Tranquility-Sorcerer/ Sorceress C-03-37

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Chapter 03

"Andrew, there you are. Why did you run off like that?" Sorcerer Gabriel rushes up gasping for breath even as he finally reaches the location where Andrew, for no apparent reason, has stopped.

"I wanted to find a mirror so I might let her see me."

"Well, there’s one right there, go ahead if you are able. I doubt it, however, as the energy required for such a link will need time to replenish before you may attempt it again."

"I have already done it, Sorcerer Gabriel. She said she thinks I’m handsome and then I lost control again."

Gabriel raises an eyebrow at the idea Andrew has so soon established yet a third link especially at this unbelievable range. Youth and the unbelievable energies available... However he does not recall having that much energy himself. Thinking about his own training he remembers times, after making many attempts to accomplish some simple feat, of walking away from the session completely exhausted. Perhaps all Sorcerers should have some Warrior training, it seems to provide an improvement in stamina.

"It would seem that your ‘practice’ at this is yielding control of sorts. Enough of these antics. Come with me, it is time to take you for the real testing and training."

Andrew’s heart sinks. Eight more years of training now as a Sorcerer, the loss of the friends and allies he has carefully cultivated over the eight years studying to be a warrior, the loss of a place which has become a home to him, and for what? To be thrown into study with a bunch of ten to fourteen year old children? Then too, what guarantees are there that his efforts at magic will be fruitful? The plans he and his father have made may be set back eight or more years. That might prove to be too late for salvation. On the other hand, his mother will be overjoyed for she possesses a small magical talent and has been beneficial through her magical support of their Great House.

Andrew’s thoughts turn toward that home which he has missed these past eight years. Contact occurring infrequently in an effort to prevent unnecessary eyes and ears from learning who he may be. The last letter received by spelled delivery, sent by his mother to him, arrived one day when he was outside on the grounds nearly four months ago. All remained well at that time and the plans were still slowly moving forward. Perhaps he should simply seek further relief from the headaches and forego the magical training. But then, he would always wonder at the possibility of having become a powerful representative of the magical Arts.

"Andrew. Andrew! Pay attention! Come, you are about to begin the real testing of your abilities. All we did here was to ascertain that you possess the talent, now we must learn the extent of that talent and the number of different abilities within it which you have to offer. So far, you have a remarkable amount of control over linking and projection. For one who has had no training that is."

Gabriel intentionally fails to mention the unbelievable range of Andrew’s talent.

"There are many more things we need to know before we may provide you with a program of study which will increase your abilities and power."

Andrew attempts, at least, to retain one whom he hopes will be a friend and who is from his native continent, "May I continue to link with Alexandra?"

With careful consideration, Gabriel realizes that to deny that opportunity would likely cause Andrew to attempt it without proper assistance. To aid in preventing undesired occurrences such as that which threw Alexandra to the floor and rendered Andrew unconscious nearly taking Gabriel with him, "Yes, but until you have sufficient control as deemed by those of us, you may only do it under the direction of at least two Sorcerers."

Andrew is clearly not pleased at this restriction but appears to understand or, at least, to be resigned to it, "All Right. I shall not attempt the link." He reserves, in the back of his mind, those potential opportunities which may occur as a result of unbidden subconscious contact.

Sorcerer Gabriel guides him back to the office of Weapons Master Liam and informs Liam that he is taking Andrew with him for training as a Sorcerer. Liam is not pleased to hear this but understands that another Sorcerer is a valuable resource far exceeding the value of even the finest Combat Warrior of The Shambles. He is, however, displeased that this potential Sorcerer is his prize pupil.

Leading Andrew over to the scanner alcove, Gabriel sets it for the League’s training center and beckons to Andrew to enter, "There, now you may enter and I shall follow immediately behind you. Do not be afraid, many wind machines placed nearly a century ago are still producing electricity. The scanners will function correctly."

Andrew balks for he has never used a scanner since most of them are inoperative due to lack of energy. He has no idea what to expect. "But what of my things? There are personal items I must not allow to leave behind."

"Quite so, I had forgotten. No matter, I will see to it that all your things are brought to you at your new quarters. Come now, we must go. There is much to do and little time to do it."

Andrew reluctantly enters the scanner, receiving a strange tingling sensation like tens of thousands of very tiny water droplets rapidly pelting his skin. He steps out into a large room where he sees several Sorcerer’s standing before him. Moments later he is followed by Gabriel who begins leading them all through the halls and rooms of the training center while discussing Andrew with those now accompanying them.

