General Audience (pg)

The last 24 hours,

have been more than a bit busy. In an attempt to obtain a surgery letter from a psychiatrist, I have gone through three hours of shrink, therapist, and social worker. The upshot? No dice. The shrink doesn't feel she has enough expertise to diagnose me, so no joy there. I also found out that the V.A. doesn't even HAVE a psychiatrist in my area who is qualified in T matters! The therapist was more than helpful, but I already have a letter from a therapist.

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Tomorrow is Gabi's funeral.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, is Gabi's funeral, although everyone will be celebrating her life as her male name. I have a long drive to get there for 10.30 am BST but I'll do my best to get there.

Afterwards I'm going to walk along the Ridgeway Path, to see the White Horse of Uffington and Wayland's Smithy, both of which are prehistoric monuments. I'm sure Gabs would approve of my taking some time to reflect upon things before driving home.


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Road to Myself - 15: A Tail of Two Pastors

Road to Myself - 15: A Tail of Two Pastors
Annette MacGregor

Having dinner with not one, but two pastors can be a tad nerve wracking. Now, imagine you're meeting one (who's known you for 20 years) as yourself, for the first time... And then imagine that you're meeting the other for the first time and he will be your pastor as you transition. Can we spell butterflies?

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For My Princess: Part 1


Lady Ysabel saw no problem taking her son into the castle, it was summer and most of its occupants were away. While he plays innocently someone hears him in a place he is not supposed to be.

"Mother, someone comes, I heard his boots upon the stairs," he said. The fear etched on his cherubic face.

"Did he catch sight of you?" Ysabel replied.

"I do not believe so."

A voice boomed from the bottom of the stairs."Come out child, I know you are there."

= = =

Thanks to Kirstyn Fox, Maggie Finson, and Arcee (not to be confused with Arecee) for their help and all my friends who encouraged me.

This story was written specially for LG Tales, it will appear there first and on Bigcloset a few days later.

Classic Movies with T.G. Angle

Classic Movies with T.G. Angle

By Stanman63

There is a wacky horror film series about a character who does a female version of Jason Voorhees. and there is Ice Angel that is a T.G. twist on Heaven can wait as well as Doctor Jekyll: Sister Hyde a T.G. version of the classic horror

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A Good Walk Ruined

Beverly Taff reminded me that a noted author, some say it was Mark Twain, others GBS, that golf is a good walk ruined. Well, I enjoyed the game for years, although I never was better than about a 12 HCP. Last year I posted a story about Bobbie Anderson (nee, Schmedlap) who is a very sports minded witch who will never use magic to gain an advantage in sports. Her best sport is golf; however, she was an exceptional baseball player as well.

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Drabble, drabble, toil and trabble...

In case you're wondering, this is a post about drabbles, not magic. ^.~ After posting my last drabble, I had looked through my stories and realized there were enough 100-word stories to make a collection. So, to make it easier for anyone who likes one of my drabbles to find the others (and to appease my obsessive need to organize things >.< ), I've created a new heading called Heather Rose's Drabbles, and placed the following stories under that heading:

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300 Rains and Beyond...

I am glad at the reception that 300 Rains is getting. The overall story so far is at 118k words and climbing. It is looking more and more like I am going to pull it at the end and try to sell it, after a bit more revision and stuff. I will have to run it past a few friends who aren't trans to see if the story holds their interest, as that will determine where I try to sell the book.

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Smarter than the average pic-a-nic...

We had a great time at the picnic on Saturday and Beth and I had an adventure in San Francisco Sunday complete with phantom elevators and aggressive potholes, I'm sure it will all end up in a story by one or the other of us. :)

Thanks again to everyone who showed up and made Saturday such a lovely day. And thanks to Beth for the good company on the trip.

And thanks to Piper and Bob and everyone else who kept watch on the site while I was gone. Piper had to do a bit of rescue Sunday night while Beth and I were out with my brother and his wife for dinner. Thanks!

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Trailer Park Baby Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Dave

I woke up and wondered where I was. I looked around and it dawned on me. I was in a crib, wearing a diaper and girls Care Bear nightie. And I needed to use the bathroom, desperately. I listened and wondered what had woken me. I heard a door shut and realized that Sarah had gotten back. "Sarah," I called out.

"Just a moment," came drifting back, and then a knock at the door.

