Tranquility-Sorcerer/ Sorceress C-08-37

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Chapter 08

Contemplating the evening's events as he sits in his room brings Andrew to the thoughts of meeting Alexandra's Father. ‘I had no idea. I should have guessed it would be something like that. She has the bearing of someone who has had imperial training. She must have recognized me the first time she saw me. Now I remember where it was I saw her, it was in my Father's bank in Percoin and I must have been about ten and she nine.

She was the most beautiful young girl I had ever seen and I told her so. Unfortunately I was dressed rather shabbily at the time so the governess ran me off. I should have remembered. Those dresses she wears, they aren't some Sister's robes nor are they something a scullery maid would wear. My eyes were just blinded, I guess, by her intelligence, and her beauty. She is my soul-mate, however. What do I do now? Pretend I don't know that she is pretending she doesn't know?'

A small bell rings. Andrew ignores it for the moment. Still trying to decide how to handle this. It rings again. Again he ignores it.

"Andrew. Andrew please, if you're decent please link and talk with me."
She sounds like she has been crying. Andrew continues to think trying to decide if he should answer.

"Andrew. Please answer me. I didn't know who you were. Really! Ask Missii or Kayla. They won't lie. Please Andrew talk to me." "Andrew?"
He hears her sobs slowly fade away as her voice link diminishes.
If what she said is true then she does like him for himself. ‘I wonder if what they say about Felines is true? Missii did have Kayla look into my mind or soul or whatever she did and she decided I am honorable. But am I being honorable to Alexandra? I want to talk to Missii’.

Andrew Chimes Alexandra. He chimes her again, twice.

"Yes Andrew?" A voice link only. Still with sobs in the voice.

"Alexandra, could I talk with you and both ladies SaVannah? Did you truly not know who I was?"

"No Andrew, I didn't. They may examine my mind they will tell you. I didn't even know what your name meant until you mentioned Primary. Then it ‘clicked' and I knew. I like you. Why does this always happen to me. Something always happens to chase away someone I like. I... I... don't think it is such a good idea for us to work together any more Andrew. I don't think I can bear it."

"Even if I say I'm sorry and beg your forgiveness? Alexandra may I establish the link and hold you? I have a kerchief to dry your tears."



"Andrew, if I let them examine my mind will you believe me then?"

"Lady Alexandra, I believe you now. Please may I establish the link?"

"Not just now Andrew, I'm in my room and that isn't a good idea.
Besides you heard father, Missii must be here when we are together."

"Then call her."



"All right, let me wash my face and I'll go get them. Then we will go to the garden and I'll ring you."

"Thank-you Lady Alexandra. I'll be waiting in the garden."


"Yes? I'm still here."

"I forgot to tell you when I was at Father's. All the arrangements have been made for tomorrow and I have an idea. We may teach the children how to work in teams to hold a link for longer and at less energy per child, then the links may last a longer time."

"That's a great idea. We could teach it to them in the morning and they could practice it in the afternoon."

"Yes, and then you won't be so worn at the end of the links. You could supply part of the energy instead of all of it."

"We'll try it. Good idea. I have something else we may do another day. I obtained about a thousand seeds and we may teach them to spell the seeds and to control small plots of land and the weather above it so the seeds will grow into strong food plants."

"That sounds like fun. Perhaps we could have the children work together at each of their family homes and then their families will have the benefit of a little food."

"See, you do like working with me Alexandra."

"I like kissing you too. Allow me to bring Missii and Kayla. We'll meet you in the garden."

"Ok. May I call on you this evening, Lady Alexandra?"

"Yes you may, Master Andrew. Bye."

"Good bye Alexandra. See you shortly."

A single ring and a single chime.

Andrew goes to the garden which by now is quite dark. His candle does little to dispel the dark so he begins to think of ways to light the garden like day without burning the building down. In the minutes he has before Alexandra calls he has tried several things but none are quite what he is looking for. Sunlight, I want it to be like sunlight. What is sunlight? Something that is burning and throwing both light and warmth. The sun burns in space so it does not use the air. How might I allow something to burn and not use air?

