Andrew. In fact many of them eat quickly and depart again so as not to become embroiled in the conversation since Andrew has begun to look around the meal hall as if in search of a means of extracting himself from the conversation.
Andrew finally finishes his breakfast, one or two reheats later, and the three of them take a gateway to Percoin arriving just outside the girl's room. Missii knocks and asks if Andrew may enter, Alexandra calls to them to come in and the Felines push Andrew into the room. The I-cat, while still feeling the effects of the saucer of wine, jumps through the air impacting Andrew about shoulder height then hangs on for dear life as he topples. The women watch this with some amusement.

"Rangg Ruuee."

"Don’t mention it." He holds onto the I-cat and absently begins to rub it under the chin as he asks, "Is everyone ready to go?"

"Andrew, I don’t know if Rachel should go this time as she has only just be up for a day. She is still weak."

"I may carry her. Alice said she wanted to see the house and her room. Rachel please keep in mind the house is still being built and there is no furniture in the house yet. We will go select that once the house is ready for it."

"I have my own bedroom?" the young lady asks hopefully.

"Yes, both you and Alice will each have your own bedrooms."

Weak or not, she is smiling and hopes to go, "Mother... That seems so strange... Mother may I go, Please?"

Alexandra relents, "Yes Rachel, you may go. Father will carry you if you become tired."

"Father?.. FATHER? Do I get a ring too?"

"Yes. I’ll give you a ring too, just as soon as you are stronger."

The eight year old smiles at Andrew then reaches for Alexandra’s hand, ready for her journey.

Chapter 20

Arrival at the new house brings a few surprises. The one building is completed, so the Warriors have somewhere to stay, but the cistern has yet to be filled since the plumbing is not completed. Examination of the pipes shows a need for shut-off valves at the cistern. Protection of its walls also needed so some plan revisions are hastily made. The girls go off to look at their rooms which are in various states of completion as is most of the main House.


"Yes? I’ll be right there, Alexandra."

Andrew okays the changes with the builder and goes over to see what Alexandra has found.

"What is it?"

"Look down there," pointing to the field, "They are bringing the water in by cart from the river."

"I see. I need to tell the builder that we need a pipeline from the cistern to the fields so watering is easier to accomplish. A master shutoff valve for that line will also be needed. Once all the shutoff valves are in place we may begin filling the cistern. Remind me to talk to my brother again soon. We could use that water. Oh no."


"Do you suppose they are using un-spelled seeds?"

"Oh... That’s likely. Do you suppose we should go down and hurry things along a little?"

"We’ve been spelling seeds before they’re planted. I wonder what would happed if we spelled the field instead?"

"Andrew, that’s an interesting idea. Why don’t we try it? We may see the entire field from up here so perhaps we could spell it from here."

"I wonder what kind of a spell we could use? Do you think slightly compressed time and extra nutritional soil would help?"

"Where would we obtain the fertilizers?"

"We would need to purchase them initially but gradually we could also use waste water and river bottom. We could also check for appropriate deposits from around all the property then move them in those magically powered carts the Sorcerers were talking about. Once they perfect them of course."

"Do you think that will ever happen?"

"Who knows. It’s an interesting idea though. I’m thinking of investing in it."

"I think it would be better to invest in a spell ingot manufacturing company."

"I already did. Two of them. They are also manufacturing spelled candles."

"Who spells the candles?"

"That’s the best part. There is a device which uses spell ingots to power the spell combination that spells the candles. One large ingot may spell several hundred candles so no Sorcerer needs to be there to do the job and anyone may drop the candles through the device and fill the ingot channel. For about 5 silver in ingots we may spell nearly a thousand candles. We make money and no Sorcerer is tied up just to spell candles. Once a week the device is checked and a Sorcerer will be called if someone forgets to put an ingot in the channel and the spell dies."

"Andrew, how will someone who can’t use magic know if the spell has died?"

"That’s part of the spell. The candles are white, after they are spelled their color is blue. If a white candle is dropped through and comes out still white then the spell is gone and a Sorcerer is needed to re-spell the device. The spell is written on the device so anyone may read it and recast the spell."

"And anyone may read it and start their own business making spelled candles."