I heard the door open and a loud voice, "I heard you wanted to talk to me about my dog, Thor."


In case anyone wonders where I am, I shall be away from Internet access from 12th April until 23rd June 2011 (72 Nights).

The ship will be calling at 30 ports and visiting Madeira, The Caribbean, Panama, Mexico, USA, Alaska, returning to the UK via Canada, Costa Rica, USA and The Azores.

P & O Cruises are caling it the 2011 Alaska Adventure.

If you hear a big splash in the Atlantic or Pacific, you'll know that my neighbour and cabin-mate got sick of me before we returned to the UK.



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How Not to Retcon

Since I started writing for my Retcon stories again, I've received several private messages addressing a problem with my earlier stories. You see, when I first started writing these, I had made the mistake of assuming that the target audience would be primarily fans of the comic book genre (who were also interested in TG).

So I would write as if everyone knew about the characters and situations I was talking about. Just one example, in 'When Lightning Strikes' Chapter 1, I make an off-hand reference to "Akira", by Katsuhiro Otomo, when talking about a minor character.

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I have had a frustrating day staying signed into my Yahoo home page. Every time I go to another webpage and come back to my Homepage, I find out I have been signed out. I went in and changed my password,and it still does it. I also have trouble with my Bookmarks tab. I have had to sign back in multiple times on it. Once I'm signed in I can click on the bookmarks icon and the drop down menu will show my quick links and then at the bottom I can open up the full list. It works a little while and then it tells me I have to sign back in.

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The Angry Mermaid 24 ... Y Morforwyn Dicllon 24

This chapter tells O Drustina's escape from the Bishop's clutches.

The Angry Mermaid 24


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 24.

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin The twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.
Morgaran The Twins oldest brother.
Aiofe The twins oldest sister. Famous for her beauty.
Tara The twins second oldest sister. Famous for her grace.
Feidlim Twins aunt (Caderyns’ beautiful sister.)

Sarah Carerra - 2.30 - Hidden Inspiration

sc2.jpg It was so nice to just hang out with the band for a while. When we got together most of the time, all we did was work. I knew we needed to have another type of relationship if we really wanted to be successful.

Sarah Carerra
Chapter 2.30 - Hidden Inspiration
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2011 Megan Campbell
Released: April 4, 2011

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Sarah

I left his trailer and thought a lot about what had happened. In reality I hadn't bought the diapers for him, but for one of the kids in the park that I baby-sit. But the more I thought about it, the more I thought about how cute he had looked crying about the dog after he wet the diaper. I was surprised that he didn't argue more about wearing the diaper in the first place. I thought more about him, how cute he had looked and decided to see if I could him back into diapers on a more regular basis.

Semi-Annual BC Picnic

We had a great time at the BC picnic yesterday! We stayed so late, we had to take down the tents in the dark. LOL.

I'll let someone else who's better with names list who all made it, I'm afraid my memory would fail me and I would leave someone out.

It was great to see some old friends and meet a few more new ones in person. I think we talked about everything from document hassles to where to put the period at the end of a quotation. :)

I don't know when we can have another of these but we can probably talk about it in chat.

Hugs to all,

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Trailer Park Baby Chapter 1

Trailer Park Baby

Part I: Infant

Chapter 1: Dave

I had just finished college and was looking for a cheap place to live, when I saw the ad for a mobile home for rent. I had lived in the dorms and an apartment and was tired of either seeing everyone’s or having everyone see my comings and goings. I went to see about renting the place and was surprised by the owner. She was about six-two, I on the other hand was just under five foot and didn't weigh one hundred pounds soaking wet. Inside the office I said, "I'm here about the mobile home for rent."

Ultimate Writer's Challenge: Cross Posting

I wasn't going to say anything, but...

It has recently come to my attention that someone has been cross posting their entries to my Ultimate Writer's Challenge at other sites. While I wouldn't do anything to stop this (even if I could,) I would like to ask that if you're going to do this you wait at least until the challenge is over.

Part of the entire point of the challenge is to draw authors out into posting, and readers into responding. By cross-posting stories to other sites, that somewhat undermines the second goal by splitting the potential readers between sites.

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Must Be a New Record: Darkchylde 4/5

This has to be a new record: 89 comments and counting. I know that many of them are replies by the author; however, this is what a good story is about: great writing that stirs up even the most reticent of commenters. Great job, Lilith!


