Tranquility-Sorcerer/ Sorceress C-12-37

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Chapter 12

Andrew carries Alice out of the meal hall. Alexandra links to the Percoin garden following the arrival of the SaVannah sisters and everyone quickly crosses, then she drops the link.

Carrying Alice, Andrew follows Alexandra but eventually hands Alice to Missii allowing her to carry the young girl to her room. Alexandra leaves instructions with the Sisterhood to awaken Alice for her meals but to otherwise allow her to rest. Some spelled cold milk and a honey cake are placed on the table for her in the event she awakens sometime during the day but before the next meal. It is covered so her kitty won't get to it and then the food Alice brought from Scearnvale is placed on a platter and more milk goes into a saucer for the small cat which, purring loudly, immediately seizes upon the opportunity for another meal of meat.

Andrew and Alexandra return to the garden and provide the children with an abbreviated day of training since everyone needs rest as a result of the previous day's exertions. The training is ended after only two hours and the children are also given Saturday off to combine with their usual Sunday. Andrew and Alexandra now sit in the much calmer Percoin garden for a few minutes after the children from Scearnvale have returned to their own garden and those from Percoin depart for their rooms.

Finally a few minutes together alone or nearly... They steal a kiss or two and then, too tired to walk, they just sit together comfortable in each others presence. The SaVannah sisters wander in some few minutes later to discover the two love birds fast asleep leaning against each other.

Shaking their heads, "This may be the easiest assignment we shall ever face, Kayla. They are too tired to get into mischief. I'll take mine to her room and you wake him and see he gets back to his. I'll see you again when they are stronger and ready for more."

"All right Missii. Huh, for such a large man he certainly doesn't weigh much. I could carry him all day and I'm still out of sorts."

"Don't show off. Just remember you owe him your life and he is your employer."

"How could I forget. You keep reminding me every ten seconds. I need to awaken him long enough to link to Scearnvale. Andrew... Andrew wake up. Come on we need to go home. OHH, MEN! ANDREW WAKE UP! Make the link. We need to return to Scearnvale."

Sleepily, Andrew opens the link and Kayla rushes them through. As she is half carrying Andrew out of the garden toward his room, "Close the link Andrew, we're home now." She hears and feels a thunderclap which attests to the power held within this magic and which rolls out of the garden dissipating down the hallways in it's pursuit of an avenue of escape.

The next day Andrew and Alexandra communicate through a vision link in order to save energy. They discuss the possibility of training twenty more students and perhaps a dozen or so of the present Purveyors of Magical Arts.

"We may test as many as fifty and accept only the ten or so who are most adept at this new magic."

"I agree, Alexandra. I don't want to take on very many who already have experience as they may be more difficult to train than the young ones who have no experience to speak of."

"We must be careful to select equal numbers from the two continents. Politics will become involved."

"Yes. I wish that wasn't so, but it is a fact of life. We also need to select them so we have equal numbers of men and women from each continent."

"True Andrew. Perhaps we may place a few alternates from each continent on a list so if we find a problem during training we may quickly balance the numbers again."

"Good thought. Perhaps three or four each of men and women from each continent. That way our political problems might be minimized despite any other complications. The alternates could take a spelled coin with them so we may link to them if the need arises or if we decide to increase the class size. They will be the first given the opportunity after those with whom we begin."

Alexandra grimaces at the need for political considerations but having lived with a Statesman all her life she is aware of the problems. Experience with her father having taught her well. They make their decision and Andrew says he will talk with Gabriel today. They will vision link so Alexandra may join the conversation. A few hours later after another nap and meal, Andrew seeks out Gabriel and the two of them discuss their decision with him.

"... so yes, we will do this. We could handle 20 more children in the afternoon beginning in five weeks and make our morning class the advanced one. The afternoons could be the first two months training and the mornings the third through fourth months with a weeks break between the two. After that we will need special courses for the graduates of the morning class. Perhaps they could apprentice to specific practitioners in the field or fields for which they have the greatest affinity. We would, as we said, like to take our present class further before beginning this new group."

