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Ice Angel-Chapter 1 By Stanman63 Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for editing Synopsis: A young man volunteers to become his best friend's figure skating partner, not knowing that immersing himself into his new role will bring out the girl within and lead to a decision that will end in happiness for both. |
My name is Toni Lee Whitmore. Looking at me, you'd never think that I could ever win in a fight, but thanks to Dad's having me and my siblings taking judo, we could take care of ourselves quite handily, as a few of the locals could attest too.
You see, like most of the men in the family, I was so tiny that I could easily pass as a preteen girl or with enhancements, a tiny woman. And even the women in the family were so 'blessed'. As a Family, we ranged from
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Not only did I excel as an athlete, I also excelled in analytical thinking, giving me the ability to perform gymnastics as well as being a Chess Master in school. By the time that I was a high school freshman, I'd already earned my Bachelors in Electrical Engineering and Computer Programming. So, instead of going to school, I earned my G.E.D. and joined MacBride Systems with Daddy and Unca Joe, his best Friend.
MacBride Systems was owned and operated by Charles MacBride. He had inherited MacBride Systems and taking it from developing computer systems and programs to developing security systems and firewalls.
'Unca' Joe Dawson was a tall galoot who used his natural athletic ability to earn a Bachelors in Business Administration and Accounting to go with Dad's Bachelors in Marketing and Mechanical Engineering.
Charles MacBride liked me from the start and did not mind me wearing my school uniforms to work. Lake City Grammar School had both boys and girls wearing the classic Sailor Jack uniform in the school colors of red and blue with the girls wearing a skirt or dress with matching bloomer.
Me, ever since I'd seen the girls in their uniforms, I'd gotten Daddy to get me some, too. I'd worn Chad's Peter Pan costume, so knew what it was like to wear tights. I really had fun dressing as a girl and when I told Daddy that I wanted to be a girl, he hugged me and said, "Then I guess that I will start calling you Princess."
That made my day and brought us closer together and I became his assistant when he coached Little League Softball and Pee Wee Football. Not only was I his Assistant, I was also Dad's ringer whenever he needed a substitute for a player. As his assistant, I wore the t-shirt and shorts of the team, even though I wore a panty underneath.
I could play any position in both sports until my small size started to limit what I could do. Then, I started using my gift of analyzing players and telling Daddy what he needed to know about the opposing teams as well as our own. This lead to Daddy becoming one of the best coaches at the Lake City Community Center which pleased Charles MacBride who funded Dad's teams.
Unca Joe had a son named Chad. Chad was a lot like me, but whereas I was Dad's Assistant, Chad was his Dad's Star Athlete for the other teams that Charles MacBride funded. It led to a friendly rivalry between our dads and us that spoke volumes about us. Chad and I were both only child since our mothers had died giving birth to us.
But, even though we were both only children, our dads never spoiled us as you'd think. No, we both had a nanny, thanks to Charles MacBride. Nanny Anne was mine and Nanny Bette was Chad's.
They were immigrants from Germany and brought with them those yummy German foods as well as a vast repertoire of culinary delights from Europe and the Middle East. In fact, they would make their own versions of dishes that were found in restaurants as well as their cookbooks.
But things changed when I turned ten, that was when Unca Joe and Chad moved away across the country to help MacBride Systems to expand. Charles MacBride had bought out rival Omni Systems in San Fernando Valley and chose Unce Joe to be his CEO, of the new operation.
Dad and Unca Joe knew that it'd split up us kids, but they figured that we kids would always stay friends. It was after they moved that Chad started developing his skills as a figure skater. He met a girl named Cindy Snow who looked amazingly like the original Cindy Brady of The Brady Bunch. Except that Cindy Snow was a red head.
I started seeing them in competition, in the pairs segment for Juniors in Skate California as they slowly moved up the ranks until they started winning the GOLD. But that ended all too soon as she contracted Childhood Leukemia and died during their senior year. That set up a meeting that would end up bringing Chad and I back together in a way that I would never have imagined possible.
It was during this time that I stated going to school as a girl: FULL-TIME. Dad and Charles MacBride both knew and supported my choice and worked with Dobbin Grammar School, Dobbin Junior High School and Dobbin High School to help me portray the girl that I wanted to be.
