Tranquility-Sorcerer/ Sorceress C-21-37

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Chapter 21

Missii and Kayla situate the Felines they just hired, introducing them to the previous four Feline hires and the ten human warriors. This gives the house a combat force of 34, plus Missii and Kayla, with the weight heavily on the Feline side.

Everyone, including the humans, are sharing rooms two to a room. As quickly as possible the other buildings will be completed and amenities readied. The cistern is nearly a fifth full with water which has been drawn from the river and brought up in barrels by cart during the past three days, eight barrels once an hour during the daylight hours. The spell ingot storeroom has nearly a thousand ingots in it and almost as many spelled candles with a few thousand more of each to be added within a week. A quick introduction by Missii and Kayla as to the spells and conveniences is made so all may use them.

The spell driven water heaters are functioning and the Felines have baths, which they come to enjoy to a slight degree now that the experience of heated water is available. Water on the outside of an individual is still not a favored thing, but the very warm water is more tolerable than simply cold water would be. The kitchen is complete and functioning. Chefs are present but remain without that final touch of a Master Chef, who will appear in just two more weeks having finally accepted Andrew’s matching offer. As it is, the food is good and hot, the wines good and cold and there is plenty of meat, much to the delight of the Felines and I-Cats. Even second helpings if so desired... Even thirds in some cases.

Missii and Kayla perform some simple spells as if in passing to show they have that ability in addition to their combat capabilities and also let everyone know that if they are interested and show the talent then they too may be taught. A caution is given, that the woman who is to be Andrew’s wife is also a Sorceress as are their two adopted daughters, this way no one will be surprised to see their use of magic. The one daughter, Alice, and Kayla herself are described as being the two House healers.

"The daughters, and Lady Alexandra are much like Andrew. They feel you are all people and not things. This is a home for everyone who is here and not just a place to work. You will be paid, but you will be treated equally with everyone else. If there is a battle then the most grievously injured will be treated first regardless of race."

Now that is something the Felines will need to see to believe. If true though...

"All right, ‘Guard commanders’, how often do we see our pay? If ever?"

Missii and Kayla are shaken from their reverie of having their own elite force to command by the question thrown at them by the large Feline who had previously challenged Andrew. Missii quietly allows Andrew, who is off conferring with the builder, to hear the conversation even as they confront the large male.

"And how would you like to see your pay made to you?"

"Oh. Well, the month in advance might be nice. I would rather be paid before the fact than to have spent my time and find there is no pay forthcoming."

Now that gets the interest of all the other Felines who have had similar problems with other human employers.

Andrew walks up behind them unseen, "Then how about six months in advance, and each month paid in advance thereafter, for all of you?"
The Felines start at his voice and begin to react while just digesting what he has said. Individual rooms in a month to six weeks, good food, good wine with the meals, hot bathing water with no limits or expense to them and now advance pay? If true then this is indeed a strange employer and possibly one worth keeping.

"All right then, six months in advance. I’ll just test your story. That’s 365 gold for each of us."

Andrew looks the troublemaker in the eye and says, "Tomorrow morning at seven will be the time for your pay. The twenty four of you and the ten humans will all be paid at that time."

"Why should the humans receive the same pay we are receiving? We are each worth ten of them."

"Enough," Kayla screams at the male, "If you don’t like the conditions then why did you hire on?"

"I didn’t. I said I would consider it."

"Then consider yourself out of it. You will receive one day’s pay and be gone immediately after. You have no honor."

The male is now ready to fight, both for the slur and for control of the Pride, as is the other who was at the table with him.
Andrew spells them both with a stasis.

"I will not have fighting among those who are to protect my family. Any who wish to leave with these two may do so and I will provide each of you with one week’s pay. If those who leave are seen on my property again your lives will be forfeit."

"You are not going to kill them now?" someone asks.

"No. Why should I do that over a simple disagreement? They are free to go with a week’s pay in their pocket and my commander’s shall open a gateway to that same Inn where we first met. If any of you want to see that these two get there safely, then wish to return here and remain in my employ, you may do so."

Three say they want to see this and prepare to depart with the two males, "But we want to return."

"Missii and Kayla will keep the gateway open so you may see the two are safe then you may return here. Tomorrow at seven you will all be paid for six months and that includes the I-Cats."

Andrew places fourteen gold into each of two pouches and hands them to Kayla to give to the males when they are in the Inn in Percoin. The gateway is opened and Andrew lifts the stasis. Missii has had the possessions of the males brought to them and the six walk through to the Inn. The pouches of gold are given to the two males, their possessions placed with them and four return to Andrew’s property, the gateway dropping behind them. Everyone returns to their rooms to consider the events which just transpired.

Now Andrew and the SaVannah sisters depart for Percoin. They check the classes and Andrew lets Alexandra know how things are progressing then he and Kayla depart to check with his brother once again concerning the property transfers as well as make the arrangements for the gold to pay everyone.

Giving his brashness some thought, Andrew comments to Missii,

"That’s a lot of gold. Over 13,000. If they all just take it and run, it will hurt."

"They will not dare. Honor is at stake here. You keep your word and pay them in advance and if they keep the gold and depart then the word would go out and no one would hire them."

"Somehow, that doesn’t seem as though it would bring my gold back."

"Andrew, stop worrying. Felines are more honorable than humans. Paying them in advance will prove to them that you trust them, and that your word is honorable as well. Two weeks from now many of them will likely be asking you to keep their gold safe for them."

"I’d rather they put it into the Bank. Then I don’t need to worry about it."

"Very well. But you may need to show us how this bank thing works."

"Kayla, do you mean to tell me you don’t keep your money in a bank?"

"I never have more than a hundred gold so I carry it."

"Well, tomorrow you will have 550 gold so you better decide what you’re doing with it."

"Me? 550 gold? Why?"

"I’m paying everyone six months in advance and that includes you and Missii. Now are you interested in the bank?"

"Is it safe?" she nearly whispers.

"As safe as anything else. And you don’t need to put it all in. You may keep some of it out to carry in the event you want to purchase something."

Kayla remains fairly quiet the rest of the afternoon.

Eventually Andrew can’t stand it, "Kayla, are you all right?"

"I’m thinking about the bank. What if I don’t want all my gold in advance?"

"Sorry. If I am paying the others then it would seem strange not to pay my commanders as well."

Again, nearly in a whisper," Are you certain the bank is safe?"

Andrew is nearly laughing, he shakes his head, "I have thousands in gold in the bank. I stand to lose much more than you would. Besides I’m part owner."

"Oh! Why didn’t you say so? All right, how much do I put in the bank?"

"Kayla. You don’t need to put any in it if you don’t want to do it. The amount is up to you. They won’t take it away from you. You will have a little book like this one," he pulls out a small booklet which has amounts written into it.

"It will show how much gold you have placed into the bank and any time you want it you just go to the bank and give them the book then tell them how much you want. They will make the change in your book and then give you the gold. You just watched me do it."

"But they didn’t give you any gold."

"That’s because they moved it into my small vault and then I will magically bring it from there to the house tomorrow morning in order to pay everyone."

"Oh. I see," although it is obvious that she doesn’t understand at all.

"Banks may be confusing," she mumbles as they walk off.

"Andrew? What do they do at this bank? When I want more of the gold which I used to buy the little book, do they tear a page out of the book to give me the gold?"

Andrew laughs and shakes his head, "Kayla, you just watched me take money out of my account. All they do is make a change in my book which then shows how much I have remaining, how much I am withdrawing, and they put my withdrawal into my small safe in bags. Each bag has the amount I noted on the paper I gave to them. They will mark each bag so I know the amount in each and then we will give them out to each person at the property, after they sign for it of course. That way I may prove I gave them the money."

"This is confusing."

"Kayla, come with me. We’ll open your account right now so you may see how it is done."

Andrew and Kayla return to the bank with Kayla becoming less and less certain of the forthcoming actions with every step she takes. At the bank, Andrew draws the bags of gold from his safe and finds one of the two for Kayla and Missii then returns the others to the safe.

"Here is your money, you may sign for it tomorrow. Now decide how much you want to keep with you and we will use the rest to open your account."

After several minutes of indecision, Kayla finally places 50 gold into her coin purse and the remaining five hundred will be her deposit. They go to open her account.

"I want to buy one of those little books," she says to the lady in New Accounts.

Andrew begins to chuckle and the lady just looks confused.

"Kayla would like to open an account with our bank. She has an initial deposit of five hundred gold to make."

"All right, fill out these papers and I’ll count the gold to be certain of the amount."

Kayla very hesitantly hands her bag of gold coin to the woman with great concern crossing her face. The lady draws back, "Are you certain you wish to do this? Is she safe?"

Andrew smiles, "Everything is just fine. This is Kayla’s first account and she is a bit concerned."

The lady calms and begins to explain everything which is happening. She counts the gold with Kayla watching intently and makes a note into one of the ‘little books’ showing Kayla exactly what she is doing. Then she helps Kayla to fill out the paperwork requesting the account.

"Is this to be a short term account or do you want it to be interest bearing?"

Kayla’s eyes go round as saucers. Andrew steps in and begins to explain the differences in the accounts and others which are available.

"They will pay me to keep my gold for me?"

"Yes, but it is more difficult to take your gold out if you need it. Also if you take some of it out then they don’t pay you as much as they would if you allowed it all to remain with the bank."

"Should I mark my gold so they know it is mine?"

"That isn’t necessary."

"But what if they give me someone else’s gold by mistake? I don’t want to steal from someone."

"The gold will be safe. All of the gold placed into the bank is placed together for the bank to use in investments. Your five hundred gold wouldn’t purchase the mill down the road, for instance, but the gold from all the people could purchase the mill. The bank then owns the mill and starts to grind wheat to produce flour as well grinding other grains. They charge people money to do this and that money comes back to the bank. As people, such as yourself need some of the money shown in their little book, then the money that is coming back is used to provide those funds.

It is also used to add to the funds each person has placed here. That is given in appreciation for allowing them to use your funds. When enough people do this then the bank may invest in other businesses or provide loans to those who need temporary funds for some project. The payments made returning those funds are also used as is the money from the grinding of the grains."

"This is all very confusing. Will my money be safe?"

"Yes, it will be safe."

Kayla watches as the lady writes a number into the book and the amount Kayla has given her, then she carries the bag of gold and the little book away, with Kayla watching every step she takes so the little book will not vanish. Eventually the lady returns with the little book Kayla just bought.

"Now don’t lose this passbook. It is your proof that you placed money in the bank. You will also need it if you wish to remove some of your money."


"Laural, would you also place a record of Kayla’s name, account number and amounts into my business drawer? She and a number of others are in my employ and if they lose their passbooks then that information could be used to protect her assets."

"Certainly, Master Andrew. How many others will there be?"

"I don’t know how many will wish to do it. Possibly a total of as many as thirty. This is a new and frightening thing for them. Battle is easier."

"I think I understand. Welcome to The Bank of Commerce, Kayla."

Again Kayla is silent as they depart the Bank, in the interest of time Andrew opens a gateway to the Sisterhood’s Conclave and walking through it is like turning on a faucet. Kayla now has hundreds of questions pouring out concerning her money and the bank.

"Kayla, Andrew? What’s all this about?"

"Hello Alexandra, Alice, Rachel, and of course, Kitty," as Andrew gives the kitten a small bow.

"Kayla has just opened an account at the bank and is more than a little concerned about the welfare of the money she just placed there."

"Ahhh. Kayla, it is perfectly safe and with the correct account they will even pay you a little money in order to have the use of yours."

Kayla still looks like she uncertain and is clutching the little book like she expects it to vanish if she puts it down or turns her back.

"I don’t know. That was a lot of gold just for this little book."

Alexandra laughs, "That little book is just a record to prove you have money with the bank. Think of it like this, let’s say there were five of you who all wished to purchase a house, for instance. None of you had the money to purchase the house but if all five of you go together then you have enough and you go ahead and purchase the house. You all share it but it is yours.

Putting your money in the bank is sharing with very many other people. The bank uses the money you have placed there to purchase big things which none of you could otherwise purchase, then it allows others to use those things for a fee. That fee helps to pay the people who work at the bank and also provides a little money back to add to what you originally placed there. Slowly the amount you have in the bank grows larger."

"But what if I want my gold back?"

"Then you just go to the bank, give them the little book and ask for your money."

"How will I know it is my gold?"

"Do you have money in your coin purse right now?"


"Does that money have your mark on it?"

"No, but I may put one there."

"That isn’t necessary. The money in your coin purse is that which eventually you will use to purchase things. When you use it, then the money becomes some other person’s money and you have whatever you purchased. So really, the money you have in your coin purse will belong to someone else."

"I have stolen someone’s money?" Kayla asks worried, "Andrew gave it to me."

"No, no. You haven’t stolen anything. I’m just saying that the money belongs to everyone and while you have it then it is your’s. When you give it to someone else, then it is their’s. Some of the money you receive in change once was in another’s coin purse but that doesn’t mean it isn’t yours. It means we all share the USE of the money. It is simply a way of saying we have a certain amount which we are allowed to claim for our own use.

