General Audience (pg)

The Angry Mermaid 21 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 21

Our heroine discovers she is pregnant and yet she has a battle to fight and war to win. Interesting times.

The Angry Mermaid 21


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 21.

Mabina. The youngest daughter and twin to ...
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin The twins' grandfather.
Giana The twins' grandmother
Caderyn The twins' father.
Herenoie The twins' wise and beautiful mother.
Morgaran The twins' oldest brother.

Postponed Project

There is a project I've been working on for some months now. It's going to be postponed. See, my entire life is pretty much a pile of GNORT, the Living Spleen -- and the reprieve I had for a short time seems to have ended. I have my lovely partner, but the rest of things... losing my job, being faced with the revelation that I really am as reprehensible a person as I always thought, the still-raw loss of my baby brother three and a half years ago, has resulted in my ability to write being pretty much admitted to the psych ward for awhile. Sure, I can write some...

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I Read An Interesting Article Today About Androgny

I was at my salon today getting a cut, color and eyebrow wax and my stylist brought me a magazine to read while I was under the dryer waiting for my color to set. Anyway, it was the issue of "Allure" magazine from November 2010. I flipped through and found an article about how Androgny has played a role in history from Greek Mythology to films made in the 1970's. It cited several historical examples of how women have lived as men to be treated better in the societies of the times in which they lived.

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I unpubbed some recent comments. I really dislike doing this and I dislike trying to explain it. I read the comments carefully and decided that they came across as clueless.

It's like complaining about a Laurel and Hardy film, "Why would anybody hire those two to do anything?" Because if no one did, there would be no movie.


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What Ever Happened To The Harry Potter Fan-Fictions?

What Ever Happened To The Harry Potter Fan-Fictions?
By Stanman63
I have been watching the Harry Potter movies and got to wondering about the T.G. Harry Potter stories here at Bigcloset Topshelf. Will the authors complete the stories?
Heather O'Malley:

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Re: Another Lesson Learned.

I have had a conversation with the person I harmed by my actions and we have reconciled. I'm returning to the "community" but provisionally. I will no longer offer advice, nor will I attempt to help, since I am obviously unqualified to do either. I apologize for any consternation I might have caused with my last blog entry, and to anyone who has been led in a wrong direction or confused by anything I have offered in the form of advice, in the past.

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The Prom Statement Chapter 3

Nina Adams


In the heat of debate, Clarence makes a Prom
Statement that would change his life forever.

In this chapter Claire’s preparations get a kick-start.

------------------------A Foundation For The Future---------------------

trying to keep positive

Well, I am trying to keep a positive attitude about my brief experience in the workforce as Dorothy. It was good for me to be me in a RL situation, something I can try and build on if I find another place accepting enough to let me be myself. I just don't know how realistic that actually is. I have so few skills, I feel like some grunt job is my best option, and those are not usually flexible. Ah, well.

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I been busy

So, this is a first for me. I posted an entry in the year long writer's challenge earlier, since I was waiting for my editor to get back to me with the last change sheet for 12-String, and I was waiting for another author to post their story for the day.

Lo and behold, I get back my change sheet for 12-String. . .and end up posting right after myself. I do hope no one gets mad at me for this.

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A Red Pair of Boots

The boots he handed me were. . .well, they were perfect. They were a red leather, with similar tooling to the boots I held in my hands, but they were long and had a zipper up the side. They had a three inch broad heel. They were also obviously women's boots.

Who knew?

Well, we have completed the revision and editing tour for 12-String one, and the first thing I have to say is I suck. Not in any major way, I just forget a lot of question marks and general punctuation at the end of paragraphs.

Those are the sort of thing I simply don't see when reading through my work. It's a dyslexia thing. Basically, I have to assume I understand what is written there half the time, and it becomes easier when I was the one who wrote it.

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Revision and reposting

So, I've begun a project of revising and editing the 12-String story from the beginning, in addition to providing new, edited, episodes in the story.

The issue is, that if I simply edit my current posting, it will not be noticed by most. If I delete the original, then I lose all the wonderful comments that have been left by people reading it in the past.

And does any of this matter? Should I just assume that it is something for future readers, and post a blog post that I've revised it?

What is the etiquette for the site, or is there an etiquette?


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Elemental Awakening: Fire - Part 1

Elemental Awakening: Fire - Part 1

By Blackout

This is a new storyline I had in the back of my mind for a while I started writing it and continued until I decided to post this first chapter. Hope you enjoy!

Kyle Thorn loved the out doors and the Grand Canyon. Little did he know he was chosen for something greater. A destiny he could not run from. The future may be unclear but if he does nothing the world will surely fall into Chaos!

Another lesson learned.