Gabriel nods his head seeing the wisdom of this approach, "A month would give us the opportunity to sort out those who have the most difficulty with the old way. How soon may we give you a few Sorcerers and Sisters for advanced training in the afternoons? They could be the ones then who may later assist you teaching the children and also possibly be the ones to offer advanced training in specific Arts. Giving the children a week of rest will allow you to interview those we select for this advanced training. They must have an affinity for this new magic."

Andrew and Alexandra look at each other with questioning glances. This will place a lot of responsibility on their shoulders. They have in the last weeks of teaching the children learned a lot themselves. Taking others who have used magic for years and who are more or less set in their ways of thought in order to retrain them in this new way may be difficult.

They voice their concern to Gabriel who agrees, "I think we will spend the next week screening possible candidates then give them to you for a week to see which may be potential students."

Alexandra offers an idea, "If we consider this for a moment, thus far most of those who have shown the greatest aptitude have been younger. The Sister who is studying, Missii, Andrew and myself, the children; we all are younger in our life spans. This does not mean an older person may have difficulty but it seems to indicate that the less time one has spent in the old way the easier they learn the new. Another concern is their ability to use the old way. There may be those who use it but are not terribly proficient at it. They may also be candidates for the new methods, or they may just be only slightly adept at the use of magic. Our tests will indicate which."

Gabriel gives this thought some consideration as well.

Just then Andrew comes up with an idea. "Here's another thought. The best test I may think of are the new vision and travel links. We could take the Percoin Practitioners to Scearnvale to try to link back to Percoin and those from here to Percoin to link back to here. This gives them a true test for they cannot perform either of those links over that distance using the old magic."

Gabriel agrees with that immediately, "we may select 30 at each location during the next week then give them to you both to test for a few days. Of those, the six or eight from each location who most easily perform the new magic will remain as students for two months. You may continue the next few weeks with the children and then give them a week off. That will give us time to select the adults you will be testing and a week, when the children are off, to actually conduct the tests ."

Alexandra looks at Andrew, "That would be good, Andrew. We will need a few weeks to regain our energy as we will be helping Alice provide more healing to Lady Constance for at least a week and possibly two. We could also ask Grace and Alice to come to the first day of testing that following week so they may demonstrate as we explain."

Andrew thinks about this and agrees with some reservations.

"Adults may not like seeing children do something they cannot. I like the idea of the demonstrations but I think we should let Grace and Alice leave before we begin testing. Perhaps we should also have two boys who are especially gifted demonstrate as well. Then all four may leave before we begin the testing. That way the children only lose the one morning from their free week. How does that sound?"

Gabriel and Alexandra both nod their heads to that idea. Sorcerers will likely relate to the boys more than they would to the girls. The four children could also be introduced as well advanced in their training. This may give the adults less difficulty with children doing things they themselves might not be able to accomplish. Everyone understands there are some who are exceptionally gifted and the children may be presented in this way so no animosity is developed.
"It is nearly eight. We had better be going. We may have the children training this week using only their own energy and learning less taxing uses of magic such that we may rest while still teaching. Alice will need to miss a few days though since she needs to replace the energy she used. In a few weeks we will give the children a week off. Is that enough time to find your adults for us to test? That's only about twenty days or so."

"Yes Andrew. I think we may find them fairly quickly. The word will go out this morning and those interested may notify us here at Scearnvale and those from the Survivor may notify at the Percoin locations. After that it will be a matter of getting the energy for the scanners to bring them all here."

"Good. But rather than spending all that energy to bring people to central locations use a smaller scanner and send them a spelled coin which will be their ‘ticket' for travel. We may link to the coins to bring the candidates to either location. That will be their first indication that things are going to be interesting."

"Andrew, I like it. It may unsettle them enough to arouse interest in learning rather than protesting that it is all smoke and mirrors."

"Andrew, if Gabriel is in agreement with our plan then we have the rest of the day to relax. There are still things we must discuss and lesson plans to go over before Monday."

"All right. Gabriel, after another day of rest we may be ready to see Lady Constance again."

"Good. She is still doing well so we have a little time. Thank you"

"All right. Goodbye, Gabriel."

Saturday ends with plans completed for the children's training program to begin small and gradually work up to more complex spells. The candle spells will be practiced as each of them is not terribly energy consuming but they combination of spell is complex and will require thought and control. Sunday is also spent as a relaxing day with Alexandra and Andrew walking through Percoin, Missii and Kayla in tow.