"Hmmm... You’re right Alexandra. Perhaps I should go and make the spell a little more difficult to find."

"Well, don’t do it now. Here, let’s spell the field so the plants think five months have passed in only four. That shouldn’t tax the land too badly and we will still have time to obtain the nutrients to help speed everything along."

"You seem to have a good idea. If you know how you want to do it, I’ll give you energy and you may do the spelling."

"All right. Ready?"

"Go ahead."

Alexandra prepares a complex cast as Andrew supplies extra energy. She releases it at the field and a momentary flash occurs then nothing.

"Did it work?"

"We won’t know until we check the plants in a few weeks. I’m not going to worry about it until then."

"Well, let’s collect everyone and get on back. The sisters want to talk with me some more. We need to find Alice and Rachel and I need to talk to the builder again about a pipeline to the field, and master shut off valves on each pipe."

Twenty minutes and everyone is collected. Kitty had accompanied the two girls so she was easy to find.


"What is it Alice?"

"Kitty want a room too."

"Hmmm... Well your rooms are next to our room so I suppose we could put Kitty down at the end. That way we will be at one end and Kitty at the other so both of you are protected. Let me speak to the builder again about putting a door there which Kitty will be able to open and close easily. We’ll change a few things so the room will be more suited to Kitty’s needs."

The kitten walks over and taps Andrews leg, when he stoops down the kitten pats his hand with its paw and then returns to the girls.

"Now what was that all about?"

"Andrew, I think Kitty just made a contract with you. You are providing her with her own room and providing for her needs so she came over to thank you.”

"Oh. I’m going to speak with the builder, be right back."
A few minutes later Andrew returns, "Is everyone ready to go?"

Missii approaches, "Andrew could we speak for a moment first?"

"Yes. What’s wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong. I would like to hire those four Felines who provided the one night security. I want to add them into the guard force right away. We will still need to find others but that at least will add some immediately and they are some whom I’ve already checked so I know they are reliable."

Andrew sighs, "Okay. Go ahead. Will they need to meet me?"

"No. They checked everything last night during the party. They also were known to me but I checked them anyway, so I know they are honorable."

"Okay. Go ahead. Now are we ready to leave?"

"Yes, and as soon as you all are secure then Kayla and I are going to locate and hire the four so don’t go anywhere until we return."

"Would I do that?"

Kayla immediately injects, "Yes. Even now you are thinking about going to talk with the Sorcerers who are devising that moving wagon. Don’t go. You may wait until one of us may accompany you."

"How do you do that? You’re as bad as mother. She always knew what I was thinking too."

"Maybe she’s part Feline."

Andrew doesn’t laugh.

"That was a joke."

Andrew doesn’t laugh.

Missii chimes in, "Never mind. We are all ready to go."

"Father? What’s a ‘party pooper’?" Alice questions.

"Where did you hear that?"

"Kayla just said you’re a party pooper. And she started laughing."

Alexandra immediately smiles, Andrew scowls and shakes his head, "Okay, if everyone can restrain themselves for a moment, we’ll return to Percoin."

After they return to the Sister’s enclave and the girls are situated, Alexandra goes off to talk with her Father and check on things there while the two SaVannah sisters and Andrew go to the garden where they spend slightly over an hour talking.

"Andrew, whatever happens don’t use your magic unless we say it’s okay. The spelled daggers are all right because even we use spelled weapons but just don’t let on that you may do magical things until we tell you it will be all right."

"And don’t wear your robes. That’s just as likely to get you killed out of hand as is using magic."

"I’m so glad the two of you are such bright rays of sunshine this afternoon. It seems to me that everything I take for granted will get me killed wherever it is we are going tomorrow. And while I’m at it. Who’s going to teach the classes tomorrow while we are off gallivanting around looking for more Felines for our Household guard?"

"We won’t be gallivanting we are just going to one place. We are likely to need several hours so we shall begin shortly before noon. Now remember what we said about not wearing your robes."

Missii hears the bell, "It is time for supper. I’m going to check the children and Kitty to see they go to supper as well as have my own. Where are you going to eat?"

"I’m returning to Scearnvale. After supper I need to let Gabriel know that tomorrow I will be gallivanting around rather than teaching."