It seems, by caring too much, I've inadvertantly hurt someone. So...from now on, I am staying OUT of other people's lives completely. I'm not answering questions, or offering advice, or anything else remotely like that ever again. In fact, consider this my withdrawal from the "community" et al!

Every fucking time I let my feelings get hold of me and I care too much, I end up with someone being hurt! Well, I'm done. Carry on without me!

Catherine Linda Michel

Please refrain from commenting on this blog, as I will answer none of them.

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Borrowing a quote from "You meant it for evil"

I read this quote from the latest chapter of "You meant it for evil" and It just describes the choice of transition for me perfectly:


“What happened to you is a dream come true for someone with a mind like yours. Reality for most people like you is harder and sadly, with the intolerance of society, born to some degree from the way most of us are put together, ends up being a decision between two bad choices. Either hide who you are inside and pretend to fit in or make the change and live with the consequences."


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Bad Start to the Day

Danielle J told you about her Racoon , well my day stared at 7:20 AM when a deer jumped out in front a my car I hit it going about 50 MPH it bounced over my engine hood then slid about 30 or 40 feet and got up and ran away can't say as much for my car. The left front fender, headlight assemble, bumper has a rip and the engine hood is rippled so it cost $500.00 dollars as a deductable and the loss of the car for a few days.I am OK just a very fast heart beat. Oh and 1 of my dogs was so frightened he threw up. What a way to start St Patricks day-----------HUGS and KISSES RICHIE2 P.S.

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The Prom Statement Chapter 2

Nina Adams


In the heat of debate, Clarence makes a Prom
Statement that would change his life forever.

-----------------The Hole Gets Deeper------------------------

Our mothers were genuinely excited to hear our decision.

“Well, have you decided who will play each part?” My mother could barely keep the sly smile off her face when she asked the question.

Repressed Memory - I just had my 'Ah Hah!' moment

I can't begin to describe what I'm feeling right now. Relief? Understanding? I don't know. I like it. It's like a weight's been lifted off my shoulders. I finally know the exact moment when I realized I was a girl, and why I fought it for so long.

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well, that was fun while it lasted.....

Well, the job is done. I thought they would give me the whole 2 weeks to try it, but they decided I just wasnt aggressive enough to be able to do it. On the one hand, I am pretty upset about that, but I am trying to focus on the positive. I got a chance to try out being Dorothy in a real-life situation, and didn't do all that badly. But now, the hard part. I will probably have to file Dorothy away and look for a job as Todd. Ah, well.

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Takin a break

OK here's the deal. I am taking a break here; rethinkin what I am gonna write, and I am sort of tired of the ideas that some people are pushing at me. No drama here, I'm just standing up for myself. I am finding that certain things I do just retraumatise me, so I'm not gonna do them any more. That would be dumm. I'm not answering any more calls that are unlisted.

I'm gonna finish Lt Katia and write an end to Ms Frankenstein. After that I don't know what I am gonna write. And no, I am not on skype all the time anymore.

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Hit me with your best shot!

So recently, I posted chapter 2 of my story "Aurora"... It was subtitled "Trick or Treat?"... It's possible that you didn't see it, as I've only managed 2 comments on it... Then again it has gotten over 1600 reads/views at last check.

Now admittedly it was a long wait between parts one and two, and it's possible that you read the lastest chapter at TGFiction.Net or LG Tales instead of here, but I have gotten NO NEW comments at either of those sites either.

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Seasons of Bailey: Autumn - Part 3

A visit to Rajan's office hardly helps Bailey find the positives in his condition.
Tom's odd behavior doesn't calm Bailey's nerves either.
Faced with a night hiding in his room, from Tom's rowdy friends,
or watching a football game at Nathan's house, with Justin,
Bailey decides to suffer through the game away from home.
Only Bailey's decision might have caused more problems than he thought possible...

Seasons of Bailey
by Taylor Ryan
Title image and story Copyright © 2010-2020 Taylor Ryan
All Rights Reserved.

Unpubing or deleting stories

Due to your work load Erin, I did not send this directly to you in hopes that someone else can help me with this. There are a few of my stories that I don't feel good about and I would like to either unpub them or delete them. I thought there was a place that I could access to just unpub them but have not found it. Can someone help me.

Much peace


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Skitt's Law / Muphry's Law

Just poking around the 'nets and I tripped over something I'd like to share. I've been waaaaay guilty of this myself, so I'm not posting it to shame anyone, just for the lulz (as the kids say). (Disclaimer: stolen wholesale from Wikipedia. No original content beyond this point. Formatting automagically screwed up by cut-n-paste. See the original in Wikipedia if you want to see the footnotes.)

Skitt's Law:

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