Plans to see Lady Constance have been made and an appointment to see her before the Monday morning meal is made. Monday, not to be thwarted, comes around quickly and very early the trio are once again traveling with Gabriel to the Elijah home. They are quickly shown to Lady Constance who remains bedridden but who is awake and very much aware of that which is around her. She smiles to see Alice once more, inviting the young girl over and chatting with her before the session begins.

The Healers have not yet located the source of the problem but are closing in. Perhaps another day or two and they will know. Alice prepares to once again heal the Lady's blood and Alexandra and Andrew prepare to give her the energy necessary to accomplish the task. They are more prepared this time for what will occur, especially so since they have all their resources ready rather than having spent most of them in a day of heavy teaching and demonstration.
Alice begins healing the blood and in ten minutes is well on the way to completion. Another ten minutes and she pronounces the blood as healed.

"Now we need find the problem and heal it then the Lady will be better again."

"Alice, perhaps we had best wait to do that another time when we are all fresh again. It may take a great deal of energy for that healing and we must be able to finish it when we start it. We may return in a few days and complete the healing at that time."

Alice, being a perfectionist, is mildly upset at not being allowed to continue right now. Andrew points out how badly the first session had affected her and them and she agrees reluctantly to wait until they have fresh energy.

"Alice," Alexandra point out, "When we come next time you may heal the real problem. Then it will heal the small problem of the Lady's blood without our help. For now she is quite well and may easily handle a few days more without the final healing."

Alice is still concerned but understands and again agrees to the plan. Lady Constance is overjoyed that she is doing so well and feels so improved.

"Don't overdo yourself Lady Constance, there is still important work to be done on your behalf. You are not out of the woods yet."

"True. But I thank all of you for that which you have done thus far. This is time I would not have had but for your care. Thank-you."

They say their good-byes as they walk to the scanner room where Andrew links to the Scearnvale Garden that they may go to Breakfast before training begins. After breakfast, Alexandra accepts Andrew's arm as they go to the garden to find the Scearnvale children, Kayla and Sister Odelia waiting. Andrew links to Percoin and they all cross quickly, at Alexandra's urging, into the Percoin garden. Andrew closes the link and another day begins.

"Alexandra, could you have the Sisters bring us honey cakes and milk? The children will be using a lot of energy and you and I could probably do with more ourselves. When they bring the honey cakes then they may take Alice to her room since she again seems to be needing sleep."

"Certainly. I think I'm going to ask for another meal as well, would you like one?"

"I won't turn it down. Alice nearly drained me during that healing session. She certain is able to use far more energy than she has herself."

They situate everyone and shortly thereafter the lessons anew begin, two Sisters arrive with the honey cakes, two meals, wine, water and some milk for the children. During the next two days the children are directed to practice the candle spells and their visual links. After the two days they are able to initiate the visual links almost instantly. The travel links which require more energy are also practiced but they are kept open only for very short times since Andrew is offering no energy to assist. The children's endurance is improving with each use and they are capable of linking to a place with which they are familiar very rapidly now. Where the first attempts took a minute or even more, now they are established in a matter of less than a few seconds and without Andrew's assistance.

Missii is also rapidly becoming adept at this new magic training privately with Alexandra in the afternoons as well as during the morning session. She shows off the skills she is gaining at every opportunity, slowly becoming a third teacher for the children. Kayla has also begun studying and has quickly become adept at a number of spells including energy transfer. The travel link still eludes her but she is in eager pursuit and quite capable at the vision link and spelling candles as well as able to construct a ‘sun' such as the one Andrew constructed as an experiment and which he modified to allow Alexandra's father to use as his light source.

That little ‘experiment' worked out so well that there are now ten such globes of various sizes in use at her father's home. The largest welcoming travelers to the entry hall of his home and the smallest, being less than the size of a thimble, has been spelled to follow her father wherever he may go as well as allowing him to turn it on or off and even dim at his verbal command.

By the end of the fourth day following her second attempt at healing Lady Constance, Alice has fully recovered, having missed only the one day of lessons. Now they return for another healing session with Lady Constance at the Elijah home. By now Andrew and Alexandra are fully recovered as well. This time Missii and Kayla are also prepared to offer energy for use by Alice. Grace wants to come also as she is able to transfer energy as well and has had little challenge for her abilities and energy during the past few days.