Missii rolls her eyes and sighs as she shakes her head. Kayla just latches onto Andrew’s arm and opens a gateway to the Scearnvale Meal hall. The Apprentices and Sorcerers giving scarcely any notice to two people walking out of a wall to join them for supper, the antics of Andrew and his group of students becoming nearly, not completely mind you, but nearly common place.
Of course there are the new apprentices who find it a bit disconcerting the first dozen times or so.

The following day finds our intrepid hero squarely in the clutches of Missii and Kayla and in a part of Percoin which he feels he would likely avoid at all costs for the most part.

"Andrew, remember what we told you. Sorcerers are not welcome in this place. Here are those who have suffered at the hands of Sorcerers in the past. Try not to obviously show your magic unless there is no other resource. If you must, then it will be best to use it quietly and well hidden."

"I understand, Missii. You have both drilled this into me. This seems a strange place to be attempting to find other Warriors for my House."

"Not so strange," Kayla explains, "We Felines often meet at places such as this and we seldom find one who is such as you entering it. Sorcerers were the source of our problems not of our aid, and Humans were most usually those Sorcerers and the root cause of our original transformation. We all remember that as though it occurred to each of us, ourselves. It passes down in our genes."

"Andrew, you must remember that even if we are attacked, do not overtly use your magic if you may prevent yourself from doing so. We will be attacked as we are here to recruit and a Feline will not serve under another whom they do not respect. That is why as a race we removed ourselves from the service of those who’s hands created us," Missii proclaims, "silence now, we have been seen."

Andrew is still uncertain of this entire method of finding Felines to bolster the protection of his House. He has ten Human Warriors, among the best from the Academy’s last five graduating classes, and four Felines who were the temporary guard that one night. He has Missii and Kayla who are here with him searching out yet more Felines for his ‘Guard’. It is Missii’s insistence that he should have at least ten and preferably twenty Felines as the protectors of his House that has grudgingly brought him here with them. Missii explains that once the prospective Felines are located then he will need to be present so those prospects may examine his mind to learn for themselves that he is worthy of defending and following.

He looks about the area and sees far more than a dozen Felines seated, drinking and eating. Less than four heartbeats later all are looking at the SaVannah sisters and himself. There are both male and female Felines here and he also sees what he believes are two fully grown I-cats laying near a far table where three rough looking male Felines are seated. Two of those males rise upon seeing him and for the first time he is glad Missii told him not to wear his Sorcerer’s robes for this occasion. Missii and Kayla look like princesses compared to the lot in this place. Where their fur is clean and their armor and weapons new, spelled and well cared for, those seen in here have more the appearance of brigands.

Quietly he whispers, "Missii, I hope you’re right about this."


The sisters begin to make their way to an empty table with Andrew following. A male from a table which they are passing intervenes immediately after they both pass, thereby blocking the path for Andrew. Kayla instantly is back with a dagger at the male’s throat.

"I politely suggest you allow our benefactor to pass without malice," she calmly says to him as though having a simple conversation with a gatekeeper and just loudly enough that the tables nearby may hear as well. The male smiles as though considering something, "I suggest you look down at my hand."

Kayla does so and sees a dagger in his hand, the point nearly at Andrew’s stomach.

"I suggest you look down at your own hand, Mr. One-arm."

The smile vanishes from the face of the male as he looks down to see Andrew has two daggers in a cross cut path just waiting to remove the hand which is holding the dagger toward Andrew’s own stomach. Andrew’s daggers glow with a blue sheen showing they are spelled, as is the dagger Kayla is holding at the throat of the male. The dagger at his throat is visible to the rest of the room as is the sword which Missii has in half-draw and both are showing an increasing blue glow. The glow from Andrew’s daggers is now visible as a reflection off both his and the male Feline’s clothing. That glow is rapidly increasing, while the glow from the weapons held by the sister’s remains steady and soothing.

"Make your decision quickly, one-arm. Once the room fills with the light of his daggers then they must taste blood, and you won’t like that, because it will be yours."

The large male still seated at the table nods his head, "Enough Darrackk, let them pass."

The male relaxes and slowly moves to sheath his dagger as the glow of Andrew’s daggers continues to build. Andrew now makes the obvious demonstration of drawing a drop of his own blood with each of his daggers, the glow instantly diminishing. He wipes the daggers clean and places them back into their sheaths.