The passbook you are holding tells you that you have funds in the bank. You may use those funds. If you go to the bank and remove some of those funds to use for... oh... purchasing a dagger, then they hand you the amount you want and you go make your purchase. Just like the change you received from a merchant, the actual coins may have been in another’s coin purse before they went into the bank and like the merchant, the bank now transfers them to you. The amount you have in the bank is shown in the passbook."

"This is all very confusing."

"After a while it will make more sense to you, Kayla."

"I don’t know..."

"How much did you put into the bank, Kayla?"

"Five hundred gold."

"I see why you’re worried. That must be almost everything you have, mustn’t it?"


"Where would you put the gold if not in the bank?"

"I would carry it."

"If you must fight or perform heavy work then wouldn’t it get in the way?"

"Yes. But to keep it safe I would need to have it near me."

"Isn’t it easier to carry the little passbook?"


"Then let the bank protect your gold and you may protect that little passbook, isn’t that much easier for you?"

Kayla’s face brightens a moment later, "So if I keep this little book safe, then the bank will keep my gold safe?"

"That’s much the way the agreement functions. You both have an agreement to keep something safe."

"No one will get this little book from me, the bank may be certain I will protect it. Why didn’t they just say it was an agreement?"

"They do Kayla, they just need to confuse it with a lot of big words which don’t mean a lot to most of us." She sticks her tongue out at Andrew, then smiles, laughs and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

Kayla, meanwhile, is busy placing the passbook into her prized possessions bag and secures the small bag once again within the folds of the pouches worn at her belt.

She puts her hand on the hilt of her sword, "I swear I will protect that little book as the bank will protect my gold."

Andrew gives Alexandra a smile and a wink, "Thanks."

She shrugs and twitches an eyebrow in return, "You’re welcome. Now what brought all that about?"

Andrew explains the agreement to pay everyone and how he paid Kayla immediately so she could put some of her pay into a bank account. The resulting confusion and, with Alexandra’s help, the solution. "Maybe I should recommend the bank hire you."

"Perhaps you should. I do think, however, that I have quite enough to handle at the moment. Two homes to run, two daughters to raise, teaching two classes of students while you are off running around. Yes I think I have quite enough to accomplish."

Andrew gives Alexandra a ‘hurt’ look as she is giving him a mock scowl. He reaches over and gently gives her an embrace then kisses her cheek.

"What? You won’t kiss me now? Is this what married life will be like?"
Andrew comes over again, pulls Alexandra into an embrace and kisses her... And kisses her... And...

"Hey, come up for air you two," Missii admonishes.

They separate, both panting heavily, eyes focused on each other to the exclusion of the rest of the world.
Alexandra gives Andrew a light jab, "So... You’re going to be gone from Training again tomorrow?"

"Not for long. We’re going to pay everyone at seven and I hope it will be finished satisfactorily by eight so I may return here to help with the training. I really don’t want to go through all that again with a group tomorrow."

"Well, if I have a problem then I may always ring you," the small bell tinkles in the air near to them, as Alexandra reaches over to him and gently uses her finger to remove a small smudge of lipstick which has found its way from her lips to his.

The rest of the early evening is a bit more mundane with them discussing the house, the field, the children (classes), the children (daughters), their guard, the new property and spelling the falls to siphon off a small portion to fill the cistern. Exactly how they will do this without flooding the house is a sought after topic until they decide to place the spell at the cistern to allow water a controlled rate of entry until nearly filled and then cutting off the flow. For safety’s sake they decide to make this a five LARGE ingot holder spell despite the possible need for only the smaller ingots. They are not, after all, lifting the water. They are only guiding it into an invisible channel and then allowing it to flow from the falls to the cistern as needed.

"Andrew, I would greatly prefer we only allow about half the cistern to fill as we observe the action of the spells. I don’t want to walk away and then find the spells don’t function properly. I’m most concerned with stopping the flow. Once we have had several days to see the spells function properly then we may raise the water level to three quarters and again later to nearly full."

"We may always add a backup spell that if the main spell does not stop filling the cistern by the time it is nearly full then the backup spell removes the main spell and banishes the invisible air channels. That might soak whoever is below the channel but the cistern and house will be protected."

Alexandra visualizes whomever winding up receiving an unexpected bath of cold water.

"That might not be such a good thing during the winter. Why not just halt the flow at the source and divert the water back into the river?"

"But the other way is so much more fun," Andrew jokingly complains.

Alexandra gives him another scowl and a light tap on the shoulder.

"Oh... Oww... Ahh..."

Missii instantly is paying attention again, "What happened?"

"She hit me."

Missii clouts him on the side of the head.

"Owww. What was that for?"

"If Alexandra hit you, there had to be a reason," she clouts him again.


"Missii, stop!" Alexandra cries out, "It was a joke."

"Oh? A joke?" She turns back to Kayla and they resume their discussion.

Andrew hears something to the effect, "Humans have strange jokes."

"Maybe it is just these two. They are different than most. That may be part of the reason they are so likeable."

The sisters wander off a short distance still in deep discussion about the family guard and the property. Alexandra now tends to Andrew’s bruised head and ego.

"I’m sorry Andrew."

"You didn’t do anything, Alexandra. I need to remember not to joke too much around them though."

"Since you are going to the house tomorrow morning are you going to spell the cistern while you’re there? I would really prefer you wait until we may both be there and have time to watch it all, just in case."

"Yes. I was intending to do that but you’re right. I’ll wait until the next weekend when we may be there for several hours. A lot of water goes over those falls so even though I only tap a small amount and the cistern is large, it may still fill quickly. Another reason to take the time and do it in stages is the possible need to add extra support under the cistern as it fills. They have calculated the support needed and then doubled it but I would rather be safe than sorry.

Perhaps I should begin staying there at night, that way I have a chance to find some of the little things that will need correcting before too much has been accomplished all around them preventing them from being easily remedied."

"I was actually hoping we would move there together Andrew with neither of us having occupied the house beforehand. It would be more like our first home together. As it will be my home too I was hoping to put more of my ideas into it as well."

"Okay, I can understand that. Maybe we could go there Saturday morning and stay through to Sunday evening... In separate rooms of course."

"The sisters wouldn’t allow it any other way, but yes that does sound nice and the girls and Kitty could come along as well. Our first real outing together as a family and staying the night together under one roof. We will need to furnish the rooms. Let’s take Missii and Kayla and have a quick look around the house again, then tomorrow we may go after training to select the furnishings for the bedrooms. This will be so much fun. And we had best find a swing for Alice while we’re at it."

"I’ll never hear the end of it if we don’t. I suppose I better check my gemstones tomorrow as well, so I know what I will use for Rachel’s ring. Having a family is a bit complicated isn’t it?"

"I think that is because they came ready made, Andrew. Having babies and watching them grow into small children takes a little more time and allows one to become accustomed to the idea and responsibility. Let’s check on the girls and then we will collect Missii and Kayla and go out to look at the house."

They go to the girl’s room again and Alexandra knocks before entering,

"It’s all right Andrew, you may come in."

They check to be certain the girls are okay and tell them they are going to the house for a few minutes to check some things and see if perhaps, "We might all stay at the house for one night this next week-end."

"It will depend a great deal on the rooms being finished and the water running properly. The kitchen is already up and in operation so that is not a problem."

"Rhhhooh rrruhning?"

"Go running?"

"No Andrew, she wants to know if she may go hunting."

"OH. Yes, I purchased my brothers land so you may go hunting. If you plan on bringing down something large then I suppose you might take some of the felines with you so it may be brought back to the house and the meat prepared and preserved so whatever you don’t wish to eat may be saved for later."

The I-Cat kitten’s eyes produce a feral gleam as it contemplates its hunt of a worthy prey and the meal that it will provide. Enough meat to help a poor little kitten (21 kg.) to grow some more and perhaps even some to save for a future meal.

Chapter 22

Alexandra kisses the girls good night just in case she and Andrew don’t make it back before bedtime then go out to join the SaVannah sisters who meet them outside the children’s door. A gateway is opened to the house and they go on across to begin examination of the state of completion of the rooms and the various other slight and not so slight alterations which are being orchestrated.

Some of the ‘guard’ are encountered who are obviously ‘on patrol’ of the soon to be enclosed grounds at the top of the small hill as others who are obviously ‘off duty’ may be seen here and there exploring the nooks and crannies of the property or just lounging around talking together. The human guard members may be seen patrolling independently of the felines.

"Missii, when you and Kayla begin to assign patrols as well as when the construction is finished and everyone is assigned their room, I want you to mix the Felines and Humans so they are proportionally represented in each of the three buildings. I need them to begin to trust each other and to learn to work together as a whole team rather that one of Human and one of Feline members. The style of fighting for each is different and I want this to be exploited. If we continue to operate as two separate groups then if bandits do decide to come they will use our separation against us, but if we operate as a unit with trust for each other then we will have the edge. I don’t want what has happened in some villages to happen here, especially with my family’s lives at stake."

"We shall begin tomorrow. We also have discussed that and are prepared to make those changes."

Andrew smiles and nods his head encouraged that his Guard commanders have already begun a plan to address that problem.
At a great distance a feral scream is heard and everyone picks up their heads to listen for a moment as Alexandra starts, "What was that? Andrew, you didn’t say there were dangerous animals out here. Will the children be safe?"

Missii answers quickly, "Alexandra, there are two I-Cats who hired on with the Felines. That sounds like one or both of them are hunting."

Kayla confers with the two guard members on patrol who are just passing them. They confirm the two I-Cats have gone out hunting.
Examination of the bedrooms is completed, the changes for the kitten have been made and the rooms are all sealed, insulated and the baths complete and ready, piping is in and painting of the rooms nearly finished. A few days and the smell of the fresh materials and paint will have diminished slightly with the windows allowed to remain open so air may circulate through the house.

Checking the buildings which will provide the additional rooms for the guard shows they are coming along faster than expected but still likely several weeks from completion. Pipes are in place and each bath shared by two rooms which allows some privacy as well as convenience. The cistern is still about a quarter full with water continuing to be brought by the wagonload from the river to fill the cistern as well as for use on the fields below. A pipeline is to be laid into a trench which has just been started leading from the cistern and eventually going down the hill, under the wall presently under construction, and then on to the fields. All pipes have shut-off valves at the cistern and each is labeled with its destination so no delays in closing the correct valve will occur should it become necessary. The spells to magically bring water from the falls will be set during the following weekend.

Missii and Kayla spend a little time with the members of the guard while Andrew and Alexandra are examining the house and talking with the builder. Arrangements are made for everyone to meet at a common location to receive their advanced pay and the need for a more rapid means of travel to and from the property to Percoin is broached. The sisters placate everyone with the information that Andrew is indeed working on a method to allow anyone access through an ingot powered gateway from the house to Percoin or to Searnvale. The problem still to be solved is a means which will permit someone to return from either location without breaching house security.
Kayla spends a little time telling everyone of the "little book" she bought at the bank and the agreement they made to keep her gold safe if she keeps the little book safe. One would think she had been banking for years.

"It seems difficult because they don’t say things in a manner which allows us to easily understand but if we let them keep our money safe then they will actually pay us a little for allowing them to use it while it is there. Any time we want our money we just give them the little book and tell them how much of the money we want and they will give it to us. I put most of my pay into the bank but kept enough that I have plenty for most things."

Missii now takes up the conversation, "Immediately after everyone is paid tomorrow, we will want to see your weapons and armor. We want to have everyone properly armored and their weapons to be of the best quality as well as spelled. A good sword and four daggers will be needed. We have been talking with Andrew and it is likely that everyone will need new weaponry."

This goes over like a lead balloon as the Felines will not have enough gold for many months to purchase new weapons and armor much less have it spelled.

"So you will pay us and then we must spend it right away for new weapons?"

"No... Andrew will purchase your new weapons and armor at his expense. Yes it will cost a lot, even more than that which he is paying to you for the six month advance but he wants his guard to have the finest in both weapons and armor. Beginning tomorrow morning we will take you in groups of six to Percoin to have the swords and daggers begun and then to Scearnvale to be measured for armor."

Again this causes a stir among the members since fine spelled weapons and armor are an extreme extravagance for Warriors and to own them is a sign of both battle competence and investment mastery.

"Who will own these weapons and armor?"

"For your first year of service they will be owned by Andrew. After that year they will be yours with no deduction from your pay. They will be granted to you freely."

Another stir... Here are Humans who treat Felines as equals, pay them well, feed and house them and provide the weapons and armor to offer best advantage, plus pay them in advance... So much has occurred in only a day, and tomorrow they begin to go for measurements for armor and new weapons.

"Who is the female Human who is walking around with the Sorcerer?"

"He would prefer you call him Andrew. That is Alexandra, his fiancee. They and the two young girls will visit here during the week end and you will all be able to meet them then. They too use magic. Also by then we hope to have taken you all for measurements for your armor and weapons and all deposits will have been paid. The armor should be ready in less than two weeks and the swords and daggers in about twelve. The weapons will need to go for spelling at that time which may take another week. Here look at this... This is just one of the spells placed on the weapons."

Missii takes out a dagger and lightly tosses it at a nearby tree. It arrives at the tree point first and sticks in the trunk about halfway to the hilt. She takes out a second dagger and throws it at the same tree with great effort, it buries itself to the hilt.