Recalling how ceramics glow brightly when subjected to heat and of the light they produce as a result, Andrew thinks of the ceramics produced by Master Carlaine and the small fragments in the pile of trash behind the that shop. ‘Perhaps if those fragments may be again heated, then they could be joined in a new shape. If I make a transparent ceramic globe which cannot be harmed by heat or light then whatever I use to make that light could be inside the globe. It needn't be very large but should have enough distance between the burning light inside that someone might carry it without harm. Let see, a globe’. He holds out his hands and thinks a globe into existence by bringing shards from that pile of trash and then magically heating them until they flow as his magic shapes them into a globe.

Once completed the magic cools the globe and it drops onto his hands. Now if I create a sun the size of the head of a pin in the very center of that globe. Brilliant light pierces the garden as a small fragment of nuclear plasma taken from the heart of the sun itself appears within the previously created globe. The globe is quickly warming and Andrew places it on the ground looking away from it. The shadow he casts against the wall is sharply outlined by bright light. He now levitates the globe to within a few feet of the roof of the garden. The light is brilliant, almost painful. Reaching out his mind he reduces that little pin head to something a hundredth it's previous size, banishing the excess back to the sun from which it came. The light is still brilliant.

Now he changes the colour slowly toward the yellow and a little red by adjusting the ceramic itself with pigments from the same earthen sources as those used by the craftsmen in the village. The light is almost tolerable. Again he diminishes the size of the nuclear material down to yet another hundredth. This time the light drops slightly to a level almost tolerable. Once again it is cut, this time by ten. Now the light is nearly reasonable and the colour not unacceptable. He finds the globe is misshapen, apparently from the excessive heat originally produced and once again heats and reshapes it into a sphere. During this he discovers portions of the ceramic have thinned and adds more material until the thickness is nearly twice as great as it was originally.

‘I will leave it like that to obtain Alexandra's opinion. Where is Alexandra, by the way'?

Chime. A slight wait. Chime. Ring.

The link established and the gardens pulled close together. The three of them are standing together waiting for him.

"Andrew. What did you do? What is that light?" holding up her hand to try to shadow her eyes from the source of light so she may see what is causing it as she walks into his garden in amazement.

"Look at this." She points around the garden, "Everything is just like day. Is this your answer to Father's light problem?"

"Well, it is a part of it. I need to have a healer look at his eyes and direct me, because I think he may also have a problem with his eyes. But I hope this will help."

"How do you turn it on and off?"

"Uh, I haven't gotten that far yet. What you see there is something I played with from the time we quit talking until just before I chimed you."

"Look, it casts so much light I may see clear over into my garden. You might try glazing the sphere so the light is a little less harsh. Anyway come, I want Missii to check my mind and tell you so you may be assured of the truth then we will be able to go on as though nothing happened. I told her that father wants her present whenever you come calling."

"Ok, and Kayla may be there too. If I wanted to take advantage of you the two of them could easily overpower me. Heck, Kayla could overpower me now, and she is still trying to regain her strength."

Missii interrupts, "Speaking of Kayla, she tells me you haven't yet told her how much you will pay her."

"The topic never had a chance to come up, she collapsed."

"Well, it's coming up now."

"All right. What do you think is a fair rate?"

"I think a hundred gold is a fair rate but she is willing to accept twenty."
"Twenty? You'll bankrupt me in a week. How about two."

"Two? That's completely unacceptable."

"That's all I can afford at the moment. Two gold a day is a lot of money."

"Two gold a day? You think that's a lot? What? You said two gold a day?"

"That's all I can afford just now."

Kayla now speaks up, "I cannot accept two gold a day. In the condition I am in I am not worth two gold a day. Once I am again prime then two a day is a fair rate. I am willing to accept a half gold a day for the next two months and then one gold a day for the following two months while I am recovering. At that time we shall renegotiate. Do you accept?"