Andrew declines her assistance but Alexandra overrules him, "It may do well for her to work with Alice at this. They do spend a lot of time together and each knows much about how the other performs magic."

Andrew accedes this point and tells Grace she may also come along. This time the six go from the Percoin garden directly to the Elijah's home. Arriving there, Andrew rings the visitor’s bell and soon there are servants to attend to their arrival. The servants are informed that the group has arrived to perform additional healing for Lady Constance. One of the Servants rushes off to notify Lady Constance and the other to find President Elijah who walks into the reception hall less than a minute later. He sees them and, smiling like any politician, welcomes them to his home.

"I am very glad to meet you again, especially you young lady," as he squats down near Alice and reaches out, taking her hand and kissing it.

"Would you mind introducing me to the other young lady?"

Alice smiles at his kiss of her hand and turns toward Grace, "This is my best friend, Grace. Grace this is President???"

Maurice laughs, "I'm surprised you remember that much. You were very tired when you heard them use my title that first time. My name is Maurice. I am pleased to meet you, Grace." He takes her hand and kisses it also. Just then the servant who was checking on his wife returns telling them she is ready to receive them.

They follow the Servant with Maurice coming up behind and are taken into a drawing room where Lady Constance is waiting. She is still looking much better than the first time and has been up and around a bit since their second visit although she has taken care not to exert herself unduly. Two healers are with her and the younger one turns to the group which has just arrived.

"I'm sorry, but I do not remember which of you is Alice," he says to the girls. Alice goes forward to him and offers her hand which he also leans to kiss.

"Healer Alice, I am grateful you have returned. If you may come over to Lady Constance, I would like to show you something we have discovered."

He leads her to Lady Constance and indicates upon her side an area about the size of his hand, "We have looked for that problem you mentioned during the first visit. We believe it lies near to this area of her body. I have learned to watch the blood in the manner you use since your last visit and I believe the blood is better when it approaches this area and worse when it departs. We shall leave you and your entourage to work. Thank-you for coming again."

The healers depart the room and everyone crowds around Alice who now places her hand at the area the healer mentioned. She closes her eyes and is concentrating on that area.

"He was right. The blood is better when it enters this area and worse when it leaves. Alexandra may I look at you in the same place? I don't know what's wrong so I need to see on someone who is not sick."

Alexandra tells her to go ahead and look. Alice goes back and forth between them a few times, her face screwed up in a look of confusion.

"I found it. In Alexandra the blood goes in and come out better, but in Lady Constance it comes out worse."
She continues to check back and forth several more times before exclaiming, "Oh! There is the problem. It is very sick, but I think we may fix it."

She goes over to Lady Constance once again and prepares to work at healing. The others open themselves to delivering energy and once Alice has the connections she begins. Several minutes go by during which Grace finally drops out. Lady Constance moans in surprise every now and again, but appears to be feeling better and better.

After a few more minutes Alice quits, "That part is healed now. It is working properly. May I rest for a few minutes
before we heal the blood?"

"Yes. We shall all rest for a short while. When you heal the blood remember we all must save some energy so we may return home. If the area which you healed is functioning properly now then it may complete the healing of the blood and we will return again in a few days to check on the progress."

"Okay. Last time I was very tired when we finished. This time I will let us all save some energy, The lady is doing much better."

A few more minutes go by with everyone chatting with Lady Constance. Once again, they begin to perform a partial healing of the blood. This time Alice begins healing the blood further just after it passes through the area which had been healed only minutes earlier. Again Lady Constance appear to grow significantly less pale as her blood improves. After only a few minutes Alice stops and watches for a few minutes more.

"I think we will stop now and come again in a few days to see her. The blood is being healed properly now so she may be better the next time we visit."

"Thank-you Alice. Thank-you all. This is the best I have felt in many months except for your last visit. I am indebted to you." She crouches next to Alice and kisses her on the forehead then does the same for Grace who is wide eyed at having an important Lady treat her so nicely. Lady Constance holds everyone's hand in turn as she thanks each of them.

"I didn't know that Feline had healers too."

"We are not actually healers Lady," replies Missii, "We provide energy that Alice may use for healing."