"Some of you may have noted that the daggers steadied themselves so they would arrive point first regardless of my manner of throwing. Now watch."
She pulls a third dagger and holds it level to the ground, flat side toward the other two daggers,


Instantly the two daggers in the tree are free and have followed the path back until they are floating before her in the air waiting to be placed into their scabbards once again. The blades are clean and without any indication of having been in the tree.

She hands one of them to another Feline and tells him to throw the dagger at the tree. He does and it arrives hilt first then falls to the ground. She offers the second dagger to him, "try to strike me, not hard though, unless you want the dagger to cause you permanent harm."

He gently moves the point of the dagger at her and feels it pulling away to the side. The faster he tries to move the more rapidly the dagger slides away from the target. Missii thanks him and takes the dagger from him, sheathing it then calls the other dagger to return and places it into its sheath as well.

"The weapons will be spelled to match their user. This will allow you to call your weapons although you have only one in your possession. It also will prevent your own weapons from being used against you. A collective spell will be cast on all of the armor such that a weapon taken from one of us may not be used against any of us."

The warriors are looking at each other and considering this Sorcerer with whom they have gained employ. Many employers have provided their guard with weapons and armor but nothing like this. Many of the warriors who have been relatively happy with the weapons they have been using are now reconsidering them and looking at the possibility of using and then owning some of the finest armor and weapons they could ever expect to own.

"And after a year of service the armor and weapons are our own, free and clear?"


There is a low murmuring as the warriors begin discussing this event among themselves. It is about this point in time that Andrew and Alexandra walk up to collect Missii and Kayla.

"Since so many of you are here, I would like to introduce my fiancee to you. This is Alexandra Beaumont. We shall be here for the week-end and will be using some magic at that time so you will have the opportunity to meet us all again then, our adopted daughters will also be here with us. At that time if there are those among you who still have old injuries which are bothering or hindering you, I would like Alice to look at the injuries to see if she may heal them or at least reduce any pain or difficulty you may be experiencing as a result of those old injuries, she and Kayla are both healers."

"Andrew perhaps at that time you could also do something about the gateways to Percoin and Searnvale so we will all be able to travel to and from those locations easily?" Missii asks, "It would be of great benefit if we could do it very soon."

"Alexandra and I have been discussing possible ways of accomplishing that. She has had some good ideas, but we have not yet had the time to examine them for flaws or difficulty. Hopefully by the week end we may have the final problems worked out. We may go from here to either Percoin or Scearnvale but the return is the problem as yet. Speaking of going to Percoin, we are ready to go back."

"Perhaps we may send two of the Felines back with you for the moment, Kayla and I need to remain here for a short while to establish the posts and patrols which will allow us to begin protecting this small mountaintop."

Missii calls over two of the female Felines and introduces them, "This is Nadarine, and this is Celisse, they will accompany the two of you until we return then they may return here for the night."

The two Felines selected approach Andrew and Alexandra and salute as is the custom.
"Oh, please don’t do that," Alexandra immediately requests, "that is so demeaning. We are all equals here. It may be necessary to have a command structure but it is so much easier if we are all friends."

These are not just strange employers, these two are very strange employers.

"Andrew, I’m going back to the Conclave to be with the children, perhaps Celisse could come with me?"

"Okay. I think I’ll take a quick trip to see Master Carlaine and make arrangements to have all the armor produced. Missii, didn’t you say you and Kayla used Master Norwell to make your weapons?"


"Good. I know where his shop is located so if I have time I will go to see him also. One of you will need to place a marker here so you may open a gateway to allow Celisse to return. Kayla, when I finish, I’ll be at the Scearnvale Sorcerer’s garden. If you meet us there then I may allow Nadarine to return here through a gateway. I’m spending the night in Scearnvale. Alexandra, when are we seeing your father again?"

"Supper is next Monday night."

"That works for me."

Andrew gives her a small kiss, "Say goodnight to the girls for me."

"I shall. Good night Andrew."

Two gateways open, Alexandra and Celisse walk into the Percoin garden, and Andrew and Nadarine walk to a spot before the door of Master Carlaine’s shop.

In Scearnvale, Andrew discusses the time and costs involved in producing the large amount of armor which will be required, as Nadarine walks around the shop looking at the armor there. She finally locates armor which looks similar to that which Missii and Kayla are wearing and she begins investigating it as Andrew continues to haggle. With six sets being produced at the same time, even to different size specifications, the cost may be reduced since the materials will have little waste. The amount of waste which occurs from six independent sets of armor would be nearly four times greater than if the six sets are produced at one time. That amount of savings is nearly 20% so the prices may be reduced by 40 gold apiece for each set and Master Carlaine still makes his profit while saving Andrew nearly 240 gold for each group of six sets of armor. That is a significant savings.

In Percoin, Alexandra introduces Celisse to Alice and Rachel. Alice immediately goes over to Celisse and places her hand on Celisse’s arm, "Doesn’t that hurt a lot?"

Celisse looks at Alice with some confusion and then, "That is an old wound. How did you see the scar? It is so old the scar is barely noticeable."

"I didn’t see the scar, I saw the colour in the air around it. It still hurts you. It never was healed."

"I could not afford the healer’s fee. My arm does well enough. I have learned to live with the pain."

"May I heal it? I don’t know if I may do it all, but I may do some so it will help."

Celisse is looking at the child and at Alexandra.

"Celisse, Alice is a VERY gifted healer. Would you allow her to try? Alice, I’ll help provide you with energy if you need it."

"Thank-you. May I try to heal your arm?"

Celisse is looking at this child and trying to decide if this is a joke or perhaps the child is training to heal sometime in the future. But to be a healer without another to guide her? Then again, the arm does give problems, usually at the most inconvenient times.

"All right. You may try."

Alice comes over and places her hands on Celisse’s arm as Alexandra reaches out and touches Alice. Celisse feels nothing for a few seconds and then her arm begins to become slightly warm and she may feel things changing. Worry begins to surface on her face but she realizes suddenly that some of the pain is going away. In fact, much of it is going away. She may actually feel more sensation in the arm and hand again almost as if it was never harmed. She begins to flex her wrist and close her hand to check her grip.

"Hold still. You are making it difficult for me to heal the muscle."

Celisse stops moving and waits. She slowly reaches over with her other hand to check the warmth of the one attached to the damaged arm. It is warm once again. Warm like normal and not cooler as it has been these past seven years.

"There, finished. Check it now."

Celisse takes out a dagger and fumbles it through the "fingers" of her "hand". Other than being clumsy from not using it much for so many years, it is now normal again. She moves the arm and there is no pain even when reaching into extreme positions. She is whole again.

"Thank you little one. You are truly a gifted healer."

"You’re welcome. The next time you are hurt, try to have it helped right away."

"I now work for your Father so perhaps if I am hurt you may be the one healing me. I shall not forget this. If I am near and anyone wishes to harm you, run to me, I shall protect you, both of you, little ones."

A knock occurs at the door of the room and when Alexandra says, "Come in," Missii enters.

"We finished. I will open a gateway so you may return, Celisse."

"Thank-you. This child has healed me. I wish, with your permission, to be her protector and that of the other as well."

"I shall ask if that may be approved but I think after this weekend there will be many of you who will wish that honor."

"I asked first."

"Noted," Missii replies with a smile, "come, I’ll open the gateway."

They exit the room as Alexandra checks the girls before selecting their clothing for tomorrow as they lay down to go to sleep.

"Rachel, Andrew said he would like to have you come to the training tomorrow. As soon as he may return from the house he would like to take you to do some testing of your abilities and to begin your instruction."

"Really? I’m going to learn magic?"

"As I understand it you have already been casting some. Yes, we would like to begin your instruction and begin to bring you to the level of the other children who began to study at the time Alice started."

Alice injects, "Rachel, this magic is different from the magic the Sister’s use. We can do things that a lot of grown-ups can’t do. We are learning grown-up magic because we’re special."

Alexandra laughs, "Yes, you are all special but in a different manner. The adults were taught a different way of controlling magic. The new way allows much more power in what we may do. Adults are learning it, however, so don’t feel too special."

Alice gives a little pout and then smiles. A knock occurs at the door and Alexandra says, "come in," but no one enters. The knock occurs again. Opening the door to see who it may be reveals the kitten come to stay the night with the children. She jumps onto Rachel’s bed, kneads it for a few moments and curls next to her. After everyone has laid back, Alexandra starts for the candle but the kitten reaches out as though to shut it off and waits for Alexandra to open the door and leave. As she exits the room the kitten touches the candle base with its paw and the light goes out.

‘Hmmm, this kitten has learned to use spelled candles, I wonder just how...’

Alexandra departs for her own room as she muses what she has seen, the possible meanings and other capabilities the kitten may possess. As she is preparing for bed, her thoughts drift to the children in general and then to "their own" specifically. Alice is quite gifted for someone approaching eleven, tomorrow shall show some of the possibilities which Rachel may possess.

It is known that the longer the individual goes before seeking treatment for the headaches the more power they have in magic. The downside to that is the chances are great that if they wait too long then the headaches cause irreparable damage and the individual goes mad or dies. If mad then they must be destroyed for the magic is then much like chain lightening and strikes out uncontrollably and at everything. At least they managed to help Rachel before she reached that irrevocable point. It was a difficult time though, as help had almost been too late. Even now, Andrew will not be testing Rachel without others near to help should the testing begin to go badly. Then too, the possibility of her loss must be explained to Alice since they are sisters and very attached to one another.

Andrew must be told to have Kayla and Alice ready for medical intervention should it be needed, as well as a number of others who may offer energy. How do you repair a waterfall when the water has already spilled over the edge? If she may be saved but unable to control her gift, then it must be sealed away to prevent any disasters from occurring. That at least would allow the gene to be passed down to the next generation. Tomorrow will provide a great deal of information. Alexandra lays down having spent nearly an hour in thought as she prepares for bed, "Candle... out," the room goes dark and she slowly drifts off to sleep with her thoughts still surging about is search of answers which will not be found until tomorrow, if then.

"Candle... light." The knocking at the door has awakened her.


Missii opens the door and comes in, looking at Alexandra in puzzlement.

"What is it, Missii?"

"Are you not going to breakfast?"

"What time is it?" as Alexandra throws aside the covers.

"Nearly seven."

Alexandra rolls her eyes and shakes her head at having overslept, "Missii, would you check the girls while I prepare?"

"I have, they are dressing now and then Kitty is going to escort them to the meal hall. Do you wish me to wait for you?"

"No. You go ahead and I’ll catch you in a few minutes. Thank-you."

"You're welcome... I must meet Andrew at the house. We are paying the warriors this morning."

"I forgot. Go ahead, I’ll be fine. Thank you again."

Missii nods her head and goes out into the hall before opening a gateway to the new home and stepping through to meet Kayla who is just arriving with Andrew through another gateway.

Alexandra rapidly dresses then, after brushing her hair, she hurries off to the meal hall to order breakfast before going to the garden to provide the link to Scearnvale for those students to cross. Other gateways begin to appear both at the Scearnvale and Percoin ends of the main gateway and other Sorcerers and Sisters enter the gardens then cross into the Percoin garden which today is bathed in bright sunshine.

Kitty comes walking into the garden escorting Alice and Rachel even as other children begin to enter until finally everyone is present. Alexandra has been talking with the adults who have arrived, checking their progress as well as their intended areas study for the remainder of the week. Several she asks if they are at a point where they might be available for a testing and possible healing if needed. There are three who are immediately available and after asking the others for possible volunteers she comes up with three more who are capable of providing energy for use in healing. This offers three each for Alice and Kayla which should be sufficient if it becomes necessary.

When class time begins and Andrew and the SaVannah sisters have not appeared, Alexandra begins the class with some relatively simple multiple spell castings to continue the children in their multiple spell activities.

“The trick is to know just how much energy to put into any given cast. Too much energy and the spell goes a bit overboard or some energy is wasted thus reducing the number of casts one may achieve due to the wasted energy. Not enough and the spell may not function. Then too, sometimes the spell must have an energy ‘reservoir’ from which to draw energy as it is needed during the active time of the spell.

Too little energy here could result in partial completion of the complex spell casts to other than the desired end. Too much energy and the excess will be used by whatever the final spell happens to be, not always a good thing. Balance becomes important to multi spell casts. The more complex the multi spell, the more difficult it is to decide how much energy to give to it, of course in the case of fireworks too much energy is not always a problem.

If one suspects they are going to place too much, which is frequently desired, then one may always use some of that energy to move the spell grouping further into the sky and thereby reduce the danger before allowing the final spells to take that energy and produce the dramatic displays of light and sound. New Years is always a fun time for these effects, with many Sorcerers and even Sisters competing. There are some who constantly devote a portion of their time into the study of ever new and larger displays of pyrotechnics.

I recall, just last New Year’s celebration, Friar Tuck introduced a remarkable display over Percoin which entailed a sixty meter tall horse running across the night’s sky with its mane and tail blazing in blue white fiery light and its hooves striking downward as it ran with a continual thunderclap of hoofbeats. It was beautiful as it crossed the sky and ran off into the distance, prompting a number of little girls and boys to turn and ask their parents if they could have a horse."