I went to Lake City Community Center Free Clinic Where Doctor Renee Montoya became my psychiatrist who also helped me to look like a girl. She took what I had and tucked it up in me and sewed it up so that I had to sit to pee. She also taught me about feminine hygiene and sexual intercourse and it's dangers to me.
Being a girl let me be who I was meant to be. From the start, I began wearing pantyhose or tights to school and started taking skating lessons to honor my friendship with Chad. I fell in love with those cute skate dresses and skirted leotards and began wearing them to school when I joined the cheer squad.
As a girl, I became the School Sweetheart for my grade every year. School Sweetheart was an annual contest to help promote the best of feminine qualities; just as School Jock was to promote the best of masculine qualities.
With Chad gone, the competition for School Jock in my year was always a tossup which meant that it was never the same guy. By my senior year, I was moping around, missing my best friend when I heard the news about Cindy.
"Daddy, you hear about Chad's friend, Cindy?"
"Nanny Anne has been talking to Nanny Bette about it, my child."
"What's wrong, Daddy?"
"Your mother and I grew up in Clarkville Orphanage, so we don't have any family except for us," he sighed.
I hugged him, "I know, Daddy. That's why I am a bit envious of Chad and his having a family," I admitted.
"Tony, when you were born, your mother and I chose to give you what we did not have, a family. When she died, I almost despaired of raising you. But thanks to Nanny Anne, you had the mother that you needed and I gained a best friend, too."
"No, as much as I love her, I love Anne Marie even more. And with you wanting to be a girl, I see your mother when she was your age," he sighed as he pointed to Mother's picture on the mantle.
I blushed as I realized why Daddy had never protested my wanting to be a girl. He saw Mother as she was and by supporting me, he was letting Momma back into his life.
"Daddy, you know how I feel about Chad, don't you?"
"You love him, don't you?"
"Yes, ever since we first met, I've wanted to be his wife. But how can I, Daddy? I am still a boy down there!"
Daddy hugged me, "My child, if you truly want to look like a girl, there is a way."
"MacBride Systems has been working with the medical community to create ways to give amputees, burn victims, paraplegic and quadriplegics their limbs back."
"Okay, that's great. But what does that have to do with me?"
"So far, we've had successes a across the board. Now though, we are ready to tackle a new area: giving people back the ability to have children."
"You want me to be a client?"
"Toni, in your case, it's a bit different."
"Well, last week, Doctor Montoya undid the 'tucking' of your genitals to give them time to breathe. Otherwise, they'd die off and turn to gangrene."
"Why didn't she go ahead and do the operation? She knows that I want to be a girl."
"She is following procedure, Toni, do you want her to lose her License?"
"No, Daddy. But I want to look like a girl, not like this," I sighed.
"Then go and have a good, long, soaking relaxing bubble bath and put on the leotard that I will leave out for you on your bed."
"Okay, Daddy."
I did as Daddy said and was soon lost in the world of femininity that was a bubble bath. I had been buying those special soaps that Momma used to use as well as new ones that appealed to me. Due to the blocker and hormones, I only had hair on my head and in my groin, so the only thing that I didn't do was shave.
I got out after the water started prunifying my skin. I toweled off and put my locks up in a turban to dry, as was my want. I'd found that using a blow dryer tended to frazzle my hair. So I simply let it dry naturally since it had a natural bounce and curl of its own.
When I got out of the bath, I found a flesh tone leotard on my bed. The strangest thing was that it was anatomically correct. Sensing what had to be done, I 'tucked' away my bits until with a bit of surgical tape, I had a girl's groin.
I donned the leotard and actually felt it conform to my body, turning my groin from male to female. I had the entire package, seemingly. As I continued to don the leotard, I saw my body take on a more feminine shape.
When I looked in the mirror, I saw the woman that I wanted so badly to be and wept. I was a fraud. I knew that I still had my bits, they were hidden under a thin layer of material that just happened to give me what I wanted. But I wanted the real thing, not a facsimile. Then I heard a voice that calmed my fears and let me go ahead and be a girl.