The sisters and Andrew continue to their table and moments later the proprietor comes over to take their order which Missii places just loudly enough that Darrackk’s table and those nearby may hear it. The order includes some of the finest wine available in Percoin and which is seldom ordered due to cost. Andrew then adds one more glass to the order with the instruction to deliver it to the Feline who confronted him, as a token of respect. This, among many other rituals, has been drilled into him by Missii and Kayla during the two hours spent in preparation of this day.

Missii whispers, "Now the real perpetrator, probably the large male who told him to let us pass, will take offense that he has not been the one to whom the wine was offered so he will try something in the few minutes following the delivery of the wine. It will probably be as we taught you."
Andrew nods his head. It seems to him there should be an easier way to find the Felines he needs, but some requirements of honor may be a stringent, if absurd, thing.

The food and wine appear at their table and then the glass is taken to Darrackk. He looks at the wine just placed before him, this is an act taken to honor an individual who has taken an absurd risk before someone who is by far his superior in combat. This is telling Darrackk that Andrew is more proficient in combat than he while saying that Andrew respects his attempt at taking that ridiculous path where his life might have been forfeit.

Darrackk smirks and raises the glass to take a sip then nearly chokes as he realizes the quality of the wine. The greater the quality, the greater the superiority of the one who had been challenged, in this case Andrew. It is difficult for the rest of the room not to notice his face contort to fear, and then anger with realization. No mere Human may best a Feline.
He pushes the glass to the large male and indicates he should taste it. That male does so and the rest of the room sees his face go through the same changes as did that of the previous individual.

They both stand and begin to move to Andrew’s table. Just as they arrive, Andrew is up, turned, and has a glowing dagger at each of their throats. His movements so fast that neither has had the opportunity to more than partially remove their own daggers from their quick draw sheaths. The glow of each of Andrew’s daggers rapidly increasing and a slight high pitched whine is just beginning to become noticeable. The rest of the room is shocked for none of them has ever seen a Human move so swiftly, nor have they seen a shadow blade although many have heard of them. The Human is holding two such. This means he is a worthy adversary.

"Just kill them Andrew. They are not worthy to be members of your guard. They are too head-strong to be of value to you."

"TRUCE, for inquiry?" says the large male quickly before Andrew decides to take that final, for them, path.
Andrew gives him a grimace as though he feels this will be a waste of his time.

Missii now stands, "You cannot ask a TRUCE from a Human unless you consider him to be your equal or better. Kill them Andrew, they are wasting your time."

"Missii, I think I will allow them one minute to talk before I kill them."
The two males slowly move their hands away from their daggers.

"If you will allow us, we will place our daggers on your table to show we speak with honor."

"Since when does a Feline ‘speak with honor’ to a Human? You all think we are inferior or, worse, that we think you are inferior. You would take our money in our employ, but you don’t think we are able to respect you or your traditions. You would not have challenged me had that been otherwise. Asking TRUCE from me, a Human, is as much a lie as asking that wall,"Andrew nods his head in the direction of the far brick wall.

"Not so Human. I ask again, TRUCE for inquiry?"

"My Lord," Missii says to Andrew in a well rehearsed statement, "let them place their daggers and swords upon the table still sheathed and then they may ask their inquiry."

She states a calculated insult by asking the blades remain sheathed upon the table.

"I would prefer to kill them as they stand for interrupting my meal," again a well rehearsed ploy.

"Lord," Kayla speaks up, "don’t dirty your weapons on them. I’ll do it after their inquiry. Whatever they have to say probably isn’t worth hearing anyway. They just waste our valuable time. We must finish our meal and go find those you need for your protection detail. There is no honor to be found here."

That statement has just brought all heads up. Everyone is watching this scene and a few are standing at the further tables. The glow from Andrew’s daggers has not increased but is easily visible to everyone.

Missii faces the two males, "You ask TRUCE of a human when you know you need not honor it. Will you ask TRUCE of me?"

"Yes. TRUCE for inquiry?"

"Lord, they may not keep their honor if they break TRUCE. All in this room have heard them and all would put them to death if they attempt to break TRUCE."