Then again, she recalls, small problems do occur every now and again. "Sometimes spells do not function quite as planned, but that is a part of the learning.”

Having acted promptly when this latest misspell occurs, she quickly dis-spells the magic and only fifteen minutes are needed to set things right again, although during that time some of the Sisters did quickly take cuttings of the amazing plant before it was removed.

'While of unique interest, whatever one may do with a blue Rose I haven’t the faintest. It probably would not have been so bad if the leaves were not such a bright shade of pink and the plant growing so quickly that it could pace someone walking. Then again, with some controls placed upon it, I would not mind having a bush full of blue Roses in the Garden at the house'.

'A mental note to myself, ask one of the Sisters for a cutting from one of the new bushes'.

"Healer Gordon, have you given thought to the possibility of using this new control to produce your next New Years display? I know it is still quite early but I so enjoyed your horse last New Years that I wondered if you were planning something extravagant this next year?"

"Alexandra, now that would be giving away secrets wouldn’t it?" as a small display begins to flash, sparkle and pop quietly over the heads of the squealing, delighted children. The small display quite elaborate and, thereby, indicating that he has already begun his practicing and planning.

Alexandra gives him a smile and turns back to the children to continue her teaching, "Don’t any of you even THINK about it. Sorcerer Gordon has been doing this for nearly ten years and has developed superb control in that time. I remember as a young girl seeing him when he first tried it, his robes and face all blackened, his hair half burned away... Even these days, he makes a misstep every now and again. Fortunately he is also a healer."

The idea of being burned by your own fireworks brings a cautious halt to the mental gymnastics some of the boys are about to launch.

"Healer Gordon, would you teach me how to do it safely?" Several others chime in with the same sentiments.

He looks at them... "Give me your names and ages, and I will contact you in two or three years. That should be enough time for you to have learned enough control of multi spells to be able to more safely attempt such displays."

They rapidly begin writing their information to give to him and then turn and give Alexandra rapt attention that they might learn to better their control techniques and thus sooner approach learning from Healer Gordon.

"Young lady, could you perhaps explain to me why that blue Rose bush was spreading so rapidly?"

"I wanted it to grow larger Roses but instead it grew the whole bush."

Alexandra smiles, "I see, that means you spelled the bush with the growth rather than the flower when you changed its colour?"

"The growth spell didn’t seem to fit anywhere else."

"All right, then this was a case of learning that some spells may not always be included in multi spell casts where you may wish them to be. There are also, sometimes, spells which refuse to function when combined with any others. That feeling that the growth spell didn’t seem to fit was your clue that it would not work out well. You also seem to have overestimated the amount of energy required for the combination of spells as the bush was showing no signs it intended to stop growing."

The child hangs her head and mumbles quietly, "I wanted to grow the Roses large enough to fill a plate."

"They likely would have done that or even larger if you had been able to connect the growth spell with the roses themselves. Think of it this way, if you wish to obtain heat to cook then you don’t put the wood on the top of the stove or kettle, you place the wood under it. Spells are particular in the same way... You must attach your spells to the other spell which must be affected by them rather than just anywhere in the cast. Spells are particular and at times most unforgiving. They will show you how unforgiving if you fail to remain alert to what you are doing or if you place too much or too little energy into the spell combination. That is why we have been teaching you all that ‘simpler is better’."

About this point in time Alexandra sees Andrew returning through a gateway behind the children, "All right, why don’t you all take a few minutes to relax and we will continue soon?"

Andrew walks up and they give each other a small kiss before Andrew fills Alexandra in on the goings on at the house.

"Missii, Kayla and about twenty of the warriors have gone to the bank to open accounts. Kayla told them about opening one late yesterday."

"I hate to think how she may have explained opening an account."

"Actually she didn’t do badly, she followed the example you gave her, but she still is a little confused about the passbook. Missii is all for it since she doesn’t want to carry around all that gold either, and six of the Human and fourteen or fifteen of the Felines are going to open accounts. I rushed over to alert the bank so they wouldn’t think they were being raided. Kayla is taking one group up to Scearnvale to have more armor manufactured and Missii is taking others to see about having swords and daggers made. I told her to use my name as reference since it is known by Master Norwell as my Father does a great deal of business with him."

"You are spending an awful amount of gold, Andrew. By the time all the armor and weapons are produced, the house paid, the six months advance to the Warriors," she rolls her eyes at him, "at least many are putting it into the bank so it will be usable rather than just jingling around in a pouch waiting to cause trouble."

"That was a surprise, that so many would put it in the bank having never done that before."

"I think it shows that they are going to trust you."

"Or that they trust Kayla. Of course it didn’t hurt to have that one Feline singing Alice’s praises every ten minutes."

"What Fe... Oh, the one Alice healed."

"Yes. Apparently it was a very bad, old injury from some fight and she couldn’t afford to have it healed at the time. She is quite happy today and was one of the first to say she would put her gold into the bank."

"Well, you had best learn her name, it is Celisse. She has asked for the privilege of being the protector for Alice and Rachel. We will likely be seeing a lot of her."

"That reminds me. Have you told Alice about Rachel’s testing and the possible need?"

"Not yet, Andrew. I thought I might explain it after you and Rachel go to Scearnvale to begin the testing. I didn’t want to cause an uproar before Rachel has a chance to test."

"Good thinking."

Alexandra leans closer, giving Andrew a wink and a kiss, “We had best get back to the children. There is a lot to do with this bunch before we begin with the new ones this afternoon.”

Chapter 23

The ten minutes pass quickly and instruction begins again with both Alexandra and Andrew present. For the moment Rachel is only observing, Andrew having explained to her that she will be given plenty of opportunity to use the gift she has but the first use must be very controlled and with a number of people present to help if she has difficulty. The actual testing will occur after lunch, meanwhile she may listen and imagine but she is not to use any magic. A tall order since she as yet has little clue as to how she initiates the few things she has done without thinking.

As she listens and thinks her way through some of the instruction given to others, every now and again she finds her own thoughts becoming focused and the preparations nearly crystal clear. A few times she has needed to forcefully halt those thoughts as the results of them begin to take shape. No longer plagued by the nightmares and daydreams the magic was causing and free of the pain due to the efforts of the Sisters, she is excited and cannot wait for her opportunity to show her new "Father" the things she is learning just listening to him as he and Alexandra teach the other children.

The careful description of a "simple" multi-part spell and the method to place energy with it so it may operate is visualized in her mind so accurately that she suddenly realizes it is about to start producing the effect described and she hastily banishes it before anyone may realize she accidentally completed the cast preparations. She looks guiltily first at Andrew then at Alexandra to see if they noticed and after a moment relaxes again since no one is scowling at her.

Andrew is looking around the apprentices as though hunting for something but then goes on with the teaching without singling her out. Alexandra is looking directly at her but she is smiling so apparently neither of them saw her nearly cast the spell. She never realized how easy it could be until she began listening to Andrew slowly explain the process of gathering the thoughts together and holding each part of the spell with it’s portion of the needed energy then slowly assembling them into that which is needed to accomplish the spell.

It is much like baking, you take some of the ingredients and mix them together then hold them aside while you mix others in another group then hold them also and begin to mix a third batch then finally bringing them together with the less active portions mixed together first and finally adding the active ingredients before casting them into the pan or, in the case of the spells, the crucible of the space where they are to operate. Alexandra and Andrew make it sound so simple.

They are talking about threads and how they may be used to allow connection between distant locations so the locations seem to be next to each other, things may be moved along the threads so the others are dropping pebbles which follow the threads to a basket. ‘I wonder if the thread could be used to allow something to come from the basket or some other distant location to me here?’

Rachel opens her hand palm up and moments later a pebble which was in the basket is now on the palm of her hand. She smiles and then frowns and quickly banishes the pebble back to the basket knocking the basket over as the pebble strikes it so hard that it falls from it’s perch on the stand.

Andrew looks at her, "Rachel would you come over here for a moment? Alexandra, it would seem the testing has already been completed."

Rachel walks over to sit next to Andrew, afraid that once again she is going to be punished for doing something which either she was told not to do, or which people do not understand.

"Rachel, as we have been teaching, I have sensed you following the steps and nearly releasing the spell casts. Now I want you to carefully follow everything I tell you and we will see how well you may actually perform a spell. Do you want to try?"

Does she want to try? Is the grass green? Do birds chirp? "Yes, I want to try."

"All right then, I saw you imagining the ingredients of the spell for the candle. This candle has not been spelled, do you think you could do it yourself, or do you want me to talk you through the spell?"

"I want to try by myself. May I? Please?"

"Certainly. Go ahead. Be careful."

Rachel thinks a moment and then remembers the spell portions and combines them like Andrew explained earlier, she adds a little energy to power the spell combination and releases it at the candle. The candle is just laying there... Maybe she didn’t do it right.

"All right Rachel. Put the candle into the holder and touch the base."

She reaches out, lifting the candle, setting it into the candle holder and then touches the base. Light floods out from the candle.

She screams out in joy, "I did it," then spins and hugs Andrew then turns to run over to Alexandra, who is smiling at her, and they hug as well.

"Rachel... Rachel, how do you feel? Do you have a headache or are you tired?"

"No. I feel fine, Father." The other children’s heads jerk up at her comment and look at Andrew. Some of them now understand why Rachel has done so well. It would be normal for his daughter to have the ability so strongly. Some are surprised, others slightly jealous, all are beginning to understand that with more time available to her to be with her Father then of course she should be able to control magic more accurately even though a little younger than the rest of them. Her magic has come early.

Andrew gives her another spell to try, at which she is also successful with some reservations. A third is a failure but it is more complex and without the training the other children have received it was unlikely she would have accomplished it. As it is she has done well for her first day both Andrew and Alexandra decide she may remain with the more advanced children and continue to study and practice. She is given the same cautions under which the other children are permitted to practice and it is also explained that many adults do not yet have the abilities at the advanced control of magic that which the children presently are capable.

"Just remember you are not to attempt any magic unless it is here in class or unless Alexandra or I have given you permission to practice the specific spells when not in class."

"I promise, Father. I may imagine but I won’t do them unless you or Mother say I may."

"Good girl. All right everyone, go ahead and go to lunch."

"And remember, NO FIREWORKS!" Alexandra admonishes.

"No fireworks?" Andrew asks.

"I’ll explain during lunch," Alexandra shakes her head and rolls her eyes as she accepts Andrew’s arm to walk with him to the meal hall.

Alice and Rachel wave good-bye at them and run off with the other children.

"Rachel is a surprise, Andrew."

"Very much. I felt her preparing several different spells for casting but she managed to hold back before releasing any of them. I don’t know what she did to the basket, she used so little energy that I didn’t detect it but I know it was her doing. She looked embarrassed. I hate to think where she may be with all this a year from now."

"Indeed. She seems to have bypassed many of the simple casts and is immediately into the multi-spell combinations. Of course, she may have some difficulty with the simple spells not having had any training or exposure to them. A small after class tutoring session each day might help a great deal and bring her up to the level of the others very quickly. Did you notice, when she called you Father, the other children seemed to accept it quickly?"

"Yes. I guess our secret is out. That reminds me, I must create a ring for her sometime very soon."

After luncheon, Alexandra and Andrew find the girls and Andrew gives Rachel her ring. Just as with Alexandra and Alice he goes through all the steps gradually, drawing out the suspense and allowing the young girl the awe and mystery of the process. Her ring is very similar to that which Alice is wearing and also contains a small Ruby. The girls are sisters and have sister rings. They are all a family. Kitty is looking at the rings the women are wearing and seems a little unhappy.

Alexandra speaks with Kitty and learns that the kitten would like to be a part of the family even though obviously not human but still not as a pet but as an equal with the two girls.

"Andrew. Kitty feels a bit left out. She is part of the family but has nothing to show for it."

"Well, I suppose I could make a collar for her to wear but wouldn’t that make her feel more like a pet than an equal? I don’t wish to disparage her ancestry nor her equality within the family."

"I think in this case if it were a collar similar in nature to our rings she wouldn’t take offense."

Andrew thinks about it for a bit, "Okay, but I think I’ll use Emeralds since they will come closer to matching with her eyes than would Rubies or Sapphires. If that’s all right with you?" he directs at the I-Kitten.

Kitty agrees quickly and Andrew begins. Producing a large collar then sizing it down to fit and creating a hinge and snap latch, so Kitty may remove it if she wishes, he then proceeds to place the pictures around the outside edge just as he has done with the rings but places a small Emerald between each of the images such that the Emeralds also may be seen all around the band.

When he finishes, the kitten rushes over to the mirror and looks at her "necklace". Andrew reaches down and removes the collar showing the kitten how to work it so she may remove or replace it without assistance and also explains that as she grows so will the collar, just as will the rings worn by the human girls. Kitty snaps the collar back around her neck and, as soon as Andrew sits, the kitten is in his lap curled and purring.

He looks around the room at Alexandra and their daughters who are all smiling at him.

"All women love jewelry, Andrew."

Kitty looks up at him and shakes her head positively.

They spend another ten or twenty minutes chatting before Andrew must leave for Scearnvale. He quickly contacts Missii and Kayla to see how they are doing and then says good-bye to the girls giving each of them a kiss and a pat to Kitty, then a kiss which lasts a bit longer for Alexandra much to the amusement of Alice, Rachel and a quick comment from Kitty.