"This shall be where you sleep, Andrew. Try to rest for what remains of this night. Someone will wake you and take you to breakfast. After that, you will be guided to the testing hall where we shall meet again and learn what we may of your talents. Good night to you."

"Good Night Sorcerer Gabriel."

"Not so formal here, Andrew. Just call me Gabriel."

"Good night, Gabriel."

Andrew turns to the door of the room as Gabriel and the others go on down the hallway still in deep discussion. The thought of entering a room and finding half a dozen children sharing it, is not appealing to him. Eventually he opens the door to find no one inside and only one bed. The room is either temporary or for his exclusive use. Very tired, he simply pulls off his boots and tunic, lays down on the comfortable bed pulling up the covers and is quickly drifting off to sleep. Sometime shortly before dawn he awakens. Looking about, he is momentarily confused and then remembers the night before.

Greatly desiring to contact Alexandra he forces himself to think of other things as he recalls his promise not to do so. Considering Gabriel’s remarks of the night before, it might be best if he does not attempt it since he does not want to cause her harm, accidentally or otherwise. Checking the pitcher and finding fresh water, although somewhat cold for having been sitting most of the night, he pours some into the basin and rinses his face. Drying again with a towel which is beside the basin, he is just pulling on his boots when there is a knock at the door.


A young man in apprentice’s robes opens the door offering him a Sorcerer’s robe to wear, "After you are changed I am to guide you to the breakfast hall, Sorcerer Andrew. After breakfast Sorcerer Caleb will guide you."

Andrew thanks the young apprentice who goes outside into the hall to wait. Andrew examines the robe and then dons it over his existing clothing. Exiting the room he asks the youngster to lead the way and in a few minutes they arrive at the meal hall. The apprentice goes to a table to sit, Andrew following.

"Pardon me, Sorcerer, but this table is for apprentices. You sit up there with the other Sorcerers."

Andrew looks across the hall to the table sitting cross ways where a number of Sorcerers are seated eating breakfast. Thanking the young apprentice once again he turns crossing the room as he hears other apprentices throwing questions directed to the one who led him to the meal hall. Seating himself at the table facing the students in the manner of the others at the table, Andrew looks around but sees no food present save that already before those who are eating. He is about to get up to search for the source of the nourishment which smells so good when an older apprentice approaches him.

"Forgive me, Sorcerer, I did not notice you seat yourself. What would you have this morning?" the young man asks of him while standing near to his side.

"That’s all right, I have a penchant toward being unnoticed by many. I think perhaps that which the Sorcerer there," as he indicates the one sitting closest to him, "is having should suffice. Thank-you."

The apprentice, stunned that a Sorcerer should be so polite to him is addled momentarily. Quickly recovering and seeing what food is being eaten he mumbles something and moments later a steaming plate of food is present before Andrew. "Thank-you. What is your name?"

"Apprentice Luke, Sorcerer."

"Thank-you Luke. It looks good and I am famished."

The young man smiles as though he has been given a year’s worth of holidays and asks Andrew what he wishes to drink. Andrew considers,

"Coffee might be nice with just a touch of sugar."

Moments later there is a large cup of coffee and a hot container with several more cupfuls in it sitting before him.

"Pardon me Luke. Is this the way meals are always served here?"

Luke somewhat taken aback, "Yes... The food and refreshments are prepared in the Kitchen then we practice our ability to cause the plates or containers to be moved from the one location in the kitchen to the next, here in the hall. Only the more senior apprentices are allowed to do this since we have had more training. By the time we finish working a month at the meal hall we are pretty good at it. It is great practice, better than moving rocks around the training ground. It takes some practice to prevent the food from falling off when the plates arrive. Would you have anything else, Sorcerer?"

"No, thank-you Luke. Your training shows great promise."

Again you would have thought the young man has won a prize as he bows to Andrew and departs to wait in his attendant’s alcove.

The Sorcerer nearest Andrew moves over to sit next to him, "That was very kind of you. That young man has had some recent difficulties with his training. Your kind words may be what he needs to cross the hurdle which is binding him at the moment. I am Sorcerer Gavin, pleased to make your acquaintance. Are you visiting?"

Andrew explains and Gavin stops a moment, then smiles, "Ahh, I had heard. You are the one then who reaches out thousands of Kilometers with your vision link. That is unbelievable but if Sorcerer Gabriel says it is true then we must believe him."

Cautiously Andrew replies, "I am uncertain of the exact distance. Alexandra resides somewhere near Percoin in The Survivor. I’m afraid I’m not terribly good at the link. Handling that and projecting at the same time exhausts me quickly."