Be at peace. You have not lost yourself by wearing the garment. This garment is built to simulate the female body without sacrificing your male reproductive organs. You will need to follow the rules of feminine hygiene and not engage in intercourse. Suit removal is accomplished via immersion in the solution provided.
"Toni, you Okay?" called out Daddy.
"Yes, I am fine. Will I show a female anatomy if I go through the scanner at the airport?"
"Yes, wearing that bodysuit makes you effectively female. That's why sex is not advised. If you conceive, you will contract cancer as your male parts die and destroy your female parts."
I quickly donned a skirted leotard and tights and opened the door, "Daddy, meet your daughter."
He hugged me close, "Welcome Home, Princess. Shall I bring you your mother's wardrobe?"
"Why, Daddy? You've not let me use it all this time."
"Princess, until now, I was holding on to her memory. I was afraid that seeing you wearing her clothes would be too much for me," he sighed.
"Sorry Daddy."
"Don't be. Seeing you now, I see a young woman, my daughter who just happens to be the same size as her mother," he grinned.
"Did you have something to do with that?"
"Yes and no. Your body followed the path of least resistance as it took on its feminine shape. But the bodysuit was molded from your mother's DNA."
"Before she died, she donated some blood samples when we found out about the cancer that took her from us."
"You mean that she died so that I would live?" I wept.
"Yes. She chose to carry you full term without taking anything to combat the cancer. She almost made it, but the afterbirth tore the uterine wall, causing her to bleed to death."
"Daddy, if this bodysuit is based upon Momma's DNA, won't that mean that I too will suffer from what she did?"
"No, the bodysuit's nanites have corrected any genetic defects. But it can't handle your having a baby with you still having your male parts."
"Will the bodysuit absorb them and let me be a girl?"
"Yes, that's what the solution can do. Either release you from the suit, or make you a genetic female."
"Why not make me a genetic female, NOW?"
"Princess, you are not eighteen, yet. Once you turn eighteen, you can become a girl."
"Okay, but what about my license and I.D.?"
He handed me a slim metal case, "Here is what you need, Princess. Now, who are you," he smiled."
“I’m Toni Lee Whitmore, Daddy, your daughter."
"Why are you dressed as you are?'
"I like to skate and I can’t wait to wear some of those yummy looking skating outfits the girls wear!”
"Come with me and get your new wardrobe, Flirt," Daddy laughed.
Up in the attic, I found Momma's cheer and dance uniforms from when she went to school. They were so well preserved that Daddy had already thought ahead and had them all duplicated by Nanny Anne as well as the rest of Momma's wardrobe.
Now I had plenty of clothing to choose from that accentuated my figure without exposing anything to view. Like Momma, I did not like showing a bare belly or those skimpy shorts that exposed your crack. We preferred those tennis dress style uniforms.
There were a few halter tops and sports bras, but they all kept my breasts firmly supported just as those Daisy Duke shorts acted as a panty. I could easily see why Daddy had kept her wardrobe sealed away, Momma was one HOT CHICK when she was alive.
After we'd filed my meager wardrobe with Momma's bonanza, Daddy went to talk to Freddy Macguyver who was the MacBride Systems Security Consultant. Now that I was wearing the bodysuit, MacBride Systems would be keeping tabs on my health.
Because I was in effect, taking the bodysuit out on an extended field test, MacBride Systems had sent out alerts to medical centers equipped to handle any trauma, should I need any medical assistance. But even though they would be monitoring my vitals, they'd not be interfering with my social life.
Now that I was ready, I packed up for my vacation to check out going to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando Florida after graduation. How I wanted to go and be with Chad, but something in my Heart told me to wait and let events happen without my input. So, I found myself visiting Florida just for the fun.
I'd read a few stories on the internet where Harry had become girl and thought about how cute she'd look in those uniforms. Me, if I was Harry turned into a girl, I would see one of the Weasleys boys as a boy friend, not Snapes, or Malfroy.
As I got closer, I saw a local skate rink and pulled over when I saw Chad entering the building. Now I knew why I'd brought all of those dresses instead of typical summer clothing, I was here for Chad!