"Oh fine, now everyone is making fun of me."

The daughters and Kitty all begin looking up in the air and around the room with a "who, me?" expression on their faces moments before they all break out into laughter and mews which express pretty much the same thing. The three girls laughing and pointing together at Andrew.

Alexandra smiles, “Now girls, don’t make fun of your Father.”

The three girls, including Kitty, go into a pout and again are looking up in the air and around the room. Kitty places a paw against Alice and Rachel before the three of them are at it again.

"I guess I know when I’ve been put in my place." Andrew shakes his head and opens a gateway to Scearnvale waving good-bye at everyone as he goes through and closes the link just as more laughter follows him.

He is on his way to see Gabriel when a light chime rings nearby. Moments later Andrew’s Father calls to him. In the background may be heard a loud gong accompanied by, "Attack in progress at Pfilliam Fork..." GONG! "Attack in progress at..."

"Oh great, another false alarm."

Andrew crosses to his father’s home and opens gateways to both Missii and Kayla.

"We need a Warrior force for a possible alarm. Could each of you bring six or seven to my Father’s House? We are preparing to depart at any moment."

Andrew opens a vision link to examine the area around the spelled alarm beacon. This time bodies may be seen near to it. A quick scan around the area shows no perpetrators.

His Father mentions, "This could be a trap. They are likely to be aware of the nature of our alarm beacons by this time."

"I have an idea Father. Let me move my point of reference and we will enter from a place removed from the beacon."

Andrew slides the point of observation slowly across the plaza and down a street while using various easily remembered objects as the new points of reference. The edges of the vision remain fairly sharp so he knows they are still likely to be okay. Finally a group of armed people may be observed. They are intently watching the plaza and the beacon. It is a trap.

Missii and Kayla now appear with perhaps two thirds of Andrew’s fighting force with them.

"Missii, could you hold this image and then open it when I give you the word to do so? I want your group to take out those you see there."

Missii looks at the scene and fixes her mind on a point of reference, "I have it."

Andrew now slides his vision around the scene until he finds another group waiting on the other side of the plaza.

"Kayla, this group is yours."

A moment later, "I have them."

Andrew now selects the beacon once again, "Ready Father?"

"We’re ready."

"I’m going to let Missii and Kayla go first and we will appear about two seconds later. That should be enough to throw them into confusion."

"Missii, Kayla, go on two... We will go on four. Ready?"



"One... Two..." Missii and Kayla launch into action with their battle groups, "Three... Four"

Andrew opens the gateway to the main plaza and the warriors and Sorcerers pour through into the area. Battle may be heard off in two directions. A force of six each go toward the sounds of combat while the remainder await attack by any others. With nothing occurring, two small groups are dispatched to check the other directions but return quickly having found nothing but a few bodies. A check of the buildings also shows no further traps waiting and gradually the entire town is once again back in friendly control.

Examination of those killed shows a motley group of about twenty who are obviously bandits. Nearly as many civilians have been killed with more than four times as many hiding, reluctant to come out even when it is called out that everything is safe once again. Slowly the remaining civilians come out of hiding, calling to each other that it is safe, and they understand that the beacon saved their lives even if not those of everyone of the village.

"Well, Father. It looks as though our beacons are a success."

"True. One real problem for six false alarms. But we eliminated twenty bandits with only a few battle casualties, mostly minor problems."

Andrew chimes Alexandra, with no answer he chimes her three times in a row.

"Andrew, don’t open a link. What do you need?"

"We need Alice. There has been an attack and we need a healer other than Kayla."

"Oh. Open a voice link to the girls and ask them if they are dressed. If they are then they may let you open a gateway so Alice may go help. Are you all right?"

"I’m fine. We took on twenty or so Bandits and had only light casualties but need a healer."

"Call Father and tell him I suggested borrowing Friar Tuck as well."

"Thank you, Alexandra, I shall."

Opening a voice link to the girls, "Girls, it’s Andrew. Are you dressed, may I open a gateway?"

"Yes Father. We’re still dressed."

Andrew opens the gateway and explains the problem. Alice immediately comes across accompanied by Rachel and Kitty. As they are led over to those who need treatment, Andrew calls upon Statesman Beaumont and explains what Alexandra said to him.

"Of course, I’ll have him come immediately. Hold the gateway open, he should only be a minute."

Andrew Father has come over by this time and thanks Statesman Beaumont for his offer of a healer.

Alice shows Rachel how to provide energy and the two are helping several Felines who’s injuries are more severe than those of the two humans nearby. The Felines are surprised they are receiving attention first but are thankful for it. Soon Healer Gordon (Friar Tuck) is also present and he begins treating those humans who are injured. Alice finishes with the Felines and proceeds to the next human who needs treatment. Soon only minor scratches and bruises remain and those are unnecessary to treat.

Missii and Kayla gather their warriors before opening gateways to Andrew’s house and returning there with their reinforcements. Andrew is about to open a gateway to allow the girls to return to their room at the Sisters but Rachel beats him to it. He watches as they walk through followed by Kitty and the gateway closes again after they say "Goodnight Father" to him and he winks at them and waves.

With everything finished here, the remaining clean up is to be left to the town’s people. Andrew opens a gateway to his Father’s house and everyone goes back.

"Well, Father, I think that has been quite enough entertainment for one evening. I’m going to see Mother for a minute or two and then I have school business to talk over with Sorcerer Gabriel. Be well, Father."

"Thank you, Andrew. Thank you for coming. We need to finish the training of those I have in your classes so you don’t need to rush over here all the time. Your mother should be in the library, which reminds me... Could you spell some more of the candles for us?"

Smiling, "Certainly have them brought to the Greeting hall and I’ll do it just before I depart for Scearnvale again."

They say good-byes and Andrew goes off in search of his mother. After a short discussion and receiving her admonishment for again postponing the wedding, he promises to bring Alexandra and the girls by for supper during the week knowing full well that his mother will once again dote upon them as though they were his natural born daughters. Saying his good-byes he goes out to the Greeting hall and finds hundreds of candles laid out for him to spell. Chuckling to himself, he gathers more than half of them in his mind’s eye and spells them then completes the task before taking a gateway back to Scearnvale to talk with Sorcerer Gabriel.

Alexandra has completed her bath and spent some time brushing her hair before placing her robe over her gown then going down to the girls room. There she spends time preparing them for bed as it is becoming late, and she brushes out their hair as well. Kitty has found a warm spot on Rachel’s bed and is curled up not quite asleep but not fully awake, listening to the conversation and opening an eye whenever an interesting topic comes up.

"Andrew said that his parents would like us to visit for supper again. Rachel, you have only been there once and you were not really fully aware of everything at that time since you were still rather ill."

"I remember them, Mother."

"We will likely go tomorrow evening and I want you both to be on your best behavior."

Alice looks at the kitten, "May Kitty come too?"

The kitten’s eye opening to look as the answer is awaited.

"Of course, she is part of our family too. And I also expect you all to behave when we go to the new house for the week-end. That includes you, Kitty."

The eye closes again.

Alexandra gives the kitten an exasperated stare knowing full well the kitten is likely looking at her through nearly closed eyes.

"Mother, is Father rich?"

"Rich? Not exactly. He is well to do but I don’t believe he has as much money as a number of others in The Survivor. His Father is the one who is rich."

"Is your Father rich?"

"Whatever is bringing on these questions?"

"I heard some of the other children talking and they said you and Father come from rich families."

"Oh. Well, I suppose it depends a lot on how much money their families might have. My family is well to do but I have never considered us to really be rich. But if a family has very little then I suppose we might appear rich to them. There is one thing I want both of you to understand right now and that is we are no better than anyone else who is studying here. I don’t want the two of you telling people you are better than someone else just because of money. That isn’t what makes someone better. A person who is caring about others and who tries to help them when they can is a better person than someone who has all the money in the world but who would not cross the street to help someone who is ill or in need of food or shelter."

"Even if our house is going to be bigger than theirs?"

"Especially if our house is bigger than theirs."


"Why are you worried about this?"

"Some of the others won’t talk to me anymore. They say their parent’s have told them I’m being pretended.”

"Pretended? Oh." Alexandra smiles, "And are you being ‘pretended’?"

"I don’t know. I tell them I just want to be friends and it isn’t my fault Father has money but they don’t like it. I don’t like being pretended."

"Girls. I don’t want you to worry about this. It may take a little time but I think most of them will realize you are still the same people you always were and if they need help with something and you are able to help then do it even if they think you are being pretentious."

"That’s the word. So I should help them anyway?"

"Yes. Show them that you may be a friend even if they don’t think so. Eventually they will come to understand that they value your friendship more than they wish to avoid you."

Alexandra gives them each a good-night kiss and tucks them into their beds. As she goes to the door the kitten again reaches for the light, "Thank you, Kitty."

Alexandra exits the room and the kitten turns off the candle.

As Alexandra walks to her room, Missii exits a gateway and arrives near it’s door then waits for her to arrive.

"I just tucked in the girls and Kitty."

"Good. Several of the Felines are now asking to be protectors for the girls but Celisse asked first so she has been given the command position and two others are also assigned. Apparently Kitty has also taken the responsibility upon herself so there will always be someone near them. The human warriors have begun to teach tactics to everyone so we shall have quite an interesting guard when everyone finishes training everyone else. They are all interested in meeting the family this week-end.

Even those who may go into town wish to stay just so they may meet you and the girls. I have never seen Felines so interested in the welfare of their charges. Then the training the human warriors are offering is also interesting. The rooms of the house are completed and the furnishings are being placed into the rooms in preparation for the week end stay. The cooks are planing for the meals even now and the dining room is ready so everyone may eat together. That, too, has caused a stir among the warriors. They find it difficult to understand that they are being treated so well. Humans and Felines alike.

Three of the human warriors have almost been adopted by several of the Felines and are receiving hand to hand training which we seldom allow others to understand. Everyone seems to like everyone else and any petty differences are quickly and quietly settled. It is all very strange."

"Isn’t it good that everyone is getting along so well?"

"Yes. But it is still strange."

"Well, I’m going to go to bed, Missii. Are you staying here tonight?"

"Yes. I will be down in my room. Kayla has gone to stay at her room near Andrew and there are patrols at the house with some ready guard while others sleep. If Andrew may afford it we should probably add fifteen more human and five more Feline guard sometime in the future. That will come close to balancing them and give us enough to handle twice as many bandits as we encountered this evening."

"Bandits! That’s why Andrew needed Alice to perform healings?"

"Yes. A village was attacked by just over twenty and we had some who were injured during the assault to retake the village. Nearly twenty villagers were killed before we killed the bandits.

Kayla, Alice and Sorcerer Gordon healed the seven warriors who were badly hurt and maybe six who had minor wounds. They also healed seven villagers, but there were a number of them that died before we had healers there to help them."

"Andrew had Alice go into an area where people were being killed?"

"No. It was all finished before she arrived."

"But the bodies were still on the ground weren’t they?"

"Of course. You can’t heal someone who doesn’t need it." Missii obviously does not comprehend Alexandra’s concerns.

"So he subjected Alice to the sight of all the bodies and blood all around?"

"Yes. If there was no blood spilled then we would not have had need for healers."

Alexandra is furious, she slams open a link to Andrew, "How dare you
have Alice go into a combat area to heal people when she is just a little girl?"

Andrew is looking at Alexandra like he doesn’t understand her concern.

"That is where the people were who needed healing."

"So you endangered her state of mind in order to heal people who had been hurt in combat?"

"But Alexandra, they needed healers and Alice is one of the best."

"Fine. Let her heal people who are sick or in their houses and need simple things done. But don’t make her go to a combat field to heal guard and wounded who have had swords and daggers and who knows what thrust into them. She’s just a little girl."

Alexandra slams the gateway shut returning to Percoin leaving a thunderclap behind her as she stalks down to the girl’s room to comfort Alice.

Andrew is standing there with a confused expression on his face. Several Sorcerers heard the thunderclap, which was difficult to miss, and have come running as has Kayla. They find no damage other than Andrew standing there in a befuddled state of mind. Kayla leads him off toward his room and attempts to learn what happened.

"Alexandra is angry at me. All I did was ask Alice to heal people and Alexandra is angry at me. I don’t understand. What did I do?"

Chapter 24

Alexandra sits with the girls and holds Alice while attempting to provide comfort, somewhat to the girls confusion. After several minutes Alice begins to wonder why healing people who have been hurt fighting is different than healing those who have been hurt, "like that boy who was gored by the bull, or the man who’s arm was hurt working at the mill."

"Andrew should not have taken you there because the bandits could have come back at any time and you might have been injured as well. He should have known better."

"Kitty didn’t mind, and Rachel only threw up once, then she was much better."

"Rachel! Rachel was there too?"

"Yes. She helped to provide energy. She has lots of energy. I had to show her how to do it but she learned really fast and helped a lot."

Alexandra now scoops Rachel into her arms as well and continues to hold them both, rocking back and forth on the bed while quietly humming lullabies to them. Rachel nods off and sleeps against Alexandra for a while until Alexandra finally put them both to bed and goes off to find her own as well.