Pausing long to appear to be considering it, Andrew gives a dramatic sigh, "Agreed, and when you are fully recovered or six months from now I will raise it to two a day. There is one condition however."

"I don't like conditions. What is it?"

"When Alexandra and I are wed, the two of you come work for us at two gold a day each until the day our first child is born then I will raise it to three gold a day each because you will be protecting our children as well as us."

The two sisters look at each other and smile, each comes to Andrew and shakes his hand saying "Agreed."

Alexandra has been sitting on the bench watching the negotiations. She knows her father is only paying twenty gold a month to Missii so even in her poor condition Kayla will eventually be making more money than Missii.

"Lady Missii SaVannah, I would make a contract with you now as well."

"I cannot, I am under contract to Alex's father."

"I believe that contract is for the protection of his daughter is it not?"

"That is correct."

"Then my contract will not jeopardize the one presently in existence. I wish to pay you ten gold a month in addition to any payment you receive from her father so you may protect my future wife."

"Ten gold to do what I am already doing?"

"More or less. I just want you be as protective of my interests as you are of her father's."

"I've never heard of such a thing. Two contracts to protect the same person?"

"More or less."

"I suppose if you want to give your money away I may accept it. May I give you my answer tomorrow? I am uncertain if I am permitted to accept a second contract such as that."

"Well, then what if the contract is not to protect, but to aid her if necessary? That way you are paid by her father to protect her and you are paid by me to aid her if something comes along that she can't handle."

"That sounds suspiciously like the same thing to me."

"Why are you fighting me when I am trying to pay you money?"

"There is a matter of ethics."

"True. But that is if the two contracts are opposing in their nature. These two contracts are additive and because of that the fees should be additive. Ok, I'll raise it to twenty a month but that's all I may do. Take it or leave it."

Kayla gently jabs her sister in the ribs, "Take it Missii. He is trying to be honorable, don't fight him."

Missii still uncertain about the ethics involved slowly reaches out her hand and takes his, "Agreed," with some reservations and suspicion still in her voice.

"Finally, I was beginning to think the three of you were going to haggle all night. Now Father has given permission for this young man to call on me and since you are both here, I am going to walk in the gardens with him while you watch over us. There is that nice bright light up there so you may easily see us."

Andrew glances toward the globe and a moment later it glazes over further softening the light but still allowing it to remain bright.
Alexandra rises from the bench and takes Andrew's arm in hers. They begin to talk quietly as they walk the trails of the two gardens with a pair of Felines trailing not far behind them, also talking quietly, discussing their new found wealth.

"Just think, sister, in only five months I may possibly again purchase weapons befitting a Feline. I had to sell the ones I had in order to purchase food. The trash I carry now is pitiful. Do you think he could afford to give me an advance so I may purchase fitting weapons for my exercise?"

"I don't know Kayla. Paying us both so much is a lot of money. Then to advance more to purchase your weapons, I just don't know. He surprised me when he offered you two a day."

"I think it is because of his honor, Missii. He wants to pay us what we are worth rather than haggling like most employers. I liked what I saw in his mind. Now I like how he treats us. He acts like we are the people we are and not inferiors. He also has Warrior training and is quite good for a Human. If he was half again better than he is, I would almost accept him as being a Feline in disguise."

Missii begins laughing at the remark, "Maybe we may make him an honorary Feline."

"We might. Let's wait about that until we are all together in one house and we have found our mates. If we don't change our minds about him by then, we shall probably have an accurate appraisal of both his true nature and his ability with weapons."

"Agreed. Can you imagine, twenty gold to do the same thing Alex's Father is paying me to do."

"I still think it has to do with his honor."

"I think there is something more than that. When we were watching you, before we could place the plate of food and the Rose, he nearly cried at the sight of you and your poor condition."



"I think he is a rare Human. If he were Feline, I would consider him as a mate."

"As would I. I hope we find mates as honorable."

"Somehow, I think I want him to meet any potential mate I may consider. His opinion may be valuable."