He looked as handsome as ever and carried himself with a poise that spoke of his grace, yet he had an air of despair about him that broke my heart. Now it was time for me to help him as much as I could. I knew that he had cousins here, but none of them were young enough to help be his new dance partner. But I was.
I got out my wallet to check on my I.D. and found that Daddy had changed it so that I was female and had Mother's maiden name of Gillespie and her old apartment for my address with its phone number.
Before Momma and Daddy got married, she lived in the Happy Acres complex next to Daddy. Happy Acres was a housing project that took old warehouses and converted them into a bunch of tidy, one room apartments with a dedicated launderette and garage.
They'd kept both of the apartments for use as storage space and a place to go and think when they had an argument. I'd been there a few times with Nanny Anne when Daddy needed some time to himself, or when he had a surprise for me such as remodeling my room.
I parked and headed into the building where I soon found that Chad was meeting with an older lady dressed in a sweater and leggings, putting on her skates.
"Chad, as much as I like you, I cannot be your skating partner. But I can be your coach."
"Brenda, if not you, then who?"
"Look behind you."
"Hi, my name is Toni. Did I hear, right?"
"If you mean about Chad here needing a skating partner, then yes. Why? Are you available?"
"Well, I am on my way to Universal Studios for my vacation..."
"Could you please get a refund? Can you skate?"
"Do you happen to have a copy of the theme for Star Trek Voyager?"
"You're lucky, girl! That's one of the compositions that's in my repertoire," laughed Chad.
Well, big guy. Play it and I'll skate!"
"You're on!"
I put on my skates and headed out, taking my time to warm up and let my body ready for it's debut. When I stopped in the middle of the rink, I could tell that Chad was interested in me as more than a skating partner from the way that he was adjusting his sweats.
The music started and I skated as I had never skated before. It was as if my body took over and sent me into a series of moves that I didn't know that I knew. I still had my gift for analyzing and determining an opponent’s weaknesses, but this was the first time that it combined with my body to pull off such a fantastic feat.
When I finished, I saw Chad was stunned speechless and the coach was smiling at me, "Toni, will you please stay and help Chad?"
"For how long?"
"At least until we can arrange for another skater to come."
"You mean one who is registered?"
"Toni that is really a formality, and if you will stay, you’ll be able to start as soon as I have your information."
"What all do you need? And what shall I call you?"
I'm Coach Brenda Renelle, and my husband is Sebastian. Just call me Brenda since I am not into titles."
"Do you have an e-mail address so that Daddy can send you what you need?"
She passed me her business card, "Thanks, Toni. I will be expecting the information, shortly."
I went to my car and called Daddy on my cell phone.
"Daddy, it's Toni."
"Hello Princess. Have you arrived so soon?"
"No, Daddy. I'm at Starlite Ice Rink and need a favor."
"What? Is Chad there?"
"Yes, and he does not know that it's me."
"That's good. What do you need?"
"Well, you have created a new identity for me, right?"
"Yes, why?"
"Instead of going to Orlando, I can become Chad's new skating partner. If you can send the new documents, that is."
"It's a good thing that I already sent the altered documents in, or I couldn't send them. What is the e-mail address?"
"Thanks, Daddy. Sending it now."
"Careful with that laptop, Princess."
"I don't want you to work your magic on it and mess up anything. Last time, you set off the sprinklers and shut down the company for a day," he chuckled.
Point made, Daddy. No playing with the lap top."
"Love you. Princess."
"Miss you, Daddy."
End Of Ice Angel-Chapter One
To Be Continued In Ice Angel-Chapter Two
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On To Chapter 2
Waiting to see where next chapter takes Toni and Chad with their skating routine and will chad figure it out ??? THANKS STANMAN, RICHIE2
I love this story. I am looking forward for the the next part.
This is a very cute story Stanman. Do you have any idea how soon the next chapter will be out? Would you please let me know when you have it done?
Ice Angel-Chapter 1
Ice Angel-Chapter 2 is already completed. Waiting on my editors.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
your story!!!!
Oh my I can't wait until I can read part II. I hope it is the ending. I will die if I have to wait any length of time for the ending...