Early the next morning Alexandra is feeling less upset with Andrew but still wants him to consider what he is asking before taking the girls out to some battlefield to heal survivors.

"Andrew, I understand the urgency of immediate treatment. All I’m asking is that you don’t take the girls into any situation which could become dangerous. I also want them to only see those who are less mauled. Rachel did not sleep well all night and they both wound up sleeping with me for the night."

"All right, all right... I promise... I’ll try to be more careful, but sometimes it is necessary to have the best healers present immediately. We did secure the area before I asked the girls to come help. We were trying to save lives of the townspeople too so we needed as many healers as we could get. Alice just happens to be one of the best."

"I know, Andrew. I’m not arguing that. I just want to protect her a little more. She explained that the injuries were not as bad as those sustained by the young boy she helped. That one who nearly died after being gored by the bull. I just want you to think and protect the girls from the carnage. Seeing a few who are injured is quite different from seeing bodies all over the place."

"All right, Alexandra. All I can do is try. Sometimes it isn’t a good idea to move those who are injured until a healer helps them first. I’ll try to be more careful about it. I promise. Am I forgiven? Maybe a little bit?"

Alexandra smiles at him, "Yes. Maybe more than a little bit."

She leans over and gives him a kiss, "Are you ready to go to the House? I shall find the girls and let Missii know we are ready."

"As soon as they finish breakfast. Kayla has gone ahead and I think I have part of the answer for our gateways in and out of the property. When we arrive there, we may tackle the water problem first and start the cistern filling to the test level, then deal with the travel gateways. I’m certain the girls will find something to amuse them."

"Probably. They will also have several Felines who will be following them around so they will be unlikely to get into any difficulties," Alexandra smiles at the thought of additional protection for the girls.

"Alice may also find they will be beset with a few who still have old injuries which they would like her to examine. Perhaps when we arrive I should let the kitchen know the girls could use some of those honey cakes and milk to snack on while they examine the warriors and workers. After we deal with the cistern and gateway then we should probably go see if we need to offer energy for use in healing."

"Andrew, I think we need to let everyone know right away that the number who are healed each day will be limited, due to the girls not having great endurance. Eventually everyone will be helped."

"Sounds good, everyone will need to realize they can’t all be helped all at once. We could tell them the girls are still worn from yesterday and they may select the ten who need help the most then we could help provide energy for the heal session. That will also mean those who will benefit will be the ones to select who goes first. That way no one will have a reason to complain."

"I see Kitty, so the girls must be close behind, I’ll go check on Missii and you wait here for the girls," Alexandra gives Andrew another small kiss and goes off toward the meal hall to see if she may find Missii.

As Kitty approaches Andrew, he notes she is not wearing her collar, "Hello Kitty. We are about to go to the House for the weekend. Do you want to wear your collar, or leave it here?"

Kitty may be seen to give this some consideration before bounding off toward the girls room to obtain her collar.

Andrew waits and the girls do not appear so he begins to walk toward their room. Very soon he sees Kitty with the girls returning from the direction of their room so he stops to wait for them to join him before they all go back to wait for Alexandra and Missii.

Soon they are all together and Alexandra drops the bombshell of requiring changes of clothing for the next day.

Andrew is a little taken aback, hemming and hawing for a bit, "I.. er... thought we could just open gateways back to our rooms and do the changing here."

"Don’t be silly. We are going on our first adventure as a Family and we must have our changes of clothing as well as the necessities so we may bathe and clean up after a day’s fun. Possibly even several changes of clothing to suit the needs of the moment. What the girls are wearing now will be all right for the romping and adventure of the day but they will wear dresses when we have supper tonight and they will be scrubbed clean of any grime they may encounter before they put on clean dresses. And that goes for you too."

"What? But Alexandra..."

"No buts! I expect you to be a proper Father and example for these young ladies, even if I must make Kayla take you and scrub behind your ears."

"But... But..." Andrew is looking about like a fish out of water and trying to come up with an excuse, "But it isn’t the right time of week."

"Andrew. You don’t mean to tell me you only bathe once a week?"

"I... I... no... Aww, Alexandra."


"Okay. Take the girls and find everything we need to take along while I go to Scearnvale to get more of my clothes. I suppose we should begin putting at least some of our clothing at the new house since that is where we will begin to need it."

"Good. I’ll see you back here in three hours."

"Three hours... Why so long, I may have my clothes in a few minutes and be right back."

"Andrew, shame on you. The girls and I are going shopping for their new clothes and some for myself as well. We will need every second of those three hours," Alexandra holds out her hand as if waiting for something, "Well?"

"Well, what?"

"Andrew, aren’t you going to give me the money so I may purchase the clothing we need for our daughters?"

Andrew grumbles quietly and produces a bag of gold which he hands to Alexandra. She opens it and looks inside then holds her hand out again. Andrew grumbles some more a little less quietly and hands her a larger bag of gold. She looks in this one as well, then nods her head and gives him a kiss. She, the girls, and Kitty immediately step through a gateway into a shop and the gateway closes with Andrew standing there with his hand still out in anticipation of having the original bag of gold returned to him. After two or three seconds he looks down at his hand and moves his fingers as though trying to hold something which is not there.

He looks at his other hand in much the same way then mutters, "This whole thing is becoming quite expensive. House, guard, wife (to be), daughters."

A stricken look crosses his face as he realizes eventually the daughters will grow up and then not only will he be providing for everything as they grow but their dowries as well. "I need to make some more investments. Some astute investments." He opens a gateway to Scearnvale and steps through.

Alexandra and the girls are in one of the shops which Alexandra enjoys so well. Very quickly the proprietor recognizes her and comes over.

"Alexandra, how nice to see you again. I have that gown you wanted me to order. Would you like to try it on?"

"I’d love to, but I don’t have the time today, Cathy. I need to obtain some clothing for these two and a little for myself. We are going on an outing in the mountains and the evening wind may be chill although the days are not that bad. We may also be gone several days so clothing that sheds dirt well would be nice as well as a couple of gowns for each of us for supper and that possible special occasion. We might also check the girls for colour so the clothing isn’t some hideous thing on them."

"Are these your nieces? They seem like nice young ladies."

"Actually, it’s a long story. Andrew, he’s the one I told you about whom I shall be marrying... He and I have adopted these two girls so we are beginning our family before we have even a chance to begin our family. This is Alice, she is just over ten and a half; and this is Rachel, she is nearly nine. Girls this is Cathy or Catherine and she knows all there is to know about clothing and makeup."

"Oh my, such an introduction. Well girls, you will have quite a reputation to live up to. Alexandra is quite the lady."

The girls exchange pleasant greetings with Cathy and then things settle down to the business at hand.

A number of play clothes are examined after the girls are checked for colour and a little pastel nail polish also selected. "Nothing provocative. Just a little light colour to match into the colours of the clothing. For the moment, since the two of you do not need to be using it so much you will share the pink polishes. The pale blue will be your’s, Alice and the pale green your’s, Rachel. We will put your first polish on your fingers here at the shop. That looks nice, turn around and let me see the whole effect. Good. We will take that one."

Just over two and a half hours later, each of the girls have two new dresses for those special occasions, two for supper, with three more ordered for each of them; and six, apiece, new outfits for play as well as new brushes, hair barrettes, sweaters, coats, shoes, undergarments, and anything else Alexandra decides they may need for the two days as well as for their immediate future. Alexandra also has purchased several new outfits for herself and has obtained some working clothes so she will not soil any of her nicer dresses during the two days they have planned.

Even Kitty has gotten into the mood and has been looking at necklaces finally attempting to convince Alexandra to purchase three of those which she likes the most.

"All right, Kitty. We will purchase those as well."

The kitten’s eyes sparkle and off comes the necklace Andrew made and on goes the one which appears to be four continuous rows of sparkling stones. While not diamonds, rubies, sapphires, or emeralds, that does not diminish the beauty of the necklace and just as the girls need casual things which may become dirty without fear, so too does the kitten.

"Now girls, Cathy is going to take you over and they will put the light pink polish on your fingernails while I look at one more dress. Don’t fidget, or the polish may come out badly. And don’t touch anything until it dries. Cathy, or the ladies who will help you, will let you know when your fingers are dried."

The girls follow Cathy over to another room of the shop where two ladies begin to work on their hands as Alexandra takes a dress into the changing room and begins the ritual. Eventually she exits and goes to the mirror to check her appearance.

Not totally happy with the appearance she is still examining herself as Cathy comes over and voices much the same opinion, "Alexandra, that one doesn’t do a thing for you." (Translation... It looks terrible on you).

They go back to the rack and Cathy selects another holding it up then putting it back on the rack. Alexandra finds one which she likes, but the colour is all wrong. "I wish this came in the fabric and colour of this first one. It might be nice."

Cathy looks at the cut of the gown and the colour of the one Alexandra is wearing, "Yes, that might be nice. Let me see the cut of this one on you and then we’ll look at fabric and colour. I can’t possibly have it ready for this week-end; but if you will be going again sometime soon it could be ready in a couple of weeks. Let’s check it out."

Alexandra goes to change and returns soon carrying the original dress. Cathy takes one look,

"That looks nice on you. The colour is hideous for you, but the cut is wonderful." She holds the first gown up against it and nods her head speculatively. "I think it would work out. This material and colour but that cut would be a nice dress. Do you want us to make it?"

"Yes, I think so. That could be an elegant but casual dress suitable for many occasions. How are the girls doing?"

"They should be back any minute. Need anything else?"

"No, I don’t think so. Would you put my things on my account? I’ll pay for the girl’s with cash."

"Certainly. See you up front." Cathy goes off to place the charges for Alexandra’s new things onto the account held by her and then totals the amounts for the girls.

"My girls, that polish looks very nice. Do you like it?" Cathy baits her hook carefully so she may reel in two new customers. As the girls are responding positively and proudly showing off their fingers to Cathy, Alexandra walks up and smiles knowing full well what Cathy is doing. Having been reeled in by her some years before.

"All right girls, I need to pay for everything and then we must meet Andrew as we are a little late. Cathy, what do we owe for the girl’s things?"

"I put your’s on your account and theirs come to 68 and 7; including the nail polish and treatments."

Alexandra counts out 70, "use the excess to tip the ladies who did our fingernails."

Cathy smiles and the packages of clothing are made ready. The girls carry what they may, Alexandra carries most everything else, and Kitty even gets into the act and carries two of the smaller packages, one of which is that holding her own necklaces.

The gateway is opened to just outside the girl’s room and everything is taken in and placed on the beds for final transport to the house. Now they go find Andrew whom, they find, has taken his things to the house, begun the water providing spell which is drawing a little water from the falls and slowly depositing it into the cistern. The cut-off spell is in place and it will simply be a matter of watching it for a while to assure everything is going as planned.

"That is fortunate, Andrew, as we have a number of packages for you to carry. Oh, here is your change from the purchases," Alexandra hands Andrew the smaller of the two pouches. Inside he finds thirty of the one hundred gold he gave to Alexandra. "I put my clothing on my own account so all you paid for was that of the girl’s. Girls, thank your Father for purchasing your new things."

Each of them come over and kiss Andrew on opposite cheeks then say, "Thank-you Father."

Kitty comes up and wraps a paw around Andrew leg then purrs while leaning against him.

Andrew isn’t quite certain what reaction to go through upon receiving the kisses and his leg held by a purring I-cat. He turns red briefly, then smiles and then turns red again. "You’re welcome. When do I get to see the new things?"

"Soon after we are at the house the girls will change into casual clothing; that so if they get dirty while exploring it won’t soil their nicer things. Then at supper they will be wearing new dresses. Gradually you will see everything. Let’s go collect the packages and go to the house."

Ten minutes later they are at the mountain property with Andrew juggling at least a half dozen packages of various sizes, "Andrew, don’t you dare drop any of those," the girls and Kitty each carrying one package and Alexandra two.

After what seems like an eternity but is in reality only a moment or two several servants appear and relieve Alexandra, the girls and Kitty of their packages.

"What about me?" Andrew forlornly asks.

"What about you?" Missii asks as she and Kayla walk into the room, "You seem to be doing quite well enough."

The sisters smile at each other then each take two of Andrew’s packages as they all walk off to the bedrooms to deposit the packages.

"We expected you all a bit earlier. It is nearly lunch so I suppose you may meet everyone at the meal hall. This will be the first meal when the Family will actually be present at the end of the table. Oh, Girls, immediately after lunch I want to take you to meet several Felines who are to be your personal guard. You both know Celisse. She is in charge of your protection detail. The others will be Nandrielle, everyone calls her ‘Nan’, and Dorthma, everyone calls her ‘Dora’.

Alice you might recognize each of them as you have healed all three. Speaking of healing... Andrew, after lunch could Alice look at five of the warriors? They have old injuries which could use some healing and then we have two of the older servants who could also use a little help with some old injuries and a touch of age. The cooler weather here in the mountains seems to disagree with his bones a bit. He wasn’t going to say anything but I know he is hurting a bit so it might be a nice gesture for Alice to look at him and see if she may help.