They continue to follow Andrew and Alexandra as they wander the trails through the joined gardens with occasional halts to allow time for a kiss or two. Kayla lightly jabbing Missii with an elbow as they watch the lovers. About half an hour goes by with the Felines allowing more and more distance between themselves and their charges. Eventually the Felines halt, sitting on a bench where they may watch without the necessity of wandering continually through the gardens.

"Now, where are they going?"

"Catch them quickly."

As Andrew and Alexandra leave the garden and begin walking down a hallway the two Felines hurry after their Human charges following into and down a second hallway which Alexandra and Andrew have taken. This momentarily allows them to disappear from sight before the sisters once again catch up to them just as they reach and knock at a door.

"Enter," is given and Andrew opens the door allowing everyone to enter.

"Sorcerer Gabriel, I wish to present Lady Alexandra Beaumont, daughter of Statesman Jason Beaumont of The Survivor. This young woman and I wish to make the arraignments for marriage, to occur four months from this date. I hope to have her father's permission to marry her within the month. Will you represent me to him tomorrow? He may be present tomorrow afternoon in the training gardens."

The two Felines hug each other in joy and then collectively hug Alexandra.
Gabriel knew Andrew was coming to ask another boon of him but he hardly expected this.

"Andrew, I know you are greatly attracted to Lady Beaumont but unless you are of a great house your chances are very poor. I don't want to have you thinking just because I approach him for you that your chances will improve."

"What would you say the chances of someone like Master de Toraline might be?"

"de Toraline? He is the son of probably the greatest house in all of The Survivor. Statesman Beaumont would be a fool not to accept."

"Then ask him."

"I don't... NO! Andrew... Andrew de Toraline. Why have you hidden your name during these years? Warrior training? And now Sorcery as well? Andrew. I take it you have reasons for hiding your name. Is Statesman Beaumont aware of it?"

"Yes, he learned my name this evening as did Lady Alexandra. My question still stands. Will you represent me to him?"

"Of course! Andrew de Toraline," shaking his head, "What do you expect as a dowery?"

"Nothing. I am asking no dowery. Money cannot match what I may share with the presence of Alexandra. She is priceless. There is one stipulation, however."

Alexandra starts at this statement and has a perplexed and worried expression beginning to form on her face as she continues to listen to Andrew.

"Her father must agree to visit his grandchildren frequently."

At this, Alexandra places her arm around Andrew and lays her head against his shoulder with a large smile brightening her features.
Suddenly an insistent knocking begins at the door, "Sorcerer Gabriel, Sorcerer Gabriel come quickly. Sorcerer Gabriel."

Gabriel throws open his door, "What is it. Why are you in such a panic?"

"Quickly. The garden. Hurry."

Andrew exhales, "Oh No. I forgot. The link is still established between Percoin and here."

"No. No. There is a sun."

"Yes, I am guilty of that as well."

"What is this sun? Show me, Andrew."

Andrew and Alexandra lead everyone to the gardens, where Andrew's globe is still emitting light as bright as day.

"Andrew, what is this?"

"I'm sorry. It's an experiment. Alexandra's father needs to read late into the night and the poor light produced by candles causes him headaches and also seems to be harming his eyes. I created this as a possible light to assist him. I would also like to pay to have a healer look at his eyes."
Gabriel is shaking his head back and forth, smiling as he looks at the garden which is lighted bright as day by Andrew's ‘sun'. He walks into the Percoin garden and it too has a great deal of light although cut by about half due to the increased distance from the brilliant globe hanging in the air.

Walking back to Andrew and Alexandra, "I expect you to put it out when you finish in the garden. And to answer your question, yes I will speak with him about it. Good night Lady Beaumont, Andrew," Gabriel walks away to return to his office still shaking his head, the Sorcerer who called him following.