Everyone in the room murmurs and nods their heads. TRUCE is invoked and it is not a simple thing to be cast aside without repercussions.
Andrew pauses as if considering this before looking at the rest of the room, "Is this true?"

Everyone in the room agrees and all around the room he sees daggers removed from sheaths and placed on the tables before the owners of those blades. Very few are spelled and none so powerfully as those held by either himself or the sisters. He allows his face to go through a series of contortions which are meant to indicate that he has conflicting emotions concerning this ‘TRUCE’.

"Very well, TRUCE, bring chairs and join us." Andrew sits again, placing his two daggers before him on the table. Missii and Kayla each place two daggers on the table as well, the six daggers quietly glowing next to the two dull daggers placed by the males.

"Proprietor, more food and the good wine. We are all hungry."

The males are just beginning to sit when Andrew calls to the proprietor. Now they cannot leave until they at least eat a little food and drink some wine. It is a matter of honor, and Andrew is acting the host since they have been allowed their honor under the TRUCE.

"Now as I am not fully comprehending this TRUCE for inquiry, I will allow my Guard commanders to speak with you," Andrew nods at Missii and Kayla who each nod back and turn to the two males.
While this appears to be a breach of protocol, in actuality the TRUCE was accepted by Missii and not Andrew. So the sisters are the one’s with whom the males must now talk.

The questions and answers begin, the discussion slowly drawing in the rest of the occupants of the room until finally everyone has brought a chair over and is seated near Andrew’s table. Daggers are temporarily forgotten and still laying around the room on the tables where they were left. The tale of the needs of Andrew’s House for a large number of talented and honorable Felines to be a permanent guard is explored as is the explanation that the three of them intend to go out to find those Felines after finishing their meal. A meal which was interrupted under the terms of the TRUCE and then gradually increasing in size until being shared with all in the room.

The exceptionally fine wine is held reserved to Andrew’s table but very good although less expensive wine as well as good beef is being served to all others who have come to listen and who have been drawn in to the TRUCE. A few Felines have entered the establishment during this TRUCE only to find daggers everywhere, but for a few seats, and a large group of Felines over to one side. It is obvious that some kind of TRUCE has been extended and a discussion is under way. Any who wish to participate must leave their daggers behind.

Five rowdy young Felines come in and begin to be a problem. They are politely asked to leave and when they don’t do it quickly enough, most of those who are members of that large group assist them in finding the door out.

A few of those who have entered and seated themselves, eventually lay their own daggers on the tables in keeping with the TRUCE and follow the group over to also listen to the conversation which picks up quickly following the expulsion of the five who were a little more than slightly intoxicated. A few minutes more of conversation and one of those five returns. He places his daggers on a table and walks over to listen to what those at the table have to say. He is trying to piece together that which he is hearing.

As near as he is able to understand, the human seated there is hiring Felines. It will not be a short term employment and two of the Felines seated there are to be in charge. It is now that he notices the six glowing daggers and his eyes open further. Now he is trying very hard to understand the conversation. The two females have glowing daggers before them as does the human.

"Humans should not be tolerated, they were the cause of all our problems in the beginning."

The other Felines look around as if just noticing him. They are about to forcibly eject him again when Andrew calls out, "Bring him here."

A path opens and the young Feline is pressed forward until he is in front of Andrew who is now standing and holding a glowing dagger in his hand. The Felines are not about to permit him to kill this young and foolish child for saying something which has been bred into them and held for many decades if not more than a century.

"I do not intend him harm. Young man, what is your name?"

"Gra... Gurrrr... Gartthe," he smiles at having finally said his name despite his obviously inebriated state.

"All right Garth, here is a dagger. If I am the source of all your troubles then why don’t you kill me with it?"
Garth looks at the dagger and at Andrew then at the dagger again.

"It is shpellled."

"Yes, it is spelled. In many more ways than one. It is a dagger of truth, and it is my dagger. If you wish to kill me then you must use my own dagger, but if I tell the truth when I say I am not the source of your problems then it will not allow you to kill me. Here, take it."

Garth is still looking at the dagger and does not reach out for it. Andrew takes Garth’s paw like hand and places the dagger into it then closes Garth’s hand so he is holding the dagger. The glow from the dagger lessens and brightens and lessens again as Garth is trying to understand what just happened. Could this silly human have just given him a dagger so he could kill him? That is stupid.

