General Audience (pg)

Iron Girl Part 04

Tony Stark. Industrialist. Inventor. Philanthropist. Multi-billionaire. He is interested where the energy that Metahumans get there powers comes from, little does he know that soon he will have more experience with that power than he ever wanted.

Tony Stark, Wolfsbane and other characters belong to the real owners, the Comic Retcon was Lilith's idea. Thanks for letting us play.

New spot for posting stories

Hi folks. Joe of Joe Six-Pack fame here.

If you haven't seen it yet, I've put together a new tg fiction site called TG Storytime. The site is still in a low-profile beta mode, but I'd like to invite everyone here to give it a look, and I'd especially like the writers here to submit their work. It's not important if the work is new or old.

We're starting to gain some momentum, and every new story that's getting posted has been getting several hundred reads in a matter of hours.

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Backsliding, Depression and stuff

WARNING: This is going to be long, and perhaps a little nonsensical/cyclical. I'm pouring it all out into text to get it out of my system, but I promise it has a happy ending.

Depression sucks. I know that's stating an obvious fact, but I ended up giving myself a swift kick in the rear today, so I needed to write about it because that's why I started blogging in the first place, over two years ago. I want to be able to look back at this and laugh someday. Call me conceited, but I also want to stand as another reminder to others that no one suffers alone.

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Living 2 lives

Well, two days into the new job, and I am not sure about how long it will last. The pressure to sell is amazing, and I just dont have the way with jokes that some of the others do. Plus, I am dealing with having to do a quick-change before I go home - putting my Dorothy clothes in a bag and putting on male ones. The clothes are a symptom of the fact I am currently living 2 lives.

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I was living a lie: The 16st bodybuilding father

I was living a lie: The 16st bodybuilding Father who is now a glamorous FEMALE model

Read more:

I found this surfing the net and was on the UK On-line Paper: "MAILOnline" She also has a 9 yr old daughter that fully except's her, interresting story! Richard

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Unusual heels...

Apparently this week is the 100th anniversary of the Cheltenham Festival, so a betting company commissioned some designers to create some appropriate footwear to auction off for charity.

Apparently they feature an imitation hoof made from carbon fibre and up to 5,000 individual horse hairs. And have a guide price of  £1,300.

Definitely for those with more money than sense.

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Captcha: L or One?

I'm not complaining about the new system, given the alternative.

But using lower-case Courier type as the system does, is there a way to tell the difference between the letter "l" and the number "1"? (Or alternatively. a way of eliminating one or both of them?) I've guessed right three times out of four so far (and on the fourth, the retest didn't include it), but I'm still sort of waiting for it to blow up on me.

Does anyone here know?



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What Happened To

What Happened To

By Stanman63

Tried to gain access to site, but get : The connection has timed out

The server at is taking too long to respo
The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few

* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network

* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

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The Prom Statement Chapter 1

Nina Adams


In the heat of debate, Clarence makes a Prom
Statement that would change his life forever.

----------------Standing Up For Some Ideals---------------------------

The Center: Tester - Part 3

The Center: Tester - Part 3

By Blackout

Editor: Renee M
Thanks Renee M for editing!


After the incident of horror with Liz, Kris and I got a ride to the facility. I was ready to see this center place, already. The whole way my boobs kept bouncing up and down in the hospital gown. “I really needed a bra…..uhg to infinity”. When we finally arrived, I leaped out of the jeep as fast as possible, ready to get my grub on.

Year long Wait has finally gotten hear and treasures await

I'm freakin crazyly happy, of course its last minute but hell if i ain't smiling...the long wait for my first appointment with my endocrinologist is here friday afternoon, I am so syked I have been waiting since february 2010 and livin fl time (without name change)(family doc retired just before i went to book the appointment needed to sign a section in the application) :( since April or May woot woot hormone train is just around the bend i can't wait :)))

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Updated Heathers

Okay... clearly I am a bit more chipper than the last time I posted. :D So there you go on that one.

I am two chapters up on the editing of 300 Rains and the story is going well. I am up to April 5th in the time line and moving forward. Soon our intrepid Heroine will be traveling to Brazil and her eventual showdown with the Tribe. That should be good. As long as I am still ahead of the curve I should be able to keep posting things on time.

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my first day on the job

Well, I finished my 1st day of work as Dorothy. The good news is that my trans status mattered not at all. After the morning meeting, nobody failed to call me Dorothy, and a couple of girls walked with me to a coffee place for lunch, and obviously had no problem being seen with me. The only bad news is that the job is rather stressful, insofar that you are under some pressure to make sales. Keep praying for me.

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Sarah Carerra - 2.27 - We Love You Too, Austin!

sc2.jpg I loved Austin. I knew that I had been taking a lot of my parents’ attention this summer. I didn't mean to make him feel left out at all.

Sarah Carerra
Chapter 2.27 - We Love You Too, Austin!
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2011 Megan Campbell
Released: March 14, 2011

The Flower

.The flower

Written by Dauphin
Everyone thinks a boy is dumb, but his life is about to change
"A simple naive boy is understood by a girl who turns him into a flower. One of the sweetest stories around" Diana
"This story always reminds me of Forest Grump. After many stories where there was an element of force, I wanted to write a sentimental one" Dauphin

The Center: Tester - Part 2

The Center: Tester - Part 2

By Blackout

Editor: Geekydee

Thanks to Geekydee for the help in editing.


“What’s happening? What’s happening? What’s happening to me?!?!” The pain was unbearable; it was as if my body was twisting shrinking and taking a new form. I heard voices all around me.

“Doctor, he woke up!”

“Quickly, sedate him!”

After that I felt a needle being shoved into my arm and fell back asleep.