Alone again in the garden, the two sisters once again hug Alexandra and then Andrew as well. He take the hugs with surprise but accepts them graciously hugging the sisters and thanking them for their well wishes.
Turning to Kayla, "Kayla, I happened to see your weapons when we took you to your room your first day here. I'm sorry to say they are pitiful. I want you to take this and purchase weapons befitting a Feline and Battle Master of the House of Andrew de Toraline." Andrew hands her 160 gold, "spend it well. This should be able to purchase something to make me proud you are a Battle Master of my House. You also, Missii," handing her 160 gold as well, "I haven't seen your weapons, but I want the best to be used by my Battle Masters."

The two Felines are numb with the sudden presence of all that money. Enough to purchase not just the weapons but proper protection while still allowing them freedom of movement.

"What's wrong, isn't that enough. Oh, no it probably isn't, sorry. I'm still thinking in Human terms. Here. Here's another sixty apiece. I forgot your weapons are probably twice as expensive as are mine. Order your weapons tomorrow so you may have them within the next two months. If that still isn't enough once you order your weapons then tell me what is needed and I will provide it. Try to have the weapons matched so whatever you purchase will be of similar steel. Once you have your weapons then I will take them to our family's Weapons Master to arrange to have them spelled. The Sorcerer who will do it will need to meet each of you at that time so the spells may be matched to you as well as to your weapons."

They thank Andrew and look at the small fortune in their hands. Enough to purchase the finest weapons they could ever hope to hold.
Kayla can't stand it, she goes and again hugs Andrew, "If you were Feline, I would marry you." Turning to Alexandra, "If you decide you don't want him, I'll take him." then more rationally, "Your mate is a very special person. You are very fortunate. We shall take good care of you both. May you have large litters."

Alexandra takes a moment to digest everything Kayla has said and then laughs, managing to choke it off quickly. Kayla has meant what she said even if she did place in Feline terms.

"Thank-you. Please remember one thing both of you, don't tell anyone Andrew's last name. If they must have a name then use mine, Beaumont. It is known well enough everywhere in The Survivor."

The Ladies agree they will tell no one of Andrew's name, still looking at the fortune they are holding. Between them they could purchase a small plot of land and a home with enough gold remaining to support them for several years. Missii relates she knows of an armorer who has a weapon, which she has been looking at longingly, on display in his shop. Now she may afford better so they will go in the morning, while Andrew and Alexandra are safe in class, to learn if he may make that which they need.

"Good. Try to be back by the end of noon meal. We may have guests for the afternoon and I would like you each to be there. Kayla, you may need to return a little earlier in the event you need to cross to Scearnvale to retrieve your armor."

The sisters agree with everything he has said. After Andrew quenches and retrieves his ‘sun' everyone returns to their respective sides of the link after they pause for Alexandra to have one hurried kiss before the link closes and they may return to their rooms. Alexandra is in her room making ready for bed when she has a sudden thought.

Quietly she opens a voice link, "Andrew? Don't link, just talk with me a moment."

"Yes, Alexandra?"

"Could you, could you give me a promise ring to wear for this doubly special occasion tomorrow?"

"I may give you a Sorcerer's ring now, if you would have it."

"A Sorcerer's ring? I've never heard of such a thing."

"I hope not. It is something I just thought of a few minutes ago. I don't want it to be too tight so we must start large and slowly work down. Hold out your hand." Andrew takes a gold coin and then adds another to it for good measure.

A little anxious, Alexandra holds out her hand as she sees a simple band of gold appear on her finger.

"Silly, my fingers are not that large... That's still too large... Um, that's closer, just a little smaller... That's perfect," She removes and replaces it several times, " I may remove it to wash but it won't fall off."

She is about to close the link when Andrew interrupts her.

"Wait. I'm not finished yet."

Returning her hand to allow Andrew to finish, she gasps as she sees Diamonds and darker gems begin to ordain the ring with ornate patterns forming near the gems and continuing to follow the gold completely around the inside and outside of the band.

"Those are some Gems which I have collected over the past few years. The patterns, if examined closely, tell a pictorial story of House de Toraline. In that respect it is a very unique ring. There, I have finished."

She feels him take her hand in his and then kiss her hand, releasing it once again. Drawing her hand back, she begins looking at the ring, "It's beautiful Andrew. Thank you," tears of joy begin flowing, and a sob breaks her lips.

