General Audience (pg)

File this one under “Give Me That Old Time Religion”

As is my late afternoon habit I tuned into the local, talk radio station, yes that one that in the low 600 kilohertz region of the dial.

File this one under
“Give Me That Old Time Religion”

By DreamMaker

A Scene From The Suburbs

A Scene From The Suburbs

A small house in Tempe, Arizona. Inside, three grrls, a dog and two, two-leggers (present day hominids.)

Renee crawls out of bed, slips on her sandals and pulls on old, raggedy army pants. She hurries to the front room and sees Kim sitting up on the couch and just turning on the TV.

Somewhere Else Entirely -16-

Queen Terys has to bring Mistress Yolda to heel, a task accomplished with some difficulty. Garia finally gets something resembling exercise gear, receives an unexpected gift and then Gerdas has a proposition for her.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

16 - Wrath of the Queen

Spontaneous sex change in chicken not a joke?

So far as I know, this is not some April Fool joke. The date on the story is 3/31/11.
Basically, a hen became a sort-of rooster, crowing, strutting and changing comb and wattle and quit laying eggs, after a molt. Veternary suggests reason as though it is not unusual.

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Becoming Robert

Becoming Robert
 © 2011 Zoe Taylor

“But… aren’t you, weren’t you dating Arnold?”

She laughed. “Arnold? That meathead? Baby did you hit your head getting out of bed this morning?”

“I dunno,” I answered softly. “I had this really weird dream that I was a girl.”

“Were you a pretty girl?” she teased.



My Kudos is at 666 - The Number Of The Beast

Perhaps I'd better Run To The Hills or Hallowed Be Thy Name, I'll end up The Prisoner of The Children Of The Damned at 22 Acacia Avenue...

Sorry, just couldn't resist paying homage to Iron Maiden.

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Random thoughts

Wednesday, March 30, 2011Random thoughts
Tonight, I started reflecting on phrases that I got tired of growing up.

Phrase 1: Boys don't play with that. Got that one every time I asked for a toy that was for girls. After a while, I stopped asking because I would not get it. For example, I wanted a mix and bake oven, got a toy gun instead.

Phrase 2: It is just a phase. I usually overheard this one. This was usually my mother explaining my gender dysphoric behavior to one of her friends. But no, it was not a phase just me trying to express my real self.


What is the difference between an editor and a proof reader? How does an editor help, and to what degree do they influence story development? At some time in the past I had noticed a list of potential editors at Story Site, is there such a list here? and other questions I have not thought of yet...


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Maiden of Magic


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Maiden of Magic

Zane Zatara always knew there was something different about his life, a lot more than just being the son of a famous magician. Little did he know that he was right.

The Rusted Blade


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The Rusted Blade
Art by Drunkfu, coloring by Tensai
Art by Drunkfu, coloring by Tensai

Rall is a sorcerer's apprentice, and his master is abusive. One day he sends Rall to dispose of some dead magical items, have the smith melt them down for the precious metals and come back with the money. The smith has no value for an old rusty sword out of the pile, and tells Rall to keep it. Rall takes it happily, and plays at being a soldier with his friend Arron, who is training for the city guard. Rall decides to escape his abusive master with Arron's help, and that starts him on a wild adventure full of magic, transformation, excitement and eventually saving the world and getting the girl(s).

interviewed in boy mode

Well, I had the interview, and I think it went okay. I went in boy mode, and didn't mention transitioning, though, and part of me hates myself for that. I hate having to hide, it feels like lying, but I need the income if I am going to make anything happen, and maybe if I get the job, and I prove myself, I can then bring up the subject and have some hope for it.

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writing like mad

Woohoo! I broke through my writers block on HaP thanks in part to P&J. I've written a very important scene of the book and have another coming up maybe later in this chapter.

The down side to this break through is that I haven't written the next episode of P&J yet. but don't fear, I hope to have it written and up this Sun. Monday at the latest. (for those not too pissed at me to read it).


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No Bike tonight - Wednesday 30th March.

Sorry, left early to see my daughter and ex this morning and got home too late to make it a good idea. Apologies to my regular readers, but I had a nice day out. It was quite funny how we still fit stereotypes - I fixed up some curtain poles and repaired her shed window while she shortened some jeans for me. The only difference being, I could have done my own jeans but she couldn't do the DIY stuff.

Then had a couple of hours playing mall bunnies with my daughter followed by dinner with her and my ex and the long drive home in the dark. In the words of the prophet - I am knackered.

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I am so sorry everyone...

I have several stories that everybody has liked and they have been in limbo for quite a while because of my constant hospital stays. I will get to each of them because they need to be finished. Thank you all for reading, commenting and your wonderful support.

Love & ugs,

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Very early hormone replacement.

I was wondering if any of the professionals here know anything about cases where female hormones were used on male children at a very early age; say, starting about one year old? I am looking for development of the wider pevlic bones, shoulder structure, and the seemingly more flexible ligament structure of a genetic female.

It is part of a story idea that is growing in the dirt in a dark place in the basement of my mind.

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The Angry Mermaid 23 ... Y Morforwyn Dicllon.23

Where Drustina comes into more serious conflict with the Bishop and his henchmen.

The Angry Mermaid 23


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 23

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.
Morgaran The Twins oldest brother.
Aiofe The twins oldest sister. Famous for her beauty.

Re: Karen J

Those who know Karen may be aware she's anticipating major surgery in the near future - a triple heart bypass of the coronary arteries.

Those of you who believe in the divine might put in a good word for her, as I know she's worth it.

Wishing you a speedy recovery, Li'l Sister.


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Interesting YouTube comment...

The other day I was sufficiently bored to browse my way through a lively comment war on one of Stefani Germanotta's videos (no prizes for guessing either the song or the entrenched sides), and came across this interesting theory, which I've quoted verbatim (so spelling / grammatical errors in the quote are the commenters, not mine!):

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Where do I find these challenges?

I keep reading stories written to some "Ultimate Writers' challenge". Where are the writers' challenges posted? Is this just something that Melanie does or is it a Big Closet thing? I haven't written a story in quite awhile and maybe I'd get some inspiration from a challenge.
Hugs, Jezzi

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Switcheroo Changes? Opinions needed!

Alright, so here's the question.

I'm working on both PFH Book 2 right now and Switcheroo heavily, with another few projects getting worked on here and there. I'm not going to make any changes to the way I'm doing PFH, since it's into the second book already, but I am thinking about making a subtle change in how I do postings of Switcheroo. Specifically, I was thinking about going from two chapters per post to one, so that I could potentially post more often.

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The weather forecast for Walnut Creek is looking better?

It's gone back from showers to just partly cloudy all weekend. And now they are saying a slight chance of showers.

I guess we'll just have to set up tents and hold our hands out to see if they get wet.

So you're all still invited to join us at the 2nd West Coast BCTS get together, as long as you can make it to downtown Walnut Creek on your own

PM me if you are interested.


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Honey I'm home ... more or less

It's been a long since I logged into BC and I went looking for my previous posts.

How do things change??? My last post was 2 GF hitter and I'm back to being alone and hikemori to use a japanese expession. I went as stealth as possible but was more or less forst to be a voice for the T part of LGBTQI (bummer if you are the only one in about 30 people that can speak for the T part at meetings from an LGBTQI group -_- there goes the stealth at work).

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I usually don't post much on my blog here. But like the title says I'm feeling disheartened and honestly once again like way too many people do It's about the comments. I've looked for the flavors of whatever seems to be the choice of the week/month and all I see is a reduction of comments from a lot of the stories that are up right now.

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