"Projection? You are showing that seen through the link as a projection for others to see?"

"And to hear and smell," Andrew adds.

"Now you are joking. A link, projection and audible cast all at the same time? No one has done that. Not even at normal ranges. Gabriel did not mention the projection or audible cast. The link alone is unbelievable but to add those as well makes it a tall tale."

Angered at the Sorcerer’s disbelief, Andrew reaches out and attempts to contact Alexandra.

"Andrew? Andrew is that you again. I thought you were not going to contact me for a while. I’m preparing for another of my tests."

At the appearance of the projection in the meal hall and the sound of the lady’s words, everything has abruptly stopped. Everyone in the hall is looking at the projection and listening to the words.

"Andrew, where are you? Who are all those people?"

"They are disbelieving Sorcerers and Apprentices, Alexandra. Would you mind telling them where you live?"

"I am now at the Sisterhood’s Conclave in Percoin. They came last night after we linked and brought me here from my home. I would like to go home again. I don’t enjoy staying here."

"Where is your friend? They might believe a little better if they see her."

"Just a moment. Missii, Missii are you dressed? I am linking so if you are not dressed, do not enter."

A few seconds later SaVannah comes into the room fully dressed and just fastening her weapons belt as if for battle.

"Is it that Sorcerer again?"

As Alexandra looks at SaVannah everyone in the meal hall gasps. Few have seen or heard about a Feline and now to see one in a full room projection and to hear her talking with Alexandra is astounding.

"Thank-you Alexandra. My respects Missii. Brace yourselves I am going to shut the link now."

SaVannah frantically grabs onto a bedpost thinking back to the time Alexandra was thrown to the floor, despite having been present at other more calm linking sessions. Alexandra simply composes herself as the link dissolves.

A few seconds of silence follow as everyone sits in stunned disbelief, then the hall breaks out into laughter and conversation.

"Did you see her grab the bedpost?"

"An amazing projection, even the edges were crystal sharp. No haze, just as though we were there."

"My apologies, Sorcerer Andrew. I would not have believed it if I had not seen it with my own eyes... and ears."

Many in the meal hall are still sitting, stunned at the display of raw power which was necessary to produce so large a projection, filling the hall, and with an audible cast as well. Then to be linking in order to produce that projection? Fantastic. Many as yet are not aware of the distance involved.

Andrew, meanwhile, is finally eating his breakfast while contemplating asking for a second plate as he washes down the last mouthful of his first with a sip of coffee. He looks around and catches the eye of the young man who helped him before. The senior apprentice rushes over to him, "Yes Sorcerer?"

"Might I have another plate of this good food? Linking and Projection makes me hungry."

"Immediately." Within moments a second plate of food replaces the empty one which had been before him.

"Thank-you, Luke. You really are quite good at this."

"Thank-you Sorcerer." Luke backs away going back to his location where he may attend to the needs of any who so request. Few requests are forthcoming because every Sorcerer who saw the projection is busy in conversation with the others around him. Food has suddenly taken a back seat.

Finally, one of the Sorcerers rises and commands silence. As the room quiets, he tells those present they are not to speak of this outside the confines of the training center. "Further, as you obviously may have noted, it takes a Sorcerer of some power to produce what you have just witnessed. If you all apply yourselves diligently to your training you may eventually be capable of such display. Now thank the Sorcerer for the demonstration of where your powers may take you with proper training."

The apprentices all bow their heads and chant an appreciation of the lesson placed before them.

It is not until Andrew is leaving with Sorcerer Caleb that the Sorcerers still at the meal table suddenly recall the projection was in full dimension and colour granting depth to the projection and not as though seen flat on a wall but hanging in mid air. Indeed just as though they were there seeing it with their own eyes. Where some doubt of the ability of anyone to accomplish such a task had existed, there now rests the certainty that somehow others may be able to accomplish the same.

Andrew, on the other hand, has a new interest. After seeing Luke transport the dishes of food, Andrew is experimenting even as he follows Caleb. Here and there he spies small objects and attempts to cause them to move from one place to another, with varied degrees of catastrophe. Caleb, who is a number of paces ahead of him, appears not to notice these attempts. It is not until Andrew accidentally causes a bench, which he sees in the garden past which they are walking, to hurtle across and into the small pool found there that Caleb comes to an abrupt halt and begins to cast about to see who has just caused that bit of mischief.