"Are you all right Alexandra?"

"I'm, I'm wonderful. Andrew may I link?"

"Go ahead."

She links, immediately throwing her arms around him kissing and hugging him tightly. A few moments later she lays her head on his chest and quietly murmurs, "I love you. I think I loved you the moment I knew how shy you are. Back when you asked Gabriel what to say to me and he was clouded by that red mist."

Again she lifts her head and places her lips on his, kissing long and passionately then withdrawing to her room once more. Closing the link slowly she smiles at him, "I love you Andrew," as her link closes. A single chime fills the air around her as if in agreement.

Alone in her room once again, she goes to her candle and carefully looks at the ring she is wearing. Three large Diamonds surrounded by perhaps a dozen small dark blue stones, possibly Sapphires, the band strong and the stones set into it with fingers of gold reaching out to protectively hold them. Hold them much as Andrew holds her; protectively, gently, lovingly.

She takes her candle and hurries out into the hall down to Missii's room. Knocking several times she calls out, "Missii? Missii, are you there?"
There is no reply so she turns and goes further to the room Kayla has occupied during her stay here. Again she knocks. This time the door opens to reveal Kayla and Missii placing their money into pouches for their shopping tomorrow.

"Oh Missii, and you also Kayla, look at my ring. Andrew just gave it to me as my promise ring."

Any thoughts they may have had about Andrew having little money begin to fade as they look at the ring adorning her finger.

"Those are Diamonds, Alex." gasps Missii.

Kayla sees the Sapphires, "I recognize those dark blue stones, they are Sapphires. The good ones from the mines which now are under the sea, and they are matched gems, very expensive. Where did he get those?"

"I don't know. He said these are gems he has had for several years. I wanted to show you. I must go, I want to show Father."

"Alex wait. I think you better wait until tomorrow to show him. Allow Sorcerer Gabriel to talk with him first then show him. That way he won't have time to change his mind once he agrees with Sorcerer Gabriel."

"Do you really think I should wait? Perhaps you are right. Too much, too soon frequently makes him balk like a mule. Thank-you, that is good advice."

Alexandra returns to her room where she continues to prepare for bed, finally drifting off to blissful sleep. Sleep with dreams of Andrew and of three very young Human children playing with dozens of very young Feline children, under the watchful eyes of Missii and Kayla.

 © 2010 by Rénae Dáºmas. This work may not be replicated or presented in whole or in part by any means electronic or otherwise without the express consent of the work’s Owner (copyright holder), with the exception of the private and non-commercial viewing by the reader who is also the end purchaser. ALL Rights Reserved, including but not limited to ownership of Characters, final content decision, and more. This is a work of Fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional and any resemblance to real people or incidents past, present or future is purely coincidental. Any and all images shown within this work are taken by license under Corel. Sketches are a product originated through the efforts of Terry Volkirch.. No affiliations, involvement or gender assignations through the use of the images provided by Corel, Terry Volkirch or the subjects contained within those posted images or sketches is implied or intended.
An Aldoennetti Original.

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It is a rare place indeed that has not a shred of jealousy or envy in it.
Much like Tedi I think.

I do so wish that Earth could be like this.
I think the problem is mostly men....

Not only men

Regrettably, some women can be stone cold b*tches too. And mind you, we have it good. From what I once read:

Western society, Europeans, all have from time immemorial a certain positiveness to jealousy, competitiveness if you want - "My neighbor had built himself a two-floor house - and I will build a three-floor house for myself!". It promoted development.
At the same time some cultures of Africa had a negative, destructive jealousy - "My neighbor had built himself a two-floor house - and I will go to the witch doctor to curse him and his dog too!" - that promoted mediocrity.

I think that is the greatest problem with humanity - since misery loves company, people put down those who stand out. Especially if the people were happy otherwise. The perverse reverse is also true - and is the reason there are people who treat people they percieve lower than them like shit - because they don't want company, so as to not be considered miserable.


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!