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Big Closet is like Heaven

Big Closet is Like Heaven

Tried to be a boy, although it felt so strange
knew I was a girl, told I was insane
needed a place where they knew my name.
A friendly place, instead of more of the same

A fish out of water, a lion out of the jungle
(was a) A fish out of water, a lion out of the jungle
I needed to be me, to be me, somewhere to be me
I've got BC fever, someone showed me some love

found some people, finally found some people
to relate to, to relate to
found some people, finally found some people
to relate to, to relate to

The rain, the park, and other things

Well, Oklahoma is in the middle of a severe drought, we've had less rain for the year than we normally get just in March. Grass fires are a daily occurrence across the state. If we don't get a lot of rain soon, there will be no wheat or hay to harvest. People had better get ready to pay much more for food as well as gasoline. On the bright side, we here in Oklahoma do have the lowest gas prices in the country. :)

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News and a problem?

Well, I have good news.

I have a job.

It's only 33 weeks, working as a temp for Dell, but it's better than nothing.

Now the problem....

I asked the recruiter about what I needed to do as a transitioning woman, and the NEXT DAY they called me and said that the job wasn't going to be starting on the start date.

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comment whore

I was reading Lilith's little rant about people taking the time to comment on stories. I want to give some examples from my own stories on how your comments make a difference to me. I wrote "Vision Spring", and the first official story "A little nudge" got 11 comments, more than enough to encourage me to to continue. I wrote "This is how a heart breaks." which got seven, but I figured I would do another one anyway. I worked very hard at the third story, taking time to research many aspects, and even found a song that fit the mood of the story.

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April's Fools Daddy!

My head leaned back in the seat as I tried to catch a few hours of sleep. The flight from Thailand was a long and uncomfortable one. I was sitting on a Donut pillow as my nether regions were still tender from the SRS I had three weeks earlier. I thought about the long journey that brought me here and the bitter words that were said by my father the day I left home.

A last reminder about the West Coast BCTS get together

As I have said before, I will be checking my email one last time around 8AM tomorrow for any last minute requests to attend, but I think we will have enough, ( and there is a new grocery 2 blocks away), if you should just decide to come at the last minute.

Here are directions from the west, Oakland/San Francisco direction, on HWY 24, on I680 from the south, and I680 form the north.

This URL is for coming in from the Oakland/ the west on hwy 24 & the Caldecott Tunnel.

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Giving support as I can

For those who don't know, I have two wonderful 10 year old girls. Yup, they're twins.

Anyway, the two of them went to a friends birthday party tonight and as 10 year olds do, they had a blast.

When I went to pick them up, everyone but my girls had already left. As usual they weren't ready, they and their friend and her brother were too wrapped up in playing. They were playing dress up. They all were dressed as their favorite Disney princess, even the brother. He was made up as Snow White. It was all very charming and I just couldn't help but smile.

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RE: Stories, comments, and the Ret-Con Universe.

Speaking from the viewpoint of a former "comment whore" I completely understand the feeling that nobody gives A damn about what one writes. I learned, much to my chagrin, that the quality of the writing is seldom an indication of how many comments/hits a story will garner. It's become increasingly obvious to me that the more "hot buttons" a story hits, is directly related to the number of comments/hits it gets.

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I shall be heading up to see my mother, an invalid, in two days and spending about five days in total with her, for her 77th birthday. I am hoping my brother may come out for the meal, but as he hasn't spoken to me in years those hopes are a bit feeble. As a result I will have no time or link to put up any more of Annie's story for a few days after this weekend.

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Daily Mail does it again...

So apparently Prince William is feeling pre-wedding nerves. He's also inviting everyone from the helicopter base where he's currently training to the wedding.

But evidently, that's not quite newsworthy enough for the Daily Wail (a far more appropriate name for the newspaper!). So they've done some digging and found one of his colleagues is transgendered... and yes, the tone of the article is about what you'd expect from that publication.

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My Report, How I Spent my Summer

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008

My first day at Park Side Elementary School, my teacher, Ms Midler has given us our homework assignment for the weekend, an essay or short story, truth or fiction, on what we did this summer.

I don’t think she will believe this one but she did say it could be truth or fiction.

For Your Consideration, in a time and place ...

The following came to me as I pondered the life of a person who had been modified to control aircraft or spacecraft as in the “Skin Horse” series seen at the end of the blog section.


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