The stand in

New week, new challenge, this time being the : MELANIE EZELL'S BIG CLOSET ULTIMATE WRITER'S CHALLENGE, the fourth week challenge:

4. Reunion

idea: Write a story concerning the first meeting between an openly TG individual and a friend or relative they have not seen in a long time, focusing on the difficulties of reestablishing relationships after a long break, with the addition of overcoming any shock caused by the one character's gender expression.

Craptastic Week

Edeyn Okay, there is a forum I belong to that has a thread called, "Unfunny Comics," which is essentially to try to laugh at misfortune a bit, but also so others there can commiserate with you.

This week has been especially rough on me (well, from the 4th to today, the 13th). The below were my contributions to the "Unfunny Comics" thread for Thursday, Friday, and Sunday, respectively.

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This may be a bit off topic, but...

I couldn't let the opportunity pass to comment on the Skin Horse comic for Sunday 3/13. It is a wonderful homage to a great comic artist, Walt Kelly. Some of you will remember the Pogo comic strip in the papers.

Those who are not familiar with this true gem should find what you can and read it carefully. One of the other classic Pogo quotes is, "We have seen the enemy, and he is us."

Who could add to that?


ps: here's a link to the image:

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forced feminization, with a twist

I got a chance yesterday to talk with a female-to-male trans person, and the story of his early life reminded me of many "forced feminization" stories. His parents were Mormons, and forced him to wear super feminine clothes at all times. It could only be described as a form of torture. One more reason why I find it hard to read those types of stories anymore....


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A night out to celebrate

Well, last night I got a chance to celebrate my upcoming job with the local tg group. Everyone was, of course, thrilled for me, and several took the time to calm my nervousness by telling me they can see my growing confidence in terms of portraying a run-of-the-mill woman. (As opposed to me feeling like a I looked like a man in drag) Still got a lot of butterflies in my tummy though. A prayer for me about Monday would be appreciated.

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Story idea up for grabs

A slightly odd story idea that came to me in a dream...

A group of teenagers arrive at a disused holiday camp (in the dream it appeared as a pair of linked islands, the North containing a mini-mansion designed for group leaders, the South containing deteriorating simple log platforms and structures designed for use for camper accommodation) determined to 'do it up' as they enjoyed their times there and didn't want it sold off to a developer.

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Notes on We Can't Hide The Way We Feel

Earlier tonight, I posted the first part of We Can't Hide The Way We Feel. It occurs to me that some of the punch is lost if one isn't familiar with St. Trinian's. St. Trinian's is a fictional girls' school, first described in the cartoons of Ronald Searle, and later in a series of movies in the 1950s, and again in two movies in recent years. I think I assumed more people would be familiar with the recent movies than was likely.

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The Center: Tester - Part 1

The Center: Tester - Part 1

By Blackout


Editor: Geekydee

Give a shout out to Geekydee for the editing help!

Ryan thought he had all the happiness in the world. He had his beautiful girlfriend Mattie but life is a roller coaster as Ryan would find. Here is his story as he goes through what can only be considered the biggest change of his life.

Based on The Center universe. Hope you enjoy!

Spare a moment of prayer for our Japanese friends.

Japan has experienced a most devastating earthquake and tsunami. Hundreds are confirmed dead, and thousands are still among the missing. It might not be over yet either, as reports coming out of Japan seem to indicate that a damaged nuclear plant might be in meltdown.

The quake is the 5th biggest EVER recorded and the tsunamis spawned by it have already impacted Hawaii and the east coast of the U.S. Please say a prayer for those who have died, for those who are missing, and for a country that will have a horrible time recovering.

in sadness, I am,
Catherine Linda Michel

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The action in my post "62 hours" went wonderfully.

I can't believe how easily everything went.
I had to wait until the court room opened at 9AM, and was out before 9:15, after teh judge (GG) made a little joke about it.

"Holly Happy Hart, I think that is one of the best names I've ever heard I hope you'll be very, ( short pause ), HAPPY, ( second short pause ) with it." This in front of a courtroom full of people. I wonder how often she gets to use a bit of fun word play?

By 9:30 I had several certified copies of the decree.

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The Lucky One (Part 4)

The Lucky One, Part 4

(Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, and all beings in between, this is the conclusion of the exciting origin of the Fantastic Fluke, “the luckiest person alive.” Without further ado, let's join today's adventure, already in progress....)

It was a dark and stormy night....

(Umm, Fluke? Dot here. Just what are you doing?)

(I got bored waiting for you, so I thought I would get started without you)

(Fluke, leave the writing to professionals, okay?)

(Fine. Should we catch every body up)

OT: New tablet purchase

Ok, my last Velo is dying a slow death. Battery is not charging and I figure I need a new portable device. The Velo is easier to type on than either the Dell Axim oir the Blackberry Bold, but lacks "bling". Looking at the new BlackBerry PlayBook from Rim (I want to play HD video and stuff) and the iPad is a nonstarter. Also, does anyone know if it will play Netflix? What other options might there be out there? I was looking at the Xoom, but I don't really want another phone. Too many toys and not enough work options :(


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I'm in the midst of a panic attack.

A somewhat mild one, to be sure, but panic nonetheless. Reality has just come crashing down around my ears, what with the name change now being in the hands of the court and everything else. I've spent the last few days, surrounded by workmen who are doing stuff around the house thats needed done forever, and either none of them have twigged to the fact that I'm not a GG, or they just don't give a damn about it.

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fashion and makeup advice

You know, in a lot of TG stories, a MTF person has amazing fashion sense, even before they transition. But myself, I am less than an expert. Because I hated myself for wanting to be a woman, I avoided fashion mags. So now, I feel rather stunted in terms of fashion and makeup. Where is a good place to learn the basics?


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