Oh, by the way, we put Warrior Jackson in charge of training for the Felines. They grumbled until we told them that the purpose wasn’t to teach them how to use weapons but rather how to use their minds during the battle. That brought about a bit of confusion until we explained that the Human warriors are taught a lot of special tactics which Felines usually ignore employing when fighting since they have superior physical power. We allowed two of the Felines to battle two of the Humans and when the Humans won, the Felines became far more interested in learning this material. I think it will go well. The Humans are bonding to the Felines and the Felines are accepting more of the Human’s directions so we may wind up with a more effective force should we ever need it."

Kayla pipes up at this point, "Will you be arranging transport gateways to Percoin and Scearnvale today? We could certainly use some kind of permanent links which any of us may use."

Andrew looks at Alexandra and then at Kayla, "Actually, yes we have an idea. It will be patterned upon the armor and weapons spells. Remember how a spelled weapon taken from one of us may not be used against any of us due to the spells on our armor?"

The sisters nod their heads, recalling this intent.

"Well, I think I may provide spell ingot powered gateways which may be keyed to each of the individuals who are in our work force or our guard and which will allow them access through the gateways from either end without allowing anyone else to pass. On those occasions when we have a gathering of some kind we will arrange a separate gateway for people to pass through to a check point where we may have a fighting force ready nearby, then upon being checked against an invitation list they may be passed on through a second gateway to the house. The second gateway’s exit will also be monitored by a fighting force and an alternate destination for each of the gateways may be part of the spell.

Thus if necessary the fighting force could alter the destination to a place outside the walls so only a few enemy taking this path could make it into the compound. It will require a bit of work on our part to set it all up but once in place then we simply need to be certain there are always plenty of spell ingots in the tray and everyone is introduced into the spell mechanism, and shown how to use it. It will be more complex than the candle or sun spells but should be just as easy to use."

"How long will that require?"

"I don’t know, a couple of hours I suppose. The initial spells may be in place shortly after lunch but the refined control mechanisms will take a bit longer, especially since everyone will need to be introduced to the spells, much like the way you needed to be introduced to the spells for your armor and weapons. We will actually produce a small recognition spell for each individual.

That way if someone dies or leaves our employ or someone new is hired then only a small recognition spell will need to be removed or added and the main spells will not need to be altered."

Missii and Kayla think about that for a moment, recalling the time it took for them to become a part of the spells cast upon their weapons and armor by the Sorcerer’s employed by Andrew’s Father.

"Andrew," Alexandra touches his arm, "I want to be a part of casting those spells so I may understand your thinking a little better. I comprehend what you are saying and once I have it firmly in my mind then we could hasten the accomplishment of everything."

"That’s good Alexandra. Besides, you should probably know how it works so you may use the same idea for other things like perhaps the protection of your Father’s home. It will grant a lot of control while still allowing for non-magical users to benefit. I wonder if a gateway spell could be created which would allow for a selection of destinations? That’s something to consider for future uses. That way if someone in Percoin wanted to go to Scearnvale then they could go directly without making a stop here to change gateways. We could place a ‘tack’ with a ‘thread to each of the possible destination/ origination points and somehow cast a spell to combine them and allow for selection. Need to think about that, I may be making things a little too complicated."

"Andrew, we could create destination/ origination spells just like the recognition spells so new ones could be added and old ones removed as needed while using only one travel spell. The homes could be off limits to anyone who is not properly recognized by the sub-spells and then anyone could use the gateways to travel from one city to another. We simply need a method for non-magical people to select a destination and use the gateway. This has great potential."

"Well, I’ve been hard at work already this morning so let’s go to lunch, meet everyone and then we may change and settle down to work after the healing session. Or, in the case of the girls, to go exploring. Oh, Alice there will be a swing down on the large tree in a few days. They weren’t able to bring it out just yet. That’s something else at which our gateway will be a good help. Our food and goods deliveries will be much faster since everything will not need to come by wagon."

Andrew leads the way to the meal hall and Alexandra notes there are a number of chairs toward one end of the hall where a large table is slightly raised above the rest of those found in the hall.

"Andrew. This will never do."

"What?" looking around, "What’s wrong?"

"Our table is raised above the others here."

"So? The family tables are always raised."

"Andrew, we are trying to tell everyone that they are equal to us even though we are employing them. That raised table and chairs say otherwise."

"But Alexandra, it’s tradition. Family tables always are raised above those of the help or even of visitors."

"Andrew, it isn’t proper. Some traditions should not be allowed to continue."

Resigned, "All right Alexandra. I’ll tell the builder to remove the platform and to lower the table and chairs down to the same level right after lunch. May we go in now?"

"Of course, but we won’t be sitting at the raised table."

"We won’t..." disgusted, Andrew can’t see the point but decides they may sit at a lower table for lunch and then later he’ll tell Alexandra that the builder will need to tear the whole area up in order to change the raised platform, the cost isn’t worth the effort. Some traditions die with extreme prejudice. They seat themselves and the warriors and other help are surprised but content to see them avoid the raised table.

After a little confusion trying to obtain a high percentage of meats from the kitchen for Kitty, who by now is beginning to look much more as an I-Cat should and probably weighs nearly the same as Alice herself, everyone settles down to lunch.

The girls are discussing their brief glimpse of their rooms, Andrew and Alexandra are conferring about the healing session and exactly how the spells for the gateway system may be cast to allow both for sub-spells for individual permissions to travel certain paths as well as those for destination selection.

A more dynamic method is determined for the permissions but it will require each person for whom an individual permission will be included to come and have either Andrew or Alexandra create the spell. They will all be nearly identical, with that individual’s specific ‘flavor’, so to speak, added. The individual permission may be removed easily in that manner without affecting the balance of the spell structures.

The destination selection is not so easily accomplished but again may be done in a similar manner. Destinations may be selected by a symbol based board which offers an image link to the destination. This is not a perfect solution, but is workable for the moment. Distant locations may have a similar board so travelers may select a final destination but for the moment they will find it necessary to go through one or more ‘hubs’ on their way. For now there is only one hub and it shall be outside the compound and removed from the House itself by several hundred meters.

The final gateway to the house compound may thus be further restricted to only those with the specific permission to travel that link. Both the ‘hub’ and the compound link may be easily protected by a small force and a diversion destination placing the path into the river below will allow for defenders to divert an attack via link into the river which is outside the compound. The link may be switched back and forth at the will of those defending the compound.

Travel by persons not normally permitted may be allowed one at a time by the defenders touching an acceptance spell which will allow any one person to travel to the compound if accepted for entry.

This decided, the necessity of another building to house the ‘hub’ becomes paramount such that travelers are protected from inclement weather during their brief stay within the ‘hub’ location.

"More expense," Andrew grumbles.

"Andrew, you know it is necessary. We don’t want a summer rainstorm to drench the guests we have invited for a party just because they must change gateways. And think also of the poor warriors who must be at the ‘hub’ protecting it. They will appreciate the protection from the elements of nature."

Andrew knows it is necessary but the accumulation of expenses is beginning show as a strain upon his otherwise cheerful temperament.

Chapter 25

Luncheon finished, the presentation of the first of those to be healed begins.

Kayla and Alice prepare to do battle with the maladies as Andrew and Alexandra provide a flow of energy to them. A few injuries were serious at the time they occurred and healings had been hurried and incomplete, if even available, resulting in some difficulties for the individuals for the remainder of their lives up to this hiring.

Reparation of those old injuries to whatever extent possible is undertaken during the treatments. The selected five are soon as healed as is possible with appreciated results. As a great deal of energy remains on everyone's part, a second group of five is brought forward and healings continue. These five also are completed but Alice is beginning to feel the effort as are the others to some extent. By halting any further healings now, the chances are good that more may be attempted tomorrow. The old injuries deemed to be most serious were attempted first so things should become easier as time goes on.

The felines who have received healings are most appreciative and the general attitude is that this family of humans are 'keepers'. Everyone now departs the hall, with Andrew and Alexandra going out to check the Cistern, begin the preparations for the gateways and the selection of the location for the arrival hub further down near the river. The girls go to their rooms to change so they may explore, and Kitty goes to introduce herself to the two I-cats which are present and eyeing her suspiciously. They decide to accept her primarily as she arrived with the family. This provides her with some status despite being female and still very young.

“You will grow into your heritage,” is the comment given her by one of them.

Alice, while not exhausted after the round of healings is still tired but exploring provides enough excitement to allow her to remain awake. She will likely sleep heavily this night. Rachel also is in much the same condition since she is still recovering from her nearly deadly experience resulted from the many months of undetected magical buildup.

Andrew and Alexandra are tired but not drained. Far from it. After the check of the Cistern, adjustment of the check spell to allow for the depth of the water in the tank to increase is made. The two of them vow to return a little later to check the tank again. Once again water begins to flow into the tank at a rapid but not alarming rate. The source point of water at the falls has been found to be nearly 8 meters higher than the entry point in the Cistern so simple gravity is used to provide the flow and the magic simply guides the entrance and exit points for the water.

A form of gateway which is actually very small and which exit point is decided by the check spell. This is the first use of multiple spells acting independently but handing decision information across to each other. The check spell decides when the Cistern has filled to the indicated level and notifies the diversion gateway spell. This information is used to decide if the water should be allowed to continue to fill the Cistern or to divert to the river. If the check spell fails for any reason, then the water is diverted to the river automatically. The check spell must be operative for the water to pour into the Cistern.

“There is a great deal of the energy reserve remaining on the check spell as well as on the diversion spell, Andrew. We should determine if these spells may be ingot powered. Allowing for two large ingots each should be plenty for several weeks and to allow us to replace a spent ingot while the other continues to power the spell.”

“I agree. It will be necessary to create new spells to do the job and which will pull energy from the ingots rather than from a pool of magical energy but the spell concepts seem to be valid. These turned out rather well.”

“Patting yourself on the back, Andrew?”

“No. Just making an observation that sometimes spells may be a problem and other times they fall right into place. This happens to be one of those times, apparently.”

“Well, let's go begin working on the gateway spells. We may create the sub-spells first and then the main gateways. Perhaps the one from the hub to the house first as it is a less complex spell and has far fewer sub-spell elements. This will be an opportunity to further test my ideas about the use of multiple sub-spells to provide information for use in the main spell. We may use ourselves as the subject for the first two sub-spells. If we make all sub-spells for individuals identical in concept for all gateways then we only need to create a sub-spell once for each of those who shall be allowed entrance here at the house. That will allow all gateways to read from one sub-spell pool for our people.

We may add your parents and my father to those sub-spells as well as anyone we decide is trustworthy enough to allow access to our house. I have given a great deal of thought to these spells so we may link them not only to the main gateway spells but to store them individually on small labeled ingots. That way if we need to remove one from the access, all we need do is remove that individuals ingot from the subspell container. I must admit I am very curious about this possibility, Andrew.”

“So am I. There is so much we could do with the idea. It could have some very interesting ramifications. I like your idea. Does the selected ingot power the sub-spell?”

“Not exactly, the sub-spell will have its own energy source, but the identity ingots are likely to slowly diminish. We will need to experiment to determine how rapidly and if the idea needs to be changed. That is another good reason to begin with the short gateway from our house down to the hub point on the grass near the river. We also need to make allowances for guests to be permitted controlled access for when we have parties or gatherings of people who are not semi-permanently permitted access.”

“I like your ideas. Let's go talk to the builder about an enclosed structure for the hub. It will need to be large enough to allow for perhaps a hundred people since the Percoin and Scearnvale gateways will be housed there. Have you given more thought about allowing anyone access through those gateways thus allowing travel and commerce between those cities? I have a few ideas along that line which if this short gateway works well we could easily incorporate into a larger multi-spell gateway for each major city.”

“Andrew, there are twenty or more 'major' cities so if we place twenty major gateways here then we will need a far larger building than just enough room for a hundred people. Why we could build a Station down there and have specific locations located within it for the gateway to and from a City. At each City location we could build a smaller Station which will be the center for that area and which will allow for a specific known access point to the travel gates.

Just think, if we create the spells properly, we could require a copper for access from a city. To depart this hub on to another city could be 'free' so one copper will allow departure from one city and arrival at another through the use of two gateways. The magic could bring the copper here and deposit it into a chest up here at the house. The coppers could be used to defray the cost of the ingots which power the spells. We could charge a little more, say five coppers or so, to allow a wagon of goods to travel. Perhaps two coppers for a person and a hand cart. This could be a marvelous source of income as well as an inexpensive means of rapid transportation across the continents to major cities.

Gradually, we could provide links from each of the cities into the surrounding countryside and the smaller towns. People living further out would need to come to the nearest town to find a gateway but we could have a network established, over several years time, which will permit the people of the two continents to trade and visit. This entire concept could do so much for the people.”

“Not to mention, pay for itself and allow us to reap back some of our expenses in building and powering the entire system. Let's go back and pay the builder a visit then talk about this some more in the house. Tomorrow we may experimenting with the house gateway.”

“The gateways to the towns could be spelled to use a ticket rather than coins. A copper could purchase one ticket which would be good for several trips on the shorter town gateways.”

A flash of inspiration hits Andrew squarely between the eyes, “Alexandra, the ticket idea is perfect. People could purchase a ticket. The amount of money they spend could be magically impressed onto the ticket and each journey's use would deduct the appropriate amount from the ticket. The colour of the ticket could begin as green when it is fully loaded and slowly turn red from one end down to the other as the stored travel funds are depleted. That way the gateway spells don't need to count coins, the ticket sales spells may do that. That allows the gateways to have fewer spells associated directly with them and makes our casting far less difficult and more likely to succeed.”