Garth throws the dagger back onto the table, "If I’m goin’ kill you it will be wiss mhy dagger nosh yours. I have a headache."

"Bad wine will do that to you, Garth."

"Yessh. Stinkin’ whine."

"Here sit at my table for a few minutes before you fall down. Eat a little food and drink a little of this good wine. Both will help. Now what happened to your daggers? You can’t cut the food without a dagger."
Garth is looking at his empty sheaths and trying to remember where he put his daggers.

"Here my young friend, borrow one of mine and cut some beef then eat. You’ll feel much better in half an hour. Since you’re here you may as well listen to what were all saying as we still have business to discuss. Well, don’t stand on principle, pick up the dagger and cut some beef while I pour you some good wine."

Garth by now is quite confused. He seems to remember he was going to kill this human who is now pouring him some wine and allowing him to cut some meat from the large hunk of beef before him. Now how did this dagger begin glowing? Oh yeah, it belongs to the human.

"Nish dagger, good balance."

"Glad you like it. Interested in a job?"

"Job? I don’t have ash job," as he begins to devour the succulent strip of beef he carved from the hunk.

"Would you like to have a job?"

"Yessh. But all the jobsh human offer have no honor for me," he continues to eat the beef and swallows some of the wine, "Thash goo whine."

"Garth, if the job had honor and paid well to start would you consider it?"

Garth is taking longer and longer to think of his answers, "Coul’ we talk later? I need shleep." Garth lays his head down on the table seconds after finishing his piece of beef and in moments is in a wine induced slumber. The older Felines consider this ploy taken by Andrew and smile. Two of the Females take Garth over to a nearby table to sleep so Andrew may sit in his chair once again.

"Thank-you ladies. A pity he couldn’t stay awake, we were just beginning to have an interesting conversation. After he decided not to kill me, of course."

Everyone laughs and the conversation picks up again. Another hour or two go by before Andrew has sixteen new members in his household guard. Five have declined, and Garth is to be brought along so he may be presented with the opportunity for a job with honor and pay. The part of Andrew also being a Sorcerer but of a very different kind has been carefully explained and as a result a number of Felines have examined his mind before accepting his offer of employment.

Andrew settles all their bills with the proprietor then offers him a little additional compensation for having taken so much time occupying his Inn without partaking deeply of his food and drink. The Felines are given two hours to either collect or to arrange delivery of their things to Andrew’s Estate. They will then meet back here to travel together to the Estate. In the case of young Garth, he will be allowed to sleep those two hours and he will be collected and brought along at that time. Andrew places a signature upon Garth such that should he awaken and depart they may still locate him to see if he is as interested in honorable employment and training when sober as he is when drunk. After the Felines leave, Missii, Kayla and Andrew talk about the prospective members of his ‘guard’.

Missii itemizes the Felines and the pros versus cons of them, "Those two big males are likely to be a source of trouble, at least for a week or two until they all settle in. The three from that far table and their I-Cats may be also. They were awfully tight-lipped about past employment. The I-Cats are a bit of a curiosity as they seemed to be interested even though they don’t usually work for or with humans. Their interest perked up quickly when you said you would pay them also. That was a very good move on your part, Andrew.

The small group of five ladies are likely honorable and my gut feeling is that they are impressed that you have myself and Kayla as your Guard Commanders. Females tend to be more interested in working under other females rather than males. The way you put Garth down without harming him also scored points in your favor by everyone. That you would consider also employing him also increased their respect of you. Young Felines generally have a great difficulty finding honorable employment. Many of these will probably watch and listen to see how you act during the next few weeks.

The females will also be interested when they discover Alice and Rachel. Most will probably panic if either of the girls uses magic but if Kayla and I use it first then it may be all right. The first time one of them is healed by Alice then I think most of them will come around without equivocation. We were always used in battle but we were the last to be healed if at all. Early healing of any past wounds they may have would go a long way toward sealing their bargains.
They especially will appreciate the healing when they find they need not pay for them. For a Feline, a good healer who will treat them well is an asset to be greatly protected."