"Andrew. Please do not cause us to rescind our decision to allow you Sorcerer’s robes placing you instead into those of a first year. Everything will be taught to you as quickly as you may absorb it. What you are doing is tantamount to taking a naked blade and giving it to a first year student to practice his swordsmanship."

Andrew, suddenly sobered, agrees that he shall wait for the training. "It is difficult for me, as I was this close," he holds two fingers a very short distance apart, "to graduating. To back up and go though another eight years is very dismaying."

"I understand. Perhaps it may interest you to know that Sorcery is my second training as well. I was a level 10 Feeder when the call came to me."

"Really? How long have you trained?"

"It goes much more quickly the second time around. For instance the control you exhibited in the meal hall shows you are rapidly learning. I have no doubt that within the year you shall have mastered many aspects of Sorcery. If some don’t come easily, don’t worry about it. We don’t all have the same talents. You may be tremendously advanced in some and completely inept in others just as are most of us. We go in here," indicating the door and opening it for Andrew to enter.

During the next few hours of intensive attempts to do the things requested, and with nearly 100% frustration as a result, both on the part of the Sorcerers doing the testing and on Andrew’s, Gabriel calls a temporary halt.

"How is it you may link over thousands of Kilometers, more than 500 times the distance others may do so, project and cast at the same time, apparently with little effort, yet you cannot perform so simple a task as extinguishing the flame of a candle? You don’t even make the flame move."

Andrew is just as frustrated as are they. His anger at his inability becoming more and more evident.

Gabriel suggests, "Perhaps after lunch we may learn something. Let’s adjourn to the meal hall and continue later."

Everyone walks out, Andrew following them to the hall. He obtains his meal quickly and eats, then departs going again to that little garden where he moved the bench. He finds the bench has been restored to it’s proper location and things have been more or less put back to normal. He thinks about that which was said about not being capable of accomplishing the simple things. "Maybe I can’t do the simple things, just the difficult ones."

Looking about him he discovers the small pool of water and the benches which are at the edge of a much larger expanse of lawn, bushes, and short trees. Walking paths wind their way through the garden and disappear into the distance. A few bees are flying around the garden, visiting the many varieties of flowers present on the bushes and a few of the trees, having been protected from the winter weather within the enclosed garden. Bees which nearly became extinct a century past due to some malady which was befalling them as well as succumbing to the ravages of the aftermath of the War.

As large as it is, the garden is surrounded by this building which is nearly a mile on a side, a high domed glass-like roof covers the garden area and outside air is filtered before being blown in to provide an exchange with the air within the enclosure both to provide oxygen when needed at night and to release it when the photosynthesis of the day produces it.

He walks one of the meandering paths before making a decision that he needs someone with whom he may talk. Reaching out he tries to contact Alexandra, "Alexandra, may I talk with you?"

"Who? Andrew?"

"Yes it’s me. May I fully establish the link so we may talk? I have a problem."

"Yes, of course. I’m at luncheon and there are others around so if you need somewhere private I may leave here."

"No, No, that’s OK. I, I just need a friend to talk to, may I fully link?"

"Yes, go ahead," the image of the garden he is in fills the air before her, "Oh, it’s beautiful. Would you look around so I may see more? Please?"
He complies, slowly looking across everything as did she that one day.

"WAIT. What is that bush? The one with the red, flowers?"

"Yes, those are Roses. I’ll go over so you may see them better."

"They are beautiful. We have a lot of different flowers but I don’t believe I have ever seen those."

"There aren’t very many, a lot of them died off during the years following the War. These are protected so they may flourish. Here, hold your hand out before you so I may see it." He picks a blood red velvet-like Rose from the bush and reaches out so it looks like his hand is over hers. She sees what he is doing and turns her hand palm up as though she is going to receive the flower he is holding. He drops the flower and it lands in her hand.

"Watch out for the thorns. They may prick something awful."

Alexandra is stunned looking at the Red Rose laying on her hand. Slowly she closes her hand so the flower will not fall and draws it back to show it to SaVannah, discovering that not only she but most of the other women sitting there have seen the Rose drop from the hand of a projection and onto hers.

"Alexandra, do you like it?"

"Andrew? Andrew, it’s beautiful and it smells so nice. I... Thank-you, this is a wonderful gift."

"I’m sorry it won’t last. Once they are picked they never do."

"I shall use magic on it. It will probably last a month or two."

"I wish I could do magic. I’ve been tested all morning and can’t do anything. We are going to try some more this afternoon. Maybe I can’t do the simple things, just the hard ones."