“Andrew, we could also give a slight discount to those who purchase larger amounts on the tickets. That way someone could purchase a ticket which would be good for nearly a month of gateway use without spending so much money. Because they purchase in advance they will receive more for their money.”

As they walk off to speak with the builder, Andrew and Alexandra continue talking. The concept of travel gateways available to anyone who has the price of a ticket gaining ground rapidly. People may still travel in the old way from one location to another but more rapid and further reaching transit may be available in the form of the gateways.

After finishing the discussion with the builder concerning a building to house the gateway hub and looking at sketches produced by the draftsman, they go off to learn where the girls have gone and into what mischief they may be delving. After several inquiries they manage to track down the girls, Kitty, and the Feline protectors. One of the Felines is up in a tree attempting to fasten a swing to a stout limb. Kitty and the remaining Felines are voicing encouragement and instructions while the girls are just trying to stay out of the way.

Andrew and Alexandra remain close by but continue to discuss the nature of the gateway spells and those of the sub-spells which will grant specific individuals with authorization to travel to the house. They also decide to incorporate the granting to these individuals of specific free use paths among the major and minor gateways. Just how they may lock in the individual becomes a necessary topic.

“It must be something which cannot be easily fooled, Andrew. Something which pertains to the specific individual alone. Something which cannot be lost or changed and which may be determined nearly instantly for each person.”

“Well, for some such as politicians who travel a limited path several times a day we may simply give them a pass ticket. Sorcerers or Sisters are more apt to be going almost anywhere at any time. We could offer them a limited access pass which also includes unlimited access to specific route pertinent only to themselves.”

“That becomes far too cumbersome, Andrew. We would be creating spell after spell after spell to handle it. Whatever we use must be something very easy and not path restrictive. The original ticket idea is good. That allows for the traveler to decide where they wish to go and then the ticket simply says they have paid for the provided travel. Those who are to be allowed unrestricted travel or unlimited travel within specific gateways are the problem.

Gabriel, for instance, may need to go almost anywhere and without much notice. He would need some sort of permission to travel anywhere the gateways go at any time and for any number of times without needing to consider whether he has sufficient funds remaining on his 'ticket' and taking the time to purchase a second ticket. Nor could it be something which he might be able to lose and therefore someone else could find and use. The location at which the special permissions information will be stored must be available to the entire gateway network yet be completely protected so no one may add or remove permitted individuals improperly. Just how we may store the specific information for individual persons is going to be the key.”

“I agree. But what is specific to an individual which cannot be taken for use by someone else?”

“I don't know. Someone's personality? Although I don't know how we could store that as information, nor allow magic to examine for it in the matter of a small part of a second. Their blood perhaps, but then again we don't want to be pricking their finger every time someone wants to travel. Then too, I don't know if someone's blood is totally an individual thing. I mean, everyone has blood and I remember enough of what I have read to realize there are different blood types, whatever that means. But I remember reading that long ago blood transfusions were given between people who had the same blood type, so apparently blood types are shared by a number of people.

I think we need to talk with Alice. She uses magic to examine people rather quickly. If she could tell us how she does it then perhaps we could devise a spell to allow for an examination at each gateway and comparison of that examination with one filed away at a safe location. The individuals could select a destination and then key the permission and that could serve to initiate the examination and comparison of data. If it matches then the person is allowed access through the gateway.”

“Might work. Seems like we would have several thousand people to examine in order to save their data for reference but it could be done if Alice knows how the magic allows her to examine people. I think it's worth looking into, Alexandra.”

They go to see the girls and since the swing doesn't look like it is going to be ready any time soon, begin to discuss the manner in which Alice examines people.

“I don't know. I just do it.”

“All right. Thank you. Will you be able to swing today before supper?”

The girls look at the progress (?) which has occurred so far, “I don't think so. It seems to take a long time.”

“That's probably because they want you both to be safe when you are swinging.”

Alexandra and Andrew walk off again, “Let's ask Kayla. She may have a better grasp on it.”

The answers found there are no more help than the one Alice gave to them.

“Andrew, I know who to ask. I'll contact Friar... I mean, healer Gordon. He has been healing for years and would be far more likely to have some idea of how magic may examine someone.”

“Good. Then we may finally get the show on the road. Looks like it's getting late. I wonder if the swing is up yet?”

“Who knows? I wouldn't place any bets either way. If the girls are not back in another hour then we will need to send for them so they will have time to prepare for supper, they will have nearly all day tomorrow to play.”

Andrew goes off to ponder the problem of examining people through the use of magic and comparing that information with any which may have been previously saved thus providing the level of permissions for gateway use. After an hour and a half he has not decided upon any likely method.

Alexandra chimes Friar Tuck (healer Gordon) and discusses the problem with him. He promises to think about it and see if he may reduce his examination skills down to some specific form of spell. He agrees it is a little easier if all the spell must do is determine the specifics about the blood without spilling any. He also promises to research in his library for any possible characteristics which may be found in the various races which could be unique to an individual.

“No promises...”

“Thank you, healer Gordon. I hope you discover something and a way of measuring it. It would allow us to create gateways which will permit people to travel without allowing entrance to people who should not be permitted access.”

Alexandra now opens a Gateway to the girls and calls to them, “Girls, it’s time to come in and prepare for supper. You may play tomorrow.”

The girls begin to walk into the gateway followed by Kitty and a few moments later by the three Feline guards. Alexandra closes the gateway and she, the girls and Kitty go into the house while the three Felines continue discussing the attempt at hanging the swing. The girls did not have an opportunity to get dirty as the swing had only just been completed when Alexandra called them in. A little washing and a change of clothes for supper and they are ready.

Again, Alexandra has them sit at the lower tables. Andrew admits to having forgotten (conveniently) to notify the builder of the need to lower the family table to the level of the others in the room. “Alexandra, it isn’t like I don’t have anything else on my mind to be cared for these two days.”

“That is why I shall remember to tell him myself. I won’t forget.”

Andrew goes into a sulk, muttering quietly, “I still don’t see what’s so wrong with the table being raised above the others.”

Supper is a bit more boisterous than was lunch with the guard members now more at ease with the presence of the family during the meals. Conversation now back to nearly the level it had achieved prior to the arrival of the family. Kitty has gone off to have her meal with the other two I-Cats and they are in the midst of some conversation themselves.

The girls attention is divided between Alexandra, Andrew and the three Felines who are their protectors. During the conversations Alice reaches out to one of the Felines who is passing by and provides a minor healing such that the arm and hand of that Feline, “will be more like it once was. That must have caused you a lot of pain all the time.”

The Feline is looking at his arm and hand, flexing them both in amazement both at the lack of pain and return of their full use as well as the unrequested healing freely given simply to alleviate the pain and suffering. In an exceptionally rare display of emotion, the Feline holds Alice close in a hug for a brief time before continuing on around the table to join his friends for the meal. He may be seen to continue to flex the arm and hand while talking animatedly with his friends.

“That was very kind of you, Alice. I’m certain he will not forget it,” Alexandra comments.

“Mother, I don’t understand why they don’t ask to be healed. There are many here who are hurting so badly. It isn’t like they are dying but the pain won’t allow them to rest or sometimes makes it difficult for them to breath. I don’t see the one I noticed today. He has an old injury which is still causing him difficulty when he breaths. I wanted to heal him tonight but he isn’t here.”

“He may be on duty tonight. We will ask.”

“If they find him, I’ll need more energy. It’s an old, old injury and healed very badly. I’ll need help to heal it. Why do they all pretend there’s nothing wrong with them when I can see most of them have problems? A lot of them have bad problems but they just come to have little things helped.”

“Alice. I don’t know why, but I will find out.”

Alexandra stands, and leans down taking a spoon and ringing her wine glass. Soon the room is quiet.

“Alice just performed a healing which apparently had not been reported. She has also noticed that many of you have injuries which need healing and which, for some reason, have also not been reported. Some of those injuries are very old but may be, at least, partially healed. Please, don’t allow pride or shame or whatever it may be to cause you not to seek a healing. If you have injuries which you have not reported, please do so that we may help you.

We may not be able to heal everything, nor completely, but we will do the best we may in order to help you. You may be our employees but you are also part of our family now. If we are able to help, we will do so. There is one she has noted who is having great difficulty breathing due to a very old injury. That person is not in the hall this evening. If any of you know who he may be would you please have him come here? We want to help him.”

Alexandra continues to stand for a few seconds as the room remains quiet. As she begins to sit, two Felines get up and rush out of the hall. Silence still has a stranglehold on the hall until slowly conversation begins again. This time far more subdued and with a change of topic.

A few minutes go by and the two who rushed out return with a third individual.

“That’s him,” Alice points.

The Feline who has just been escorted into the hall becomes the center of everyone’s attention. He is brought over to Andrew and Alexandra and looks as though he is about to collapse from fright at being dragged before the family from his appointed rounds.

“Don’t be frighted,” Alexandra explains, “Alice noticed you have an injury which is causing you great difficulty and we would like the opportunity to try to heal it.”

His eyes are still wide, he doesn’t know what to expect. Healers use magic and magic is death. A human girl gets up from her place at the table and the human woman places her hand on the child. The child’s hand now slowly reaches up to touch him on the chest and he feels a slow warmth spreading through him. He can feel things changing inside him and it is becoming easier to breath. His eyes are still wide as he realizes the child is using magic, but she seems to be healing him and it doesn’t hurt.

When he took a sword in battle so long ago, no one attempted to heal him. The healers went to all the humans and healed them but no one came to any of the Felines, many died of their wounds. He was one of the lucky ones. Lucky, if you could call it that. Lucky, never to be able to go into heavy battle again because of the inability to breath in enough air to sustain battle. Lucky to ever earn enough money to continue to live much less to save for a healer.

Now he has a job which he just might be able to handle and which pays. Not as well as battle pay but for an easier job which an old scarred Feline may handle the pay is good. The food and wine are good and included with the job as is a room which is warm and clean. He could live out the remainder of his life here. Now he is being healed as well. How much must he pay for this?

The little girl removes her hand from his chest and places it on his injured leg and begins again. She repeats the process on his shoulder after standing on the table so she may reach down to him. Air, he can breath air again without difficulty. The pain is gone from his leg and his shoulder. The arm and leg move freely again. He has been healed. All these years and now a little human girl heals him.

“What must I pay for this?”

“Pay?” Alexandra asks in puzzlement, “I don’t understand.”

“What is it I must do to repay this healing?”

“Nothing. You are a part of our family now and owe nothing. If we do not care for our family then how may we expect them to care for us? Has it helped?”

He again moves his leg and arm then takes a large deep breath of delicious air and releases it in a pain free sigh.

“It is wonderful. I may breath again.” a smile on his face, “I never thought I would thank a human or healer but... Thank-you.” he bows his head to Alice and Alexandra. “I am indebted.”

“Have you had supper yet? Here sit with us.”

“I have duties to attend to Lady. I am on evening patrol and will take my meal when I am off duty. I thank you again.” He kneels to Alice, “And I thank you, Healer. If trouble ever comes to your door, call me and I shall be there.”

Alice is uncertain how to respond so she simply smiles at him and nods her head to him.

He takes her hand and kisses it then gets up and goes back out to resume his rounds.

 © 2010 by Rénae Dáºmas. This work may not be replicated or presented in whole or in part by any means electronic or otherwise without the express consent of the work’s Owner (copyright holder), with the exception of the private and non-commercial viewing by the reader who is also the end purchaser. ALL Rights Reserved, including but not limited to ownership of Characters, final content decision, and more. This is a work of Fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional and any resemblance to real people or incidents past, present or future is purely coincidental. Any and all images shown within this work are taken by license under Corel. Sketches are a product originated through the efforts of Terry Volkirch.. No affiliations, involvement or gender assignations through the use of the images provided by Corel, Terry Volkirch or the subjects contained within those posted images or sketches is implied or intended.
An Aldoennetti Original.

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More Magic, Please

terrynaut's picture

Hey! If y'all want a heapin' helpin' of magic, then read this here story. Yee haw! :)

I'm in a silly mood. :p

Love you all! *group hug*

Thanks for posting, Rénae.

- Terry

More Magic

Jemima Tychonaut's picture

A magic heavy episode in a magical story!

The gateway idea is brilliant and might just stop Andrew going broke! As always an enjoyable story and hopefully one more people will read despite not being a tg story.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Another long chapter

And, to give a few highlights:
---Felines do think differently from Humans, as proven by many, many things. No joking around them that's for certain! :)
---Rachel shows her talents, she'll make a fine Sorceress when she grows up!
---Andrew, poor Andrew... You only just realised what you have gotten yourself into, the girls will run you into the ground! ^_^
---And it seems that we get another display of how Andrew, despite all, is not infallible. Alexandra, likewise. And it makes it all rtge mire fun!


P.S. the last sentence, the one with three misspellings, I wrote with my eyes closed. I am surprised how little mistakes I mand!

P.P.S. The last one for PS too!

On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!