"Speak for yourself Missii, I was watching how Alice was doing this and I think I am going to begin to learn this. It could be useful," Kayla notes.

Andrew chimes in with, "Kayla, healing is more a gift than a learned talent. You may not be able to do it."

"I watched what Alice was doing. Not what you saw on the outside, but on the inside. I saw how she healed the blood and I think I could do this also. I just never had truly effective control of magic until your new methods. Now that I have some control, I understand and believe I could do this. Lady Constance would you allow me just a few seconds to try healing a little of your blood? A second or two will not have severe effect but will tell me a great deal about my possible ability."

"Kayla, this is not a good idea," Andrew interrupts, "If you cause some damage we cannot heal then Lady Constance's life could be forfeit. I do not want that on my conscience."

Kayla thinks about it, "How then do I ever learn if I may heal? If I try to heal someone who is dying and heal them but they die then how do I know I ever healed them? Where do I begin to learn? The best way is to start with someone who is not terribly sick and try to help them. If they become a little worse then I am no help and if they become a little better then I know I might. Lady Constance is nearly healed and Alice is here and with all of us to provide energy so she may correct any small error I may make. I do not want to make a big change but just try to help a small part of the blood to see if I understand what Alice was doing. At worst we may need to heal a small portion of the blood and at best we may learn I have the talent and I may start learning more."

Lady Constance halts the discussion by inserting her own thoughts, "YES! Kayla come here and go ahead. I feel much better at the moment and if you are only going to try to heal just a little of my blood then there will not be a drastic affect."

The discussion ended, Andrew is clearly not pleased but allows that Kayla's argument has validity. He prepares everyone to step in to help Lady Constance should something disastrous begin to occur and Kayla goes over and touches Lady Constance on her arm. While concentrating on that which she is doing she becomes more aware of the blood pumping through the Lady's veins and tries to see what it is that is the problem.

Alice has prevented Andrew from stepping in, "I'm watching. All she is doing just now is trying to decide what the problem is."

After a minute or two Kayla's face shows she recognizes what is happening.

"Kayla is going to try to heal some blood now. No Kayla, not that way. Let me show you."

Alice goes over and places her hand next to Kayla's. After a few seconds Alice smiles, "That's right. That's the way it should be. Try a little more... That's right. See it isn't hard, it just takes a long time and uses a lot of energy because it takes so long."

They both stop and Kayla hugs Alice, "Thank-you, may I study healing with you?"

"But I don't study. I just know what is wrong and fix it."

"That's fine with me. If I may watch and help, then I will begin to understand better and I'll be able to help people too."

Alice agrees it would be nice to have someone help her with healing people since, "sometimes it is too difficult for me. I understand what to do but I can't do it. If you can do it then I could show you and you could do it then show me how you did it. That way we both get better."

Kayla again hugs Alice and turns to Andrew, "May I study with Alice? As I am in your employ I must have your permission to do it."

"Permission granted. To have a Healer in my employ would be a benefit. Any funds earned through your work at healing shall be split half and half. As it will be your effort you should at least receive part of any payments. I will also grant you three silver for each major healing you perform if no other funds are received as payment for your services. You also Alice."

Lady Constance listens to this and turns whispering something to a nearby servant who hurries out of the room. Everyone begins to walk back to the arrival hall and by the time they enter it the servant returns to Lady Constance.

"Here Alice, here is one gold for your services. This is your money to use as you decide. Kayla here is one gold for you also. Andrew as you seem to be responsible for each of them here is two gold as per your bargain with them. Alexandra, you, Missii and Grace each receive three silver for assisting. I trust these payment are enough for this visit?"

"Lady Constance you need pay us nothing," Andrew replies as everyone else stands there stunned.

"Nonsense, men are not very practical are they ladies? We have paid far more to the healers who were unable to heal me. They were paid for helping me and I am grateful. Alice was the one who began my real healing. Take the money. It is little compared to that which you have returned to me." She turns to the girls, "What will you do with your new found wealth?" expecting to hear they will spend it on candy or some other small things.

Grace immediately, "I'm going to give it to my Mother. She lives alone and doesn't always have enough money. This will help."

Alice pipes up with, "Alexandra will you save this for me? I need to begin saving money so I will have a dowry when some nice young man wants to marry me."