"Andrew think about this. You are linking and you transported a flower to me in the space of time for it to drop from your hand to mine and over such a tremendous distance. You are capable of wondrous things."

Several Sorcerers on their way back to the testing chamber have discovered Andrew sitting in the garden linking and projecting. They remain back where he cannot see them but they are watching everything that is happening and listening carefully to the conversation.

"Alexandra, I cannot even put out a candle. I could do better to reach out and press it down with my finger."

"But Andrew that is how you do it. Just imagine you have a hand no one may see. That hand cannot be harmed so you may reach out at whatever distance and pinch the fingers of that hand together smothering the flame. At least you may begin this way, then when you gain control and power you may control the flame directly."

"Is that how to do it?"

"That is how I did it when I first was learning. I cannot say you will do it the same but it is an idea."

"Thanks! I’ll try it."

"Any task they give to you just think how you would do it yourself and then imagine what you need to do the task. That works most of the time until you become sufficiently proficient at control to do it other ways. Here, watch."

Alexandra raises her hand palm up and a moment later there is a flame dancing above her hand, she makes it grow and shrink before casting it away. "Just remember, your hand is impervious, your hand is impervious, otherwise you might be burned. The flame I borrowed from one of the candles nearby."

She watches as Andrew raises his hand and tries it. Soon there is a flame of sorts dancing above the palm of his hand, "I did it, I oww..." Shaking his hand and pressing it to anything cool close at hand, the flame he ‘borrowed’ returns to the candle from which it originated, the magic no longer holding it over his hand.

"See, silly, you lost control. It takes concentration." Pausing in thought for a moment, "Andrew, how did you maintain the link if you lost control of the flame?"

"I... I don’t know. I just don’t want it to go away anymore so it’s still here."

"Well I hope you make it go away when I’m dressing or undressing or something else which I would prefer to do in privacy."

"OH... I’m sorry... I... I... uh... I think I need to find a way to let you know I’m trying to reach you without establishing the link. That way if you are not ready then you may tell me to wait."

"Thank-you that would be very nice. Thank you for the, the..."

"Rose. It’s called a Rose."

"For the Rose. I wish I could give you something to remember me by."

"How about a kiss, on my cheek I mean."

"All Right. I don’t know where your cheek is though."

"Just a moment. Let me try something."

Things become a little dizzy and then Alexandra realizes she is looking at herself through Andrew’s eyes. Looking through her own eyes she is surprised to see him about a meter away, his hand reaching out slowly to touch hers. SaVannah has jumped up from the table, her dagger in her hand but she does nothing except watch this amazing feat. The sisters all around are in shock as are two Sorcerers back in The Shambles.

Alexandra recovers and leans forward, as does Andrew. She grasps his face in her hands and may feel it there touched by her palms as she slowly draws him forward before planting a soft kiss upon his lips then backing away once more to sit properly while observing his reaction. He is touching his lips and looking at her with wide eyes. His image wavering and the colour seen in that image replaced occasionally with just outlines. Seconds later the link has vanished.

The two Sorcerers rush over to Andrew who seems to be all right, just dazed from the emotion of being kissed by a beautiful young woman.

"She kissed me. Did you see? She kissed me," his hand still at his lips and his face turning red with embarrassment.

 © 2010 by Rénae Dáºmas. This work may not be replicated or presented in whole or in part by any means electronic or otherwise without the express consent of the work’s Owner (copyright holder), with the exception of the private and non-commercial viewing by the reader who is also the end purchaser. ALL Rights Reserved, including but not limited to ownership of Characters, final content decision, and more. This is a work of Fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional and any resemblance to real people or incidents past, present or future is purely coincidental. Any and all images shown within this work are taken by license under Corel. Sketches are a product originated through the efforts of Terry Volkirch.. No affiliations, involvement or gender assignations through the use of the images provided by Corel, Terry Volkirch or the subjects contained within those posted images or sketches is implied or intended.
An Aldoennetti Original.

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One of my Favorites

I have always been one of Teddi's fans she was a wonderful author and through some communications a wonderful person. I thank you for taking the time to repost this very enjoyable and imaginative story.

I look forward to the the next chapter.

As always,


As always,


Teddi is a star. I was also

Teddi is a star.
I was also a fan - and will remain so.
I also await further chapters

Teddi's Stories

terrynaut's picture

I'm comforted by Teddi's stories. I've read this before and I don't like to read a story more than once, but I like seeing the chapters pop up. It's a pleasant reminder of Teddi.

Thank you for posting it, Rénae.

- Terry