The conversation drops as other Felines have entered the Inn and taken seats. Over time the Inn is again nearly half full when some of the hired Felines return to crowd over by Andrew and the Sisters. A few have returned dragging in yet another which they introduce and negotiations begin again. The original 16 have returned and three others have been brought in and accepted. Two sitting across the room walk over and ask for information. After it is provided, one departs again and the other begins to talk with Andrew’s Guard Commanders in earnest. With the sixteen, the three and the one they now have the twenty which was their target. With everyone present Andrew offers a toast to a long and prosperous employment.

At the completion of the toast, "I hate to walk or ride long distances, so if all of you don’t mind too much I will open a gateway to my home and we may all step over to it. Once we are there then Missii and Kayla may show you your quarters, I shall allow time for you all to rest and bathe and have clean clothing. Then in a day or two I shall introduce my wife to be and daughters to you. I’m sorry but it will be necessary for you to share a room for now, two to a room. As soon as the other two buildings are completed then you may each have your own room. It should not be more than a month or six weeks."

The Felines look questioningly at each other, only two to a room? They will not be stuffed into a compressed barrack. Perhaps in a month they will each have their own room? This is a strange employer. The wall of the Inn suddenly gives open to an estate, with protective walls still in construction surrounding the home and buildings. Many knew from the discussion that this Human is a Sorcerer, while many touched his mind to learn that he considers them to be equals and not inferiors, but the power he commands is that which one who believes himself to be omnipotent would control.

They cross to the estate with a number of wide eyed Felines seated back at the Inn watching this event. Two males return after dropping their things, pick up Garth and take him across also. The gateway closes and the proprietor rushes over to see if his wall has been damaged. As the Felines follow Missii and Kayla toward their rooms, Andrew removes the time spell he had cast upon himself thus allowing him excessively rapid physical responses during the interviews. Sagging in relief, he pulls out some dried beef and begins to nibble it and sip on the flask of water he had hidden in his coat. He also consumes one of the honey cakes which had been carefully wrapped and placed in his coat."Glad I don’t need to do any magic for a few hours. I’m exhausted."

 © 2010 by Rénae Dáºmas. This work may not be replicated or presented in whole or in part by any means electronic or otherwise without the express consent of the work’s Owner (copyright holder), with the exception of the private and non-commercial viewing by the reader who is also the end purchaser. ALL Rights Reserved, including but not limited to ownership of Characters, final content decision, and more. This is a work of Fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional and any resemblance to real people or incidents past, present or future is purely coincidental. Any and all images shown within this work are taken by license under Corel. Sketches are a product originated through the efforts of Terry Volkirch.. No affiliations, involvement or gender assignations through the use of the images provided by Corel, Terry Volkirch or the subjects contained within those posted images or sketches is implied or intended.
An Aldoennetti Original.

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Some people are really not understanding, aren't they? Tsk tsk. Still, the attack is yet to commence so all is good.

I-Cats... Another reminder of times past, and its appearance reportedly belies its extreme potency. And... The Felines have a sort of genetic memory? Accompanied by a fact that those memories are definitely not happy, they harbor a grudge aganist Sorcerers. And, if they were made this way, I think it was to constantly remind them of their servile position.

Once and many times again the new way of control proves its potency. However, I fear that it may prove to be no less dangerious than the technology that brought down the old civilisation.

Andrew is really clueless, as he had to have the understanding of his social and political standing hammered into him that way. Hehehe.

The spell ingots were a nice touch, the candle factories no less so. But the protection of secrets was lousy too.

What's the deal with Andrew not laughing about his Mom being partly Feline joke? And what ramifications other than being tiring did that time spell - Haste - have? I wish I could know... Sadly, I won't likely to ever be able to.


P.S. About compiling several chapters in one - not too good, but not too bad either IMO. However, posting them and the next batch so close to each other was not a good idea.

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Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

It's Magic

terrynaut's picture

This story is magic, and magic really sets the tone of this story. I've never read a story that delves so deeply into how the magic works. This story is as much about the magic as it is about the characters. That makes for an interesting balance.

The chapters are quite long so it probably would be a good idea to post them less frequently -- just a friendly suggestion. :)

Thanks for posting, Rénae.

- Terry