Alexandra smiles, "I will place it into the bank in an account for you. You may even keep the account book. Each time you want to put money in or take it out you will need the book. We had best be going Andrew. The children will need to rest before supper."

Andrew nods in befuddled agreement and as Alexandra opens the link to Percoin, he makes the necessary Good-byes with the President and Lady Elijah.

"A moment," Lady Elijah speaks up, "I see flowers in there that I have not seen before, may I have one?"
She walks over to some plants indicating a purple and white flower.

"Those are Orchids. Here let me pick one for you and spell it so it will last a few weeks. They tend to wither very quickly and in only two days are gone." Alexandra spells the Orchid and hands it to Lady Constance.

"An Orchid. Thank-you. They are beautiful. Do they thrive here?"

"This is Percoin of the Survivor, our weather is much warmer, and here in the home of the Sisterhood they are protected from much of the cold, so yes they tend to survive here. I don't know how they would do in The Shambles. I will see if I may obtain a plant from the Sisters. If so then the next time we come I shall bring it for you."

"Percoin? The Survivor? We walked the short distance from my home to this spot and actually have gone that far?"

"Yes. This is a new control of magic. Andrew and I are training children in this. It is far more powerful than the old magic. That is the reason Alice has been able to help you where advanced healers using the old ways could not."

"My gain. This is amazing. Thank-you for the Orchid. Is it safe to walk back into my home now?"

"Of course. After you are safely home I will close the link."

Lady Constance walks back until she is next to her husband once again, turning to wave to Alexandra and the children. Andrew and the Felines stand next to Alexandra while in conversation. The link closes slowly and Alexandra asks Grace,"Do you want to give the money to your mother now? With everyone here to help provide energy we could hold open the link for a short while and you could give her the money quickly then return."

"No. I get to visit again for a whole week soon when we are not studying so I will give it to her then. Thank-you though. May we go now?"

Alexandra gives the girls permission to leave and they walk off deep in discussion.
Missii and Kayla walk over to Missii's room for a few moments as Andrew begins a discussion with Alexandra while they sit on a bench near her room.

"Alexandra, I have been thinking about this training we are going to be offering to those who already practice it. I am going to contact my father to have him see if there are two there who could study with us. If your father also employs Sorcerers or Healers then perhaps you should let him know and he could give us two as well. We will also increase Missii's and Kayla's training but I don't want to limit them by including them in this new class. The way they are learning now they are advancing as rapidly as the children. Perhaps even more so since they have more stamina."

"Yes, he has a quite a few. I provided much of the magical use at home but there are a number of them there. You never know when they might be needed during some event which he might be hosting. They generally were there for unexpected needs of the guests. I'll talk with him later. Thank-you for thinking of it."
They continue to sit on the bench while waiting for the sisters to return, occasionally quickly kissing so as not to be discovered, and chatting again about the family they will eventually be raising.

 © 2010 by Rénae Dáºmas. This work may not be replicated or presented in whole or in part by any means electronic or otherwise without the express consent of the work’s Owner (copyright holder), with the exception of the private and non-commercial viewing by the reader who is also the end purchaser. ALL Rights Reserved, including but not limited to ownership of Characters, final content decision, and more. This is a work of Fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional and any resemblance to real people or incidents past, present or future is purely coincidental. Any and all images shown within this work are taken by license under Corel. Sketches are a product originated through the efforts of Terry Volkirch.. No affiliations, involvement or gender assignations through the use of the images provided by Corel, Terry Volkirch or the subjects contained within those posted images or sketches is implied or intended.
An Aldoennetti Original.

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Excellent Story

Jemima Tychonaut's picture

Excellent as always. There is something hard to put into words about this story which just pleases me so much.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Great Magic

terrynaut's picture

What I like best about this story is the way magic works. Magic almost seems "real" the way Teddi described it. I also really like the gentle flow of the plot. I liken this story to a large, slow river that meanders down a very wide, old valley.

Thanks for posting, Rénae.

- Terry

I gathered from the description

That apparently Lady Constance was plagued by sick kidneys.

It is very interesting how rapidly does the new magic develop and how much the powers increase and gather around Alex and Andrew. As if providence itself is preparing them for the tasks ahead.


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!